janeicethesiren · 3 days
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the notes are broken 😂
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janeicethesiren · 19 days
Thank you so much! I’m personally excited for that post too cause I have a lot of thoughts 👀. Lol I’ll have a new post uploaded soon, I just gotta finish chapter 15 of my fic first. It’s almost done so hopefully it won’t be much longer.
Which Post Should I Do First?
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I have a bunch of ideas but I’m not sure where to start. I’d love to know what you all are personally interested in seeing! I’ll put a poll below as well. Please vote, it would mean a lot!
Janeice the Siren
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janeicethesiren · 1 month
Which Post Should I Do First?
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I have a bunch of ideas but I’m not sure where to start. I’d love to know what you all are personally interested in seeing! I’ll put a poll below as well. Please vote, it would mean a lot!
Janeice the Siren
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janeicethesiren · 2 months
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janeicethesiren · 4 months
Hey guys! This’ll be quick, I promise. I originally had two chapters of my black butler fic posted on here, but then I decided to delete it as I felt like it was clogging up the place. So instead, I’ll just post a link to it and you all can feel free to check it out if you feel so inclined. I sincerely hope you enjoy it because this is just the beginning!
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janeicethesiren · 5 months
Sebastian Michaelis Headcanons
Hello! Long time no see! Sleep isn’t speaking to me right now so I thought I’d do some headcanons for our favorite demon; Sebastian!
Disclaimer: These headcanons are based on my interpretation of Sebastian’s character from the manga (what I’ve read so far), and just some miscellaneous things I think about sometimes. This isn’t meant to be a serious character analysis, I’m just having fun!
Warnings! ⚠️‼️⛔️ Mentions of R/pe and SA; Sexism and Racism, it’s near the end don’t worry.
“Sebastian” The Demon Headcanons
Ok, so it seems like Sebastian the demon is a very different person from Sebastian the butler. And there are some things about him that I don’t quite understand yet, so these are my headcanons based on what I’ve seen.
He has said that his true form is ugly and grotesque, and I don’t disbelieve him. However, if I’m not mistaken, before meeting with o!ciel, he seemed to have already taken on a somewhat human like appearance that’s not very different from the beautiful man we see today. I can believe that he automatically took on a human form to ease o!ciel’s mind; it’d make sense. But I still believe personally that:
The beautiful man we see is just as much a part of his “true form” as the mass of goo he’s shown as at the beginning.
I believe he can shapeshift into any form he wants, based on his quote, “I am no one, yet I can be anyone.” But I also believe he has a “default human form” in the same way he has a “default bird form” and possibly a default form in the demon realm, too. I just think it’s weird that whenever he changes his human form before the contract, he never changes his face, height, skin, or even his gender, which is interesting. Just his clothes. Why?
Secondly, I think “Sebastian” the demon does have a gender. Let me clarify, it’s not so much that he’s like a human where he was born a certain gender, but it’s more like, he has a sort of preference for how he shows up? If that makes sense? For example, demons in the kuro world could be inherently genderless, however; it could be possible that some demons could have preferences or even biases based on lived experiences in the human world. To elaborate, Sebastian has seen first hand how most humans are typically more trusting and differential towards men. Particularly tall, handsome, white men. So therefore, he typically prefers to show up in that form for most contracts as this allows him the most freedom, and lowers most people’s guard, generally speaking.
Some stereotypes, good or bad, could be highly advantageous for certain demons depending on the way they like to handle their contracts.
Sebastian’s True Personality Headcanons
We all know what Sebastian is really like at his core. He’s narcissistic, sadistic, arrogant, selfish, and heartless. But I have a few headcanons to add to that wonderful personality of his.
I feel like, outside of his butler persona, or in his thoughts, Sebastian can actually be quite childish and whiny at times. I think this is kind of funny because he criticizes his master for this all the time but I don’t think he’s much different. Sebastian has no qualms about working hard, for sure, and while he likes battling with his master, he also doesn’t like to be undermined or looked down upon. He gets very miffed when people don’t like him, and he’ll whine when he’s not given enough attention. Of course this is much more subtle within his butler persona, but it’s still there. I feel we see this most blatantly when interacting with characters like Nina Hopkins.
