idiamindada-blog · 8 years
destinatus buys into a lot of stupid right-wing shit, but is the only one i’ve seen in the thread who makes the cogent point “you can’t bring up anything negative about hillary clinton without somebody talking about donald trump”
earlier in the thread somebody got put on notice or warned or something who was not trolling or saying anything bad at all. the moderation/warning neutered them. i forget how much earlier and who it was. i want to say spoof, who really isn’t that good of a poster in the first place, so if they’re cracking down on him you know shit’s bad. incredible
0 notes
idiamindada-blog · 9 years
I’m not on a tablet fuck this stupid awful new interface
* Following the stock market mini-crisis in late August, many articles about why we're not all standing in bread lines were probably written, most of them containing little insight into what happened and why, wasting your time by having read them. There was perhaps no bigger trojan horse for people looking for information on what happened than Slate's piece titled If You Panicked Over the Stock Market, Don’t Sweat It. Society’s Given You Every Reason to Do So. Which isn't so much information about anything you were probably expecting, but is a stellar piece opining that moving from employer-handled pensions to Individual Retirement Accounts and 401ks that move the onus on retirement saving, planning, and investing to the individual level has totally fucked a ton of people and doesn't make any sense. * The FDA has come down hard on rogue vegan company Hampton Creek Foods, Inc. for daring to call their vegan version of mayonnaise "Just Mayo" when it doesn't contain any eggs - a required ingredient to legally deem what's in your jar "mayonnaise." Having a standard legal way to know what's in your food based on name and ingredients is sensible, and fair enough. They could have just done what mega-companies Hershey and Mars did almost a decade ago, and ply the FDA into allowing an unlimited amount of substitute of their core ingredient - in their case, chocolate - while still being allowed to refer to it as chocolate, despite really being vegetable fats and oils, and then insist that because people are still buying your products that nothing is wrong anyway. 8 years ago may seem like ancient history, but today, the FDA is probably more flexible than ever, so there's no excuse for Hampton Creek Foods to not cause a ruckus over this. * A twofer here: Gawker's got a great article about how 2020 dreamer Blue Dog shithead Andrew Cuomo is extra smarmy about his doings as New York Governor because they're stifling the actions of New York City Mayor, Bill de Blasio. There's plenty of links in about him doing things like rejecting an affordable housing bill and even further reducing the power of labor unions, but the extra nice bit is in the comments. "flamingolingo" points out similarities between Cuomo's fist-pumping victories for the already-wealthy with the actions of the Pennsylvania state legislature - the Republican-dominated lawmaking body recently gave Philidelphia public schools just 10% of their requested budget. The same public schools that are so resource-hungry, their teachers are making wiffle balls out of literal garbage for their gym classes. * President Obama is going to designate three new national monuments - one each in California, Texas, and Nevada. They all seem like good picks.
The Basin and Range National Monument, home to rare rock art and carvings dating back 4,000 years, will encompass 704,000 acres and cover two counties. It is also home to "City," abstract sculptures that took artist Michael Heizer four decades to create and considered some of the most significant works of art in the country. ... Some 1,300 miles from Nevada, the Waco Mammoth National Monument in Texas will protect the remains of 24 well-preserved Columbian mammoths dating back some 65,000 years. The archeological site, which has been excavated for the past 30 years, also holds remains from animals that include the saber-toothed cat, dwarf antelope, American alligator and giant tortoise.
Designating national monuments is one of the only things the Obama White House can on its own do without causing too much of a fuss. However, the little bit of fuss this did cause seems to have created a disturbance in the cosmos, as a comic book villain manifests:
Lincoln County Commissioner Kevin Phillips, who has long fought the public preservation campaign for the Basin and Range area, could barely contain his disdain. He said the action was from "an imperial president and some imperial senator" and will close the area to oil, gas and mineral exploration. "It's disgusting. It's loathsome. It's illegal. It's unfair. We feel like we're not citizens," Phillips said. "A monument to what for criminy's sake?
No word on whether a giant cigar dropped from his lips as he sputtered the above, or how furiously he was twirling his moustache. * The NYT has a writeup on how Iceland recovered so fantastically from the global financial crisis of 2007, despite being one of the hardest-hit countries. In short: they did everything every country should have done:
There was no chance Iceland could bail out its banks, so it let them fail. But first it saved local depositors by moving them to new “good” banks. The Icelandic government, with the support of the International Monetary Fund, imposed strict capital controls, barring capital from leaving the country and prohibiting individuals from buying foreign currency or foreign stocks. As real wages fell 11 percent from 2007 to 2010, the government did not take a hacksaw to social services, but instead raised taxes and also offered debt relief to the country’s mortgage holders. And Iceland did what no other developed country has seemed particularly eager to do: It jailed a bunch of bankers.
