Simon Lewis x reader Santiago, Rosas grand daughter, with a slight x Raphael Santiago family type love. Camille turned the reader as a “reward” to Raphael. Simon and the reader bond over their experiences and love for video games, the reader is still a bit afraid of Raphael considering all that went down. Simon convinces the reader to give Raphael a chance.
Thank you for the ask - sorry it took so long for me to write this. Hope you like it ☺️
Simon nudged your shoulder and you shrieked, leaning away and forward as you tried to concentrate on the game. Your character had swerved in the wrong direction, straight into an enemy. It raised it’s sword and swung it in your direction. The death message came on the screen.
“Simon!” He laughed at you before his character went to where you died and killed the enemy.
“It’s okay, I avenged you.”
“I wouldn’t have needed to be avenged if you hadn’t nudged me in the first place.” You pointed out, turning around in your seat so you were facing him.
“Yeah. Maybe.” He conceded, pausing the game and mirroring your action. Smiling gently, he pushed the loose strands of hair from your face before standing up.
He returned moments later with two glasses of blood and you turned your nose up in disgust.
“Hey.” He joked, “if you don’t drink this, there really will be a Bloody Mary.” You giggled, taking the drink from him and sipping it. The sharp, metallic taste still disgusted you, even though you had been a vampire for three months. The whole ordeal had been difficult but with every night that passed, you were grateful for Simon’s support.
You turned to him, suddenly, and he placed his glass down as if sensing a turn in the conversation.
“When did it get easier?”
He sighed. “It still isn’t easy, you just get used to it. There are still times when I wish it didn’t happen and I could just have a normal life. I hate that I’m going to live after my friends die, but I can’t focus on that. At least now I have you,” he took her hand, “and we have Raphael and Lily and the clan. It might not seem like much, but we have forever to make it work.”
You scrunched up your nose at the mention of Raphael and Simon rolled his eyes, still smiling.
“I know you want to make up with him so just do it.” He said.
“I can’t. It’s his fault that I’m like this.”
“No, it isn’t. You know he had nothing to do with it: Camille is manipulative and heartless; she did it to torment him.” You sighed, knowing he was right.
“I suppose he is my uncle.”
You stood across from Raphael, arms crossed. Simon stood beside you, shooting nervous glances between the two of you.
“Y/N, I’m sorry.” He took a step towards you.
“It’s not your fault. I should have heard you out instead of blaming you.”
Simon smiled proudly, putting his arm around you. Walking into the Hotel Dumort, with your boyfriend and your uncle beside you, you found your home. Things may not have been what you wanted, but at least you had each other.
I took a very long break, I’m sorry! Please send requests as asks or messages and I’ll try to get around to doing more ☺️
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Comforting Jace - Season 2 Finale Special
Requested by: @izzytheninja Word count: 897
Jace x Reader
Request: An imagine where Jace gets sick and his gf y/n is trying to take care of him but he keeps insisting he doesn’t need help to look tough even though he’s miserable and just wants to cuddle.
Jace was upset, that much was clear. He hadn’t spoken to anyone since Valentine raised the angel Raziel. He had been distant with everyone, even Alec, Clary and you. You were best friends, usually telling each other everything. That’s how it had been when he left but now… Now, he could barely stand being in the same room as you.
A voice seemed to whisper in your mind, taunting you that he had found out your secret. It told you that the reason you hadn’t spoke was that he knew you were in love with him. Rationally, you told yourself, he couldn’t have known. No one else had noticed apart from Magnus, who winked conspiritorly at you when the others weren’t looking. You had found a close friend in Magnus, even secretly joining him for a ‘heartbreak drink’ when he and Alec broke up.
You were at Magnus’ now, on the rare occasion that Alec wasn’t. He was with Izzy and Clary, taking Max on his first mission. It was supposed to be easy, a simple ravener which are more stupid than they are hideous. Clary had gone on Izzy’s request to “give Jace some space and who’s better to teach Max about runes?” Eventually, she had caved in, agreeing that she wanted to help Max.
This time, however, you weren’t holding a drink. It was the first time you had seen Magnus since he’d gotten back together with Alec. His eyes had their twinkle back, his magic seemed a brighter shade of blue. It was obvious that Magnus was happy, although he was trying to hide it for your sake.
“I don’t understand why you’re sat here with me and Jace is at the Institute.” “He’s made it clear he doesn’t want to see me.” You winced as the voice in your head repeated his words to Izzy. “Oh come on, when has Jace not wanted to see you?” “Now, yesterday. Ever since he’s come back from Raziel. Something happened.” “We’ll go find out what.” And with that he opened a portal, bowing the way someone would to allow someone through a door before them. You couldn’t help but grin slightly and mumble a thanks before you stepped through.
