jfridley · 7 days
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Had to put this sweet boy down 2 weeks ago! 14 years was a long time!
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jfridley · 4 months
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It's my 12 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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jfridley · 11 months
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Wow 2 1/2 years since I've been on here!
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jfridley · 4 years
Bruce watched Tony saunter over to him over the edge of his book with trepidation.
Tony smiled slowly as he leaned down bracketing his arms at Bruce's side, essentiay trapping him in place and kissed Bruce throughly.
Bruce cleared his throat once Tony pulled back trying to remember to form words. "hello". He said with a lazy smile.
"Hello" Tony replied back. "I have a great idea for dinner" he added as he leaned back down and kissed down Bruce's neck.
"Oh? What?" Bruce asked. "Is Stephen's supposed to be back in time?" He asked.
Tony shook his head "he said not to expect him back tonight" he said as he continued his path back up Bruce's neck to his lips. "Stop distracting me" he chidded.
Bruce laughed softly "I am sorry. What is this great idea for dinner" he asked.
"We eat dinner off each other" Tony said in between kisses. "Doesnt that sound sexy" he added sultry in Bruce's ear.
Bruce chuckled "it sounds like We dont have any clean dishes" he teased as he kissed Tony back. Then he opened his eyes and looked at Tony "wait what did you do to the kitchen?" He asked as  Tony looked everywhere but at him.
Suddenly they heard Stephen call from the kitchen "Tony, Bruce?" He called. " I got out of my meeting with the other masters sooner then I thought-" Stephen stopped mid sentence. " Tony What  happened in here!" He yelled.
" what did you do" Bruce demanded as he pushed past Tony and rushed to see the damage in the kitchen.
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jfridley · 4 years
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Last Saturday we spread some of dads ashes. For the 1 year Anniversary.
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jfridley · 5 years
A week late but this is the last day's prompt (ANYTHING) from @sciencebrosweek
  “Dr. Banner” Friday said.
“Yes Friday” Bruce replied annoyed he was being pulled from his experiment.
“I am sorry for the interruption sir but I have a nurse from county general on the phone for you” the A.I replied.
Bruce frowned “are the boys here?” he asked.
“Yes sir they are upstairs” the A.I answered.
“And Tony?” he asked worriedly.
“Sir is still in his meeting with Director Fury” the A.I assured the man.
Bruce nodded “ok I guess patch this nurse through” he said.
“This is Doctor Banner” he said.
There was hospital background noise before a women began speaking “Yes Doctor Banner my name is Rosie and I am a nurse here at county general. I have a women here in ICU who is asking to speak with you. Her name is Jackie Grey but she says you’ll know her by the last name Vernon” she replied.
Jackie Vernon was a name Bruce hadn’t thought about since he was 17 years old. She was the sweetest girl, his first real friend and his first sort of girlfriend. He left when he was 17 and they had sworn they’d keep in touch as all teenagers do but that never happened. He had no idea why she would be contacting him now.
“Sir are you there?” Rosie asked.
Bruce shook himself out of his thoughts “Yes I am sorry” he apologized. “Why is she wanting to speak with me?” he asked.
The women paused “I am not sure Sir” she replied. “But if you could come today that would be great” she added.
“Why so soon?” he asked.
“Sir I shouldn’t say this but she was fatally wounded in a car accident last night and she doesn’t have long to live” she said quietly.
Bruce glanced around his lab until he found his phone “I will be there in an hour” he said as he hung up.
Bruce was met with the usual bustle and chaos of the compound. The boys were in front of the TV playing a video game with Clint and Sam. Steve was on the couch reading and Bucky was making something in the kitchen.
“Hey Doc” Bucky said glancing over at him.
Bruce smiled “Hey” he said walking over to him. “Anyone have plans today” he asked.
Bucky shrugged and glanced over at the others “I don’t think so” he replied.
Steve shook his head “No plans Bruce Why?” he asked.
 Peter noticed him for the first time “Hey Pop done so soon?” he asked.
Bruce shook his head in amusement “Not really Pete” he said then glanced at Steve.  “I just got a call from County General, an old friend is in ICU and wants to see me” Bruce said. “Can someone keep an eye on Pete and Miles until either Tony or I return?” he asked. 
“Aww pop we can look out for ourselves” Pete whined.
“You mean like last week when I walked in on the two of you about to sled down the stairs?” Natasha asked appearing beside Bruce.
Clint snorted ignoring the glares from his teammates. Natasha rolled her eyes and lightly knocked his head as she walked by. She took a seat at the counter and stole from Bucky’s plate before turning her attention back at Bruce.
“We’ll keep an eye on them for you Bruce” she replied.
“Of course” Steve agreed. “Any idea how long you’ll be out?” he added.
Bruce sighed “No idea” he said.
Sam cleared his throat “How old is this old friend” he asked.
Bruce chuckled “I grew up with her. But I haven’t seen her since we were 17” he said.
Miles snorted “So it’s a really old friend” he quipped elbowing Peter who burst out laughing.
Bruce rolled his eyes trying not to laugh “Har Har” he deadpanned. “Very funny” he added.
Clint laughed “Good one dude” he said high fiving the 8 year old.
Bruce chuckled then glanced at the others “Thanks guys. I’ll text Tony so he doesn’t freak when he gets back”. Then he glanced at the boys “Be good for the others ok? Don’t spend all day in front of that” he added pointing to the TV.
“Ok” both boys and Clint chorused making Bruce snort as he headed for the elevator.
“Wait” Pete yelled as he paused the game and ran and hugged Bruce goodbye-Miles at his heels. “Be safe” the boy mumbled quietly. Bruce smiled and hugged them back.
“I am just visiting a friend in the hospital” he told them. “Dad will be back soon, and you have all of the others here” he reminded them as he tried to straightened Pete’s hair. “Now go beat Clint” he said gently pushing them back toward the others.