The article goes on to describe how it wasn't perfect, and there were some hiccups, but everything has been working out pretty well overall. * In 2011, Kim Dotcom's incomplete. ********** September 26, New Week ********** * In July, a Cleveland Regional Transit Authority (RTA) police officer pulled a teenager from one of the city's buses, believing him to be intoxicated and unruly. This action coincided with the nation's first Black Lives Matter conference, which had serendipitously and inexplicably chosen Cleveland as its location. Some of the activists saw this happening and questioned the rationale and basis for the officer's actions. To get to the point: people got pepper sprayed. Sgt. Robert Schwab was cleared of any wrongdoing after a probe was launched and handled by the RTA itself - meaning it was surely conducted without any bias or self-interest:
Garofoli's report concludes that protesters, or "rioters" as he called them, broke nine different laws that could have been grounds for arrest. No arrests were made. ... Some critics might ask if the probe would have been better handled by an outside, independent agency. RTA says the video evidence spoke for itself and an internal review guaranteed a more timely report and conclusion.
Sure, you might not get the correct conclusion, but we all know the wheels of justice spin pretty slow, so why not expedite the whole matter? Speaking of wheels spinning slowly, prior to the investigation's final report, the RTA itself called the act of pepper-spraying counterproductive and pointless in terms of actually getting the bus moving again, so good show!
Police tried to move back the crowd behind the vehicle to try to leave the scene, but individuals were not cooperating. Then, a Transit Police officer used a general burst of pepper spray in an attempt to clear the way. This was ineffective, as additional persons filled in behind the car, once again blocking its departure.
* Common Core test results are trickling in from various states, and results are all over the place: some states are having higher than expected scores, others are meeting their own expectations, and still others are not meeting them. What do you do if you're not meeting them? If you're the Ohio Board of Education, it's not looking to increase funding to the education system, or even better it in some way, it's to simply lower the score considered "passing." * Common Core isn't faring too well in popular opinion. One father, Doug Hermann, is so fed up with having to help his child with what he considers to be "Common Core" homework that he wrote a check to his school, with the amount stylized like Common Core math, and posted it snarkily to his Facebook. Conservative news media outlets ate this up, and he got to appear on Fox News. There are two problems: one, he never actually sent the check. Two - and definitely the bigger issue - the "math" he wrote on the check looks like it doesn't make sense because it actually doesn't, and it's stumping actual teachers and mathematicians. The visual representation of numbers 0-10 he was failing to understand are simply fucking dominos:
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Here, the school's principal and the former president of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics struggle to understand what's happening:
"When you see these boxes with the dots inside them, or X's and dots, they're always in groups of 10," Weber said. "We're trying to teach kids about 10." Having circles and X's outside of the frames also puzzled both Weber and Gojak. "I don't even know what those meant," said Gojak.
Here is a link to a more detailed breakdown of how numbers work from somebody who knows math.
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idiamindada-blog · 11 years
As of November, Germany will be the first country in Europe to offer a "third gender" distinction on its birth certificates.
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idiamindada-blog · 11 years
Thor Lund's original post. Not written by me. Retrieved from Google's cache, which doesn't last forever.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
What I've learned about Women
Before we get started let's get one thing straight. If you do not love women, stop reading. Seriously, close the web page and don't even waste your time. If you are reading this because you want to learn some new pick up lines, or want to get girls to brag to your bros about, or even just want sexual pleasure then stop. Go eat a dick and gargle some balls. Then never reproduce, because you are the kind of person that turns in to a shitty father and ruins America for everyone else. Honestly, to continue reading you must proclaim out loud "I sincerely and absolutely love women with all my heart. Every single one of them, even the fat ones, not just Beyonce and Halle Berry." Then say out loud "Do I love all women?" if yes, keep reading. If no, then stop. Maybe means no as well, and no means no, and while we are on that subject lets talk about it. No always mean no. If a woman says those two letters together, you stop whatever it is you are doing, thank her for letting you spend time with her, and leave. Don't even look at her one more second. She said no, she means it, get the fuck out.
Okay, so the people who love women are still with us. I love women, a lot. I love when they look at me, talk to me, and laugh at me. I used to think it was because I just loved them and I, like every other male in the whole entire world is motivated by their attention. Seriously think about it, did Bill Clinton become President because he wanted the world's most stressful job? No he did it because he wanted to get head in the oval office. Every single thing that has ever happened is because of a woman. Wars are fought over them, songs are written for them, I'm going to go out on a limb and say Michael Jordan would not be the greatest NBA player in history if it wasn't because he loved women. They are all of life's motivation. They create life, they care for the young, and you better believe that your mother is the single greatest person in your life, because she carried your lazy ass for nine months inside of her! You started out so helpless that she literally had to give you her breast milk! So, love your mother, and every other woman that will some day be a mother.
