lovehyuckie · 5 years
werewolf! donghyuck x reader au
➳ genre: fluff
➳ warnings: alcohol! kids look away (#/。\#)
member: lee donghyuck
heavily inspired by @hyuckio ‘s drabble on werewolf!haechan [i’m sorry i had this draft a while ago so i can’t seem to find their new acc now, if anyone knows please pm me or comment so i can fix it!]
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It wasn’t new to you that sunny boy over here had a secret. He had accidentally showed it once during a sleepover at your house and it has been kept a secret between you two for the longest of times. Your best friend, Lee Donghyuck, is a werewolf. Now with every other sane, normal, human being, they would stay away as far as they could and some may even report it to the police. However, you weren’t normal (in a good way), and so was your male friend(quite literally). Ever since that one incident when you were both 11, you made a promise to each other that you would never EVER tell or even hint anyone about your friend’s ability.
Now, at 19, with the both of you successfully getting into your dream colleges, you both decided to have a little party with your friends to congratulate the new college freshmen that were about to embark on a new journey. All of you decided that doing the party at your favourite senior, Mark’s apartment, seemed like the right place to do, despite the owner’s protests. The party wasn’t too extravagant, just a few boxes of pizza, a few bottles of beers and non-alcoholic drinks for the kids (mark would kill them if chenle & jisung were to even hold a beer), and of course, humans (haha get it cause haechan is a-…ill stop now). You may as well call this a get-together with friends.
At 10pm, the youngest of the group had already left, leaving mark, haechan, renjun, jeno, jaemin, and you. You hadn’t taken a sip of beer at all, claiming that you were a light drinker and was not about to embarrass yourselves among the four boys that was in front of you(that was a lie you may have had a sip or two while they weren’t looking but no biggie). Donghyuck had also decided against drinking, saying the same thing as you, when really the both of you knew that when drunk, there was no possible way to tell when werewolf hyuck will come out. Mark had went to bed early, claiming that he was in need of a much needed sleep from the amounts of headaches he’s getting from taking care of you guys, gaining snorts and rolling eyes from the rest of the group. All of you still very much love him though(and his apartment).
With mark sleeping soundly, the rest of you decided to head home as well, being considerate of your very tired old friend. Renjun and jeno had to drag jaemin out of the door as he was drunk out of his mind, sputtering pick-up lines genuinely looking like he was flirting with air. You and donghyuck bid the three of them goodbye as they struggled to put jaemin in jeno’s car, sighing in relief when they managed to close the door. The two of you continued to walk to your apartment since it wasn’t that far from Mark’s, plus you had secretly wanted to spend more time with him.
It was no secret that you liked the boy, everyone in your friend group knew except him. They constantly tease you for it but it was not your fault that donghyuck was as oblivious as mark about love, if not more. You had tried to shake it off and disregard your thoughts, but the more you were with him, the more the feelings arose and you see yourself falling deeper into his charms. You just wished he would notice it. The little glances you give him, the small smile on your face everytime he laughs, the twinkle in your eyes whenever he talked to you. However, it was to no avail.
You looked up at donghyuck’s face and noticed the street lights shining down his face perfectly, leaving his face a perfect glow. His moles were the cutest thing ever and you almost wanted to kiss them right then and there, till he turned around and saw you staring at him. Not wanting to make a fool of yourselves, you quickly blurted out something before he could even say anything.
“Did you dye your hair? It’s so pretty. Silver is a nice colour.” Stupid. Why would you even say that when you could have said it at mark’s apartment? Thankfully, donghyuck responded well, with a faint blush on his cheeks and his cute little smile, muttering a small thank you. You grinned back at him, noticing his fangs slowly appearing.
“Your fangs are appearing~” you teased him, making him blush an even deeper shade of red. You both knew that at times like these meant that he was nervous.
