hellastress · 3 months
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*judas gasping for air in the other corner of the room*
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hellastress · 3 months
Everything is superficial. Race, gender, ethnicity, possesion, properties, arguments, debate, ignorant, bliss, fire, war, lose identity, passive suicide, inflation, death, illnesses, sexual repressed, pollution, decrease of population, sinner, pleasure, devotion, contamination, depression, isolation, loneliness, atheist, disrespect, hatred, astrology, psychology, famine, poor, body dysmorphia, mistreatment -2024
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hellastress · 4 months
Being a cancer rising with a venus in 3H means i constantly attract guys who are younger than me and tbh it terrifies me, get a way from me! You are my child!!! Hahahaha
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hellastress · 4 months
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* These people are like an alarm clock, loud, annoying and wants you to move ur asss immediately
* if u want a peaceful morning i suggest get away with them
* when they do something they want it done or else they wont finish it, this is why they tend to thrive in competition
* they take everything with passion very aggressive in their endeavor, but honestly i love their dedication, they really are the boss bitxh u dont wanna cross
* my parents are both aries sun and when i tell u that i am always stimulated in our house, i meant that shit
* they don’t wanna be late, they always want things to be hurry! Hurry! Fck this shit, my taurus moon ass is always so stress everytime we have to go somewhere
* They are the life of party! If not, the party is their life, they crave a loud environment
* They initiate first, one thing i love them is they don’t let u have the first step, they are the first step
* I find that even the women who have this placement are so masculine in their own way, some have athlete physics, sharp bones and taller than their actual height
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* ohhhh my ppl, but sometimes u guys move like a fckng turtle, pls can we atleast be considerate to other ppl?
* This ppl don’t care especially if they are hungry, they will eat in front of u and wont dare to share their foods, or anything that gives physical comfort
* when deprive of sleep, they will refuse to talk to anybody and when generally not in the mood, everything will be on fire if they are not 100% okay
* They stand on their business, whatever business they have in life, they are stubborn about it
* But if they are in their best self, u get the most adorable, caring friend, they are so chill, so laid back, i feel at home in their presence
* Lazy!? Tf, one thing i know is they will not initiate if things don’t benefits in the long run, i swear they are the most hardworking i know, they have this one goal direction in life that they don’t want ppl to interfer
* everything must be pleasant, they don’t like it when something is smelly or their spaces is stinky, it ruin the vibe for them
* A taurus won’t be involve to any drama, they will let u which is funny cause ur wasting ur energy
* beautiful ppl, their style are so comfy, most of them love wearing pants with good fabric (silk pants, jogger pants, loose pants)
* I find that men who have this placements are feminine in their own way, angelic face, boyish, they have this gentle vibe with them
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* What is “shut up?” I love them they are like my cousin, like i can talk shit with them and they will not take anything personal
* They are sooo creative, i love how their mind works, they are so flexible, adaptable, a true chameleon
* They can have like 100 hobbies and they will excel at some of them
* They love to argue for no reason just bc they are bored (diabolic)
* This ppl can’t stop moving, if it’s not their hand, their mouth will refuse to shut up, it’s like there’s something that wants to come out
* Their music taste is top tier! They like pop and trendy music
* Very sociable ppl, they know everyone, ur friends from the other block? Oh best believe they know them, the drama in the other room? Yes they know, they don’t attract gossip the gossip are attracted to them haha
* Undeveloped gemini is a pain in the ass, a true menace, they can act careless and bitchy around ppl they don’t find popular or don’t fit the social standard
* They have a fairy look to them, beautiful hand, fair skin, chubby like, they have a bouncy effect whether it’s their hair (most of them have wavy hair) or the way they walk
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* Emotional who? These ppl won’t care about other ppl if they are not part of their circle, if they don’t consider u as their friend or family, u won’t see the emotional side of cancer
* Most of them are reserved, they like to observe and move side ways, i find it funny every time a cancer enter a room, u won’t feel their presence unless u care enough to notice them
* They don’t like attracting attention especially drama that don’t involve their family or friends
* They are so gentle with everything, the way they talk have a pure intentions to it
* Don’t hurt any animals infront of them u will not like what they will do to u
