imperialpirates · 2 years
Hi my lovelies,
So, turns out I didn't fall off the edge of the earth, and I am alive. I am opening my requests again and will hopefully be working on getting some things posted in the coming weeks.
I am starting university in a few weeks as well so don't be surprised if I don't post very regularly.
But yeah,
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imperialpirates · 3 years
I've seen a lot of stuff about how the kids today who grew up with Netflix will never understand the pain of running to get snacks in the ad breaks and their siblings screaming "IT'S ON" and running over furniture to get back, and I was just thinking about how I grew up with that and everytime time I watch something on Netflix I forget I can pause it so I'll go get a snack and come back and realise its been playing for the past 2 minutes and it's really annoying.
Anyway, just wanted to get that off my chest.
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imperialpirates · 3 years
If you want to find oneshots on AO3, you can either Search or Filter to do it.
To search, use the advanced form found by tapping Search in the menu at the top of the page and choosing Works from the dropdown (screenshot below)
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In the advanced search form, check off the box next to Single chapter (screenshot below)
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To filter, scroll to the bottom of the Sort and Filter sidebar and find the box labelled Search Within Results (screenshot below)
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In that box, type
That filter works for any number of chapters you want, and you can also use greater than and less than symbols as well. For example:
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imperialpirates · 3 years
I'm over here rewatching Gotham and I just watched the Scarecrow episode and I was thinking....wishing.....
Can someone out there write a fic where reader (or an OC of yours) meets Jonathon Crane and helps him escape his father before the fear hormone overdose, meaning Jonathon doesn't suffer the lasting effect of the fear?
Just an idea....
If you want to do this, please let me know, I would love to read it when you're done.
And of course, if I end up writing this I will post it as well.
Lots of love to y'all.
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imperialpirates · 3 years
I think I accidentally made the ship of the century......
I was watching a video on my explore page on Instagram and the caption said "they finna kiss, like naruto and sasuke" and then me being me just says out loud into an empty room "nah like kenshin and sanosuse hehe" and then I laughed like one of those crazy supervillains in movies lol.
Oops I guess.
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imperialpirates · 3 years
Heya folks,
I came to the conclusion that I have to ask for money from strangers.
I am a lesbian woman and I recently became unemployed after reporting the man who harassed me continuously during my time there. I was fired and he was promoted. I was met with many lies from the management who did nothing.
I'm also an immigrant and the government is making my life difficult to get unemployment benefit.
If you could spare something in my way that would be awesome! If not, please reblog.
Thank you!
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imperialpirates · 3 years
I am so sorry I haven't been posting at all recently, I am currently overwhelmed with college work at the moment, and I hope you can understand, but I was watching a few body language videos on Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, regarding whether or not they are lying, and I just wanted to share them, so here they are.......
https://youtu.be/4r8UJv97GjM - Derek Van Schaik
https://youtu.be/mm-vIkcg17o - More Derek Van Schaik
https://youtu.be/a_DQ_4i-iAs - Ben Cardall
Three videos by two guys who both studied behaviour at degree level so what they say in terms of analysing behaviour holds a lot of credibility. Watch to the end to see what they say and what their overall opinions are, but you won't be disappointed.
If you want to watch the Derek van Schaik videos watch the first one, and then the 'More', as that is the order it was uploaded on YouTube.
Have a great day/night y'all xxxxx
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imperialpirates · 3 years
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imperialpirates · 3 years
Firstly I am so sorry I haven't been posting, I have lost a lot of what I had already written so I am in the process of trying to salvage all of it, so I hope you can understand that I will be temporarily be closing requests until further notice.
Second thing, I am opening an online store. (btw I will be making the design myself). I will keep y'all updated. The reason I am telling you this is because I would like to open up an invitation for any ideas y'all have.
Do send in an ask or a message if you have any ideas or queries.
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imperialpirates · 3 years
(Finals/bloody doctor request anon!!) THANK YOU!! THAT was so tender t h a n k you. And happy new year! :D
awww I'm glad you liked it xxx
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imperialpirates · 3 years
Jack Sparrow x gn!reader - It’s Not My Blood
Anonymous requested a Jack Sparrow x reader where the reader is the ship doctor and is all bloodied after tending to a crew member’s wound and runs into Jack who is worried from the sight of blood, and then reader has a moment of “oh shoot - hey don’t worry it’s not my blood”.
Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean
Pairing: Jack Sparrow x gn reader
Word Count: 213, just a little drabble
This was a pleasure to write, so I hope you enjoy
The whole crew of the Black Pearl has stopped on some beach after a hard battle at sea, and as the ship doctor you have been working hard to patch up all the many wounds. As a result your once clean clothes - okay, not completely clean, but relatively so considering you are a pirate and you have been at sea for the last few weeks. Anyway, your clothes were now covered in blood and, in some places, they were ripped. When you came out of the makeshift hospital tent some of the crew had set up, Jack was waiting for you. He wanted to talk. He sat in the sand, but as soon as he saw you he stood up, a look of worry washing over his face. “Lovey, what’s all this?” Jack reached out to you. You looked down at your shirt. “Oh shoot - it’s not what it looks like…” The worry didn’t move from his face. “Hey, don’t worry, it’s not my blood. I promise, it’s just the blood from patching up the men.” You reached out and grabbed his hand, lifting it to your face. "See, I'm fine. I'm alive." You smiled softly up at him, and, after a moment's hesitation, Jack smiled softly back at you.