He waited until the boys picked up the fallen controllers and started playing again before he left. He sent a text to Tony as the elevator headed to the garage, quickly explaining where he was going. He laughed when Happy was waiting for him as the elevator opened.
“I would have driven myself” Bruce said. “He didn’t have to call you” he added.
Happy shrugged “Got to earn my keep” he teased.
Bruce tried not to ring his hands as he stood outside the room. He took a few deep breaths and gently knocked on the door. When no one answered he gently pushed the door open and glanced around. There laying in the bed was Jackie, black and blue with tubes and wires everywhere. She had grey hairs and lines but he so did he-granted not as many due to Hulk. Bruce felt eyes on him, blinking himself back and seeing that Jackie was staring at him.
“You came” she whispered.
Bruce cleared his throat “Y-Yeah” he said.
She smiled “Still a man of few words I see” she teased then coughed.
Bruce came over and reached for the water, easing the straw toward her lips. He waited patiently as she sipped slowly and lowered it when she was done.
“Thanks” she whispered. She stared at him with a sad smile “I wish this was on better circumstances” she said.
Bruce nodded, glancing at the surroundings “What happened?” he asked.
“Drunk Driver came across the double line hit Bill and I head on” she said. “Bill is-was my husband. He-He died instantly” she choked up fighting the tears. “They say I am bleeding internally and everything is slowly shutting down” she added.
“That’s terrible. I am so sorry” Bruce replied.
She looked at him then glanced over at the other chair, Bruce followed her gaze and noticed for the first time a little girl curled up under a Hulk blanket.
"That’s Morgan-my granddaughter” she said.
Bruce smiled at her “She’s cute” he said quietly. “How old is she?” he asked.
“Four” she said. “Do you have kids?” she asked.
Bruce nodded “My husband and I adopted a boy Miles 2 years ago and we’ve foster Peter who’s 10 for 3 years now” he said with a smile.
Jackie nodded “That’s what I thought” she said. “Bruce I don’t want Morgan to go to social services” she said. “That’s why I called you-I want you to take her. When I die” she said.
Bruce jumped up “Jackie what are you talking about?” he said. “I can’t just take your child. What about your family?” he asked.
“My parents are dead. Besides you remember my father. All of Bills family are older and Fiona her mother died a year ago” Jackie said.
“Jackie they aren’t going to let some stranger just adopt her” Bruce reasoned.
“No but they will allow her grandfather” Jackie said.
Bruce sat there stunned “What” he said.
“Bruce Morgan is your granddaughter” Jackie said. “I got pregnant with Fiona and had her at 17. She unfortunately followed in my footsteps and had Morgan at 17” she paused when she saw Bruce was freaking out. “Bruce” she said.
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE’S MY GRANDDAUGJTER” he whispered yelled jumping up.
“Bruce take a deep breathe” she instructed.
Bruce did as instructed, waiting until he calmed to try and speak again. “How can she be my granddaughter?” he asked as he started to pace.
Jackie blinked at him “Bruce don’t you remember what we did the last time we saw each other?” she said with a laugh. “I know it’s been awhile” she added.
Bruce cocked his head then blushed “Oh course I remember” he said. “But we used protection” he added.
Jackie just smirked at him “Well it didn’t work” she said.
Bruce chuckled and shakenly sat down again. He stared at the young girl then over at Jackie “Why didn’t you ever tell me” he asked.
Jackie sighed “Dad was furious when he found out I was pregnant. He threatened to take Fiona away. I did everything I could to pacify him until I was 18 and could move out. By then I was too busy raising her, being a single mother, but even then I didn’t want to force you into anything. Then I met Bill when Fiona was 5 and we were happy. We lucked out and dad died when Fiona was 8-and I was truly free. Bill and I returned for the funeral and I ran into your aunt. I introduced her to Bill and Fiona, and she mentioned you had a job at Culver then. I decided I needed to tell you-you had the right to know. I drove up there the next day and saw you on the lawn kissing another women-and I lost my nerve. Who was I to walk into your life after all these years and drop this bombshell on you? Bill convinced me to go back the next day and there were cops everywhere. I heard that you had died in some freak lab accident. I felt horrible you were dead and I never had the nerve to tell you” she said pausing to compose herself. “So you can guess my utter surprise when my daughter was flicking through channels a few years ago and there you were stuttering through an interview with the Avengers” she added.
Bruce blinked over at her “Did she know?” he asked.
Jackie smiled “yes she did” she said. “She wanted to meet you. So she and her friends went to some comic con convention and she met you” she said. “She was pregnant at the time and spoke to you about water conservation” she said.
Bruce gasped “I remember that conversation” he said. “How-if you don’t mind-how did she die?” he asked.
Jackie sighed and took Bruce’s hand “She had an aneurism in her sleep. Morgan called me and told me mommy wasn’t waking up and she was hungry. Bill and I rushed over and found her” she paused trying to reach for a tissue.  When she did she knocked over a folder, papers scattered all over the floor. “Bruce could you get those?” she asked.
“Sure” Bruce said and glanced down as he collected the paper. “What is this?” he asked.
Jackie smiled “DNA of Fiona and Morgan and myself” she said. “I know you know what your DNA looks like and I wanted to give you proof that they are yours” she said. “In case you ever need them” she added.
Bruce glanced through the papers and there it was in black and white. DNA never lies. 
“Jackie” Bruce began but she interrupted him.
“Bruce I am sorry” She said. “I feel horrible dropping this on you. But this isn’t her fault-it’s mine. I know I should have told you when I found out I was pregnant. Or at least not chickened out at Culver. But this isn’t about us-it about Morgan. She will have lost all of her family in a years’ time. I want to leave her with a loving safe family” she said.
Bruce snorted “Jackie if you saw that interview you know who I am. Who my husband and family are” he said. “There’s nothing safe about my family. Never has” he said.
“Neither was mine Bruce” Jackie said with a sad smile. “But I can bet every member of your family will do ANYTHING for you and your children am I right?” she said.
Bruce nodded “Yes” he replied.
