jukeboxgirl · 33 minutes
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jukeboxgirl · 2 days
Women are told they have a “resting bitch face”, while men are not. Have you ever asked why? I’ll tell you.
For centuries, women have been told to keep their back straight, their legs crossed and to smile.
When a woman doesn’t smile, she is told that her face is naturally angry.
I hate to break it to you but everyone on earth has a “resting bitch face” when their face is relaxed or they’re thinking.
We’re also called a “Karen” when we speak up. Many of these “Karen’s”are definitely RUDE but so are many men. Studies have shown that people let it slide when a man is rude, it’s just “part of being a man”. That is why there’s not a common, degrading name (like Karen)given to men.
Just some food for thought.
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jukeboxgirl · 2 days
When a woman speaks up for herself or for other women,
*it does not mean that she is a “man hater” and she is not being “aggressive”.
She is simply trying to tell you how she feels and talk about her daily struggles.
Before you get defensive- open your heart and listen. All she wants is understanding.
Until you are holding your keys as a weapon, every time you walk to your car alone, you won’t understand. The best you can do is listen.
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jukeboxgirl · 3 days
Banning abortion does not stop them.
What it stops is the ability for Doctors to do lifesaving procedures on women and the maternal death rate is rising.
Don’t think for a second that you’re not killing Mothers, wives and daughters.
The question is- if your Daughter was falling off of a rooftop at the same time as 4 fertilized eggs in a dish, who will you save?
Stop the stupidity.
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jukeboxgirl · 4 days
Morals are like beauty-
It all depends on who you’re talking to.
They are simply opinions and I didn’t ask for yours.
Stop the stupidity.
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jukeboxgirl · 6 days
Let’s take a look at some of Trumps actual stats from his time in office-
-The economy lost 2.9 million jobs. -The unemployment rate increased by 1.6 -The number of people lacking health insurance rose by 3 million.
-The federal debt held by the public went up, from $14.4 trillion to $21.6 trillion. - -Home prices rose 27.5%
-illegal immigration increased
-Handgun production rose 12.5% compared with 2016, setting a new record.
-The murder rate rose to the highest level since 1997.
These are just a few stats AND they don’t include the mass amount of wreckage that he’s left a trail of throughout his life.
Someone explain to me WHY anyone would want him in charge? The only thing I can think of is he makes people feel comfortable HATING others. For some, that’s all they’ve ever wanted.
Stop the stupidity.
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jukeboxgirl · 7 days
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If you can’t afford to strike, wear red and don’t buy anything!
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jukeboxgirl · 7 days
The question to women that’s gone viral:
Would you rather be in the woods alone w a man or a bear?
Majority of women said bear.
Why? Because even if it did maul us, the following would happen-
1. We wouldn’t be blamed for the attack
2. We would be believed
3. People would hunt down that bear without giving it a second thought
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jukeboxgirl · 9 days
Donald Trump can not even convince one family member, just ONE, to sit behind him in court.
Not his kids and not even just one of his 3 wives are anywhere in sight.
No one.
Even serial killers have family behind them!
MAGA, take a fucking hint.
Stop the stupidity.
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jukeboxgirl · 9 days
There is more than 200 Christian denominations in the U.S. and over 45,000 globally, according to the Center for the Study of Global Christianity
There’s 10,000 different types of religions (1 being Christianity).
During Christian studies, they found that EVERY Christian will pick and choose what part of the teachings THEY believe in. So, actually, the number of different beliefs is astronomical.
Almost every act of war is historically recorded as having a religious undertone.
Please remember this the next time you decide that YOUR beliefs should blend in with laws and government policies.
Once you open that door, it allows someone with a completely different belief to walk in. The next thing you know, laws will be forcing you to do things you can’t imagine.
Henry VIII started the Church of England, destroying Catholic Churches and killing believers. When his daughter “Bloody Mary” took over, she wanted England Catholic again…. So she created the same violence her father did, but this time it was protestants (people who protested the Catholic Church) who were burned alive.
History has a thousand stories just like that one.
Keep church and state separate, its the only way we can survive in peace.
Stop the stupidity.
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jukeboxgirl · 9 days
Idaho Supreme Court actually argued about how many organs a woman has to lose before she can get an emergency abortion.
A woman has to be a step away from death. Loss of organs or fertility is just not enough.
What the fuck.
We need to vote out these sick and twisted people. It's like an abusive relationship, they injure us and we have no way to leave and get help.
Stop the stupidity.
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jukeboxgirl · 10 days
Will someone explain to me why men get anesthesia for vasectomies BUT
Women get nothing for IUD insertion, biopsies and more.
It’s not a fucking “little pressure” or “a little pinch”!!
I find it interesting that we’re looked at as the weaker sex but we are expected to take on all pain (without even a Tylenol) because we go through childbirth. Seems like quite an oxymoron to me.
It’s time for equality, in every arena.
Stop the stupidity.
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jukeboxgirl · 10 days
The CEO of Walmart makes 25 million a year, A YEAR.
Thousands of full-time Walmart workers need government assistance just to survive.
So, basically, we are the ones paying their employees while they make bank
Stop the stupidity.
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jukeboxgirl · 10 days
For the billionth time-
No one wants to take your fucking guns.
We just want you and your guns to be licensed and registered, same as driving a car.
It’s common sense. It keeps 5yr olds from driving down the street. I’m epileptic, so the state won’t give me a driver’s license…. does that upset u or does it make you feel safer that I’m not behind the wheel?
Stop the stupidity. It’s getting old.
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jukeboxgirl · 10 days
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jukeboxgirl · 10 days
TN just passed a bill to allow teachers to carry guns.
Someone please explain to me how conservatives are “pro-life” but refuse to help feed the people dying of hunger, refuse the sick medical care, refuse to give mothers who miscarry the lifesaving medical attention and, especially…
If they love life so much, why do they want everyone to have a gun?
Oh, I forgot, it’s what Jesus would do, right? He was a fan of guns, hate, judgment, hunger, starvation…
If you TRULY are pro-life, prove it, vote blue and actually save lives.
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jukeboxgirl · 13 days
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