* Very innocent, child like vibe even if they look mature, u can still feel the youthfulness in their presence
* Literally the “big sis” most of them carry their family’s legacy, either handling the business, taking care the oldies in the family or they are the baby in the family
* A cancer won’t socialize if they don’t feel safe in your presence or the environment they are in, they don’t like speaking to a larger conference
* they thrive when they can connect emotionally with ppl, i love talking to them everytime were alone, they can be the wiser and smartest ppl in the room
* Like a moon, cancer have different shape of sizes, they’re either have a round face, crescent moon face, or have a crab looking body, like long limbs, chubby like body or either skinny with chubby faces, fair skin and average height
* A lot of Cancer men i know have a good relationship with women, some of them can be surrounded by female friends
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* Calm the fuck down? Chill, breathe in, breathe out
* These ppl either a clean freak or the disorganized-organized ppl
* Stop moving their things! they want it where they leave it, they don’t like it when u clean their spaces, leave it, u will stress them out
* They overthink to the point they couldn’t sleep, they care about even the tiniest mistake they made today
* The things u barely notice? Oh best believe they will point it out even your insecurities haha sometimes they are unaware of this behavior of them so take it as a way to develop yourself
* They love to talk shit! I swear this is why they love gemini bc they can talk and rant and they will not get tired of that haha
* If a virgo cares enough for you, their act of service is top tier, u don’t have assignment? Okay i will make one, u forgot something, they will not forget it, need something? Yes they have it, they have your back (pls lord give me my own venus virgo)
* These ppl either thrive in school or won’t care but will still pass enough just because they need to
* These mf’s are selective, if u don’t stimulate them or u don’t pass their whatever tf standard, u will not have any access to them, even the food they ate, the things they buy, they are so practical and picky with everyhing they allow in their life and 10 pts for that
* They love to read, they are so random that you can get a 10+ random facts u don’t even ask for
* Everything must have a meaning! A purpose, they have this WHY in their forehead
* If food is the key to a man’s heart, a Hygiene is the key to their heart, long nails? Eww, messy clothes? Eww! Eating like it’s your last meal? Eww! Like everything must be in the ethical standard
* They observe like a hawk, this is why ppl are not comfortable around them, they are not scared to confront or point ur mistake, and it’s annoying tbh having someone to say every shit lmao
* The corporate style look suits them so well, i love seeing them dress so formal, it gives a sophisticated vibes to them
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* Keeping up with the kardashian? No, more like keeping up the peace even tho ppl have done walk all over you, kinda bullshit but were keeping the peace right haha!
* Libra’s are sociable butterfly in a silent mode, u can see them everywhere surrounded by ppl and they are not loud about it
* These ppl would rather sacrifice their mental health than confront a person because they love to keep a harmonious relationship
* Libra’s can be a cheater or enabler they said, but these ppl tend to stay longer in a relationship whether it’s about friendship, because they have already attached some aspects of their life to these ppl that they can’t imagine having to fall apart with them
* These ppl love listening to classical music, a friend of mine has a playlist with just a bunch of classical music, it calms them
* A good ppl in general, imagine those kids who have complete set of stationary, lunch box, good style, someone who smell nice, yeah that’s a libra
* Pleasant in all aspects, they have an artistic keen in them, whether it’s about their style, their writing, their house, everything must catch the eyes, this is why i find them gravitate towards virgo’s sharp eyes
* They love white and blue, pastel in general, them liking colors that’s not too warm nor too cool
* They love justice, they love fairness, they are all about balance but when it comes to their personal life everything is opposite and i can’t blame them bc were humans and life is full of shit
* There’s nothing a libra’s like is when someone act like a decent human being, ppl who have decorum/manners, ppl who take care of themselves, ppl who are stable in life
* They have this vibe of a statue you can see in museum, calm yet head turner
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hellastress · 4 months
My Guess on Chart System Purposes
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🏵 Whole Signs:
How I see myself. How I want to be seen. My ending and outcome. I heard that Whole Signs maybe better to use for predictions and after the age of 30. I believe it's because at 30, we start to show our true self to the world clearly and confidently. This is our true self we had been finding and discovering 30 years earlier. After 30 years, you know what path makes you shine the most and feel the best.
