lefttoewrites · 3 years
bella's cactus is actually foreshadowing that she was about to meet the biggest prick on earth
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lefttoewrites · 3 years
concept: you know how the flower field is all dead and crusty in new moon? ignoring the fact that it was probably just winter that killed all the flowers, imagine edward out there with a bottle of weed killer the day after abandoning bella in the woods, dousing everything in herbicide while crying
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lefttoewrites · 3 years
"ThE wOlvEs HaVe nO ConTrOL." Edd boy your brother tried to drain Bella like a go-gurt over a single drop of blood and you yeeted her into a wall because you couldn't hold back your own strength shut the fuck up. Jacob never hurt her but Bella has TWO scars just from being in your general vicinity and those are just the physical ones.
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lefttoewrites · 3 years
If I wrote the Twilight from the end of New Moon and on this is how it would go:
- Bella saves Edward but instead of having a romantic reunion she goes off on him for leaving her and breaking her heart so mercilessly. She listens to Edward’s reasoning— he’s always loved her and he did it for her own good. She understands and is willing to forgive but isn’t willing to forget just as easily. Edward pines for her good opinion and romantic reciprocation for the rest of the book which will ultimately bleed into Eclipse.
- Since Bella and Edward were not caught up and distracted in a lovers embrace Edward heard the Felix’s thoughts, took Bella and ran before they could bring them to the Volturi. Or Alice saw it coming and retrieved them before the Volturi caught wind of Bella and changed their mind to retrieve Edward again. Either way something cool happened and the Volturi and Bella never cross paths. The Volturi believe Edward somehow changed his mind but Aro, who saw into Edwards every thought and desire, isn’t convinced. He’s suspicious but it ends there… for now.
- Bella and the Cullens come back to Forks. The Cullens are indebted to Bella for saving Edward and thank her, she kindly tells them you’re welcome and contemplates addressing how hurtful it was for them to ghost her but gives them slack because in her mind they wouldn’t have had been loyal to an outsider over their son/brother of hundreds of years. They saved her life and she saved one of theirs so they’re even. No one discusses it but they look apologetic. Rosalie personally thanks her and apologizes for being cold to her. Bella does a little apologetic side smile and shrugs it off. She doesn’t know how she feels about it. Bella’s head is still reeling about Edward going to the Volturi because he loved her and not because he felt guilty.
-The only Cullen Bella is completely comfortable and back to normal again with is Alice. She just is.
- CHARLIE IS LIVID. Bella apologizes for up and leaving and explains to Charlie that Alice came to check on her because she missed her and to apologize for leaving without a word. Bella forced Alice to take her to Edward to set things straight for closure. Bella’s mood is visibly stormy but she has an air of pride and relief. Charlie sees that the closure did her some good but is still angry about her running off for 3 days. She’s grounded. Bella accepts without a fight but asks for an exception to go see Jacob and apologize to him for leaving without saying anything. Bella tells Charlie that he wasn’t the only one she left heart broken by running away without a word. She wanted to fix it. Charlie is all for this but acts like he begrudgingly agrees. Bella smirks.
- Jacob is torn, angry and heart broken until Bella shows up at his house to apologize for leaving him and things so messy. Jacob is surprised at a few things: the first being that she is alive and the second that she came back for him. He was fully prepared to give her the silent treatment for weeks. (*Wink) Jacob asks Bella if she is ok and apologizes for going off on her and mistaking Edward’s voice for Carlisle’s over the phone and being an added catalyst in the life or death situation. Bella accepts his apology, it wasn’t entirely his fault. Jacob is worried that Bella went after him because she still loves Edward but assures himself that their friendship and bond is stronger than her’s and Edward’s broken one as of right now. She doesn’t seem too sold on Edward at the moment. Jacob pushes the romantic issues aside and bear hugs Bella. He tells her he doesn’t care about anything else, he’s just glad she’s okay and she’s home. SNITCHING ON HER ABOUT THE MOTORCYCLES CROSSED HIS MIND BUT HE NEVER ADMITS IT.
