imthesilentwriter · 1 year
Chapter 2: The Wizarding World
Magic. Who knew it existed, let alone people being magical. There was so much for me to take in, it’s scary. Trying to understand this mess is completely and utterly exhausting. Professor McGonagall is continuing to talk to both Mum and Casper about the school year term thing. Honestly seems a bit confusing. My fingers running along the edge of the letter, trying to take in the feeling of reality. Processing that this is truly happening, I look up to see the conversation has ended.
"Any questions?” Professor McGonagall asked. I pondered for a moment, wondering many things, but certainly the most important. “Where do I get my school supplies?” I asked curiously, hoping it wasn’t a stupid question. “Ok, so there is this place called Diagon Alley where you will be able to buy your school equipment.” Professor McGonagall answered. I nodded, my mother then asked, “how do we get there?” McGonagall nodded, and them said, “I’ll come and collect you with another muggle family.” My mother nodded. Another question sprung into my mind. “How do I get to this school?” I asked. A little ah escaped McGonagall’s mouth. She then said, “well as you know Hogwarts is a boarding school and you will need to go to platform 9 and ¾ to get the train.” I nodded. Everyone seemed to be pleased with this discussion. “Is that everything?” my mother asked, Professor McGonagall nodded.
Everything seemed to move in slow motion. My mother and Casper standing up, escorting Professor McGonagall to the front door, to cooking dinner, to eating dinner, to getting into bed. I turned my head towards the door, and I heard a faint clicking noise. Turning my head upright, I looked straight ahead into the darkness. I cannot believe my dream has come true. I’m finally able to escape this hell hole. Only problem is… I don’t know where I’m headed. My heavy eyelids slowly start to drupe shut. Until sleep has fully succumbed my body.
Continuing down the almost familiar road, I finally reached the park. I headed in, my eyes drifted from one object to another, until I spotted a familiar jet-black hair boy. “Harry!” I yelled, that seemed to grab his attention, I turned his head towards me, and waved. “Adalyn, I hope you came baring gossip.” He said, I chuckled a bit. Even though my mum said not to tell anyone about me being a witch, I have some sort of instinct to tell Harry.
“So, this old lady, with this emerald, green cloak, came to my front door and handed me this.” I passed over the Hogwarts envelope to Harry. I studied his face as he almost seemed to recognise this letter. “I got one of these, but my uncle took it away.” Harry said, whilst passing the letter back towards me. “Huh, interesting.” I said, confused as to whether Harry may be a wizard. We continued to talk about the upcoming events in our lives, then play on the playground equipment. I’ve never really had a friend before, but honestly its quite nice.
I said my goodbyes to Harry, and we parted ways. Stomp, stomp, stomp. My feet crashed against the asphalt road. The colours within the sky seem to change instantly. Like it didn’t have a care in the world what others may think. The light blue piercing sky slowly turned into an ombre affect. Yellows, oranges, pinks, purples, and dark blues coated the sky, and as time went on, it was like a paint brush blending the sky together. Looking down towards my feet, I noticed that the ground to have a change of heart. The colours beneath my broken sneakers seemed to have gotten darker, as to note, that the earth has gone to sleep. Looking up, I noticed that I was almost home. The cream-stained bricks blended in against the carbon copy house, that stood side by side. Taking a deep breath in, the smell of burning wood crossed my nostrils. Walking up the broken path, I stopped in front of the black front door. The only piece of colour was the light gold number on the door. 7. The number of which I live. I moved my hand towards the handle, and slowly turned the doorknob. Opening the door, I got this whiff of tomato paste, indicating that my mother was cooking pizza.
I headed my way over towards the kitchen table, I sat down in my designated seat. My mother noted my arrival, and then said, “Addie, it’s just you and I for dinner tonight, as Casper has to work late.” I nodded. She contemplated on what she was going to say next, then decided not to. Continuing her cooking. I watched her every move. I watched as she bent down and opened the oven, how she carefully pulled the tray out with her fabulous red oven mitt, how she placed the try, with the upmost delicious pizza, and cut it into triangles. After cutting the pizza up, she placed 2 slices on each plate, and brought the food over towards the dinner table. “So, Addie, how was your day today?” my mother asked, placing my plate in front of me, and then sitting down. “My day was good, how was yours?” I questioned right back. she hummed in response to my question. Taking a breath in, I opened my mouth to be instantly flooded with bright colourful flavours. The flavour of the pizza lingered on my tongue, making my mouth completely water. This is the best pizza ever.
After finish eating, I helped mum clean the dishes. The front door quickly slammed shut. Casper is home. Gathering the last dishes, I handed them off to mum, and the quickly made my way to my prison. Luckily Casper didn’t notice my presence, otherwise he would have a field day with me, blaming every misfortune he came across today on me. I slowly, but carefully opened my prison door, and stepped inside. I closed the door and laid down. Staring into the abyss, I noticed a tiny hint of gold floating above my head. I wonder what it could be. I reach my arm up into the air and try to grab this mysterious item. Pulling my arm down, I noticed it was just a spider’s web. I turned over to the left side of my body, I pulled the fuzzy blue blanket up over my shoulders, and slowly succumbed to sleep.
Waking up is honestly the most difficult part of the day. Starting. Breathing. Living. All things people needed to survive. To function. Not me however, I was stuck in my prison. No light, no sound, no nothing. Just me and my thoughts. I was completely restless last night, as I couldn’t fall asleep. I’m a Witch. Lots of people back in primary school said I was. Honestly, I was told to ignore them, but now all I can think about is how right they are. The smell of cleaning products continually flooded my nostrils. Breathe in, breath out. Cleaning products. Bleach. Lemon.  Soap. In, out, in, out. Day in, day out. I pull myself up, remembering that I don’t have to do any cleaning today. I reached my hand outwards into the darkness, hoping I can find the handle to my door. Once my hand found the cold rigid handle, I twisted my wrist, and turned over the handle. The handle made a faint clicking noise, and the screech of the door, whistled within the dead, lifeless air.
I pulled myself outwards, stepping into the warm hallway. Step by step, my feet made a pattern of steps. Walking if you will, I needed up in front of the bathroom. Staring at me was the white door. The rusted gold handle dared me to enter. One day that rusty old handle will need to be replaced, but not today, as it just barely allowed me to enter. My hand instinctively jumped at the light switch, once I heard the little click, I new the lights were on. The humming of the orange-stained light above created a pattern of speech. It was like the bathroom was speaking to me, or even singing. I closed the rusted door, and headed over to the misted, damp, wet, shower curtain, that still had pictures of animals on it. When I was younger, animals were my favourite thing in the entire world, my mother took it upon herself to find a shower curtain that I would love, instinctively that made me want to take showers. Ingenious woman she is. Stretching my hand out, I reached the tap. I swiftly turned on the water.
My shower was a long, thoughtless process. Stepping out to of the shower, I quickly dried myself off, using a cleaning towel. Once dried, I grabbed my clothes and put them on. Once done, I headed towards the mirror and looked in it. In it, you could see the lifeless soul staring at me, and I continued to stare back. My beeline honey hair, dripped down towards my shoulders, brushing against them. I collected my pastel purple hairbrush off the counter and continued to brush my hair. When I finished brushing my hair, I grabbed a black elastic hair tie, and tied up my hair, making sure there were no lumps or bumps in it. I looked at myself again in the mirror. Apart from my yellow floral dress, I felt that I was missing something. I thought for a moment, I then realised I was missing my black headband. I placed my black headband on my head, and then knew my outfit was completed.
I headed out of the bathroom, and into the kitchen. Breakfast was a very frustrating time because you never know what exactly what you want. Upon entering, I noticed that too my mother was ready up and atem. Maple syrup exploded within the air, captivating every single molecule. The scent tackled my senses, pulling me further and further towards the counter. “Morning honey!” My mother greeted with a plate of pancakes in her hands. I quickly gathered the plate, said a quick morning hello, and devoured the flavoursome pancakes, like there wasn’t a care in the world. A silent, joyful chuckle left filled the air. I turned my head to see where the noise was coming from. Then I saw, my beaming mother, a lovely smile on her face. I smiled back at her. “Thank you for the pancakes mum,” I said, she nodded in response. When then continued eating in silence.
After completing my breakfast, I rushed to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I grabbed my blue toothbrush and favourite mint flavoured toothpaste and began to brush. The toothpaste foamed up within my mouth. The foam eventually started to drip down my mouth, I leaned over the sink and spat it out. I repeated this process a couple more times, until I was satisfied my teeth were all clean. Once exiting the bathroom, I heard a solid knock on the door. “I’ll get it mum!” I yelled out, and slowly but surely headed to the front door. I opened the door and saw Professor McGonagall in her familiar green cloak. “Hello Professor,” I said, as I widened the door. That’s when I noticed another family behind her. Interesting, I thought. My mother then randomly appeared behind me, “why don’t you come in,” she said. Professor McGonagall thanked her, and they all funnelled in, one by one. Once everyone was in the house, I promptly closed the door.
I slowly headed my way into the – now cramped, living room. I noticed the way they dressed. They way they smiled. It seemed natural, more authentic. That’s when I noticed a girl, around my age, wearing a simple red dress with black shoes and a black headband, she also seemed to be holding a blue jacket-jumper. She had extremely curly frizzy dark blonde hair, which complemented her coffee brown eyes. Her parents, however, looked just the same. Professor McGonagall then spoke up. “Alright Adalyn, this is Hermione. Hermione this is Adalyn, you two are in the same year.” She confidently stepped forward and stretched out her hand. I cautiously took her hand and shock it. “Nice to meet you Adalyn,” the girl, Hermione, said, whilst shaking my hand. I smiled back and said, “nice to meet you to.”
“Now that we are all ready, lets head off to Diagon Alley.”
This family – the Grangers, seemed to be extremely kind, and caring. Which is honestly a sign of relief. My mother kept striking up conversations, left, right, and centre. To the outside world, they both seemed completely and utterly different, but deep down, they had way too much in common. Even though my mother is a paediatric nurse, and the Grangers were both dentists, I couldn’t help but wonder whether this was destiny. Me finding out I’m a witch, us meeting the Grangers. We continued down the concreted pathway. Passing meaningless shops, one after the other. Book store, clothing shop, shoe shop, pub. Professor McGonagall seemed to stop in front of the pub. Which confused everyone. “One of the entrances to Diagon Alley is actually through this wizarding pub,” she exclaimed. She seemed to know what she was doing, and there was no need to worry. So, we continued her tail.
Entering through the beer-stained pub, people, I mean witches and wizards, stared wide-eyed at us. “Muggles,” I heard one mutter, as we slowly walked past, careful not to disrupt or disturb anyone. Everyone looked so different, so unique. It was like their personalities were on display, and we could pick and chose who to be friends with. Some looked welcoming, others did not. Some had smiles, others did not. There was this recurring pattern of either friendless or not. People were either happy to see us, or angry.
My mother and I continued down the cramped like room, down the dusted, matted hallway. The room we entered in was dark, pitch black. Eyes were watching us. Beady eyes stared down, as if to say we weren’t welcome. The creak of a wooden door drew my attention out from the endless train of thought, and onto a more positive note; I would be meeting my future. We filed our way out of the pitch-black room and entered another room. This one had sunlight, the heat. The red brick walls blocking our way. “Alright everyone, I’m about to knock in a code, that will let us into Diagon Alley,” Professor McGonagall said. Everyone watched in awe, when Professor McGonagall pulled out a brown stained wooden stick, that had the distinctive groves of circles carved into it.
Moving her arm, she tapped one brick, then another, then another. She repeated this process until she tapped eight different bricks in a certain pattern. The sound of stone grinding against one another, pierced my eyes, my hands quickly made their way to my ears, trying ever so desperately to cover the noise. This sense of hope flooded through my veins. Smells, all different types, to flood my senses. The hustle and bustle of people flooded my sight, everyone ever so panicking with each step as if they were forgetting something.
“Welcome to Diagon Alley,” Professor McGonagall announced.
I was completely star struck. Who knew this world existed beneath our own? The sensation of typical touch found its way onto my back. I looked by to notice that my mother, wasn’t fazed by this at all. Could she have known about this world? A world that seeks of endless possibilities? She glanced downwards, and casted a sweet smile onto her lips. A unique voice stopped me within my train of thought. “Welcome to Diagon Alley!” A male voice said, I turned to see, a red headed man, in what I assumed to be typical wizarding clothing. The black dusty jacket, and the presumed grey suit laying underneath. He was wearing a black witch’s hat, the type you wear as a Halloween custom. “Thank you for this kind welcoming,” said Mr Granger. The red-headed male disappeared from sight, and we casually continued out trip down the yellow brick road.  The yellow brick road is from one of my favourite films, the wizard of oz, the characters, the plot, everything about that place seemed magical, just as the one I’m currently standing in. Colours blinded my eyesight, continuously flashing, changing, swirling.
I turned my head forwards and noticed a very large white marble building. This building however looked very similar. It kind of reminded me of a bank. “Up ahead is Gringotts. It’s a bank where you can get your muggle money turned into wizard money.” Professor McGonagall stated. We continued to walk further and further down this path, closer to another, spectacular place. It may not seem like much, but to me, it did.
The tall grand door, stood in front of us. As if it was trying to tell us that we were puny pawns in a chess game. Ironic isn’t it. Chess, not for the faint of heart. The sound the doors made upon opening, was silence. It felt like the world dropped into pieces. Imagine, the entire world imploding in on itself. Stepping inside, a chill swam down my spine, making every little hair on the back of my neck stand up. Eyes. Everyone’s beady eyes glared at us. They stopped what they were doing and glared. Just glared. The instant I move even the slightest of muscles, every judgement creature continued to do their work. Repeating task after task. Their skin was beige coloured, the thin grey hairs pulled backwards over their wrinkly heads. Another step. Their gold framed glasses, shined within the light. Another step. Their long crusty fingernails stood out, as the stamped their gold seal onto their wooden bench. Another step. Their outfits were all the same. Another step. They each seemed to be wearing a black suit and it. Another step.
Step after step, we reached the main creature’s desk. “Professor McGonagall, what do I have the pleasure of doing for you.” This strange, male? Gentlemen? Creature ruffled out of his? Their voice. “I need some help, helping these muggles exchange their money.” She politely stated. The creature nodded and stepped down from their lair. They, continued around the pillar, and appeared on my left. “Who will I be taking first?” The creatures voice sinisterly said. “You, Sir, will be taking the Charles to go to their vault. And I will be happy to sort the Grangers out with their finances.” She said, I turned my head towards her, then towards my mother. A vault? But we weren’t witch’s, were we?
The male short looking creature nodded, then stared directly at me. His eyes captured my fear, and his ruff demeanour change. Once of normalcy, then one of wickedness. “Right this way, Madam’s.” he evilly chuckled. My mother simply nodded in response, and followed in suit. I however preferred to stay where I was. For the life of me I couldn’t seem to pinpoint what this creature had on his mind. I locked eyes with my mother. I knew it wasn’t worth fighting for. I simply obliged to this state and stumbled my way forwards. Closer and closer we got, the further and further I felt to reality. Odd, I thought. “Do you have a key, Madam.” The creature asked. My mother handed over a golden key. The creature nodded in response, and opened a door, that didn’t previously catch my eye.
A lantern already lit, was dangling off the cliff. The pole that was holding the lantern, was crocked, and could easily trip someone that wasn’t noticing. The creature pilled us into this weird looking train thing. This train thing didn’t have any safety features. Maybe he thought we wouldn’t fly off the edge. The creak of a gear kick started the pathway to treasure. The clickity clack, of the wheels turning frightened me. Clickity clack. Clickity clack. Clickity clack. Faster. Faster. Faster. The wheels spun. Turning and turning. Faster and faster. Not slowing, and not stopping. Panic was arising within my throat. As if I was to puke my worries out, but no, I was terrified. Clickity clack. Crash. Clink. Meat was crashing and thrashing about. Gears I once thought stable, flew about the undercarriage. I didn’t even notice the constant spinning of the room, until I hear another clank, followed by a clink. This is it, my death. Creak…
We’d stopped. What on earth- “Vault number 222.” My blurry vision seemed to clear once the whole, I’m gonna die thing stopped. The darkness that was always here, finally came into view. As if the panic was dark, and the dark was the light. My eyes widened, grey, crystalised rocks, stood upon the threshold of life. I turned my head and noticed a big, wide, but tall feature. This feature was carrying the words 222. The dark brown wood, followed within the stoney wall, but the twinkly gold jumped out of the place they were imbordered in. Taking a deep breathe in through my nose, the waft of mud, dragged me out. A metallic taste filled my nose. Stepping forwards, the creature pulled out the key – the key my mother once held. Sliding it into the mason jar, it was clear a deadbolt was unleashed.
A click, followed by an endless ticking. The ticking didn’t stop, until. Bam! The door to the safe was open. The creature stepped aside, and I stepped forward. Gold seemed to pile in the room. Curious, I wondered how we had this much money.
“Yes dear,”
“How did we get this much money?” I questioned.
“Well, we don’t, this is where the exchange happens, isn’t it Sir.” She pulled the creature forwards, and he then spoke, “yes, yes, it is.” I didn’t think to much of it, as I was more focused on the gold endeavours I would be facing.
I have never been more excited to exit a building. Not just because I thought it was trying to kill me, no. Because the world that was within ours. This place known as magic. Magical beings floated about. Bats. Sugar. Witch’s hats. All there. All in the safety of their home. Safe and sound. I couldn’t help the smile that creeped up my face. I couldn’t help the jitters I was feeling. I have never felt, this excited before. I have never felt…
The soft concreted floor clashed against my soft sounded sneakers. The steps taken were a task, everything around was so new, so different. It confused me. I didn’t know what to think. Everything was… was beautiful. “So, girls, do you mind pulling out your equipment letters, so we can see where we need to go first.” Professor McGonagall politely ordered, and, without much thought, the equipment letter appeared within the palm of my hand. Hermione then spoke up and said, “the first thing on the equipment list says we need is, uniforms.” I then looked down at my letter and read the following.
First-year students will require:
Three sets of plain work robes (black).
One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear.
One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar).
One winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings).
Please note that all pupil’s clothes should carry name tags.
Course books
All students should have a copy of each of the following:
The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1), Miranda Goshawk.
A History of Magic, Bathilda Bagshot.
Magical Theory, Adalbert Waffing.
A Beginner’s Guide to Transfiguration, Emeric Ewitch.
One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi, Phyllida Spore.
Magical Drafts and Potions, Arsenius Jigger.
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, Newt Scamander.
The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection, Quentin Trimble.
Other Equipment
1 wand.
1 cauldron (Pewter, standard size 2).
1 set glass or crystal phials.
1 telescope.
1 set brass scales.
Students may also bring an owl or a cat or a toad.
“Wait, broomsticks are REAL?” I asked, completely shocked. A warm chuckled dispersed from Professor McGonagall, “yes dear they are, would you like me to show you one?” I nodded in delight. I couldn’t wait to see the broomsticks, and if they actually fly. “So, shall we start off at the uniform section?”
Standing outside the uniform shop, all I could feel was extreme itchiness, and I haven’t even stepped inside yet. I hope these uniforms are soft, otherwise were gonna have a real big problem. I felt my mother’s gaze linger within. I turned my head and noticed she could read me. Damn. The red wood glistened as bright as the night sky. The words ‘Scarlet’s School Shop’ was written in gold, this clashed against the red wood. The clean shiny clear windows were visible from the outside. Through the glass, it was noted that robes stood within. Upon entering the shop, the smell of lavender encompassed my senses. The bright colourful lights shined down in the bright room. “Well to Scarlet’s School Shop, I’m Scarlet, how can I help you.” Scarlet introduced, her dyed blue hair waved down to her shoulders. Her sliver sparkling glasses captured her bright blue eyes, which contrasted off her light brown skin. Professor McGonagall smiled at her, she then proceeded to say, “these lovely first years need help finding the perfect set of uniforms.” Scarlet smiled towards us, then simply dragged Hermione and me into the back of the shop.
Entering the back of the shop felt so strange. Scarlet then proceeded to pull out her wand, wave it around a bit, then suddenly the different sizes of black robes floated down from different directions of the store. “Here you go girls, try these on,” she said, and she passed a robe over to me and Hermione, and we both tried them on. Once I finished placing the robe over my shoulders, I let myself fully take in the weight of it. It was light, smooth, and very comfortable to wear. I looked over towards Scarlet, and she seemed to think that the robes fitted me perfectly. So, we purchased them, just as the other uniforms we tried on. We exited the uniform shop and continued down the path. “Adalyn dear, what’s the next on the list?” Professor McGonagall asked, I looked down at my list and then said, “schoolbooks.”
We continued down the sea of people when we stumbled across a very worn book shop. The dark blue paint seemed to have faded over time, and there were cracks and tares. The windows didn’t seem any nicer either, but the worst part about this strange shop is that there wasn’t a name on the outside. We walked inside, and dust covered every inch of the shop. An elderly woman appeared around from the corner, “Minerva!” she yelled. She had this wide smile on her face when Professor McGonagall entered. “Betty!” Professor McGonagall replied with the same energy. “What can I do for you?” Betty asked. “Well, we are here to purchase the first-year books, and I wanted to see if you stilled owned this beautiful shop,” Professor McGonagall chuckled, Betty guided us to the first-year section, and Hermione and I quickly got to work finding the exact books. Instead of quickly picking out the exact books I needed, I went wondering inside. The creaking of the floorboards shifted underneath each step I took. The creaking and cracking of the old wooden floors pronounced themselves with every sudden movement. I wasn’t looking where I was going, and I came crashing down to the floor. “Watch were you going. Oh…” male voice said, I looked up at the voice, and noticed there were two red headed males standing in front of me. “So, we didn’t mean to knock you down,” the other male said. I nodded, and they both lend a hand for me. I gracelessly accepted, and they pulled me up off the floor. “Sorry for running into you,” I said, and continued my walk around the dusty old bookshop. I finished rounding the shop, gathered my schoolbooks, and stood in line to purchase them. Exiting the shop was a breeze, the only place left was the wand shop.
“Olivanders,” Professor McGonagall stated, “this is the only place you can get a good wand from,” and we entered the very cluttered shop. “Welcome, welcome.” An older man said, “you must be here to buy a wand I presume?” he questioned. We nodded, and he quickly got to work. He went towards the back of the shop and pulled out two dusty blue boxes. He proceeded to walk back, he then carefully opened each lid, and handed both Hermione and I a wand. Immediately Hermione had a glow appear above her head, I turned to the wand keeper in fear, only to find him, smiling from ear to ear. “Well, my dear, the wand chooses the wizard, and this wand has chosen you!” he said, Hermione looked very happy with the commented stated. He then turned to me and said to me, “well give it a little wave” I did as I was told, and waved the wand around, an instant smash and crash came from the left side of the store. A glass cup, exploded into millions of little pieces. “No, that is definitely not the wand for you,” he said, I placed the wand down onto the table, and Olivander scarred back into the piles of wands. Looking around the store, all you could see was piles and piles of wands in boxes, ready to be sold. A little clickity clack of wheels in tracks appeared into front of me, and Olivander had another wand ready for me. “Here you go,” he said, I nodded and waved it, in an instant a wooden plank came up from the floor then crashing down. “Yes, close, but not the one,” his facial expression suggested he was pondering a thought, a thought that could explode right out of his brain, “I wonder,” he muttered ever so slightly. He then disappeared back into depths of endless wands. He reappeared with a new, different wand. “Try this,” he mysteriously said. As soon as I wrapped my hand around the wand, something happened. My hair, started to fly up. Lighting around the store seemed to flicker and readjust around me. In an instant, I’ve seemed to start floating. Everyone around me, looked. Stunned by my apparent newly acquired flying abilities, Olivander nervously said, “your wand is 11 ½ inch phoenix feathered, wand. It has one of the rarer types of wood, known as cypress wood. There is only one other person to have this type of wood. But this phoenix feather has relatives related to other wands…”
Olivander seemed to get more and more concerned, more confused. He looked as though he was terrified of one of the most uncommon wands that is in my possession. “Just remember this dear, the wand chooses the wizard, its not always clear why.” I nodded in response to his state. We purchased the wand, and left diagon alley.