“In a perfect world I will be going home to my husband and my daughter, not having this conversation at all” Jackie said. “But that’s not what happened and I have to deal with that” she said.
Bruce sighed “I just had a horrible thought” he mumbled.
“What?” Jackie asked.
“”My granddaughter is only 4 years younger than my son” He replied horrified.
“We are from Ohio” Jackie teased.
Bruce looked at Jackie and the two burst out laughing. And for a second they were 17 years old again making fun of the people around them. The laughter must have woke Morgan up because she squeaked as she moved around in the chair.
“Mimi” a groggy voice whispered from the chair.
“Morgan sweetie I want you to meet someone” Jackie said with false brightness.
The girl walked over and looked between her grandmother and Bruce.
“”Up?” the girl asked.
Jackie nodded “very gently” she instructed.
Bruce stood up “mind if I help?” he asked gently.
Morgan looked up at him then nodded “please” she said holding her arms up.
Bruce smiled as he picked her up and laid her next to Jackie. He watched as the girl gently wiggled under the covers and tried to get as close as she could to her grandmother. Jackie and Morgan both had smiles on their faces from the contact.
“Morgan this is Bruce” Jackie said after a few minutes of silence.
“Hi” Morgan said.
“Hi” Bruce answered back.
“Morgan you are going to go live with Bruce, when I go to heaven” Jackie said simply.
Morgan shrank away from him “Mimi” she whimpered.
“I know its scary sweetie” Jackie said. “But Bruce is family. He moved away and we haven’t seen him in a long time but now he’s back” she said. “So you will move in with him, he has two boys and a big family that live with him” she paused to catch her breath.
“Do you have any girls?” Morgan asked.
Bruce shook his head “Well none that are close to your age. But yes there are girls in my house” he said.
Jackie looked over “I love you sweetie” she said. Then she looked at Bruce “I guess I do get to go home to my husband and child” she whispered, Bruce watched as the heart monitor flat lined.
Tony was pacing the length of the living room for the hundredth time that night.
“Tony” Sam said. “You are leaving a tread” he said as he glanced at the carpet.
“At least change direction” Natasha replied, eyes never leaving her book.
“I just don’t understand what is taking him so long” Tony said.
“He said he’s on the way right?” Bucky said.
Tony nodded “He said he had a surprise” he replied.
“Sir Doc is coming up” Friday replied.
The elevator opened Bruce walked in carrying a sleeping girl. He stopped when he saw everyone waiting for him. He put a finger to his lips as he walked and placed her gently on the nearest empty couch. He fussed with her blanket, making sure she was comfortable before he walked over to the others.
Bruce smiled “Hi” he said quietly to everyone.
Tony rushed over to him “Are you ok?” he asked.
Bruce smiled “I am fine” he said simply.
The others looked at him expectedly, before Bucky spoke up. “Ok I’ll bite who’s the kid” he asked.
“That is Morgan” Bruce replied. “She is my friend’s granddaughter” he added.
“This friend from ICU?” Sam asked.
“Yes” Bruce answered. ““Morgan is going to live with us” Bruce said. “Surprise” he said weakly.
Tony blinked at him “She’s going to live with us? For how long” he asked.
“Til she’s 18” Bruce replied.
The room was silent. Everyone looking at each other in confusion.
“Babe what do you mean?” Tony asked.
“Jackie didn’t want Morgan to go to social services and asked me to take her” Bruce said.
“Wait this dying friend just asks you to take her granddaughter? Didn’t she have family? Bruce there are laws” Tony said. “You can’t just take someone else’s child” he added.
“I know-I said they weren’t going to allow a stranger to take her” Bruce said. “That’s when she told me” he added starting to ring his hands.
“Told you what?” Tony asked.
“She’s mine” Bruce said.
A snort, coughing and the sound of shattered glass interrupted them. All eyes turned to Steve who was coughing from inhaling his drink. Bucky smirked and started to pound his back.
“Breathe Stevie” Bucky said.
Steve calmed somewhat “Sorry Bruce-I uh didn’t expect that” he admitted.
“Man expected Tony to have the illegitimate child-not Bruce” Clint stage whispered to Natasha-who promptly hit him in the side of the head.
Tony looked from the team at Bruce “What do you mean she’s yours?” he asked slowly.
“She’s my granddaughter” Bruce said.
“Your granddaughter?” Natasha asked.
“My first time was at 17-with Jackie. I left and she became pregnant. Had Fiona at 17-and Fiona must have followed in her mother’s footsteps and had Morgan at 17” Bruce said keeping his eyes on Tony.
“Do you have proof?” Tony asked.
 “Yes I have a folder that has both Fiona and Morgan’s DNA” Bruce said. “She’s mine” he added.
“When you called and said you were on the way and that you had a surprise. This goes beyond anything I thought” Tony said.
Bruce sighed “This wasn’t what I expected either” he said. “I am terrified and numb at the same time” he said. “I had a daughter I never knew about” he said as he started to pace. “I should be furious at Jackie for never telling me-but then again I remember how I was back then. She never wanted to force me into something. She tried to tell me apparently-she came to culver but she must have saw me kissing Betty and left. The next day her husband convinced her to come back and tell me but the accident had already happened and she was told I was dead. It wasn’t until one of the group interviews after New York that she realized I was still alive” he said.
“Was your daughter alive then?” Sam asked.
Bruce looked over at him “At that time yes-Fiona had an aneurism in her sleep a year ago” he said.
“I am sorry you never got to meet her Bruce” Steve said.
“Jackie said I did met her at once-at one of our comic con meet and greets. She was pregnant and talked to me about water conservation” Bruce said with a small smile.
“I remember that conversation” Tony said in wonder.
Bruce nodded “I know me too” he said. “I vaguely remember what she looked like” he said then sighed.  “I know I should have called you but I just couldn’t let social services take her. But now I just don’t know what to think.” He added as he sat down on the other end of the couch.
