katechol 6 years
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D23/100: Using gloves on your keyboard This badge was based on a suggestion by Marcela! TFW someone uses gloves on your computer! 馃槺 Honestly though, this is often self-inflicted. Sometimes you put a glove on and then need to check something on your computer. Gloves are clean, no harm no foul. Sometimes the gloves have been on for a while but you know it's going to be hard to put new gloves back onto your sweaty-ass hands after taking them off. You can alt-tab with just the edges of your gloved hand, right?? What's your favorite technique? I've also used my elbow on my trackpad. #100daychallenge #100daysofdrawing #achievementunlocked #illustrator #sciencefail #sciencewins #lablife #sciencelife #gloves #foreverunclean #keyboard #labsafety #typing #contamination
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katechol 6 years
D22/100: Getting the weight just perfect This animation was based on a suggestion by @elaineab1 ! There's nothing like adding that last bit of powder with your scoopula or spatula and getting the weight just right. Unfortunately, because the animation is looping, it does look like the (very realistic) Sisyphean nightmare that is the weight constantly readjusting. Have fun weighing things out forever or changing your standards of acceptable accuracy. It is ironic that an analytical balance can destroy your work life balance. ;( #100daychallenge#100daysofdrawing#achievementunlocked#illustrator#sciencefail#sciencewins#lablife #sciencelife #weighing #analyticalbalance #weightymatters #weightwatchers #weightgain
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katechol 6 years
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D21/100: Not having enough master mix for a full reaction Depending on whether you budgeted for a little extra, this is etiher a #sciencefail or a #sciencewin. I often add the little bit of master mix I have left as a bonus control reaction! :D #100daychallenge#100daysofdrawing#achievementunlocked#illustrator#sciencefail #sciencewins#lablife #sciencelife #PCR #mastermix #zerowaste
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katechol 6 years
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D20/100: Having the perfect amount of master mix Another super satisfying thing is having juuust enough master mix. You know, when you go to pipet up the last bit and it leaves just a tiny drop in the master mix tube. Don't worry, we'll return to negative badges on Friday.. ;) #100daychallenge #100daysofdrawing#achievementunlocked #illustrator#sciencefail #sciencewins #lablife #sciencelife #PCR #mastermix #goodtothelastdrop
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katechol 6 years
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D019/100: Having the perfect number of pipet tips Let's start the week off right! One of the most satisfying things is having the perfect number of pipet tips for the tubes or samples you have. #100daychallenge #100daysofdrawing#achievementunlocked #illustrator#sciencefail #sciencewins #lablife #sciencelife #pipettips #tubes #perfectnumber
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katechol 7 years
Day 18/100: Turning off your timer just in the nick of time! Perfect timing! Nothing makes you feel as coordinated in lab as getting to your timer right before it goes off. No #overlyhonestmethods this time. ;) This animation was inspired by @emachlin, who always seemed to juggle her various incubations and reactions effortlessly. Beep beep beep! #100daychallenge #100daysofdrawing #achievementunlocked #illustrator #flash #animation #sciencefail #sciencewins#lablife #timer #perfecttiming
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katechol 7 years
Day 16/100: Refilling all the buffers For those of you that replenish lab buffers, this animation is for you, inspired by @meliss_gal's suggestion. It does feel a bit like a meditation on the Sisyphean nature of science... when you get down to it, is science just making and using buffers? Can you get buff by making buffers?! #100daychallenge#100daysofdrawing #achievementunlocked #illustrator #flash #animation #sciencefail #sciencewins #lablife #buffer #buffering #getbuffer
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katechol 7 years
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Day 15/100: Mold contamination in the media Have you ever set up cultures and then picked up the bottle and seen a floaty reflection where there shouldn't be? It's beautiful and puffy like a dandelion. But much like a dandelion, it will contaminate your whole yard. Time to bleach that bottle and start over. :( #100daychallenge #100daysofdrawing #achievementunlocked #illustrator #sciencefail #sciencewins #lablife #lb #contamination #media #mold #moldbrokethemwhentheymadeit
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katechol 7 years
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Day 15/100: Mold contamination in the media Have you ever up cultures and then picked up the bottle and seen a floaty reflection where there shouldn't be? It's beautiful and puffy like a dandelion. But much like a dandelion, it will contaminate your whole yard. Time to bleach that bottle and start over. :( #100daychallenge #100daysofdrawing #achievementunlocked #illustrator #sciencefail #sciencewins #lablife #lb #contamination #media #mold #moldbrokethemwhentheymadeit
