lowcalhero1n · 30 days
5 dietinhas que eu fiz e deram certo❣️
Gente eu sei que são extremas, mas eu tive ótimos resultados com elas!! Na verdade elas são bem antigas e estou ate pensando em fazer de novo.
1º Dieta Da Branca De Neve
- Café (com adoçante)
- 2 Bolachas Água e Sal
- 1 maçã
- 4 colheres de arroz
- 4 colheres de feijão
- Salada de Tomate
- Meia maçã
- Sopa Vono (de até 100 calorias)
- Meia maçã
- 1 maçã
- 4 colheres de arroz
- 4 colheres de feijão
- Salada de Tomate
- Meia maçã
- Sopa Vono (de até 100 calorias)
- Meia maçã
- Chá (com adoçante)
- Meia maçã
Total: 477 calorias
Sem o Lanche I (caso você acorde tarde): 413 calorias
Obs: O valor total das calorias pode variar.
Para o cálculo, foi usado a bolacha água e sal da Tostines (32 cal cada).
As colheres de arroz/feijão não são as de servir comida.
2º Dieta de Emergência
(Perca 6kg em 5 dias )
Mesmo, ajuda você a emagrecer 6 kg em 5 dias, mas não deve passar desses 5 dias.
Esta dieta é para aquelas situações extremas, quando você precisa emagrecer rapidamente. É uma dieta que pode fazer você se sentir fraca no começo, mas depois seu corpo se acostuma, caso isso não aconteça troque por uma dieta menos rigorosa, pois seu organismo provavelmente não se adaptou bem a esta.
1 copo de leite ou chá
2 fatias de presunto
1 fatia de queijo
1 copo de chá
2 fatias de peito de peru
1 fatia de queijo
1 copo de chá
1 copo de suco
1 barrinha de cereal
1 ovo cozido
1 fatia de queijo branco
2 fatias de presunto
2 cream cracker
- Pode comer um copo de gelatina diet por dia;
- Beber água e chá verde e branco à vontade sem adição de açúcar.
- Café somente com adoçante
- 30 minutos de exercícios por dia (caminhada, corrida, abdominal).
3º Dieta Pro-Ana Pro-Mia (100 kcal) - 1ª semana
1º dia - Uma maçã (50 kcal) - Divida em 4 pedaços e coma durante o dia + 1 copo de água GELADO com 3 colheres de limão + 50 kcal livre
2º dia - 4 biscoitos clube social (48 kcal) + 52 kcal livre
3º dia - Um biscoito de 100 kcal (aqueles pacotinhos)
4º dia - 2 fatias de peito de peru (40 kcal) + salada de alface (com pimenta)
5º dia - Água GELADA com 3 colheres de limão e meio mamão (50 kcal)
6º dia - 1 Laranja (64 kcal)
7º dia - Nf + pesagem
4º Dieta de Sopa de Vono
Café da manhã: água
Almoço: sopinha vono de no máximo 100 calorias.
Lanche: uma tacinha de gelatina diet.
Jantar: sopinha vono de no máximo 100 calorias.
PS: para quem não souber Sopa vono são aquelas sopas em pó, que se vendem no super-mercado, tem da knor etc, basta acrescentar água.
5º Dieta Sumo de Limão
Café-da-manhã: 1 copo de 200ml de suco de limão com um pacotinho de adoçante.
Almoço: Salada de alface.
Jantar: 1 copo de 200ml de suco de limão com um pacotinho de adoçante.
Obs: minha favoritaaaa, perco muito peso com ela! Geralmente faço por 1 ou 2 semanas
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lowcalhero1n · 30 days
Eu sei que ser gorda é culpa minha, eu comprei ou aceitei toda comida que me engordou. Ninguém, nenhuma situação e nenhum sentimento me forçou a comer, comer foi uma escolha minha e agora eu estou pagando o preço por essas escolhas ruins.
Esse é o primeiro pensamento para começar a emagrecer
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lowcalhero1n · 30 days
i am back here since edtwt sucks and i’m sick of there. also attempted recovery but failed miserably anyways yayyy
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lowcalhero1n · 2 years
don’t cry but; skinny ≠ pretty
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lowcalhero1n · 2 years
i’ve been liquid fasting for a week and i think i’ve lost soooooo much weight 😭😭 i haven’t weighed myself yet (and probably won’t) but the feeling is so good
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lowcalhero1n · 2 years
Tw > wieiad daily.