It had taken you to outside the Institute, as no portals could go inside. You headed through the gates into the old, abandoned church. You let the glamour wash over you like water as you walked in. It was cool and empty. Most Shadowhunters had been taken back to Idris after the angel had appeared.
You walked to Jace’s room. It was as familiar as your own. There had been many sleepovers here, so many late night talks. You even had a drawer of your things in there: pyjamas, spare gear, clothes, a toothbrush.
However, for the first time ever you hesitated to knock.
“You might as well come in. Save the hassle of you breaking down my door.” His sarcasm still remained but his heart wasn’t in it. “Well the angel save me if I didn’t care.” He turned away, but not before he smiled slightly. When he looked back, it was gone.
He didn’t say anything else so you sat down on his bed, deliberately messing up the neat sheets which would usually make him snort and tell you that you were impossible. Now, he just shook his head in mock disgust. You patted the seat next to you, inviting him to sit down and talk. He waited a moment before sitting.
Almost immediately the walls were broken. He seemed to deflate slightly, his usually cocky and sarcastic self seemed to retreat. It was obvious he wanted to talk. You didn’t want to push him.
“I think I’m sick.” That was the least thing you’d expected. “What?” You blurted out, shock all but removing your common sense. Recovering, you then asked “what’s wrong?” “When Valentine raised Raziel, Clary killed him. She got the wish. She wished for me.” “Why would she need to wish for you? She already has you.” “I was dead.” Seeing your shocked expression, he continued “Valentine stabbed me, she brought me back to life.” “So why are you upset?” He just looked down. “Oh, you didn’t think you were worth it.” “No, I’m not. But it’s just she loves me so unconditionally and…” he paused. “I can’t love her the same way.” You looked at him closely, noticing that he had turned a deep red shade. You’d never even considered the possibility that he didn’t love Clary. It seemed too good to be true. “Okay.” “Okay?” “Okay.” You confirmed. “I’m not going to tell anyone.” “Really? What about ‘girl code?’” He asked. “What’s girl code?” “You know? You have to tell your friends if their boyfriend is cheating or doesn’t like them or whatever.” “Is that an actual thing?” “I don’t know.” We burst out laughing, the weight on Jace’s shoulders had been lifted, revealing his usual nature. I hugged him and we lay, laughing and cuddling for hours.
“Jace?” You were wrapped in his arms, looking at him as he twirled your hair around his finger. “(Y/N)?” He asked contentedly. “I’m in love with you.” He froze. “It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way but I had to tell you.” “I’m in love with you too.” He replied, continuing to twirl your hair, smiling happily at you.
A/N: Sorry this took so long I’ve been really busy and holidaying!!! Hope you all enjoyed the season 2 finale and my writing (which I guess I made quite relevant to it) :) you can send requests for more in the future and I’ll try to get to them a lot faster :)
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Bedtime Story
Requested by: @izzytheninja Word count: 1010
Young Lightwood reader x Izzy, Alec and Jace (older siblings)
Request: How about an imagine where the reader is a Lightwood siblings (younger than max) and they always insist on getting a bedtime story for Alec Jace and Izzy EVERY night. And one night they are out super late on a mission and come back to find that their little sibling waited for them anyway, even though they were supposed to be asleep.   
You watched from the doorway, hidden from the light emitted by the witchlight torches. They created shadows that moved like the demons that haunted your nightmares and the lives of your family. Every sound seemed to be amplified: the creaking of floorboards as your parents paced in the library, the carrying sounds of their argument that made you want to put your head in between your knees and cry under your bed. Nights like these were the worst.
You couldn’t sleep. For every night since you could remember, your siblings had crowded into your room, telling you a story to help you sleep. Izzy would sit on the chair next to your head, gently stroking your hair as you drifted off. She would tell the story, book balanced on her lap, changing it when she thought it was boring. Jace and Alec would chip in occasionally. They usually sat on the edge of your bed or stood against the wall, adding the dialogue. Jace would talk in funny voices, making fun of Alec, good naturedly, when he tried. It always made you giggle and although you didn’t look, you knew Izzy had shot them the ‘Isabelle Lightwood Death Glare’.
However, tonight, they hadn’t come home. They had promised they would be back later and they had things to do first. It was late. You assumed it was midnight but you didn’t feel a sense of triumph for being awake this late, in fact you wished you could sleep.
