headlesschaos · 3 years
Skull Shirt
Katsuki had a favorite shirt, it was a black skull shirt. He would always wear it when he felt like he needed to be lucky or just want to look good that day. He loved that shirt with all his pride, and now he couldn’t find it. He looked in his closet, in the laundry, in other people’s rooms, under his bed, everywhere he could think of. He was going to hang out with (Y/n) and he couldn’t find his shirt.
He was freaking out, to say the least. He walked angrily to Kirishima’s room and slammed the door open. “What the fuck am I supposed to do? I can’t find it anywhere.” He walked over and laid on Kirishima’s bed. Kirishima turns in his chair at his desk and looks at Bakugou.
“Why can’t you wear another shirt? I mean it's not like that was your only good shirt or she gave it to you. I’m sure you'll find it later just put something else on.” Kirishima said, trying to cheer up his bro. But Katsuki wasn’t having it.
“No, I want to wear that one. I always wear it when I need some fucking luck and I fucking need that piece of shit right now.” He groans and lays on the bed taking up all the room. Kirishima tilts his head confused.
“But all you’re going to do is to hang out with (Y/n). What would you need your lucky shirt for?” Bakugou stares at the ceiling then looks at the other wall to hide his blushing face from Kirishima.
“I was going to ask her to go see a movie with me this weekend. I already asked Mr. Aizawa and he said it was fine. Now I can’t fucking do it!” he said frustrated.
“Do what?” bakugou’s whole world stopped when he heard your sleep voice. He didn’t expect you to just walk into Kirishima's room like that. But then again everyone in the group did that. He sits up to look at you better, a sigh falling from his lips.
“Nothing, don’t fucking- wait is that my shirt?”
It took him a moment to realize but you were standing in front of him wearing his black skull shirt. The shirt was big on you, it was slightly hanging off your shoulder while it almost reached your knees. But he couldn’t deny the blush that was all over his face when he saw you wearing it.
You looked down at the shirt then back at him and shrug. “Yeah, it is. Now are we playing video games or can I head back to my room?” As you said as you showed him your (f/c) controller. Bakugou smiles a tiny bit seeing you stand there in short with his shirt on before going over and walking with you to his room. Kirishima looked at you two and smiled at you both as you head to Baku's room.
“Hey, can I play against the winner?”
“No, you fucking can’t.”
“Don’t forget to ask her Baku-bro.”
“Ask me what?”
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headlesschaos · 3 years
A bit of spoilers, as long as your caught up with the anime and have watched season 3 you should be fine.
A BIT OF CONTENT TO THE STORY: Bakugou and Reader aren't really dating yet but are interested in each other. The reader is Izuku's sister so she has known Bakugou since childhood.
First time writing a oneshot. Please enjoy. No stealing my work, please.
In the middle of the night, my peaceful slumber was interrupted by someone kicking my legs. I whimpered a bit not wanting to get up, but the movement in the bed didn’t stop. Suddenly the person next to me shot up, they started panting trying to catch their breath. My eyes shoot open trying to figure out who was next to me.
I turn my head a bit, spotting a bit of blonde-looking hair in the dark and a well-built body. ‘Katsuki… oh that's right we fell asleep while studying.’ I thought, closing my eyes again, resting back down.
Once Katsuki caught his breath I felt his hand brush my forehead shakingly when a small crackle was heard. ‘His Quirk?’ He shot up from bed and started looking for something in my room.
“Shit, shit, shit, where the fuck is that fuck ass wipe?” He said in a low voice. I sit up spotting the ash-blonde run around my room, looking for the towel he came in with. He grabbed the towel from the table and wiped his hands. He was still cursing under his breath.
“Katsuki?” I say calling out to him.
I stared at his back as he stopped wiping his hands, he looked at his hands then over his shoulder to me. “I didn’t mean to wake you. Go back to sleep.” He says in a soothing voice. Though it nearly put me to sleep again, something about his voice stopped me.
