livewithjoynow · 2 days
Against All Odds
My beautiful sisters, let me take a moment to celebrate you today. Yes, you. You are a testament to resilience, a beacon of strength, and a vessel of divine wisdom. Your journey, our journey, is one of thriving against all odds. As we navigate this world, we have to remember the power within us, the legacy we carry, and the future we are shaping. Embracing Our Stories Each of us has a story, a…
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livewithjoynow · 3 days
Is Black Love Possible?
Let’s talk about the profound beauty of black love, a tapestry woven with threads of resilience, strength, and grace. Within this intricate fabric, stereotypes often lurk in the shadows, subtly shaping our relationships and community dynamics. This tapestry reflects not only our diversity but also our unwavering spirit. The stereotypes that haunt our community enforce unrealistic standards,…
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livewithjoynow · 3 days
Who Told You That Was Cute?
Recently, my clients have shared some insightful observations with me about the dynamics of communication within their friendships, particularly concerning gender norms. Many have noticed a pattern where men often refrain from expressing their thoughts or concerns to their male friends. Similarly, women feel hesitant to provide feedback or constructive criticism to their female friends. This…
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livewithjoynow · 5 days
Transformed For His Glory
Birth and the Journey of Life: Embracing Change from Within We all enter this world through our mother’s womb. The process of growing and developing inside her was a solitary experience unless we had a twin or were part of a multiple birth. Our existence relied on the sustenance provided by our mother during gestation, preparing us for a lifelong journey that began the moment we were born. Birth…
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livewithjoynow · 9 days
Finding Joy in the Journey: Cultivating Happiness After Trauma
If you carry joy in your heart, you can heal any moment. –Carlos Santana I want to talk to you about something near and dear to my heart: finding joy in the journey and cultivating happiness after trauma. Yes, it is possible. Even after the darkest nights, the sun does rise again. So can we. Together, let us embrace the power within us to transform our pain into purpose and our trials into…
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livewithjoynow · 10 days
It’s Deeper Than The Cross
If you are like me, you like stories because there is always some lesson that can be learned from them. Well, let me tell you a story about a lady named Nia. In the heart of a vibrant city, where the rhythm of life beats to the pulse of history, there lived a woman named Nia. At thirty-three, she carried within her the echoes of generations past, the strength and resilience of her ancestors…
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livewithjoynow · 12 days
Sea and Stunning Sunny Landscapes in California: An Epic 12-Day Itinerary
Embark on an epic 12-day road trip through California, a state known for its diverse landscapes, vibrant cities, and iconic attractions. This adventure will take you from the sunny beaches of Southern California to the majestic mountains and lush vineyards of Northern California. Here’s a detailed guide with hotel, restaurant, and activity recommendations that Xcape Xperts Travel has planned for…
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livewithjoynow · 18 days
Pressurized to Perfection
“As a pearl is formed and its layers grow, a rich iridescence begins to glow. The oyster has taken what was at first an irritation and intrusion and uses it to enrich its value.” ― Susan C. Young In the vast expanse of the ocean, a remarkable transformation occurs deep within the confines of an oyster’s shell. Here, amidst the ebb and flow of the sea, a seemingly ordinary grain of sand becomes…
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livewithjoynow · 19 days
Living In A World With Peace When There is None
Living in a world rife with chaos and upheaval presents unique challenges to maintaining inner peace. From the relentless drumbeat of global conflicts to the polarizing political landscape closer to home, finding serenity amidst the chaos can seem like an insurmountable task. As I navigate the turbulent currents of our world, I’ve discovered a profound sense of peace by embracing a perspective…
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livewithjoynow · 21 days
Beyond the Crossorads
“Sometimes, God brings times of transition to create transformation.” -Lynn Cowell As women journey through middle age, they often find themselves at a crossroads, grappling with questions of purpose, fulfillment, and the paths not taken. For me, this journey began at the age of 40, when I took a long, hard look at my life and realized that I hadn’t pursued many of the dreams and aspirations I…
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livewithjoynow · 21 days
The Radiance Within
“Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.” – Kahlil Gibran Today’s society is fixated on external appearances and fleeting trends. However, the message that should be communicated is that true beauty lies not in the mirror, but within ourselves. It’s about embracing our inner radiance, that glow that emanates from a place of authenticity, kindness, and self-love. We should aim…
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livewithjoynow · 23 days
Speak Your Truth
Hello readers, I hope this blog finds you well. Today, I want to dive into a topic that’s been on my mind lately: the importance of open communication in both friendships and romantic relationships, especially in the context of traditional gender norms. Have you ever noticed a pattern where people hesitate to express their thoughts or concerns to their friends, fearing judgment or rejection? Or…
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livewithjoynow · 23 days
Girls Gone Wild
“Sometimes you just need to escape reality and reconnect with your girls.” – “Girls Trip” Written by Kenya Barris and Tracy Oliver Are you ready to embark on the adventure of a lifetime with your closest girlfriends? Picture this: jetting off to exotic destinations, exploring breathtaking landscapes, and making unforgettable memories together. Whether you’re craving adrenaline-pumping thrills or…
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livewithjoynow · 23 days
Immersive Eco-Tourism
This blog unveils the transformative impact of eco-tourism: a sustainable journey that preserves nature, uplifts communities, and creates unforgettable experiences. Dive into the beauty of responsible travel!
Take only memories, leave only footprints. In recent years, the concept of eco-tourism has gained significant traction as travelers seek more sustainable and responsible ways to explore the world. Eco-tourism not only allows us to connect with nature in a meaningful way, but also supports conservation efforts and local communities.  A polar bear stands atop ice covering a beach, surveying its…
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livewithjoynow · 25 days
Capture The World Through The Eye
beauty and endless opportunities for captur
Our beautiful world is filled with fleeting moments and hidden beauty. The lens of a traveling photographer serves as a powerful tool for storytelling. Through the art of photography, we have the ability to capture the essence of a place, preserving memories and sharing stories that transcend language barriers. Every destination offers a unique tapestry of sights, sounds, and emotions waiting to…
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