As time has gone on and I have talked to my friends who are intellectual I have found that there is actually a deep inner pain within myself that causes me to love women and their attention so much. That inner pain is that I have mommy issues. Ever since my brothers and sisters were born, it has been mostly "wow triplets! that is the coolest thing ever!" Thank God I was named Thor and I sometimes get a "oh thats a cool name" because if I was named Clark, I would have serious problems. In all honesty though, I have a deep subconscious longing for attention from females. I think this is because in my mind there is nothing I can do that will ever fully make my mother proud of me. Why did I go to UT and major in engineering? My mom said it would be wise. Why did I run for student body president? My mom would be proud. Why am I trying to become a millionaire? So my mom will admit that I am not the worst financial planner in the world and so I can send her on vacation and she can say "I am proud of you." The single greatest feeling in the whole world is making your mother proud, and thats why my entire commencement speech was centered around my mother and her infinite wisdom. But the point of all this rambling is that there is a deep inner reason for my love of attention and self-centeredness. I don't like everyone looking at me because I think I am cool, I like everyone looking at me because subconsciously I don't get enough approval from my mother. I know she is proud of me and she loves me, but honestly I could be President of the United States and somehow I would still find a way to upset her. This past weekend she told me not to talk too much at dinner because I take over conversations and ruin every one else's time. When I left my house four hours ago, I had put her in a bad mood because she had to pay $400 to keep me from getting arrested because I had two outstanding speeding tickets and missed both court dates. So in conclusion, I love my mom, she is proud of me, but whatever it is that causes me to screw up so much is the reason I crave attention. And I satisfy that need by sending out as much love as I can to the girls around me.
Now these mommy issues don't come without consequences. I talk too much, I usually only want to talk about myself and what I am doing, and I attract girls with daddy issues. I'm not going to fight any of those things, I'm going to live with them and use them to my advantage. I talk too much, but I've learned to make it interesting, I only want to talk about myself but I have learned how to include others in conversation and what I am doing, and I find the girls with daddy issues and for a couple hours give them the attention that their father never did. They take out their pent up issues on me in a number of different ways, mostly sexual, and then when I don't text them enough they call me a pompous asshole, but at least we had a fun while it lasted.
  Alright so enough about me, lets dive into women as a whole. They are complex and beautiful creatures. They bring life and they take life. They will make you feel like the most amazing person in the world, and then they will rip your heart out and make you cry. Thats the cycle of life. It goes up and down. The same goes for women, they go up and down, and they make you happy and sad. Even when you find the one you want to spend your entire life with and create a family with, you are still going to fight and cry and hate each other sometimes. But at the end of the day, if you have managed to marry your best friend then you have won. Because unless you are vegan, you aren't going to stay young and beautiful forever. Some day those perky breasts are going to sag below the belt line, and that toned ass is going to be all wrinkly and disgusting. At that point its not about the sexual attraction, its about the emotional attachment and waking up every day knowing that you are at least going to laugh and have a good time once more before you fall over and die. 
Th thing I love most about women and trying to convince them to kiss me is that at the core of it, if you can get a girl over to your place and somehow manage to have her take her clothes off, she will be truthful with you. It is hard to lie to someone who is lying naked next to you. Girls are lying all day long. They lie about their feelings, their weight, how much cardio they did, and what they think of their best friends oversized purse. But at the end of the day, when I get a girl back to my place, she will tell the truth about what she wants to do when she grows up, what her family is like, what her city is like, and why she has that stupid oversized purse. At the end of the day that builds trust and that builds relationships. That is what you want, you don't want some story to tell your homeboys about. You want a real beautiful and complex female counterpart to trust you and think of you as their friend. That is why even though half the girls I've been with hate my guts and think I'm a sleazy asshole, they still talk to me when I call them, they still laugh at my jokes, and they still remember the brief time we shared, even if it was only thirty seconds before I barfed all over them. I bet even the most psycho chick I ever was with, who plotted to denounce me in front of the student government assembly, still remembers the time we watched shawshank redemption together and then I took her for crepes the next day. If you are reading this I know you remember those crepes! and then you made fun of me because I was petting all the dogs in the food truck park, but for at least a couple hours you enjoyed life and even though I never did buy you that sandwich you wanted, some day you will tell your kids "I dated the U.S President when he was 21." …. just kidding i'm not running for U.S. President, and we were not dating! If one more person calls you my ex-girlfriend I'm going to pull my hair out.
So without further adieu, here are my rules for women…
1. "When you realize women make absolutely no sense, it all makes sense." - Thor Ericson Lund
Women are counterintuitive. That is on purpose. If you could logically attract a woman, then all the engineers would win and our society would be wimpy, socially awkward, and have no clue how to match their socks with their outfit. Instead women have evolved our millions of years to be able to pick out the snakes from the lovers and protectors. Eve was pretty crappy at distinguishing the two. She ate from the snake's hand. Humanity suffered as a result, but we have evolved and now women can smell snakes from a mile away. If you are trying to sleep with a woman, she knows. How? Because your eyes are wide, you are drooling, and staring right down her shirt. There are only three places you should ever look at a woman. The first is her eyes, because you can tell if she is interested in you or not with the eyes. The second is her neck because it is the most sensitive part of her body and you want to check for an adams apple. If she has one of those, she is most likely a man so you should avoid trying to sleep with her/him. The third and most important place you can look at a woman is her toes. Why? Because the toes tell all. If her feet are pretty and her nails are painted then you can assume the rest of her body is well groomed and cleaned. If she has gross feet, then chances are she has gross you know what and you will want to avoid that at all costs. If you can't see her toes, go to the hands. You may touch them if the opportunity presents itself (seriously though, if I find out any of you did that stupid pick up artist palm reading bullshit I will be so mad, that stuff is for lame old guys who can't get normal girls), if her hands are smooth and soft, then that is a good sign. If they are manly, check the neck for an adams apple. If they are sweaty, then she is probably nervous which could work in your favor, if they are calm and non sweaty then she is a winner and she probably knows what she is doing so turn your A-game on. In all seriousness, don't look at a woman's chest or ass. She knows, her boyfriend knows, and every other girl in the bar is watching you check her out and saying to herself "That guy is sleazy and I don't want to sleep with him." So focus on the eyes, they tell the whole story anyway. Don't even dare go down to the lips, you will start drooling, its inevitable. We men are like dogs, we can't not drool when that dinner bell is ringing. So don't tempt yourself, stay on the eyes. 
