healthzigzag · 5 years
Keto Chicken Pizza Crust
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Keto Pizza
Hello everyone!
It’s been a while since I wanted to share with you my famous crust extremely low in carbohydrates, super crunchy. Do not go straight
The crust contains only 1.4g net carbs for a 10 “pizza, which gives 3 servings of two tips to 0.5g net carbs per serving. The recipe is super simple and you can use your remaining Costco roast chicken Je I assure you that you will fall in love with this crust or at least I hope
Read Also: List Of Foods Allowed On Keto Diet
Chicken Pizza Crust
(10- inch thin crust pizza, 3 servings of 2 tips)
ingredients to make keto chicken crust pizza
280g roasted chicken (or any other cooked chicken) boneless and skinless.
1 egg (large size)
28g grated parmesan cheese
1/2 tsp dried oregano *
1/4 tsp seasoned roasted garlic and peppers *
salt and pepper to taste
1 tablespoon of water (if needed) *
* You can use the spices you prefer. * Beware of salt (I do not add). If you use commercial chicken, it is often salty. Do not forget that Parmesan is salty too. * Add only a very small amount of water if the mixture is too dry as when using chicken breasts. The mixture should be wet but not wet and should stand together.
Read Also: What Is Keto Diet? A Detailed Beginner’s Guide To Keto
1. Preheat the oven to 500 ° 2. Cover a 12 “pizza plate with parchment paper and set aside another piece of paper for step 7. 3. Chop your chicken finely and put it in a bowl. 4. Add the egg, the Parmesan and spices 5. Mix with your hands as if to make balls 6. Add water (only if necessary) 7. Put the mixture on the pizza pan between the parchment paper and spread it with the help of a rolling pin or a glass. 8. Bake for 10 to 15 minutes * or until the crust is dry, crisp and golden. in general, it will have shrunk and from 12 “to about 10 ”
* Monitor your crust. Cooking time may vary depending on the moisture content of the mixture.
…. And here, the crust is ready to be garnished.
Read Also: 3 healthy low carb ketogenic smoothie list for breakfast
Bonus if you are interested.
Pizza Bacon, Goat Champignons
(10 pizza. “3 servings of 2 points)
ingredients to make keto chicken pizza crust
1 pizza crust chicken
84g grated mozzarella (Petit Québec, pale blue package)
1/2 cup pizza sauce low in carbohydrate (I make mine)
3 slices of bacon precooked crumbled (I reserve the fat that I add on the pizza at the very end … after all we are keto)
20g mushrooms finely chopped
56g of goat cheese crumbled
10 to 20g raw spinach or some rocket leaves
1 tablespoon of olive oil (optional)
1. Preheat the oven to 450 ° 2. Add the mozzarella, sauce, bacon, mushrooms and goat cheese to the crust 3. Bake the pizza for 5 to 10 minutes and remove from the oven 4. Add the leaves spinach or arugula 5. Drizzle with cooking fat bacon or a little olive oil 6. Serving
Bon Appétit
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healthzigzag · 5 years
8 Natural Remedies for Menstrual Cramps (Dysmenorrhea)
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Natural Remedies for Menstrual Cramps
Some women have it tough each month as they get knocked down by menstrual cramps so strong, it leaves them almost incapacitated. For these women, these few days of the month are spent at home, writhing on the bed as no medication brings complete relief.
Menstrual cramps also called painful period or dysmenorrhea is a period that comes with a lot of discomforts and sometimes pain. This pain usually begins from a day before your period starts and could last up to three days.
From research, over 50% of women get some form of pain or discomfort during their period each month. For some women, menstrual cramp, which usually occurs in the lower abdomen, could either be mild or so severe, it leaves you bedridden for a few days.
What Causes Menstrual Cramps?
Each month, your womb expects to receive a baby and prepares for it by the uterine lining thickening. If no pregnancy occurs, this lining is shed and your womb goes back to its relaxed state.
