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Partners Matthew and Micah Johnson held visions together.When they partnered on October 2017, they decided to pursue their passions and provide their insight and creativity for the public. Very ambitions, they strive for the people's demands in the liberal arts realm. Their passions developed in college while working on studies strictly associated with writing, literacy, and the English language.
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Religion: My Early Mid-Life Crisis How My Religious Views... Religion: My Early Mid-Life Crisis How My Religious Views Have…
Religion: My Early Mid-Life Crisis
How My Religious Views Have Changed
Have you ever wondered why we have a defined belief system since the day we were born? It is quite interesting as to how most of the world is Christian, Muslim, or any of the other Abrahamic religions. The majority of the United States population is Christian as our national holidays are considered Christmas, Good Friday, Easter, and so on. Those are the days that we get out of school and work usually. Other religions have different holidays but they are not recognized by our law system and businesses as an official holiday. Pagan religions have multiple days of importance, but “we” often look at them and laugh at their beliefs. Bigotry and ignorance stands around pagans, and their traditions. I, personally, don’t understand the hate, fear, and uneducated opinions of the disrespectful individuals.
Religious freedom bills and laws have been petitioned to be proposed for the last couple of years, specifically since marriage equality had been ruled as constitutional. Many claim that the “official religion” of our country bases our morals, and that homosexual people are impure, unsanitary, and wrong in nature. Many would disagree with that thankfully, as people realize love is love. I’m gay, and I plan to marry my partner someday. This has been the part of me that led to me questioning my faith and beliefs. Why is a proposal called religious freedom, when we don’t respect pagans, satanists, and only enforce Christian agenda onto everyone?
I’ve grown up in the bible belt all my life, and I discovered myself when I was in 7th or 8th grade. Many people would talk about gay people as if they are trash, and not worthy of respect or recognition in the community. Growing up in a small town made it much worse to come out and be who I really am. People had treated me different since they known that part of me. Judgement had be put on me, and everyone seen me as inferior. About 90% of these opinions had come from Christianity beliefs. It is a very common and popular system around this area. It is very prominent in our society in general. At the time, I believed in a God, but I would adjust it to suit my own needs to comfort me. I would believe that “God” didn’t hate me, and I wasn’t an “abomination” as other people would say to me. Though as I’ve entered my young adulthood, trying to fit into a religion that teaches others to hate one another isn’t what I wanted to be associated with. Many try to persuade me to turn back to Christianity, but it really doesn’t vibe with me personally, and doesn’t make sense logically. It isn’t a religion of love as most people claim it to be. The bible is just a book. It has been rewritten by many different people for the last 2,000 years. It is not original, nor holy. This is just my opinion; As others may think I’m completely crazy, they might be too for their intolerance.
I have studied many different belief systems for the last year or so to try to find myself as a person, and what I truly believe. I believe in a higher power, maybe a creator, but typical religions do not define it for me. The afterlife is very different to me as well. As I have been diagnosed with a mental illness, I began to think about everything, and it caused me to question just about anything. It led me to observe and analyze my own thoughts of Christianity. While being a “Christian”, I didn’t follow the rules, read the bible, or go to Church. I just knew what people said was “wrong” and “sinful”. It was a system I grew up with, and was told it is the only truth in life. If I questioned it, I was threatened to be sent to hell. It is just like threatening to kill someone or set a bomb to go off if they don’t do what you say. This “religion” had made me believe I was going to burn for the rest of eternity for being a gay man, and loving another human being. It had scared me to death, knowing I had crazy things go through my head I couldn’t control due to my illness. It led me to think I would be punished and hurt for it. Everyone says that hell hurts, and it’s fire, agony, and such. Nobody has been to this place, heaven, or to know how the afterlife works. Reincarnation makes most sense to me, and I have faith in that, just like those who believe in heaven. It’s a personal perspective, and a very sensitive topic. It doesn’t have to be unless you really want it to be.
Majority of the world killings and mass murders have originated with a religion of some type. It has been around for hundreds to thousands of years. Many tried to convert the native americans who were in “our” country. It was their land, and white men slayed those who didn’t believe the same as them. Today, we still kill others based on beliefs. It is Christianity VS Islam at this point, and it completely ridiculous. I cannot understand the mindset of killing or hurting someone because of their personal opinion. I try my best to not offend or anger someone because of their beliefs. I’m bitter towards Christianity, and most organized religions, but I’m trying to improve my outlook on them. Beliefs are beliefs, they vary just like skintone, nationality and much more. Beliefs make a person who they are, it forms their comfort, self-esteem, mental health and much more. Religion doesn’t define morals. A real human being knows what is “right” and what is “wrong”. It’s simple as knowing to not go and steal someone’s property, or shooting someone with a gun. If you have a heart, you have morals, and that is a personal belief in itself. If you aren’t religious, personal morals and opinions are your belief system.