First week of waiting and preparing to go to Hogwarts. I’m so excited that I’ve seemed to forgotten what I’m meant to be doing. Mum has started ordering Casper to do housework, because I’m leaving, and honestly, I couldn’t be happier. This does, however, lead me to become bored, and wish to do something. During the days, Mum and Casper are either out on the town, or at work, and all I can do is stay home. But that doesn’t mean I can’t leave the house. So, I left to go to the park, where I stumbled across my new found friend, Harry. “Hi!” I yelled, and waved, his raven black hair twisted with the motion of his head turning. “Hi!” he yelled back. I quickly made my way over towards him. Sitting down, I asked, “How have you been?”, “I’ve been alright thanks, how about you?” he replied then returned with a question. “I’m good, got my belongs to go to Hogwarts.” He nodded. “Yeah, I keep getting the letters, my Uncle is starting to lose his mind honestly.” I nodded. We continued to sit there, talking and watching the sun set.
Around the second week of waiting, I started to go crazy. I felt like I needed to blow something up, and I accidentally did, here’s how: I was out at the park with Harry again, we decided we wanted some ice cream (luckily my mother gave me some money to buy this sweet treat), and so we walked down towards the petrol station. We walked in, and we were instantly greeted, with brush of cool air. Thanks AC and continued our way through the back of the store. Upon finding the ice cream, I noticed something strange. There was this kid, short and stubby, that looked like that thing at Gringotts. I didn’t pay much attention to it however and kept walking. Looking at the multiple options, I couldn’t help but feel like we were being watched. “Harry?” I called out, “Yes Addie?” he replied, “do you feel like were being watched right now?” I asked. He looked around the cool empty store and shock his head. We chose our ice creams, and headed to the front desk, we paid and left. But I could has that nagging feeling like we were being watched. But as I was about to turn around and figure out who was following us, Dudley, Harry’s cousin, jumped out from the corner of a building, and scared the living daylights out of me. “Jesus Christ Dudley!” I yelled in horror, all of his friends giggled and snickered at my reaction. Harry looked towards me and noticed that I was fuming. Blood boiled, anger rising. I couldn’t help myself. I wanted to blow something up. I glared deeply down into Dudley’s soul. Anger raging, boiled blood spilling over the pot, I felt a fire pit starting in my stomach, and in an instant, KABOOM! The metal bin next to me completely blew up! Dudley and his friends ran for their lives, terrified at what just happened. All I could do was stare. I froze. I was frozen in time, and I was pulled way from the scene by Harry.
The third week was awful! Harry went away because his uncle completely lost it, and I was all alone. I couldn’t do anything. I was completely and utterly bored. So, I decided to go for a walk. I let my mind run away from itself, and just left the wind take me somewhere. That’s how I ended up in the park, alone, at dusk. I laid down on the dewy green grass and stared up into the sky. All I could think about was how I would be leaving in a couple of days, to start my journey of wizardry. I laid there and contemplated my life until it was dark, and I headed home. Possibly for the last time.
The fresh autumns air brushed against my flushed skin, like a paint brush moving paint. Breathing in through my noise, I noticed nothing had changed. I mean, it is the first day of autumn, and the seasons need time to change as well, but I guess I would feel it? The light blue two-seated car with cream trimmings around the windows, sat standing still within the stoney driveway. “Alright dear, I’ll drop you off at the station, then I have to go to work.” My mother said, I nodded, and piled all my things into the car, being ever-so careful with my newfound feathery friend. A tawny brown owl, with two different coloured eyes. His name is Apollo, after the Greek God of the Sun (he is also known for other things, but mostly known as the god of the sun). Once fully packed, I, myself entered the car, and we started our journey to the station.
The tall stoney brown brick building peered down upon me. I stared up into the sky. This adventure is starting to dawn on me. Nervous energy started to build up within my veins. Blood flowing rapidly around my body. Making myself dizzy and nauseous. My mother helped me gather my things, and place it onto the nearest trolley, that was conveniently sitting outside the front door. My mother placed her warm comforting hands on my shoulders, this grabbed my attention. Looking deep into her Atlantic blue eyes, I could see fear, admiration, sadness, and happiness swirling around in her eyes. She didn’t even have to say anything. I wrapped my arms around her and held her close. Warm tears started to pool into my eyes. I undid the embrace and looked back into her eyes. “Remember to write to me, once a week Wednesdays. Remember that you have to shower every night and brush your teeth. Remember to try your best.” She said, I nodded. She let go of her grip, and I started to move my way towards the entrance of Kings Cross Station. “OH! AND REMEMBER!” she called out, I whipped my head around into her direction, “DON’T BE LATE FOR CLASS!” I smiled and giggled. I continued my way into the station.
Pushing this rusted metal trolley across the overhead bridge was a task. The heaviness of my trunk created extra weight, which made it harder to push. I kept pushing, and pushing, I didn’t release where I was going. “UGH! OW!” A young boy’s voice yelled, I pulled my head up from the floor, and saw the black raven hair, the deep emerald, green eyes, and one very pissed off Harry. “Harry!” I exclaimed, I was so excited that I completely forgot what I was doing, “ah, it was you who ran into me, hi Adalyn.” He said back, “Sorry ‘bout that one,” I giggled in response. We continued to stand there and laugh, joy overwhelming our bodies. “So, where you off to?” I asked, curious on what he was doing on the same overhead as me. “I’m heading to platform 9 and 3/4. What about you?” he questioned back, I nodded then said, “same. Do you know where it could be?” I asked back, he shock his head in response. I nodded. We continued slowly down the overhead and onto the platform that held 9 and 10. “Look, there’s a train conductor. Do you think I should ask him where platform 9 and ¾ is?” I nodded, and we quickly went up to the conductor. “Excuse me sir?” Harry asked, the conductor looked around this general bubble then looked down. “What can I do for you two?” he asked back, not looking to pleased. “Well, we were wondering where platform 9 and ¾ is. Do you know where it is?” Harry questioned. The sheer dumbfoundedness that spread across the train conductors face almost made me want to laugh. He bursted out laughing, “platform 9 and ¾ think your being funny are you?” he said sarcastically, then walked off. A huff of frustration escaped my lips. Harry and I stood there for a whole of two seconds before we heard a woman distantly saying the word muggles. Harry and I locked eyes, and we instantly chased after the, upon discovery, red-headed female, with lots of other red-headed children within reach.
“Alright Fred, you first.” The woman said, the a tall red-headed child, with a blue sweater responded by saying, “he’s not Fred, I am.” Then an identical boy said, “Honestly woman you call yourself our mother.” The woman retaliated by saying, “sorry George,” the two identical boys snickered with her reaction. “I’m only joking, I am Fred,” then the first boy disappeared through the creamy stone brick wall. As if it was like magic… Then the other identical boy went through, the woman then said, “Percy off you go,” and slightly shorter red-headed boy nodded. His curls bounced up and down with the nod of his head. Again, just like magic, the boys disappeared through the solid wall. “Excuse Ma’am!” I yelled out. She looked around for a moment, then instantly locked eyes with Harry and I, I wonder what gave us away. “Yes dear,” she said calmly, as if talking to little kids. “We were wondering if you could help us onto the platform,” Harry asked shyly. “Of course!” The woman responded in pure delight, “It’s Ron’s first time to Hogwarts as well.” We nodded towards the boy, “so all you have to do is run straight through the wall, and then, bam! Onto the platform.” We nodded at the simple instructions. Harry mutually decided that he would go first, in attempts to reduce my fear. His raven black hair flew within the air, the instant he started running. His baggy oversized clothes rushed behind him through the wind. Then bam, through the wall. I looked towards the woman and smiled, “thank you for help me and my friend,” she smiled back, and I too ran through the wall.
The feeling when going through the wall was shocking. Shock waves travelled through me. It felt different. I saw Harry up ahead and noticed him staring. I turned my head, and saw a large shiny red train, with black trimmings. Students piling into the train, belongings in tow. This maybe the best year of my life… ever.
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imthesilentwriter · 1 year
Chapter 12: Sweetheart
Lizzie's POV
We meet the boys out the front of the hall. They all stood up, and we collectively exited together as… well… like a family… as much as I hate to say the word family, I guess, I am kind of a part of them now… aren't I? Anyways we continued down the hallway, when somebody suddenly snuck up behind me, and whispered, "so this is your family? How pathetic!" The familiar voice said, then continued, "what a shame it would be to see it disappear…" I spun around and punched Alyssa straight in the nose. I froze. I have never done anything like that, but damn did it feel good. That’s when the sudden pain in my knuckles released, cause intense pressure, and dizziness. Then out of nowhere, the other two girls came, and dragged me towards the janitors closet. Damn it, why do these people always have to do this to me?
Why couldn’t it be anyone else? Oh wait, that’s right, I don’t have a voice, so they torment me instead, to combat their own feelings. "This is what you get for punching Alyssa in the face!" Chloe said, then Bella chimed in and said, "well, maybe if we leave her in here, she won't be found till Tuesday! That's like what 4 days from now?" The girls all laughed, and they then slammed the door in my face. I pressed my ear towards the door, to hear if they were barricading it shut, and they were. I sighed. This always happens to me. Why, just why is it always me. Tears slowly started to form in the corners of my eyes.
It was like the dam was overfilled, and in an instant, the deadly storm pushed the excess water over the edge. That's what crying feels like. It's like all the pain, and suffering was being released without anyone noticing that it was there. I took a deep breath, and closed my eyes. I didn’t have a phone to contact anyone, and there was no way I was able to scream out for help. So, instead, I leaned my back against the door, and slowly slide my way down, until I hit the floor with a thud…
Wilbur's POV
Mum and Dad were done with Lizzie's parent-teacher-interviews, which meant we could go home, and eat dinner, and discuss how our lives were. But I noticed something strange about Lizzie's deminer, she seemed more nervous. Maybe it's because she's not used to parent-teacher-interviews. I remember the first one I went too with Mum and Dad, the teachers kept saying how I was terrible at the learning part, but I had some sort of extortionary gift of music. To be fair, I have always loved playing the guitar, and for the first time, I kind of felt valid. But yet again, I wasn’t doing terribly at school compared to Lizzie, she was basically failing each and every one of her subjects! Which is INSANE!
We got to the car, and we all climbed in, that’s when I noticed, Lizzie wasn’t with us. "Mum, Dad, where's Lizzie?" I questioned, "Uhhhh, I don’t know Wilbur. Techno, Tommy, where did Lizzie go?" Dad asked, Techno and Tommy shrugged their shoulders, and that’s when I realised, she must of ran away! "Mum, Dad, is it possible Lizzie could of ran away?" That’s when I noticed, Mum and Dad looked at each other, like they knew something, but couldn’t say anything about it. "Uhhh, no, well, yes, maybe, I don’t know Wil." Mum said in some kind of panic, I couldn’t pin point the exact type of panic she was feeling, but the way she was speaking, I knew she was nervous…
Kristen's POV
"Should we call the police?" The principle, Mrs Tucker suggested. Honestly, I thought that would be a great idea, but we couldn’t be too sure if she ran away or not. So I just nodded, I was freaking out. After Wil said something about Lizzie not walking with us, it's been pure chaos since. We were now outside the car, huddled in the freezing cold, waiting - hoping - for Lizzie to just magically reappear. I knew most likely that may not happen, so I suggested the one thing we should do, "We should called the police." Everyone nodded, and even more chaos erupted.
Lizzie's POV
Once I heard the girls walk off, I knew they were serious… there was no way I would be getting out of here. Not in one piece, that's for sure. I turned away from the door, and I headed to an empty shelf. I looked down, helpless, I was actually considering… oh fuck it. Go back to your roots, that’s always happens… so there I was, crawling into the smallest space possible, hiding from the world…
Phil's POV
Kristen was absolutely freaking out, she was pacing. Like non-stop. The principle, moved us into her office. Shortly after the police came. I was thankful, actually, but they didn’t seem to worried…
"State your daughter's full name please," the more experienced officer said, I then replied with, "Elizabeth Jane O'Connor, she is our foster daughter." the second officer standing in the room, just snorted, Kristen looked at him, with the deadliest death stare I have ever seen.
I was honestly quite scared for the man, she had the looks to kill, she kind of had the means to kill as well. That’s when she said, "what? You think this is funny? That we’re panicking over our foster daughter? She's disappeared. If you know her, like we do, she didn’t run away, she didn’t have anything major going on in her life…" Techno, stepped in front of her, to give Kristen a hug, whilst I continued to fill out the paperwork…
Lizzie's POV
I'm never going to be found am I? Would I actually be left in here till Tuesday? I really hope not… well I've done it before, being locked in a room, no food, no water, for several days at a time. Like that would change me. I scoffed, remembering…
Shivering. Pain. Throbbing.
Just awful, deadly, numbness ripped through my body… no, it was tearing my body in half… help! Help me! I want out! I ended up losing my voice after day 2 of screaming for help, waiting, hoping for anyone on the outside to hear my cries… my pleas… The dizziness in my head was making it difficult to remember what day it was, let alone to be able to read a clock… weakness… It struck my body like a full forced truck, zooming past on the highway… why? Why…?
Why can't I keep my eyes open for longer than 2 seconds at a time…? I don’t understand… wait, is it because I haven't eaten? Or drunk any water? Or… or… Wait no, this can't be it… I don’t want to die… is this what death feels like? Cause whatever it does… I'm sure I'm close to it… maybe I should close my eyes for a little bit…
*knock*knock*knock* was tapped on the glass at the very top of the small, cramped, dark, basement. "hello?" a small voice said, "is anyone down there?" another small voice, said… I couldn’t move, I couldn’t see… I couldn't… "Girls what are you doing? You know not to go near somebodies house without asking." an adult woman said. "But Mum, we've heard cries for help come from this house, every single day for the past 5 days…-" the first voice said, "whoever is down there they need help Mum!" the second voice said. "Hmmm ok, try again… but if nobody answers then its none of our business ok?"
"Hello? Is anyone down there?" the second girl asked. This is my chance, all I have to do is just say yes, or scream… but I couldn’t. My mouth opened to say something, but nothing came out. Oh no! This can't be happening, I need to say something… or I'm dead…
I started to sob, I couldn’t hold it in anymore… I know I'm not meant to cry, but here I am, balling my brains out of my eyes, just so I wouldn’t be left behind, or even worse… left to die…
"OMG! GIRLS I'M CALLING 9-1-1! MAKE SURE WHOEVER IS DOWN THERE KEEPS MAKING NOISE!" the mother screamed… within minutes my eyes closed…
No. I'm not going to have a repeat of last time… I'm not going to give up. I can't. Not yet. Not now. Not EVER! I stood up, and walked over to the door. This was my time, this is how I could be freed! My hands slowly go to hover over the door, that’s when I heard, the giggles… the laughter… the pure amusement… they were still out there… and they're not going to let me make this noise. I turn my back against the door, and I slowly slide down. This was it. My torment. My torture. My death…
Techno's POV
After calming Mum down, my brothers and I decided that we should go look for Lizzie, ourselves, as Dad had to keep answering questions for the official police report. I was so angry at that pathetic officer, not believing us as she didn’t just "run away again", but instead she's missing. I honestly wish people would just stop judging her, and look at her differently. Like I get it, I get it that she is a foster kid, and a former runaway, but that doesn’t mean she hasn’t changed… does it?
"Where do you think she went?" Tommy asked, I looked at him, then Wil piped up and asked, "do you think she just ran away or did she actually get kidnapped?" I shrugged, I didn’t actually know… "We have to believe that she didn’t runaway, cause that is what trust is… isn't it?" I said, my brother's nodded in response. I was relieved that they understood my point of view on this situation. And I'm glad that they didn’t just conclude to the fact that she ran away… which was good…
We stumbled across these 3 girls just outside the janitor's closet. They looked awfully suspicious, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. Why? Why were these girls standing there? What could be so importa-- "So… girls what are you doing here? Is everything ok?" Wil asked, one of the girls piped up and said, "yeah, were fine, we're just waiting for our parents to be done with the parent-teacher-interviews, cause they didn’t really want us in there… y'know?" Tommy over exaggerated his nod, it was like he was trying to impress the girls. Ha! He's a simp… wait… we’re not allowed to say that word… haha, well his into girls way too much, when he shouldn’t be… he's just a little baby…
Something colourful struck my peripheral vision. On the floor, underneath the door, I could see fingers… but not any ordinary fingers… but… that looks like… LIZZIE'S! Oh my god! I found her! I felt relieved, but I couldn’t show it. I didn’t want to spook those girls, but I think they knew she was in there… "Wil, Toms, let's keep walking," I said, with my usual monotoned voice. Well for some people it's just a regular monotoned voice, but my brothers have learnt that I was trying to be urgent, and serious. They clearly understood, and we all kept moving.
Once we were far away from the three girls, I said to the boys what I found. "So your saying those girls locked Lizzie in there?" Tommy asked, I nodded. Wil took a deep breath in, then asked, "so, are you going to get the police to arrest them? Or should we just break the door down?" I contemplated whether or not it was a good idea to break down a door, I personally think it would be fun, but what those girls did or didn’t do to Lizzie is unsure of at this time, so I came to the conclusion that… "We'll get the police."
Kristen's POV
The boys left the room, Phil kept talking to the police, and I… I couldn’t stop freaking out. The panic, just wasn’t going away. I was panicking, Lizzie… Lizzie was missing… and- and- I- I couldn’t even think… why? Why? What happened? Why weren't the police listening to me or Phil? I don’t understand? Well… I do understand… she's a foster kid, with a pervious history of running away… but that doesn’t mean you can just brush her off, like she's a nobody, people love her, people know her, and it kills me to know that a lot of people that goes missing, and end up not getting the recognition of being missing. It's saddening, especially for a child, I mean she's an older teenager, and I get that.
I saw that Phil was walking over to me, mouthing something, but I couldn’t hear him. Then I felt his hands wrap around me in a hug, and I slightly relaxed. I looked over towards the police, and they looked like they were talking on a radio, so I knew Phil was able to get through to them, and was able to convince them that Lizzie wasn’t just a regular run away case, which I was thankful for. This also made me relax a bit more. Which really helped. "Are you alright?" Phil asked, I nodded, and took a deep breath out. I realised then, that Phil was scared to. Then I asked, "are you alright?" he nodded, which made me more relieved.
The door to the office opened franticly, that's when I noticed my sons. They opened the door like there was no tomorrow… which is unusual for Techno, but the look on his face, says otherwise. I quickly released from  Phil's grasp, and quickly walked over towards Techno. "Tech, what's wrong?" I asked, he looked panicked? Scared? Terrified? I honestly couldn’t tell, but his demeanour told me this was urgent. "Officers, I know where our sister is… but I'm going to need your help." he said.
Techno's POV
"Officers, I know where our sister is… but I'm going to need your help." was the only words that were able to come out of my mouth, I couldn’t breathe, she was in danger… the officers looked concerned, and they asked where she was, all I did was directed them towards the 3 girls… and the janitor's closet…
Once we stumbled across towards the girls, they instantly knew what was coming, so they ran… the officers couldn’t be bothered to chase after them, so instead they unlocked the door, before anyone could go in, I decided, that I should be the first one in. So I quickly rushed in, and… I couldn’t see her… where is she….
In the corner, there was this dark gloomy lump… that's when I realised it was Lizzie. I slowly approached with caution, careful not to startle, her, making sure she knew I was here. She didn’t even move a muscle, when she looked up towards me. The fear, the pain, the terror, that gleamed in her eyes, terrified me. I moved closer towards her, that’s when I saw the blood. The blood, the… the… dark, crusty, copper smelled blood, covering her head… what the fuck happened to her?
All I knew was that she was scared, so instead of forcing her out into the world, I moved closer and embraced her in a hug, a well-deserved, and well needed hug.
Wilbur's POV
Techno had been in the janitor's closet with Lizzie, for a good hot minute. My parents looked semi-relieved, but I don’t think they will be relieved until they actually see her, in person. That’s when Techno and Lizzie emerged from the janitors closet, and that when we noticed, the cuts, the bruises, the blood… the blood, I wanted to gag. It's not like I have a problem with blood, it's just… bad memories… but this isn't time to have bad memories… this is the time to help, and push whatever I feel aside, and help Lizzie… cause god only knows what she's been through, and let me tell you, she looked like hell.
The cops instantly were all over her, calling for an ambulance and taking her out of Techno's grasp. Techno looked worryingly towards me, then I turned to our parents, and then I realised why. "Mum, Dad, she'll be ok, uhhh… why don’t we turn our backs, and uhhh think about the positives. Alright?" I said, they seem to oblige in my statement, because they did as what I said, Tommy also did what I said, even though he didn’t have to. I think just then, he was scared… like he actually was scared, and that hurt me, a bit inside.
We all faced away from Lizzie whilst the cops were bashing her with questions. Oh god, I wish I could save her from that hell, getting beaten around with questions, that they themselves knew… but sadly its protocol. That's when we heard the paramedics, so then the police came to ask us questions, which I guess was better, because at least Lizzie wasn’t getting harassed by them anymore. The paramedics said it was time for them to take Lizzie to the hospital, but they said, that she seems to be alright, but it was just a check-up just in case. Which was good, so Dad, decided to go with Lizzie, which means, either Tech or I would be driving. Mum didn’t seem to look to good, but at least she wasn’t to hysterical. And so off we went, towards the hospital.
Lizzie's POV
Ugh, my head is giving me a killer headache. Well at least it's not as bad as bruising your organs or getting shot, which was a plus. I opened my eyes to see that I was in an ambulance, and I knew I was going to hospital. Oh god, how I hate the fucking hospital. I want out. Get me out. Get me away from here! I managed to get myself pulled upwards, and out of the blankets that were wrapped around me. That's when I saw Phil, and a paramedic climb into the truck, damn, I'm not getting away that quickly.
"Do I need to put you in restraints?" the paramedic asked, I glared at him, if looks could kill, he'd be dead. But that didn’t seem to faze him too much, so he did anyways. Oh god! They don’t know my history with these… I  started to panic, Phil noticed my inner turmoil, so he asked if the paramedic could take them off. Reluctantly the paramedic said sure, and
Tommy's POV
I watched as Lizzie was placed into the ambulance. I saw dad go into the ambulance with her. I just saw a glimpse of her. She looked… she looked awful. What the fuck happened to her? The paramedic instantly shut the doors, and they were off. Lights and sirens. I looked over towards Wil, and I noticed that he managed to get the keys out of mum. Fair enough. I wouldn’t want her to drive in her state.
We got in the car, and we started to drive off to the hospital. Mum was on the phone to dad, talking about which hospital Lizzie was going to be in and her telling Wil where to drive. The drive felt like forever, but honestly, I was terrified. I'm a big man, but I wish, I hoped Lizzie was ok.
We pulled into the hospital car park and Wil got a park, we all got out of the car, and headed into the hospital. As we entered, the smell, the smell was so familiar, yet so unfamiliar. Which is odd. I saw dad, come out of the emergency room, and the look on his face, seemed to be relief? Which I think is a good thing. Right?
"So it turns out Lizzie has a minor concussion, and she is able to go home, the doctors are just prescribing meds for the pain."  dad said, which everyone sighed from relief. "Kristen, you can come see her. Boys is it ok if you stay here?" Techno, Wil and I all nodded in response, as dad seemed like he wanted a private talk with mum and Lizzie…
Lizzie's POV
I was staring at the roof. The weirdly simple roof. Phil left, to go get Kristen, he said we needed to talk. I believe I know what they want me to say, but I'm not talking. Not yet. But I don’t think I can get out of this talk… now can I?
The doctors say I have a minor concussion, which is good. I've had concussions in the past, and honestly a lot worse injuries and sicknesses, that are on my permanent record… oh no. Sam's going to find out… damn it. Why? Why do these girls have to come after me. Why? I was pulled out of my train of thought, when I heard the glass door slide open. In the door way, was Kristen and Phil. Well this is it, I guess. I have to tell them everything… don’t I?
"Lizzie, we need to talk." Phil said. Those words. Make me so sick that I just want to cry. I look at him. I'm terrified. What if they want to get rid of me? What if they want to discipline me? What if I finally see their true colours. After all this time… "Lizzie? Earth to Lizzie?" Kristen said, that seemed to snap me out of my rabbit hole of thoughts. "Did you hear what we said or…" Phil asked, I shook my head, indicating that I indeed didn’t hear what they were trying to say.
"We wanted to know… well we wanted to know if you were being bullied…" that sentence felt like a punch to the gut. Tears. Tears formed in my eyes. They've never seen me cry… and yet they are about to see me cry. See me in my most vulnerable state in the world. All I did was nod, and they seem to understand. I broke. I sobbed and sobbed. I couldn’t stop crying. Why? Why? This unfamiliar warmth surrounded me, and for the first time… I have never felt safer…
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imthesilentwriter · 1 year
Chapter 11: Your Kidding... Right?