Before the shedding occurs, a hormone, prostaglandins are released. It is this hormone that causes your womb to contract and relax, during which your uterine lining is shed.
The shedding of this uterine line is what causes menstrual cramps as the womb contracts to do so.
For some people, this contraction is usually so intense, it presses against the blood vessels and cuts off the oxygen supply to the womb, resulting in inflammation and pain.
Read Also: How to stop your period or excessive menstrual bleeding with lemon
Types of Menstrual Cramps (Dysmenorrhea)
Menstrual cramps or painful periods are of two types:
Primary Dysmenorrhea
Secondary Dysmenorrhea
Primary dysmenorrhea is menstrual cramps that come when you get your period and as earlier said, it typically starts a day or two before you get your period and lasts for 2–3 days.
Secondary dysmenorrhea, on the other hand, is a painful period that could come later in life.
Women with secondary dysmenorrhea have this condition as a result of one or more underlying health conditions like endometriosis, uterine fibroid, cervical adenosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, or adenomyosis.
Top symptoms of a painful period you should look out for include mild to the extreme pain, nausea, vomiting, headaches, dizziness, and diarrhea.
Read Also: Abnormally Long Period: Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Irregular Periods
Risk Factors of Menstrual Cramps (Dysmenorrhea)
Dysmenorrhea most times doesn’t just happen, some women are more at risk of developing it than others.
Here are some risk factors of painful periods you should know:
Haven begun your first menstruation before the age of 11.
Having a family history of it.
Being a young lady who’s never had a child.
Having unhealthy lifestyle habits like smoking.
Being young of age; 20 years and below.
Read Also: 5 Things You Should Avoid During Your Period
How is Menstrual Cramps Diagnosed?
Menstrual cramps are usually diagnosed with the symptoms described. In some cases, an ultrasound would be performed to ascertain the root cause of it.
Natural Treatment for Menstrual Cramps (Dysmenorrhea)
If you get saddled with such intense menstrual cramps each month, here are eight alternative remedies for menstrual pain you should try:
1. Apply a Heating Pad
Research has it that applying heat to your abdomen will relieve menstrual pain to bring you comfort as it helps to relax the blood vessels and increase blood flow.
Apply a heating pad or a hot water bottle to your abdomen and lower back. You can also opt for a hot bath and soak for upward of 20 minutes to get the much-needed relief.
2. Eat Some Carrots
Carrots help regularise bleeding, which makes it ideal for periods. It is also rich in iron which your body especially needs at this time of the month.
There are several ways you can take in carrot: you can decide to chew it raw, take it as a juice, or whip up some amazing carrot delicacies.
3. Perform Some Exercises
Exercising is one of the best natural remedies for menstrual cramps. When you exercise, your body releases beta-endorphins, an opioid and a kind of pain relief.
So no matter how painful the cramps, you should try to carry out some light to moderate exercises around the house or outdoors.
4. Aloe Vera and Honey Drink
Aloe vera has great healing benefits. It is anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antibacterial and will help regulate your blood flow which makes it a great choice for relieving menstrual cramps.
To use, brew a cup of tea using the juice from the aloe vera plant and sweeten with a teaspoon of honey to reduce its bitter taste. Take this every few hours to get the much craved for relief
5. Ginger
Ginger is also anti-inflammatory and will bring you soothing relief when taken. Like aloe vera, it can also be brewed into a cup of tea and sweetened with honey or peppermint.
You can opt for a fresh ginger root or brew a cup using ginger powder.
If using ginger root, peel and grate ginger, then steep in a cup of boiling water for 10–15 minutes. You want to make the water extremely hot so it extracts the ginger flavor and also remains sufficiently hot enough when you are ready to take it.
Once done, strain liquid into a cup and sweeten with honey (optional).
6. Drink Very Hot Liquid
Another great remedy for menstrual cramps is a very hot liquid (as hot as you can stand). This liquid can be anything: from soups to just hot water.