The sudden noise echoed around the hall. Then the whirr as the elevator began to move. Terrified, your heart sped up as you moved back into the shadows, holding your breath, eyes wide. The doors opened and your siblings stepped out. You let your breath out in relief. They were laughing, joking around. Jace and Alec wore gear whilst Izzy was clad in a beautiful white dress. Her makeup was smudged around her eyes, her whip curled around her wrist. Alec noticed your movement and looked at you.
“(Y/N)!” He exclaimed. Jace and Izzy spun around to stare at where you stood, clutching your favourite toy bear. She swooped down on you, picking you up as she apologised for being out late. Jace looked concerned as he ruffled your hair. Alec smiled, guiltily. She carried you to your room, tiptoeing past the library although the yells blocked out any sound from the hallway. Alec shook his head disapprovingly as Jace covered your ears, making silly faces to distract you.
Jace opened the door to your room, bowing as if you were a princess to make you laugh. It worked. Izzy tucked you into bed, smoothing the blankets and pillow, fussing over them. Your room was pink with pretty glowing stars stuck to the ceiling. Your father hadn’t approved, believing that at your age, you should be more interested in hunting demons and runes than clumsily painted unicorns, clouds and birds that Jace had drawn on the walls.
Izzy’s hair was tickling your face as she leaned over to further fix the blankets. Alec and Jace were arguing happily about what story to tell you.
“Where did you go?” You asked, shocking them all. They obviously didn’t want you to know. “We were on a mission.” Izzy replied, shortly, taking the book from Alec’s hand. “Can you tell me about it?” You asked again, wanting to know why your siblings were late. “Fine.” Said Izzy after exchanging a look with Jace. However, she didn’t begin the story, instead staring pointedly at Jace.
“Once upon a time,” he started in a high-pitched 'princess’ voice, “there was a Shadowhunter called Jace Lightwood and he was wonderful. He was the best at fighting, the best looking and the best-” “At talking about himself.” Alec interrupted, rolling his eyes. Jace coughed.
“Anyway, Jace was leading his two siblings Alec and Izzy on a top-secret important mission. You can’t tell anyone, okay (Y/N)?” You nodded importantly. He seemed to consider you for a moment before nodding, deciding that he could trust you. He continued the story: “so they had to find an Eidolon demon at a special party. You know what an Eidolon demon is right? A shape-shifter. So it was a demon in disguise as a normal mundane boy. So Izzy managed to lure the demon into a back room so he couldn’t hurt anyone. Then, the incredible Jace and his side-kick and brother, Alec, followed them in.” He paused for a moment. Alec cleared his throat, continuing, all the while, Izzy was stroking your hair.
“Then as we were about to kill the mean demon, this short girl came in. She had red hair and a bad attitude but she could see us! She was a mundane with the sight.” “You don’t know that. She looked like a mundane but maybe she isn’t!” Jace interrupted. He looked animated when he talked about her. He moved his hands more and his smile was wide.
“Anyway,” said Izzy gently. “The bad demon kept saying silly things about bad people but the girl had distracted us and it managed to jump free. It fought with Jace but, as he keeps saying, he’s the best mediocre fighter or something.” She teased.
Jace carried on: “So I managed to kill it and then the bodyguards came in with this scrawny mundane. It was funny because the girl was the only one who could see us so it looked like she was in the room on her own. So then she left with them. Then we came home. The end.”
You yawned, tiredly. “Will you bring the girl you like here, Jace?” You asked, closing your eyes as you heard Alec’s laughter and a thump that was Jace hitting him. “We’ll have to ask Hodge first I think.” Was all he said, as he bent down to kiss your forehead. “Goodnight, (Y/N).” Alec and Izzy did the same, turning off the bedside lamp as she left. Before Alec closed the door completely, you had drifted off into a calm, dreamless sleep.
Please send any requests for imagines or fanfics on my asks! You can message me with any questions or anything <3       
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Comforting Jace
Not requested Word count: 564
Jace x female!reader (friendship)
Cute fluff where Shadowhunter reader comforts Jace after what happens in the Seelie Court. Based on Shadowhunters Season 2B Episode 14, ‘The Fair Folk’.
You looked up from your seat as Jace entered the Institute, a questioning look in your eyes. You had been reading the Codex, studying for your final exam on demonology when he entered and you realised with a jolt that he looked exhausted. Placing the book on the end table, you stood up walking to where he spoke to Alec. You heard him say that he was okay, but then upon noticing Clary walk in, he called her name, rushing to her side.
You stood beside Alec, listening to their conversation. "Clary, we need to talk about this." There was a pleading tone to his voice that you had never heard before. "I can't." She turned around. You watched as Jace's shoulders sunk. He seemed to deflate. He walked to his room, steps sluggish.