🏵 Placidus:
How everyone actually sees me. How I actually come across, sometimes even without my control (external conditions like genetics and environments). My strategy I've learned and developed in childhood. My everyday behaviors. My storyline and process. Because of the involvement of external conditions, Placidus maybe better to use before the age of 30. It's a combination of how you see yourself and how everyone sees you. It gives me Neptunian vibe as you still rely on the external validations to view yourself. After 30 years, you are much less controlled by the external conditions, so Placidus affects how people view you less. In another way, Placidus is a realistic tool to achieve Whole Signs. You learn and master Placidus to achieve Whole Signs.
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🏵 I will use some placements of my chart as an example. I have Neptune and Uranus in the 1st house in Placidus and Neptune in the 1st house in Whole Signs. Well, I can't control my appearance other than plastic surgeries. No matter how I feel, Neptune makes me look innocent and vulnerable in people's eyes. I still relate to Uranus in the 1st house I guess since Uranus also trine my Sun and Mercury and I'm a Uranus dominant.
🏵 I have Sun and Mercury in the 9th house in Placidus and Sun and Mercury in the 10th house in Whole Signs. I relate to the positions of Sun and Mercury in the 10th house in Whole Signs more. To be honest, I also have Sun Conjunction Midheaven, so it also explains how I feel. Now Sun and Mercury in the 9th house is how I come across, at least before the age of 30. I am philosophical, open-minded, and big picture. I think it's due to the realistic condition I was born into. I was born with Saturn in the 4th house. This position urges me to explore the world besides my own country. I've developed my own belief systems rather than what everyone told me. I come across this way in people's eyes without my control. But who I actually want to be seen or achieve no matter how I was born into is as an authoritative figure, hence Sun in the 10th house.
🏵 With Moon in the 10th house in Placidus, I come across as feminine and gentle in people's eyes without my control (due to my look and behaviors). It's my strategy to handle social contacts. But deep down, I want to be seen as the Sun in the 10th house. Eventually, people will realize behind my friendly behaviors is a masculine, ambitious, and confident person.
I still comtemplate on this thought. Let me know what you think.
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hellastress · 4 months
lilith in taurus/2nd house
this is intuitive astrology. meaning that i’m making these notes based on what i intuitively pick up about this astrological point being merged with these signs. take it with a grain of salt and understand that you might not relate to everything that i get from your placement 🖤
taurus is all about the physical realm, as it’s an earth sign. taurus energy is related to your physical senses, your physical appearance in terms of aesthetics, food, personal income + money - security, basically. everything that you need on a basic level to feel secure and comfortable as a person.
therefore, the experience of having lilith in taurus is one that includes people shaming you for wanting to feel comfortable and secure. people shaming your aesthetic, shaming you for wanting to look good, for wanting to make money, for wanting to enjoy the literal basic luxuries of life - even down to the food that you eat.
people made you feel ashamed for wanting to savour things - like the meals that you had. this placement will have people not liking when you seem comfortable and content. it’s hater energy to the fullest degree, coming from people who feel like they can’t relax and enjoy the simple joys of life themselves. so why should you, right?🙄
^ you ever had a parent (or anyone else for that matter) not enjoy you sleeping, eating, lounging around, and relaxing? no matter how much you may have worked hard for that entire week or month or few months even - as soon as they see you relaxing, it’s a problem. this is why. your lilith energy is a reflection of what they feel like they don’t have for themselves. they don’t have peace so they try to disturb yours.
your peace triggers people fr. when people can tell that you’re content in a situation or with life in general, they’ll bring some bs your way to disrupt that. of course these are usually people who are always in chaotic situations or who are just chaotic people mentally + emotionally themselves. they get jealous of you being the opposite (or at least seeming that way).