Tony sat down next to him “What’s there to think about?” he asked.
Bruce shot him a look “Tony we’ve never cared for a child this young before much less a girl. This will be very different from Pete or Miles” he warned. “Not to mention she is only 4 years younger than Miles” he added.
“She doesn’t need to know she’s your granddaughter yet Bruce” Steve reasoned.
“You should be more worried about raising a girl” Natasha teased.
Tony laughed “You think Iron Man and Hulk are scared of a little pink and glitter? He asked.
Sam snorted “More like Princess sippy cups and tutus, dress up and tiaras. Not to mention when she hits puberty” he warned.
“Boys” Clint said in jokingly warning voice.
Tony cursed under his breath “Maybe this is my payback?” he replied eyes wide.
Bruce couldn’t help but laugh as he laid his forehead on Tony’s shoulder. “Maybe” he agreed earning a glare from Tony.
“Mimi” Morgan whimpered.
Bruce got up and rubbed her back “Morgan-you are at my house remember?” he asked.
Morgan nodded “Mimi’s in heaven with Mommy” she said quietly.
“Yes she is” Bruce agreed. “Can I pick you up?” he asked.
Morgan rolled over, looking at him before barely nodding her head. Bruce gently picked her up and she looked at her surroundings her eyes huge. She stayed silent, clinging tighter to Bruce.
“Morgan this is my house” Bruce said gently. “And this is my family” she said pointing to the team.
Bucky and Sam waved at her and the rest had smiles on their faces. Morgan looked at them and gave a small wave back.
“My sons are asleep upstairs you’ll meet them tomorrow” Bruce continued. “And this is my husband Tony” he said pointing to Tony.
“Hi sweetie” Tony said. “Can I give you a hug” he asked.
Morgan looked over at Bruce “You don’t have to” Bruce said. “But I can vouch he gives very good hugs” he said.
“Well I learned from Bruce” Tony said with a barely there leer.
Morgan looked at Bruce “I do like your hugs” she said then turned to Tony and reached out her arms.
Tony took her and hugged her close “Oh yeah we’ll keeping her” he said quietly. “I think I am already in love” he added.
Bruce smiled and couldn’t help but agree.
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jfridley · 5 years
no record of them
6th days prompt (RECORD) for @sciencebrosweek
It's tradition to write a highlander crossover for sciencebrosweek.
Bruce smiled when he noticed the sign Shakespeare and company book store. The team was in France on a PR tour that Stark Industries had set up. Per their agreement Bucky and he were allowed to bail on most of the question panels because of their “social anxiety”. He loved old bookstores and knew he could find some hidden gems in this store.
“Bucky let’s go in here for a bit” Bruce replied as he gently grabbed the man’s metal arm and gestured to the store.
 Bucky glanced at the store and furrowed his brow then shrugged “Sure why not” he concluded.
Bruce smiled and took Bucky’s hand in his and pulled him toward the door. They glanced around, Bruce immediately went to a stack of books by the register and looked through them. The smell of old books had hit them as they crossed the threshold making Bruce smile. Bucky glanced around with the barest hint of a smile as well.
“This almost reminds me of grams house” Bucky whispered.
Bruce glanced over at him “yeah?” he asked.
Bucky glanced over and smiled at him “Yeah she loved books. Women from the old country. Only thing we need is a pot of lavender tea” he replied. “Are we sure this place is open? Bucky added with a chuckle as he glanced around.
Bruce glanced around “I have no idea-there’s no one else in here. But the door was unlocked and the sign out front said open right?” he said glancing back at the front door.
Bucky nodded “Let’s look around, worst case scenario we get kicked out” he said.
Bruce snorted “Let’s hope that doesn’t happen” he said as they started toward the back of the store.
A man cleared his throat off to the side, making both men tense ever so slightly and turn toward the sound. A tall skinny man with dark buzz cut and deep eyes was staring at them.  He had a box in his hands and seemed to have come from the back storeroom.
“Can I help you gentlemen with anything?” he asked with a welsh accent.
Bruce cleared his throat “No-sir. We just noticed the sign and was hoping to take a look around” he said politely.
The man blinked at Bruce and nodded “By all means. Let me know if there is a particular title you are looking for. I will be right here-going through inventory” he said pointing to the chair at the corner of the front counter.
“Thank You” Bruce replied heading toward the stacks and pulling Bucky along. Neither noticed the look on the man’s face when he noticed Bucky’s arm and realized who he was.
Methos blood ran cold when he saw the other man’s arm. He had found him again-they had sent him. There was no way he was going back that was for damn sure. He glanced around and made sure there was no other people in the store and casually walked to the door, locking it and turning the front sign off in one swift motion. He was fighting every fiber in his being that screamed run now as he stared at his reflection in the store window. If he ran they would go after others here and that wouldn’t work. He’s going to do what he should have done all those years ago and stop this once and for all. He hit the lights-it was time for hunting.
Tony had glanced at his phone when Bruce texted him where they were. Of course he would drag Bucky into a bookstore. He glanced at his watch and was surprised at the time. These panels usually take longer and he was happy he might actually meet up with the other two, instead of seeing them back at the hotel.
He glanced at Steve “Want to come with me and meet up with them at this bookstore?” he asked politely.
Steve glanced at Tony “No Sam wants to show me around-maybe we can meet for drinks later?” he suggested.
Tony nodded smiling “sure” he said as he waved and headed out the door.
Tony followed Friday’s directions and found the bookstore easily enough. He frowned at the darkened store and the closed sign. He stood out by the sidewalk and looked up the building when he noticed another man walking up to the building. He man stopped when he saw the closed sign.
“Does it usually close early?” Tony asked in French.
The man (Duncan Maccleod) blinked when he noticed Tony and shook his head “No” he replied. Then he muttered under his breath “What has he done”.
Tony raised an eyebrow knowing he wasn’t supposed to hear that. He pulled out his phone and texted Bruce “Where are you?”
Bruce reply was instant “the store I told you about”.