Opening my eyes that I didn’t realize were close. “Bakugou, tell me what's wrong?” I told him in a tired voice. I swear I saw his body tense up as he looked towards my bedroom door. “Nothings fucking wrong just go back to sleep. I’m going to go back to my room so you’ll have your bed to yourself again. This was a fucking bad idea, so jus-”
“How long?” I asked, I knew he was playing an escape root. Something happened, whatever it was he wanted to hide, and I had a feeling I knew what it was. “What!?!” he asked, turning his head to me.
His red eyes glared sharply at mine, I almost want to hide under the covers instead. “You're having nightmares aren’t you?” I asked him. His body tensed and his face just turned angrier than before.
“I’m not having a fucking nightmare! Who the fuck do you think you're dealing with? A child? I’m not a fucking baby (Y/n) I don’t get fucking-.” He scolded me, but I cut him off. “Everyone has nightmares Katsuki! We all have fears! We’re human, we have flaws, it's a thing that happens all the time!” I say to him, lowering my voice at the end cause it was the middle of the night.
I couldn’t see him clearly but I could tell he was shaking. “I-I don’t- It’s not a nightmare okay. I may be human but I’m not a fucking pathetic weakling.”
I look at him, a sigh falls from my lips. “I…” I started but then paused before continuing. “I have nightmares at times,” I say, admitting my fault. “About the sludge villain, about failing, and about the incidents with the villains. When you were taken away, I had nightmares, I panicked. Am I weak and pathetic because of that?” I asked looking down at the bedsheets, my arms were crossed for comfort.
There was silence before Katsuki answered. “No, you're not,” he says, placing the towel in his hands down onto the chair. I felt his eyes burn into my body, it was silent again. “Then why does it make you?”
I heard him groan as he clenched his fist. “This isn’t about me,” he says sharply. I looked at the sheets not wanting to meet his eyes. “But it is, how am I supposed to be here and support you if you won’t tell me what's going on with you. Katsuki I can't be by your side like you want and just not know a thing. I need you to tell me.” I say my eyes started to water. I tried my best to hold it back.
His body started to shake. “I’m fucking fine, I don’t need you to get in my goddamn business!” In anger rose my voice letting it all out. “Then what am I here for? Just to have around? To sit there, look pretty, smile, and act like it's okay? Because if that's what I’m supposed to do then I want no part of this.” Tears ran down my face and my voice cracked at the end a lot. I tried to stop myself from crying, but it was proving to be difficult. Why wouldn't he just talk to me?
I heard the floor creak as I tried to wipe my tears. I was pulled into a hug by strong arms, one around my waist and the other on my head. I continued to cry as Katsuki held me. “What do you want from me? What am I supposed to be to you?” I asked him in tears.
He lifted my head up cupping it with both hands, his thumbs wiping and tears. He leaned forwards and kissed my forehead. Before putting his forehead on top of mine. His red ruby eyes gazed into mine as I held tightly to his t-shirt.
“Be my everything.”
It was all he had to say to make me crumble at his touch, he pulled me closer onto his lap. One arm around my waist as the other was on my face. I held that hand there, kissing onto it then rubbing my face onto it, falling in love with the warmth it created. His thumb rubbed circles again on my cheek.
“Be my fucking everything, the damsel I have to fucking rescue, my hero to fucking recuse me.” I laughed when he said that, but he just continues. “Correct me when I’m wrong, cheer me on when I’m fucking right. Help me when I’m about to give up, be there for me when I don’t. Put up with me when I’m a jerk, and let me put up with you when you're stubborn. Make me laugh, share moments like this with me. Tell me it's okay to be scared when I am… like I am right now.”
My eyes widened as he admitted his secret to me. I let go of his hand and cupped his face to see his eyes better. The ruby eyes showed me no lies, it showed me that yes indeed he was scared, but this time willing to share. A sigh fell from his lips as he closed his eyes for a brief moment to push his pride away before meeting my eyes again.
“Yes, I had a nightmare about the sludge villain. I couldn’t breathe and he was holding me back from getting to you. The fire fuck dude had you, he was burning you until you were in pain and that blonde bitch was stabbing you. And the other fucking hand guy just kept saying ‘should have joined us when you fucking had the chance. How can you be a hero if you can’t save yourself or her?’” He started to shake again, terrified of reliving his dream.
