makeatspineneedles · 1 year
"'Home sweet home, I guess.' I shut the door behind me, locking it once more. Taking off my jacket, I scanned the room. Shit. In the middle of the room was a queen sized bed with a bedside table on each side. A door was by the left side of the bed, which I guessed led to the bathroom. I dropped my jacket in the closet. My backpack sat messily by the front door, and Marlow sat on my shoulder. 'I'll sleep on the floor.' My voice broke the silence. Pine was arranging his belongings on a bedside table. He looked up at me, quickly shaking his head." -Chapter 9, The Trees Up North
ah the good old one bed trope.
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makeatspineneedles · 1 year
“My shoulder received a light tap. I turned around to see Pine standing behind me. He placed a hand under his chin and moved it slowly to his left hand, which was lying flat. Pine then used sign language to spell out my name. He gave me a gentle smile before going over to his bed and carefully lying down.” -The Trees Up North, Chapter 5
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