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Little Jinoel comic :3
||☆☆ Noeru ☆☆||
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More cute edits <3 
||☆☆ Noeru ☆☆||
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It’s not just like that cat? lol
||☆☆ Noeru ☆☆||
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Hii!! How are you all? the other day I just did some dolls of Jin and Noel so I can basically do everything with them annnd here we goo!!
||☆☆ Noeru ☆☆||
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Jinoel chibis by: Elizabeth Cry
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Jinoel GIF
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Annnd the drawing as a GIF <3
||☆☆ Noeru ☆☆||
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Annnd the three versions of something I did by myself, no roleplay nor nothing(?)
I wanted to see them on a very normal day, dressed with alternate NOL clothes
||☆☆ Noeru ☆☆||
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Cheesy Jinoel Kiss yay <3
Something that happened in a Roleplay with a friend and I wanted to paint it <3
||☆☆ Noeru ☆☆||
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Small approaches (Jinoel) One-shot
It was a cloudy day and the streets of Ikagura were turning white. It had just started to snow, but the cold was already drenching the bones of the people causing many to shiver. He walked quietly through these streets, he was immune to the cold since his "ars magus" depended on this, so instead of disfavoring it was a tremendous advantage. Unlike his silly assistant, who follows him closely shivering violently.
The small and petite girl had only one kind of vest that covered all the top part, but not her legs.The Major waits and observes the girl, she was watching him with those big green eyes that share a color similar to his own, just seeing that features makes him grind his teeth in anger, but he had to swallow that disgust. He was his superior and had to keep up appearances to the civilians around him. So the Major said:
- Lieutenant Vermillion, why should you have come so exposed if you knew that it was snowing today?
The girl observed his Major surprised and responded timidly.
-I must respect the uniform of the institution.
The blonde Major sighed reluctantly and turned around on his way.
This is just to check out the field, when the other superiors are not here, you can dress up how do you think is convenient.
Noel and Jin didn't get along, they had a relationship cold and distant, this started from the academy and was extended until today. For his tragedy, fate had ended up making them work as colleagues. Noel thought that she would never see Jin again since he left the academy, but fate had punished her with working as his assistant, being in that position was a martyrdom with all the looks of hatred that the blonde Major gave her.What had she done to deserve this? The girl asks herself every day. And the Major too.
Both were thinking about their deplorable situation until the girl slipped with the snow and fell to the floor. Jin observes her trying not to lose his patience, he couldn't believe that a soldier fell with simple snow.
Noel began to complain about the pain in his butt, had fallen into it and it had hurt enough. A tear escaped his green eyes, she really got up badly in that job, she just wanted to resign. Until the unpredictable happened, the Major extended a hand, Noel was dead impressed. Jin looked away. The girl carefully took his hand, you could feel the heat coming from his gloves, it was a strange sensation. One she knew.
Finally, when she was standing, she released Jin's hand. The girl missed that heat. Without saying anything, both continued walking.
Noel before the friendly gesture of his superior began to retrain a little, maybe being with him was not as bad as she thought. And maybe at the bottom of his heart he was someone kind, that it was just something difficult to deal with.Sometimes she wonders what hides Jin's cold heart.
I hope you liked it  :D by K
I just translated the one-shot of my friend (I’m Noeru) hope you enjoy her writing (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
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Pequeños acercamientos (jinoel)
Era un día nublado y las calles de ikagura se estaban tornando blancas. Apenas habí­a comenzado a nevar, pero el frío ya estaba calando los huesos de las personas provocando que muchos tiritaran. No obstante él caminaba tranquilamente por aquellas calles, era inmune al frí­o ya que su “ars magus” dependí­a de este, así­ que en vez de desfavorecer era una ventaja tremenda. Al contrario de su tonta asistente, la cual le seguía de cerca tiritando violentamente.
La pequeña y menuda chica tenía tan solo una especie de chaleco que le cubría toda la parte de arriba, pero no a su vez las piernas las cuales solo estaban cubiertas por unas delgadas medias negras. El mayor de detuvo y observar a la chica, esta se le quedo observando con esos ojos grandes de color verde que compartían similar color a los suyos, el solo verle esas facciones le hací­a rechinar sus dientes de ira, pero debí­a tragarse ese disgusto. Era su superior y debí­a mantener las apariencias ante los civiles del alrededor. Así que lo más calmado dijo.
-Teniente ¿Por qué debiste venir tan desabrigada si sabias que hoy nevaba? La chica observó al mayor sorprendida y respondío tí­midamente. -debo respetar el uniforme de la la institución. El rubio mayor suspiro con desgano y se dio media vuelta continuando su camino dijo. -es una salida a terreno, cuando no esten los demás superiores puedes venir como sea conveniente.
Noel y jin no se llevaban bien, siempre había tenido una relación bastante frí­a y distante, esto comenzó desde la academia y se extendiá hasta el dia hoy. Para su tragedia, el destino había terminando haciendolos  compañeros de trabajo. Noel pensó que nunca más iba a volver a ver a jin desde que este salia de la academia, pero el destino la había castigado con ser la asistente de este, estar en ese puesto era un martirio con todas las miradas de odio que le dedicaba el rubio mayor.
¿Qué habí­a hecho para merecer esto? se preguntaba todos los días la chica. Y el mayor de los dos tambien lo hacia a su vez.
Ambos iban  pensando en su lamentable situación hasta que la chica se resbalo con la nieve y cayó al piso. Jin le observó llamando a la paciencia, no podia creer que un soldado cayera con simple nieve. Noel comenzó a quejarse del dolor en su trasero, había caí­do en este y le había dolido bastante. Una lagrima se dejó escapar de sus verdoso ojos, de verdad se sentía mal en ese trabajo, solo querí­a renunciar.  Hasta que lo impensable ocurrió, el mayor le tendiá una mano, noel le observó impresionada. Jin desvió la mirada a otro lado. La chica con cuidado tomó la mano de ofrecida, se podí­a sentir el calor proveniente de jin a pesar de los guantes, era una sensación extraña. Una que conocía.
Finalmente cuando estuvo de pie, soltó la mano de jin. La chica extraño rápidamente ese calor. Sin decir nada, ambos continuaron caminando.
Noel ante el gesto amable de su superior comenzó a recapacitar un poco, tal vez estar con él no era tan malo como pensaba. Y tal vez en el fondo si era alguien amable, solo que era algo difí­cil de tratar.
A veces se preguntaba qué escondí­a el corazón frí­o de jin.
Espero que les haya gustado :D
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Annnd yeah, this kiss too, is still a WIP ;w; I know I’ll finish it someday..(?)
Hope you enjoy this meanwhile! (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
||☆☆ Noeru ☆☆||
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A drawing of Cardlover95 I wanted to paint, he gave me his permission to do this, It’s still a WIP though
hope you enjoy! the “Dance of the blue Flame”! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
||☆☆ Noeru ☆☆||
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Something a little suggestive ?) (≧ω≦) ☆☆
Hope you enjoy <3 ~
||☆☆ Noeru ☆☆||
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Finished image for my Jinoel doujinshi
hope you enjoy it! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
||☆☆ Noeru ☆☆||
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||☆☆ Noeru ☆☆||
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Hi! Well this is something I was practicing for my doujinshi of Jinoel
I know Jin’s not like that but he’s under some afrodisiac effect ok? x’D It’s for that reason, hope you like I think (?)
I’m admin ||☆☆ Noeru ☆☆|| and I will sign like this always in this blog
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I just realised the comission I did for @onehelloflady sucked so I decided to add some effects on it
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