“How could i control them when i’m with you?” he whispered to himself, but you could hear it clearly. Now it was your turn to blush a shade of pink. The two of you were nearing your apartment complex and you decided that this was it. This was the time that you were going to confess your feelings for him. You didn’t know what made you do it, mayhaps it was the alcohol, but you were determined and you were set to it.
Once you both had reach to the front of your door, you turned to look at him before he could even act.
“Donghyuck, i’m gonna say this once and never again so listen up. You, my guy, is the epitome of a literal ball of sunshine. You make me smile whenever i’m around you, laugh at whatever silly jokes you have, sad when you’re sad, happy when you’re happy, and so many other things you have done that has never made our relationship together boring. For the past 9 years, you were really the only person who could make the butterflies in my stomach go wild. What i’m trying to say is, I like you Donghyuck, and i really ho-“
You were cut off mid-sentence by Donghyuck’s finger on your mouth. You flushed red out of embarrassment as Donghyuck chuckled. He brings his hand down your hands and holds them lightly.
“I like you too y/n, since the beginning as well” He shyly admits, his eyes looking down at your hands, rubbing them gently. Your heart leaps with joy as your mind floods with complicated feelings and emotions.
“So…I guess we’re official now?” You giggled as you asked your boyfriend. Donghyuck blushes and smiles, nodding his head.
“Alright, bye boyfriend. Have a good night.” You lean in to give him a quick kiss on the cheek and opened your door and went in, closing the door quickly before he could react. Your heart was racing vigorously at the action you just did, instantly wondering if what you did was a mistake. Your question was soon answered though, as you walked to your window and heard howling sounds, immediately recognising it as Donghyuck’s. His ocean blue eyes looked bright under the moon and his magnificent fur was being displayed by the moonlight shining on it. His howls were loud and happy, and you could tell that it was directed to you. You laughed quietly before shushing him, signalling that people were asleep. You heard his whines before he slowly trudged back home, not before giving you one last look.
You sat in your bed later that night, recalling the events that happened earlier today, still not believing it was real. Your phone buzzed at your bedside table and you lazily picked it up, wondering who it was.
From: hyuck, my fullsun ❤️☀️
Goodnight to you too my love.
Needless to say, you slept like a baby that night.
Read my other AU here!
Guardian angel! donghyuck
part 1 | part 2
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lovehyuckie · 5 years
if haechan debuts as a solo with his new single, would y’all stream it until he gets no.1? if haechan participates in an idol competition, would you guys cheer him on? let’s go a little smaller, if a fancam of haechan was posted and it determined every members popularity/rank in the group, would you all watch it repeatedly so he gets more views?
the expected answer would be yes, we love him, why wouldn’t we? But in reality you guys wouldn’t & y’all DIDN’T. this is for the people who literally SLEEP on haechan’s existence in nct. his we go up cam is still the lowest viewed out of the members and that pretty much gives a message to the company sm that haechan isn’t really popular.
im sad that someone who is literally so TALENTED, has a voice that goes #G5, can dance and learn any choreography in a short period of time, the mood maker of the group, is considered the underdog. he was the only one in dream to go through a scandal that mentally exhausted and embarrassed him. he still survived it. he has a tan skin color but he says he loves and represents his skin for what it is. he had actual FANS calling him fat and hyuck had to go on a diet since the age of 15. he legit supports the LGBT community and even suggested kfans to listen to troye sivan. he went through all this and y’all say he hasn’t had it hard in the industry?
people sleep on hyuck all the time without even knowing it, just like how some of you did when jeno and him did aegyo, when he was on stage and the “fans” shouted “Jisung!” repeatedly when he was still talking, when members choose x over haechan, when he got hate for being unprofessional when he accidentally got hit by winwin on stage. it all affects him, but he’ll never show how aware he is to all this. he’s sensitive but he tries hard not to show it. of course he won’t, every idol has to keep up an image.
it’s saddening that haechan is one of the least popular members in nct. I wouldn’t imagine how hard it is for him, the actual 18 year old kid who had to go through all this. i hope he doesn’t think low of himself after seeing the views on his wgu cam. teenage years are sensitive years, you start thinking maybe you’re not good enough or how you could become better.
stop sleeping on one of the most talented members of NCT, Lee Donghyuck, also known as Haechan. Thank you.