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katechol 7 years
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Day 14/100: Agar solidifies Have you ever poured plates after a long and crazy day of juggling experiments to find the agar you left in the water/bead bath has solidified? Yes, you can juggle it all..as long as you microwave that agar a little bit longer. #100daychallenge #100daysofdrawing #achievementunlocked #illustrator #sciencefail #sciencewins #lablife #agar #petridish #toocool
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katechol 7 years
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katecholamineDay 13/100: Dropping your headphones on the ground There's nothing like dropping your headhphones onto the ground while trying to pick up a tube. Or when someone is talking to you and you take out your headphones..and they're just saying hi (maybe that deserves its own badge?!). Bonus points if you're working with your hands in an anaerobic chamber or a glove box and you have to wait until you're done to pick up your headphones! Or if you work in a BSL-2 lab. A quick spray with 70% ethanol and they go right back in your ears, right?? Pants inspired by @muradrmamedov ! #100daychallenge #100daysofdrawing#achievementunlocked #illustrator#sciencefail #sciencewins #lablife #headphones #lettheheadphoneshitthefloor #thefloorislava #deadtome #foreverunclean
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katechol 7 years
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Day 12/100: Missing a well while loading a gel There's nothing like loading every single well of a gel perfectly and then completely biffing that last well. My favorite technique is to try to pipet up the rapidly diffusing sample and then reload it. So sad! #100daychallenge #100daysofdrawing #achievementunlocked #illustrator #sciencefail #sciencewins #lablife #pipette #agarosegel #loading #stillloading #almostperfect
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katechol 7 years
Day 11/100: Contaminating the pipet aid filter Why pipet 10 mls when you can pipet 14 mls by pipetting right up to the red lines?! Lana, call Kenny Loggins, 'cause you're in the DANGER ZONE. This is more of a problem for me when I'm trying to aspirate the entire volume from a tube and am only paying attention to the bottom. #100daychallenge#100daysofdrawing#achievementunlocked#illustrator #flash #animation #sciencefail#sciencewins #lablife #serologicalpipette #pipetaid #pipette #dangerzone #yousuck #triggerhappy
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katechol 7 years
Day 10/100: One leaky tip in the multichannel pipette This one is related to the one drippy tip, and of course, the one tip that falls straight off in the media, which I will animate in the future (Thanks @leighbaxt and @julzco!). One thing I have begun to appreciate after making these animations and watching them loop over and over again is the zenlike nature of failure. Or something. ;) #100daychallenge #100daysofdrawing#achievementunlocked #illustrator #flash #animation #sciencefail #sciencewins #lablife #multichannel #pipette#reservoir #youaretheweakestlink #everyonesucks #exceptyou
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katechol 7 years
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Day 9/100: Misaligning the multichannel pipette As someone that uses a multichannel pipette quite often, this is one that's near and dear to my heart. Friday's will be an animation of a multichannel fail, and I may return to this in the future! :) Post your favorite multichannel fail and I'll illustrate it. Also, I'm loving the great suggestions and feedback people have been sending in. Keep it coming! #100daychallenge #100daysofdrawing #achievementunlocked #illustrator #sciencefail #sciencewins #lablife #multichannel #pipette #reservoir #thestarswerealignedbutnotmypipette
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katechol 7 years
Day 8/100: Clogged conical filter! This was the first animation I made for this series. It may not look like an animation, but if you've ever filtered a solution through a clogged conical filter, you'll understand. To be completely accurate, I should have just uploaded a static picture.. ;) #100daychallenge #100daysofdrawing #achievementunlocked #illustrator #flash #animation #sciencefail #sciencewins #lablife #vacuumfiltration #nofilter jk #slowfilter
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katechol 7 years
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Day 7/100: Getting the pH perfect! I received this suggestion to buffer some of the negativity of previous badges: getting the pH perfectly right. The overwhelming response? "That never happens!" - @jhuang422 Fun fact, @sonnenburglab 's own Justin Sonnenburg's favorite piece of lab equipment is the pH meter. #100daychallenge #100daysofdrawing #achievementunlocked #illustrator #sciencefail #sciencewins #lablife #sciencelife #phmeter #buffering #phdlife or is it #phlife
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