Tony frowned as he texted back “Bruce the door is locked and says closed”. Then he typed “Get out”.
Bruce never replied back and Tony knew something was wrong. The resounding gunshot from inside the store was the solidifying factor. Tony and Duncan cursed and both ran toward the door.
    Bruce glanced through row and row of books, grabbing ones that piqued his interest. He glanced over at Bucky who had glanced around in suspicion. Bruce’s phone pinged and he glanced at it frowning “Buck, Tony says the door is locked” then he froze as a steel blade was against his throat.
Bucky turned and stopped when he saw the man had a sword to Bruce’s throat.
“Hello again solider” he replied sternly. “You’ve found me again I see. They’ve gotten smarter I suppose. But you can tell them I am not going back” the man snarled at him.
Bucky glanced at the man then at Bruce “I am not here to take you anywhere” he said.
Bruce cleared his throat “why don’t we calm down” he said in an almost steady voice. “Can you please get this blade off of my throat? I am trying not to get angry, believe me you really don’t want to see me angry” he added.
Bucky chuckled “You really don’t” he replied.
The man snarled “I escaped 60 years ago and I will NOT go back” he reiterated as he pushed Bruce out of the way and swung his blade at Bucky.
Bucky swung his metal arm up to block the blade and his gun appeared instantly in his hand. Before he had time to think, instinct took over and he shot the man in the chest. He glanced at his arm noticing the sword had stuck in his arm. The sound of the front door being kicked open had him swinging around and he almost fired again but Bruce jumped in his way.
“Buck stop” he said arms out.
Bucky stopped and blinked knowing Bruce wasn’t the enemy.
“What the hell” Tony yelled as he rushed toward them.
The other man had his sword out at the ready but then noticed the body on the ground. He checked his pulse for show and glared at the man as he stalked toward him and yanked the sword out of Bucky’s arm.
“Bruce what happened” Tony demanded as he ran his hands across his neck, checking for bruises.
“The man had a sword to my throat and tried to kill Bucky” Bruce replied keeping his eyes on Bucky but leaning into Tony’s touch.
“Why” the other man/Duncan said.
“He recognized me” Bucky replied.
“From where?” Tony asked as he walked up and tugged the man over to where Bruce was standing.
“Apparently I must have kidnapped him 60 years ago” he replied.
Methos gasped back to life with a jolt and a gran. He blinked up at the lights and realized he was still at the store. His vision came into focus and realized MacCleod was staring at him.
“How is that possible?” a voice asked.
“Shh” another man said.
“Welcome back” Duncan said gently helping him up.
He groaned again as he straightened then yelped and scurried back when he saw the three other men in the room.
“No-I told you I am not going back” he snarled before Mac put his hand on his arm to calm him down.
“M-Doc stop” Duncan said. “he’s not going to take you anywhere” he added.
“You don’t know him like I do-they control him –“ Methos stopped when Tony interrupted him.
“Did control him-past tense” Tony said as Methos blinked at him.
Bruce cleared his throat “He isn’t the winter solider anymore. At least the way you knew him. We stopped Hydra and Bucky is Bucky again” he said squeezing the other man’s hand.
Bucky glanced over at Bruce then glanced back at the man on the ground, “I never expected this to happen since I-he-never left survivors” he said. “But I can see why they wanted you-since you don’t die” he added.
Methos cleared his throat then got up and walked to stare at Bucky. This wasn’t the same man as he had seen 60 years ago. Yes it was the same man but he had finally broken free of their mind control and was finding himself again.
“I believe you” Methos said finally.
Bucky looked surprised “really?” he asked.
Methos continued “Your eyes were dead back then, I know that look. I’ve BEEN that look. Now you actually seem like a person.” He concluded.
Bucky blinked “umm thanks I guess” he said.
Methos nodded and looked over at Bruce “I apologize for putting my sword to your throat” he replied. Then he frowned and looked around “Where is my sword?” he asked.
Duncan sighed “You aren’t going to like it” he said as he handed the sword to him.
Methos glanced at his sword and swore in three languages glancing at Bucky “I see the metal in your arm was upgraded” he replied. “My sword is ruined” he added.
“Yes I made sure his arm was upgraded but the better question here is why are the two of you carry around swords and how in the hell do you know Bucky from 70 years ago?” Tony burst out. “Or the fact that you revived from a gunshot” he added just as loudly.
Bucky snorted “Feel better?” he asked Tony.
Tony scowled at him and stared expectedly at the other men. Methos and Duncan shared a look before Methos replied.
“Hydra had the Winter Solider capture me 70 years ago when one of their spies found out about my immortality” Methos replied honestly surprising both he and Duncan with his answer.
Tony blinked “Immortality?” he asked.
Methos smirked “You are a smart man Mr. Stark I believe you know the definition of immortality” he replied.
“I know the definition of immortality” Tony shot back. “You expect me to believe there are what a gang of imortals walking around carrying swords?” he asked.
Bucky stared at the other man in amusement “Really you know Hulk, Captain America, Thor myself –that’s believable but a race of immortals is where you draw the line?” he said.
“I need Evidence Buckster” Tony shot back.
“I believe we all saw the evidence babe” Bruce replied finally.
“There’s no record of them anywhere” Tony shot back.
Methos rolled his eyes “God you are like your father” he mumbled.
“Excuse me” tony shot back.
“Why would we want record of us? What would that do? That would just have people coming after us” Methos explained.
“What about for historical accuracy?” Bruce asked.
Methos smiled “Dr. Banner wins the prize” he replied.
“huh?” Tony asked.
“There may or may not be records for historical accuracy” Methos said. “Now we all need to go about our lives” he added standing up. “Good bye gentlemen” he said indicating that the conversation was over.
Steve waved them over at the table with a worried look on his face.
“Where have you all been?” he asked. “I was starting to worry” he added.
Sam laughed “I told him you guys were enjoying the sights” he said with a wink.