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lovehyuckie · 5 years
Back to Basics (1) / NCT
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Requested by @bangtanuniversa
Genre: high school!AU / fluff / angst / romance / jock!Mark 
Word Count: 4k+
Addition, grammar, love and geography; it’s all just the basics right?
~ series masterlist ~
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sometimes it’s coincidence, and sometimes it’s written in the stars. 
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Keep reading
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lovehyuckie · 5 years
Some Type of Loving (finale) / NCT
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Genre: University!AU / romance / fluff / angst / drama / FriendsToLovers!AU
Word count: 4k
Warning: too fluffy
I love you some type of way… isn’t that enough?
Keep reading
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lovehyuckie · 5 years
Yeah fandoms are cool and all but like
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from cryptidcrisis on reddit
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lovehyuckie · 5 years
werewolf! donghyuck x reader au
➳ genre: fluff
➳ warnings: alcohol! kids look away (#/。\#)
member: lee donghyuck
heavily inspired by @hyuckio ‘s drabble on werewolf!haechan [i’m sorry i had this draft a while ago so i can’t seem to find their new acc now, if anyone knows please pm me or comment so i can fix it!]
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It wasn’t new to you that sunny boy over here had a secret. He had accidentally showed it once during a sleepover at your house and it has been kept a secret between you two for the longest of times. Your best friend, Lee Donghyuck, is a werewolf. Now with every other sane, normal, human being, they would stay away as far as they could and some may even report it to the police. However, you weren’t normal (in a good way), and so was your male friend(quite literally). Ever since that one incident when you were both 11, you made a promise to each other that you would never EVER tell or even hint anyone about your friend’s ability.
Now, at 19, with the both of you successfully getting into your dream colleges, you both decided to have a little party with your friends to congratulate the new college freshmen that were about to embark on a new journey. All of you decided that doing the party at your favourite senior, Mark’s apartment, seemed like the right place to do, despite the owner’s protests. The party wasn’t too extravagant, just a few boxes of pizza, a few bottles of beers and non-alcoholic drinks for the kids (mark would kill them if chenle & jisung were to even hold a beer), and of course, humans (haha get it cause haechan is a-...ill stop now). You may as well call this a get-together with friends.
At 10pm, the youngest of the group had already left, leaving mark, haechan, renjun, jeno, jaemin, and you. You hadn’t taken a sip of beer at all, claiming that you were a light drinker and was not about to embarrass yourselves among the four boys that was in front of you(that was a lie you may have had a sip or two while they weren’t looking but no biggie). Donghyuck had also decided against drinking, saying the same thing as you, when really the both of you knew that when drunk, there was no possible way to tell when werewolf hyuck will come out. Mark had went to bed early, claiming that he was in need of a much needed sleep from the amounts of headaches he’s getting from taking care of you guys, gaining snorts and rolling eyes from the rest of the group. All of you still very much love him though(and his apartment).
With mark sleeping soundly, the rest of you decided to head home as well, being considerate of your very tired old friend. Renjun and jeno had to drag jaemin out of the door as he was drunk out of his mind, sputtering pick-up lines genuinely looking like he was flirting with air. You and donghyuck bid the three of them goodbye as they struggled to put jaemin in jeno’s car, sighing in relief when they managed to close the door. The two of you continued to walk to your apartment since it wasn’t that far from Mark’s, plus you had secretly wanted to spend more time with him.