Not fasting
Breakfast > monster energy Zero sugar/calories
(I highly recommend the white one!)
+ half an apple
Lunch > other half of the apple with 1.5 liter water
(If y'all gonna try this, be careful bc your bladder will hate u 🥲)
Diner > 2 pieces of watermelon and water.
It's simple
Breakfast > half an liter water with 1 cig
Lunch > 1 liter water
Diner > 1 liter water with a cig
Causing you still drink 2,5 liters water a day. If you don't smoke cigs you can for example go for a long walk/jog, or do something to restrict yourself from food!
Remember, stay safe while doing this 🙏
I fast 6 times a week, sunday is my cheatday we're the limit is 150 calories.
I faint/pass out everyday, and i do not recommend getting it that far with hot weather etc. If it's hot outside and you don't feel well
Take a dextro, a spoon honey or cool down with icecubes x
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lowcalhero1n · 2 years
°~ Coquette Hairstyles ~°
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lowcalhero1n · 2 years
moja ukochana thinspo, pierwszy cel
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lowcalhero1n · 2 years
you will be th1n by august 31st
your thighs will be sl1m by august 31st
your waist will be tiny by august 31st
your figure will be small and dainty by august 31st
you will be perfect by august 31st
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lowcalhero1n · 2 years
i literally can’t lose any weight right now idkw. i have been working out and fasting seriously i’m desperate and don’t know what to do. any tips??? also please don’t say anything that is extremely aggressive to my body i work a lot i wouldn’t do it ):
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lowcalhero1n · 2 years
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lowcalhero1n · 2 years
Foods under 300kcals in fast food
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Part 2 in the reposts!!
This isn't mine, all credit to verihex on Twitter, this is just helpful so I'm sharing!
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lowcalhero1n · 2 years
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fav black thin$p0 archive for my black/mixed girlies <3
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lowcalhero1n · 2 years
i want my honeymoon phase back man </3 i want to go back to week long fasts, apple cider vinegar every morning, ppl begging me to eat bc i haven’t in days, seeing beauty in death and illness </33
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lowcalhero1n · 2 years
TW// ed
a recommendation to my an0r3x¡cs <3
there is this one brazilian channel (in the screenshots) that is basically ran by a guy who stuff himself with food, and he puts so much effort to it i literally feel so full just by watching. my go to channel to survive a long fast, + he posts so much you can binge watch all of that and not feel hungry. a hundred times better than nikocado. stay safe tho, love u all <3
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⚠️also pls pls pls don’t spread this into non-ed spaces, and do never let anyone know about this. with that being said, watch silently and don’t bring ppl into our disorder⚠️
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lowcalhero1n · 2 years
TW: f@tphobia // vent
i hate it so much that when ppl refer to me they probably are like “oh yk her, yea the fat one”even if i try to comfort myself with “oh no im average” no im fat. just fat. literally obese pig fat fuck.
and it’s even worse because if even i, myself can’t stand the way i look imagine other people, i feel bad for anyone that has to stare at my body for over 3 minutes. literally never ever eating over 300 cals a day until i’m pretty tiny skinny skeleton <3 because that’s the only way i’ll ever love myself.
restricting is so worthy even if i don’t like the idea of romanticizing this illness, but at the end of the day i will always know that food is bad and it is only causing harm to me. i’d much rather be hungry than to be fat.
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lowcalhero1n · 2 years
This is probably completely wrong but I did a lil digging and for the two workouts I’m doing this is how many calories they burn
waist workout
50 jumping jacks - 20 cal.
30 crunches - 5 cal.
50 Russian twists 10 cal.
30 push ups - 6 cal.
40 mountain climbers - 7 cal.
20 toe touches - 3 cal.
50 bridges - 8 cal.
30 bicycle crunches - 5 cal.
50 jumping jacks - 20 cal.
1 minute plank - 4 cal.
Total: 93 cal.
thigh gap workout
1 min wall sit - 16 cal.
60 jumping jack - 23 cal.
60 toe touches - 9 cal.
40 lunges 12 cal.
30 squats - 9.6 cal.
20 jumping jack - 4 cal.
10 toes touches - 1.5 cal.
1 min wall sit - 16 cal.
Total: 91.1 cal.
Grand Total: 184 cal.
doesn’t seem like a lot :/ then again I’m not willing to go on runs XD fuck that and i working on specific parts of myself idk lul
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