lilith in taurus/2nd house can also bring shame around food. it always reminds me of secret eating habits. i have lilith in taurus and i don’t like to eat in front of people. and this is all due to the fact that my father (i call him my sperm donor 🙃) would try to make me feel like i’m being greedy when i ate anything that i enjoyed. even if it was a regular portion of something. mind you, he’d get the munchies and eat everything in the house - even food that i bought myself for me or my little sister or brother. you see how no matter what lilith placement you have, people project what they know about themselves onto you, related to the energy of that sign or house?
lilith in taurus can definitely indicate eating disorders. a cycle between not eating anywhere near enough (basically starving yourself) to eating too much in one go - also known as binge eating.
you were also shamed for wanting things. maybe even accused of being ‘spoiled’. and you’re looking at these people who accuse you of that like “spoiled where? 🤨”. it’s because these toxic ass people didn’t want us to have the basic necessities of life. especially if you have toxic parents. you needing the basics is needing “too much” for these people. this may be why you feel like you can’t ever really truly enjoy what you have now. because there’s a subconscious belief that you “shouldn’t” have whatever you have. or that you don’t deserve it or some bs like that.
^ this can definitely pertain to money too. you may want money but when you get it, you blow it all too quickly on things that you’re not entirely happy with buying. it’s because you don’t know how to handle having money and feeling like you deserve that money. so you get rid of it as quickly as possible. remember what i said about being shamed for holding onto things that you enjoyed? for savouring the fact that you have something? now you feel like you can’t even enjoy what you have, so you cycle and blow through possessions and spending money. because you don’t feel right just enjoying the feeling of having it because of this shame.
people view you as someone who already has “too much” - even if you don’t have enough. they view you as someone who has ‘too much’ money, ‘too much’ beauty (as taurus is ruled by the planet venus), ‘too much’ peace, ‘too much’ stability. ‘too much’ power with your money, beauty, and your voice.
^ a lot of people with lilith in taurus/2nd house have really nice voices. you may experience people mistaking your regular tone or your friendly tone as a flirty or seductive tone. shit’s annoying.
taurus also rules your physical body. people will be jealous of this. doesn’t matter if you don’t fit into the standard of beauty when it comes to your body type. your body is attractive no matter what size, what shape, etc. if you’re a woman especially, you may have noticed how other women’s energy switches up when you wear something that shows your shape or your body more visibly. bitches be HATING. your body, your face, your aesthetic, your voice, your hair - everything to do with your appearance is a force to be reckoned with. which leads me to my next point:
people don’t like when we make ourselves look good. this placement always gives me the energy of people accusing us of “doing too much” when we wear makeup, or when we wear certain outfits. just when we dress up. because, again, we’re already perceived as people who have “too much” beauty. if you ever meet anyone like that, then FUCK THEM. they’re wanting to shame you just because they feel like they could never reach your level of beauty, and you’re making it harder for them to compete in their imaginary competition with you (unbeknownst to you) by making yourself more beautiful??? girl…👀
men who are intimidated by your beauty will also try to say slick shit about your clothes, your hair, or something about your physical appearance. you know when insecure men feel like you’re out of their league, so they have to try to “humble” you by negging you or some shit? they assume that you’re used to people treating you like you’re the prettiest/most attractive person in the room, so they have to be the one person who tries to bring you down because they’ve ASSUMED that you usually get put up on a pedestal. a pedestal that makes you unreachable to them.
^ you’ll probably experience this from women too who are in competition with you, but when it comes from men, it’s because they’re attracted to you but they feel like you wouldn’t be attracted to them. it’s coming from that perceived rejection that insecure men can never handle correctly 😂
your ability to dress in the way that you wanted to and to have the aesthetic that you wanted was also suppressed. that may be why you’re never happy with the clothes that you have. because they don’t actually resonate with you.
lilith in this sign/house denotes a very dark aesthetic, or one that just rebels against the ‘normal’ way of dressing and doing your makeup (or lack thereof) or your hair. so when you don’t embrace that, you’re going to have an issue with the way that you look. a dissatisfaction more than anything.