It was no secret that you liked the boy, everyone in your friend group knew except him. They constantly tease you for it but it was not your fault that donghyuck was as oblivious as mark about love, if not more. You had tried to shake it off and disregard your thoughts, but the more you were with him, the more the feelings arose and you see yourself falling deeper into his charms. You just wished he would notice it. The little glances you give him, the small smile on your face everytime he laughs, the twinkle in your eyes whenever he talked to you. However, it was to no avail.
You looked up at donghyuck’s face and noticed the street lights shining down his face perfectly, leaving his face a perfect glow. His moles were the cutest thing ever and you almost wanted to kiss them right then and there, till he turned around and saw you staring at him. Not wanting to make a fool of yourselves, you quickly blurted out something before he could even say anything.
“Did you dye your hair? It’s so pretty. Silver is a nice colour.” Stupid. Why would you even say that when you could have said it at mark’s apartment? Thankfully, donghyuck responded well, with a faint blush on his cheeks and his cute little smile, muttering a small thank you. You grinned back at him, noticing his fangs slowly appearing.
“Your fangs are appearing~” you teased him, making him blush an even deeper shade of red. You both knew that at times like these meant that he was nervous.
“How could i control them when i’m with you?” he whispered to himself, but you could hear it clearly. Now it was your turn to blush a shade of pink. The two of you were nearing your apartment complex and you decided that this was it. This was the time that you were going to confess your feelings for him. You didn’t know what made you do it, mayhaps it was the alcohol, but you were determined and you were set to it.
Once you both had reach to the front of your door, you turned to look at him before he could even act.
“Donghyuck, i’m gonna say this once and never again so listen up. You, my guy, is the epitome of a literal ball of sunshine. You make me smile whenever i’m around you, laugh at whatever silly jokes you have, sad when you’re sad, happy when you’re happy, and so many other things you have done that has never made our relationship together boring. For the past 9 years, you were really the only person who could make the butterflies in my stomach go wild. What i’m trying to say is, I like you Donghyuck, and i really ho-“
You were cut off mid-sentence by Donghyuck’s finger on your mouth. You flushed red out of embarrassment as Donghyuck chuckled. He brings his hand down your hands and holds them lightly.
“I like you too y/n, since the beginning as well” He shyly admits, his eyes looking down at your hands, rubbing them gently. Your heart leaps with joy as your mind floods with complicated feelings and emotions.
“So...I guess we’re official now?” You giggled as you asked your boyfriend. Donghyuck blushes and smiles, nodding his head.
“Alright, bye boyfriend. Have a good night.” You lean in to give him a quick kiss on the cheek and opened your door and went in, closing the door quickly before he could react. Your heart was racing vigorously at the action you just did, instantly wondering if what you did was a mistake. Your question was soon answered though, as you walked to your window and heard howling sounds, immediately recognising it as Donghyuck’s. His ocean blue eyes looked bright under the moon and his magnificent fur was being displayed by the moonlight shining on it. His howls were loud and happy, and you could tell that it was directed to you. You laughed quietly before shushing him, signalling that people were asleep. You heard his whines before he slowly trudged back home, not before giving you one last look.
You sat in your bed later that night, recalling the events that happened earlier today, still not believing it was real. Your phone buzzed at your bedside table and you lazily picked it up, wondering who it was.
From: hyuck, my fullsun ❤️☀️
Goodnight to you too my love.
Needless to say, you slept like a baby that night.
Read my other AU here!
Guardian angel! donghyuck
part 1 | part 2
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lovehyuckie · 5 years
hello!! since it’s my birthday today i wanted to ask anyone who is able to if you could donate to a suicide prevention program, please don’t feel obligated to do so if you are not able to, honestly just a reblog would mean a lot 💕🌸
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lovehyuckie · 5 years
are there any hyuck stans left 🥺 it feels like some left after he showed up a lil chubby 🥺 pls rb this if ur still a hyuck stan 😔
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lovehyuckie · 5 years
[12:10am] hello everyone! ana here O(≧▽≦)O im the writer of this blog 🌺
first of all i just want to apologise to everyone for my inactivity and lack of posting. i’ve had quite a few setbacks these holidays and i was always so busy with extra curricular activities and just life in general so i was always never in a mood to write and if i did i would give up halfway because of writer’s block. (っ- ‸ – ς)
which is why i’m taking a short hiatus! the new year is gonna be pretty busy for me since i’ll be in a new class and its one of my crucial learning years. i won’t be long but when i come back i’ll make sure to start posting quality content for you guys.