There is good news from all this as well. Women can also spot a real man from a mile away. How does she know? He carries himself with unshakeable confidence, he is nonchalant and relaxed. He makes sure everyone else has a good time, he is treating the women he is with like actual human beings and not pieces of meat, he is a little cocky but not douchey, and you can damn well bet he is making people laugh. If you can get a woman to laugh at something (not self depricating though) you are like 75% of the way there.
But why is it like this? Why do women have to be so confusing? The answer is science, or something like that. Attraction is a not a choice, women don't sit around before they go out and say "hmmm well I think tonight I am going to hook up with Joe because he is smart and nice and I like his brown hair." No, in less than a second a woman is either attracted to someone or she isn't. The reason it is this way is because back in the day when we were hunting and gathering with our fellow neanderthals, women had to develop an acute sense of what type of man she met. She couldn't sit around and ponder the pros and cons of each caveman she came in contact with. She had to know in a snap instant whether this guy was going to love her and leave her or whether he was going to get her pregnant and stick around to protect and feed the tribe. We don't protect or feed the tribe like our ancestors did way back in the early days of humanity, but the evolutionary subconscious attraction switch still turns on or off just like it did when we were chasing wooly mammoth. 
So the best way to think about women and how to get them to be attracted to you is to do the exact opposite of what you think. If you really like her, tell her you can't stand her. If you think she is pretty, make fun of her oversized purse and ask her if she keeps a parachute inside it. If she is the nicest girl you've ever met, tell her that you don't like it that she is so mean to young children. Seriously its so simple, do the opposite. Every other frat guy out there is going to say "you are so pretty, can I buy you a drink?" he just got friend zoned because he is like everyone else, and he asked for her permission. Instead walk up to a girl and say "hey you seem like no one will be your friend, so I'll let you buy thirty seconds of my time. I'll take a whiskey coke." She is going to be so confused because you aren't needy and asking for her permission. Instead you are assuming she is going to buy you a drink because you are in fact the catch, and she is just some loser. Seriously, try that line out. It will work. How do I know? That's how I get drunk without taking any money downtown. The only time I buy a woman a drink is if it is a whole group of them, or she is with a couple guys that I want to befriend. Even then I usually don't buy her one. Needy guy will say "oh I bought you this super expensive vegas bomb because you are so hot, please talk to me." I say "Yeah I got all your friends a drink, but I didn't get you one because you are frowning too much." Her mind is literally blown because she thinks she is the center of the universe and I just told her she wasn't. The rest of the night she is trying to prove herself, I am continually reminding her that she isn't that cool and that it will never work out between us. She then tries to prove me wrong by getting me to bring her home. She proves me wrong again by getting me to kiss her, but in reality I am the winner because I have just used reverse psychology on her the entire night, made a game of it, and gotten really drunk for free. 
2. Your only goal is to have fun
I never go out thinking about who I am going to hook up with or which girl I want to see. I only have one thought. That is, "How can I have the most fun possible?" Seriously, if you make it your number one goal every time to go out and have as much fun as you possibly can you will attract too many girls and they will come home with you effortlessly. Why? Because that is what everyone wants. Fun! That is why we are in college, not to learn (just kidding), it is to have fun. Why do people love animal house? Why do they love getting drunk and waking up in a ditch? Why do girls go to dirty 6th on their 21st and jump up on a bar with their ass hanging out and take a tequila shot out of a dildo? Because it is fun!! 
3. Stop trying
If you are trying to hook up with a girl, then you lose and you won't do it. Girls only come effortlessly. There is no winning them. Do you think Ryan Gossling planned out a great way to swoon whoever that chick was in the notebook? No, he jumped on the carnival ride and acted like a dummy, and then I think rode around in a boat in the rain and then ran towards her in slow motion, picked her up, swung her around, and did her in a dirty barn. That wasn't meticulously calculated! That was all spontaneous, and he wasn't trying at all. When you start treating one girl like she is special you will lose her. Women are special as a whole, but individually they are not, except for your sisters and mom and wife. Those ones are special. But regular girls at college and the bars, they aren't special. Newsflash for everyone who is so in love with the first girl they met. I can find one hundred million girls that look just like her but speak two languages. They live in Europe and they can cook way better than your so called perfect woman. Even I forget this sometimes. This is how I lost my second real girlfriend, and how I creeped out a beautiful young charming woman just last month. The first was my second real girlfriend, I treated her like she was the only woman in the whole world that mattered, she was so special that I didn't care that she was hooking up with other guys, or that I had become her bitch and I did all sorts of manual labor during the day for her so that she could go out at night and sleep with whoever she met on sixth. It sucked, but I learned a lot. Now I'm the guy hooking up with the girlfriend. Not my fault, I tried to be a nice boy, it doesn't work. Girls hate nice clingy boys who do everything they want. It doesn't make sense but that is how it is. Okay so I still haven't learned. I met a girl just this summer. She is incredible, definite girlfriend material. She is smart, ambitious, religious, comes from a very good family, she is innocent, she laughs at my joke, she has the body of a goddess, and she has a boat!! But I tried too hard to get her. I flirted too hard, I tried to hang out with her too much and she got creeped out and told me to stay away. It sucks because we would've had a great relationship, but the point is that because I treated her special and wanted to spend time with her, she told me I suck and now I spend zero time with her. Moral of the story: Stop trying to get girls and you will get plenty.
