memusicandfewwords · 7 years
It;s so different in my head,
it’s so miserable when said.
The truth of the life in a pot,
jumping like a kid on a bed.
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Book of the week: No Matter the Wreckage by Sarah Kay
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memusicandfewwords · 7 years
Don’t you wonder sometimes, what might have happened if you tried?
Kazuo Ishiguro, Never Let Me Go (via bookmania)
If you had told what you have not told? If you had done what you have not done? If you had saw what you had not saw? Don’t you wonder about the past, when you see yourself sad and lonely. The things that you had not planned and the things that you had planned. Don’t you wonder about life, the way it has gone.
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memusicandfewwords · 8 years
Flowers in my hair and demons in my head.
“Don’t sleep with me, my dear enemy”, I said.
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memusicandfewwords · 8 years
I fear of two things in my life when I get old: - One, dying with life full of regrets. - Two, dying on bed with all the needles attached to my body.
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memusicandfewwords · 10 years
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memusicandfewwords · 10 years
Really awesome....
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Let me find poetry
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memusicandfewwords · 10 years
I dream of being happy someday,
as I lost you when I was still looking for smile.
Gone are the days of conversation with words,
I see them wandering around the pen placed in a dustbin.
My daughter asked me "Who is God?"
I answered "The one who answers our prayers"
I have kept void in my heart opened for so many years,
nobody cared, and at last soil filled it at my funeral.
The last song I talked to was from your whisper,
I hear it every night before sleeping to feel your presence.
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memusicandfewwords · 10 years
There are openings in our lives that we will never fill, windows we will never shut; lost opportunities that will chill us to the bones.
© 2013 Maza-Dohta  (via maza-dohta)
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memusicandfewwords · 10 years
Indeed, it's true.
Memories become words on a paper,
and pass to another human being.
Sometimes I believe that I killed and buried certain memories of my past solely so I could dig them back out with poetry. 
- © 2013 Maza-Dohta 
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memusicandfewwords · 10 years
Very true.......
It’s always easier  for writers to tell their most intimate secrets  to complete strangers;
words are like drunken one-night stands that disappear in the morning without leaving their name. 
Writers don’t write to find true love;
Writers write  to fall in love with anyone who reads them.
 © 2013 Maza-Dohta 
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memusicandfewwords · 10 years
I hope you can taste the poem I wrote on your mouth.
Theodore Fuller (via aestheticintrovert)
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memusicandfewwords · 10 years
When the telephone rings
Most of the time I was lazy like an old man,
doing nothing, just sitting in the veranda, 
looking at the people, forgetting names,
just reading the same newspaper everyday.
The life was just around the telephone I had
bought when you left me.
I thought about that moment when the telephone will 
ring and I will pick the receiver and hear your voice.
The moment will become still and it will never end like any soap opera.
But the telephone never rung, I kept waiting myself like an old man.
Silly me.
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memusicandfewwords · 11 years
A 12-year-old girl, who was allegedly raped in Jharkhand's Koderma district around 10 days ago, has committed suicide, according to the police. The young student reportedly consumed pesticides last night.
I am devastated every time I read an article like this in newspaper. I get angry towards the system, which can't protect its citizens. 
I feel sad that the government, for the sake of vote banks, will not ever try to change the system. Everyday, the life of  a young woman or a minor will be ruined in remote corners of the country or the in the metropolitan city, and no harsh punishment will be given to the culprits.
I don't know whom to blame, whether it is the upbringing of the males in this country or the parents or the society we live in.
Nothing has changed since last year when Nibhaya died, and a revolution started in the country. The politicians are starting the their election campaigning  but they have nothing about woman issues in their agenda till now. 
I feel sorry that a child is not safe in our modern world.#
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memusicandfewwords · 11 years
I was looking for new songs of Rabbi Shergill, instead I found his interview.
From the interview I could judge that Rabbi is a very intellectual person. He has read literature, listened to many kind of music, and knows why he really likes music.
He always has a message in the song, I would say that he is one of distinct singer and songwriter in Indian Music scene.
Hope You enjoy listening to his words.
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memusicandfewwords · 11 years
This is one of the best interviews of Gulzar sahib.
I have always loved his poetry and songs. He has amazing gift to write simple words as an expressions.
It's a 1 hr interview by Doordarshan channel. Hope you enjoy listening to his words.
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memusicandfewwords · 11 years
Some like poetry
Some like poetry, some like it plain, sun has come down, I think it's gonna rain Laziness of the poet, love of the beach sand, never read are the poems, which are sung by heart's land. Chemicals of emotions, in the shadow of a tree. Superman and a poet relies love is not what we see Emails and the written words spell new generation of feeling. I told you to send me a letter I am not used to stealing.
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memusicandfewwords · 11 years
And I thought I loved you
I told you that I will be late tonight, I have deadlines. You said “It’s OK, I will wait for you“.
Lust complexes the human mind, in night lust prays for a sin, during day it makes you a dustbin.
I traveled my journey on other female’s body. From head to toe I tell her something I had told you before.
Unbuttoning shirts and Unzipping pants, I embrace a new body like I embraced you on first night.
Some perpendicular and parallel motions, I play on the office chair, I close the windows with fear of being caught as a player.
And I get a SMS from you in between “Love, I made special thing for you. Come soon.“
I felt sad after reading the SMS, had a guilt of committing a crime. And I thought I loved you crazy with everything going fine.
I said sorry to someone near me, I buttoned and zipped my thing, I left the place as soon, pushing the fourth finger in the wedding ring.
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