i have a few aus saved in my drafts waiting for me to finish it so i’ll try and get them up as fast as i can.
that said, if any of you would like to request anything at all, please feel free to drop an ask! i won’t be here all the time but i will definitely make sure to do all of your requests :)
till then, thank you for being a reader on this account! ♡ฅ(ᐤˊ꒳ฅˋᐤ♪)
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lovehyuckie · 5 years
[10:32pm] “excuse me miss? visiting hours are over.” you wake up to donghyuck’s nurse gently shaking you awake. your eyes flutter open as you adjust to your surroundings, nodding your head lazily towards her. you hear her footsteps leaving, and you looked up from your chair to see donghyuck fast asleep, his chest rising up and down in a steady pace. you stared at where your hands are interlocked and slowly pulled your hand out, not wanting to disturb his rest.
you felt his arm twitch and you pray to god for all the sins you’ve done as he started stirring in his sleep. he opened his eyes slightly as he saw you pulling your hand away.
“sorry, nurse said visiting hours are over.” you whispered softly, scared to ruin the silence in the hospital. donghyuck shook his head, signalling that it was okay, and you smiled softly at him. getting up, you softly pressed your lips onto his forehead.
you pulled back to see donghyuck gazing at you lovingly. you brought up your hand to caress his face as you two stared into each others tired eyes. you place the most gentle kiss you could muster on his lips, letting your emotions flood into the kiss as you felt donghyuck’s arms secure your waist. seconds felt like minutes as you two pulled away for air. you let out a small smile as you kiss his hand and stood up to gather your things.
“i’ll see you tomorrow kay?” donghyuck looked unsure and hesitant as you were getting ready to go. you sensed his uneasiness and bent down to face him. you held out your pinky finger; a thing you would always do as a child.
“i promise.”
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lovehyuckie · 5 years
i’m gonna be very delusional and say, if u want to be mutuals, please reblog this. i really, really need mutuals :((
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lovehyuckie · 6 years
[3:15pm] “3, 2, 1, go!” donghyuck counted down the numbers on the display screen excitedly as you both fiddled with your controllers, hoping to beat one another in a racing game. donghyuck had gotten off schedule early that day and invited you over to play some games with him (to which you gladly agreed). focusing back on the game, you and him were toe-to-toe with each other, donghyuck being slightly in front.
with the finishing line just around the corner, and both of your burning passion to win, you had to come up with a solution. in a swift motion, you tilt your head to the side and slyly pecked donghyuck’s cheek softly. donghyuck’s eyes widened as he felt the world stopped. you cheered in delight as you passed the finish line and a bright yellow “1st” appeared on the screen. that’s when you noticed no noise coming from donghyuck so you turned around to face him. his cheeks were burning bright red and his hand was touching his cheek. you blushed awkwardly as you realised what you just did.
“you little-“ you shrieked in horror when donghyuck started to chase you around the dorm, him tailing right behind you. you mumbled apologies as you ducked and swerved every object or member that you see (to which they just replied with a sigh or a “what are they up to again”).
“idiot, did i say i didn’t like it?” that made you stop running and accidentally bump into donghyuck, and he responded by holding his arms out to keep you from falling. you looked up at him to see him smiling sweetly at you.
and that’s how you two found yourselves spending the day playing games in his room with an addition of cuddles and kisses shared.
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lovehyuckie · 6 years
[6:40pm] donghyuck hugging you from behind as you cook dinner for the both of you and not burn down the kitchen in the process.