“We met up with the owner of that bookstore for a while” Bucky said smiling at his friend.
“Really what did you talk about?” Steve asked ignorant to what had happened.
“History” Bruce replied squeezing both Tony and Bucky’s hands under the table.
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jfridley · 5 years
Day 5's prompt (PRESSURE) from @sciencebrosweek
This is part of my Hulk Babies series.
“Shit” Tony mumbled as he scanned the screen again. “Fuck” he mumbled again in growing frustration.
“Daddy gets mad when you say that word” Ellie said.
Tony whirled around in shock to see Ellie and Eddie sitting at the table staring at him.
“What in the world are the two of you doing up?” Tony said clutching at his heart. “Jarvis is supposed to tell me when you two are up” he said then stopped.  He had muted Jarvis after the 120th time he had asked Tony to go to bed.
“Jarvis wouldn’t say anything once we got at the bottom stairs so we came in anyway” Ellie replied.
“What are you working on Papa?” Eddie asked.
Tony sighed “A project for work” he said. Then he added “Next time Jarvis doesn’t respond I want you to knock before you come in here ok?” he added staring at the two of them.
“Yes papa” the chorused.  
Ellie frowned at him “You look like when daddy’s numbers don’t work” she replied.
Tony looked at his reflection in the monitor “How do I look like dad?” he asked.
Ellie and Eddie looked at one another “It’s an s word” Eddie said.
“ST” Ellie said trying to remember the word.
“Stressed. He looks stressed” Bruce replied from the doorway.
Tony whirled to face the doorway “Babe what are doing up” he asked.
“Jarvis alerted me that these two were going into your lab and he couldn’t warn you because you had muted him” Bruce replied.
Tony sighed “I am sorry’’ he said. “I shouldn’t have muted Jarvis you need your sleep” he said.
“So do you” Bruce said.
“I just need to finish this for the board meeting in the morning” Tony bargained.
“Do they keep adding things like last time?” Bruce asked.
Tony looked down briefly “maybe” he admitted.
“They have no right to keep doing this to you. They pressure you EVERY time, not taking into consideration you have a family now” Bruce replied getting agitated.
“I know babe” Tony said trying to calm Bruce down.
“Are you doing your best?” Eddie piped up.
The two men blinked over at the kids, they had forgotten the two were in there .
“What honey” Bruce asked.
“You and papa always tell us to do our best” Eddie said.
Ellie nodded “If you are doing your best but these board people don’t like it is that bad?” she replied.
Tony shrugged “not bad necessarily but not good either” he said.
“Will they fire you papa?” Eddie asked.                                                 
Tony shook his head “No” he said.
Ellie shrugged “Then does it matter” she replied.
Tony sagged in defeat “No it doesn’t” he agreed. Then he glanced at Bruce with tears in his eyes “How am I learning life lessons from them” he whispered.
“I think that’s the point of parenthood” Bruce replied.
Tony smiled “Come on guys let’s get some hot cocoa then go cuddle in bed?” he suggested.
“Yeah” the twins yelled as they ran up the stairs.
Tony kissed Bruce as he passed him “love you” he said.
Bruce smiled “love you too-come on” he said as they climbed up the stairs to the kitchen.
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jfridley · 5 years
The End
This is day four's prompt (MERGE) from @sciencebrosweek
Bruce stood at the water’s edge watching as the last flower floated out of view. The crowd had dispersed after the ark reactor sunk, each lost in their own thoughts. He usually hated funerals but this was a fitting end to Tony’s death. That thought made him flash back to 8 months ago.
  8 months prior
  Tony knocked on the doorframe to Bruce’s lab looking around for the other man.
“Bruce?” he called as he walked in.
“Hey Tony in here” Bruce called.
“Your voice sounds off-have you been working too hard? Eating enough? Pep and Morgan have been asking about you. You haven’t been by in a while” Tony called as he searched for his friend.
“Yeah sorry about that. I’ve been busy” Bruce said as he stepped into view from around the corner making Tony freeze in shock. He looked like Hulk but smaller, and he had Bruce’s voice.
“Bruce what did you do?” Tony murmured.
“I am calling it self discovery” Bruce said.
“Self discovery?” Tony repeated.
“Locked myself in a gamma lab and this is a result” Bruce replied.
“You locked yourself in here and somehow what merged the two of you together?” Tony replied.
Bruce nodded “Pretty much” he concluded.
Tony started to pace in frustration “How the hell did this happen?” he said then whirled on the taller man. “Were you trying to kill yourself again?’ he demanded.
Bruce shook his head taking a calming breath “No this was truly another lab experiment gone sideways. But hey this is better-the world gets the best of both of us. My brain and hulk’s brawn” he said.
“Can it be reversed?” Tony asked.
Bruce shrugged “It hasn’t yet” he replied.
“What o=if something had happened to you Bruce, and no one was around?” Tony asked.
Bruce sighed “Then it would be on me” he replied.
“And you’d be dead” Tony added.
“Nothing happened Tony” Bruce reminded his friend. “And I am not afraid of dying Tony you know that” he added softly.
Tony frowned getting more agitated “I never said I was afraid of dying” he shot back. “You think I haven’t thought about it? Since Afghanistan-the ark reactor-space, both times. I just don’t actively search it out anymore-I have more to live for now” he added.
Bruce smiled “I know you do” he said.
Tony stared at Bruce “It has to be something HUGE for me not to come back” he said.
Bruce shook his head, coming back to the present. He smiled sadly as he turned and saw Morgan and Happy sitting on the porch.
“You always had to be right didn’t you” he whispered glancing up at the sky, hoping there was at least one angel listening.
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jfridley · 5 years
This is day three prompt (BITTER) from @sciencebrosweek
  The room was so silent you could hear the occasional drip from the leaky faucet in the lab bathroom. The surrounding windows were darkened to privacy mode per their instruction so they couldn’t get distracted by anyone.