Lizzie's POV
After about living with the Watson family for 3 months, I realised that they had to go to my parent teacher interviews… and us kids were told to go…and I was completely freaking out!! Like AHHHHHHH! They had parent teacher interviews for 5 days, as certain parents might not be able to go on certain days. And let's just say I was freaking out. I didn’t want them to go. I didn’t want them to find out about me getting locked in a locker for an entire school day, or the fact that I wasn’t the one who destroyed the school's book. And I certainly don’t want them to find out that I am being "bullied". Like seriously, they don’t need to know that, it's not like I come back every day from school, with bruises or cuts. We all piled up into the car, and we drove off. It's been a busy couple of months, for everyone. And I guess it feels like I don’t exist. Well I do, it just feels like not many people notice me anymore. Finally, we pull up to the school, Techno and Wilbur have the same classes and the same teachers so they're having their interviews first, then it's Tommy's, then mine…
We entered the hall and the first thing I noticed was that there were way too many people here. So I just stayed outside the hall, in the hallway. Tommy and I were hanging out in the hallway, then he said, "so, what's been happening at school? Cause Mum and Dad seem concerned." I looked at him and shrugged. He kept asking me questions but towards the fifth question I started to ignore him, and I thought about what has been happening recently.
"So if it isn't the girl who destroyed her book!" Alyssa said, the rest of the class laughed, the teacher Mrs Evans said, "that's enough class, Elizabeth, you have detention for the rest of the month. Now for today's lesson…" I zoned out, I couldn’t put up with this bullshit, I looked out the classroom window and I saw my Drama teacher talking with another student. Hmmm I wonder if I could go outside. "ELIZABETH!" I flinched and quickly turned my head back at the teacher. "ARE YOU EVEN PAYING ATTENTION! I HAVE ASKED YOU 7 TIMES TO START TAKING THE NOTES! THAT'S IT! BUDDY CLASS FOR YOU!" She picked my equipment and stormed out of the room, and forced me into another room, which does so happen to be Mx Hawkins class. "Ah, perfect, Avery, do you mind taking my student Elizabeth for me? She is acting out." Mrs Evans said, "oh really, Lizzie has been acting out? That's very unlike her, well what did she do?" Mx Hawkins asked, then Mrs Evans said, "well I asked her to do the work but she wasn’t listening, so I yelled at her. Simple." it looked like Mx Hawkins rolled their eyes at Mrs Evans because they quickly came up to her and whispered in her ear. Then Mrs Evans looked at me, then back at Mx Hawkins. Mrs Evans quickly apologised to me, but insisted I should stay here, to cool down. Mx Hawkins agreed then Mrs Evans left. Mx Hawkins directed me to one of the back desks of the room, and they continued on with their class. I sat there doing my work, but I couldn’t stop wanting to leave and walk around. So I just got up and left. And walked around the school…
"Hey Tommy, Hi Lizzie." Wilbur said, then Techno said, "Tommy, Mum and Dad need you for your interviews." Tommy got up and said goodbye to me, and then Techno and Wilbur sat down on either side of me. I looked between them and they took that as I was trying to ask them a question. "Well the interviews went well, and you have nothing to be nervous about ok?" Wilbur said, I just nodded then looked at Techno, he then said, "yeah, there not as scary as other interviews like say a job interview." we all laughed at that, as yes, job interviews might as well be the most scariest interviews to ever exist. I took a deep breath in and out, and then started to tear my shirt apart. Techno must of noticed cause then he pulled something out from his pocket. "You know you shouldn’t ruin your clothes because your bored." Techno whispered to me, then handed me his fidget cube, I tried to refuse his offer but then he said, "I'll only take it back if you speak." and I clearly didn’t want to speak so I took his offer, which then reminded me of…
"HAHAHAHA!" the girls were laughing, I was on the floor, it was about 8 am, and class starts in like an hour and they had just pushed me into a pile of mud. Great. I'm all dirty, just like they keep telling me. "Well now, aren't you just dirty." Chloe said, the other two laughed at me. "So Lyss what should we do with her?" Bella asked, "Hmmm I think I have an idea," Alyssa said, she had an evil smirk on her face, it looked like she was about to kill me. They ripped me up off the floor and pulled me into the locker room. They snatched my stuff off me and then pushed me into the locker. Bella was pinning me down tight against the locker, and Chloe was keeping a look out, to see if anybody was coming, whilst Alyssa was preparing the locker for… me. "Well this seems cosy. Doesn’t it?" Alyssa said, then Bella shoved me into the locker, then locked the door. I was stuck in a locker. I started to breath faster, one of my worst fears was being in small places like a car, or a cupboard or a locker… they didn’t let me out. I banged against the locker but people just kept walking past. I even her my two favourite teachers Mx and Mrs Hawkins talking about me in front of the locker I was locked in. So I kept hitting my fists against the locker. And it didn’t work. Then I felt my scissors in my pocket. I must of forgotten to put them in my pencil case, so I pulled them out and started breaking the locker door with my scissors, this would take me a while. So I took a deep breath in and out and got to work. Someone must of heard my struggles and got a teacher because the next thing I know the locker door was open. Then the bell rung. Great I missed my entire day of school. The principle looked at me then said, "you're going to have to pay for the damages Ms O'Connor." I nodded but she didn’t stop talking, "I'm going to suspend you, for skipping school, and for property damage, not once but twice now."
"Alright boys we are almost finished but, we just have one more set of interviews left. Come on Lizzie, let's go." Kristen said, I got up off the floor, and held the fidget cub out for Techno to have back, he just shook his head and Phil said, "Alright Lizzie's first teacher is ready." So I left. And walked up to my worst nightmare. Parent Teacher Interviews. And first up just so happens to be… Mrs Evans… oh no… "Oh Hello there, Mr and Mrs Watson? I didn’t know that you were fostering Elizabeth." She said, and I tensed up. I hate it when people say Elizabeth. I just personally don’t like my name. "Well, it's lovely to see you again Alice, so how's Lizzie doing so far?" Kristen asked, I assumed that either Kristen and Mrs Evans were friends or she's just had either Tommy, Wilbur, or Techno in the past. "Well, there are two things I would like to talk to you about Lizzie. The first thing is that she isn't  preforming at a grade average. She is probably at a year 7 level of English, but she needs to be in year 10 level English to be able to head onto year 11 and 12." Mrs Evans said, Kristen and Phil nodded, then Phil asked, "so what can we do to help her?", "well, I think you should either get her a tutor or keep her back a year." Kristen and Phil nodded again. I started freaking out a bit. I can't be held back a year, I can't, because- because- I've already been held back once... I just don’t want... I must have been internally panicking, because, I didn’t realise the hand that was holding mine. I took a deep breath and continued listening to the conversation. "And the second thing is... is- is that Elizabeth, has been very. And I MEAN disruptive, because she keeps having to leave my class, and she always causes a scene." Mrs Evans said, I rolled my eyes at that comment, there was no way she was about to blame her cruelty on me, when it was all her fault. That bitch. "Elizabeth, is there a problem with my comment about you?" Mrs Evans asked, her tone was really harsh, which made me flinch, which caused Phil to notice, "Excuse me, but is that how you talk to my daughter on a regular basis? Because if so, then I believe I might have to report you..." Phil said in a very minifying tone. "What no, and plus she isn't your daughter. Anyways..." Phil stood up quickly and then yelled, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY SHE ISN'T MY DAUGHTER?" After Phil yelled that, I looked at Mrs Evans and smiled, I then started to look around the room and notice that other parents and teachers were staring at her. Then I noticed the Principle standing behind Mrs Evans. She tapped on her shoulder and then whispered something in her ear. Mrs Evans then stood up and walked away.
"So about that, Mr and Mrs Waston, lets continue, shall we?" The Principle – Mrs Tucker – said, Phil slowly sat down and apologised for his actions. Everyone around the hall took that as a que to continue what they were doing as well. "Well, hello again Lizzie." She said is a harsh tone. Then she continued by saying, "did you know your daughter has been an extreme trouble maker? She has done so much property damage towards the school that we had to suspend her for 3 days-" Mrs Tucker was cut off by Kristen saying, "Wait. She got suspended? Lizzie why didn’t WE know about this?" I shrunk down in my chair and slowly started to disappear. "Sit up properly and lets let the Principle finish." Phil said, and I nodded. I tuned the rest of what Mrs Tucker was saying, but I know it wasn’t good. Eventually the timer went off and we moved onto the next Parent Teacher Interview. I realised it was my...
Math teacher, Ms Roberts. I personally like Ms Roberts, she's very interesting and intelligent, and having her as a teacher was very nice. She is kind, and caring, and when I need to, she lets me have a break. "Hello!" She said is a sweet voice and waved her hand. "Hello, Ms… Roberts." Kristen said, Phil, Kristen and I sat down across from Ms Roberts and she started talking. "Well you must be Lizzie's parents, lovely to meet you." She said, and continued explaining how I am extraordinary at math to the point where I need extra work during class. I looked over and saw Kristen smiling, then I looked over at Phil and saw him also smiling. I then turned my back towards Ms Roberts, and continued listening to what she had to say about me. "So, Lizzie does have some attention issues, and some problems with noise. She can handle herself most of the time, but other times she can't and she needs to go outside to relax. Also I have noticed that 3 girls are quite close with Lizzie, and I think they maybe her friends, but I am not too sure." I froze at the mentions of my "friends" they are more like my bullies than friends. I continued to listen to what Ms Roberts had to say about me. Then the timer went off, we got up and walked over towards the third teacher, Ms Walker.
Ms Walker is my Law teacher. She is a good teacher, just very crazy. She makes random jokes about the topic that we are doing, which the class find hilarious, and I just find confusing. We sat down and I tuned out the conversation, I had three main topics in my mind about what she was talking about, my behaviour, my grades, and my noise problem. Honestly my behaviour isn't bad it's just concerning. Concerning like, I'm too quiet or I leave the classroom. My grades are kind of terrible, to be honest, the only subject I do well in is Math, and that says something… And lastly my HATRED for noise. Anything loud really can set me off into a spiral of dizziness. Before I could even noticed I realised the timer buzzed and were already at my Science teacher's table. Now see my science teacher - Mr Jackson - is actually a good teacher, he doesn’t call on you when you don’t have your hand up, or the fact if you need to take a breather then you can do so. Most kids take advantage of this though. Nobody ever pays attention to his lessons, but at least they are respectful enough to let others learn. And lastly we were on my two FAVOURITE TEACHERS Mx Hawkins and Mrs Hawkins.
"Awww! Lizzie! Hello!" Mx Hawkins said, she was clearly in a good mood, and then Mrs Hawkins noticed that we were over and then said, "Hello Lizzie! Hi, I'm Mrs Hawkins and this is my partner Mx Hawkins, and we are your daughter's Drama and HPE teachers." I smiled brightly at them. Phil then said, "Well it's lovely to meet the both of you. So are you going to tell us what our daughter has been up to academically, socially, behaviourally?" I rolled my eyes, I could tell Phil wasn’t having a nice time listening to all the teachers say that I am doing terribly. But yet again, I am used to it. So yeah. I looked over at Mx and Mrs Hawkins, and they looked stunned. "No, we would never say anything horrible about your daughter. She is honestly one of our favourite students we have had in years, Mr Watson, and I wouldn’t say anything degrading in front of her anyways." Mrs Hawkins said, I smiled, I'm glad that they feel that way about me. I looked over at Mx Hawkins and noticed they were nodding in agreement to what they're wife just said. "Ok then, I apologise, for my words, it's just her other teachers are quite cruel, and degrading…" Phil said, Mx Hawkins nodded, then said, "That's completely understandable, Mr Watson, I would act the same way if someone said that about my wife." Kristen nodded then said, "yeah, I was, too, starting to get annoyed that people were talking horribly about my daughter." Everyone nodded in agreement, then I whispered, "I've been to way to many of these parent-teacher-interviews to care what others say about me, cause I know all of those are false…" 
After I said that, the table went quiet. Honestly it felt like the whole world went quiet after what I just said. Everyone's eyes were on me, I just glared back at them, and they continued the meeting. "So I'll start," Mrs Hawkins said, "so, your daughter - Lizzie - has been an exceptional student, even when she's being tormented by other students, and I hate to admit this but, even bullied by these three girls, Alyssa, Chloe, and Bella. Now she hasn’t asked for help, which means, she's either ignoring the situation or cannot say anything. Anyway, Lizzie is a kind, delightful student, that helps out a lot with the outdoor classroom. She's quite excellent at sports, and she should take some pride in that. Moving on, her grades, however, are, lacking, not that it’s a bad thing, I just think she needs some, help. Her grades for the physical part of her course is an A, however, her written work is sitting at an F. But other than that, she is a bright student, and she will go a long way." Phil nodded, and looked over at me, I quickly turned my head back towards the table and stared at the corner, I could feel his eyes on me, it was like the sun blazing on an uncooked egg. Kristen then asked, "So do have an idea why it's hard for her to do the written part of her assignments?" Mrs Hawkins then replied with, "I have a feeling that Lizzie may have a learning disorder, which isn't a bad thing Lizzie, it just means you need extra help." I nodded, and it was quiet for a little bit, but then the timer went off, and it was time for the last interview.
We didn’t have to move since, well, my dram teacher Mx Hawkins was sitting right in front of us. I took a long deep breath in and out and prepared for my final interview. "So, Lizzie is a great student to have in the classroom. She contributes well within the work, like our upcoming performance, she has basically directed the whole thing herself! Not really but something like that. But I do have one issue, her shoes. They never come off, and I don’t understand why. I've tried to ask her about them, but she keeps not speaking, which I understand, speaking is scary but about shoes? I just don’t understand." Mx Hawkins was cut off by Phil saying, "believe me, I've also wondered why she doesn’t take her shoes off when we are at home. To be frank, I don’t think she has ever taken them off ever." Mx Hawkins nodded, and continued, "well just like how my wife pointed out, I believe your daughter is being bullied, and quite severely at that. And well Lizzie hasn’t said anything about it, and I was wondering, has she ever come home from school with injuries that shouldn’t be their or injuries that she didn’t have before." Kristen and Phil nodded, Kristen then said, "I ask her what happened and she just ignores me, I can't push her to answer me, but I've still wanted to know what was going on." Mx Hawkins nodded, the said, "well other than that, I believe that's it."
I took a sigh of relief, and I knew it was over. The hell was over. The time spent here was awful, let me tell you I hated every single second of it. The timer finally went off, and we stood up to leave, we walked out the doors of the hall, and meet the boys…
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imthesilentwriter · 1 year
Chapter 10: Why does this happen to me?
Lizzie's POV
That hug, felt like they loved me? What is happening. Why am I like this? Why do I always get my hopes up, to then suddenly get crushed again? Why? Just why? I- I don’t understand? Why? After that long hug, we let go. I get wrapped up into my thoughts again. Even when we are at dinner, I still just cannot stop thinking about, myself. I mean I am not selfish or an entitled brat, but I do sometimes wonder why certain things are happening to me. I personally cannot fully understand these certain emotions that course through my brain.
Someone was pulling me out of my thoughts, I turn to look at them, it was Kristen. I looked confused at her, and then realised I hadn’t touched my dinner. I blushed slightly at the thought of her thinking that her cooking was horrible, or terrible, or awful or… ��Lizzie, are you ok? You haven’t touched your food yet.” Phil said, I looked up at him, thank God for him to be able to pull me out of my thoughts. I nodded, answering his question, and I picked up my fork. I looked down to see what we were having for dinner then I realised, what it was. It was chicken wrap. I blanked. Why? Why does my mind always have to go back to that memory, why can’t I…
“You little ungrateful piece of SH-”, “LANGAUGE!” the woman said. We were eating chicken wraps for dinner, or should I say, that they were eating chicken wraps for dinner. I wasn’t allowed to eat dinner, because I was being unhelpful and unreasonable earlier. I don’t understand. I was following all of the rules, and I was doing as I was told, and yet, I wasn’t allowed to eat? I didn’t understand. My house 13, isn’t such a great house after all…
“Lizzie-”, “Oh look she’s back. Hey what’s wrong?” Someone asked me, I looked up at them and looked around. Everyone's eyes were on me. Moving to get comfortable in my seat, and trying to break their eye contact. But it didn’t work. I moved my hand up to my face and wiped the tears off of my face. And got up from the table. I started to walk away when someone called out my name, I quickly whipped my head around to see who was calling my name. "Lizzie, do you want to eat, or talk about it?" Kristen asked, I just turned back around and headed up the stairs, to the place where I was sleeping…
Kristen's POV
I noticed that Lizzie hasn’t touched her food yet, and the rest of us were all basically done. Phil started to pull her out of her thoughts but when she looked down, I noticed her tense up. "What's happening to her mum?" Tommy asked quietly, then Techno replied, "Whatever it is, she probably doesn’t like it," he pointed towards her again, and we noticed the tear rolling down her face. Phil and I started to call out for her again, and again, until on the ninth time, she responded. She looked up, and started to look around after Wilbur asked what was wrong. We wanted to know what was happening, but she quickly wiped her tears away, and got up. She headed towards the stairs until I asked, "Lizzie do you want to eat, or talk about it?". She honestly looked quite angry, which must be understandable, for whatever just went through her mind, but instead of coming to sit back down she just walked away. I wonder what's happening…
Lizzie's POV
I woke up after having a horrible day yesterday, I realised what time it was. I got up out of bed, and quickly changed into different clothes, I remembered to put some of my products into my bag. Walking down the stairs, I could hear Kristen speaking, then I walked into the room. "So, boys, dad is going to pick you up from school this afternoon, as it was predicted that there will be an extremely bad storm." Kristen said, but she was only talking to the boys, did she not think I would be going to school? "Oh Lizzie there you are, Phil will be picking you guys up from school this afternoon, as there will be a storm," She said to me. I nodded, and continued, to stand there waiting to leave. We all piled into the car, and we drove off. I must of zoned out, because by the time I came back to this earth, we were already at school. Everyone - including me - jumped out the car, and everyone dispersed into their friend groups. I turned around to see if Kristen was still there and I waved goodbye, she gave me a small smile in return and drove off. I turned to face the school, and slowly headed into towards the gate.
My timetable said that I had to go to my form class first this morning. So I headed to where the classroom was, and I waited outside the room, for maybe about 20 minutes before a teacher came up to me and said, "you're not allowed to hang out here sweetheart, your only in grade 10, you have to be in either central or in your actual area, not here." I nodded, but as soon as I got up the bell rang, and I smirked. She rolled her eyes and walked away. My form teacher - Mr Edwards entered the classroom, and took the attendance. He didn’t noticed that he had a new student in his form class, because I have been here for like two school days, but that’s fine. Anyway, he made me introduce myself, but of course I didn’t say anything, and kept my mouth shut. Everyone in the class started to laugh or giggle at me for not introducing myself. I ignored them, and left the classroom, as the bell had rung. I headed to my first classroom of the day, English. I love English, I might as well be one of my favourite subjects.
Once I entered the room, the teacher - Mrs Evans - introduced herself to me, and told me I could sit wherever I wanted. So I clearly chose the front of the room, where nobody, and I mean nobody was sitting in. I started learning that this English class is absolutely fucking loud. Like they were screaming, and I couldn’t stay and sit in this class anymore. Without realising I started bouncing my right leg up and down and started moving my pencil back and forth within my fingers. The teacher must of noticed that I was anxious, or something like that because she sent me outside to sit there for the rest of the lesson. The other students started to yell out that I just got moved out of the classroom for being too disruptive - which wasn’t true, I hope. I continued reading the book that Mrs Evans gave me to read for our assignment. After reading, maybe about 3 chapters the bell rang. I got up and moved my way to the library. Where I continued to read the novel, but suddenly I felt a presence in front of me, looked up and I saw them… "So what is the new girl doing all alone in the library all by herself" Alyssa asked. I looked at her, then continued reading my book, I wasn’t going to give the attention she wanted. But before I could do that, Chloe, took my book from me. "Ewww, so you would rather read than talk with people?" She asked, I was furious. I JUST WANTED TO BE LEFT ALONE! "Maybe we should just keep this," Bella said, they started walking away. As they exited the library, they dropped the book into the puddle next to them. "HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA! WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO NOW LITTLE BABY!" they all laughed at me. Then the bell rang again. I quickly picked up my book, ran back inside and grabbed my stuff, and quickly got to class.
As I entered my class, I realised that it was my Law class. I've never really had Law before but I am quite excited to learn about the aspects of the justice system. I clearly must have been the only excited one in the class, because the other's just looked bored. The teacher - Ms Walker - introduced herself to me, and she said, she was excited to have me in her class. I was excited to learn new things to. She noticed that I didn’t have a laptop, so she decided that she would print out all of the class notes for me and give them to me to glue into my book. She didn’t know at the time, but this made me extremely happy. I quite enjoyed Law, the class wasn’t disruptive, and most were just respectful that other's wanted to learn. Okay, so maybe I take back what I said about English. BECAUSE I FUCKING LOVE LAW! After getting all the material, and information, Ms Walker, gave us some famous criminals to start investigating, as a lead up to our main assignment. I looked over at the names on the list, and then I saw it… my biological mother and father's names. OH MY GOD! THERE ALL GOING TO FIND OUT!!! NOOOOOOOO! Ms Walker, must of scene my internal panic, as she pulled me aside, and asked what was wrong. All I did was point at my 'parents' name, and she understood. She then spoke to the class, about not doing my biological parents. And I was grateful. After getting the materials for doing a practice presentation, the bell rang, so off I went to my third class of the day…
Because it was raining, the HPE kids we all forced into a really crowded hall. And that made me freak out. My HPE teacher - Mrs Hawkins - noticed that I clearly didn’t like the loud and many people presence, so she sent me outside. After a while, of being outside, she too, came outside to sit with me. She told me that it was perfectly normal to not like tight spaces or lots of people. I nodded, in agreement. She also said, that this won't happen all the time, but this would happen when it was raining. I nodded in acknowledgement, and she got up and left me. I peeked through the window and saw that they were doing laps of the courts. Oh my god, I was glad I wasn’t in there. After a while kids would come and go from the hall to go and get a drink. They all kept giving me weird looks. I was about to pull out my book when I teacher - that I didn’t recognise - came up to me and said, "you should be inside, and doing laps, or I will give you detention." At this Mrs Hawkins came outside to come and check up on me, she saw that a teacher was talking to me, she then said, "she's allowed to be outside, Philip," he nodded, he must have been scared of her. She looked at me and asked if I was alright, and I nodded. Then I saw someone walk past us and realised it was… Wilbur? He then slowly came up to me and sat down. Mrs Hawkins at this point walked away, leaving us too alone. "So, I know that you aren't talking and that's ok, but I would just like to apologise for how I acted yesterday." he said, I nodded, and then I whispered, "it's alright, I forgive you. And I thank you for apologising for your actions." He nodded, and looked around. He then asked, "is it too loud in the hall for you?" I nodded, then he pulled something out of his pocket, it was a black and white fidget cube. "I know it doesn’t get rid of the noise, but least this makes you relax a little bit." He handed me the toy, and I looked at him in the eyes, making sure he wanted to give it to me. He nodded and made sure I had it before he walked away. About another 20 minutes later the bell rang, and I got up from the floor and headed to the library once again.
Once I entered the library I noticed that there was a Techno there, and he was casually sitting in the spot I usually sat at. So I walked over to him, with the fidget cube in my hand and stood in front of him. Funnily enough he was reading the exact same book as I was reading my first day at school. He looked up from the book he was reading and shuffled sideways and made room for me to be able to sit next to him and join him. He then noticed the book, that I have to read for English, and he looked shocked. "What happened to the book?" he asked, he was very concerned for the book's safety. I whispered, "well these three girls stole it then dropped into a puddle outside." he nodded and continued back to his book. I know that I am mad at him, but it was nice to have a little bit of company. So I pulled open, the clearly water damaged book and started reading it from where I left off. After a while, Techno seemed like he wanted to say something, so I closed the book, remembering what page I was on, and turned to him. "I know you won't forgive me for what I did, but I would like to apologise anyway. So I am really sorry." he said, I looked at him, and I whispered, "thanks for apologising, that means a lot to me," he nodded and went back to reading. Then I noticed that his friends walked over and they wanted him to come hang out with them. So off Techno went, and I continued to read my book. Until the bell rang for the second last time that day.