Okay thats it. If you can follow those three simple rules you will be amazed at what will happen. When I was a freshmen I didn't get it. I thought logically girls should like me because I was ambitious, smart, and nice to them. Nope that is the recipe for clingy weirdo. Back then I couldn't buy a girlfriend. Now I have three, and they are all 9s or 10s. Okay they aren't my girlfriends, but I am dating them, sort of. Is that so horrible? No it isn't because each of them also have other boys they are hooking up with and I'm pretty sure one of them has a boyfriend. They all know that I am seeing multiple people and if they don't like it they will stop texting me. That is the name of the game. Have as many girls as you want as long as they are cool with it. Don't lie to them. I tell all of them up front that they aren't the only one and that if they don't like that then we will stop seeing each other. Lots of them leave at that point, but some stick around because they are like female versions of me and they appreciate the honesty and also appreciate dating multiple people at the same time. Some day I will find someone who is worth it and I will give up the other girls. But right now, they are each unique, I love them all, and when they are with me they have my undivided attention and affection. 
I'm sure everyone has at least heard of that pick up artist show. That is stupid, don't listen to those guys. You are going to get exactly zero girls by doing magic tricks and telling fake made up stories. I rely on basically one or two lines when I go out and they usually work. If you think they are stupid and will never work, that is fine. But I have 25+ female witnesses who can attest to the fact that I convinced them I was a cool guy, if even only for a long enough amount of time to make out with her before barfing all over blind pig. That actually happened, I started kissing her, then I barfed on her and got escorted out the back. It is really awkward when I see her around now. 
The world's greatest pick up line is this:
followed by
"What is your name?"
you respond with
"My name is…."
now you are talking to a girl that you previously did not even know. Congratulations you have beat out half the guys in the bar already. Now just don't screw it up. Do that by choosing from the following list of questions:
"Where are you from?"
"What is your major?"
"What is it like growing up in…."
"Are you in a sorority or spirit group?"
"Who do you know here?"
"What grade are you in?"
"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
"What do you think of the new Beyonce song?"
"Describe your perfect man."
"Do you like technology?"
Notice all of these questions are open ended except the last one. That is because it gives her a chance to talk while you try not to barf. To be honest, I usually only make it to like the second one before I'm not paying attention to what she is saying and by question three I have transitioned to "Are you trying to get out of here?"
That last question about technology is actually gold. She will try to talk about technology and what her favorite is, but don't let her. Tell her it is just a yes or no question. Regardless of what she says, just slowly now your head, look at her with a slight grin, and say "I figured you would say that." It will actually drive her crazy. Then proceed to change the subject or ask her if she is trying to leave.
Here are things you NEVER say to a girl when you are talking to her.
"I'm the *insert some position* in *insert some organization."
"You have a nice ass"
"you are pretty/beautiful/cool/different/unique"
"can I touch it?"
"Can I buy you a drink?"
"Want to see my car?"
"Want to see a picture of my dog?"
"I have a boat."
any story that starts with "So this one time…"
"will you come back with me?"
"can i kiss you"
"i want to kiss you"
"your lips look so kissable"
"want to come back to my place?"
"can i take you out for dinner sometime?"
What do all of these have in common? They are what drunk frat boys say, they are needy and permission seeking, and they show that you are trying to prove your self worth.
I'm lucky in that all I have to do is say "My name is Thor" and she usually recognizes that I was SG President, and if she doesn't one of my friends will be a good wingman and jump in and be like "Don't you know Thor? He was the president."
I don't like to use the president card because it is a crutch and it takes the fun out of talking to girls, but honestly I am usually ready to leave if I have resorted to leaving my drunk guy friends to talk to a girl one on one. Two weeks ago I had the most fun I've ever had getting a girl to kiss me. The reason was because I met her outside of a bar scene, she had no idea who I was or if I had any social status, and I literally had to convince her I was cool all through game. It was a rush, it was exciting, and a hundred times more pleasurable then getting a drunk girl with daddy issues to kiss me at abels. I actually told the girl I was gay but experimenting, and for whatever reason she couldn't tell if I was lying or not. Then I made fun of her for being a lot younger than me and telling her she had so much to look forward to in the coming years. It worked, I won, and then got chased out of the lake house by her boyfriend who was trying to kill me…. but thats a whole different blog post I could write about another time.
