kerningkelsey-blog · 11 years
Forever reblog!!
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kerningkelsey-blog · 12 years
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the kerning in kern on Kerning Kelsey is not kerned
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kerningkelsey-blog · 12 years
I needed to put the “kern” in kerning
Before I begin, I would like to thank Alejandra for showing me the nifty box trick.  You’re pretty talented, and will be so successful in our field.  I am not looking forward to you being my competition.  :P
 Because I am so quick to point out my design achievements, what with my latest post consisting of me bragging about one-upping my professor, I feel it is also important to point out when I make a mistake.  You may or may not have noticed a change in the look of my blog, I go by Kerning Kelsey now, instead of Kelsey with a K.  Hi there.
While I was redesigning the blog in the wee hours of 3am (having to go work at 9am, because I am just oh-so smart like that), I didn’t catch a few things…
such as the fact that the “KERN” in Kerning was not kerned.  Try saying that three times fast, go!  Gosh I love alliteration.
Needless to say when it was pointed out to me by none other than Chelsy Cardin, I was embarrassed beyond words that my secret was out…I suck at kerning.  Yep, that’s right folks.  Kerning Kelsey does not know how to kern…I’ve been living a lie for the 15 hours since the redesign.  Although I have had fun amusing myself by saying:
“the kerning in kern on Kerning Kelsey is not kerned.” hehe
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kerningkelsey-blog · 12 years
Score One For The Student
It’s Monday morning, and surprise I am late to copywriting (are you seeing the pattern?).  But this time I was excited to get to class, because I had stayed up till 4:30 in the morning working on my homework.
Anyways, after setting me stuff down, the teacher asks to speak to me outside.  Okay, whatever, I wasn’t exactly concerned.  After the door closes behind me, he announces that he is worried about me this quarter.  I reply, “Don’t be.  When you see what’s awaiting you, I know you will be tickled pink.”  Okay I didn’t say that last part, I am not that insane.
I did however tell him, that I would rather be 2 hours late to class every week and turn in amazing work, than be to class on time with mediocre work.
30 minutes later, he loudly announces to me from across the classroom how blown away he is, how amazing my piece is and how it belongs in my portfolio…awww thanks.  But didn’t I tell you, you would be?  I usually downplay everything I do, or am not satisfied with it 100% but with this I am.
So that is how the student made the teacher eat their words.
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kerningkelsey-blog · 12 years
Ever since I was a little girl, this scene in the Lion King always gave me a laughing jag. Tonight was no exception. I was watching with my boyfriend (who had never seen the movie…I know, what has he been doing with his life) and when this scene came on you would have thought I never laughed before was making up for lost time.  Timon and Pumba will always have a special place in my heart.  
I wasn’t too much of a Disney princess kind of girl growing up.  I was more into Lion King, Aladdin and if I had to pick a princess it would be Ariel.  She went after what she wanted, and I liked that kind of gutsy spunk that I like to think I have as well.  Plus she was amermaid…and I want to be a mermaid whenever I decide to grow up.
While I was reliving all my childhood happiness via Simba, I was thinking of all the reasons why The Lion King is important to me. I thought about how I could keep this wonderful feeling going even when I wasn’t watching the movie and came across this:
In Swahili, this actually means no worries, it’s a symbol for Hakuna Matata.  I am a typical Capricorn so worrying is like a competitive sport for me.  Getting this tattoo on my wrist would be a way to remind myself to calm down.  Plus it would be paying homage to my childhood and the genius of Disney.  I never thought of myself as a person able to get a tattoo ( I am too picky) but this has a lot of meaning behind it.  I think I could live with a little Hakuna Matata on my arm.  
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kerningkelsey-blog · 12 years
How to make your own light box
Hahaha my good (literally insane) friend Sean made this awesome video.  I found it very useful as I am sure you will too!  It’s a pretty genius and cheap way to make a lightbox at home and I am just jealous that I didn’t think of it first.
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kerningkelsey-blog · 12 years
Four for Friday
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1. What I’m Reading I am reading “Room” by Emma Donoghue, and I have to say, I am digging it.  It’s actually honest and spectacular.  It’s told from the point of view of five year old Jack who lives in a room with his mom.  They are captives, his mom kidnapped when she was a teen…if you get my drift.  I was a little wary about it, but it’s surprising amaze balls.  Can’t wait to see how it ends!