Whilst I was on my way to Drama class, I bumped into the three girls that dropped my book into that puddle. "Well, well, well, look at what we have here, a little baby… or should I say, a bitch," Chloe said, the other two laughed at them and I tried to move past them, but then, three others joined. I looked behind me and noticed that there were three boys behind me, I realised who they were, Jax,  Zane, and Tyrell. I rolled my eyes. What were they doing here. "Hey pretty ladies," Jax said, and the girls were basically swooning over them, but then they introduced me to them, and then that's when I realised what was about to happen. The girls were laughing, whilst the boys were pushing me around, one of them - I couldn’t remember who - but they took my stuff, the one of them pushed me into a puddle. I fell, and I fell hard. Onto concrete and basically bruised my tailbone. It hurt so bad, then they decided to take my stuff with them, and I was just sitting in the rain, completely soaked. I pulled myself together, then stood up and headed to my class. When I entered, I was dripping wet, and Mx Hawkins, was freaking out at where I have been. They were pretty fused over the fact that I was drenched, and she made me stay outside - in the rain, mind you - because they didn’t want me to get the carpet wet, which I understood. So I sat outside for the rest of the lesson and I could hear, what the class was talking about. They were saying some pretty rude stuff, like, how did she get so wet? What happened to her hands? And so on. Its only then that I realised that the bell had gone and swiftly got away.
I headed to the front of the school, I managed to get my bag back, but that was about it. I had nothing left, I was feeling pretty stupid. Until, Tommy came up to me, and that’s when I noticed that he had my stuff with him. He looked at my shivering state and asked, "what the fuck happened to you?" I took a deep breathe in and then said, "some kids decided to push me around and they ended up pushing me into a puddle and they took my stuff." he nodded then handed me my stuff back, I pulled my bag out and then pushed my stuff into my bag. He looked like he wanted to say something, but was pulled away by I believe, Tubbo and Ranboo, to talk before going home. I waited until Phil got there, and I quickly made my way to the car, he noticed my state and made me pull out a towel from the bottom of the car, and put it on the seat. I waited for the others to get into the car, before we could leave. "So what happened to you?" he asked, I just looked at him and then turned away and looked out the window. And noticed that the boys are coming closer to the car, and quickly, they all climbed in and we drove off. "So how was school?" Phil asked, Wilbur and Techno replied with mumbled 'good', and Tommy replied with an 'okay'. Phil nodded then looked towards me through the mirror and asked me, I just shrugged my shoulders. Phil nodded, and continued driving. We managed to get back to house 40, and we all climbed out and quickly rushed inside. Once we entered, everyone started to disperse, and I laid back a bit, then Tommy came closer to me with a fresh towel. I thanked him and then he said, "I am sorry, for the way I acted yesterday," I nodded and thanked him again. I honestly really appreciate that they all apologised, even if they didn’t believe if I forgave them or not. But I did. Lots of people, act like that once they find out I was arrested a lot.
So that’s how the next three months went, me getting bullied, being mute, reading, enjoying everybody's company, then…
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imthesilentwriter · 1 year
Chapter 9: Excuse me?
Lizzie's POV
I slowly drifted awake, after having a rough night. I woke up in a strange place. Confused where I was, I turned over in the bed. Then I realised I fell asleep in Kristen and Phil's bed. I quickly shot up from the bed, and there sat Kristen in the navy blue armchair in the corner of the room. "Good morning Lizzie. Didi you sleep ok?" she asked, I nodded. I took a deep breath in and then realized the sudden pain in my lower abdomen. Oh no. It couldn’t have happened already? I moved a little, then I realized… I got my period. UGH! And I can't even leave without getting the attention of Kristen. So I turned over to Kristen and said, "I accidentally bleed through your sheets…" She placed her 'world greatest mum' mug down and came over to me. I stiffened but she simply got me a towel out her closet and handed it to me. "No need to worry, it happens to the best of us." then she started to move around to the other side of the bed, and started taking the sheets off. "Would you like to use my shower, I'm pretty sure Techno is in the other bathroom," Kristen said, really calmly. I nodded and stood up from the bed, and wrapped the towel around my waist. I headed over to the bathroom and Kristen said, "there are products in the bottom draw, I'll get new clothes for you." I nodded, and went into the bathroom and locked the door.
I turned on the nice warm shower and hoped in. I must have been standing there for a really long time, because I heard a knock on the bathroom door. "Yes!" I called out, "Would you like me to leave your fresh clothes on the floor?" Kristen asked, "Yes, please!" I said back. I turned off the shower and waited till I could hear a door closing. Soon enough the door to the bedroom was closed, and I was swiftly able to get my fresh clothes from the door. I got my clothes out in order and went to the bottom draw to grab a pad. I got dressed and left the bathroom. I have to remember to thank Kristen later. I headed down the stairs and into the kitchen. That when I saw, all 3 boys, giving me the death stare…
I froze. I was freaking out. I hate when people stare me down. What have I down wrong? Was there anything that I have down wrong? And if so, what was it? Has this anything to do with the fact that I have a criminal record? Do they think I am a criminal and deserved to belong behind bars? Or is it to do with the fact that I went to see my biological family because I needed answers? Do they think, that I think, I don’t believe that there my family? Well I'm not there family, I've just gotten to this home, so they couldn’t think that already. Could they? Or is it because my parents are serial killers? Like what else do they want me to do???
I finally started to notice that everything in my body was extremely tenson. So I loosened up by shaking my body out. That must of triggered someone - I can't remember who - but then they started backing way. Then Techno got up and yelled, "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING??" I jumped and looked at him strangely, what was he talking about? "What are you talking about Techno?" I asked confused, with fear lacing my voice. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING, JUST STANDING THERE AND GETTING READY TO PUNCH TOMMY???? YOU KNOW HE GETS TRIGGERED BY SHAKING OF THE BODY!" Techno yelled back, I jumped harder. Was Tommy really triggered by me shaking my body out? If so then I should apologies. "Well, I didn’t know that, and I am sorry Tommy. I won't do it again." I said softly and calmly, this situation was getting out of control, when it shouldn’t. "YOU DON’T GET TO APOLOGIES AFTER WHAT YOU'VE DONE! YOU CRIMINAL!" Wilbur yelled back, I froze, what?  What is he talking about? I'm so confused.
Kristen entered the room after hearing the continuous yelling and asked, "boys why are you yelling?" Wilbur then yelled, "WELL YOU ARE ALLOWING A CRIMINAL LIVE IN THIS HOUSE! AND FOR WHAT CASUE? SO YOU CAN HAVE ANOTHER KID? SHE DANGEROUS MUM, AND YOU KNOW THAT! HAVEN'T YOU READ HER FILE YET?" She looked at Wilbur then back at me, "how do you what's on Lizzie's criminal record?" She questioned, you could hear the anger laced in her voice. "THAT'S NOT THE POINT MUM! SHE'S DANGEROUS!" Techno yelled back, just then the front door opened and Phil walked through.
"What is with all this yelling boys?" Phil asked, "BECAUSE WE FUCKING HATE LIZZIE AND SHE DESEVERS TO GO TO JAIL! SHE'S DANGEROUS DAD!" Tommy chimed in with his own voice of opinion. I felt hurt. Did they really hate me? Was that how they really feel about me? What did I ever do to them? Well I mean, I did just know waltzed into their lives without any clear warning. Well I mean they were told that I was coming… weren't they?
"That's no excuse to be yelling. And that is definitely no excuse to treat your sister like that." My brain froze. What did he just say? 'sister'? Did Phil just say that I am these boys SISTER? FUCK NO! I CAN’T BE THEIR SISTER! THEY FUCKING HATE ME! "SHE'S NOT OUR SISTER!" they yelled in unison, and sat back down in their seats. I stepped back, and slowly walked back over to the stairs. Then I looked at the front door, and had an idea…
I left. I just walked out. I couldn’t handle being in that house for any longer than I had to… look they all seem like nice people, but I just need a little space. Y'know to go over my thoughts. The usual…
Kristen's POV
I was putting the blooded sheets in the washing machine. Until I heard screaming, I was confused. Nobody in this house is allowed to scream. And they now that. I finished putting the washing in the washing machine and headed out of the laundry and into the hallway. Where I find, Lizzie trying to calm down everybody. But that’s when I noticed, she rolled her shoulders, uh oh. Bad move on her part. More yelling and fighting came from the boys, but not a single yell or scream came from Lizzie. Wow she must be a pro at this or something, cause she managed to keep her cool..
I made myself present and asked, "boys why are you yelling?" Wilbur then yelled, "WELL YOU ARE ALLOWING A CRIMINAL LIVE IN THIS HOUSE! AND FOR WHAT CASUE? SO YOU CAN HAVE ANOTHER KID? SHE DANGEROUS MUM, AND YOU KNOW THAT! HAVEN'T YOU READ HER FILE YET?" I looked at Wilbur then at Lizzie, "how do you what's on Lizzie's criminal record?" I questioned, you could hear the anger that laced my voice. "THAT'S NOT THE POINT MUM! SHE'S DANGEROUS!" Techno yelled back, just then the front door opened and Phil walked through.
"What is with all this yelling boys?" Phil asked, "BECAUSE WE FUCKING HATE LIZZIE AND SHE DESEVERS TO GO TO JAIL! SHE'S DANGEROUS DAD!" Tommy chimed in with his own voice of opinion. I looked at Lizzie, with pitifulled eyes, she looked hurt. Like really hurt, to the point of breaking. Phil then chimed in and said, "that's no excuse to be yelling. And that is definitely no excuse to treat your sister like that." Oh no, Phil just accidentally called Lizzie their sister, that’s not going to end well. "SHE'S NOT OUR SISTER!" they yelled in unison, and sat back down in their seats. I watched Lizzie step backwards, and she darted her head to the door, then I realised what she was about to do… So, I looked at Phil, and nodded, I ran out the front door and after Lizzie…
Phil's POV
I just got home from work, it was about 1pm in the afternoon. I am absolutely super excited to go to sleep. That’s when I heard, yelling? I quickly opened the door, forgetting to close it again, and quickly headed over to the yelling.
"What is with all this yelling boys?" I asked, "BECAUSE WE FUCKING HATE LIZZIE AND SHE DESEVERS TO GO TO JAIL! SHE'S DANGEROUS DAD!" Tommy chimed in with his own voice of opinion. I looked at Kristen and noticed she was looking at Lizzie. I noticed how hurt she looked after what Tommy said. I then chimed in and said, "that's no excuse to be yelling. And that is definitely no excuse to treat your sister like that." whoops, I just accidentally called Lizzie the boys sister. "SHE'S NOT OUR SISTER!" they yelled in unison, and sat back down in their seats. I watched Lizzie step backwards, and she darted her head to the door, then I realised what she was about to do… I looked at Kristen and nodded, I was able to handle the situation, she needed to go get Lizzie back.
After Kristen was gone, I turned to the boys and said, "Boys, you have 5 seconds to explain yourself, before I ground all of you." I said, quite angrily. I was never angry at the boys before, but this just feels different. Tommy started to speak up, after neither of the oldest where going to, "well, Techno started to yell at Lizzie for being basically coming down the stairs, then she accidentally rolled her shoulders, wasn’t her fault though, then Techno started screaming again, about her going to punch me, which I know was false. Anyways, then she apologised when she didn’t have to, then Wilbur started screaming at her for apologising to me, then that’s when you came in…" Tommy took deep breaths in and out, after having said all that.
"Well thank you Tommy for telling me this, I appreciate it-" Tommy nodded, and I looked between the boys and continued, "but however,  all of you are grounded for a month." Wilbur, Techno and Tommy, nodded and understood, the started to turn to leave but then I asked, "uh… where do you think you boys are going?" "To our rooms, because we are grounded." Wilbur said, I shook my head and then said, "no we are going into the living room and we will be waiting for Mum and Lizzie to come back, so you three can apologise, understand?" they nodded in agreement, with no hesitation.
Lizzie's POV
I ran, and ran, I only started to slow down, when I got closer to a park. I noticed there was swings, and I decided I wanted to swing on them to get away from reality. I walked slowly over to an empty swing, that clearly nobody was using, so I sat down, and started to swing. That's when I noticed Kristen, walking over to me. She sat down next to me on the other swing. We sat in silence for a while, until she spoke up and said, "well, what the boys said, was completely out of line. But I'm proud that you did not raise your voice once." I looked at her, she had this warm and comforting smile on her face. I slowly smiled back, looking towards the trees. I have always found comfort within nature, it is just so calming, and beautiful. I think Kristen wanted me to say something, but I decided not to, so she continued, "I know things won't be the same, as the boys know what you’ve done,  but it doesn’t change who you are to us, ok?" I nodded, and she continued, "so, I was hoping, after you sit here for a little longer we could go back home?" I looked at her, then towards the trees again. I nodded, and started the swing up again. We might've sat there for maybe half an hour, and I think I was ok to be able to go back. So off Kristen and I went, we walked down the path, and headed… home?
It took us a while to be able to walk ho- back, and when we entered, I noticed everyone else was sitting in the living room. It looked like they were going to apologise. Losers. Honestly, if they wanted to apologise, then they shouldn’t of started yelling at me. They do know that I don’t like yelling right? Wait, of course they know, they've read my fucking file already. Honestly these people are fucking---- UGH!
"So Lizzie, the boys are going to apologise for calling you a criminal, ok?" Phil said, I nodded, and the boys looked at me, they all mumbled, something, but I really didn’t notice. "So Wilbur, I hope that you will be grounded for an extra month than your brothers. After y'know, what you've read…" Kristen said, Phil looked at her, then towards Wilbur, and he nodded. "What did Wilbur do?" Phil asked in disbelief, honestly mate, do you really think your kid is a fucking saint? Like what are people's problem nowadays. Undoubtably I can't stand people anymore. Like how hard is it just to believe someone. I kinda wish I didn’t exist. "Is this true Wilbur?" Phil asked in confirmation, hoping it wasn’t true. All Wil did was nod, and that’s all the confirmation Phil needed. Phil honestly looked kind of pissed. Like yes, I get that someone has made a bad decision, but do you need to punish them for invading someone's privacy? "You all know the rules about privacy, don’t you? Or do I have to go over them again?" Phil said, he sounded mad, but I couldn’t tell if he was being funny on that last part of that conversation. Everyone shook their heads, then Kristen dismissed the boys, and told them not to come back down, unless they absolutely needed help.
Then they turned to me, they looked at me. It almost felt like pity. LIKE I SAID, I DON’T LIKE PITY! "Lizzie, are you ok? Do you need anything?" Phil asked, I shook my head. I knew I could move, but I just couldn’t feel my legs. Like what is wrong with me? Why am I so screwed up? Before I could stop myself, I noticed that I had tears rolling down my face. Without a word, Kristen and Phil, stepped closer to me, and embraced me into a hug. I flinched at the movement, but they just kept like this for about… I actually don’t know how long, I was in a hug for, but I liked it. It felt comforting, and nice. It felt like they actually cared for me. It felt like they… loved me?
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imthesilentwriter · 1 year
Chapter 8: Things won't be as bad after all...
Kristen's POV
Phil, Sam and I, all walked out of the living room to have a chat about Lizzie. Poor kid has been through hell, and probably won't be able to get out of it. So I hope we can come to the agreement that she gets to stay, with the expectation of adding some rules with her. "So what do you two what to do about Lizzie? Because I can ta-" Sam was cut off by Phil saying, "no, no, no. I don’t think Kristen or I want her to leave, it's just, I think Kristen and I need to set some more ground rules with her though." I nodded, then said, "yeah I don’t want her to leave, but I do think she needs more rules, also I think she should tell us everything, to where she's going, to what she's doing." Phil nodded, but it looked like he was about to disagree slightly, but then Sam cut in and said, "she does have problems sharing, and after what happened, I don’t think she'll talk for a while." I sighed, we just got Lizzie to talk again, we don’t need her to double back on us. I could feel that Phil felt the same way, he then said, "yeah I think we should talk to Lizzie." I nodded and we all re-entered the living room.
Lizzie's POV
I was completely freaking, what emotion did Kristen, Phil, and Sam have on their faces. It better not be pity. I hate pity. It's just completely horrible - terrible if you will. I took a deep breath in. And then Phil spoke, "so Lizzie, you won't be going anywhere we just need to set some more ground rules, ok?" I nodded. I'm so glad that I wasn’t being sent away again. I didn’t need house 40 to be over so quickly. And head off to the group home already…
"So Lizzie, we want to know, where you are going at all times, where you will be at all times, and what you're doing." Kristen said, then Phil said, "it's because we want to you to earn our trust back. Oh and also, if you can, make sure you have one of the boys with you, at least most of the time." I nodded, understanding the rules, and probably the fact that I was still grounded. Not like they had anything to take away from me, apart from my clothes, which I didn’t want at all.
"Alright then, I best be getting home then," Sam announced, and he took himself outside. I just stood there not really knowing what to do. Everyone just kind of looked at me, expecting me to say something. Then Tommy jumped in and asked, "so, were you guilty or some shit?" I was completely stunned, I have never had someone bluntly ask if I was guilty or not of a crime. The foster homes I have been with in the past, have always assumed I'm guilty, so to have someone ask…
"Tommy!" Wilbur slightly shouted, he then lightly whacked his brother on the arm. "Ow, Wil, don’t do that." Tommy said and hit Wilbur back in retaliation. "Ok boys, that’s enough," Kristen jumped in and defused the potential fight. I took a deep breath in and then said, "uhm… I wasn’t guilty, the police just always jump to conclusions, y'know?" I felt like I was about to cry, I felt like I was just about to completely break down…
"Well, I have never heard of the police arrest somebody because they could… maybe that needs to be reviewed." Phil said, trying to make it less uncomfortable in the room. "Well, I think it is time for bed," Kristen said, and everyone silently agreed. One by one, we all headed to bed.
Phil's POV
"Goodnight Tommy," I said, and closed his door, good that’s all the boys put into bed. Should I say goodnight to Lizzie? I headed and know on her door, I started to turn the handle, then realized that I shouldn’t do that, I needed to wait for confirmation on whether or not to come in. I didn’t hear anything, so I simply said goodnight, and headed down the hallway to mine and Kristen's room.
As I entered, I was so exhausted that I just flopped onto our bed. I started to close my eyes when I heard Kristen say, "do you think we should read Lizzie's file? I know we agreed not to do that, or do that with any of the kids, because it's their privacy and right, but I just think…"
"Yeah I agree that we should read it, but just because she won't open up anytime soon. Like did you see what she said downstairs. And did you see her body language, she felt uncomfortable, and looked like she didn’t want to be here…" I said. Kristen nodded, and she pulled out a thick file, that had Lizzie's name on it. I sat up in the bed, and Kristen sat down and joined me. We opened up her file and read the following arrest reports:
9 --> for assaulting a kid at school, sent to juvie for 6 months, then put back into the system
9 --> for possession of drugs, sent to juvie for 2 months
10 --> for property damage, smashing her foster father (Pete)'s car with a baseball bat, sent to juvie for 8 months
10 --> for "robbing a store" sent to juvie for 7 nights in juvie, eventually found not guilty
10 --> for possession of drugs, sent to 3 months in juvie
11 --> for stealing alcohol, sent to 16 months in juvie
12-14 --> misdemeanours; such as, possession, assault,
15 --> for stabbing one of her foster brothers with a fork, charges dropped
"Wow," Kristen and I both said, there was another section that said 'injuries', but on the silent agreement, we decided not to look at it. "She's done some stuff…" "Yeah, she has," and with that, Kristen and I went to sleep.
Lizzie's POV
I coward into the deepest darkest point of the closet, hoping just hoping that HE couldn’t find me. I looked down towards my hands and saw that they were shaking. I couldn’t believe this, why was this happening to me. Why was I put into a horrible house, did my social worker Malinda think I am just this troublesome? I heard the loudest beer bottle break of my life, I could tell he was getting closer…
"LIZZIE WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?!?!?" he yelled, which startled me, to the point where I made a little noise, and that was enough for him to be able to find me… He quickly opened the closet door, and pointed a broken beer bottle towards my face, I started shaking violently, understanding what was about to happen next.
One strike, then another, then another, until I couldn’t count anymore. That’s how it was. Then the next thing you know is he started to climb over the top of me and said, "aren't you being just a good girl right now. You must be sucking up to me after what you did…" he said very assertively. The next thing you know was that he…
I woke up, from what I believed to be a nightmare, I pinched myself, more than once, just to make sure that I was still alive. Of course I had to have a nightmare. Just perfect timing, am I right? After catching my breathe, I slowly start to exit m- I mean the room and walked out the door, and down the stairs. I honestly couldn’t take a shower after that dream, theirs scares all over my body that remind me of that night. I am so glad to have Sam as my social worker now. Thank fuck to god, that I am alive right now.
After walking down the flight of stairs I slowly headed my way over to the couch. I sat down and stared, stared into space. Why am I like this? Why am I so messed up, to the point where I cannot breathe? Just why? Why? I don’t understand? Why do I have to be like this? The troublemaker? The desperate kid that just wants a home, but knows that she can't have one? Why am I like this? Why can't I be normal? I was slowly pulled out of my thoughts from someone that was approaching me. They sat down and said, "what are you doing up so early? It's only been 2 hours…" I recognised that voice, as I turned my head closer to the voice, I recognised that it was Phil. What was Phil doing up so early?
"Why are you up so early?" I ask. Not acknowledging that he asked me a question first. He clearly didn’t mind, because he simply answered with "cause I have to get ready to go to work." I nodded, and continued to stare at the ground. "But you didn’t answer my question. Why are you up so early Lizzie?" I looked up at him, should I tell him what happened? Should I come out of my shell a bit? Or should I just lie? "I guess I had a nightmare," I answer honestly, which I thought would never be true. Tears started to well up in my eyes, Phil could see, so he pulled me into an awkward side hug.  But at the same time it felt so comforting. I started to sob, why was I letting my guard down?
We stayed like that for a few good minutes, then he asked, "would you like to talk about it?" I shrugged, not ready to talk about my feelings or my problems with this family yet. "Would you like me to stay with you then?" he asked, I shook my head, he needs to get to work, and I can deal with my problems by myself. "Ok then, could you at least go back to bed?" I shook my head again, I couldn’t go back to sleep, not for a while…
Phil's POV
I headed back upstairs after having that conversation with Lizzie. She must have had a really bad nightmare, if she doesn’t want to talk about it. Or the fact that she doesn’t trust us yet, after all, we did technically ground her, but in my defence she was out of line. I continued my way up the stairs and into my room. I felt bad, but I had to wake up Kristen, she needed to know what happened, and maybe she could help talk to Lizzie with me.
So there I was standing at the end of the bed. Contemplating if I should actually wake Kristen up. I moved closer, and closer, then I said, "Kristen, wake up, I need your help." She started to stir in her sleep, then she woke up. "Phil?" She questioned. "Yes," I answered back, "What's wrong?" She asked, I told her what happened, and said I needed her help downstairs with Lizzie. She nodded and together, we went downstairs to go talk to Lizzie…
Lizzie's POV
I could hear rustling upstairs, then a door open. I looked over at the stairs to try and make out a figure that could be potentially coming down the stairs. To my surprise it was Kristen and Phil. What were they doing up so early, shouldn’t they y'know be asleep. That's when I remember,  that I just cried in Phil's arms. Oh yeah and he said he was meant to be going to work. As they finished walking down the stairs, they slowly walked over to me. Phil headed over to the lamp in the corner of the room and turned it on. Kristen came over to me and sat down on the couch, on the left side of me. Phil, sat down onto the coffee table in front of me. Wow. I am basically surrounded. Well I'm not surrounded, it just feels like that. I'm not the type of person to go and volunteer to sit in a box, and just… couldn’t.
"So Lizzie, Phil told me what happened. Are you ok? Do you want to talk about it?" Kristen asked me. I looked between Phil and Kristen. Over and over and over again. What should I say? Should I answer truthfully or should I lie. I have been here for a week, so should I tell them… "Yes I'm ok, and no I don’t want to talk about it." I say really rudely. Whoops, I didn’t mean for that to come out so rudely. Before I could apologies Phil asked, "have you had nightmares before?" I looked at him then back at Kristen, I nodded. "Did anyone try and get help for you Lizzie? Or did you ever talk about your nightmares with some one?" Kristen asked me. I shook my head. Nobody really cared enough to listen or pay attention, it was like I didn’t really exist. "Well you know, we are always here if you want to talk about anything, ok?" Phil said, I nodded as I understood. "Well I think you should go back to bed now Lizzie, we should try and get a little more sleep into us." Kristen said, I shook my head violently and then I whispered, "no, I don’t want to go back".