- Bella comes back and finds all her Edward memorabilia in a box on her bed with a note from Edward explaining how and why he put it under her floorboards. She’s angry and considers throwing the note but goes through the box and is reminded of her feelings for him. She can’t fight the fact that she still has feelings for him but they’re not as strong and trusting as before. They’ve been severely wounded. She leaves all the contents in the box and puts it at the foot of her bed and leaves the problem for later. (The next book) She secures her dream catcher, which has “fallen” off her headboard onto her pillow back onto her headboard. Walks out of the room, walks back in and takes one sole item out of the box of Edward things. It’s the CD of songs he made for her. She puts it on her desk next to her CD player, and walks back out to wash up. Edward watches all of this on a tree from afar through her closed window.
- Edward knows he has a lot of work to do to earn her trust back. Alice mentions her new close friendship with Jacob the werewolf to him. Edward is not aware of how close they are or how Jacob was an integral part of Bella’s healing while he was gone. Edward still gets a sense of sadness and jealousy. Jacob simply doesn’t like Edward for breaking Bella’s heart and leaving her in the middle of the woods— and also because to Jacob he’s a manipulative vampire.
- Everyone sticks around and is wary of Victoria. (Next book)
Like for part 2/my take on Eclipse.
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lefttoewrites · 3 years
thoughts on edward? Only asking cus I don’t see team jacob a lot <3 your hc’s for him r cute btw no hate
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Ok so I have a FEW opinions about Sparkle Man, I’m glad you asked.
(Side note: thanks for sayin my Jacob Headcanons are cute, it means a lot to me)
So one of the biggest reasons I’m not Team Edward is because I probably would have punched him if I was Bella in the first Twilight Book. It could be because smeyer (derogatory) chose to write Bella as a shy, clumsier self-insert, but I would have been SO heated if Edward talked to me in the way he talked to her. Especially when he literally gaslit her and told her she didn’t know what she was talking about. I understand it’s because he probably didn’t want to openly admit he’s a vampire but still, that’s no excuse to be a jerk to her.
I also don’t like the controlling shit he does in some of the other films and books. In New Moon, he doesn’t even bother taking her home after breaking up with her. Just leaves her out in the fuckin woods to fend for herself. Have some decency. it takes HOURS for the town to find her. Asks her to promise him not to do anything reckless, but puts the responsibility of his actions onto Bella’s shoulders when he made her depressed. Tbh he’s also kind of a pissbaby for trying to restrict Bella’s access to her emotional support (Jacob) as soon as he decides to reappear in Bella’s life. I’ll take Big Red Flags for 200, please.
Another thing from New Moon that I found irritating was that if I was Bella, I wouldn’t have invited Edward back into my life after the emotional trauma he put her through. I’m pretty sure she was depressed for months and he decides to come back as soon as Bella’s doing good? Bro fuck that Lmaoo I’d be so mad. Pretty sure Bella only did that cause she’s a self insert but still.
When they’re looking at the wall and Bella’s like “r those graduation caps” and he’s like “it’s an inside joke”— NO ITS FUCKING NOT LMAOAO
Points to eddie for that “wait for her to say the words” line cause that was gold, but I’m pretty sure she didn’t ask him to sneak into her room at night to watch her sleep either.
That being said he was good in their marriage. Not mad about that. No critique there.
That’s all I’ve got for Rn but I’m also totally blown away that someone submitted an ask so soon so ty for letting me ramble <3
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lefttoewrites · 3 years
Feeling cute, might write some Jacob angst later ✨
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lefttoewrites · 3 years
Any headcanons about Jacob that I make are based on pre-shift Jacob because that’s the only correct Jacob. Also I like his long hair so ✌️
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lefttoewrites · 3 years
Jacob Black Relationship Headcanons
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These are just some headcanons for Jake that I thought about at like 11:14 last night enjoy :)
Jacob likes cuddling at night time, but during the summer you gotta have your room extra cold to combat his 108° body pressed up against your back.
He rarely, if ever, lets you be the big spoon. When he does, he secretly loves the comfort of feeling you cling onto him in your sleep. All the same, he’d much rather be the big spoon any day of the week.
He definitely wakes you up *super* gently. Gently caressing the side of your face, a small smile playing on his lips as he makes you your favorite drink (tea, coffee, etc.)
If he could, he’d spend all day laid up with you. Especially if it’s raining.
When he’s tinkering in the garage he’ll bob his head to the music, but his project is put on pause if he catches you dancing to the tunes.
Once he sees you swaying to the rhythm he wipes his hands on a cloth and rushes over to dance with you, reveling in your giggles and little remarks about his footing.
