Imploding the Mirage may very well be the best album of TK’s career so far. Such a massive amount of growth in those songs, in so many ways.
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This is the cutest, sweetest thing I’ve ever read.
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Brandon nearly cried while thanking the crowd for coming to their show last night.
"Thank you all for coming tonight. Thank you. Sometimes, when we haven't played in a while, you kind of forget, like: 'Do I belong up there? Is that where we're supoosed to be?' And tonight you are confirming that it is okay for us to be up on this stage."
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I am way too in love with ITM. They have blown my mind.
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Brandon Flowers’ statement at Austin City Limits after the Las Vegas shooting on October 1st, 2017
“We are The Killers, brought to you by way of fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada. Coming from Las Vegas and as musicians, I wanna say thank you all for coming out to a gig tonight, and this weekend. Don’t you ever let any motherfucker get in the way of you doing what you want to do…The best moments of my life have happened at concerts, from down there and from up here, and I’m just happy to be here tonight with you all.”
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"I wasn't a great student. It was before they were really handing out ADD diagnoses and I had a touch of that for sure. It feels like such a long time for kids to be sitting at a desk. I can't remember a time that I didn't really struggle. I missed most of sixth grade. I was having a hard time at school and we moved from one town in Utah to another one thirty miles away."
- Brandon Flowers (Hot Press, October 2020)
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"I just felt compelled to rework it and document it. I was broke. I believe it was the CNN video. I cried on my couch watching it. I couldn't believe that people weren't rioting already."
- Brandon Flowers on the murder of George Floyd and rewriting Land of the Free in his honor (Hot Press, October 2020)
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"It was 2008 and we were on the same Pinkpop festival bill as him and the E- Street Band in Holland. I looked over during Mr. Brightside and behind our sound engineer you saw these Aviators and a very familiar countenance nodding along. We finished the set and walking back to the dressing rooms with Bruce, he said, 'Do you wanna do a little Thunder Road later?' It was just a dream.
"My favorite part was the preparing for it. I got to go back to his dressing room and we chose which verses we were going to sing. It was almost like a test, you know? I knew all the lyrics by heart and I wrote them by hand, and he helped me me mark up which parts he would sing and which ones I would sing. We got a guitar and worked it out. That behind the scenes moment was very special. I didn't really have time to feel nervous. If it had been suggested a day or two before I don't know if I could have made it!"
- Brandon Flowers on performing Thunder Road with Bruce Springsteen at Pinkpop in 2008 (Hot Press, October 2020)
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[Brandon Flowers] almost started hyperventilating when I took him out on to the balcony, pointed at U2's former Hanover Quay HQ on the other side of the Liffey, and told him they were just about to announce their own branded iPod.
Hot Press, October 2020 (recounting the writer's previous December 2004 interview)
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Happy birthday, Wonderful Wonderful!
Ohhh Wonderful Wonderful, the most appropriately named Killers album, my most favorite…how do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
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When we started making records, we were just boys, and - I can speak for Brandon here, I think we would write largely about fictional characters and things like that. As we've gotten older and things have become more important to us and closer, we've become a little more inviting of the introspective part of ourselves. So we're writing more about personal things. That's been a huge growing part of our band, our career, and ourselves that I didn't really see coming. It didn't feel like we would go to the end of that mountain like we did, and through that, that's been a huge learning experience not only about ourselves, but about each other and our families, and we've become closer because of it - and I think, better songwriters because of it.
- Ronnie Vannucci Jr., Pandora Live Backstage with The Killers (September 2020)
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A cinematic masterpiece.
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Do you have any interesting or unusual personal interpretations of any songs?
Does a specific song remind you of a happy memory?
Have any of the band ever appeared in a dream?
You have the chance to go back in time to see ONE of The Killers' shows, live and in person. What do you choose?
Which era is your favorite Brandon, and why?
Give three of your favorite TK lyrics.
Would you ever get a TK-themed tattoo?
What's your favorite thing about the band?
Is there a particular song that means the most to you personally?
You get to be a fairy godmother for the day and can make Killers-related dreams come true - just not your own! What do you do?
Do you want Brandon to bring back the mustache?
What's the last song that made you cry?
Would you rather see the band at a festival or a standalone concert?
If you've been to a Killers show - what are some of the most memorable moments from your show(s)?
Have you learned anything from your TK victimhood - has the band taught you anything?
Are there any songs that you will passionately defend against naysayers?
Do you tend to prefer their most bombastic songs, or do you gravitate more towards the softer side of TK?
Is there an era, outfit, song, album, etc that you used to dislike, but has grown on you?
In your opinion, what is the band's greatest achievement so far?
Have you gotten into any of The Killers' influences, opening bands, etc since becoming a fan?
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“What’s the next song you’re gonna do for us?”
RV: Little ‘When You Were Young!’
BF: Little ‘When You Were Young’, yeah. We have a sweet version of ‘When You Were Young’. It’s not as bombastic as you would expect, but it explores the heart of the song, and…here you go.
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1057. I’ve been seeing some comments floatin’ around saying we don’t like to do Instagram live
Like what in the world gave you guys that impression??
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People need music now more than ever. Music has always been a place that I go to for comfort or escape, or to feel like I’m not alone, and I think those attributes of music are still alive and kicking and people need them now.
- Brandon Flowers on releasing Imploding the Mirage despite the pandemic (Music Week, August 2020)
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Brandon is a workhorse. He’ll come off stage and go and run for an hour on a treadmill; then he’ll have a shower, go to the back of the tour bus and start songwriting until 3am. He doesn’t stop.
- Fran Healy on Brandon Flowers (Music Week, August 2020)
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