Kristen and Phil looked really confused when I said that. But it was true, I didn’t want to go back, not back to that dream, not back to bed, not back anywhere really, except, except for… "What do you mean you don’t want to go back, Lizzie?" Phil questioned, I looked around the room, trying to come up with a reasonable answer, because I don’t want to seem like a little child. "It's alright Lizzie, you can tell us," Kristen said. "I don’t want to go back to my dream," I say almost inaudibly. Kristen and Phil looked between each other, then started to whisper. I don’t like when people whisper, because it always ends up about me, and in this case it was. "Well I have to get going for work, I'll be home around noon," Phil said, he waved goodbye and left through the front door. As soon as I was about to get up and run back to my room, Kristen stopped me by saying, "would you like to come and lay in with me for a bit? You don’t have to fall asleep you can just lay there. I was just offering so you wouldn’t have to be alone…" I took a deep breath in and nodded. So that’s where I was, lying next to Kristen in her bed. It felt awkward but, really nice. I guess things won't be so bad at all…
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imthesilentwriter · 1 year
Chapter 7: Time for Some Explanations...
Lizzie's POV
I felt something wet hit my face. Something cold was dripping down my face, I went to touch it, then I realised it was water. Did Tommy splash water on my face again? I looked around the room and I saw, Kristen and Phil standing together looking confused, I saw Tommy with an empty cup in his hands, then I turned to the left and saw Techno and Wilbur standing next to each other, Techno looked relieved - slightly - and Wilbur kind of looked annoyed. As I look around the room everyone was looking at me like I had to answer a question. I looked at Kristen and Phil, with a confused look on my face, like the hell if I knew anything important was happening and I'm the one who is fucking zoning out. I shouldn't be swearing to myself, I took a deep breath in, that's when I heard it. Wheezing. Again I looked around the room to see if anyone else had asthma - that wasn't just me of course. And what looked like nobody else in the room was struggling to breath.
"Lizzie, honey are you here with us again?" Kristen asked, I nodded, knowing full well that I shouldn’t be speaking when I can't really breath. "Ok then, I'm going to ask you again, why were you out of the house when you know you full well that you are grounded." Phil asked, I just looked at him, then at the others. They all seemed to be waiting for an answer, for some kind of explanation. I looked down to the floor and I thought to myself, should I tell everyone or should I tell just Kristen and Phil… then it dawned on me, I should just tell everyone, so they know who I really am, just a stupid little girl, who's biological parents are serial killers. Yeah why not. I mumbled my answer. They must of not heard me properly so Kristen asked, "can you speak up please Lizzie, we can't hear you."
I took a deep breath in and said, "when you left I decided to go and find my file…" I looked around, everyone was still waiting, inventively watching me, "so I went and got it. Because I have never actually read my file, I thought I could just, you know have a look. So I did and what I read, I couldn’t really believe-"
"What did you read that you couldn't believe?" Tommy asked, I was kind of hoping that, nobody would say that, but yet again I couldn’t be bothered to avoid the question. "I read that my biological parents were arrested for killing 20 something people…" I stopped, the room felt eerily quiet, then Phil said, "what did you do next."
"Well I then went to my older sister Emily's house, to ask her if it was true. I have always been told that my parents died in a car accident. I guess I now see why they told me that." I took a deep breath and then said, "and so when I got to her house the rest of my family were there, it looked like they were having some kind of reunion. Which felt odd I guess, and so I asked my siblings if it was true, that my parents were killers, and they said yes. They told me, and I couldn't believe them, so I left, and I just walked, and that's how I got arrested." Everyone looked at me. With maybe anger or disappointment or something in there eyes that could lead to hatred. I felt guilty for some reason and then it dawned on me, I disappeared from the living room and went to retrieve my file, and I went through it. There it was. That's why I feel so guilty and that’s why Wil hates me. I went back into the living room and walked over to Wil, I looked up at him and apologized, I then handed my file back to Kristen and Phil and said sorry to them. I looked at everyone and just nodded, I felt weird and I felt like I didn’t belong in this house.
Phil's POV
I couldn’t believe it, Lizzie left just to see if her biological parents were murderers. What will we do now, we can't ground her more, but what else is there to do. Send her back? No, I'd never do that to a child. But I don’t think everyone likes her at the moment. What should I do, ask Sam if he could do anything? Maybe talk to Kristen in whether she should stay. Could we even trust her again. Trust takes time to build so I could trust her. I don’t know if anyone else can. She can't. I know that. She probably couldn’t of trusted us the second she walked into this house. That's all foster kids though. They feel abandoned and abused so they can't trust a loving family, then they go do something stupid to the point where they kick them out. I'm going to vow to never let Lizzie leave this house, even when she gets too difficult, because she does deserve a loving and caring home. Maybe it is time for us to open our hearts and mind to the idea of having another full-time kid…
Kristen's POV
I am completely and utterly shocked that Lizzie would do something like this. She seemed so sweet and innocent when she first walked through that door. I don’t think she can be trusted again. Like why does she deserve that kind of right anyway. She left, without saying anything - when she knew she was grounded. She left to go talk to her biological siblings about her biological parents, and then she somehow gets arrested. I've got to wonder though, has she ever had to come clean to a family before that she has committed a crime. I kind of feel uneasy with her around. I hope Phil would agree with me that she shouldn’t stay here. Like seriously, she can't follow direct orders, when it comes to listening to parental figures. Look I try to be the best mother figure to children, but it hurts when they don’t listen or understand the consequences of their actions. To be honest though, I do feel bad. Poor kid had to go through hell, and back just to understand who she really was. Phil would agree that sending a kid back would be wrong, no matter how difficult they are, they shouldn’t go back, but in the end, I don’t think I could trust Lizzie again. But to be fair, trust has to be earned… right?
Tommy's POV
Why? Why would Lizzie do such a thing? Why would she be that curious to believe that she had to go out and find her biological family to ask the truth. To be fair, if I was in her fucking position I would be angry, sad, frustrated. I could see why she would end up getting arrested. But if she was let back here, does that mean she did it? Or is she a set free criminal? This could make for a really interesting book… wait what was I saying? I don’t understand why my mind just wonders off with itself. Ohhhh… that’s why, I have ADHD. I was diagnosed ages ago. Now that I think about it, I could do with going to see my therapist. It would help with understand certain things. I wonder if Lizzie has ever had a therapist before…
Wilbur's POV
She apologised. But why? It wasn’t her fault for her parents killing my mother. Maybe that’s why she did it, because she felt guilty that had happened to me. Looking back, I was kind of a jerk to Lizzie. Wasn’t I? I mean, can you believe me. I the only person who knows who she truly is and she doesn’t even know who I am. But yet again, she didn’t even know her parent's where killers. Understandable, I would probably hid that from a kid, but yet she isn't a kind anymore… is she? She seems like a capable adult, but she isn't an adult. Her parents are horrible people, that had two lives, one life that took care of children, and the other was to murder. But how could they not know? How could anybody not know that somebody is a killer, or somebody that has committed a crime. Lizzie does kind of feel like a criminal, but, who can blame her, she grew up in the foster care system for god sake! Why wouldn’t she feel helpless or useless. I think, maybe, it's time to forgive her…
Techno's POV
She's a criminal? No wonder Wil thought she was odd, she has a hidden life, and yet again, her biological parents are murderers. I hope Mum and Dad, don’t let her stay here for much longer, because I don’t think I could handle being around a criminal. But… she does seem different. Like she didn’t mean to do it. But could I live with myself if I found out my parents killed people…? No I wouldn’t. So how does Lizzie feel? Maybe she would feel horrified. I would be if I found out my biological parents where killers. I feel bad in a sense for Lizzie. Maybe she does deserve a second chance…
Sam's POV
Ugh! I knew this would come back to haunt me. I just didn’t believe it would happen so soon. Should I tell Phil and Kristen her criminal record. That could possibly ruin her chance of staying here! But Kristen and Phil are good people, they wouldn't let go of a kid for being difficult. I should tell them then. I turn to Kristen and Phil and ask them to come with me, to talk…
Lizzie's POV
Sam asked to talk to Phil and Kristen. I am absolutely terrified, they could be sending me back for all I know. I know that I don’t want to back, I actually think I may like it here… maybe… it depends. I'm starting to freak out. I roll my shoulders in an effort to calm myself down. Wil walks closer to me and whispers "hey, everything will be fine, Mum and Dad don’t send problem children away. I promise you, cause all three of us where classified as problem children and look at where we are now. In a safe and loving home. You have nothing to be worried about. Ok?" I looked at him, then looked at the others, I nodded to Wil and he walked away. After about another minute or so Phil, Sam, and Kristen all walk back into the living room, with an emotion that I can't tell that’s on their faces…
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imthesilentwriter · 1 year
Chapter 6: So, this is the truth, correct?
Lizzie's POV
I got myself together and headed out the front door. I made sure the door was locked and I headed out towards my sister - Emily's - house. I needed to know the truth. Where my parents really murderers? They couldn’t be, they died in a car accident when I was like 1 or something. I can't really remember the story my sister said, but if she was lying to me, I would know… wouldn’t I? All my life I have felt nothing but shame, shame that I was in foster care, shame that I got arrested, shame that I let the things that happened to me happen. I hate the world sometimes. Honestly, I couldn’t understand why everything is so screwed up. Like seriously. Maybe, if I didn’t do the things I did, then maybe I would be happy, and safe… safe. That’s and interesting word to be honest. Safe. What does that even mean to somebody? I looked both ways before I crossed the road, to make sure I was being safe. That’s that word again. Is there multiple definitions for the word safe? Who knows. I kept walking. I walked past the park, I saw my sister in. I then turned left onto a street couldn’t be seen in the dark. Why was I even out here again? What am I even doing? Anyways, I kept walking. 21, 23, 25, 27, 29… wait. 29? That’s Emily's house. I walked back to see, a small home. It seemed… cosy, to say the least. I walked up the weird looking stairs and knocked on the door. And to my surprise it was some unknown man opening the door.
"Grace! There's a Girl at the door." the unknown man said. I looked at him. How does he know Grace? Wait? Does Grace live here and not Emily. Great. I hate my life even more. But does Grace even remember me?
"Mike, what? Lizzie? What are you doing here?" Grace asked, apparently yes, she still remembers me. I was about to answer when Lavender appeared out of nowhere. What is it with people and coming out of nowhere.
"Oh my… Lizzie is that you?" Lavender asked, I simply nodded and she dragged me into the house. Wow. Emily's place is much bigger on the inside than the outside. Once I was fully in the home, everyone that I haven't seen I years, just appeared out of nowhere. Great. What am I meant to say in front of all these people? That I believe our parents are murderers and I need some proof that they aren't? That they died in a car accident… Well, no, I just stood there waiting for someone to speak, anyone. But no. I was just as stupid as the rest of them were. Emily and Jacob came round the corner, believing I am saved, but no they too just stood there staring at me. I could hear lots of yelling and screaming… and lots of running? Who would be running…
"IT'S AUNTY LIZZIE!!! EVERYONE ATTACK!!!" Jack said and about 6 kids came crashing down on me. All the kids were screaming and laughing. I was slowly starting to not breath properly. I was struggling for breathe. All of the kids were laughing and I was starting to feel a little claustrophobic from all the kids on me. "Alright, get off your Aunt now kids," Emily said, thank god she came to my rescue, because I don’t think I would have been able to make it. "Off you go kids, Uncle Mike has dessert for you." "YAY! DESSERT!" All the kids ran away, just like how they came when they first saw me. Great. Now I'm left with my siblings… at least I have Emily. I wonder where Jacob is…?
"So Lizzie is everything ok?" Emily asked, I looked at her, then looked at the rest of my family. "Ahhh, not exactly…" they looked at me to continue. "So basically, I was reading my file, and, well, it said that our parents where in prison… and I was told that they were dead…" Silence. The whole room fell into silence. Not an utter word come out of everyone's mouths. They all stared blankly at one another… 
"Uhhhh, Lizzie, the file is wrong." Joseph said. Then Jayden butts in and says, "I thought we were going to tell Lizzie?". "No Jayden we weren't. Were we weren't we Grace?" Lavender said, with a questioning voice. "I think we should tell her," Emily said. "Well she kinda already knows," Grace began, "so Lizzie, yes, the file was correct…" I was shocked, for years, I believed my parents died in a car crash, I believed my family… are they even my family anymore? Why wouldn’t they tell me sooner? Why does everything bad always happen to me? Why is it me who ends up figuring things out on my own? WHY!!!!!!???? I don’t understand! I ran out before Grace could finish what she was saying. I was FREAKING OUT! Like why would people be so cruel to one another? This must explain my criminal background. I get it from them. GOD! I wish I was a different person. I wish I was someone else. I wish I was someone with a happy family, a happy childhood, a good set of friends… I wish I could be someone different than who I am now. I wonder if I could have changed my outcome all those years ago… being better. Not being myself. Being someone my original foster parents wanted. I didn’t even notice that I managed to get outside of a convenience store. I looked at the store. I thought, what if I just stole something for the greater good of the world, so they don't have another murderer on their hands… I then decided just to walk away, that when I heard the sirens. Police sirens… oh no. Have I done something to get me arrested? Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. I turn and look at the convenience store, it looked to have been… robbed. Oh no. This is it. Another crime I will be committed for. And I have absolutely nothing to do with it.
"PUT YOUR HANDS UP NOW!" The first officer said. I thought, I should just ran, see if I can get away. So I bolted. I ran. I ran as fast as I could, through alleyways and down empty streets. Just anyway to escape the cops. Suddenly I was at a dead end. No way out now. "POLICE! PUT YOUR HANDS UP! YOUR SURROUNDED YOU CAN"T GET AWAY NOW!" the second officer sounded like… Jacob? Oh no. I stopped. I… froze… why is this my luck. Out of everybody in the world, why me. And that’s how I got arrested, again. For a crime I didn’t commit. Well another story on running from the cops to go into my books. So that's where I sat in the back of a police car, being driven to the police station…
Tommy's POV
So Wilbur's birthday party was absolutely AMAZING! It was so fun! Kinda wish Lizzie was there to see it. I bet she's
never had a birthday party before. To be honest, Lizzie is kinda fucking cool! Like she's nice, enough. Yeah. Whatever happened, I personally shouldn't of panicked so much. I guess I understand… in a way. Anyways Techno was just sitting there being all anti-social, but until his friends showed up he was less anti-social. Sooo, like I have crowned myself the king of socialisation skills.  When we got home, the front door was unlocked, which is weird. Mum and Dad were calling out for Lizzie, when we all entered the kitchen/dining room. And there seems to be a file on the table… I didn’t pay much attention to it. Mind you it's like midnight and I kind of have better things to do like play video games, than to worry about a file on the table.
Kristen's POV
When we walked into the house, the front door was unlocked, which shouldn’t be. So I start to call out for Lizzie, but she didn’t answer. Could she be asleep? "Lizzie!" I shouted. I was starting to get nervous. "Phil, can you go upstairs and look for Lizzie. Boys can you go around the house and outside to see if Lizzie, I'll look in the kitchen." I said, everyone nodded. I headed off into the kitchen. That’s when I saw it. Lizzie's file. It was open. To the page… oh no. This isn't good. "Boys!" Tommy came inside, "Yes, mum. What's wrong?" he asked. "Do you happen to know if the front door was open when you came inside?" I asked, sceptical, and for the fact that Lizzie could have left the house. "Yes, mum the front door was open when I came in. Why?" Tommy asked suspiciously. "Doesn’t matter, just go get your brothers." I said, I was nervous. What if something was wrong with Lizzie? Where could she possibly be? "Kristen," Phil said whist coming down the stairs. "Yes," I replied. "Lizzie isn't in her room." Phil said. I nodded, then I begin to explain what I found on the kitchen table. "So do you think Lizzie just left the house?" Phil asked, then we heard a voice, "What do you mean Lizzie just left the house?" Techno asked. I looked at Phil, then back at the boys. Wilbur, then said, "Should we call Uncle Sam? And the Police?" I nodded, so that's where I was, calling Sam at one in the morning, asking him to come over to help find Lizzie.
Lizzie's POV
We pulled up to the station. Great. Just where I belong. What a wonderful sight to see, all the hustle and bustle at two in the morning. There could be a killer on the loose. Would be a nice change. There wasn’t a serial killer since about… oh wait. I'm related to them. Great. So not a cool thing. I bet you when I age out of the system, I'm going to become an accidental killer, just like in the books. Honestly, why write such profanities. Like why not happy and fun times and not just sad and dark times. But that’s the point of the story. Everyone has to have tragedy before finding true love or happiness. Sometimes it feels like my life is an endless storyline. When I think about it I get tragedy, then happiness, then it just gets ripped away from me. Like I don’t even want happiness anymore. Happiness in a sense is kinda overrated honestly. Like why have happiness and not sadness. Seems better to me personally. I finally stepped out of the car, took a while but not the police officers fault. Honestly its mine. My fault for getting arrested again.
I stepped out of the car, and walked into the police station with the two officers by my side. They started to book me. They asked for my name, date of birth, any contact information. I didn’t say anything, better to keep quite then say anything. "So, your name is Elizabeth O'Conner?" Officer 1 questioned. Damn it! They can read the police file and police report they have on me. Gosh darn it! "What do you just happen to be born with the last name O'Conner, or did you just get it from the serial killers." Officer 2 said, the officers laughed at the joke. I was getting angry. Yes I get they can joke, but not about my family. "Yes, I just so happened to be born to Madeline and Alexander O'Conner which just happen to be serial killers. And in my defence, my siblings told me they died in a car crash." I said with pure anger in my voice. The officers could tell I was enraged. To say the least. So they walked me off to a cell, where I would be sitting in for a good few hours, until someone realises I'm gone.
Techno's POV
When Sam finally arrived, Mum and Dad told him what roughly happened. Sam nodded and understood. Sam said to just wait for a little bit, and the police will find her. Then Sam gets a call, it from the police station. Saying something about someone there. Could that be Lizzie? Why would she be at the police station? "I'll be back…" Sam said, and whispered in Mum and Dad's ears. Something must be going on, because nobody ever whispers in peoples ears. Quite frankly its rude.  So off Sam went, he just left, just as he arrived.
"Techno," Mum said, I responded with a murmur. "Are you ok?" My Mum asked. I nodded, but something still felt off. "Was it because we were whispering?" She asked. I nodded. "Oh Tech, I promise you it had nothing to do with you." She said as she looked at me. "Ok, I believe you. You know how I get with whispering and everything…" she nodded. I love my mother, she just is so understanding. I wish Lizzie could see that.
Lizzie's POV
I was sitting in the cell, when all of a sudden, I could hear… Sam? What was he my 'emergency contact' or something? I am generally confused at this point. Then an office came over to me and unlocked the cell door and called me over. That’s when I realised I was being released. But why was I being released? "Are you ok Lizzie?" Sam asked, I nodded, still confused on why I was released. "I made them look at the security cameras at the convenience store, and they legally had to release you before I complied a law suit." Sam said. "Oh, uhhh… Ok," I said, still confused but understanding on why that had to happen. So Sam and I started walking out of the police station. We walked to the car. Sam unlocked the car, we both got in. Me being me, just waited for Sam to start the car up. But that didn’t happen. "Lizzie, do you think you can tell me why you disappeared?" Sam questioned. I didn’t have the heart to tell him, so I just looked at him. He understood. So we were off. Headed back to the house.
We pulled up to the house, I was nervous to say the least. Nervous that they'll kick me out after what I did. What happens if they found out about my arrest record? What happens if they didn’t know and Sam tell them? What am I going to do? Sam headed in first. I took a deep breath in and out. I started to shake my hands violently. What would they think of me when they find out I'm a problem child... Why is this happening to me? Why can't I breath properly? We stepped into the house. I waited for Sam to go ahead so I could give myself a moment to wrap my thoughts together. I stood there for a moment and then turned the corner to see, everyone in the living room. Everyone looked extremely worried, almost the point of panic. Which honestly, made me panic a bit more. I took deep breaths in and out, trying to relax myself. I was terrified…
"Lizzie. Why where you out of the house, when you know you were grounded?" Phil said, my panic state was overcoming me to the point of not being able to breath… Why is everything so dark all of a sudden? My breathing speed up, my head was becoming foggy.
Techno's POV
"Lizzie. Why where you out of the house, when you know you were grounded?" Dad asked. Lizzie just looked frozen, it looked like her breathing was speeding up as well, but she didn’t collapse to the floor, she just stood there. "Techno, do you think I should get a cup of water?" Tommy asked, I nodded, seeing as the last time Lizzie had a panic attack water somehow got her out of it. So there Tommy went, got a cup of water, and splashed it on her. She looked more alive now…
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imthesilentwriter · 1 year
Chapter 5: So, things are changing...
Lizzie's POV
So Sam just dropped that massive bombshell on me. Great. I'm basically going to be forgotten about. Great. That is just great. I'm basically screwed with the rest of my life. Yay! My life is over!!!! WOOOOOOOOO! So that’s it Sam left and we carried on with our lives. We had dinner, which was completely uneventful. Apart from the fact that there was an argument about Wilbur's birthday and that clearly wasn’t invited to, which I was fine with. I decided to leave the table, without eating dinner and headed up to the room I was staying in. Once I closed the door, I decided that I should just put all of my stuff away into my bag as I'm positively aware that I'll be leaving when Sam comes for the week check-up. Great. I'm being left alone by yet another person. Whatever I don’t care anymore.
General POV
"Come back Lizzie! You need to finish your dinner, or at least start it." Techno said. But Lizzie just kept walking up the stairs. "So uhhh, that happened," Tommy said, "at least she didn’t start yelling at us when you splashed water onto her." Techno said. Tommy nodded in agreement. "Wait you splashed water onto her? Why?" Phil asked with curiosity in his voice, curious on why Tommy was splashing water onto people. "Well, Dad, she was having an anxiety attack and we tried everything else so I got resourceful." Tommy said and Phil nodded. They continued the rest of the dinner in piece. Until Wilbur asked, "So about my birthday? Can we go out for bowling, or something like that?" "Yeah Wil, with some friends?" Kristen asked, Wilbur nodded. So that’s how the rest of the evening went as smoothly as it could. They finished dinner and one by one disappeared into their collective spaces.
Once Kristen and Phil were alone, Kristen asked Phil "So what are we going to do about Lizzie?", "I don’t know Kristen, I honestly think we should just keep her here, I probably know that’s not what you want, but the poor kid can't go anywhere else." Phil said, Kristen nodded and then said, "yeah I think she should stay, we should try and make this work… somehow." and that was the end of the conversation between Phil and Kristen. So it was official, they were going to let Lizzie to stay in their home.
Lizzie's POV
I couldn’t sleep, which was fine, I don’t particularly like sleeping due to the fact that I have nightmares on a regular basis but that doesn’t matter at the moment, what matters at the moment was the fact that my life is ending! Like seriously, why does life have to be this difficult. Honestly I could just go to sleep and never wake up. That seems like a good plan… or not. Eh, who know honestly. I got up from the bed and walked out to get some clothes out, I walked to the door and opened it, then I walked over to the bathroom and stepped in. I locked the door and had a shower. After my nice shower I stepped out. I took a breath. I wasn’t feeling the best, maybe it was the lack of food or not sleeping? But who knows. All I can say is that I should probably be eating food. So after I got dressed into black jeans and a black shirt, I left the bathroom, I then decided to go get my grey jacket to wear, because it was abnormally cold. I then walked down the stairs into the kitchen. I thought for a moment before I heard someone walk down stairs.
"Oh, hey Lizzie what are you doing up so early?" Phil asked, I asked "I couldn’t sleep so I got ready for the day. What are you doing?", "Well that's interesting. I'm getting ready for work," Phil said, and he continued about his morning. I decided that I should go sit on the couch and wait for the others to come down and eat breakfast.
It was probably around 7:45 in the morning when the boys came down for breakfast, I followed and took a bowl of cheerio's cereal. When I went to go sit down at my usual spot, it was taken by Wilbur! What! He shouldn’t be sitting there, that's my spot, so I stood there, not moving and waiting for him to finish his breakfast, he was definitely slowly eating on purpose, just to annoy me. When Kristen came down, she saw me standing there and not moving, she must have been so confused as to why I wasn’t moving but again that was me, I function on routine. I need routine to survive!