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imperialpirates · 3 years
Hello! This is anon from a while ago who was,(and still is lol) using pirates content to cope with finals- I just wanted to thank you for the encouragement in the answer to my request! It helped! :,) You’re so super kind and I hope you’ve been well! Thank you again for existing and for giving content!! Got me all 🥺🥺💛
aww you're more than welcome darling! I haven't been writing as much recently so I apologise for not posting much but there will be a lot more coming in the new year :) xx
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imperialpirates · 3 years
and y'all are so kind to me and all my works! honestly I get so many reblogs and it honestly makes me so happy to see that not only are people liking what I put out there but that they believe it to be so good that others should see it
basically I just want to say how much I appreciate it all xxxx
Why is it so hard for people to understand that writers would like to see their fics get attention? They put effort and work into free content for US and honestly the least we could do is share it with the world
Like look at this BEAUTIFUL thing this person made for us to look at!! I love it and I hope you do too.
Like asking for reblog isn’t asking for that much. This is free content you’re consuming. They aren’t begging for money they just wanna know the content they’re making is wanted it else theres no point.
Thanks for coming to my tedtalk - Writer Protection Squad member
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imperialpirates · 3 years
Luke Arnold x gn! reader
Requested by@a-man-for-hire-and-his-archives: Luke Arnold and reader having a date night at his place. An appearance from Toby Stephens, who is also Luke’s godbrother
Fandom: Black Sails
Pairing: Luke Arnold x gender neutral! reader with an appearance from Toby Stephens
Word Count: 293, sorry it’s a short one
Warnings: none
I hope you enjoy.....
Luke was going crazy, to say the least. He kept asking Toby whether the house looked alright, and if he looked alright, or was he trying too hard, or should he try harder, should he get changed into something more casual, or something perhaps more smart? It was driving Toby up the wall.
“Will you just shut up man! I’m sure they will love it.” Although he played the part of being annoyed at Luke’s excitement, Toby truly found it endearing to see Luke put so much effort into a small date night. If he was being honest, he hadn’t seen Luke this happy probably since he saw the promotional posters for his first movie. There was a knock on the door. “They’re here. It’s gonna be absolutely fine.” Luke was frozen to the spot where he stood. “OMG! Such a wimp. I’ll get the door.” Toby left to answer the door, chuckling lightly. Why Luke was suddenly so scared, he didn’t know, but it did tell him that Luke really liked this one, and if Luke really liked them, then Toby would make sure that everything went well. Toby opened the door. "He's right through there." Toby said, chuckling as he gestured through to the living room where Luke still stood frozen.
“Luke?” You said, eyebrow raised slightly as you looked at Luke. “Are you alright?”
“What? Oh, yeah. I’m fine, Y/N. Did you find the place alright?” You nodded.
Soon the two of you were cuddled up on the sofa watching a classic and extremely cliche, and perhaps overly christmassy, rom-com, with a blanket over you both. Toby looked at the two lovebirds from where he stood in the doorway and smiled. His best friend, his closest confidant was finally truly and wholeheartedly happy again.
I hope you enjoyed this. Do leave a like, comment or even reblog if you are feeling generous. Requests are still open as always.
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imperialpirates · 3 years
hello, can I request for Jack Sparrow? I was thinking of something where Jack is trying to deny his feelings for the reader but his compass keeps pointing only towards her, confirming to him that's he's in love. Then one day she gets hurt or something and Jack almost loses her, so he finally admits to his feelings and tells her. It would be nice if you could make Jack shed a tear for once, because that really scared him? So the reader can comfort him :D ♥
yes of course! there will be no toxic masculinity and Jack will shed a few tears hehe x
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imperialpirates · 3 years
Hi, can I request a story with Jack Sparrow? one where he is in love with the reader and doesn't know how to deal with his feelings/how to tell her he likes her. Can you make it angsty with Jack being emotional, and a happy ending? thanks
yes of course! angsty with a happy ending is probably one if my favourite to write x
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imperialpirates · 3 years
Hi, I wanted to request something for Jack Sparrow if that's okay? So, I was watching potc dead man's chest, and noticed how at the end where Elizabeth kisses him, Jack is so soft and gentle with her, he barely moves, he looks so vulnerable and small, it touched my heart. So I wanted to ask something like that, where when the reader first kisses him he's surprised and vulnerable, maybe never thought she would like him back. something with angst, an emotional Jack, but a happy ending, thanks <3
ooo yes I love this idea! I will write it soon! thank you for your request
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