“Katsu.” I say grabbing his hand that had fallen to my shoulders before placing it over my heart. “I’m right here, Katsu. I won’t leave if I don’t have to. I know you’ll protect me.” But he pulled his hand away from me, tears gathered in his eyes. “But what if I can’t? What then?” he asked me, looking at me through his tears.
“Your human Katsu, you can’t always save everyone. You won’t always save everyone, but you will always be number one in my heart. It doesn’t matter anyway, what matters is right now. You and me being together right now, is all that matters.” I say with a smile. I knew I couldn’t tell him a lie. He was too smart and he knew the truth. I just had to remind him of the present moment.
Tears fell from his eyes as he just nodded then bared his head into my neck. I felt tears land on my neck as I rub his back and my fingers get lost in his soft fluffy hair. I felt us start to lean back then we fell onto the bed. “Ah Baku, my bed,” I say worried about him accidentally breaking it.
“Shut up and go the fuck to sleep.” I smile as I play with his hair, he wasn’t leaving me tonight, and all was better now. I slowly fell to sleep when I felt Katsu lift his head and kiss my cheek.
“(Y/n)?” he called out to me. “Yes?” I asked him. “What am I to you?” he asked me. Being tired and in the middle of sleep, I answer back.
“My jerky, cussing, childhood friend, that I had a crush on, that I also hated for nearly all my life. Now I’m waiting for you to ask me to be your girlfriend. To sum up everything, my crappy everything. Now go to sleep.” I say, it came out drowsy and tried but he got his answer. He smiled ear to ear, feeling high and mighty. He didn’t even care about the other half of the answer. He was your crappy everything.
“So that means you love me right?”
“Yes,” you answer without a second thought.
“I’m the fucking best?”
“Yes.” He smiles and basically screams/celebrates in his head.
“Am I better than Deku?” He asked with a smirk on his face.
He glared at your silent form, he noticed that you were asleep. He blushes as he realizes that 1. You're cute when you're asleep, 2. You were in his arms and 3. You still didn’t answer the question. He nudged his nose on your face not wanting to unwrap his arms. You groan a bit but open your eyes slightly.
“Am I better than Deku?” He asked again, wanting an answer from you.
“Yes.” He cheered in his head. “But only by a bit…. and I’m better than both of you.”..... Wait, what? But before he could correct you, you were back to sleep. This time he didn’t bother you and closed his eyes pulling you in closer.
Izuku then walked up to your door early in the morning to ask you if you wanted to run some laps before starting today. Only find your door wide open with Kirishima and Ochaco standing there with their phones.
“Um… what are you two doing in my sister's room?” they both turn around. Ochaco blushed but before she could answer Kirishima got to it first. “See for yourself.” Izuku stepped into the room more, he stopped once he saw Katsuki and you. He paused for a moment to take what was in front of him.
At first, Kirishima thought that maybe his bro didn’t have Izuku’s approval, Ochaco was praying that Izuku would let you date Katsuki because she really shipped you and him. But then Izuku pulled out his phone and took some pictures before walking towards the door pushing the other two out.
“Um... Izuku, Katsuki didn’t do anything wrong I swear. Both of their clothes are still on and Bakugou wouldn’t touch her in her sleep. That isn’t manly.” Kirishima said worried as they were being pushed out so Izuku could yell at them. Ochaco looked at Izuku clearly confused as well. “Deku-kun?”
Izuku finishes pushing them out then closes the door keeping all three of them out. He just smiles at them. “Let’s give them time. I'll come back and check on them after my morning jog. They both should be up by then.” He says walking towards the elevator. Ochaco looked at him. “But Deku-kun, what about the pictures you took?” she asked.
“Oh those, I’m sending them to mom and saving them to put them in the (ship name) memory book.” He smiles as he gets into the elevator, he looks at them. “Would you like to see the pictures I collected so far?” Kirishima nodded and followed Izuku while Ochaco was amazed. Izuku was completely okay with this.
“Wait? How long have you been shipping them?” There was silence between them before Izuku pressed the close door button. “Not that long. Maybe since kindergarten?” he answers as the doors close.
“What? Izuku!?!”
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