MWAHAHAHAHA listen, Same. Fucking same. Shawn Hunter my only "bad boy" crush for so fucking long, and then BUCKY BARNES ENTERED MY LIFE, and now... Bucky adopting Shawn also lives rent free in my head.
You're welcome ;)
Imagine: Bucky Barnes adopting or taking in Shawn Hunter
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Master List
18+ Minors dni
🔥 - smut
💔 - angst
🥰 - fluff
Live Stream - 🔥💔🥰 When the team doesn’t hear from you or Bucky for hours during a mission, they start to worry about their teammates.
Teach Me -🔥🥰 Bucky has the answer to your growing frustrations.
Fur Baby -🥰 Bucky has a furry little secret.
Mine - 🔥💔🥰 You show Bucky exactly who he belongs to.
Home -💔🥰 Comforting Bucky after he has an awful day. (Mob Bucky)
Untouched - 🔥🥰 A conversation with your brothers best friend reveals some interesting information. (College Bucky)
Sunshine - 💔🥰 You’re there for everyone, a ray of sunshine whenever the team needs you but whose there for you?  Pudge - 🥰 You are Bucky’s favorite pillow. 
Spicy Plants - 🥰 Bucky finds a special little stash of yours… 
Pretty Little Thing (On going) - 🔥💔🥰 Stuck in a forced marriage, you try to accept your life no longer belongs to you however, fate has different plans (Mob Bucky) 
Part 1 
Part 2 
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blank space masterlist
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chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
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um... fffuuuuuuck... fuck... fuuuuck holy fuck...
I need Bucky to speak Russian now! Like imagine him greeting you saying Привет дорогой (hello sweetheart) it would be so hot 🥵. and him calling me a good girl oh Jesus I would die right there. Honestly like Bucky Barnes can f*ck me right now. He could hit me with a bus and I wouldn’t care. Also make sure to eat and drink water😊😊😊
okay first of all yes i agree but secondly i kinda wanna write a drabble about that now???
fuck it here we go
I Am So Sorry. I Just Hit You With A Bus 🚌 Bucky x Reader
Okay, there's a huge alien threat to Earth. Sure, everyone's life is in danger, including, like, innocent little kids and shit. Fine, all of the action has to take place in New York fuckin' City because the aliens apparently have an affinity for rats and Broadway.
But a bus? Really?
"Oh, my God, are you okay?" A deep voice calls out to you the second your blurry vision begins to clear.
"What the fu- flying goddamn fuck happened?" You ask with a slight slur, sitting up on the hard concrete.
"Fuck," The voice sounds closer, and you see the outline of a big man standing over you. "I am so sorry. I just hit you with a bus."
"Yeah, I know that, asshole," You groan, rubbing the back of your head. "Why would you do that?"
"It was an accident!" He replies, his face slowly becoming more visible. "I needed to get those people to safety, but the evil alien warlord Pozz was close behind, and I wasn't looking where I was going and I assumed the road was clear..."
While he explains what happened, you can't help but be taken by his beauty. The way his lips move around his words is magical, and his eyes are like gorgeous pools of blue crystal that you want to jump into.
"You alright there?" He asks once he realizes you've zoned out. When he sees you focusing again, he gives you a polite smile. "Hi. I'm Bucky Barnes, Avenger. I just hurt you while in action, but I didn't mean to, and- fuck, I've forgotten the protocol for these situations. Uh, if you are injured, we will pay for any, uh, doctor stuff you need. And, as a treat, you get to meet your favorite Avenger!"
Still in a daze, you reach out to cup his face and stroke his stubble. "Winter Soldier," You whisper dreamily.
He lets out a nervous laugh. "Uh, just Bucky is fine."
A small smile blooms on your lips as you continue to stroke his beard. "I think I love you."
Laughing again, Bucky raises a brow. "So you're not gonna try and sue the Avengers or anything, right?"
"Of course not," You reply obediently. "I'll be good for you, Sir."
Something flashes in his eyes, and he looks around the empty street before moving closer to you. "Yeah? Gonna be good for me?"
"Always," You promise with wide eyes.
He smirks, leaning over you. "Khoroshaya devushka (good girl)."
Your breath hitches in your throat and you forget the pain that's shooting through you. "O-okay."