“There’s always some other time to finish this project.”
When he imprints on you, you definitely don’t even notice. It could be a little thing you were doing, like humming your favorite song while you made some food.
But in that moment, he looks at you like you’re the most wonderful thing in existence. He almost forgets to blink, because he’s so locked into burning the image of you into his brain.
Maybe then you notice: the love in his eyes, the change in his stature. The slowing of his breathing.
Then you’d feel it when you looked into his eyes. The emotional connection you two now share is thick enough to bite into, but you don’t mind.
Despite its intensity, you both feel your calmest when you’re near each other.
At this point, you’d been with him long enough to know that he’s a shapeshifter, to know what imprinting is, and you’re elated that it had happened with you.
He loves it when he hears you ate three full meals, and that you slept well. Jacob is a Self-Care King at heart and you cannot convince me otherwise.
He takes baths/showers with you under the guise of “saving water”, but you know it’s really because he likes looking at your butt lol.
When he prepared to propose to you, he carved the ring box himself to make it personal.
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lefttoewrites · 3 years
why jacob’s anger is justified and edward’s a mean old jerk
Let’s forget how smeyer ruined Jacob’s sweet, sunshine personality and warm innocence for the sake of making the EdwardxBella case stronger and just follow me here for a minute. If we think about everything from Jacob’s perspective, his dislike for Edward is totally justified. Forget the love triangle and the vampire hate for a second and take Jacob’s dislike for Edward from an objective point. From his POV (New Moon pre-werewolf transformation) Bella’s mysterious ex-boyfriend not only left her broken-hearted with no remorse but left the poor girl by herself in the middle of the woods after they broke up which is the last time she ever sees him. To Jacob– or to any other regular person (CHARLIE)– that’s plain terrible. Bella goes into a depression, stops eating, seeing her friends etc. but you know who’s there for it all? Jacob. He was there for her when she was at her lowest and was her friend and support system the entire time. Edward didn’t stick around for that, he consciously chose not to have to watch and live through the consequences of his actions. Does it eventually pain him to see how Bella struggled through Jacob’s thoughts in Eclipse, yes, but for the most part he didn’t have to deal with it. Which leads me to my next point. What I don’t understand is that after all Jacob did for Bella in New Moon (by just being her friend and being there for her) Edward has the audacity to get territorial with Bella and restrict her access to Jacob as soon as he’s back in her life. I don’t get it. The whole hijacking her truck thing and claiming “the wolves aren’t safe they can’t control themselves.” I mean is he acting out of pure jealousy? Like dude if you’re worried about Bella having developed an emotional attachment to Jacob, it’s kind of your fault for leaving her in the first place. And even then being protective is different than controlling someone. The only reason Edward is back in Bella’s life at the end of New Moon is because she chose to have him back, she was irrevocably in love with him and overlooked 7 months of emotional trauma because smeyer is smeyer. But to an outsider like Jacob, watching that relationship unravel Bella just for her to go back to Edward was probably mind-blowing. And we can see as the series progresses how his dislike for Edward and his disagreement with her choice to take him back coalesces into disrespect for her autonomy and boundaries. 
Even from the perspective of an outsider who platonically loves Bella like Charlie, it’s easy to recognize that the way Edward treated Bella was not okay, so to dislike him is justified. Even if in Edward’s mind his intentions were pure, he still disrespected Bella’s autonomy and treated her like a child with no choice. In the end of Midnight Sun even Alice is like ‘Edward you can’t choose for her’ and he’s essentially like ‘we’ll see.’ While trying to fight visions of the future he forgets that BELLA IS LITERALLY HER OWN PERSON. 
So in conclusion Edward was being a jerk and Jacob not liking him makes a whole lot more sense and his reasons aren’t all just about him being in love with Bella and having a romantic adversary.
Jacob’s dislike for the Cullens for simply being vampires is an entirely different story but I can go into that too.
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lefttoewrites · 3 years
just to be clear my saying “jacob deserved better” does not mean “jacob should have been loved and forgiven even though he harassed bella and imprinted on an infant and generally became manipulative as he developed” i mean that jacob deserved better than racist ass stephanie meyer writing him that way in the first place when he had so much potential to be a good and healthy friend for bella and a generally loveable character.