You don't have to be the President though, just come up with something. Even if you are "Larry the guy with green pants" girls will want to hook up with you. They may think you are uglier than an ape, but they can go home and tell all their friends that they hooked up with "Larry the green pants guy" and all their friends will laugh and be like "oh i saw him barf on another girl at blind pig once, he is really funny though." If you can't tell, when I am not Thor the president, I am Larry the green pants guy that sometimes gets too drunk and barfs on adpi's. 
The final piece of advice I have for talking to girls is to confuse them. Honestly they deserve it, they have perplexed men since the beginning of time when they tricked us to eat the devil's food in the garden of eden. Give them a taste of their own medicine. If you can confuse their brain, then they will go home with you. Again, I don't know why and it doesn't make sense but it just does. I have blogged a list of text messages where I have said things that literally make no sense to me, but have prompted a favorable response from the female I was texting. Oh and while we are on it, DON'T TEXT GIRLS! They don't care what you are doing, and they don't want you to ask them about their day. Seriously, they have girlfriends for all that. You don't really care, you just want to sleep with them. I only text girls that I hook up with two things "DT?" or "coming over tonight?" Thats it. I don't want to know what they had for lunch or what they thought about the Justin Bieber movie, that is the nice clingy guys job to find all that out. I just want to know if she is going to spend the night, or if I need to text someone else for that. 
In conclusion, women are the best. You should love them and treat them with respect. Do the opposite of what they want, unless they say no. Always do what they say when they say no! I am by no means a master of any of this. I strike out twice as much as I succeed. In the next post are some of my biggest failures, they are funny, and I actually suck with girls, I have just managed to find a couple things that work and keep swinging even after I strike out over and over again. Sometimes I worry that I am callous to love and emotion because I will block a girl after she leaves my apartment because I never want to hear from her again, and I can't even remember her name. So then I have to block like four girls with the name that I think it could be. But…. some day I will love someone, and make her my wife, and have children and settle down. I thought I found her twice, but turns out I didn't because one is in Costa Rica, and the other doesn't love me back for whatever reason, actually she has plenty of reason. She knows I'm actually an engineering nerd that was lucky to get with her in the first place with my nerd socks, cargo pants, and shrunk crop top shirts that I dried too hot in the dryer. 
Also read the following two books, they are very eye-opening. Just google free pdf and then the title and you should be able to find them. They are each a couple hundred pages long but you will learn lots. 
Conquer your campus - Mark Redman (I think)
Attraction isn't a choice - David Deangelo
Posted by Thor Lund at 1:28 AM
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idiamindada-blog · 11 years
An expansion plan that Port Everglades calls essential for handling the bigger cargo ships plying the world's trade routes would cause far more environmental damage than originally claimed, according to the lead federal agency on ocean protection.The $313 million project with the Army Corps of Engineers calls for blasting and dredging through limestone and coral to deepen the port's entrance channel from 42 feet to 48 feet. The expansion is among several projects the port says could create 7,000 jobs in South Florida over the next 15 years.But the National Marine Fisheries Service says a draft environmental impact statement prepared by the Corps "significantly understates the project's impacts to seagrass, coral reef and mangrove habitat" and underestimates the amount of work that would be needed to mitigate the damage.The fisheries service said it may take the matter to the assistant secretary of the Army and the President's Council on Environmental Quality if its concerns are not resolved, steps that could further delay a project in the works for 17 years.Adding to the urgency is the need to finish the environmental review by November, so the project could qualify for funding under a massive water projects bill making its way through Congress.All sides held a four-hour meeting Friday in Tallahassee to try to resolve some of the issues, with officials from various state and federal environmental agencies in attendance.
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idiamindada-blog · 11 years
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idiamindada-blog · 11 years
Supporters and opponents of the Next Generation Science Standards sparred during hearings in Kentucky last week, as critics took issue with the standards teaching of evolution and climate change.
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idiamindada-blog · 11 years
Philadelphia Eagles wide receiver Riley Cooper was recently caught on tape making a racist comment during what appears to be an argument. According to Philadelphia sports blog Crossing Broad, Cooper was at a Kenny Chesney concert in June when this incident took place.