Bucky moves your hair out of your face, mischief blossoming in his eyes. "Ty ochen' krasivaya (you're very pretty)," He mumbles, more so talking aloud to himself than to you. "Interesno, kakoy u tebya vkus (I wonder what you taste like)."
You're hypnotized by his silky tongue and gruff voice, and you think you'd let him hit you with a bus whenever he wanted if it meant he'd keep talking to you in Russian.
"Does anything hurt?" He asks with slight concern, looking down at where you lie on the ground.
Moving your shoulders, you wince. "My back. But it's okay; I have a chiropractor friend who can fix me up."
He sighs with relief, thankful that he won't get in trouble for harming citizens again. Slowly, he helps you sit up, holding your hands.
You bring your lips to his ear, your tone light and naughty. "I'm going to tell him that the Winter Soldier broke my back," You whisper, to which he snorts.
"You can tell him whatever you want, dorogoy (sweetheart)," Bucky tells you, before his voice lowers and his eyebrows furrow. "But you're not telling anyone about the bus. Got it?"
You nod immediately, though it slightly hurts your spine when you do. "Yes, Sir, Mr. Winter Soldier, Sir. I won't tell anyone."
He grins before standing up and pointing down at you. "I knew you were a good girl."
A weak whimper leaves your mouth and you stare up at him as though he hung every star in the sky himself.
"Goodbye, dorogoy," Bucky greets, slowly walking away. "Bud' khoroshey devochkoy, poka menya net (be a good girl for me while I'm gone)."
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fuck me >_<
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fuck I need a sequal. omg this is beautiful. "What do I do???" "With the cat or the date?" LMFAO fucking dead...
Companionship | Bucky Barnes x Fem!reader
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Summary: Bucky doesn’t need a companion but when he sees that leaflet he must do something about the wrongs that have been committed to that poor cat.
Warnings: angst, I’m pretty sure there’s fluff (you might need to squint) it’s pretty happy overall though, depressed Bucky makes us sad, mentions of blood and murder (it’s quite brief)
A/N: please just enjoy my own ramblings of what it would be like if Bucky went to a rescue centre and adopted a cat. I think it’s too cute. Really. I haven’t beta read it so mistakes are probably in there, sorry!!
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The therapist said it would be a good idea for Bucky to get a companion, whatever that meant. Bucky didn’t need anyone. He didn’t need company, no matter how long the therapist badgered him about it.
Friends would leave eventually.
No, Bucky didn’t need that pain. Not again. He would most likely see his friend age and then pass and where would he be? Still alive. Bucky didn’t think it was worth it.
Sam however, thought it was a great idea. Of course he and the therapist would agree, it was like it was their life mission to make his life hell.
Newsflash, his life was already hell.
He still woke up to nightmares and was haunted by the darkness that was his past. He still struggled sometimes, waking up and thinking he was back in the labs at Hydra. It always took a couple of minutes to realise he wasn’t back there, the hum of city traffic and the babbling sounds of chatter always eased the heavy feeling in his chest after he woke up.
Sam has tried to understand him, tried to make an effort, but Bucky didn’t want the effort wasted on him. Didn’t want Sam to see past the wall he had built around himself.
So Bucky wasn’t sure how he ended up here. How he ended up standing in front of the animal shelter on a late Monday morning.
Sam had come over the day before with a handful of leaflets and research regarding companionship and whatever else Sam thought might be useful. Bucky had decidedly thrown them all away once Sam had left after promising to browse them.
He hadn’t.
But of course, one had missed the bin and landed on the floor. Bucky had picked it up staring at the brightly coloured leaflet.
It was the worst advertisement he had ever seen. It was a leaflet for a rescue centre and it had decided to dress up the animals as the Avengers. But what surprised him the most was there, in the background was this little fluff ball of a cat dressed in a familiar leather jacket and what looked to be a fake metal arm made out of a toilet roll tube on it front leg.
It was him in cat form.
It was horrendous. The cat looked like it hated it. Bucky hated it too.
Yet it was also rather endearing to a degree. Bucky scoffed and had chucked the leaflet on the kitchen counter, walking away and putting it out of his head.
So why, if he had walked away, was he standing outside the very same rescue centre, leaflet in his clenched had.
He really couldn’t tell you. Maybe arm was short circuiting his brain, it was the only reasonable explanation.
His therapist would probably babble on about some shit regarding him being lonely and depressed and this was him seeking out help.
