kara-lea-astrology · 6 years
New Moon in Pisces
Date: February 15th, 2018 Rulers: Neptune, Water, Mutable Affects: confusion, sensitivity, heightened intuition, laziness, vivid and prophetic dreams, exes popping up, lingering on the past, fertility, epiphanies, feeling tired and sleepy, indulgence, escapism, delusions, strange sensations What It’s Good For: self-reflection, setting intentions, strengthening romantic relationships, resting, recovering from ailments, practicing and strengthening divination abilities, reaching out to old friends, healing the body and mind, meditation, enhancing artistic imagination Crystals: amethyst, lapis lazuli, opal, clear quartz, celestite, aquamarine, turquoise, sugilite, moonstone Herbs: lilac, lavender, sage, clove, borage, lemon balm, nutmeg, eucalyptus Incense / Oil: eucalyptus, sage, lemon, sandalwood Colors: purple, turquoise, lavender, blue
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kara-lea-astrology · 7 years
Cancer Rising Style
Expressive of their emotions. Moody. Deep. A little dark sometimes. Comfortable above all. Buys 3 pairs of the same comfortable item of clothing. Trackies. Sentimental. That sweater Nan knit for them 5 Christmases ago. Maybe a little old fashioned. Vintage. Influenceable. Either goes with the crowd or can’t be bothered fitting in. Either stuck in a style rut or changes style with the moon.
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kara-lea-astrology · 7 years
Libra Rising Style
Elegant. Romantic. Graceful. Feminine. Sensual. Soft materials. Lace. Flowing things. Flattering things. All colours complementing each other. Dressing to enhance their natural beauty. Soft colours. Tastefully sexy. Silky hair. Soft makeup. Comfortable yet beautiful. Well-groomed. Perfumed. Elegant jewelry. Glamorous when dressing up. Small heals. Classic.
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kara-lea-astrology · 7 years
Aries Moon
Intense emotions. Very impulsive. Warrior Spirit. Warrior Heart. Young, naive & optimistic at heart. Quick to anger. Quick to act. Quick to act on anger. Deeply sensitive but also deeply proud. Deeply brave. Moody. Intense. Defense mode is offense mode. Fights the world when hurt or angry. Instinctively rebellious. Instinctively fights. Influenced by subconscious anger. Inner child is strong in their personality. Young, playful & excitable. Youthful when in their comfort zone. Playful in love. Comes alive at night. Instinctively competitive. Inner child is a rebellious little warrior. Excited about starting new things. Is most deeply themselves when starting new things. Afraid of being forced to do anything. Afraid of being seen as weak. Untameable.
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kara-lea-astrology · 7 years
Capricorn Third House
Reserved. Speaking cautiously and conservatively. Only wanting to speak truth. Only speaking when if it is purposeful. Writing efficiently and effectively. Writing formally. Not overly displaying emotions in communication. Being a patient listener. Seeking truth in conversation. Not being interested in small talk. Not being interested in talking for the sake of talking. Can seem very serious in conversations. Patient and ambitious in learning. Wanting to learn the truth. Only wanting to learn things that are truths for facts. Pragmatic. Only wanting to learn what is useful to them. Practical-minded. Speaking in a matter-of-fact way.
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kara-lea-astrology · 7 years
Aquarius Rising Style
Quirky style. Always makes an interesting first impression. Wants to appear “different”. Anything odd or strange. Dressed for the revolution. Definitely stands out. Random accessories that don’t make sense. Probably weird hair colours. Probably weird colours in general. Mixing and matching. Definitely cannot be put in any box. Dresses to defy what style even is. What even is Aquarius style.
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kara-lea-astrology · 7 years
Sagittarius Rising Style
Adventurous with their style. Trying new styles all the time. Not fitting into any one category. Ready-for-an-adventure active wear. Dressing just for fun. Clothes that make them feel free. Flowing things. Boho. Clothes from all around the world. “Cultured” look. Ethnic jewelry. Dressing ‘smart’ to show off their intelligence.
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kara-lea-astrology · 7 years
Capricorn Rising Style
Dressed to impress, while looking like they don’t care. Practical and sensible. Dressed for the occasion. Expensive shoes. Sturdy shoes. Minimalist outfit with statement jewelry. Well-groomed and natural. Modest yet flattering. Branded clothing. Can also be very down to earth. Comfortable and earthy. Maybe a little boho. Natural materials. Ethical brand clothing.
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kara-lea-astrology · 7 years
Lilith Sixth House
Bossy. In charge. Alpha female. Sexual energy in everyday life. Tantra. Erotic work. Using attraction for success. Attraction to co-workers. Workaholic. Attracted to ambition. Flirting with the boss. Is the boss. Uses sexuality to get what she wants. Dominating. Attracted to power. Hungry for power. Sexuality is power. 
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kara-lea-astrology · 7 years
Lilith Aries
Using sexuality as power. Using sex as a weapon. Being attracted to danger. Falling for the bad guy. Impulsive. Not being able to resist temptation. Desire. High sex drive. Warrior woman. Charging into battle. Make up is war paint. Dressed to kill. May have weapons under that dress. Adrenaline junky. Sexually adventurous. Risk taking. Doing anything to feel alive. Appearing more innocent than she really is. “Cute but don’t fuck with me”.
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kara-lea-astrology · 7 years
Venus Fourth House Decor
Romantic. Sensual. Scented Candles. Day Spa themed bathroom. Luxury. Pampering. Interior designer. Feminine. Mood lighting. Jazz playing in the background. Expensive tastes. Show home. Decorated to impress. Decorated to relax in luxury. Art everywhere. Silk. Candle lit baths. Floral center pieces. Lace. Elegance.
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kara-lea-astrology · 7 years
Capricorn Fourth House Décor
Minimalist. Earthy. Back to basics. Conservative. Brown. Natural materials. Plants. White. Quality over quantity. Expensive taste. Few things but fine things. Environmentally conscious. Zero-waste. Country-style. Family photos. Décor related to culture or ancestry. Traditional. High status. Impressive. Simplistic.
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kara-lea-astrology · 7 years
Scorpio Rising Style
Extreme. Subculture fashion. Dressed to shock. Mysterious. Sexy. Intense eyes. Dark. Powerful. Sexed-up version of any outfit or style. Back-off or come here. Seductive. Tough. Sensual. Vampire or Siren. Black-lace. Lingerie as day wear. As little clothes as they can get away with. Curve-hugging. Definitely tattoos and extreme hair colours. Femme-fatal. Occult
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