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lovehyuckie · 6 years
[12:00am] you count down the days on the calender until donghyuck’s off day to spend the day together.
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lovehyuckie · 6 years
Omg what happens next after you left practice room 🙄🙄🙄
i like to let my readers to have a creative imagination, so i’ll let you guys decide on your own what you think the ending should be! (=^_^=)
0 notes
lovehyuckie · 6 years
guardian angel! donghyuck x reader pt 2
➳ genre: angst, fluff if you look in a microscope
➳ warnings: none!
⋆ bulleted scenario!
part 1 | part 2
a lot of you seemed to like the last one so i decided to make a sequel to it!! i’m gonna be switching between donghyuck and haechan a few times so don’t get too confused if i suddenly switch names!!
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gif creds to the owner!!
so we left off at how you find out that the mystery boy was actually more mysterious than you think
after the incident, every day at 12am sharp after lights out, donghyuck would sneak into your room every time and talk with you until late into the night, or until the nurses check up ok you, which was rarer now as you managed to keep your voice level at a bare minimum
donghyuck knew what he was doing was far from right, but he couldn’t feel like being with you every day
you had asked him what his name was, claiming that you weren’t gonna call him mystery boy for the rest of your life (when actually finding an excuse to get to know him more)
he chuckled before hesitantly saying “haechan��, a code name he often used to humans
he was saddened that he was not able to reveal his name to you, but he thought to himself, it was for the best
he had also lied to you and said that he was a volunteer at the hospital, and his job was to make sure everyone was feeling comfortable in their enclosed white rooms
although you knew damn well volunteers don’t stay till the early hours of the night for their patients, and they also did not wear all white clothing and appear to have a soft glow
however, whenever you tried to bring it up, haechan would quickly change the topic to a funny one and have you laughing till you had forgotten about it
 it was his way of avoiding things so you kinda just went with it and never really asked him any personal questions again
a few days passed and donghyuck saw that your mood seemed happier and you were having lesser seizures, you were always in a happy mood and that made donghyuck the happiest ma-well, angel, in the whole world
it wasn’t until he had overheard the conversation between your mom and doctor about your brain surgery, and that if they didn’t have it soon, you would have a lesser chance of survival; did he snap
he wanted you to have the surgery so that you would be able to not feel pain anymore and get out of that oh-so-familiar white room, but on the other hand, he feared that you weren’t gonna make it
it was a 6-hour surgery, and he wasn’t sure whether he was able to wait for that long
the risks that the doctors were taking was also high as they couldn’t afford to make any mistake, you only had one brain, and one chance before it would die completely
that day, he entered your room and saw you sulked in your bed, obviously bothered by something
if it was any other time, he would find this action cute, but that was not important right now
you talked to haechan about the surgery your mom had mentioned, and he sat there, listening intently as you pour your feelings out to him, saying how scared you were
“when is the surgery?” “in 2 days”
haechan gently grabbed your hand and caressed it softly
“you can do it, i’ll be with you the whole time” “...how?” “i have my ways” *queue haechan winking at you cheekily, causing a smile to appear on both of your faces*
and that was how haechan had managed to get your worries off your mind as you two enjoyed being in each other’s presence, and you had totally forgotten that your life was possibly going to be endangered in 2 days
the night before surgery, haechan had sneaked into your room and comforted your crying figure, knowing that you were scared about the surgery
“it’s gonna be alright, if you feel scared, just remember me and you’ll feel better”
and although he said it in a joking manner, you find yourself thinking about him as the doctors and nurses wheeled you into the surgery room
you smiled as you felt yourself slowly losing consciousness, the last thing on your mind was a certain brown haired boy
7 hours later, you opened your eyes to your mom crying and hugging you as soon as she noticed you were awake
you slowly hugged her back, but somehow, in the back of your mind, you felt something was missing
“does anyone know a volunteer by the name of haechan?”