Bucky would disagree. This was him finding out who put that poor cat into that god awful costume. Because no one deserved that.
He shoved the leaflet in his jacket pocket, walking up the steps to the centre, pushing open the door. It was light and airy inside, pictures of cats, dogs and other animals were plastered all over the walls. E could hear the sound of barking and meowing coming from behind a set of closed doors.
At the desk was a young man. He looked up with a massive smile. “Welcome to ——-! How can I help you sir?”
Bucky wasn’t sure what to say. How could he say that he needed to talk to whoever put that poor cat into that costume.
He didn’t want to know if the cat was up for adoption. Definitely not.
“Oh right,” Bucky cleared his throat. “Who did dressed that white cat in that outfit?”
He had pulled out the leaflet, pointing at the white fur ball. The man behind the desk was a little confused, his eyes wide before breaking into another blinding grin.
“Oh isn’t she adorable? Y/n put together the photoshoot for the centre. Would you like to meet her?”
Bucky nods, putting the leaflet back in his pocket. “Thanks.”
The man calls back for Y/n. It didn’t take long for the doors to open and in you walk. You were dressed in jeans and the company top, the logo on the top right of it.
“Hi, I heard I was needed?” You look between the receptionist, Mark and the man who you instantly recognised.
Now, everyone knew who the Avengers were, they saved the world. But not many people looked at the other who helped. But you were always one to look deeper, it what made you love your job so much, helping those who were overlooked.
James ‘Bucky’ Barnes was one of them. You knew about his past but you also knew how he wasn’t that man anymore. And here he was, standing in your rescue centre.
You smiled kindly at Bucky.
Bucky was confused. This was the woman who did the advertising? He wasn’t sure what he expected but he didn’t expect this. Now, Bucky was once a bit of a flirt, he knew that. He could appreciate a woman, Bucky wasn’t blind. He was also confused as to why his heart rate increased slightly, his palm becoming a little sweaty.
He felt like a little school boy again.
He couldn’t be attracted to you. He had felt attracted to anyone in years. He didn’t think he deserved it. Yes, you were beautiful, any man or woman would be stupid to say you weren’t. But you were sunshine, Bucky could already tell.
He was a rain cloud, you were sunshine. This was not good.
His therapist would be thrilled to know that someone actually got his stone heart to beat again. Bucky was not bringing this up in the next session.
“This lovely gentleman wanted to Alpine and the person who dressed her up for the advert.”
You kind of wanted to drop dead on the spot. Never could you believe that your silly advertisement to get people to come and adopt pets would bring this man to you. The photographer only wanted the main Avengers but you pointed out that there were many other underrated hero’s that saved the world, you wanted to showcase them all.
So you picked one of the grumpiest cats you had and her in the costume. Now, with the man standing in front of you. You realised that he oddly had the same personality as the cat, both a little aloof and gloomy. But with a hidden side to them.
Bucky wanted to leave. You had been staring at him, eyeing him up. He wasn’t sure if you were checking him out or not. It had been decades since he had flirted with someone. He was definitely rusty in that area.
What was he even thinking? Flirting with someone…
If he didn’t have a therapist already, he would’ve wakes himself out of this centre and to the nearest one.
“Well, let me take you through to Alpine, she’s a little grumpy and doesn’t always take well to new people but I think she is secretly a sweetheart.”
You hold open the doors, waiting for Bucky to walk through. It took a few seconds and you swore he was going to bolt, but he walked towards you and through the doors, albeit a little stiff.
“So, are you looking to adopt?”
Bucky didn’t want to say yes. But he was here now, he couldn’t very well leave. He had sort of forgotten what he came here for all together. He answers with a simple shrug.
“Well, I am sure you’ll love Alpine. I’m glad you liked the advertisement.”
“I didn’t,” Bucky says instantly. You look a little shocked at how erupt he was, a small disappointment sound coming from you. Bucky quickly holds up his hands. “Sorry, I didn’t mean it like that. It’s a good idea, the costumes were cool, awesome even. I just had one issue, why did you put the winter soldier in there? It’s supposed to be hero’s.”
Bucky was rambling, he didn’t even speak this much to his therapist, he was a one word kind of guy. Yes. No. Sometimes. Maybe. Those were his words, but here he was word vomiting.
