konaimamaz · 1 year
how i picture (some of) the bsd men would be in bed.
just a note for myself and u that all the characters have different symbols because i think i’m quirky or smth. idfk.
I got tired so i didn’t write for fyodor and two others like i planned. let me know if you want a part 2.
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Chuuya strikes me as a switch that doesn’t lean in any particular way.
hes just so sweet and I feel like he doesn’t get to be vulnerable enough around others—so when it comes to you he’s just either all over you or letting you be all over him.
love’s seeing your face when he teases you, and you’re begging him to move inside of you.
sometimes chuuyas begging you to move! maybe he go done with a strenuous job in the mafia and just needs you to be sweet to him! <3
He may be short, but he looks and feels good in any position.
chuuya totally puts hickeys all over your thighs and tummy, all over your neck too.
He probably waits a few minutes to do aftercare to catch his breath, or even just wait until the morning. either way, he’ll most likely complain about having to get up and start a bath and then precede to throw you in it with him, massaging your muscles and commenting how pretty you look in that moment.
dazai is a switch, but definitely leans dominant.
You just look so cute below him, but some days he doesn’t mind being in your place.
Even when he’s bottoming, he’s more of a power bottom, unable to let just you be doing all the work, he’ll praise you while you’re above him with a hand on your waist lazily as he fights back some of his groans of pleasure.
cant admit he likes it when you’re above him with so much confidence, its adorable to him and extremely attractive in his eyes, though it doesn’t make him feel submissive, if anything he wants to absolutely destroy your beautiful mind and body even more.
Dazai doesn’t seem like the type to mark you with anything other than his hand on your waist because he will not let you be alone in public EVER.
Aftercare with dazai is actually really nice. He’ll take the blankets off of you to make sure you’re not overheating, letting you feel a cold washcloth before he rubs you with it gently. He cools you off and you get to be the one to decide whether you both shower, bathe, or just wait until the morning. Just depends how fucked out he’s made you! <3
Nikolai is a tough one, like dazai he’s maybe kinda lazy sometimes lol
like mans loves you in any position and he doesn’t always mind putting in the work when it comes to you.
boy is he a TEASE. actually scratch the maybe from earlier, he’s at least a power bottom. wouldn’t be surprised if he randomly flips you over mid-session and finishes fuckin’ you that way.
def. spanks you, gently of course. he’d never truly put you in too much pain, i expect him to mark you up a LOT and feel zero shame though. hickeys, light bruises, scratches, etc. you know he’s a huge masochist, but im sure he knows you’re fragile.
LOVES it like absolutely fucking drooling when you grab onto him or the sheets to ground yourself, boosts his ego to all hell.
also loves it when you tell him to stop but he knows you dont because you’re just moaning for him so well so you must like it. (listens to safe words ofc.)
he’s another one who lets you choose whether or not to do aftercare.
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konaimamaz · 1 year
AFAB! Virg! Reader.
thinking about cherry chaser CHUUYA that cant stop himself when he finds you. you, walked into his life, his private life.
You always brightened up his days with your stupid dumb smile he loved oh so much, your dense mind and pretty lips. Things progressed, and the situationship developed further into your dumb little virgin cunt, too.
Never though, did you go farther than maybe a finger or two, which always left CHUUYA yearning for more. Of course though, he respected your wishes to wait.
The redhead had never waited for anyone before in his life, everyone was so quick to throw themself at him. It ran him for a loop when you said you weren’t ready.
He would wait as long as you wanted for a taste of the sweet virgin lips between your thighs, to be painted with his cum, red and swollen with the imprint of his cock inside.
CHUUYA could never be prepared for how heavenly you’d feel wrapped around his cock, warm, tight, and dripping, all for him, begging him to stop but pleading him to move, it was all too much for the man.
you woke up sore the next two days and spent some serious time in bed. he most likely proposed a few weeks later ✨✨
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konaimamaz · 1 year
fluff stuff ;)
izuku midoriya
thinking of the familiar, impossibly tall and beautiful, fluffy green haired individual always at your beck and call for anything you try to do, pulling you down if you get up without warning, asking if you need help with anything.
the poor baby does follow you like a puppy, but he cant help it. you're just so pretty and he wants you to be treated like a total princess. he cooks nearly every night for you, something he forced himself to learn so you wouldn't have to.
izu does everything despite how busy he is, laundry, dishes, cleaning, you name it. he does it all.
but some nights, poor baby izu is tired coming home from a long day or days of work, and just decided that maybe his work at home can wait til' tmmr, and that he can catch some shuteye.
it doesn't, and when he wakes up the next morning, poor boy is so confused. rubbing his sleepy eyes that have begun to form evidence of his neglected sleep underneath them.
"hey, goodmorning honey. oh. did i fall asleep? shit, sweetie, im sorry."
he rubs the back of his curls and stands there looking so cute, he eyes the sink that he remembered coming home to with a few dishes in it, and remembering how your binge watching session had left pillows and blankets, from the couches and chairs on the floor.
mail that has been left on the coffee table had been removed, and the floors were smooth, compared to the night before. you had done all of his chores for him. his mind replaced the old memory of the house, seeing it cleaned by you, it made him love you all the more, (if that was even remotely possible,) knowing that you cared more for his rest, sleep and wellbeing than having him cater to you 24/7.
"why are you apologizing, zizu? you needed a break. plus it was nice to feel useful around he-"
and before you can finish what you're saying, hes pulled you in for a kiss whispering "i love you's" and mushy, adorably sweet things like that with his forehead pressed against yours, and a small smile on his face as he caresses your cheek with one of his thumbs, the other supporting your ribcage as he gently pulled you towards him.
some things never change. and deku's selflessness is definitely one of those things.
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