"Wil, could you move out of the seat your sitting in, please?" Kristen asked, Wilbur nodded, not wanting to upset his mother. I still stood there, quite upset that he was sitting in my spot. "There you go Lizzie, you can sit in your spot ok?" Kristen said, I nodded, I understood that she moved Wilbur for me. I just don’t understand why? Like why do something for me out of convenience? Anyway, I swiftly made my way to my seat and sat down. I continued with eating my breakfast then I went upstairs to brush my teeth, after I did that, I grabbed my bag and headed down stairs to go to school.
Once we arrived at school I was hit with the sudden realisation that people were staring at me, looking at me with judgemental eyes. Looking at me like I was the new kid that was ready to be thrown into the dumpster. The boys left me to go talk to their friends and I was left alone, standing in front of the school, alone. Great. So I headed off, into the building, but before I could do that, I was stopped by a group of highly rich looking girls.
"Well look who it is, a new kids," the first girl said, the second girl then said, "yeah Alyssa, a new girl to push around," ok so the first girls name is Alyssa. Then the third girl said, "So Chloe what do you think we should do to her?" the second girls name must be Chloe, ok. What do they mean "do to me"? "Nah I think we should first of all ask her name first, Bella," Alyssa said, great, I'm going to have to speak to these prestigious bitches. I decided to just glare at them, which looked to be a bad idea cause now I was tied to a tree, out the back of the school. Great. I'm stuck. I can't even move. Good for what? The third day at school, getting picked on is my speciality. So that's where I was, tied to a tree until a class of kids came round the corner. "Excuse me? Who are you? And what are you doing tied to a tree?" the woman asked. I then said, "I umm, just stumbled into this weird looking trap thing I guess… oh I'm also Lizzie,", "Oh well then Lizzie, my name is Mrs Hawkins, and I'm going to untie you know if that’s ok." she said, I nodded and I thought for a moment while she was untying me, was she married to Mx Hawkins? "Excuse me, I hope I'm not over stepping, but are you married to Mx Hawkins? By any chance?" I asked, curious and she just laughed at me, I was uncomfortable with her laughing at me so I stiffened, she saw the cue and stopped. "Yes, yes I am. Now what class do you have to go to?" Mrs Hawkins said, I was let free from my prison and I looked at my timetable, it said I was in Health Education class with… "I'm actually with you," I said, she smiled and she carried on, on what she was doing. Apparently we were going over the course for cross country.
After Health everyone was excused and I was asked to stay behind, we were heading to the Health staffroom so Mrs Hawkins could go get her lunch to do duty. Then out of the corner of my eye, I saw Mx Hawkins come over, and kissed there wife on the lips, and asked what she was doing. Mrs Hawkins said that she was actually wanting to talk to me about a few things. Then Mx Hawkins turned to me and waved. What a lovely person they are. Anyways after that awkward interaction, Mx Hawkins left and it was just Mrs Hawkins and I. "Lizzie do you want to tell me why you were actually tied to a tree?" She asked me, I then said, "no I'll be fine, there is no reason why I was tied to the tree." Then I walked away, I felt rude leaving her, but I was bothering her, just like I bother everybody else.
The rest of the school day was a complete blur, all I can remember was getting pasta thrown in my face. I walked to the front gate and saw that nobody was there, I waited for about 20 minutes before I started walking to the house alone.
Once I got there, the others looked like they were getting ready for something. But what was it? "Wilbur smile!" Kristen said, I was watching as she took a photo of her son. Then I looked around the room and saw that there were people here. The suddenly the front door was slammed open. "MUUUUUUUM!!!!" Tommy screamed, I instantly covered my ears, the loud noise, bad, very bad. "What Tommy? Is everything ok?" Kristen asked, she didn’t notice me standing on the stairs, "Lizzie's gone! She ran away!" Tommy said, breathing heavily, trying to catch his breath. "Oh no," Kristen said, she looked worried, I could understand, I did lie and say I was planning on running away. "Umm, actually I'm right here." I said, she turned around in one motion towards the noise, I waved and she glared at me. Oh no. I was in trouble again. Oh no. Oh no.  Oh no.  Oh no.  Oh no.  Oh no.  Oh no.  Oh no.  Oh no.  Oh no.  Oh no.  Oh no.  Oh no.  Oh no.  Oh no.  Oh no.  Oh no.  Oh no.  Oh no.  Oh no.  Oh no.  Oh no.  Oh no.  Oh no.  Oh no.  "Phil! I need you here now!" Kristen yelled, I covered my ears even harder. Why was everyone in this house so persistent that they must yell. Phil then arrived from the kitchen, it looked like they were whispering. Then they turned to me and then Phil as, "Lizzie you are grounded and you will not be going out with us as you have broken a rule we needed you to follow." Oh no.  Oh no.  Oh no.  Oh no.  I broke a rule, I was getting grounded. Great. They're going to lock me in the basement, like the other houses do. I nodded in agreement and watch as the rest of them just left with Wilbur's friends. So I was left alone? Really? Ok. What should I do?
I thought for a while on what I should do and then I thought I should go and look at my file. So I placed my bag down and headed to Phil and Kristen's shared office. I walked in and immediately found my file. They must of not put it away yet. So I grabbed it and headed out to where I usually sit. I sat down. I took a deep breath in and opened my file.
'Elizabeth Jane O'Conner
Born on the October 25 2007
To the parents of Madeline O'Connor and Alexander O'Connor.'
Ok pretty standard, I decided to skip a few pages, and then I came across a police report? What? I decided to read what it said…
'Madeline O'Connor and Alexander O'Connor have been excused of the duties of caretakers as they have been charged with first degree murder over twenty times.'
What? This can't be? What? No. My biological parents are not murderers. This can't be right. Can it? I need to know for sure so I left, and headed to the one place where I knew I could have answers…
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imthesilentwriter · 1 year
Chapter 4: Um... ok?
Lizzie's POV
So, that was it? No punishments? Like at all? I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t think straight. It was like  everything went black, like what? How did that happen? It was like I was in another dimension, like I just disappeared on the face of the earth. Then I heard, a voice, a calming voice, awaking me from this, what felt like a fever dream.
"Lizzie honey? Can you hear me? Sweetheart can you take deep slow breathes for me?" the voice questioned, of course she was going to comply, nobody wants to be in this type of state.  So I followed the instructions, breathe in and breathe out, simple enough? Is it? So after a while of taking deep breaths in and out, I could see things again, I could put a name to the voice. 
So there was Kristen and Phil where standing in front of me, looking concerned. Great. Even more pity. I was handed a piece of paper and pen. What am I meant to do with this?
"Write down what you are feeling, tell us what you were doing." Phil said. I just nodded, I picked up the pen and pulled over the piece of paper. I thought, I thought for a while of what I was going say…
Wilbur's POV
I was sitting on the stairs, watching the whole ordeal go down. Lizzie was sitting there, having a panic attack. What a baby. But I do understand why she is having a panic attack, like yeah, you believe you are getting punished, but my parents aren't like that. They aren't like abusive or whatever. Well being in foster care does do that to you. Feeling like everywhere you go you are going to get beaten. But not all places. So there I was, just sitting on the stairs, while Lizzie was writing on a piece of paper. Hmmmm. Maybe I can use this against her…
"Wilbur what are you doing on the stairs?" Techno asked.
"Going to ask mum and dad if they could come to my school performance, this Friday afternoon." I said, getting up off the stairs and walking down, into the kitchen.
Lizzie's POV
After I finished writing down I was having to "say", let's be real, I didn’t particularly want to share what I was doing so I said that I was coming up with a plan to run away. I handed back the piece of paper and I heard two people talking then some footsteps down the stairs. I looked over towards the stairs and there was Techno and Wilbur walking down the stairs. Techno walked over towards the living room and then just disappeared and Wilbur walked over towards Phil and Kristen.
"What's wrong Wil?" Kristen asked, "Well I have a school performance on Friday afternoon and it’s the first one of the year..", "Yeah, Wil we will be there." Phil said. Wilbur just smiled and walked away.
"So, let's see what you wrote…" Kristen said. She read what I wrote. Then I was told to go upstairs to "my room" and stay there until dinner. Like what where they going to get out of me, like seriously, did they expect to get to know all my little secrets. I don’t think so. So I kept walking up the stairs, to the room and over towards the bed. I lied down and looked at the ceiling, thinking about life.
General POV
Once Lizzie's door closed, talking commenced. "Phil, what are we going to do? I could tell she was lying, but like, she holds no emotion and she hasn’t said a word." Kristen said, Phil then said, "I honestly don’t know." The two sat there for a moment before they were both startled by their son, Techno. "I think you should get her some help or give her some space." Techno said. They all nodded, then Kristen got up and started dinner.
Lizzie's POV
I was just lying in bed, trying to go to sleep, I couldn’t even bother getting up and opening the door. So the person knocking on the door just kept knocking. Like what is this person's problem? Then this person has the audacity to walk into the room and tell me that dinner was ready. I just nodded and they left, I just stayed in bed because I wasn’t hungry. I closed my eyes, thinking about I got to see my sister again…
I was shaking… I am I this time? There were loud sirens and very bright red and blue lights. I was terrified that whoever was outside was going to find me. Wait wouldn't that be a good thing? Not a bad thing? Anyway, I was in the basement as punishment for breaking a plate. This family is very strict when it comes to items. Gotta put it on the list.
I could hear really loud stomps and screaming… oh no. oh no. oh no. oh no. oh no. oh no. oh no. oh no. oh no. oh no. oh no. oh no. oh no. oh no. oh no. oh no. oh no. oh no. oh no. oh no. oh no. oh no. oh no. oh no. oh no. oh no. oh no. oh no. oh no. oh no. oh no. oh no. oh no. oh no. oh no. oh no. oh no. oh no. oh no. oh no. oh no. oh no. oh no. I was sat panicking thinking whoever was out there was going to find me. Oh no. 
BANG! Someone broke down the basement door, I curled up into a ball, hoping they don’t see me. "Sweetheart, I'm Officer Jones, your safe now." what? Safe now? Excuse me? When was I ever safe? Do I even trust the police?"
We walked out of the house, and Officer Jones placed me into the police car…
I jolt awake. Breathing heavily. So, I had a dream about house 3, great. Just what I needed at this moment. I got out of bed and walked over towards the bathroom to get ready for the day. I was about to open the door and then… "What are you doing at 4 in the morning?" Tommy asked, I jumped, I was not prepared to run into anyone, but here we are. I turned around and showed him what I was doing, he just nodded, and then walked into the bathroom and closed the door. Great. He stole the bathroom. So I stood there, frozen. Like what else am I meant to do.  I started to walk back to the room, but the door opened, and Tommy emerged and headed back to his room. I quickly made my way to the bathroom and locked the door. I had a shower and got dressed into the blue denim jeans and a dark orange collared shirt, with a black sweater over the top. After the shower I unlocked the door and headed to the room I placed my stuff down, grabbed my bag and closed the door. I believe it was like 5 in the morning? I honestly don’t know, but I headed down stairs and sat down on the couch. Waiting for the morning to commence.
I was sitting there for a whole of ten minutes, just staring at the coffee table that sat in front of me. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, I turned to see, Phil, walking down, he looked to be getting ready for work. He didn’t even notice me sitting there. Good. Being invisible is literally who I am. I just kept sitting there and looking at the coffee table. After a while I heard people knocking at doors. What time was it? There was loud banging across all doors, signalling that it was time to get up and get dressed for school. I was still sitting down stairs, I decided to get up and walked over to the table. I sat down in the seat that I sat down in the first time I sat at the table.
Kristen was the first down stairs, she was quite shocked to see me sitting at the table. Then Techno and Tommy both come rushing down the stairs, I think they were having a race? I'm not too sure honestly, then lastly Wilbur. Everyone was getting ready, doing their normal morning routine.
"But Mum, I don’t want to take them anymore, they make me feel funny," Tommy whined, it looked like everyone had heard this before, but Kristen then said, "then you can talk to your psychologist and get new medication, but for now, you need to take it." Tommy was clearly unimpressed but he still took the tablet. I was still sitting waiting to go. "Lizzie, honey, have you eaten breakfast yet." Kristen asked, I nodded. Lying, cause like why not. "Ok then, so I'm going to drop you off and you guys will be walking home, ok? Also boys no arguing but at least one of you needs to walk home with Lizzie, ok?" Kristen said, the boys and I nodded. Of course. I forgot what happened yesterday actually, I completely forgot about the rule now.
We were at school, great. Another lousy day. I looked at my timetable and it said that my first class was going to be drama? Oh ok. This seems like fun, I guess. So there I was, heading towards my drama class, I am kinda excited for this class, I've never done drama before, so hopefully this will be good?
As I walked in the room, I was confused , I realised there was no desks nor chairs? What? What type of classroom was this? So I waited until the teacher came into the classroom, and then I introduced myself, she said to take off my shoes? WHAT?? I can't do that. So in the corner of the room, there I sat. Once the bell rung for lunch everyone got up and left, I just sat there, still really confused on what to do. The teacher was done with talking to the last of the kids, then she walked over towards me and sat down. "I don’t think I properly introduced myself, I'm Mx Hawkins they/them and who are you?" I showed her my name on my timetable, and she nodded, "so your name is Lizzie? Nice to meet you. Was there a problem with something I said today?" I pointed towards my shoes, and she understood. "So you don’t feel comfortable taking off your shoes?" She questioned, and I just nodded. I sat there for a little bit longer just trying to breath, not wanting to get up and walk around until next class. "I have to go on duty in a minute, sorry," Mx Hawkins said, I understood. I took a big deep breath in and waved and left the room. So drama was fun… I guess?
And it was then end of the day, just like that, great. Now I have to walk home with someone. To be fair I actually don’t know the way back. So I walked over towards the gate, and looked around, I only saw Tommy. Interesting. I approached him and it looked like his friends were saying "ooooooooo it’s your girlfriend Tommy!!!" out of like what? Teasing. But I'm pretty sure he said, "she's not my girlfriend, she's my foster sister." and then he turned around and walked away. I followed him, cause like I don’t know the way. So there we were walking on the path together, in complete silence. The type of silence that was suffocating and quite deadly.
"Sooo Lizzie you alright? I've asked you a few questions now." Tommy said. I just stop and look at him. What? He asked me a question? I thought for a moment, thinking of a logical answer to come up with. Or just not answer. But he doesn’t seem that bad.
"Yeah," I whispered, "I'm ok…" I looked shocked that I said a word. Then he asked me another question, which I found to be quite unexpected.
"Do you like it at our place? Or are you waiting to leave?" I thought for a moment, did I really want to leave. I mean yeah kinda, that's what always happens, but like, did I really want to go to a new house, get put through hell then just to go to another one? No. I really didn’t. And yeah, sure I actually don’t feel like I'm dying in this house, but it could happen, couldn’t it?
"I think I like it, but I'm not 100% sure yet. y'know?" I said, and there we were back at house number 40. Maybe just another house, or finally a home.
"Yeah, I understand. Also you seem like a nice person," Tommy said, and we walked up to the front door and went our separate ways. Tommy doesn’t seem like a bad person. So that happened, I said words. I actually spoke. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. What do I do??!?!?!? I've gotten attached. Great. This is not good at all. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. I started pacing as the thoughts inside my head were going to quickly. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. I jumped. Someone grabbed me and shock me out of my thoughts. I tried to wiggle free, but the grip was strong, the stronger than humanly possible. Oh no. Have I just been captured by aliens?? Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. 
"LIZZIE?!" I jumped, oh no, why did this person yell. Yelling is bad. Yelling is very bad. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Suddenly I had cold substance on my face. I went to touch is and it was liquidy. Oh, I just had water splashed on my face. I looked around and Tommy is holding a cup and Wilbur is got a towel and cleaning up the mess made and Techno was still holding me.
"Lizzie are you ok? You seemed to be having an anxiety attack." Techno said, whilst letting me go. I nodded and said, "yeah, I'm- I'm fine." Techno and Wilbur looked absolutely shocked that I spoke. I just brushed of the water on me and headed over to the table to do some Math homework. The things we do for fun…
It was around dinner time and Kristen said that she needed the table so I got all my things off the table and moved it onto the floor. Then suddenly the front door opened, with not only Phil but also Sam walking… What was Sam doing here? He wasn’t meant to come until the it's been a week.
"Lizzie I have some bad news," Sam said. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. NOOOOOO! Please I don’t want any more bad news in my life, please. "So, this is legally the last house that are able to adopt you, after that you're going to a group home." what? Excuse me? Are you kidding me?? Why is this happening?? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What?
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imthesilentwriter · 1 year
Chapter 3: Huh, what is she doing?
Lizzie's POV
So, during dinner we had sausages with vegetables. Now see I only grabbed one sausage and like three cut up carrots. Some people would call this unhealthy, but I would say it’s a lot of food. Like one sausage and three carrots? Crazy! Anyways no one seemed to notice how much food I grabbed, they mostly focused on Tommy. It could be that he has an eating disorder. So, I got away with only eating the amount I grabbed.
After dinner, Kristen cleaned up the dishes, I helped because I didn’t want to be rude. And everyone just disappeared. Wow these people just disappear like the flash of light. Gone. So once everything was cleared and in the dishwasher, I decided I would go up to the room I was staying in. 
On the way to the room I was staying in I heard some chatter coming from Techno’s room… I thought for a moment whether I should stop and listening or keep going. I decided that I should listen in, you know, just in case…
“Did you see how she was just sitting there, not saying a single word? We were literally talking to her, and she just ignored us.” Tommy said. Is that what happened? Did they actually talk to me? When? What? 
“Well, like I said, I don’t like her.” Wilbur said. Well great, thanks.
“Yeah Wil, I know, I know that you don’t like her. But try to stay nice please. She’s been through the same stuff as we have you know?” Techno said, he sounded like he was pleading to Wilbur.
“Ugh! Fine, I’ll try.” Wilbur said. Well that’s fine by me, as long as nobody hurts me, I think I’ll be fine. It now sounded like mindless chatter and laughter, so I walked off. I didn’t notice that Phil was behind me, until I go into the room I was staying in. He knocked on the door frame, I flinched, I don’t particularly like when people knock on doors.
“Sorry if I startled you. Why were you listening in onto Techno’s room?” Phil questioned, I just shrugged, like I always do. He just nodded, knowing that I wouldn’t say a word. He looked at me for a moment before he said, “so you start school tomorrow, I hope you are ok with that, I know you just got here, but like neither Kristen or I can stay home tomorrow, so yeah.” Ok fair enough. School… Tomorrow… Great… I just nod my head and he walks away. I go to close the door and I see the boys coming out of Techno’s room. Tommy just does a little wave and Wilbur, he glares at me. Like a death stare glare. Creepy…
Anyways I move to close the door, I then decide I should just get dressed into my pyjama’s so I don’t intrude on the bathroom space. Honestly, I don’t even like taking showers, there just… I shudder, at the memory, I personally don’t want to remember that memory…
I walked over towards the bed and pulled down the covers. I then climbed into the bed and covered with the blankets. I laid on my back, staring at the ceiling. My eyes started to slowly shut…
I woke up, I was in a closet. Oh god. I look around the dark and small room. It's too small. I look down and I can see I look rather young for my age… How old am I? Where am I? What is this place? Why am I back here? Why this moment? Unbeknownst to me, I start to breath heavier than I should be. I am violently shaking… The door suddenly opened quickly… A man, which looked to be about 40ish years old.
"Get out now!" he screamed, I did as what I was told. "You've been a bad kid…" he said, he hit me once, across the face, then again, then again… He also started kicking me in the stomach.
"Please… Stop…" I tried to plead with this man, but he didn’t seem to stop. What could I have done to upset him. Tears started rolling down my face… that just might have upset him even more, because the hits seemed to be coming at me harder…
I jolted awake, breathing heavily, trying to catch my breath, after what I just experienced. I looked round the room, to see what time it was, I didn’t find a clock so then I turned to the window, and looked out it. It was dark. The moon looked to be setting. Great, so I would guess it's like 4:30 am. Cool. Well there's no point in me going back to sleep then, is there?
I stepped out of the bed, and walked over to the bag that held my clothes. I took out my clothes from the bag and walked over to the door of the room I was staying in and opened it. I walked over to the bathroom and stepped in. I made sure to turn on the lights in the bathroom and to lock the door. I turned on the shower, made sure it was the right temperature, took of my clothes, and had a shower. The water was warm on my already sticky and sweaty skin. I stood there, for, I don't actually know. All I know is that I was thinking about what happened. I had another nightmare, great. That's a new record, having a nightmare on the first night of staying in a new house. I got out of the shower and looked around for a towel. Looking around, I couldn’t find a towel, so I picked up my pyjama pants and quickly dried myself off. I then tried to grab my clothes to get dressed into for the day, but my shaky hands had a different idea. I took a deep breath in and then grabbed my clothes to get dressed into. I unlocked the bathroom door and turned off the light. I walked over to the room I was staying in, and I closed the door, I put my clothes into one of the bags. I went over to the bed and sat down.
I'm pretty sure I zoned out, for an unknown amount of time. Someone opened my- the door and walked in, "Get up! Oh you are up, sorry, umm… come down stairs and get some breakfast." I believe Techno said. I nodded and grabbed my bag and headed down stairs. At the front door I saw all three other bags where there so I put my bag near front door as well. I walked over to the dining room, and there looked to be no one here. So I just decided that I didn’t want any food for breakfast I just sat down where I have been usually sitting. I waited for a bit, then the everybody else came down stairs. Everyone proceeded with what their normal morning routine was. I watched from a distance, because I didn’t want to bother anyone. The boys got themselves breakfast and came over towards the table. They continued with what they were doing, which was eating cereal.  
"Ok, so I'll drop you guys off at school, then after school you guys can walk home, ok?" Kristen said, everyone either nodded or hummed an answer. I just looked around waiting for instructions for what to do next. After everyone finished eating their food, they got up from the table and went upstairs to what I assume brushing their teeth. I believe I already brushed my teeth when I had a shower at like 4 in the morning.
There was obvious fighting upstairs in the bathroom, because you could hear it from all the way downstairs. "Boys! Stop fighting!" Kristen yelled, I flinched and I covered my ears. I hate yelling, it's way too loud. Kristen looked over to me, and noticed that my hands were over my ears. So she came over to me and placed and hand on my shoulder, I jumped at the gesture, as I'm not use to physical touch. Well, actually I hate physical touch, honestly. She apologies for scaring me and walked back over to the stairs and yelled at the boys. A minute later the boys come rushing down the stairs. "Ok, get your stuff, and get in the car." Kristen said, I got up from my seat and walked over to the front door and picked up my bag. We headed out the front door and we all piled in the car. Kristen and Wilbur sat in the front, Techno on the right side, Tommy in the middle, which leaves the left side for me. Great, one there are way too many people in the car, which is just annoying, and it's a car! I hate cars! Why? Because they are tiny and small and…
"So Lizzie! You excited to start school?" Kristen asked me, pulling me out of my thoughts, I shrugged in response. "Ok then, I'll take that as a 'I'm SOOO excited for school!'" Kristen said, this made Tommy laugh, which made me smile a little. I turned my head to looked out at the window. "Mum, I don’t think Liz is excited for school." Tommy said. He said Liz, no one ever says that, only my… I go to try and say that I don’t like being called Liz, but I couldn’t get the words out. I eventually gave up. Techno noticed and then said, "Tommy I don’t think she likes being called Liz." Thank god, thank you. Thank you, for saying something. Tommy turned to me and looked for confirmation, I nodded and he said, "oh I'm sorry, didn’t know you didn’t like the fucking name Liz." I jumped. He swore. Great. Does this family like to swear? "Tommy don’t swear please," Kristen said, so this family isn't allowed to swear? "Sorry Mum, I'm trying," Tommy said. So they are but they aren't? "I know you are Toms, I know you are. So, Lizzie I'm going to have to go into the school with you, so the school knows that you are a student." Kristen said. Cool. I'm going to have to get enrolled into school.
We arrived to the school and we all got out of the car. The boys all walked off to a group of people, which looked to be there friends. The people standing over near the gate all had different style of clothing, which was cool. I followed Kristen into the admin building, I believe it was the admin building. I wasn't paying attention that much. So we walked in and Kristen looked to be talking to a principal of some sort. I just stood and waited. "So your name is Elizabeth O'Conner? Correct?" The office lady asked, I just nodded. I was handed a timetable and a map. I looked at the timetable and it looked like I had Math first. I love Math, it's honestly one of my favourite subjects. "Ok, you think you'll be ok?" Kristen asked with concern in her voice, I nodded, I wasn’t worried, well I was because I was the new kid in school.