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lefttoewrites · 3 years
I wish people hyped up Billy Black as much as we hype up Charlie. Billy is awesome. he's a disabled man who is pretty poor, lost his wife, and still raised 3 kids. he did the best he could with Jacob, raising a wolf teenager isn't easy. he's an elder on the reservation. he had a great relationship with jake and truly cared about bella and her welfare. billys relationship with his people and his family needs to be hyped up more. he's awesome
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lefttoewrites · 3 years
Okay so I’m feeling really nit-picky rn so bear with me. 
In twilight (book, not movie) Bella has a dream that she’s in a forest and Jacob is trying to drag her away from the sun and deeper into the woods. In it, she describes Jacob, as well as Mike (both of whom so far represent the ‘normal’, human part of her life), as coming from the forest, whereas the sun is coming from outside it, towards the beach. You figure out by the next page that the sun is really Edward coming toward Bella, and that Jacob was desperately trying to prevent him from getting to her. In spite of Jacob’s efforts, he transforms into a “large red-brown wolf with black eyes” (131) and then pounces on Edward once he’s stepped out from behind the trees, much to Bella’s horror.* 
Other than this dream being a ridiculously obvious piece of foreshadowing, the symbolism behind the usage of the sun/beach and the dark forest with Edward and Jacob does not sit right with me. I’ll be blunt: to me, the assigned symbolism should be reversed. Edward here is the mysterious, supernatural entity that has entered Bella’s life - shouldn’t he be coming from the deep dark wood? Shouldn’t Jacob (who Bella refers to as her own personal sun in New Moon btw) be trying to pull her away from the dark world of vampires and towards the beach, towards the sun, where she can be drenched in light and normalcy and safety once more? Isn’t it the logic that the Cullens run by that they move to the least sunny places so they can avoid sparkling in the sunlight and be able to go out publicly in peace? Why would Edward be designated the sun when not only does he avoid it irl, but his cold, immortal world that Bella is prying into is shrouded in darkness and secrecy? Vampires are quite literally known as creatures of the night, I’m pretty sure at least. 
Furthermore, Jacob’s home, La Push, is literally on the beach. First Beach is Bella’s first outing with all her human friends, it’s where she meets Jake and spends more time with him in New Moon (and Eclipse if you count the bonfire). The beach is where Bella feels the sun on her face and basks in it during the outing with her friends and hey, didn’t I mention that she eventually designates him as her personal sun? Isn’t it where Edward and the rest of the Cullens are forbidden from going to in the treaty? What I’m basically trying to state here is that it’s a place of warmth and humanity and friendship for Bella. So why would Edward be the sun in Bella’s dream when he is seemingly everything but? 
Now before y’all start, yeah I already know. Stephenie doesn’t think shit through other than in a very shallow, surface level way. She was probably thinking something like “hmm, well Edward is the one that Bella wants and is the obviously right choice here because they’re the point of this whole story, and those options are typically designated as something we like (the sun, apparently) so that’s what’s gonna represent Edward in this scene”. The only way I can see this working is in a Watsonian context of ‘It is stated that Bella likes the sun. Bella is infatuated with Edward and thus associates him with what she cherishes. Therefore, he will go hand in hand with the sun in this dream’. Maybe that’s the case and I’m thinking too deeply into this, but then again, I don’t tend to give Meyer that much credit anyway. 
Anyways, this dream sequence always bugged me so I felt like addressing it. I think it’s just one more (though more inconsequential than most) detail that Smeyer just … could’ve been thought through and executed better than it was.
*Slightly off track here but can we once again acknowledge that SMeyer making Bella’s dreams such important foreshadowing features in the story is a little much at times? I mean, I know it’s in a lot of stories but please.
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lefttoewrites · 3 years
In any other form of media, the scene of Bella apologizing for bleeding in a panic, followed by Jacob’s comforting reassurance would have been an indication that Bella’s relationship with Edward was unhealthy, to the point where she was afraid of existing in her natural state because he would have to fight his thirst, and that Jacob was good for her because she could be her full and regular (human) self around him 
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lefttoewrites · 3 years
Maturing is realizing that Jacob deserved better character development cause making him look like a piece of shit incel to push the Ed x Bella narrative was in poor taste,,
like there were probably different ways to go about Jacob’s character development without destroying his soft, sweet personality
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