He can be quite the brat himself too, which is also funny. It’s rare, but those moments when he’ll complain, or mock his master in his head for his orders, or his extremely passive aggressive, pedantic behavior, particularly at the beginning of the contract. And his whole thing about everything needing to be perfect and beautiful all the time even outside of the contract, lol he’s just as much of a brat as his master! A match made in hell, truly. (Not in a ship way!!!)
I may do a separate headcanon list for this later but I feel like Sebastian would be the worst friend/partner ever. He’d be such a headache. Any friend or partner of his would have to: measure up to incredibly high standards at all times, would need to deal with his constant need to be the center of everything, would have to listen to him complain and possibly be subservient to him as he sees himself as a king (another headcanon based on the ice king short story). He’d be very controlling and wishy washy with affection (only wanting affection on HIS terms), probably would have no respect for any possible boundaries you may have, would subject you to constant psychology abuse, if you’re good at something he’ll try to upstage you as often as possible, won’t listen to a thing you say because he thinks he knows best (due to his arrogance), it’d SUCK! Very, very bad friend/partner material. :(
Sebastian Michaelis: Biases and Sexuality
I don’t think Sebastian would necessarily have biases in the sense of like: thinking men are better than women or white people are better than everyone else because why would he? He, himself, is a shapeshifter and a demon who sees all humans as grasshoppers. It’s like us discriminating against male ants and female ants, red ants or brown aunts. Why would we? They’re all aunts.
However, with that being said, he can still fall into the trappings of ignorance sometimes, subconsciously.
For example, at least in the beginning of the manga, when he needs to gather information from a woman, do you notice he tends to approach her in a more flirtatious/sensual manner? Even when he doesn’t have too? Beast is the most infamous example. Regardless of William’s presence, there really was no reason why he had to approach Beast that way, or even at all! Unless I missed something (which I very well could have), I don’t see a reason why he couldn’t approach someone like Dagger for information or even Doll, who was clearly just as emotionally vulnerable as Beast was.
I think Sebastian, subconsciously or otherwise, might have internalized some of the stupidity of the ideology around a “women’s place” in society during that time and, based on his good looks, believes that women are generally easy enough to get information from as long as he’s handsome and charismatic. Since he’s both of those things, all he has to do is wink and smile and it’s in the bag. Basically this is Sebastian. “Women respond best to sweet words and private attention, men respond best to ego stroking or violence.” Something like that. You get what I mean? I hope I’m making sense.
I also theorize that, while he wouldn’t necessarily see a black man as less than a white man, he wouldn’t be immune to believing in stereotypes about different groups of humans, especially if he hasn’t met one that’s challenged these stereotypes yet. For example, his knee jerk reaction to meeting a black person during his current time period, assuming he may not have ever met one, could default to, “Black = half evolved human, or “strong laborer humans” or “hypersexual/extra primitive human.” Simply because, those were the horrible stereotypes that persisted back then. But he wouldn’t act on his immediate thoughts unless given a reason too. He doesn’t treat Mey-rin, Lau, Soma, Agni, or any other ethnic character differently so it’s quite possible he doesn’t think anything at all.
To put it simply, it’d be like us seeing aunts and being like, “regular aunts are harmless, red aunts are dangerous and should be avoided.” But they’re still aunts and not worth thinking about more deeply than that (in some opinions!).
Onto sexuality, this one is particularly confusing to me because I see so much debate about this and truthfully I have no idea what to believe concerning canon. So I’m going purely on headcanon for this, and feel free to correct me if you have more information on this (assuming you’ve read this far).
So, I’m asexual or something like that (I’m figuring it out sis), and I’ve seen some people say that Sebastian is asexual because it seems like he doesn’t enjoy sex, and only sees it as a means to an end, which I do kind of agree. However, a few things confuse me.