Religion can be created, and formed by your own imagination and beliefs. To question and observe the world around you is very important. We all say education and college is important to us, though we are slandered if we question something that has been accepted as truth for so many centuries. Critical thinking, open minded thoughts, and researching different beliefs is a part of education. It allows your brain to grow tremendously, and personally as well. My journey still continues as I try to find my corner in the spiritual world. It is fun, happy, and comforting. Sometimes it is depressing as I feel confused or lost, but I’m not lost. I’m just on my way. Ask yourself one simple question: Do you want to be part of a sheep herd, or a wolf capable of peace and independence?
– Matthew Johnson
http://ift.tt/2ycbZ68 October 09, 2017 at 04:38PM via Tumblr http://ift.tt/2y5Dq24 October 09, 2017 at 04:38PM http://ift.tt/2z939UV October 09, 2017 at 04:44PM via Tumblr http://ift.tt/2xuCH6a October 09, 2017 at 04:51PM http://ift.tt/2yU48Yj October 09, 2017 at 04:59PM
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Faith Within: Confidence in Sports Leads to Positive Self-Esteem
There is one crucial characteristic that we all need in life, and that is self-confidence. Confidence affects everything we do in life, whether it’s our social life, academic success, personal goals, and even martial arts among other sports. When we think of martial arts, we think of the strong and tough guys who can take down anyone. That is true most of the time. However, physical strength differs from spiritual and emotional strength. The core of physical strength derives from emotional strength. Confidence allows us to believe that we can do what we put our minds to, to make the goals and visions that we have in our mind.
Spirituality can play a part in building up confidence to gain the strength to do physically in sports, and other activities. Having faith in the Universe or an almighty being to help guide you through emotional barriers that block your confidence is helpful. However, some do not believe in the universal power, or any other type of creator. There is no judgement towards this outlook. When it comes to faith for building confidence and self-esteem, non-religious people are just as capable, or even more, than people who follow a religion. Their supreme being or source of power comes from within. Faith, courage, and confidence all play a part to meet the goal. On occasion, a voice nagging in your head telling you negative things about yourself, but none of that is true. The truth is in your heart. Training your thought process and mind is important, just like moves and techniques are to martial arts.
Anyone of any age can turn their negative thoughts into something beautiful and uplifting. To ease your mind, and forget about all the pains and suffering that can come naturally, meditation is the best way to receive peace of mind and self. Start by sitting in a quiet place, and focus on your breathing. Tuning into the silence, letting your thoughts dissolve into thin air, helps ease the negative self-talk that lowers your confidence. Relaxing music such as zen, classical and ambient noise, guides the mind into a safe-space. While meditating and training yourself to let go of the burdens pulling you back, it’s important to make the place “sacred”. Placing photos of loved ones, clearing the area like your thoughts, and having calming ways to relax yourself is the key. Peace of mind doesn’t always come easy, but training your mind like athletes do can give you the life you always wanted. Teaching the mind to ignore the self-hate, and depressing thoughts will be the best thing you ever do.
Parents should sit their children down, give their children advice on self-love, boosting self-esteem, and help them gain confidence they need. As an adult, confidence helps you to get better jobs, learn new skills, form relationships, friendships, opportunities and more. Learning while you’re young allows a lot more time later in life used for passions. Gaining confidence in yourself is a journey, sometimes a long one. If you ever decide to take the path, be soft and gentle with yourself, take your time, and learn at a steady pace like the sports and passions you love. Support groups help a lot, whether it is religious, school, sport teams, medical, professional, it brings your self-worth and positive communication needs up. Confidence builds up like our muscles within the body. The strongest ones are the heart and brain, tied together and trained efficiently, you can carry out anything and everything in this world.
“Believe” - Matthew Johnson via inscribecontracting.blogspot.com.
Accredited Source: Cruickshank, Angela. "Hallowed ground: just a week later a shy child gains her self confidence at Camp Geddie." Presbyterian Record, Feb. 2006, p. 32. Academic OneFile, http://ift.tt/2ybyPus. Accessed 7 Oct. 2017. http://ift.tt/2z9GKXJ October 09, 2017 at 04:51PM
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