You didn’t realise that he didn’t think of himself as a hero, and that broke your heart. “But it’s not the winter soldier I put on there. It’s Bucky Barnes. He’s a hero too, he fought for this world just like all the other hero’s, so I’m pretty sure that makes him a hero too. By default.”
Bucky wasn’t expecting that answer. After the incident at the UN a couple of years ago, the Winter Soldier became a household name, everyone knew him. He obviously looked different now, long gone was the long hair and silver arm. He even hid the arm now in leather jackets and gloves. He couldn’t leave without them.
But here this woman was, praising him. Calling him a hero. It was everything his past self would’ve wanted. Steve and him always wanted to be hero’s, saving people. He was beyond thrilled that Steve had finally gotten to be the heroic the world loved him.
But Bucky, his heroism was covered in bloodshed and guilt. No matter how many people he saved, it could never make up for what he had done. For what Hydra had done.
You could feel the mood sour, but luckily you were right outside Alpines cage. “Why don’t you got take a seat in this room over here and I’ll bring her over.”
Bucky looked at where you were pointing, there was an open door that lead to a small room, where there were a two chairs and sofa. Bucky sat down on the sofa, his back rigid.
It didn’t take long to coax Alpine out with some treats. You picked her up, bringing her into the room, pulling the door close behind you. “This is Alpine, she’s two years old, not sure what breed unfortunately. But you can see that she is definitely fluffy. She’s was found by some train tracks, in a cardboard box, unfortunately we had to amputate her front right leg as it had been badly broken at some point but she does well and can get around fine. We have tried her with prosthetics but she didn’t enjoy it much.”
Why was this cat so relatable? Bucky couldn’t understand it. He watched as the feline walked around, barely struggling with missing it front leg. It paused as it came to his large black boots, sniffing it once before looking up at him.
The cats grey eyes were large and baring into his soul. Bucky for once wanted to look away, but he didn’t. He found the feline oddly endearing.
Without warning the cat suddenly leapt up onto his lap, walking around on it before settling down, resting its head on his knee. Buckys heart stopped, his breathing halted in his throat as he held his hands up.
“You can stroke her,” you say, watching the whole ordeal. “I’m surprised she’s so comfortable with you. But go ahead, pet her. You don’t hurt her.”
It’s like you knew the right thing to say to Bucky. Bucky was always scared at times that he would hurt someone with his arm. It was a heavy reminder sometimes.
Cautiously, he brought down his hand and petted the felines head. The cat let out a sudden purr, nuzzling up against his hand.
Bucky was a goner.
He continued to pet the cats head, watching as it continued to muzzle closer to him. It has been a long time since someone, human or animal had shown him affection like this. He missed it.
“Would you like the paperwork? It won’t take too long to fill out, then Alpine can be yours to take home.”
There were times in this job you realised that pets chose the owner just as much as the owner chose the pet. You had never seen a case so obvious as this.
Bucky looks up at you and nods. You could see the look of sadness but also hope on his face. This was a man starved for affection but guilty about wanting it.
You left the room and came back with the paperwork. “Let’s get this filled out for you then Bucky.”
You catch his sudden frown. “What’s wrong?”
“I never told you my name,” he said.
“Oh,” you rub the back of your neck. “Sorry. I knew who you were the instant I saw you. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I knew, I just feel you would’ve told me if you wanted to.”
Bucky was a little shocked. You knew all along and you still called him a hero. You still were okay with being alone with him, he didn’t even detect any signs of fear from you. In fact now he really thought about it, your heart rate increased when you first saw him. You were smiling at him.
Maybe Bucky was blind after all, because he was pretty sure you liked him. “You called me a hero.”
You weren’t expecting that. “Well yeah, of course. You are a hero. You should get more recognition for what you did, it’s a shame really.”
Bucky still couldn’t believe it. Didn’t really want to believe it, but how could he not when you were sitting in front of him, telling him he was a hero and that he deserves recognition?
He didn’t think you could get any more attractive.
“Let fill out this paperwork shall we?”
It didn’t take long to fill out the paperwork. When it came to filling out birthdate and job title, you both had a bit of a laugh but overall it wasn’t a bad experience. Bucky quite enjoyed talking to you. It had been a little while since he had had such a go conversation.
Probably since Steve.