^ anybody else experience being treated like you were the biggest ‘slut’ for even showing a tiny bit of skin? you could wear a crop top and people will look at you like you stepped out of the house butt naked.
lilith in taurus or the 2nd house always reminds me of sex workers too. people who use their sexuality to gain personal income. or people who use a sexual aesthetic to make money. think of certain types of instagram models, dominatrix work (especially financial dominatrixes), strippers, etc. i feel like lilith in scorpio/8th house is more of an indication of sex work that involves actually having sex with clients for money (like prostitution). whereas lilith in taurus/2nd house is moreso using the aesthetics and image of being sexual to make money. i hope that makes sense 😂
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hellastress · 4 months
What i find astonished between 1H and 10H lilith is that 1H lilith won’t feel sorry for yourself while the 10H lilith is you will feel sorry for yourself
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hellastress · 4 months
i have moon square neptune and i swear, i am sensitive enough to empathize with other people's situations, be able to put myself in their shoes and understand their emotions while i'm listening to them, BUT when i'm about to appease them, i completely forgot how to feel and completely lose track of my thoughts, like it has never been there before, like "wait, i suppose to understand how you feel but now i can't???"
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hellastress · 4 months
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“sometimes, i feel like an emotional sponge 🧽, just soaking up everyone else’s pain..☁️”
☄️ these individuals are very sensitive to the subtle emotions around them. they have an innate ability to understand and deeply feel other people’s needs and emotions. they possess strong intuition and are gifted with artistic abilities
🌙 they are attentive to subtle cues, like changes in someone’s tone of voice. if they notice a slight change, they are the types to ask about what might be bothering the other person, or they will just overthink and dwell about it.
☄️ notably empathetic, they readily offer help to those around them, demonstrating selflessness. however, they may struggle with setting boundaries and often feel burdened by carrying others’ problems, leading to a sense of emotional exhaustion.
🌙 minor inconveniences easily overwhelm them, resulting in them constantly retreating to their safe place. their heightened sensitivity often leads them to take things personally or feel overly connected to events, even when they might not directly involve them. due to this, they prefer a peaceful and quiet environment and are highly sensitive to unpleasant situations.
☄️ the person’s emotional well-being was greatly affected by their mother’s possible abuse or addiction. intuitively sensing the mother’s sufferings, they internalized these emotions as their own. their needs may not have been consistently met due to the emotional or physical absence of one of the parents.
🌙 these people are highly imaginative and often turn to art and daydreaming for comfort. in more extreme cases, some might resort to alcohol or other substances to escape.
☄️ they tend to get lost in daydreams, creating imaginary worlds to make themselves feel better. however, this absorption in their imagination can lead them to ignore responsibilities, making them feel depressed or sad.
🌙 dealing with confusion, they struggle to express or understand their emotions, especially with the hard aspects. this difficulty can stem from picking up others’ emotions as their own. people may also have a hard time understanding them, which leads them to feel left out.
☄️ their strong intuition and sensitivity likely grants them psychic abilities and prophetic dreams, allowing them to perceive or sense the future. they may also experience unexplained sights or sounds.
🌙 they can appear physically and emotionally weak, emitting a soft and delicate aura. because of this, they need to look out against those who take advantage or harbor hidden motives.