As someone who doesn’t enjoy sex, I personally look for any excuse to not be bothered with it. Obviously, I’m not a demon, and I’m not Sebastian, but is there really no other way for him to gain information from women? Surely he could just use his words/mental manipulation tactics? There’s a thousand different ways to seduce a person or tear down someone’s guard without ever touching them. Surely, as a demon, he would know that, right? If so, then why isn’t this his default?
Personally, I think he does like sex but not for the reasons we think. I think he finds sex/sexuality with humans largely boring. He’s a demon after all. However, I do think he enjoys the potential pain he can inflict on others through sex. Sex is a very intimate thing that can alter your very soul, for better or for worse. I’d imagine giving yourself or being taken by a demon can do horrible things to a person’s psyche. Sebastian LOVES mind games. He may not care for the act, itself, but he’d love the torture and pain one can inflict through it. Se/ual a/use and r*** are one of the worst possible ways to hurt a person, beyond any type of physical torture. Hurting someone in the worst way possible by using something that’s supposed to give pleasure to humans? Sounds like a perfect torture method for our favorite beautiful monster.
Plus, sex isn't only used to express love and attraction. It has also historically been a way to assert dominance and control over people. It’s been used to strip people of their sense of self and all types of horrible evils of that nature. I don’t believe that to be out of character for Sebastian. Again, look at what he did to Beast.
So while I can see the argument for Sebastian being ace, I don’t think he dislikes sex at all. I think he does find a level of personal enjoyment from it, but not in the way we would think. Sick bastard.
The End.
Well, that’s it from me! What do y’all think? Do you agree? Disagree? Do you have anything you wanna add? Please do share it with me! Just don’t be mean, please. 😭
Congratulations to those who made it to the end cause this thang long as hell. Let me know if you’re interested in more headcanons for Sebastian and other Kuro characters. I might do some for ya! Cheers!
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janeicethesiren · 5 months
Black People in Kuroshitsuji is a criminally unexplored concept in fan works so I’m doing it myself
Hey guys, it’s me again and I’ve just slept for about 24 hours. And I wanna talk about black people!
I’ll just lay it all on the table here, I’m black. I’m a young, neroufunky black woman in her twenties and I’ve been a part of many fandoms for most of these years. Regarding anime, black butler is the very first anime I’ve ever been introduced too. It has a special place in my heart for that reason.
I really do love this series! It’s dark, gritty, mysterious, and so complex! I love the characters, and the setting has so much to enjoy! And, in my opinion, this fandom has some of the best fanfic writers out there!
But I have to say, as much as I love all the content (the black butler x reader stuff too!) I just wish I could find some content that featured us, y’know?
Sooooo therefore, I’m doing it myself!
Y’know the saying, make the content you want to see in the world (that’s not the quote but you know what I’m tryna say.)? I’ve always admired fanfic writers and I always wanted to make my own fanfics but I was way too embarrassed and unconfident in my own writing skills. But recently I said, “fuck it!” and decided to do it anyway.
I was just thinking, y’know? What would it be like, as a black woman from the modern era, to come into contact with this world and these characters? What kind of challenges would she face? What would she go through? Could she get along with them? How would they treat her?
The Kuroshitsuji characters are very unique. They are simultaneously a product of their environment and time period but they all also seem to exist, to-an-extent, outside of it. A lot of them are quite unconventional individuals (not to mention, supernaturals that generally look down on humans), and they don’t all necessarily follow the traditional thinking and values of that era.
But, on the other hand, we have seen them all grapple with and perpetuate some…archaic societal views as well, for our current standards. I just think it could be so interesting for a black character to actually make continued contact with them! Especially a black female character. It could be so cool! There’s so much story potential there and it’s completely unexplored!
So, with all of that being said, I’m actually writing a story right now! It’s 11 chapters in and I’m currently almost done with chapter 12. If you’ve made it this far, I’m more than happy to post a link to it for your enjoyment! And please, please feel free to give feedback. This is my first time writing a story of this magnitude and I am NOT a professional writer. So any and all critiques/compliments are welcome! Just please don’t be mean, I’m really sensitive 😭.