But for once Bucky enjoyed the company and wanted more. It was hard to admit but he actually wanted to spend more time with you. But there was still that niggling doubt in the back of his head, saying he wasn’t worth it. That he would only hurt her.
So he bit his tongue and left with his paper and somehow, the fuzzy white fur ball in a carrier, along with a list of all the items he needed to buy.
He was sitting on a bench, in the head by park, Alpine in her carrier, napping. He wasn’t sure what the hell he was gonna do with a cat. He had also noticed that you had packed in the costume as well. Much to his displeasure. It really was a bad costume.
“I guess together we at least have both of our arms,” Bucky says, before groaning. He heard a small meow and noticed Alpine staring at him. “I know that was really bad.”
He brought up the list of things you had written out for him and noticed a little note at the bottom of the page. His eyes widen slightly, his heart rate increasing. He couldn’t even help the small smile that settled in his lips. Not before the dreaded panic settled in.
He didn’t hesitate to click on Sams name on his phone. It was only a few rings before he picked up. “And what do I owe the pleasure of my favourite half metal man calling me?”
Bucky scoffs. “I’m your only half metal man friend.”
“So you’re admitting it? We are past partners and now friends. Good to hear.”
Bucky groaned, rubbing his hand down his face. “I’m going to hang up now.”
“Oh come on Barnes, what’s up?”
“Well,” Bucky looked down at the white fur ball and then at the note at the bottom of the page he was holding. “I now have a cat and somehow managed to get a woman’s number and a date.”
Bucky could hear Sam choke on whatever he was drinking. “You what?”
“Sam, what the hell do I do?”
“With the cat or the date?”
Bucky contemplates before replying. “Both I guess?”
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40s Bucky
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Previous: 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10., 11., 12., 13., 14.,
Next: 16.,
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Bucky Barnes is a Survivor, Not a Villain
Bucky Barnes is Innocent
Bucky Barnes Deserves Peace
Bucky Barnes Deserves True Healing
Bucky Barnes Deserves Rest
Bucky Barnes Deserves to be Happy
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requested by adarksecretinme
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thank you
Hi, i love your content and i'm having the worst day. Do you have any gifs of Sebby that aren't super common? Or any fic recomendations to take my mind off shit? Or just... anything, really, to do with Bucky? I need a mega pint of wine, a bubble bath, and cuddles and more with Bucky right now :( :(
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Hi, nonnie. I'm sorry that things have been rough! @mostlybuckystuff @thebluemage @unearthlydust @buckysbarnes @steve-kemp @sebastiansource @rose--tyler are a few I can think of who share Seb photos and gifs. Fics wise, there are so many! I wouldn't know where to begin. @jobean12-blog @andsheloved @sweetdreamsbuck off the top of my head because you may need some fluff.
I know I am missing SO many and I'm sorry. Been a long week!
Lovelies, feel free to add more! Nonnie, I hope things get better. 💙
Love and thanks. 💙
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Random Thoughts
Why is it that I'm only ever complimented on my appearance when I say that I'm ugly/not pretty/etc?
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yay intrusive thoughts...
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A Correspondence of Obligation - Masterlist
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Pairing: Prince!Bucky x Princess!Reader (Royal AU)
Summary: Obedience, duty, pristine smiles—raised as the princess of an oppressive kingdom, you knew nothing else. Your father signed your life away at the ripe age of five, black ink bleeding into a contract between nations, fate cemented with the flick of a quill. So when the time came to fulfill the promises you were too young to make, you expected much of the same in the land of Brookshire. But Prince James had other plans, as did the enemies looming outside the castle walls.
Warnings: Angst (a lot), misogyny, arranged marriages, made up royal politics, injury, cannon-level violence, pining and slow-burn!!!
a/n: This story is currently on hiatus. 
Here is a link to my ko-fi if you are enjoying my stuff! :)
♡ Series playlist
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hi, yes, any and all prayer, thoughts, good vibes, spells, etc, would be greatly appreciated for me right now. I've re-started my search for a new job. I have 3 interviews set up for this coming week, and I have more applications out. I am in significant amount of debt to the point where I'm not sure even 3 full time jobs could get me out of this at the moment, but I am TRYING - so any and all well wishes/etc sent my way would be SO FUCKING WELCOMED IT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY.
Love you all!
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not risking it. I need this job. Please, elephant. Please help me.
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