Take a cup of this as often as you want for fast relief.
7. Carry Out a Massage
A lot of women also report getting relief from the pain by performing some mild to moderate massage around their abdomen.
You should lay on your back and get someone to carry out this massage around your stomach region if doing it yourself isn’t comfortable.
8. Take Some Pain Relief Few Days Before Your Period is Due
While not a natural method, taking some over-the-counter pain meds like ibuprofen a few days before your period is due has also been proven to be super effective.
The Bottom Line:
The good news is that while menstrual cramps come every month. The pain does reduce in gravity as you age and soon you will have a pain-free period.
Also, giving birth has also been known to put a stop to this pain, so giving birth doesn’t just bring a beautiful gift into your life, it also eliminates a painful part of you.
source: HealthZigzag
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healthzigzag · 5 years
Iodine: Benefits, Uses, Side Effects, Interactions, Dosage, and Warning
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Iodine is an essential micronutrient and present in very small quantities in our body. It is part of the hormones produced by the thyroid gland, the thyroid hormones. In the fetus and young children, thyroid hormones regulate the growth and development of most organs, especially the brain and cell differentiation. At any age, they also stimulate metabolism and oxygen consumption by the tissues.
What is iodine for?
At the production of thyroid hormones (T3 and T4)
Regulate the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins
To develop the nervous system
To promote the normal functioning of the heart
Iodine promotes the development and functioning of muscles
To promote the growth and maturation of the skeleton
To stimulate lactation in breastfeeding women
Iodine promote the health of the skin, hair, nails, etc
To promote gastrointestinal mobility
To regulate the basal metabolism (expresses the energy expenditure at rest)
Here are major health benefits of iodine
1. Healthy metabolism
It keeps your thyroid function running smoothly because it produces two hormones, thyroxine, and triiodothyronine, both of which affect the basal metabolic rate. Which allows the body to absorb nutrients properly, move them throughout the body. and improve your sleep cycle. Secretions of the thyroid glands have a direct impact on cognitive health and development.
2. Iodine benefits your health to maintain the energy level
Iodine plays an important role in breaking down complex fats and carbohydrates by maintaining a healthy metabolic rate. Your metabolism helps the body stay energized by effectively absorbing nutrients while eliminating fat retention. Iodine ensures that energy levels remain sufficient.
3. Iodine benefits in hair and skincare problems
Iodine deficiency has been associated with hair loss – iodine helps strengthen hair follicles and promote hair growth. In addition, it also helps regenerate skin cells. To gain more health benefits of iodine add it to your daily routine diet.
4. Development of the fetus
During pregnancy, iodine deficiency can cause abortion or premature delivery. In children, it disrupts growth. A more serious deficiency causes cretinism in children.
A child born with iodine deficiency may have deformities. The need for iodine is such that its deficiency can cause infertility in women. Even mild iodine deficiency during pregnancy may have adverse effects on the brain development of newborns. This could lead to a decline in mental development, and in the long run, a reduction in children’s intelligence scores. So mothers should use iodine to benefit newborn babies’ health.
5. Iodine benefits for stronger immunity
It helps the body retain vitamin C and stimulates the activity of antioxidants in the body. The proper use and facilitation of antioxidants lead to a stronger defense mechanism of the immune system.
6. Iodine benefits in Prevention of hypothyroidism
Its deficit can be the cause of many abnormal functions of the body, hypothyroidism being one. This condition affects the activity of the thyroid gland and slows it down considerably, resulting in inadequate metabolic function. Which can slow down many other processes of regeneration and absorption in the body… This also leads to unmanageable weight gain because the body does not break down fat properly and begins to accumulate fat. Hypothyroidism causes intense fatigue, dry skin and negatively affects brain activity.
7. Treat fibrocystic diseases of the breast
Iodine prevents the formation of cysts and non-cancerous nodules in the breast that is the cause of pain.