Bruce sat on a stool staring at Tony. Tony sat on another stool directly across from him in almost the same position. Both men’s posture was casual and neither had moved from their spot for a while. This had started as a throw away comment that quickly turned into a friendly wager. Both trying to prove a point to the other.
Suddenly something pinched Bruce’s butt causing him to yelp and jump-ending their stand off and losing the game. Bruce turned around to see one of the suits retreating back to its docking station.
Tony gave a whoop standing “I won” he called in triumph.
“By cheating” Bruce mumbled as he stared at Tony.
“Wow I didn’t realize you were a bitter loser Banner” Tony said.
“You used the suit to accost me” Bruce said glaring at the man over his glasses.
Tony came over and pecked a kiss on Bruce’s nose “The odds weren’t stacked in my favor, I saw a weakness and used it” he said.
Bruce chuckled “So you admit you cheated” he said.
Tony rolled his eyes laughed and patted his butt as he walked out of the lab “Don’t be Bitter” he called.
Bruce sighed “You were the one who wanted to have a staring contest not me!” he called to the retreating figure.
“Why do I let him to this to me Friday?” Bruce asked the A.I once he was alone.
“Because you enjoy it Doc” she replied.
Bruce laughed “yeah I do” he said.
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jfridley · 5 years
Ice Cream Cone
This is second days prompt (DRIP) from @sciencebrosweek
just a cute scene outside an ice cream shop
Bruce smiled as he left the store with two cones in his hand. He walked toward Tony, handing one of the cones to him.
“Sorry Tony, they were out of cups, so I got us both cones” Bruce said.
Tony took the cone with trepidation “Umm thanks” he mumbled.
“Is something wrong?” Bruce asked.
“I haven’t eaten an ice cream cone in years” Tony said.
Bruce chuckled “that caused that face?” he asked.
Tony laughed “I don’t want to get any on my clothes” he said as he watched a drip start to form.
Bruce grabbed tony hand and brought the cone to his face quickly licking the drip before it descended any further.
“There crisis adverted” Bruce said.
Tony laughed “Hey” he said trying to protect his cone.
“Sorry it was starting to melt and I was trying to save your clothes” Bruce teased.
“Now it has your spit on it” tony fake whined.
“That didn’t bother you last night” Bruce smirked at the other man.
“Last night was different” tony said.
“That’s what she said” Bruce shot back.
Tony burst out laughing “you’ve been around the kid to long. He’s starting to be a bad influence on you” he said.
Bruce shrugged “maybe” he replied.
“Come on let’s go home before these melt anymore” tony said grabbing Bruce’s other hand and heading back home.
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jfridley · 5 years
This is the first days prompt (DUST) for @sciencebrosweek
 Avengers and Avengers AOU ended a bit differently! Bruce never stayed after either movie. He never went into space so he never ended upon Sakkaar. Thor sent word about Thanos and the team finds where Bruce runs off to and tries  convince him to help. They are met with a surprise!
  Dust kicked up as the quintjet softly landed in the field in front of the small house. No one moved waiting until everything settled hoping the tall weeds would camouflage their ship.
“Are we sure this is where Bruce is?” Steve asked.
Tony nodded “That’s what Friday said” he replied.
“So this is where he runs off to huh?” Clint casually commented.
“It would appear so” Natasha replied from her seat.
Steve nodded “Well let’s go talk with him” he said, opening the back hatch and walking out.
Tony rolled his eyes but followed Steve, Clint and Natasha behind him. As they reached the steps, the door opened and a very pregnant women stood in the doorway.
“Welcome” she greeted with a smile- “You are early” she added.
“Early?” Clint asked.
“You were expecting us?” Natasha replied.
The women smiled “Oh yes-but I told Bruce you’d come next week-good thing I didn’t bet him” she replied with a laugh.
Two children appeared beside her wide eyed when they noticed their visitors.
“Marme-are they coming in” the young girl replied.
The women laughed “Dear god where are my manners-Thank You Ada. Please come in” she said stepping aside to let the group enter. “Cruz go get doc please” she replied to the boy.
 The team walked in and followed the women to the living room area. “Please make yourself comfortable-Cruz should be back with Bruce soon” she replied.
Tony glanced around, then cleared his throat “I am sorry we showed up unannounced. We would have called if you know we knew you existed.” He said casually but stopped as the women laughed.
“There is a reason for that Tony” she replied.
“You know my name-what’s yours” Tony asked when Bruce’s voice called from the doorway.
“Cam why is Cruz frantic?” Bruce called as he walked into the house.
“You have visitors” Cam called. “And my name is Camilla” she added.
Bruce continued to the living room. He chuckled when he saw the team there. He leaned down and kissed the top of Cam’s head as Ada threw herself at the man.
“You were off dear” he replied dryly as he hoisted Ada higher.
Cam laughed “I know this pregnancy is throwing me off” she replied.
Bruce smiled at everyone “Hi Guys-welcome to our home” he replied.
The team blinked at him in surprise. Bruce furrowed his brow in confusion.
“What?” he asked.
“Little surprised buddy-at your secret family” Tony replied.
“Secrect family” Bruce parroted with a chuckle.
“I mean don’t get me wrong big guy it’s nice. The hidden bungalow – the wife and the two point 5 kids” Tony said pointing to the two kids and the bump.
“Are the kids yours or hers?” Clint asked.
Cam laughed “You are asking if an indian and african child are ours?” she asked.
“what about that one” Natasha replied pointing at her belly.
Cam blinked but before she could say anything Steve jumped in “That is really none of our business” he said. “Bruce we were hoping to talk to you” he said glancing at Cam.
Bruce sighed “Okay talk” he said.
“Is there somewhere more private?” Steve asked.
Cam rolled her eyes “Oh please excuse me-I didn’t realize I was in the way. Perhaps after your super secret meeting you all can stay for lunch” she said and attempted to heave herself out of the chair.
Steve’s face turned red “No ma’am I didn’t mean” he said but Cam interrupted him.
“okay call me ma’am one more time and you will be sorry” she glared.