We walked out of the admin building and Kristen said goodbye to me, I watched as she walked away and back to the car. I looked around the front of the school looking for the Math building. This school is quite big, which would mean there's a lot of kids that go here. Great. Lots of people. I looked down at my map, and started walking over to the Math building. Looks like my Math class is this one. Hmmm, cool. I looked at my timetable again, and looks like we have a 15 minute class before this one? Wow, how many classes are there in the day? I looked at my timetable. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5… 5 classes, wow. That’s not that many. I started walking over to where my first class of the day was, room 1 of G block. Hmmm, why do they label there buildings with letters? I found my form classroom, cool. I sat down next to the door of the classroom and waited for the bell to ring.
Bing. Bing. Bing. That must be the bell, I stood up with my stuff and waited for the teacher. Other kids started to arrive to the classroom. The teacher opened the door and let us all in. I sat down at a desk, watching others pile in around me, they were all happy and chatty. I waited for my next class, I guess it's around lunch time, huh, when did that happen? I was just in… anyways, I walked around, trying to find a spot to sit, I gave up and looked for the library instead. I walked into the library and headed over to the fantasy book section. I picked up a book that I haven't been able to read in a while, so I found a nice spot and started to read this book. I didn’t notice the person standing in front of me, until they spoke, "So? You like reading? So do I. It's really calming, isn't it?" I looked up and noticed Techno speaking to me, I just nodded, as yes, reading was really calming. We had a really awkward stare between each other until Wilbur came over and demanded Techno stop being a nerd. I only started to notice that I was getting quite hungry once they left. I guess I had something else to focus on apart from reading.
All of a sudden it was the end of the day? What how did that happen? I was only just in the library. So Kristen said we had to walk home from school, which I could do, not like I haven't done this before. So I exited my ancient history class, and walked over to the front of the gate. I looked around for the boys, I saw them over near there group of friends, so I assumed that I would just walk be myself. I could do this, walk back to the house by myself, sure.
So off I went, crossing the street. I walked for a bit, not honestly knowing where I was heading. But sooner or later I stumbled across a park. I stood near the park for a moment and I saw somebody, someone that looked familiar. It looked to be my sister Emily.
I started to walk closer to what I assume was Emily sitting on a bench. "Hello? Are you Emily?" I ask nervously, unsure if she would recognise me. She looked up from where she was looking at the playground and towards. "Is that you Lizzie?" She questioned me. So it must be Emily. I nod, and she bursts into tears, she comes closer to me and gives me a big hug. Wow, more physical contact, great. After that brief moment of contact, three little kids came over. I looked at them, then towards Emily.
"Yeah, Lizzie, these are my children, Jack, Henry, and Annie." Emily said, and all the children waved back. Emily then said, "this is your Aunty Lizzie." The kids look at their mother then at Lizzie, they start wanting cuddles, which I obviously have to give…
Wilbur's POV
So I watched as Lizzie left the school grounds without us. Which I would understand that she didn’t want to bother us. Before I left I told Techno and Tommy where I was going, they were fine with it. So I decided to go follow her. She was walking away that wasn't the way home was. I was sent a text to the family group chat saying that both Mum and Dad where home from work. Which was good. I really like them being at home. But my main focus was, what she is doing? Like where is she going…
I kept following her, until she stopped at a park. I was even more confused, because she is way too old to play in a playground. But I kept watching from a distance, not wanting to intrude, but also, wanting to know what the hell she was doing. I noticed that she was hugging someone? What? Then children came over and hugged her as well? Does she have family? Why couldn’t she stay with them. I'm probably going to have to Mum and Dad that she has family, or at least she's talking to random people.
So off I went, on my way home. She is going to be in so much trouble when she gets back… ehehehhehehe.
Lizzie's POV
"Aww it was really nice seeing you again, Lizzie, hope I can see you again." Emily said, I had to go back to my foster home because of the time. "Yeah I love your children, they're soooooooo cute…" I said back, I waved and walked away. I kept walking and got lost.
Once I got back to the house, it was dark. I started to panic a bit, like, what if they show their true colours and hit me? Like, really? Or like yell at me? Or…
The front door opened at Phil was standing in the door frame. He didn’t look upset or anything just, disappointed? What? Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. I took a deep breath in and walked towards the door.
Once I was inside the door closed. See the door closed quite quietly, but that didn’t stop me from flinching. Phil looked at me with pity in his eyes. I don’t like stupid pity. Its gross. Anyways we walked to the dining room where the rest of the family were there. Great, were we really going to have a "family meeting" about where I was? Like come on…
"Sit down. We need to talk." Phil says, I comply and sit down. Completely terrified of what was happening. I think I'm shaking. Am I shaking? "So, Kristen and I aren't mad but, what where you doing in a playground? Why didn’t you come home on time? What were you planning? And who were those people that you were talking to?" Phil asked way to many questions. I opened my mouth to try and answer, but I couldn't, because I was paralysed with fear.  Everyone were waiting for an answer but I shut my mouth and shrugged in response. Kristen sighed, I jumped at the sigh, then she responded with, "fine if you aren't going to tell us, then you will only walk home with the boys or just one of them. that’s finally." She looked at the boys and the boys just nodded. Few! At least I wasn’t in too much trouble…
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imthesilentwriter · 1 year
Chapter 2: Great... What an Introduction.
Lizzie's POV
The blonde-haired man walked into the dining room – for me personally I hate enclosed spaces, or lots of people in one place, I hate it… So, everyone near me made my chest tight, I couldn’t really breath properly, so I started bouncing my leg up and down, and tapping my fingers on my non-vibrating leg, breathing in and out slowly. After doing that for a moment I knew that the situation I was in wasn’t as bad as I was perceiving it as. 
“Hi boys! How was school?” Phil asked, he too, had a very warm smile and calm voice. That could end up changing soon, who knows. 
“Never mind about school Dad! There’s some confusion about this girl here. Fix it!” Wilbur said quite loudly and rudely. I flinched at the aggression in his voice. I’m pretty sure Kristen noticed. Great, now should could think that I’m ‘crazy’. Uh! Great also Wilbur absolutely hates me, good. That’s what I want. Right?
“Wil, buddy, that’s rude don’t speak like that please,” Kristen said, scolding her son. Wow, so that could ‘fix everything’.
“Ok I’m sorry for raising my voice, but you need to talk about this girl that’s here. I think we are all getting mixed ideas of what she’s doing here.” Wilbur said, then he started walking over to the kitchen to get something. Tommy and Techno did the same, I stopped watching them, and looked at Sam. He could tell I was uncomfortable in the situation created.
“So, do we need to talk about her?” Phil asked, as he sat next to Kristen, and in front of me. 
“Hey, boys do you mind going up stairs please, I’ll text you when you can come back down ok?” Kristen said, and the boys didn’t argue at all, they just simply nodded their heads and headed off up the stairs. Now that the boys were gone, the attention was back on me. On my ‘situation’ there so claimed. Stupid foster care. Why is it so tricky and annoying? 
“So, what’s happening?” Phil asked, he clearly knew what was happening, I think he just wanted some clarification beforehand.
“Well I thought I talked to you guys about a permanent home for Lizzie?” Sam questioned. From what he was trying to express the situation before use was quite confusing on both ends.
“Well you said to Phil and I that Lizzie just needed a temporary home for now, until you find a permanent home for Lizzie.” Kristen said, with Phil nodding along. Great, I hate this place even more, and I’m quite upset at Sam for making this so much more complex than it had to be. Like seriously. It was quiet. Too quiet. I turned to look at Sam. He was… thinking? What?
“Oh. That’s right,” He started laughing, great, I’m stuck with a crazy social worker, just as though I thought he couldn’t get any weirder than he has. “I mixed up Lizzie and some other kid’s phone calls up.” Wow. Sam is just so organized.  The rest of them started full blown laughing, I just sat there confused. I didn’t understand why they were laughing so much. Like why? They started to settle down from the outburst of laughter, good, no more laughing. That’s a good sign.
“So, you know the drill, just have to sign some papers saying that your Lizzie’s foster parents, and then you get her file.” Sam says, this is going to take some time to get done. Wait? Did he say my file? I don’t remember him giving other people my files. So, what’s changed? Huh? Maybe I should ask Sam. But that would require me to talk. I don’t want to talk.
“Ok, all done. Everything is signed.” Phil said, and passed back the papers of guardianship.  That didn’t take long at all. I could have been stuck in my thoughts honestly.
“Well then, here’s Lizzie’s file. I’ll be heading off now.” Sam said. What he’s leaving. Ahhh! I’m freaking out now. Ok. Just breath. You’ll be ok Lizzie. Everything will be ok.
“Alright, Lizzie you’ll be ok right?” Sam whispered close to me, I just nodded, because I couldn’t find my words. “Ok then, I’ll see you in a week! Have fun!” and that was it, he left. I, of course was still sitting in the chair that they all left me at. Kristen and Phil came back into the dining room looking at me. I wasn’t making eye contact, I was just looking at the table.
They came over and sat back down where they were before. They looked at me for a little longer. I looked up and made eye contact with them. I personally hate eye contact, it’s like so gross. Like why? Anyways we sat in silence for a little longer. It was like a battle of silence. Waiting for someone to cut through it.
“Is it possible for you to tell us what you need more of, or can you show us?” Phil questioned, I just shrugged, I couldn’t really understand the question anyway, so I just stared back him, with a confused expression on my face. Well I believe it was a confused expression on my face…
“What he means, do you need more new clothes and shoes?” Kristen asked, Phil nodded. I again shrugged my shoulders, because I didn’t know. I started thinking about the question more deeply and pulled up my bag, which had my minimal things in, and just gave them my bag.
“Do you want us to open your bag?” Kristen asked, confused, I just nodded. I thought that all foster parents go through your bag when you first get there. Well this was definitely different. Kristen nodded her head as well, and opened my bag. Inside my bag, had one brown paper bag full of personal items, one black short sleeved coloured shirt, one pair of denim blue jeans, some underwear, one pair of socks, and one maroon jumper. That was literally it. All the items that I owned. Apart from the clothing items I was wearing, which were a short white dress with black dots, black leggings, cream ankle length socks, and many sizes too small sneakers. The two of them looked at me then looked between each other. Then they asked something unexpected…
“Do you want to go out and get some new clothes? Just so you have more than two pairs for school?” Phil asked. That is absolutely weird, the both of them were willing to spend money on me, for unnecessary items, cool. That really doesn’t make any sense but, ok!
“Ok, I’ll text the boys that we are going to go get a few things. I’ll also ask the boys if they need anything at all.” And with that Kristen was gone. Phil lead me to the car, I sat in the back behind the passenger seat waiting for Kristen.
Once Kristen got into the car, the car started, and we were off. I looked out the window, and decided that I’d just watch what was going on around the house. As we were driving past, I saw a high school. Well I guess that’s where the boys go to school. We kept driving, and we ended up at Target. Uh, yes, this is like one of the best places to get all of the things you could need.
We hopped out of the car and started heading towards the sliding doors of the shop. Phil walked over to get a cart and Kristen and I kept walking over to the clothing isle. We went past a few items until Phil caught up. I started walking around, I really didn’t want to get more clothes, because I liked the ones that I’ve already got. But if they want me to get more I’ll get more.
I walked over to get another pair of jeans, this one was a black pair. I turned around, and I couldn’t see either Kristen nor Phil. Huh. I must have walked to far, or not have heard them. Sounds about right for me. Anyway, I was on my way to find them when I stumbled across someone… familiar?
“Excuse me? Are you Jacob?” I approached with caution in case it wasn’t who I thought it was.
“Yes why?” He turned around. This was amazing! Now I could see his face. Oh wow. It really is…
“Lizzie? Is that you? Cause if it is, you’ve grown so much! You’re like, what, 14?” Jacob asked. I was excited that he recognised me, after all these years of not seeing me he actually remembers who I am!
“Well technically I am 15, but yeah I have grown, like a lot,” I said, trying to make conversation as well back. “Anyways, how are our other siblings going?” I asked with caution, careful not to over step.
“Well yeah they're all doing good. I know Emily really wants to see you again.” Jacob said. He smiled when he said that. That also made me smile as well, at least my all-time favourite siblings still remember me. I honestly want to know what was happening after what happened with our parents.
“Hey, how are you handling things?” I asked, wanting to know if he is doing better mentally.
“Yeah actually, I’m doing so much better mentally. I ended up getting married 3 years ago, and now I have a son who is turning 2 this year which is cool.” He said. I smiled. I watch as he pulled out a picture of his son. His son had bright blue eyes and dark blonde hair. He had the widest smile ever, so adorable.
“What’s his name?” I asked, curious to know what my nephew’s name is. 
“His name is Elliot.” He said. I’m pretty sure my smile grew even wider than it already had. We looked at each other for a moment, enjoying the little time we had together.
“Oh, I’m a cop, I’ll give you my card which has my number on it. Ok? I’ll also write Emily’s number on there as well ok?” He said, as he reached down in his pocket for his wallet so he could get his card out. He handed me the card, which also had Emily’s number on it. We said our goodbyes and I walked off, to try and find Phil and Kristen…
As I kept walking I finally found Kristen and Phil, they were near the book section of Target. I walked up to them, without saying a word and just stood there. When Kristen turned around she jumped when she saw me. She looked at me for a moment not really realising who I was. After a second, she realised who I was. She looked really concerned, because she didn’t know that I wasn’t following them. Oh no. I might be in really big trouble. I could get hit again today. Great, more bruises to cover up. I started to panic a bit more. I decided to tap my foot on the floor to calm myself down a bit. Deep breath in, and out, in, and out. I probably did that a few times until my nerves weren’t about to explode. I looked back up to Kristen and Phil looking at me with curious eyes. Then the silence was broken by Phil asking, “so… where did you go?” I just shrugged my shoulders, as I didn’t want to speak. Phil just nodded, not wanting to push.
“So, did you find any clothes you liked?” Kristen asked. Ahhh… yes, clothes. Well how do I tell them that no, I didn’t find clothes that I liked because I became distracted by the fact that I found my brother? I think the long silence of no actions made them both realise that I didn’t have any clothes picked out at all…
“Alright then, let's go get you some clothes for you then.” Phil said, and we started walking off. I picked out the nice black jeans from before and another jumper type thing. It wasn’t really a jumper it was kind of like a long open dress jacket jumper thing, I guess. I then picked out another shirt, it was a plain and simple dark orange shirt. I was told to go and get a set of pyjamas, so I did, I got a set that is a white shirt with long pants that is black and white.
After the items were purchased we headed out. Once we got back to the car I noticed Jacob was watching from a far distance. I smiled at him, hoping he saw my smile. I got into the car and we drove away.
Once back at the house, we took the things inside. They told me the concept of the house was pretty uncomplicatedly set out, with labels on each of the doors. So, I was set off to go put my clothes and bag in the unlabelled room. The unlabelled room was really nice looking, small but overall, pretty. There was a desk, a bed, a cupboard, everything you could ever need in a room. I placed my things down and headed downstairs where everyone was sitting. This obviously can’t be good at all. I paused for a moment contemplating whether to sit in the spot I sat in for god knows how long. Then I decided why not, it couldn’t harm anyone, right? Once I sat down, Phil began to speak, “all of us are here are wanting to make sure you understand the rules of the house, ok?” I nodded, I didn’t want to overstep on the rules, and it would be nice to know what the rules were.
“Well the rules are that, you have to knock on someone’s door before entering and you have to get a clear yes or no from the person to enter their room,” Kristen said, then Techno began, “be careful with what you say, we all have triggers and we don’t like getting offended by that, and don’t personally trigger someone, that’s rude.” Then Tommy kept going, “we are more than happy to help you with anything just ask,” then Wilbur spoke, “we have boundaries, please respect them, if not then you’ll get into trouble,” then Phil said, “if you have boundaries then you are welcomed to write them down as well,” then lastly Kristen spoke, “just be kind to us and patient, we will do the same for you.” And that was it. All the rules down and dusted. Still didn’t get rid of the severe nerves though. So, there we sat starting to eat dinner, and carrying on with the rest of our lives…
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imthesilentwriter · 1 year
Chapter 1: A New Beginning... Again
Lizzie's POV
Finally. I'm finally leaving this horrid place. This is my like, 39th? Foster home, and I hated every last minute of it. Like what kind of person lets they’re kid drink alcohol? Like seriously? Anyway, Sam said he would be there shortly. As I waited I thought about my pervious houses. I couldn’t bring myself to remember a few of the more recent houses, but I could remember a lot. I hate the foster care system. It’s like the worst place on the planet. Truly the worst place. Just then I heard a knock on the front door.
“Hello?” Sam said through the door, I got up of the dusty old couch and walked over to the front door. I opened the front door. I think I could tell he was quite shocked to see me answer the door.
“Lizzie? Oh good, go get your stuff. We are leaving.” Without any hesitation I quickly rushed to get my only belonging – my bag – and ushered myself towards the front door. I took a look around for one last time, that’s until my ex-foster mother came down the creaky stairs.
“Where do you think you're going young lady?” She said quite angrily, while storming down the stairs, she didn’t even notice my social worker in the door frame. She just rushed and pulled me by my hair, and onto the floor. Everything else was a blur, but I think now I’m in a car. My body hurts so bad. I can’t really remember anything at all…
Sam just kept looking back at me, checking up on me, with concerned eyes. There must be something wrong with me then, if he keeps checking up on me. But what could it be?
“Sam?” I asked hushed, trying to keep my voice down.
“Yes?” He said back.
“What happened?” I asked, I never really ask what happens at a house, but the last few moments where a blur and I honestly couldn’t remember anything from then point forward. He clearly didn’t want to talk about it, but to be honest I don’t think I realised that he didn’t want to talk about the events that occurred in that moment. He took in a deep breath and then said, “so, your ex-foster mother, came down the stairs… then she pulled you by the hair and threw you to the ground. You weren’t really responding, but you did see it all. She, uh… she um… started hitting you, my instincts kicked in and I called the police and pulled her off you. She got arrested for child abuse…” Sam said quite quietly towards the end of the one-sided conversation at that point. I simply nodded, not that fussed that had happened. I don’t really care anymore, anyway. I think I should still care, but I can’t be bothered to anymore.
We started driving out of the driveway, ever so slowly approaching the street on where officially house 39 was. What an event.
We started driving, I continued to look out the window, watching as we passed, happy, giggling children with their parents. We passed colourful small houses to tall grey buildings. We then passed trees, not a lot of them, but a lot. we continued, from what I gather, we were on the other side of town. By that point I started to get bored of sitting in the car for this long. My right leg started to bounce up and down, without my knowledge. When did that start happening? Someone’s speaking, this person is pulling me out of my thoughts. I look up and Sam is the one talking… I stare with a confused blank on my face. He just giggled and repeated himself.
“This family has – the Watson’s – have 3 teenage sons already. This family is also really experienced in the foster care system already.” Sam said with a smile on his face. I didn’t care. I just didn’t want to be in anymore foster homes. I just wanted to age out and be forgotten about. Be forgotten about, that seems really nice… it’s like something that’s already happened before… hasn’t it? Being left behind, forgotten about, just seems natural at this point. But 3 sons already? Wow. That could be disastrous for me. Why would Sam put me with these people? 3 teenage boys? Is he serious? Doesn’t he know my history? Great. I’m doomed. Well the faster I’m in the faster I’m out, I guess. I just simply nod at Sam, and he continues driving, I zone out, thinking more about where we are heading to…
We pull up to this two-story house, it’s got a small drive way, the street is quite closed in with a few other houses on the street. Sam stops the car, turns to look at me. I don’t bother to look at him, I know what he is going to say, the same old little speech about how this family is better than the last, yeah right. But he doesn’t, he just opens his car door and gets out.
The nerves are starting to kick in. I never get nervous about a new foster home – only when I was younger – but that’s different, I was like 5 years old. But this feels different. I know I suck at understanding emotions, but this feeling is like suffocating… I slowly bring my hand to open my car door. I take one deep breath in and grab my bag, and step out of the car. The first thing I can smell is the fresh air, which is nice. I don’t get to go outside much, so this is calming.
We start walking over to the front door of the house. So foster house number 40. Great. Just great. So excited – is that was sarcasm is? Is the phrase ‘so excited’ with a monotoned voice sarcasm? I don’t even know what sarcasm is! Suddenly the door opens, there stood a nice lady, with brown hair. She looked like she was out, and just came home from whatever she was doing. She looked at me really quickly then to Sam. She smiled warmly? What? People can smile warmly at people?
“Hi Sam! How are you?” The nice lady said I cheery, that nice sweet voice will disappear the moment Sam leave. Uh no. This is a bad house. No. no. no. no. no. Can’t do this. Don’t want to live here.
“I’m good, how are you?” Sam said. Why is Sam conversating with this person? What?
“I’m well Sam. I was just out at the grocery store, before you got here. Do you want to come in?” She asked. Sam nodded, and looked at me to start walking in. There is no way in hell I am walking in that house… Sam and the lady just looked at me. I glared back. There was no way I was going to step one foot inside this awful, weird, disgusting…
“Are you coming Lizzie?” What? Am I coming, of course not. But Sam started walking away… I don’t want to be out here all by myself. Ugh! Fine. I’ll walk in.  So, I walked in, the main entrance seemed really homely. Eww gross. Homeliness is weird. Like a I understand families do this to show off their children but its gross. As I look around I can see a family photo that looks pretty recent, with a blonde male, that looks to be the father, a tall boy with wavy brown hair, and standing next to tall brown hair boy was a fairly tall boy with long pink hair, and in front of the two tall boys there was an also quite tall blonde-haired boy. It appears to be the lady wasn’t in the photo, she could have taken the photo. Sam and the lady start walking, so I follow. Not wanting to be rude in a stranger’s house. We continued walking towards the dining table.
“We are going to have to wait for Phil, he’s coming home early today to sign the papers as well, he’ll be here any minute now” The lady said, so her husband’s? Name is Phil, interesting…
“Oh, would you too like a drink of water? Or anything in particular?” She asked, I shook my head, I was thirsty, but I couldn’t trust her, I don’t even know her.
“Yes please, a glass of water would be lovely, thanks Kristen,” Sam said. So… the lady’s name is Kristen, interesting… The lady – Kristen, walked back into the dining room with 2 glasses of water in hand. She placed a glass of water down in front of Sam then she sat down as well, drinking her water. Sam and Kristen started having a conversation with each other, while waiting for her husband named Phil.
After what felt like forever, someone opened the door. But instead of one pair of foot-steps, it was three? Three feet shuffled into the dining room where, Sam, Kristen, and I were all sitting. Then just like that the shuffling of feet just stopped. I looked up from where I was looking and saw three very confused faces. The boys looked at me, then at Kristen.
“Uncle Sam! How are you?” The blonde-haired boy asked, seemingly unfazed by the new face in the home. But Uncle Sam? I didn’t know Sam was an Uncle…
“I’m good Tommy! Hi Wilbur, Hi Techno.” Sam said, he sounded happy? I knew Sam had a life, but not nephews? What? I’m truly confused.
“Hi Uncle Sam. Anyway, Mum, why is Uncle Sam here with a girl?” The brown-haired boy said, with annoyance? In his voice? Well I guess I’m just hearing things.
“Well Wil, Sam called and asked if this girl here could have a temporary home, just for a few weeks, while Sam finds her a forever home. Now, please be nice.” Kristen said, so the brown-haired boy’s name is Wilbur. Well Wilbur doesn’t seem too happy about the fact that I’m here. Cool. Just another reason for me to disappear. Oh, and this is only temporary, great, house 40 will be gone and now I’ll have to move on to house 41, amazing…
“Oh, I thought we discussed that this was hopefully going to be permanent? Or was I talking to Phil about that?” Sam said, a little bit confused. I guess this is permanent? Well I really hope people start to make up their mind sooner than later.
“Well when Phil gets here we can ask him,” Kristen said. Great, now I will not get to know until this Phil man gets here.
Suddenly the front door opens and closes, then there’s shuffling of feet. Well now I don’t have to wait forever…
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imthesilentwriter · 1 year
Chapter 1: Days...
Week 1
The smell. That smell always awakes me, from my, not so sleep, sleep. The strong irritating odour, that practically lives near a swimming pool, smell. Bleach. I sit up in my cramped room like space. White thing string like features hanging the corner of the room. I reach my hand into the dark filled room, trying to find the light switch. I run my hand along the wall, to see if it is there. The rough, bumpy paint like texture runned underneath my fingertips. Moisture drips off the palm of my hand, ruining the wall, creating more and more bumps, and breaks. My hand finally finds the chipped plastic light switch, that subsequently is right next to the door. The entrance. The entrance to my dungeon. The dungeon that I have been imprisoned in my entire life. My room. The small tight space underneath the creaky, wooden stairs.