8. Iodine helps to prevent Cancer
It is strongly linked to the reduction of cancer of the thyroid gland. It also has a similar effect on all cancer cells and tumors.
9. Facilitates apoptosis
Apoptosis is programmed cell death; it’s part of the body’s regenerative process. Through this process, the body is able to cause cell death in cancer cells and other damaged cells. This is strongly related to the proper secretion of hormones by the thyroid gland.
10. Elimination of toxins
It helps the body eliminate harmful chemicals, such as lead, mercury and other harmful biological toxins. It also has antibacterial properties.
11. A cure for goiter
Given the fact that iodine deficiency is the main cause of goiter, increasing iodine intake can benefit and make all the difference. Adding iodine-enriched eggs, seaweed, and salt to your diet, and fish can help meet your iodine needs.
Sources of iodine
In Canada, the standard dietary intake for an adult is 150 mcg (micrograms) of iodine per day. Opinions are divided about this dosage. Indeed, in the 2006 New England Journal of Medicine, 400 mcg is offered as a supplement to achieve the desired health effects. In Japan, where people are heavy consumers of algae, food intake can easily exceed several milligrams (mg) per day. With the latest findings on the roles of iodine (cysts, breast cancer, salivary glands, and thymus), it can be assumed that baseline intakes will increase.
Health Canada has a maximum tolerable intake of 1000 mcg (1 mg) per day.
Some foods naturally contain iodine such as seafood, fish and some seaweed. Milk and dairy products also contain iodine in varying amounts due to iodine-based disinfectants used at the time of milking. Table salt and sea salt do not contain iodine naturally. Iodization of table salt has been mandatory in Canada for many years and is widely used in many countries such as France and the United States. On the other hand, sea salt is not necessarily enriched in iodine.
Iodine content in different foodsFoodIodine content in micrograms per 100 g
Cod liver oil 838
Haddock (the famous haddock when smoked) 318
Salmon 245
Cod 143
scampi 130
Lobster 102
shellfish 78
Oysters 57
Food Iodine content in micrograms per 100 g
Bacon 9.7
eggs 9.3
Bacon 7.7
Butter 5.6
Cheese 5
Pork 4.5
Cow milk 3.5
Iodized table salt (1 teaspoon) (6 g)380
Iodized salt does not contain as much iodine as one might think. After opening the salt container, a majority of the iodine evaporates between 20 and 40 days.
Some foods such as watercress, cabbage, broccoli, turnip, rutabaga, radish, mustard greens, horseradish, pine nuts, millet, cassava, and peanut can hinder the use of iodine by the thyroid gland. Cruciferae, however, are still good for health, it is not recommended to remove them completely from the diet, only to cook them slightly to reduce the activity of goitrogenic molecules.
Iodine supplement
Kelp is a seaweed that is an excellent natural source of iodine, minerals and trace elements. It helps to regulate the thyroid activity, which intervenes favorably in the hormonal balance of the body. In addition, by providing the iodine necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid, kelp helps maintain a healthy metabolism. This results in a better ability of the body to burn accumulated fat. Its content of minerals and trace elements provides a lot of essential nutrients to the body, supports several glandular functions and increases energy.
If you plan to use an iodine supplement, check with your pharmacist. The pharmacist can help you make a wise choice based on your health condition and the medications you are taking.
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healthzigzag · 5 years
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Black tea is a popular hot drink consumed tremendously around the world. It is known for many health benefits such as improving digestion, reducing stress and preventing diabetes. What about other benefits of black tea on the body and health?. We have gone a little further to present 7 benefits that most people do not know.
Discover the benefits of black tea as you read on!
Flavonoids, a type of antioxidant found in black tea, can prevent many cardiovascular problems such as arterial blockages, stroke, and more. Indeed, this antioxidant attacks bad cholesterol by preventing its oxidation. In other words, drinking black tea prevents the formation of blood clots and helps keep the arteries healthy. Moreover, black tea, like most teas, contains polyphenols that help maintain the functions of the heart muscle. So, does drinking tea help to keep your heart healthy? Definitely!