the nurses and your parents looked at you with a confused look
“we stopped accepting volunteers 2 years ago dear,” one of the nurses told you.
and it was as if all alarms in your brain had gone off and you were off your bed and into the corridor in a flash, determined to find the boy who had saved you from falling into a dark hole filled with despair and hatred
the boy who you stayed up late with every night, sharing laughs and interesting stories
the boy who saved you from falling off a 6-storied building
the boy who made you feel like you were the most special person in the world
the boy who you came to fell in love with, haechan
your eyes frantically search around the halls, trying to find a familiar face
you were about to give up and return to your room when you felt a tap on your shoulder
“excuse me, are you y/n-ssi?” a doctor, fairly young, his coat draped on his long figure, his bright gold nametag shining with the letters JOHNNY written in bold. you nodded and was ready to receive a nagging from him for running off just like that
but he just smiled and handed you an envelope, patting your head, before walking off
confuzzled by his actions, you slowly opened the envelope and in it was a handwritten letter and the most beautiful necklace you had ever seen
it was made with silver chain and in the middle held a small but shining sun, and a half crescent moon beside it. you had a feeling you knew who it was, but still managed to muster up enough courage to read the letter
“dear y/n,
by the time you read this, i would have been long gone. don’t bother searching me as i’ve moved to a very far place from here. i’m sorry that this was at such a short notice but if you’re getting this it means that you successfully completed the surgery! congratulations love, i knew you could do it.
i never really got to tell you my true feelings, but i guess ink on paper will have to do. y/n, i love you so so much. you are the most beautiful human being i have ever met, and probably the best one yet. you have given me so much to live for and have been the reason why i’m so happy to be able to do what i do. you have made me realise how humans can be such wonderful beings yet so fragile and careful. you have been a pleasure to take care off, i love you.
p.s the necklace represents you and me, for we are in the same constellation but we can never be together.
from your cheerful sun,
you felt a tear drop onto the piece of paper and landed on his name. your heart felt numb and your mind was blank. you couldn’t think properly as you slowly knelt down to your knees, feeling more tears fall. you clutch the necklace and letter close to your chest, feeling your heartbeat increase as you emptied your eyes out on the floor, your silent cries echoing throughout the corridor. the sun shone brightly onto a window near you, and you watched as its rays slowly brighten and emit warmth. you let out a small smile as you look down at your necklace, the sun pendant shining brightly as it reflects the sunlight.
and that was how it ended. two lovers in two different dimensions, but their love for each other were as passionate as the sun and moon. two different worlds that never seem to meet each other and only lasts together for a short period of time.
a/n: && that is it for guardian angel! donghyuck x reader!! i’d say this work was decent, but it could have been better if i had better writing skills (●´^`●) i would love to hear you guys’s feedback on this and let me know if you want more of these! that’s all from me, peace out y(^ー^)y
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lovehyuckie · 6 years
[9:32pm] donghyuck and the dreamies were doing a vlive in their practice room and you just so happened to be there.
“do you guys have any girlfriends/boyfriends?” chenle read off a comment. they all nervously laughed as they looked at each other, specifically glancing to donghyuck. he looked at you as he felt a lump form in his throat, scared to form words.
“n-no, we don’t have any. right guys?” donghyuck joked, and the dreamies chuckled loudly, nodding hesitantly. donghyuck continued to stare at you as you could feel tears forming in the corner of your eyes. you knew their fans could turn into not so nice people if they were to find out, and smtown couldn’t afford another dating scandal to happen. oof
but you couldn’t help but feel betrayal as you let one tear fall, followed by many more. you rushed out of the room, making sure you weren’t caught, donghyuck eyes following you the whole time. he cursed inwardly as he realised what he did wrong, but the vlive was still ongoing, and he couldn’t afford fans finding out what he was doing.
so he did what he always did best, put on a smile and joke with the dreamies.
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