Anywho, as always, this post is way longer than I thought. But would that be something you guys are interested in? I’m also toying with the idea of doing black butler x black!reader headcanons! So if you wanna send me some request based on that premise, please feel free to do so 👀.
TLDR: A black female POV character for a Kuroshitsuji fic has a lot of potential for great storytelling and is criminally under explored so I’m currently writing my own fic about the idea. Also I might do some Black Butler x Black!reader headcanons so feel free to send some ideas/request in my inbox!
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janeicethesiren · 6 months
Hot take: The Woobification of Sebastian and O!Ciel-How Beauty Clouds Judgement
Hey guys, it’s me again and I can’t sleep. I have another hot take to share! Once again, please don’t take this too seriously, I’m just talking.
So, I just want to start off by saying that I totally get it. I mean it! We’ve been following these characters for years and we’ve gotten so invested in there stories and we can’t help but want them to win, you know? It’s human nature to want to root for the underdog in some ways. And, O!Ciel kinda fits the mold of underdog when you consider his backstory.
But, and this is my opinion, Ciel and Sebastian are NOT the underdogs. And I can’t help but think that if they both weren’t so pretty, you’d see a lot less people excusing their behavior or rooting for them.
I should also stress that I’m not talking about the people who look at these characters through a complex lense, I’m more so talking about people who are insistent that O!Ciel and Sebastian are good people/not evil.
Like I said, I get it and I empathize with the kid, but the kid is a BASTARD. He has progressively become an awful, awful person and that’s the POINT. And I can’t help but find it boring when people try to strip that away from him.
People feel bad for O!Ciel because he’s been through a lot, which yeah he definitely has. And people are mad at R!Ciel for standing against him and at Lizzy for turning on him, at least for now.
And, again, I kinda get it because we’ve been with O!Ciel for so long and it’s natural to root for him. But, O!Ciel is not the good guy! Lol what’s happening right now is that he’s currently being forced to face the consequences of his own actions. Which, let’s be honest, he wasn’t expecting to ever have to do because of his personal countdown death clock, Sebastian.
I can understand why he told those lies, especially at the beginning. But there’s no excuse for them anymore. He should have BEEN told everyone the truth. Would it have been easy? Of course not. But it would’ve been the right thing to do. While it’s understandable why he did what he did, he still took away his family’s ability to grieve and R!Ciel’s ability to rest, at least in my opinion.
Also, I think it’s important to note that, after a point, O!Ciel started to ENJOY being Ciel. So much so that he’s willing to fight the real Ciel for his own name. Which is absurd when you think about it!
His family absolutely ain’t shit for not only not noticing the difference, but also not doing anything to step in and really be there for that boy. But again, that’s part of the point of what Yana is trying to say in that upperclass Victorian society is/and was depraved, shallow, and mostly evil.
O!Ciel may have been thinking of the others when he made his initial decision but the decision was still selfish. I think that it’s ok to say that; while yes, he suffered from heavy survivors guilt and truly thought that his family would prefer for R!Ciel to come back (and unfortunately he wasn’t wrong), he still, if only subconsciously, wanted the power, prestige, and access that R!Ciel’s name carried.
He LIKES being Ciel now and loathes his old name and position. He LIKES the power, the access, the maneuverability, hurting people when they get in his way, killing those who wronged him, the security of Sebastian’s presence, the ability to make his dream come true (made a lot easier with Ciel’s name), the dark mind games he plays with people. ALL OF IT. He loves it and that’s the POINT.
And Sebastian is a demon. Yes we all know that, that’s not news. However, I still feel like we give the man (entity, whatever) too much credit a lot of the time. Again, mostly because he’s pretty.
Is it possible that he grew to care for O!Ciel in someway? Sure! And I do believe he legitimately has a lot of respect for O!Ciel. But I honestly think it’s more likely that the bastard is hungry and the current events are making him worried that he’ll end up being killed or losing his meal in the end. I don’t think it’s impossible or too much of a stretch to say that he’s grown fond of O!Ciel in someways, but best believe that child is food. Yana even outright says that Sebastian LOVES to see Ciel suffer! Only it’s not so fun when Sebastian is also suffering too, lol he’s a narcissist.
