hydrondrachen · 2 years
Soooooo…your anthro designs are like if AI:tsf crossed with Beastars? (Just asking)
Sort of? But it's not placed within the same kind of setting as Beastars, they live in the same exact world as they do canonically except they're all animal people lul
(Though I should add that I obviously take some liberties... like Aiba having an actual body. I don't have any way to really explain it since this clearly messes with things, I just like having her exist in a physical way)
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hydrondrachen · 2 years
Do you have any designs for Ryuki or Tama yet?
I do, I created some a little while ago! Their refs are kinda crummy so I won't share them but here's some chibis I did! Tama is a serval and Ryuki is a tiger!
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hydrondrachen · 2 years
What inspired you to make Aiba a Protogen?
I really like how Protogens look, I think the species is really neat! And I thought it would be a nice middle ground between giving her a physical body yet keeping her design somewhat rooted in technology. I considered making her a Synth (another furry open species) but ultimately I like how Protogens look more.
I also started brainstorming an alternate shrimp-dragon design (based on Date's "fluorescent shrimp" comment, combined with a dragon just because I love dragons) but I wasn't happy with how it was turning out so I'm just sticking to her Protogen design for now. Maybe I'll revisit that idea in the future.
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hydrondrachen · 2 years
I think you might’ve created an accidental Zootopia reference. (With bunny Mizuki)
GOD. Now I won't be able to unsee that, THANKS
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hydrondrachen · 2 years
Any theories for Nirvana Initiative?
If we're keeping the current naming scheme for Somnia (words ending in "aiN"), there's going to be a Somnium called PSYNCIN' IN THE TRaiN about the abandoned subway tracks near Bloom Park and if there isn't I will be upset.
Jokes aside though...
(long post, spoilers below for AITSF and ZE)
The existence of a younger-looking Falco (if that ain't Falco I will eat a hat) alongside Mizuki on the box art, and a second Aiba with a vastly different appearance, makes me think there's gonna be like... time travel or timeline hopping bullshit, but not in the sense of SHIFTing — they will straight up find a way to transport their whole bodies to another timeline with memories intact, something like the transporter in ZTD. And this also might explain the half-body serial killing victims? I doubt they'd utilize the cold storage warehouse to explain the preservation of bodies a 2nd time, plus since they're said to be fresh like they'd just been killed... it's a little fishy (pun... not intended). The way the Psync machine is glitched in the background definitely means it has something to do with whatever is going on, I don't know if botched body swapping will be a plot point again but anything is possible...
However if it's nothing like that, uh... I dunno? Mizuki and this young Falco have to have some kind of connection, my next guess would be something akin to young Akane and Junpei's connection in 999, where maybe they'll solve different parts of the case in their respective times/timelines and pass that information through the morphogenetic field. The red AI-Ball could very well be a red herring, those two don't necessarily have to be evil. I wouldn't know how to explain how the bodies remained in a freshly-killed state for 6 years in that case, though, nor how a younger Falco would line up with an older Mizuki since he would have to be way younger at the start of the game.
Also it can't just be me but the person at the bottom right center of the box art looks like an older Iris right?? Everyone's asking what could've happened to her, wondering which timeline we're in (I'm thinking Mizuki route continuation is most likely since Date is in Saito's body still based on the art, and I doubt it'd be Ota's route since Saito had swapped into Boss by the end and he certainly wouldn't stay there for six years) and if "Iris" (So in Iris's body) is in a coma since she didn't wake up after Mizuki's route or what. But like, come on? I can't be the only one seeing this? Without color it's hard to know for certain aside from similarity in appearance but that so looks like an older Iris.
And regarding Aiba being Mizuki's partner now, I really wonder what happened to Date that had Aiba passed on to Mizuki. Are they sharing her? Did Date get fucked up and can't do his job anymore and Mizuki ended up inheriting both Aiba and his job? I have so many questions. He's showing his right side so we don't know what's going on with the left, I really have to wonder what's up with him. The look he's giving the viewer makes me think he knows something important.... I'm a bit worried about how he'll tie into this case, to be honest. And like, Mizuki's eye is fucking missing now too?? Girl what?? I thought she'd just gotten a contact lens Aiba or something 'cause that seems totally doable with ABIS technology and another 6 years of research but naw, in the collector's edition outer box art she has Aiba between her hands, optic nerve and all, and her hair is covering her left eye so that shit's straight up gone. What in the world happened while we weren't looking?
Honestly I'd be surprised if anything I said in this post hits the mark. I might graze the edge a little bit, but I am entirely expecting some new information to be revealed that's never been seen in AI or ZE before that will shake up everything. At this point I'm desperate for any new information to come out, no matter how vague — we've gotten so little information between the announcement trailer and the reveal of the box arts that it's driving me a little crazy.
Can't wait for this game to prove me horribly wrong ✌
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hydrondrachen · 2 years
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Boss said it’s my turn to use the AI-Ball
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hydrondrachen · 3 years
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My half of an art trade I did for @hydrondrachen of her OC Seros!
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hydrondrachen · 3 years
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Birthday gift for @hydrondrachen! Have a great day!
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hydrondrachen · 3 years
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A little Aiba doodle I did because it’s been a year since I beat Somnium Files for the first time :’) I love this game so much
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hydrondrachen · 3 years
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Zero Escape is really good guys
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hydrondrachen · 4 years
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hydrondrachen · 4 years
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goro akechi.
that's it.
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hydrondrachen · 4 years
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Hello, might I interest you in Almo?
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hydrondrachen · 4 years
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2 new characters I’ve wanted to explore. Damian’s a sheep/alpaca mix and Liam’s a wolf, more info below in their Toyhouse Damian / Liam
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hydrondrachen · 4 years
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All the attacks i did for this year’s art fight in order! The event was pretty fun and it helped me learn a lot of things. In order of character ownership: Jokoifu / Daisyvayle (x2) /  Kagetheslatthing / FireBay /  Wolf-Wick /  DeadFantasies /  dargonart /  moodytanuki /  NoireNambu
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hydrondrachen · 4 years
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Only the heat death of the universe can stop this man.
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hydrondrachen · 4 years
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Bomby boi
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