kuroitsukyo · 3 days
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I finally finished THIS bad boy as well! Only took me a few years... well, three weeks after a "restart" of the project. Have a rant under the cut, as usual xD
So, this is Kaya - my Arcane mage I created for the sole purpose of... enjoying Aluneth - and Aluneth, feeling peckish as usual.
I started this idea... years ago (don't exactly know when, but during Legion for sure) and got stuck during the colouring phase. But I recently got inspired/motivated to work on this again... sadly, the old line art was. Not good? The only thing I kept from back then was the line art of the staff itself (which I obviously traced, don't @ me).
So I drew some new line art and powered through the colouring in just three weeks (which is pretty short, for me. Also considering I did this thing in Paint.NET with a mouse) - the most fun part was, surprisingly, colouring the staff's crystals! Surprising because that's the part I got stuck on, in the original project. And because the magic-sucky-swirlies are kinda covering them in the final version, I made a "bare" one as well:
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Uh, what else... tried some new fun things (I actually used an XOR layer in this, which is a first), learned some things as well (mostly short-cut keys that made my life a whole lot easier... why didn't I bother with them before??) and had tons of fun.
But I think that'll be it for the rest of the... year? Used up a lot of artsy energy in the past months is all I'm saying. Or, as dear Aluneth would say: "I'm... spent..."
Oh and lastly: I know we all love the Knaifu, but where's my Aluneth love, huh Blizz? (┬┬﹏┬┬)
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kuroitsukyo · 23 days
I did a thing!
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Remember this post?
Well I managed to finish one of 'em! After... literal days of "work". Worth it, though?? Rant under the cut :D
So this idea came from allllll the way back in 2017 when I visited Iceland for the first time. The... everything was so beautiful and stunning, I got it in my head to make some spirits(ish) based on whatever impressed me the most.
In their ^ (they don't have a name... yet!?) case: waterfalls (or more specifically: Gullfoss, the beauty).
So I did some initial sketches and then... nothing else. Motivation/inspiration burnt away the moment I left Iceland. But then! I went there again last year (including a Gullfoss visit, of course) with the plan to pick this idea back up.
So I refined my old sketches, actually got the poses for all of 'em done, and started working on them ^ for real. I got as far as trying to colour in the body (which is made of water - whose idea was it to try to render a body entirely made of water in Paint.NET with a mouse??) before hitting a wall and shelving the "project".
And THEN. I was motivated again a week or so ago (better not tell y'all by what), and I rushed through the rest of the colouring and whatnot like a (wo)man possessed.
And now, here it is! I am simultaniously rather impressed and totally underwhelmed by the finished product (as always), but I did learn some tricks, tried out new things and had a lot of fun, all in all.
Now, if it'll be enough to get started on the others... eh. Alternatively, I have another shelved piece collecting dust on my hard drive, maybe finish that one first...
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kuroitsukyo · 28 days
hear, hear!
they made xalatath important where’s the love for the other sentient artifact weapons huh?
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kuroitsukyo · 1 month
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Hypnos got his beauty sleep. Keep cooking, self-care king~💤💜
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kuroitsukyo · 1 month
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Commission - Zormyssi
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kuroitsukyo · 4 months
Never not reblog a gorgeous ethereal!
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drew my ethereal guy on wow priv server
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kuroitsukyo · 4 months
Solo Leveling ep. 6
Because I just spent some time searching for that song with the few lyrics I understood during that absolutely chill-inducing fight scene - thought someone else might appreciate knowing the name!
SawanoHiroyuki[nZk] (澤野弘之) 「DARK ARIA (L2) (feat. XAI)」
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kuroitsukyo · 6 months
Made a typo, wrote "Gatser" instead of "Gaster" and my brain conjured the following image shitpost:
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Now you, too, have to live with that. Edit: shoutout to @freakbullet whose fault it was that I was trying to type "Gaster" in the first place.
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kuroitsukyo · 8 months
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kuroitsukyo · 8 months
Never not reblog something as wholesome as this.
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I love the camp gossip but do wish companions would interact with each other more... so I'm gonna draw it!!! I think Karlach and Astarion gotta have the most contrasts between their characters but one bit I like especially is touch starved vs touched out.
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kuroitsukyo · 9 months
I'm sorry, I'll never force Astarion to drink that drow's blood at Moonrise Tower.
Not in an evil run, not in a good run. Not just to hear his dialogue about it. Not to get some dumb potion.
Just can't do it. Can't force someone to do something they have expressly told me they don't want to do.
It makes my skin crawl, and I know it's dumb because it's just a fictional character in a video game, but I seriously can't stand it and will never do it.
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kuroitsukyo · 9 months
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I have a new project! I hope my motivation will last long enough to finish at least one of these guys, but I tried JustSketchMe for the poses (for the first time) and it was so much fun I did all five of them already. So why not a little early-stage WIP post?
Update: well, I finished one of 'em! https://www.tumblr.com/kuroitsukyo/750471730594807808/i-did-a-thing-remember-this?source=share
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kuroitsukyo · 10 months
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when everyone at camp has long since gone to bed, the elves tend to be the last to retire for reverie…
my character Iiyola drawing her ever eager subject, Astarion, before bed. ♥
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kuroitsukyo · 10 months
Hype Train Reblog! Oooh I’m so excited about this - and isn’t it absolutely gorgeous to look at? I can’t wait ( ๑>ᴗ<๑ )
Mononoke movie trailer, coming in summer 2024
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kuroitsukyo · 1 year
Almost didn’t reblog, but I need to share this masterpiece TuT
Feat. Ebyssian
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kuroitsukyo · 1 year
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N'Zoth - by Tim Shevtsov
so starved for content of this eldritch squid that I literally keep track of some non-canon card game I don't even play just for the occasional scraps. and it is totally worth it
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kuroitsukyo · 1 year
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I made a DnD Pathfinder character that I’m never going to play. But since I already put a year’s worth of effort into her, I thought I might as well finish her picture (that “only” took me two months to complete...). The proportions are slightly off on purpose, for a change. Colours were too much effort. She’s not very colourful anyway. And that’s it, that’s enough art for the rest of the year (is my prediction).
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