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hellastress · 4 months
Moon-Ascendant Aspects and Moon-Midheaven Aspects 🥺
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MOON conjunct, square, opposite, sextile or trine ASCENDANT
🌙 Their feelings and reactions are written all over their face, to a degree that may be embarrassing, at times. Like "Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to feel that out loud"
🌙 Either acts exactly like their mother OR their behavior (and life path, as a whole) is a direct contrast to her and her life choices
🌙 Soft features, soft skin, soft lips. Stays moisturized and hydrated (most of them actually do drink tons of water)
🌙 When their guard is down, people ADORE them. They are so warm and inviting and real. Their energy can really be disarming and make people feel safe. They also have the potential to come across as rather cold but this is only when they aren't feeling safe or are being shy
🌙 Maintain the eating habits of a child well into adulthood. They may be addicted to candy or sweets, be ridiculously picky eaters or be able to eat whatever they want and not gain weight
🌙 Those with these aspects are HIGHLY intuitive. They always trust their intuition and its accuracy, even if it makes them look crazy or irrational to others. And they're usually proven right
🌙 They have an aura of femininity, whether male or female. They are very motherly, kind, supportive and vulnerable. But, they also can be very fierce when protecting others or themselves
🌙 Those with the square can be super-defensive and overly self-protective, most likely due to childhood trauma. But, when they work through those insecurities, they radiate a very healing energy
🌙 Their look or aesthetic can definitely go through "phases", like the Moon. It depends a lot on their mood or what they're going through
🌙 Having the opposition can attract a mate (or close friend) who is either emotionally draining and demanding or who is also a caregiver and allows you to be nurtured for once
🌙 Trying to be "perfect" really does not suit them. They're too complicated for that. These people come off best when they let themselves be authentic and natural and a little messy, behavior-wise
🌙 Children and animals gravitate to them and their nurturing ways like magnets. Most of them really, really yearn to be a parent from an early age. Those with the conjunction probably experience the biggest "before and after" effect once they have children
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MOON conjunct, square, opposite, sextile or trine MIDHEAVEN
🍭 Could be most successful in: the culinary industry, restaurant or fast food, nursing, counseling, the arts/entertainment, childcare, social work, real estate or anything involving working from home
🍭 Very susceptible to burnout. People with these aspects need to make sure they are checking in with themselves and not sacrificing self-care for their job. "Hustle culture" becomes their enemy if they get too caught up in it
🍭It is also crucial that their line of work fulfills them emotionally. They CANNOT just work simply for a paycheck. It will make them miserable and not take them very far anyway
🍭 Having the conjunction can make your public image go either way. People will either think you're SO adorable and cuddly and nice or they'll think you're really crazy or wild or unhinged. You also could be seen as both, at different points
🍭A lot of artists or performers have this influence because it makes it easy for them to emotionally move people through their work. They will have people in their feelings!
🍭 Might end up working alongside family members, especially their mother. They could also follow in her footsteps or achieve the goals she always wanted to achieve but never got to
Speaking of the mom, the quality of your relationship will become public knowledge. If it's good, she'll be seen as really lovely and your biggest supporter. If it's bad, well, then a lot of drama could play out publicly
🍭 You could get picked on a lot by detractors but you will also have highly protective fans/followers who are ready to go to war for you. (Famous people with these aspects are often known for having "crazy" fans who others don't want to piss off or get entangled with)
🍭Those with the square or opposition tend to struggle to strike a balance between being accessible to the public and keeping aspects of their personal life to themselves
🍭Their intuition will be their greatest asset in terms of business deals and decisions
🍭 Women or feminine individuals with these aspects typically don't get as much respect until they're in their 30's or 40's. They kind of need to enter that "mother" phase, in the slang use of the word, where they are seen as this strong, mature feminine force that others want to emulate or look to for guidance
🍭 Straight men with this influence often brand themselves as The Wife Guy, becoming adored because how much they seem to love or respect their wife or girlfriend
🍭If and when these individuals have kids, the public can look at them in a newly positive light. Their children can also become equally renowned, in their own right, alongside them
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hellastress · 5 months
thoughts on Mercury trine chiron?
Hey!! Sorry for not responding sooner, but I only saw it today 🥺
I've been studying aspects for a short period of time now so I'll let you know things I've noticed so far.
Mercury trine Chiron:
It can be easier for people with this aspect to communicate with others;
These people can express themselves in a beautiful and inspiring way through their words, either written or verbally;
They are usually highly empathetic and understanding when it comes to other people, since they are more in tune with their own emotions and know the meaning of pain through their own experiences;
These people can be into spirituality;
My best friend has this aspect and she is, in my opinion, what you could call a "healer". She uses her "pain" to connect with people and try and help them.
Of course, these are simply my observations and I'm fairly new when it comes to aspects. I hope this somehow helped 🥰
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hellastress · 8 months
What are the benefits of having Pluto trine MC?