TLDR: It makes sense why people root for O!Ciel and Sebastian. But I think we give these two way too much credit sometimes and there’s an over abundance of people trying to absolve them both of their evil. They are both garbage (lovable garbage!) that are currently facing the consequences of (mostly Ciel’s) actions. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. Please don’t kill me.
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janeicethesiren · 6 months
Kuroshitsuji Hot Take/Headcanon: Sebastian Is Sick of Ciel and This Contract
Hey! New blog, don’t mind me. I have some thoughts that I have to spill out otherwise I literally can’t sleep so here we go! Don’t take it too seriously lol I’m just talking.
Anywho, as the title says, I really think Sebastian is sick and tired of O!Ciel, this contract, the phantomhive drama, and all of the other shenanigans going on, especially after the 2CT reveal.
Sebastian is an egomaniac who believes in his own hype. He’s selfish to his core, self-serving, arrogant, hyper-narcissistic, pedantic, and overall unpleasant unless he has to be. Yana even said she finds him unappealing (and I don’t blame her!)
I love Sebastian, I promise. But, based on how much has happened over the course of less than 4 years and how many times he’s been caught off guard lately, he seems like the type that would HATE to be in this situation.
Look at him! When he got embarrassed by Blavat and that cult, what’d he do? He went to go mingle with some prostitutes. Yeah, he got some information from them but he was DEFINITELY looking for an ego boost.
Sebastian probably has a long list of grievances. To list a few:
1. He’s gonna have to fight Undertaker again most likely (which we all know he definitely DOESN’T wanna do).
2. The reapers are constantly on his ass.
3. Having to raise a child (technically two children if you count finny), and that child being the most spoiled, whiniest, greediest brat you ever did see. (and I say this with love)
4. And having to manage and constantly clean up the messes of his incompetent (day job wise) employees???
5. And how could I forget, they barely made any moves towards revenge! (Although I think this is more of a writing thing then a Ciel and Sebastian in universe thing. Plus I’m pretty sure the Queen did it or had something to do with it anyways, so…)
Like, he’s definitely over it, lol.
Not to mention, motherfucker is STAAAAAAARRRRVIIINGGG!!!! Didn’t William say he was, “half mad with hunger,” or something similar? Could you imagine basically having to fight to the death, jump through rings of fire, literally bend over backwards without a break for years on end JUST to eat, what you hope, is a gourmet pizza??? I’d be aghast!
Sebastian is an uppity bitch that likes to put on airs about being “elegant” and “classy” and “not like those other lowly demons who just eat whatever,” but he was just like that not too long ago himself. He probably, lowkey, still is to an extent. Yana didn’t call him a beast for nothing.
What I’m saying is, yeah, he’ll do the work to upmost perfection for his own personal pride because he’s an egomaniac. And a perfectionist who’s also a callous, narcissist that can never fail and never be wrong, but that doesn’t mean he’s having fun right now lol. I personally headcanon that while he enjoys being a butler to an extent, he secretly feels like he bit off waaaaaayyyy more than he meant to chew.
In his head, I bet Sebastian’s like, “I will literally do ANYTHING to go home at this point. There isn’t a day that goes by that I haven’t wanted to push that damn brat down a flight of, AT LEAST, ten staircases. I’m tired, I’m hungry, I’ve been humiliated by these…. LESSERS….way too many times, I have to tolerate a bunch of annoying humans and reapers, and don’t even get me STARTED on this……this….CHILD! MY GOD! He can’t bath, he doesn’t want to walk, he can’t dress himself or tie his own shoes. I’m surprised I don’t have to feed him myself half the time! I’ve been run ragged way past what’s necessary and-!“
Just, constantly. Everyday.
Lol I highly doubt he’d ever wanna do this shit again. Or would at least take an extended break afterwards.
TLDR: Sebastian is a tired and hungry egoistic demon who would just unceremoniously eat the child if he weren’t so damn prideful.
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