2. What I am Lusting After I love chai tea with a passion.  Chai tea is one of the greatest things on this planet.  When I drink it, I feel like a fucking Maharaja. Anything that can do that, gets a gold star in my book. This teapot would only help the fantasy.  Picture me: 7am in the kitchen, groggier than ever because hellooo it’s freaking 7 in the morning, when all of a sudden I whip out my handy dandy elephant teapot and suddenly I am ecstatic for the day.  That teapot elephant would complete my life.
3. What I am Daydreaming About One word: Disneyland.  I have not been to the magical kingdom where dreams are made since I was six and from what I remember, it was the best day of my life.  My boyfriend and I are planning a trip there this spring and I am on cloud nine.  Of course, he’s more excited to see the Yankees play in Anaheim, but who am I to judge?  So long as I get to hug Mickey’s face I don’t care what we do.
4. What I am Craving In order to be a true westerner you must have a love engrained into your very being for In-N-Out burger.  If you have no idea what I am obsessing over, have alook.  In-N-Out is know for their quality food and amazing customer service, and one otherthing.  I’m talking about their not-so-top-secret secret menu.  And on that secret menu, they have animal fries.  There are no animals, or shapes of animals anywhere on the fries, at least none that I am aware of.  There is however, gooey melt in your mouth cheese, onions sautéed to perfect and of course their secret sauce. So the next time you’re in town, drive on up to the window, give the gal a wink that says, “I belong to the club” and order those bad boys up!
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kerningkelsey-blog · 12 years
How to tell if your work sucks.
Posted on May 3, 2012
How to tell if your work sucks or not (well if you have to ask then something’s not right)
Step 1: Ask someone, whom you respect and whose’s opinion matters, what they think of your work.
If their first reaction isn’t ”Ohmigosh that is so amazing!!! I love it”…then you know it needs some work.
However, there is a right and a wrong to that policy of mine.  
Ask someone who is brutally honest and doesn’t give a shit what you feel.  They are golden.  
Asking a peer will result in one of two responses:  Fix this, fix that, and ohh but I like that!  Or they will stare at it and question why they couldn’t whip something like that up in the first place.  Then reply meekly, it’s ok.  
I am finding it’s sometimes hard to make friends with people in your same major, because in the grand scheme of things, they are my competition.  While I thrive off of that, pushing myself to be better than everyone else, it doesn’t really garner a whole lot of trust.  
Don’t get me wrong, I have some of the greatest friends I could hope for, but are there mind games and jealous stares from both parties…you better believe it.
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kerningkelsey-blog · 12 years
Today my teacher told me that I am becoming a graphic designer and it’s nice to see …my day’s been made." Posted on April 30, 2012
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kerningkelsey-blog · 12 years
Posted on April 30, 2012
In my mind this is my fate:
I walk in to class, and glance up at the clock to see that I am 30 minutes late once again.  I ever so gracefully trip over someone’s chair and just barely catch myself before face planting.  By now everyone is glaring at me for interrupting their productive test-taking day.  I try to ignore them as I feel a blush creeping it’s way onto my already pink face.
Stumbling to the front of the class where my teacher sits (pretending not to troll Facebook) I ask him if it’s too late to take the test, and he stands up and starts screaming at me that I have failed the class and am to leave, then proceeds to push me out of the 80th story window.  Now I know what you’re thinking, how unrealistic is that? 80th story, no school has that kind of airspace.
I later wake up in the hospital 14 days later to find I have been kicked out of school for not showing up consecutively. This is the moment where I realize I have failed at life.  The end.
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kerningkelsey-blog · 12 years
A graphic design checklist
Posted on April 28, 2012
_ Starbucks within walking distance
_ Wacom Tablet
_ Spotify playlist (killer set of headphones optional)
_ MacBook Pro
_ in-case-of-emergency cigarettes
_ Gigantic storage device
_ A Tumblr
_ Library card
_ Never ending supply of business cards
_ Deep understanding of typography
_ Sketchbook
_ A wide collection of photoshop brushes & actions
_ A strong middle finger
_ A  good idea
_ A role model
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kerningkelsey-blog · 12 years
Four for Friday
Posted on April 27, 2012
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1. What I’m Reading Going Bovine by Libba Bray.  I love this author and have readalmost all her books.  She writes my language, which is sarcastic, witty and references so obscure they need googling.  I picked it up for two reasons: the author and the fact that there’s a cow holding the Travelocity gnome on the cover.  Hehe cows.
2. What I am Lusting After This snazzy graphic shower curtain.  I am obsessed with elephants.   If my apt was a tad bit roomier I would own one of those bad boys and ride him to school every single day.  I already have his name picked out: George.  So since I am not moving anytime soon, I will gladly settle for him in my bathroom.