Free radicals are unstable oxygen molecules that roam freely in our bodies. Normally these molecules stay with other types of molecules and form a normal chemical composition. However, free radicals will try to attach to our cells. Which can cause serious problems by destroying some healthy cells? Arthritis, cancer, and asthma are possible causes.
One of the benefits of black tea is that it is full of antioxidants and therefore reduces these risks of disease. If you want something more visual, think of rust on metal. This is exactly the same phenomenon that occurs in our bodies.
It is well known that the dry mouth feeling associated with the first sip is something that all tea drinkers know, but especially the Earl Gray drinkers. It is the amount of tannin in black tea that causes this sensation. This form of antioxidant also acts as an antibiotic and eliminates bad bacteria from the mouth. This helps to keep good breath and healthy teeth.
Tea is often discredited when it comes to talking about stimulating drinks. A large majority of people see tea as drinks to relax and be less stressed. That’s true in part. Black tea like many other kinds of tea contains less caffeine. On the other hand, a lower rate improves blood flow to the brain without stimulating the heart or overstimulating the brain. The high amount of caffeine and catechin in the coffee causes famous energy losses a few hours after consumption. You do not have that effect with tea. Another benefit of black tea super interesting!
As mentioned above, black tea contains stimulants. This does not only help to improve the concentration and alertness of the mind. They also help boost the body’s metabolism and “fat-burning” action. Although tea alone will not make any visible difference in the short term, it’s a powerful ally to incorporate into its daily diet. Moreover, many people do not like black tea for its taste much stronger than others. There are, however, natural flavors such as maple or raspberry.
A little further up in the article, it was mentioned the power of antioxidants and their impact on free radicals that causes oxidation. Although it is good for the immune system, bad oxidation can complicate things. As oxidation affects the cells, they no longer respond properly to the instructions given by the body. This can cause very serious problems like cancer. Despite the many studies carried out on this subject, the scientific community is still very divided on the subject.
Osteoporosis is a disease caused by the degeneration of bone tissue and deterioration of bone mass. More than two million Canadians have been affected by this disease. Black tea tends to have more phytochemical components through its manufacturing process, which helps to strengthen bones and increase their mass.
The Bottom Line
Finally, black tea holds, like a large majority of teas, several other benefits that are yet to be discovered. Many scientists and nutritionists focus on demystifying certain elements and benefits of tea and proving their impact on the body. Now that you know these benefits of black tea, do not hesitate to share them and drink them.
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healthzigzag · 5 years
10 Proven health benefits of eating spinach
10 Proven health benefits of eating spinach
Spinach benefits
Many people put spinach aside in their diet, yet this ingredient in the fruit and vegetable family has many advantages. If you want to eat a healthy diet and eat well, you need to focus on this beneficial food.
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Health Zigzag Images – spinach nutritional value
Top benefits of spinach on your health
Whether raw or cooked, spinach will…
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healthzigzag · 5 years
What is green coffee? Everything you need to know
What is green coffee? Everything you need to know
Green coffee is becoming increasingly common in the health and wellness community.
As such, you may have heard about the rich range of health-promoting plant-based substances.
This article focuses on green coffee, including its potential benefits and risks.
What is green coffee?
Green coffee beans are ordinary coffee beans that are not roasted and remain completely raw.
Their extract is popular…
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healthzigzag · 5 years
Breast Cancer: Causes, Symptoms, Risks and Treatment
Breast Cancer: Causes, Symptoms, Risks and Treatment
Breast Cancer: Causes, Symptoms, Risks, and Treatment
What is breast cancer?
Breast cancer is the abnormal and disorderly growth of breast tissue cells, forming a malignant tumor. It is initially located in the breast, then it can spread to other organs if it is treated on time.
What relevance does this disease have?
After skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in women in…
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healthzigzag · 5 years
How to stop your period or excessive menstrual bleeding with lemon
How to stop your period or excessive menstrual bleeding with lemon
How to stop your period or excessive menstrual bleeding with lemon – very effective remedy
Menstruation is a physiological process by which women go through each month and involves the expulsion of unfertilized eggs through the vagina. When this process ever coincides with an important event or if it is too long and / or abundant, it is normal for many women to wonder if there is any way to stop…
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healthzigzag · 5 years
Skin Cancer: Causes, Symptoms, Types and Treatment
Skin Cancer: Causes, Symptoms, Types and Treatment
Nonmelanoma skin cancer is the better-known type of skin cancer. It is called non-melanoma, because this group of tumors includes all types of skin cancer, except one: Malignant melanoma. Which is cancer that develops from melanocytes.
If you want to know about typical skin disorders then click the link given below:
 All About Typical Skin Disorders
Causes Of Skin Cancer
Genetic predisposition is…
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healthzigzag · 5 years
15 Proven Health Benefits Of Spanish Olive Oil
15 Proven Health Benefits Of Spanish Olive Oil
Proven Health Benefits Of Spanish Olive Oil
Did you know that olive oil is one of the most natural and healthy foods that exist? This is mainly because when processing any single chemical used processes only mechanical processes. Spanish olive oil is really super healthy and can also help you take care of your body and heal insect bites and wounds. How? You can read that here.
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healthzigzag · 5 years
What is intermittent fasting?
What is intermittent fasting?
Each season brings a new nutritional trend to lose weight. Now, everyone talks about intermittent fasting. “It is important to note that fasting cannot be considered a diet. Since this pattern implies restricting food for a certain period of time. while the concept of diet refers to the usual intake of food and beverages.
“Intermittent fasting consists of establishing more specific time intervals…
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healthzigzag · 5 years
9 Proven Health Benefits Of Almonds
9 Proven Health Benefits Of Almonds
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healthzigzag · 5 years
Do Sugar Free Sodas Get Fat?
Do Sugar Free Sodas Get Fat?
Many times we substitute sugar sodas for sugar-free sodas, but do you know if sugar-free sodas really get fat?
Currently, sugar-free sodas are taking the place from sodas with sugar. The worry about getting fat makes us opt for less caloric drinks, but really, do sugar-free sodas get fat?
In no case should soft drinks replace water as a hydration drink for the proper functioning of our body.
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healthzigzag · 5 years
Amazing health benefits of eating purple onion
Amazing health benefits of eating purple onion
If you usually separate this food from your meals because of its strong smell and taste, knowing the benefits of purple onion could change your preference. Yes, this plant is within the group of nutrients that favor your overall health.
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healthzigzag · 5 years
5 Health Benefits Of Hot Chocolate Milk
5 Health Benefits Of Hot Chocolate Milk
Health Benefits Of Hot Chocolate Milk
The delicious taste of hot chocolate milk is not the only good thing we can enjoy. But this drink also presents a series of properties that can provide health benefits beyond what everyone might think.
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healthzigzag · 5 years
Health Benefits OF Broccoli
Health Benefits OF Broccoli
There are regular reports of the many health benefits of broccoli (and other types of cabbage such as brussels sprouts). They could protect against various cancers, high blood pressure, prevent cardiovascular disease and diabetes, are good for the eyes and memory and so on. If we can believe those many messages, broccoli is one of the healthiest vegetables, a real ‘superfood‘. But is this also…
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healthzigzag · 5 years
Ginger: Properties And Health Benefits
Ginger: Properties And Health Benefits
Properties, Risks and Health Benefits of Ginger
Ginger is considered as part of the superfood group (a category of food marketing), named for being foods with a high density of nutrients beneficial to health. In the kitchen it is a valued flavoring and perfume for meals; In the phytotherapeutic kit, it is a powerful natural home remedy.
What is ginger
Ginger (zingiber Officinale) is a plant of…
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