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❧ You can shock people and change their perspectives.
❧ People respect you quickly. You may come across as someone who just "knows what they're doing", especially in your work life and according to your public image.
❧ It's easy for you to completely change your professional image, or even change careers altogether. These big shifts can help you grow immensely as a person.
❧ You could help shift misconceptions and misunderstandings publicly more easily. Especially about taboo subjects or things surrounding controversy, it can be easy for you to turn these things around and use it as your power.
❧ You're good at taking the reigns in a professional setting, even if you don't quite feel like it—you have some leadership abilities in there.
❧ If you're an entertainer, performer or artist, this is one of those aspects that demands attention of a crowd. Depending on your other placements, you can use this to your advantage. All eyes are on you, what are you gonna do about it? It's that kind of energy.
❧ You are able to withstand criticism and scandal. You are the resilient type when it comes to this.
❧ It may be more easy for you to find yourself in positions of power.
— @rosesastrology🌹
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hellastress · 8 months
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hellastress · 10 months
Sun in 2nd house
I love to brag my shit! I like wearing expensive stuff and won’t stfu about it because i want people to acknowledge my possession and the value of the things i own, it makes me happy because it is also tied with my self esteem that put me in a state of main character syndrome
Expensive = self confident
Moon in taurus
My obsession with comfy stuff should be illegal, if i ain’t comfortable with what i’m wearing, with who i am with, the environment i’m in then the last thing you will hear from me is nothing because you will never see me again! All i want is to be surrounded by beautiful things, and being uncomfy is the last thing i will never want in my list, i’m very stubborn about my opinion, and by being known as snobbish, has rbf, unapproachable typa person; i also notice this with other taurus moon, i guess it has something to do with being an earth sign haha
Moon in 10th
Gosh, being in public is one of the most stressful situation i have to go through, i literally need to mentally be prepared whenever i go out because i seems to influence the emotions of the people around me, my friends notice this thing about me, they said that i have such a unique aura or “air” bc i seems to influence the mood of the people or room around, if i’m sad, they will get sad and it’s making me frustrated bc now what 💀 I resent the authorities and my father i never get along with them, i felt like they will/are trying to control me, my dad hate it when i act goofy or even loud in public like i embarrassed him infront of his people and then get super proud when i achieve something bc for him, i carry his name and his reputation within me
Virgo stellium
You get the idea, yeah, i’m obsessed with cleanliness and being clean all the time, i literally can’t sleep or do my stuff in peace if i saw even the tiniest dirt, i like minimalist stuff, cleaning is one of my stress reliever (so goofy 💀) and it’s true i have stomach problem (and what about it!) and it has something to do with the fact i carry various medicine in my bag because i am hypochondriac, it’s also not helping being an anxious overthinker which one of the traits i hate being mercurial too
Venus in 3H
Asthetically pleasing hand writing? Absolutely, i lost count how much i receive compliment about my penmanship but i never got to understand why, it seems a messy cursive style, i am also has a thing with twisting and using words to charm people off because we are sneaky mf’s 🤪
Mercury in Virgo
Nah, i am not smart, i just overthink a lot and babbles too much, saying lots of uneccessary word and unsolicited advice like who tf am i? But i gotta agree mercury in virgo is a blessing and a curse to have, i’ve met my people, those who ace their exam, saying they don’t study? Best believe they are true haha we are so good at analyzing that it almost natural for us to know it all without actually knowing it and i have no idea why!
Part 2
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hellastress · 1 year
venus shows your relationship with women [ platonic, romantic etc ] my strongest venus aspect being venus sextile ascendant so it could be interpreted that my relationship with women can be harmonious, it could be very reputation-like. one or the other can be pleased with the other's appearance and might even want to communicate with them because of it. can become quite shallow due to it.
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hellastress · 1 year
No socmed
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hellastress · 1 year
Moon in the 10th House is that person that truly CARES about what they do.  They don’t have a job, they have a career.  People who make a difference. <3 We need more of these.
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