Tony laughed “I like her” he said.
Bruce chuckled as he helped Cam up “Why don’t I take them down to my lab, hear what they have to say and then we come up and eat” he negotiated.
“fine” she sighed with an eyeroll and a smirk.
 The team looked around the lab with amusement.
“I am impressed you have this here” Tony replied.
Bruce laughed “Well I found this bunker and tried to make something out of it. I mean it’s not the tower but it makes due” he said.
Steve cleared his throat “so Bruce we were hoping to convince you to come back to New York” he began.
“You tracked me down for that?” Bruce asked.
“Thor has sent word that Thanos is coming this way” Clint replied.
“And Thanos is?” Bruce asked.
“Near as we can tell a war lord alien” Natasha said.
“Thanos was responsible for the Chintari” Tony said.
“We have reason to believe he’s killed half of Thor’s people and heading this way” Steve replied.
“Is Thor alive?” Bruce asked.
“We don’t know” Steve answered.
Bruce sighed “So you’ve tracked me down because you’ve once again need the other guy” he said.
“Listen-yes we will need heavy hitters if this goes bad but we have more Avengers now. It isn’t reliant specifically on us. But we will need you to help decipher all this information that was sent with Thor’s transmission.
Bruce stared at his friend when suddenly alarms started going off.
“What’s that?” Clint asked.
“The security system” Bruce replied as he sprinted from the room, the rest of the team at his heels.
 Bruce threw the door open to gunfire and bodies. He scanned and saw Cam behind the turned over chair. He slipped into the room next to her. The rest found hiding places throughout the room.
“I leave you for 10 mins and you shoot up the place” he teased.
Cam just smiled at him.
“Where-“he began but was interrupted.
“Alcove” she replied.
Bruce nodded “Good”.
“What’s the alcove?” Tony asked.
“Hidden passage” Bruce began.
“Do they know where to go” Steve asked worriedly.
“we practiced before so they know where to go and what to do if either of us don’t” Bruce began but Cam elbowed him shutting him up.
“You’ve practiced this?” Natasha asked.
Cam stared at her “yes”.
They heard a man walking and Cam cleared her throat loudly. Cam stood up aimed and shot the man as he rounded the corner. They all watched as the man dropped.
“There that was the last of them” Cam said.
She glanced around “Guess we need to move” she said sadly.
Bruce sighed “I’ll come back with you all if they can come too” he said turning to Steve and Tony.
“Of course” tony said.
“Tony” the other replied.
Cam laughed “what is going on?” she asked.
“Something big is about to happen and they need the other guy” Bruce said looking at Cam.
“That’s not the only reason big guy” Tony said.
Cam shook her head “Bruce they are your friends…if they only wanted Hulk they’d send Shield” she said.
“Shield is gone” Natasha replied.
Cam shot a side look at her “That’s what they want you to believe” she replied. “Now I’d be more loving and understanding but they are staring at me” she added waving her hand in the group’s direction.
Bruce snorted and kissed her forehead. “Listen guys I am not leaving them, so that’s my stipulations. They come with us or I am not coming” he said.
Cam rolled her eyes “We need to go get the kids” she reminded Bruce.
Bruce nodded “Okay I’ll go to the spot and you can stay here” he said patting her stomach.
“Sure” Cam said watching him leave. Not two minutes later she yelled “Bruce”
“Is everything ok?” Steve asked.
“My water just broke” she whispered.
The four other voices frantically yelled “Bruce”.
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jfridley · 6 years
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jfridley · 6 years
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jfridley · 6 years
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jfridley · 6 years
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jfridley · 6 years
Is it too late for us
This is the last day's prompt LATE (very late) for @sciencebrosweek
This is short scene based on the line- Is it too late for us-that popped in my head
Bruce ran down the steps flicking on lights as he went. Who the hell would be banging on his front door at this time of night in the rain? He looked through the peep hole and flung the door open to reveal Tony standing on his doorstep. A very wet and disheveled Tony.
“Tony what the hell?” Bruce exclaimed angrily.
“Bruce-I –I am sorry if I woke you. I-I needed-after today” Tony stopped mid ramble trying to catch his breath. “Hold on-can’t breathe” he gasped.
That’s when Bruce looked in his driveway and didn’t see Tony’s car “Where’s your car? Did you walk here? In the rain?” He asked incredulously.
“It died down the street-about a block back-so I ran” Tony said through gasps.
“You ran to my house in the middle of a rainstorm” Bruce replied with a raised eyebrow.
Tony nodded “yeah” he said.
“Why?” Bruce asked.
“I had to ask you something” Tony replied.
“This couldn’t wait until tomorrow?” Bruce asked.
“Is it too late for us?” Tony blurted out self-consciously.
Bruce stared at the other man in surprise. He knew he should let Tony in-they definitely needed to talk. They had seen each other today again after years apart. Who would have thought he would see his old flame at his daughters class. After they realized both of their kids were in the same class- they spent the rest of the day catching up. But it had been 20 years and one afternoon doesn’t mean they were friends yet.
“Tony” Bruce began.
“I mean we had wonderful day. I haven’t laughed that hard in years” Tony said.
“Tony” Bruce tried to interrupt.
“And well I am know we have things we still need to talk about but it’s not like we are staring from day 1” Tony continued.
“Tony” Bruce tried again.
“And I know you are probably worried about the kids but I think they will be okay with it and they are friends so it shouldn’t be too weird for them” Tony replied then squeaked as Bruce clamped his hand over Tony’s mouth.
“Will you please let me talk” Bruce replied.
Tony nodded and stayed silent listening.
Bruce chuckled “I should be freaking out. We just met again and here you are standing on my front porch like some hallmark movie. This doesn’t happen in real life. Normally I would have slammed the door and called the cops” Bruce said leaning across the threshold to kiss Tony lightly on the lips. “I don’t think it’s too late” he whispered. “Come in and call a tow” he added as he pulled Tony inside.
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