Footsteps can be heard. Every morning, evening, and night, that I lay wake, staring, listening, waiting… watching. The stubborn broken light switch finally clicks into place. A key slides into the lock of the front door. The faint clicking sound, almost inaudible, turns and unlocks the secrets of this home. The front door creaks it’s way open. The only person that would be up at this time, would be my mother…
My mother. Beautiful, quiet, tired, fragile woman. My mother. Emotionless, cold, miserable, disappointed. She loves others… including her husband. My stepfather. A fat old businessman. The flickering of the yellow tinted lightbulb comes into place, as I hear my mother dropping countless items into a glass dish tray. She slowly walks up the steps. Her feet against the wooden floorboards, makes the world stop and turn. The constant stomping. The constant pounding. The constant…
I took a deep breathe in. I sat up, waiting until I could hear. Her bedroom door, snaps into place. The creaking of her bed. I waited and waited. I turned my painfully sore neck around to my shelf. I studied the objects on the shelf. Simple, yet beautiful. Sitting there, staring at me is the deep green alarm clock, ticking away, telling me that I am wasting time.
Reaching for the smooth door handle, I turned it so I could escape. But not fully escape, and I am the prisoner. I live, breathe, and smell like one. My mother. I don’t even remember the last time I have seen her. It feels so long, too long. Lightly stretching my legs, out the door, I placed one foot down. I climbed out of my bed, and slowly, and gently started to close the door, trying not to make noise.
I looked around the oh so familiar hallway. Nothing’s changed. Simple. Elegant. Suggesting that people don’t actually live here. How could they? When they are always out and about. There was nothing to suggested that there were children here. Nothing. Slowly, I walked into the extremely lit kitchen. I stumbled my way over towards the fridge. The metallic, shiny fridge. The newest addition, might I add. My stepfather – Casper, doesn’t want any fingerprints on it, or as he puts it “It ruins the entire aesthetic.”
Stepping. So little steps, but it feels like the longest walk I have ever done. Dreading, what it says for me to do on the fridge. The list. Oh, the list. The ugliest thing to ever exist. The list is my jobs. If I don’t do my jobs, then I get punished. Simple. I focused closer onto the words that were on the fresh clean, stain free, list. It read,
Clean the Kitchen
Clean the Living Room
Vacuum - But do it when we are up
Make breakfast.
Get the rubbish and put it in the bin.
Iron the clothes.
Wipe down the doors.
Clean out the fridge.
Collect the mail.
(And Whatever you do - DO NOT WAKE US UP!)
Or you will get a severe punishment!
So, I started doing my work, careful not to wake them up. Otherwise, I would be in so much trouble. So, as I started, I noticed a picture, a new photo. A picture of their wedding day…
“YOU UNGRATEFUL LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT!” Casper, screamed, as he threw me against the wooden fence. Little splinters collided into my skin, tearing me apart. He pushed, punched, thrashed, me around the yard, in the wide, wide open. People can hear. People can hear every little detail, every little fight, every little…
His rough hands, slowly closed around my soft smooth neck. He quickly dragged me inside. The ever so slowly death was coming closer and closer. I just needed it to happen. Happen. Right. Now. Please, death…
The sound of his fist connected to my face in an instant. I opened my eyes. To see him, on top of me, preparing my worst nightmare. “This shouldn’t take long, you little brat,” his gruff voice hovered over my throat. I slowly closed my eyes, trying to escape from the hands, slowly moving down. Closer and closer and closer to…
Laughter. Laughter was all that could be heard. I slowly walked closer towards the doorway to the living room. Casper had his mates over. His gang… I took a deep breathe in, listening to what they were talking about… about me…
“So, when I married heather right, she’s like ‘oh I have a daughter that needs a father’ and I was like, ‘how old is your daughter?’ and she was like, ‘she’s 5 years old,’ and in my mind I was like ‘YESSSS! You just won the jackpot.” Casper said, with joy in his awful breath. Slowly I turned around to face the prison, that I was being held in.
“So Casp, do you think we could y’know, meet her.” A man said. You could hear the smirk in HIS voice, “of course…” that tone. That depth. I’m not ready to deal with this…
“Oh hey did I tell you how her father came to and he's all like 'give me my daughter, you promised custody, and you aren't letting me see her,' to be honest he looked like he was drunk or something, cause the next thing you know he was pulling out a stick, what a pathetic loser, am I right?!" laughter, snickers, giggles, whispers. I can’t take it anymore.
I stormed into the living room, and I yelled, “my father isn't pathetic, he died protecting me and my mother from an intruder! And honestly, you’re the pathetic loser, not my father!” the looks, the stares, everyone was judging me, piercing into my soul. I looked over towards Casper, and I knew. He knows, and he knows I know. The anger, the hurt, the frustration, is eating me up so much that I JUST WANT TO SCREAM! “AHHHHHHHHHHH!”
That’s when I heard, the sound of the glass breaking. That’s when I realised, that I was in more trouble I could even imagine. I backed up, away from the living room. I ran over towards the paint chipped front door, and I quickly ran. I ran, and ran and ran…
Week 2
Gold. Is a shiny metal that can be used in anything, and everything. I picked up Casper’s wedding ring, noticing the minimal scratches and chips. I then moved over towards my mum’s wedding. I picked it up and noticed WAY more scratches and chips… and hers looked to be more… weathered?
I placed the rings back in their exact position as when they left them. As I quickly went into my little prison. I closed the door, trying not to make any noise, and I laid down, onto my stiff, broken, dust filled matrass. I placed my head back, onto my soft pillow, that I stole from my mother. Honestly, I hope she doesn’t find out that I was the one who took it… cause if she did… I’m dead.
I closed my eyes. Wishing. Hoping, I have a good dream…
An unknown figure was walking closer and closer towards me. It’s like they know me… but how...?
“Addie? Is that you? Wow! You’ve grown so much!” the unknow man, strokes my hair, then goes in for a hug. I back up.
“I’m sorry, but I don’t even know who you are, so stay away from me.” I say, and slowly start to walk in the other direction.
“Wait, you do know me, but you don’t recognise me… I’m your father Addie,” the unknown man- I mean my father? Spoke. I couldn’t believe it. He really is back. I ran into his arms like I have never done before.
“I’ve missed you.” I say, enjoy the warm embracement. “Me too.” My dad says. “So dad, when are you coming to get me?” I say, with so much joy laced in my voice. “Oh, Addie honey… I’m not real…”
I jolted up from the bed. Breathing so deep that I couldn’t even remember the last time I had to teach myself to breathe. Deep breath in and out, in and out. The sound of my breath escaped my mouth, tricking my brain into remembering that we are in the real world, and were not in a dream.
Rubbing the sleep from my eye, I moved to open the crusty wooden door. Once opened, I exited my “room”, and headed to the kitchen. That’s when I heard the laughter. The smell of beer. The smell of smoke. Great. Casper has his mates over. Taking a deep breath in, I moved over towards the living room. Putting on a fake smile, I calmly, sweetly say, “hey boys, what can I get for ya?”
The look on their faces was no surprise. Casper looked proud…? What? Why is he staring at me like that? “Actually dear, we do need something-” he says, looking around the living room, filled with his mates, “could you set up the kitchen table for poker night? It would be very helpful.” The smirk. That smirk. I nodded and said, “of course. Whatever you need.” I walked into the kitchen and started preparing the table for poker night. Gathering the older wooden chairs, and placing them around the table. I moved to grab a black and white round tablecloth and placing it on the table. Breathing through my nose I realised that I needed to open the windows.
Moving towards the windows, I carefully open them, without making a sound. I continue to walk to the living room where the boys where and I said, “poker table is ready. I’m going to get the poker game, so if you would like to get to the table, its set.” I started walking away, into Casper’s office, and I could hear the gruffles, the muffles, and the groans. These paper-thin walls are so annoying. You can hear absolutely everything.
I picked up the white plastic stepping stool, and I placed it in front of the opening in the walling. Casper likes to keep his special items there, such as his whiskey, his awards, his “university degree” and most importantly his poker game. Not even the women he married, the women he supposedly loves is on this wall of fame. Stepping up ever-so carefully, I managed to get the poker game off the top shelf, and brought it down.
I headed over to the table and placed the game in front of Casper. I took a deep breath in and asked, “so boys, would you like any food, or drinks?” Casper was the first to nod, he said, “chips and beers.” I nodded and headed over to the fridge. I grabbed the brown stained-glass bottles and placed them on the marble counter tops. I moved towards the pantry, and grabbed the first set of chips I could find. Checking the label, and it was Casper’s favourite chips. I hope he doesn’t mind eating them with his gang. Grabbing the serving bowls, I placed his favourite cheesy chips into the bowl. I then headed back over to the table and placed the food and drinks in front of the animals.
I walked out of the l kitchen, and I sat down. Waiting. Waiting for my cue. Waiting for the cue that he expects. He expects. I gag. Imagine being the only thing you can bet on at a poker game.
After Casper’s first incident – he accidently lost over 2 grand – my mum decided that he needed to find a better thing to bet on, that excludes money. So here is when I came into the picture. 7. I was seven years old. Seven when I started being the waitress for Casper’s poker games.
“So, you know the drill boys, we are betting…”
Week 3
"Happy Birthday Babe!" Casper said, my mother, my dear mother, giggled with joy. She sounded happy, but I wasn’t 100% sure if she is actually happy. I’ve been locked in my prison for 3 days now. 3. Ugh! I hate being the one to blame…
3 days ago
Darkness. I opened my eyes to see my reflection staring at me. I took a deep breath in. Every movement, every motion, every action, that I do is being mimicked by the very person staring directly at me. I stare. Every time I stare, I cannot picture myself being there. It’s like I’m somebody in another person’s body. The motions. They’re the exact same. I look, and I stare, but nothing. It’s like I don’t exist. Maybe I don’t. That could be the beauty of it. Not existing could be good for me. Whoever controls this universe, please, I beg you, get me out of here. Please, please, just… set me free…
I moved towards the light. The simple white door. The purest of white, in the blackest of rooms. Turning the knob, I ever so carefully opened the door. Stepping out, the sudden heat rushes to me. It’s like the heat is moths, and I’m the light, shining down in the dark. I looked around the empty hallway. Nobody in sight. I can do what I want. Heading down the grey carpet hallway, passing 3 doors, I stumbled across, across something shiny. Right there, in the corner of the hazelnut-coloured table is a picture. The dirty silver frame glistened in my eyes, turning every bit of attention towards the very centre. In the picture there is my mother medium length champagne coloured hair, bright emerald green eyes, holding ever so tightly onto me, short beeline honey coloured hair, grey eyes, wearing the most colourful dress you could ever see. I wanted to match my mother. I completely idolized my mother when I was younger, until I realised what she was. What she was doing. Now, now I hate her, I despise her. I want to shrivel up and die, I never want to exist again.
But it’s her birthday soon. She’ll be 29. Yes, I am almost 11, which means my mother has me when she was just a kid herself. Honestly, I don’t hate her for how hard she worked, or how hard she fought, she was there. Honestly, I’m glad I can be around my mother, even if she married Casper. I rolled my eyes; I cannot believe that filthy fat man even met my mother. I gagged. I continued down the hallway, meeting the stairs. I took a deep breath in and slowly walked down the stairs, careful not to wake anyone up. I placed my hand on the smooth wooden railing for stability as I walked down the steps. Wondering. I thought to myself, what I did in the past for my mother’s birthday…
Age 5: I made my mother a drawing.
Age 7: I made mother a hedgehog out of pinecones.
Age 10: I am going to make her a necklace…
I made my way to the front door, opening it carefully trying not to awaken the kraken upstairs. The beast is a death wish. Never awaken the deadly creature, unless if it’s to seek death. Yes, my mother after night duty is a monster, she could kill if needed. But that’s beside the point, I continued my way through the door, ever so carefully closing it shut. I headed off to the garden, and looked for the perfect rock…
After, what felt like hours, I finally found the perfect smooth, white rock. I held it up towards the sun, and curiously studied the crystallisation. The perfect, and the imperfect. That’s what makes something beautiful. My mother use to say that to me. Whenever we went to the beach, we looked at the ocean beyond, she always said to me, “the sight of which you see can lead to dangerous things. The perfect, and the imperfect. That’s what makes something beautiful. That’s what makes something so unique, so different. It stands out from the rest. It has personality that other’s do not wish to seek…” I took a deep breath in, this is the rock. This is the rock that will absolutely melt her heart.
I headed back inside and gathered the rest of my materials to continue the necklace. I headed towards the crafts box, that is kept downstairs. I carefully opened to box, to see wonderful, special treasures inside. I grabbed the smooth silvery string. I carefully wrapped the string around the white stone. I looked at my perfection. The stone dazzled within the light. Sparking rainbows across the room. I hope my mother will love this. I headed to Casper’s office to grab a piece of paper. Once I opened the door, I noticed that he was in there, so I quickly dashed into the room, and continued with my business. He didn’t seem to mind, but I was careful otherwise.
Drawing shapes, people, planets, anything I could think of made its way onto the page. I wrote mum a lovely birthday wish and closed the card. All I had to do was wait, wait 3 more days, and not get into trouble…
I took a deep breathe in. This is it. The day before her birthday. I walked up to her room, gift in hand, I slowly knocked on the door. Hearing a gruff, “come in” I opened the door. To my surprise, it was only Casper in the room. “Where’s Mum?” I asked, a little confused. He rolled his eyes in response, she got called in. I nodded. He seemed to notice the present I had, his eyes stuck to my skin like glue. The motion of his eyes seemed to create fire on my skin. “What’s that?” he asked, the question, made the hair on my back stand up. I gulped. “My present for Mum” I said. He stood up off his poorly made bed. “You ungrateful brat. You are not allowed to get YOUR mother a birthday gift.” I stepped every so closer to me. I have the urge to step back, but I cannot. I cannot move, I cannot breathe. All I can do I stand there and blink.
His rough, calloused hands, wrapped their way around my neck. His grip tightening every second. His breath lingered on my skin. The heat of the breath travelled its way down my neck. I could hear his breathing in my ear. “How dare you disrespect me. Now you must pay for it.” The words. The power. He has control, and there’s nothing I can do to stop him.
Week 4
After being cooped up in my prison for a week, Casper finally unlocked the door. I looked up at him. The smirk on his face indicated that we had company. Which means only one thing… the bet… I got up and continued to the kitchen. I grabbed snacks and beers. Just the usual routine and continued to the poker game. I placed the snacks and drinks down, without saying a word, I continued to walk around the table. Walking, I found myself in front of the entrance door. This gave me an idea. I took a deep breathe in. I turned my head and locked eyes with Casper. Rushing to the door, all I could hear the screaming the yelling. So I ran. I ran and ran. I didn’t stop.
I looked up at the street sign, I noticed that I was on private drive. I kept walking, I knew that the park was in this direction. Stomp. Stomp. Stomp. My sneakers crashed against the floor of the road. The constant crunching keeping me to earth. Breathing in the smells of the wet earth. Looking up, all I could see was the grey, mysterious clouds, daring for rain to crash this world. Rain would be amazing. The grass would be greener. The trees would smile. The birds will sing. Everything would be cheerful, if the clouds dared to pour their souls out. I kept walking down the street. Brown bricks, casually standing on top of one another. Stacked, up high, to create a boring, visually unappealing house. The clear stained window did nothing to ease this appeal. There was absolutely no characteristic between each of houses. Nothing to distinguish them from others. That’s what sucks about the world. Everyone boring, plain, nondifferent.
I took a big deep breath in. Looking around, I finally noticed the broken-down park. I headed towards the black sticky wet leather swing seat. My fingers touched the cold bare metal chain. The chain connecting the seat to the rusty metal poles that’s called a swing. I place my other hand on the other chain, and carefully placed myself down onto the swing. The peace when you finally let your hair down and let the wind flow through, makes you feel centred. Kicking off the ground, I continued to climb up into the sky. Feeling the cold shivering breeze wrap itself around my body, makes my skin explode into goosebumps. Closing my eyes, all I can do is see another world. Another world that I can escape to. I wish I could escape. I wish I could run away into the abyss, but that will never happen. Whatever happens, I’m stuck here, on planet earth.  
It felt like it had been hours. The sky slowly, but consistently changing, forming new, distinct patterns, becoming unique. Unlike the people that slowly appear out of the corner of my eyes. The sun pears through the clouds, begging us to join, begging us to contribute to life, begging us to enjoy every last minute. After the sun spreads the clouds apart, children start to appear. Children and their parents. Laughing, giggling, chatting, having the time of their lives. Thinking, about just having fun. A cold bony finger taps my shoulder. I turned my head and noticed a boy. A boy around my age, with jet black hair. His eyes, telling a different story. His eyes are so unique, so green. Which then distracts me by pulling my sight to his smashed glasses.
"Your glasses are smashed.” I state, which earns a quiet chuckle from the boy. He continues to sit down next to me. “Oh, I didn’t ask if it was ok-” he stood back up, and then asked “- do you mind if I sit here with you?” I nodded. “So, what’s your name?” I ask, curious as what this boy seems to be doing. “My name is Harry, and what’s your name?” he states, then questions right back. I stretched out my hand, “Adalyn.” We shock hands. His hands were cold, bony, like their was nothing but and empty soul. I gave Harry a gentle smile. We continued to sit their breathing in and out, until he asked, “so what are you doing out here?” I chuckled a bit, “I could say the same about you.” I state back, I laughed. His laugh sounded pure. Like he had life inside of him. “I actually came here to clear my head, and get away from my stepfather,” I said, he nodded, like he understood. “I understand, I live with my Aunt and Uncle, and this is one of the only places I can be alone.” I nodded in agreement. We continued to talk, sometimes Harry would crack jokes. I said something weird, and he just agreed, then made strange faces. I was having a good time, and it seems that Harry was also enjoying it.
The slow drop of ice reckoned water fell from the sky. Turning my head, I noticed that nobody was left in the park. “I think the storms coming.” Harry said, I nodded in agreement. Placing my feet on the bark ground I stood up, watching, Harry did the same. “Well, I think it’s time to go home now. Isn’t it?” He spoke. “Yeah, it is. Well thanks for the fun afternoon Harry, I hope to see you again soon.” We both parted our ways. I continued to look behind me, trying to see if we was going the same way. To my dismay he was not. Catching my gaze, Harry waved, and I waved right back. Turning around, I continued my trip home.
Before stepping into the house, I noticed my mother’s car in the driveway. I quickly ran into the house and heard extreme yelling. “HOW DARE YOU CASPER! I WORK EXTREMELY HARD AND WHAT DO YOU DO? YOU PLAY POKER WITH YOUR MATES! BOYS! GET OUT NOW!” Just as she said that all of Casper’s friends rushed out of the house. I continued into the living room, and the first thing I notice is the mess. I sighed. Great. I took a breath in and started picking the rubbish up from the floor. “Babe, we don’t bet. We just play for fun, as some of my friends have a gambling issue. So basically, we play for nothing.” Casper said calmly, trying to convince my mother otherwise. I snorted, that’s when I realised, I snorted, aloud. “Is there something you wish to add Adalyn.” Casper said, glaring straight into my eyes. “No,” I said, and continued to clean up the living room.
Once putting the final piece of rubbish in the bin, I moved to pack up Casper’s poker game. Knock. Knock. Knock. The delicate tapping on the wooden door, surprised everyone in the house. I continued to pack away the game, whilst my mother went to the door. I was finished placing the game away. I headed into the living room, and that’s when I noticed a somewhat elderly woman in a green cloak standing in the living room. She was wearing a strange black pointy witch’s hat, which was confusing because Halloween was months away. I turned to see the look on my mother’s face, which suggested she somehow saw this coming?
“Hello, are you Adalyn Coraline Charles?” The strange woman asked, I nodded to stunned to speak. She stretched her hand out, which held a yellow-ish tinted envelope. In green cursive ink it had my name on it. Slowly turning the smooth yellowy-tinted envelope, hands trembling, I saw a dark purple wax seal bearing a coat of arms; a lion, an eagle, a badger, and a snake surrounding a large letter ‘H’.
“My name is Professor McGonagall, and I am hear to tell you, congratulations, you have been accepted to Hogwarts school of which craft and wizardry.”
Week 5
The four of us, all sitting in the living room. Both Mum and Casper, were intently listening to Professor McGonagall, whilst I was rereading the letter for the umpteenth most time. The letter is written so carefully yet so artistically present.
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“I am hopeful, that you have noticed some strange, and uncanny changes within your daughter that have reasons for concern.” Professor McGonagall said. She continued, “as you should know, your daughter has a magical gift, therefore she is known as a witch. You maybe concerned but she isn’t dangerous, nor will she ever be. However, if you wish for her magical abilities to be contained and controlled, then I strongly recommend you to agree for your daughter to come to Hogwarts.” My Mum nodded, she took a deep breath in and said, “her father is a wizard, but he didn’t want her to have his last name, as he said there was this war going on at the time, and he didn’t want her to be targeted. So I know somewhat about the wizarding world, I was just hoping she didn’t get those genes.” Professor McGonagall nodded, “I understand, but because of your claim that her father is a wizard, then there is absolutely no chance of her not becoming magical.”
The silence held seemed deadly, seemed fierce. “What do I do now?” I asked, concerned, confused, curious. My mother took a deep breath in, “well dear, its clear that you will be heading to this magical school.” I nodded, “may I ask, what’s the wizarding world like?”
“Very big, and very magical.”
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imthesilentwriter · 1 year
Finally Some Good in a Sea of Bad
Lizzie O'Conner is my OC
Chapter 1: A new beginning... again?
Chapter 2: Great... What an introduction.
Chapter 3: Huh, what is she doing?
Chapter 4: Um... ok?
Chapter 5: So, things are changing...
Chapter 6: So, this is the truth, correct?
Chapter 7: Time for some explanations...
Chapter 8: Things won't be as bad after all...
Chapter 9: Excuse me?
Chapter 10: Why does this happen to me?
Chapter 11: You're kidding right?
Chapter 12: Sweetheart...
Chapter 13: Lizzie Goes to Thearpy
Chapter 14: Performance
Chapter 15: WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN???
Chapter 16: Why did you tell us?
Chapter 17: Family Therapy Session...
Chapter 18: The Aftermath...
Chapter 19: ERIC?
Chapter 20: Life is Wonderful!
Chapter 21: A Letter? From Who?
Chapter 22: Life is Shit again...
Chapter 23: Off the Rails
Chapter 24: So this Shit continues...
Chapter 25: About to get caught
Chapter 26: Just got arrested
Chapter 27: How could you?
Chapter 28: So this is where I will be for the next six months?
Chapter 29: Wait, I'm getting released?
Chapter 30: We will fight for you.
Chapter 31: Group Home
Chapter 32: Wait, what's happening?
Chapter 33: A breath of fresh air...
Chapter 34: Are you ok?
Chapter 35: I think I'm ok.
Chapter 36: Memories can hurt, but that's what healing is for.
Chapter 37: The night before Christmas!
Chapter 38: Merry Christmas!
Chapter 39: Ok, we understand.
Chapter 40: Moving on...
Chapter 41: NO I DON'T WANT TO!
Chapter 42: I'm sorry
Chapter 43: This is spiralling
Chapter 44: Hospitalized
Chapter 45: I think I'm getting better!
Chapter 46: Time to go back to School...
Chapter 47: Sam? What are you doing here?
Chapter 48: Lizzie your family wants you back...
Chapter 50: I hate you!
Chapter 51: Look, we are here.
Chapter 52: Court...
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imthesilentwriter · 1 year
Master List
Harry Potter Fanfiction
Adalyn Charles x Harry Potter
Adalyn Charles and the Philosopher's Stone
Adalyn Charles and the Chamber of Secrets
Adalyn Charles and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Adalyn Charles and the Goblet of Fire
Adalyn Charles and the Order of the Phoenix
Adalyn Charles and the Half-Blood Prince
Adalyn Charles and the Deathly Hallows
DSMP Fanfiction
SBI x Lizzie O'Conner
Finally Some Good in a Sea of Bad
Law and Order: SVU Fanfiction
Matilda Anderson (+ Team)
Chain the Criminal to the Cage
The Rookie Fanfiction
9-1-1 Fanfiction
Criminal Minds Fanfiction
MCU Fanfiction
One Chicago Fanfiction
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imthesilentwriter · 1 year
Year 1 Timetable
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