3. What I am Daydreaming About This gigantic ball that lets you walk on water.  Is that not the coolest thing you have ever seen?!?  If you say no, then we simply can’t be friends anymore.  That’s a deal breaker.
4. What I’m Craving Amazing illustration aside, this looks so tasty and delicious that I just want to face plant into its chocolatey goodness.  I mean, I want to plant my face into the center and never come back to earth.  It’s on my “list-of-things-to-do-that-will-probably-never-get-done.”
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kerningkelsey-blog · 12 years
Posted on April 27, 2012
Last night I went to an AIGA (American Institute of Graphic Arts) screening of Pause Press Play.  They were showing it in an actual print shop called Color Reflections (it blew freaking Kinkos out of the water).  I was salivating at all their equipment, I mean they had everything from signs to billboards being done in there.
The creative director from MGM was there along with 2 advertising agencies heads and the president of AIGA Las Vegas.  I wish I had enough cujones to talk to them.  I was so flabbergasted and intimated by their influence and success in the business that I shied away (as usual).
When I grow up I want to be a fearless graphic designer!
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kerningkelsey-blog · 12 years
Why I love studying to be a graphic designer
Posted on April 24, 2012
1.  Work anywhere in the world.  I can work wherever, whenever, for whomever I want and still get paid. Come on, how freaking awesome is that??  My greatest fear in life is to “be pigeon-holed in some regular job” (don’t mind me and my awesome reference to Eminem).  
2. It’s never a dull day on the job. Everyday it’s something new.  Different client, different need.  You get to create something new everyday that goes out into the universe!
3. We’re in high demand. Which if you think about makes sense.  Not everyone can make look nice, in fact a lot of businesses are really good about making things really tacky.  We wave our magical design wands and poof everything is easier to read.
4. We get shit done.  We create business cards, websites, posters, brochures, cd covers, books covers, magazines, newspapers, advertisements, packaging, logos, letterheads, clothing lines.  Basically we are what makes the world go round, without us everything would be gray and blah.
5. Freelance. Need some extra moolah?  Freelance is an excellent way to gain experience, get your name out there for prospective clients and of course get some extra cash in your pocket.
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kerningkelsey-blog · 12 years
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Half-tone effect in photoshop.   Celebrity has day of the dead makeup on.
Can you guess who it is?day of
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kerningkelsey-blog · 12 years
Well played Adobe, well played.
Posted on April 18, 2012
I don’t know if you heard the news, but Adobe is coming out with Cs6. I don’t know about you but I just got Cs5 put on my handy dandy mac book pro.  I thought that was woot-woot worthy but Adobe is making it difficult to stay updated with the latest technology. I mean really, was Cs5.5 necessary??!?
I usually tend to stay away from all the high-tech gadgets because what’s the point of buying something today if tomorrow is just going to come out with something better?
I have a crack berry.  It’s a black berry wanna-be. How it is still fully functional is beyond me.  I have dropped that sucker more times that I care to tell.
But getting back on topic, I can’t keep up!!  I feel like I am falling behind in my generation!  I blame the corporations.  I blame me for being a broke college student.
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kerningkelsey-blog · 12 years
Never ask a man to cook. He will try to burn the house down for payback.
Posted on April 17, 2012
My night classes go pretty late, so in the past two weeks Kenny and I have been getting fast food.  Terrible, I know, but I am too dead tired to go home and cook after work/classes.  So tonight I asked him to cook up some turkey burgers for us to eat.
It seemed like the easiest plan…I could not have been more wrong!!
I got to the casa around 10pm to find our apt filled with smoke and some vile stench that is still undetermined.  My boyfriend just sitting there on the sofa with this big stupid grin on his face, that lets me know he finds this highly amusing.
I tread with caution into the kitchen to find two blackened patties, that look more like hockey pucks, sitting in the frying pan, the stove still on.
He says he cursed every swear word in the book at the smoke detector that kept going off (gee, I wonder why) and one of the burgers actually caught on fire.
This is a guy that if something is broken he hires someone to fix it.  The only tool we have is a hammer, and that’s just to hang pictures on the wall.  I was just thrilled the fire dept wasn’t there hosing off my closet that I just organized. 
Right before I was about to tear him a new one, I stopped and realized that it was a minor incident in the grand scheme of things.  I was just happy he wasn’t hurt and that no major damage was done.  So he rinsed off the pan and I showed him the proper technique for making burgers.
People are simply more important than frying pans (or clean fresh air).
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