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idiamindada-blog · 11 years
Tony Bennett, Florida Education Commissioner, Resigns Over Indiana Grading Scandal
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idiamindada-blog · 11 years
-Anti-poverty organization Oxfam has released a shocking new report titled "The cost of inequality: how wealth and income extremes hurt us all" with a website page that more accurately reflects its findings: "Annual income of richest 100 people enough to end global poverty four times over." This is presumably so more individuals don't come to the same conclusion as my friend Nick, which is to "just kill twenty five people." -The head of the Justice Department's criminal division, Lanny Breuer, has stepped down. This is the same Lanny Breuer who was responsible for failing to prosecute a single Wall Street banker responsible for our current neverending global financial meltdown. Well, I suppose it's not entirely accurate to say a single banker - he was the guy in charge of the mortgage fraud settlement case, in which the banks got a slap on the wrist in exchange for immunization, and the team researching the case under his jurisdiction got peanuts for resources. Not even good peanuts. The cheapo, big, dented plastic Planters jars you find at the dollar store half-covered in what looks like a mix between a legit peanut shell and a cicada skin. That's Breuer's legacy. -From the files of "what'd ya think was gonna happen?": the affordable care act, which was passed not to bolster the bottom line of health insurance companies but to lower the unsustainable costs of health care for millions of Americans, contained a provision that companies with more than 50 employees must provide health insurance to their employees. Despite our legislators knowing how to think like corporations to protect citizens, at the end of the day, what appeared in the bill was word-for-word what lobbyists forked over to our represenatives, meaning there was no protection against stupid accounting gimmicks designed to circumvent this air-tight language, leaving people again without health care. -Remember kindergarten teacher serious GOP up and comer Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal? Tapped give the response to President Obama's first state of the union 4 years ago, subsequently swept under the rug, and now re-emerging as fresh and new again now that Republicans are desperate for a non-white person of a different party to implement draconian austerity measures to fix "serious problems with our nation's economy." Jindal was first thrust into national headlines when he was appointed to be Secretary of the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals at 24 years old, and he continues to make headlines 17 years later by such clever and brave moves like cutting Medicaid benefits for HIV patients and new mothers. As for those HIV patients too poor to afford private healthcare so they're in Medicaid?
For the 250 HIV patients whose case management program is being eliminated, Greenstein said the private managed care networks that cover Louisiana's Medicaid patients offer similar services.
Hey, now that's an idea! Hey, poor people too poor to afford private healthcare so you're in Medicaid, we've got to eliminate your Medicaid because budgets, have you ever considered pulling yourself up by your bootstraps and trying private healthcare? Who knows what ideas he'll administer by 2016? Perhaps in a stunner of a brilliant move, he'll eliminate all government spending on healthcare, with the exception of the salary of Stone Cold Steve Austin, who will be dispatched to open up a can of whoopass on lazy poors. -As the Keystone pipeline drifts toward inevitable approval, The Nation has produced an article which, if read in its entirety by anyone with a shred of common sense that gives a fuck about anything, would have them pulling out their hair and shrieking, because energy companies are fracking on farmland. You know, the place where we get a lot of our food. The stuff we ingest to for nutrients and/or calories to continue to live, that goes into our bodies. This place, the same place where our sustenance is grown and/or raised, is now where we inject rocket fuel and a fuckton of other chemicals that can kill you and allow you to light your drinking water on fire. Read the whole thing for accounts of animals losing their fucking tails, outright dying, the farmers losing the fillings in their teeth, and the unbelievable amount of chemicals found in the air and water around their farm. If ever you give even the most tacit, passing approval to "natural gas," do so while remembering this is what you support. -A picture is worth a thousand words. Unless you're in Wisconsin, and trying to get your false conviction for armed robbery overturned with the support of the Wisconsin Innocence project by presenting new evidence in the form of a videotape showing the perpetrator is of a completely different stature than you and have to ask the state's Supreme Court to allow this evidence to factor into an appeal plea. Then it's worth zero. -Pancreatic cancer is one of the deadliest forms of cancer due to how difficult it is to detect. Usually, by the time signs become evident that something is wrong, it has progressed to a terminal stage. In a rare bit of what appears to be good news on the surface, a 15 year old genius has invented an incredibly accurate test for this type of cancer that requires only a pinprick of blood and costs three cents (this is three pennies) to make. Perhaps this is the limited path of future medical breakthroughs in the genuine public good: we're going to require research done by goodhearted people whose hands are completely untied, like Jonas Salk, or alarmingly intelligent teens untainted by corporate money, like Jack Andraka. -Something American public journalists are either just starting to figure out, or feel comfortable enough writing about, is that America's health care costs problem is related to just that: cost. It's not that we receive more or substantially different care than the rest of the world, it's that we're uniquely charging out the ass for the exact same procedures with the exact same effectiveness. This comment at the linked FireDogLake article by donbacon is worth highlighting:
We’ve discussed this before and it needs greater publicity. Eleven thousand dollars for a night in a hospital bed? That’s a bit much, when in India it’s $236 and in Germany it’s $632. How about: –pelvic CT scan? US $1481, France $141 –MRI? US $2,758 Spain $245 –Cataract surgery? US $7,806 India $885 You can see it all here. PS: Which is why I have a popular Medical Tourism website: “Take a trip for your procedure and enjoy a recuperative vacation with the money you save.”
