kilinosoup · 9 days
I feel so bad for these two
Norm only got less than a year with Trudy and she dies in battle
I demand justice for Norm x Trudy
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This is based off of a fanfiction I found on ArchiveOfOurOwn. Basically, Norm’s Avatar goes to the Tree of Souls and links his Kuru to it, visiting Trudy in spirit.
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kilinosoup · 9 days
I love going onto Tumblr to work on my motivation regen and I eventually get it to charge faster LOL
I'm like a phone. I have only so much battery in this autistic brain of mine, I gotta recharge so many times lol
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kilinosoup · 9 days
HAHAH, real
I talk abt avatar and I think people think I'm talking abt the damn animation LOL
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This pretty much sums up me and the fandom
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kilinosoup · 9 days
avatar's game got me giggling 24/7
some random RDA soldier tells me to die or smth and I come back with: pulls out a gun and shoots you "Uno reverse, fool!"
sometimes I see the models glitching in photo mode I can't stop giggling
"ah yes, let me just wave this empty bowl over you for a few minutes. You're bound to feel better in no time!!!"
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kilinosoup · 9 days
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Not the only one here! I was literally stemming from autism joy just from finding one and seeing that it was near the fauna you can harvest!
I might have sounded like I was going insane lol
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encountered a Sailfin Goliath in the wild today. I saw one once before on a quest, but this was my first time coming across one organically. perhaps this is an odd thing to say about seeing a fictional creature in a video game, but it was legitimately a super cool and awe-inspiring experience
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kilinosoup · 9 days
It's an amazing design, but I have some notes from the silly game lol
if the ikran is like those ferals in the game, I'm going to feel really bad for everything and everyone in it's way
if it was born like this, I think it would be dead but idk
If you've played the game and know Hajir, you'll know he kinda conducted these kuru experiments on Viperwolves and Thanators (Rip y'all) then you'd know that they're pretty violent because they have no kuru anymore.
Don't take this seriously pls </3 I just wanted to say some stuff bc my mind has been on Frontiers of Pandora for way to long LOL
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Designed a cool ikran for Spider because my baby deserves the very best! She doesn't have her kuru, so he's gonna have to bond with her the human way: lots of food and head scratches!
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kilinosoup · 1 month
My Kofi
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Yes, I have a ko-fi and I just got a cash app that works (unlike my Venmo which didn't allow me to access my account, and customer support was awful)
I have memberships and mainly do adopts BUT! I have a reward system <3
I would really appreciate some donations, and feel free to donate however much you like! Even if you can't donate, you can comment or reblog this post (Which I would really appreciate) to share my account. I have art examples on my ko-fi as well, animals right now (still trying to learn how to draw humans)
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kilinosoup · 1 month
AI made me smth (bc I'm lazy)
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Ai knows us oc makers
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kilinosoup · 1 month
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I am inspired by these words to make an actual character for Avatar. I shamelessly simp for human Jake so like :)
I like to rewrite stuff I make a lot D:
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kilinosoup · 1 month
This is like the best thing I've seen! Adult Jane being serious and stuff, I'd fall in love like I did with Human Jake
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I imagine that Jane secretly mourns her sister, but can’t show it because she’s a big ole baddy. Also has a complex because she worries that her sister could have done more for the na’vi than she can.
Also in this AU I imagine that two twins growing up on overpopulated earth, Tanya was the one who inherited a love for science and human betterment which would give her more opportunities and a chance to leave the slum areas they lived. Jane was the hard head who got in fights with kids in the ally and failed school, whose only real choice was to join the military.
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kilinosoup · 2 months
I fucking love jake (I'm a simp for human one mainly) and I wanna draw more JAKE
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human jake board!!! also thank all of you who requested for more boards im very happy my work is appreciated!
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kilinosoup · 2 months
April fools
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I have too many memes saved on my devices :)
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kilinosoup · 3 months
and this (I have too many likes)
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Avatar Recom Week Prompts!
May 27th — Desertion / Firsts / Fix It
May 28th — Found Family / Gift / AU
May 29th — Lost / Ally / Size Difference
May 30th — Traditions / Betrayal / Whump
May 31st — Awakening / Mission / Apologies
June 1 — Tsaheylu / Memories / Way Of Water
June 2 — Survival / Nightmare / One Sided
And didn't the original banner say June 3rd? — Well, yes, but only for the true crazies! n our final wrap up day, we will have a secret 8th prompt. It can be claimed by anyone who has posted all 7 prompts of the week (and can be submitted after the week is done, if you need time to work on it). Warning, it'll be a hard one!!
There is also a joker day, where if none of the prompts appeal to you, you can bring in your own.
You can read our Rules here and our FAQ, which I have greatly expanded with explanations on how to do a week event 101. So if you have questions, read that first!!! Here's the announcement post.
Find us on twitter, and use this AO3 collection for the event.
Our tag is #RecomWeek !!
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kilinosoup · 3 months
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For those of you who follow us on here, we have a secret 8th prompt!!
HORROR : Existential - Eldritch - Cosmic
Pick your poison and go wild! Of course you can submit on your own time, or simply share sketches or drabbles. We know it's been a long week, but some of you clearly love a challenge!
Here are suggestions for those of you uncertain about where to take any of those themes :
Recoms are rife with existential horror! What if Quaritch and Lyle are given 2.0 versions of all their recoms? And again? Like a time loop? What if they have edited memories? Discover other clones of themselves, awake or not?
And MANY things can happen in space! What about waking up in a derelict ship, still in the tube? What if Eywa fights back with a virus that affects recoms who make tsaheylu? What if Pandora has critters that live very high in the atmosphere and squeeze in the cargo door?
What about a recom having to connect to Eywa to go find the stolen mind of their friend, like Orpheus and Eurydice, except Eywa's network is the afterlife? (Can't imagine Q would find a warm welcome there). What if she can create endless iterations a la matrix?
Anyway, inspire yourself from these examples or fly with your own! The Pandoran night is not very dark, but definitely full of terrors!
Have fun with that last impromptu-prompt and don't fret if you don't have the spoons for it! We love you, this event has been awesome!
Stay tuned tomorrow rather late for our team's message, and don't forget that we TOTALLY ACCEPT LATE ENTRIES!!!
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kilinosoup · 3 months
Im for sure doing this tomorrow
the whole thing :)
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Women of Pandora Week 2023
June 25-July 1
Day 1: Tsaheylu | Forest | Trauma
Day 2: Eywa | Music & Dance | Hair
Day 3: Recovery | Songcord | Sisterhood
Day 4: Motherhood | Grief | 5 + 1
Day 5: Ancestors | Resurrection | Sky People's Return
Day 6: Scars | Rescue | Battle & Hunt
Day 7: Childhood | Firsts | Atokirina
Here are the prompts for Women of Pandora Week! You can tackle one a day or mix and match prompts—do whatever comes to your mind!
Reminder that anything can be made for Women of Pandora Week! You can write fics or headcanon posts, make a playlist or a moodboard or a web weaving, you can make video edits or fan art! Anything and everything is welcomed! Just remember to post and tag this blog once the day comes!
The general rules for Women of Pandora Week can be found HERE.
If you have any questions please send an ask!
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kilinosoup · 3 months
I HAVE FOUND SOMETHING USEFUL IN MY PAST 30 or more minutes of scrolling through this profile LOL
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quick guide to my throughts behind drawing na’vi faces
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kilinosoup · 3 months
Literally me but with violence
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