Muttering an excuse to Alec, you head out the doors of the Institute.
Ten minutes later, you were back, armed with two cups of tea and slices of cake from the small cafe where you usually ate with Isabelle. You smiled at a few people as you walked past, but didn't stop, walking straight to Jace's room. You juggled your purchases as you knocked on the door. Beautiful melodies of his piano escaped from underneath. A moment later they stopped, and he appeared at the door.
"I brought tea and cake." You smiled softly at him. He immediately knew you were aware of what happened with Clary, sighing, he opened the door for you. You sat at the end of his bed, handing him his drink and cake. Kicking off your boots, you pulled your legs underneath you, silently letting Jace know that you were staying. He thanked you, staying quiet.
"I heard you talking to Clary." You admit, smiling sheepishly. "I guessed as much." He said, warily. "Do you want to talk about it?" He waited a moment, taking a bite of his cake, before nodding. After explaining the story of how Clary had kissed him and refused to talk to him, describing how he was a horrible person for ruining their relationship and how Clary would hate him forever, he stopped. "Jace," you started, "it's not your fault." He stared at you in disbelief. "You can't influence how Clary feels. It's not your fault and it's not hers either: it just is." "It might as well be my fault; she hates me now." "She doesn't hate you, she's just confused and hurting over Simon. I think she might need some space for a few hours at least. Would you like me to talk to her?" "No, it's okay. I think... I think I have to do this alone and talk to her." You nodded, knowing he had made the right decision. By now, you had both finished your cake and were sipping on your tea to fill the silence.
"You know what you need?" You asked, suddenly. "What?" "A nice mission to distract you." He raised his eyebrows and smirked. "Really?" "Definitely. You know, Izzy's leading 'Mission: Relocate Valentine'. I'm sure she'll begrudgingly let you join." He laughed, shaking his head slightly.
The witchlight lamp on his bedside table shone softly on the scene, as you and Jace spent the rest of your evening talking. For now, thoughts of Clary were pushed to the furthest corners of your mind, as you continued to distract Jace from his heartbreak.
Please request imagine/fanfic ideas by messaging me or on asks idk how this website works <3
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First Date with Raphael
Not requested Word count: 433
Raphael x female!reader
Cute fluff where Shadowhunter reader goes on her first date with Raphael to Taki’s.
Smoothing down the length of her blue dress, (Y/N) took a deep breath, opening the door to Taki's. The Downworlder cafe was busy, she walked in, letting the delicious smells of food waft over her. She looked around quickly for her date.
Raphael Santiago rose to his feet as soon as she entered. A mixture between a smile and a smirk was on his face as she made her way towards him. He was at the back of the restaurant, away from the crowds of intoxicated werewolves and faerie couples. He was wearing one of his famous dark suits, all of which made him look inexplicably handsome.
People turned to stare at her as she walked past. Despite being a Downworld cafe, not many Shadowhunters ate there, preferring to eat away from their allies. It wasn't everyday a Shadowhunter wore clothes that revealed their marks, unless it was Isabelle Lightwood.
"Hi." (Y/N) smiled as she reached Raphael. He kissed her hand gently before pulling out her chair. She had a permanent smile on her face; Raphael was a gentleman. "Good evening, (Y/N). You look beautiful." His voice was warm and welcoming. "Thank you." She replied bashfully. "You look great." He laughed at her shyness.
Kaelie, the faerie waitress, made her way over to them. "Do you know what you want?" She seemed to scowl at the couple. Raphael didn't seem to notice, absorbed with staring at (Y/N) as she studied the menu. "I'll just have a latte, please." She said, looking to Raphael who ordered what blood he wanted.
He reached his hand across the table and held her hand. Tracing over the mark on her wrist with his thumb. They started a gentle conversation, soon establishing that none of the other Shadowhunters knew where she was, let alone on a date with a vampire. "I had to sneak out the window." (Y/N) giggled as she recounted the story of almost falling three stories down. Raphael laughed, taking a sip of his blood.
Raphael told her about running into Simon on the way here. "I had to tell him I had a date so he'd stop asking." He shook his head. "Mi dios..." (Y/N) laughed along with him. "He'll just ask you who it was now." "Well I plan to take you on a few more dates first." She blushed fiercely. "I'd like that."
They walked through Central Park on the way back to the Institute. Raphael's jacket was around (Y/N)'s shoulders, his arm around her waist. They strolled happily through the trees, the moon and stars providing all the light they needed.
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