What makes this especially noteworthy - besides everything, such as the direct dollars-to-dollars comparison of the same services and the fact that for the cost of treatment here in the United States, you can get treated and go on vacation elsewhere in the world - is that the closest highlighted cost to a hospital stay in the United States is Germany, which is the most capitalistic of all the universal health care models, with the insurers still being private but intensely tightly regulated. And that cost is still less than 1/10 of ours. -One of President Obama's favorite things to do is seek a "bipartisan compromise," which 100% of the time means we're throwing money away for inefficient solutions that don't really address the stated problem. For instance, in one recent "bipartisan bill" we're increasing drones and other electronic surveillance at our borders, which would have been a great solution if the problem were "defense contractors aren't getting enough money and we don't have enough drones on our border" rather than "the path to citizenship is long and onerous and the children of illegal immigrants are consistently in legal limbo." -American Horror Story, not even animals are spared: a dolphin died in Brooklyn's disgusting Gowanus canal after struggling in the black, murky, polluted waters 8 hours after being spotted. People took pictures and video throughout the day and begged the local marine-mammal rescue group to save it, but they declined, saying the waters were too dangerous for humans and the dolphin was probably going to die anyway. Which proved to be a self-fulfilling prophecy, as it languished and suffered for 4 hours after the rescue group arrived on the scene. What's the point in having a marine-mammal rescue group if you're not prepared to rescue animals from situations which are probably going to be dangerous and necessitate rescue, and what's the point in having any clean water legislation if you're going to have canals too fucking filthy for human beings to enter for even brief periods of time? While the blame definitely goes more to the New York legislators whose ineptitude allowed for the waters to get like this in the first place, it doesn't seem unreasonable to question the point of the marine rescue group where the only viable time an animal can be saved are situations where a George Costanza would do. -2 articles in as many weeks in 2 different international journals have asked a burning question American journalists wouldn't dare dream of asking, even though the answer is quite evident. 1.) How serious is Barack Obama about climate change? 2.) How serious is Obama about climate change? Both point out that Obama is readying approval for the Keystone pipeline, anybody who seemed to have any conviction regarding the environment is leaving or has left his administration, and that he can't entirely blame a "divided Congress" due to actions he could take by himself, but is neglecting to do.
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idiamindada-blog · 12 years
potter problems chapter 10
-Potter notes his associations with "Health Care for America NOW!" aka HCAN. He mentions how reform advocates were disappointed with HCAN for "giving up on single-payer too soon" but never mentions that HCAN is an astroturf organization created in mid-2008 during the height of reform efforts. It was never meant to do anything except support Obama's final bill, and shamelessly capitalize on long-running single-payer advocate group called "Healthcare-NOW!"
-When detailing the incident where Joe Wilson screamed "You lie!" at Obama's insistence that illegal immigrants would not be able to receive healthcare, Potter mentions that Wilson was rebuked on the floor of Congress, but does not mention how Wilson received almost a million dollars in donations in a short period of time afterward. Mentioning this amazing fundraising would bolster Potter's own claims of the insurance industry's misinformation campaign. Not mentioning this serves Potter's own narrative that toward the end, despite the long and troubled road, all the stars were aligning to finally pass the bill and not that strong opposition remained until its passage, and beyond.
-Detailing the misinformation campaign surrounding the public option, Potter discusses a study released by the insurance industry that ignored objective reality that purported a public option would "force millions into government-run programs" - while this is correct, Potter never notes the reality of the public option's status in any of the bills: such a small segment of citizens would have been eligible for the public option, and its premiums would have been so high as a consequence, that it would be comparable to private insurance. Because Potter never notes just how weak the public option in the bills were, when he notes its defeat, it makes it sound like an insurance industry win. Again, if Potter had given a bit of background on this that would have taken less than half a page, it would have bolstered his own claims of insurance industry influence.
-Max Baucus is named as a major player in writing one of the versions of the bill. Despite mentioning single-payer an unsignificant amount of times in the chapter, and mentioning how Potter himself met with Calnurses and PNHP, Potter never mentions how single-payer advocates were shut out of, and consequently arrested protesting, any hearings Baucus held on the bill's provisions.
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idiamindada-blog · 12 years
he delayed it a year to ensure its passage
<b>•</b> Obama's environmental backers warn that he may lose his green support from 2008 because of the likelihood that he will approve <a href="http://thehill.com/blogs/e2-wire/e2-wire/191871-green-groups-warn-obama-on-keystone-political-fallout-">the Keystone Pipeline</a>. His traction among serious environmental groups has already dwindled, and signing off on the most environmentally destructive thing of his Presidency that isn't <a href="http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1011/66908.html">new BP drilling permits</a> may completely erase it.
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idiamindada-blog · 12 years
Cain to clarify 9-9-9 plan in Detroit
A preview of the speech was obtained in an email mistakenly sent to Fox News.
Cain's plan came under fire earlier this week when the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center reported that 84 percent of U.S. households would see their taxes rise, with tax burden shifting dramatically from the most wealthy to the poor. According to the center, Cain "raises taxes on typical middle-income households by more than $4,000 while cutting them on those with the highest incomes by an average of $1.4 million."
Cain has argued that the analysis does not incorporate the implementation of these empowerment zones. But, as the Tax Policy Center notes, "because his plan is roughly revenue neutral now, [tax empowerment zones] would force him to either increase the deficit or abandon that nice sounding 9-9-9 and raise his proposed tax rates."
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idiamindada-blog · 12 years
Perry wasn't drunk at speech, says host
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idiamindada-blog · 12 years
GOP freshman denies comparing immigrants to animals
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idiamindada-blog · 12 years
BP gets new Gulf drilling permit
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idiamindada-blog · 12 years
Green groups warn Obama he'll pay price for approving pipeline
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