“If through a broken heart God can bring His purposes to pass in the world, then thank Him for breaking your heart.” -Oswald Chambers
Exciting news, everyone! With the money you helped raise, we are able to purchase a wonderful electrocardiography machine, which measures and records electrical activity in the heart. Funny the way everything ties together, right? Have a Heart for Egbe with heart shaped cupcakes raising money for cardiology equipment... I am particularly excited because our Shaylee Heckler (whom this would have been impossible without) is officially on the team working in Egbe this September/October! (possibly along with a wonderful cardiothoracic surgeon! Also very fitting.) Shaylee will represent us well. The team will be working in many ways through medicine, training, construction, childcare, and in any way possible for the needs at hand in the hospital and with the revitalization project. Though you all have helped immensely with the machine, some of the members of this team will need help with the costs of travel. We will be selling t-shirts later this month to help those, like Shaylee, who are willing to serve but do not have the means. Keep your eyes open for more about the t-shirts, and message/comment/text/call Shaylee Heckler, Sanjana Kantayya, or simply this page if you are interested in t-shirts or for more information!
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Better is a little with righteousness than great revenues with injustice.
Proverbs 16:8
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"Now if this is foolishness, then let us embrace it. Let this fight against the monster of apathy and indifference. Let the seduction of comfort and convenience and conformity be dead and buried, and let us go to war against injustice and oppression. Let our faith and our hope and our love unite us, and may the story of our lives in all things reflect the wonder and grace of Jesus’ name."
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February is almost over! We have been blessed with many wonderful volunteers, and we are so so grateful. There is still some time left, though! We will take orders until March 2nd...so get your orders in!!
Thank you so much for supporting us in this. Keep your eyes open for events and opportunities after February! Questions/order [email protected]!
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Our "kick-off" was last night! We are so excited about all of your support, and we already are raising good amounts for Egbe! Praise God!  We've been bakingbakingbaking, and the cupcakes are great. We have chocolate-chocolate chip cake or white cake, along with either mint frosting or standard frosting. You can purchase cupcakes before/after services on Wednesdays and Sundays at Rock Church or custom order them. If you haven't obtained an order form yet, please request one at [email protected] or in our "contact us" section. You can pick-up or drop-off order forms at any time during the month of February at the Rock Church office (6732 Harrison Ave. Rockford, IL 61108, Mon-Fri, 9 am-5 pm), or with Shaylee Heckler and Sanjana Kantayya. Various other people are handing out order forms as well. Order some for your family, work place, friends, or talk to us about selling them for Valentine's Day at your school! We will keep you posted on events throughout the community where you can buy cupcakes.
If you're interested in volunteering to help bake on Tuesday nights (5pm-8pm) or Saturday afternoons (12:30pm-3:30pm) please contact us!
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“In Nigeria, when you tell people, ‘see you tomorrow’ they reply ‘God willing’ and they mean it with all their hearts,” she said. “They literally live day to day, counting it a blessing to make it to the next morning, to the next week, to the next month and the next birthday! This is why Egbe Hospital is in desperate need of revitalizing—to offer health care to a desperate continent and a desperate people. “... 
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Practice runs are running! Are you ready for February? We're getting excited.
Order forms will be available this Sunday, January 29th at Rock Church (6732 Harrison Ave. Rockford, IL 61108 between and after services), from Shaylee Heckler or Sanjana Kantayya, or emailed upon request from [email protected]. Various others will be handing out order forms as well, but the forms must be returned to the above locations or people. All of the profits will go directly to ECWA Hospital for hospital supplies and other necessities. Any and all donations are appreciated! If you have any questions please contact us at [email protected]. Let the fundraising begin!
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Have a Heart for Egbe
ECWA (Evangelical Church Winning All) hospital is a rural teaching hospital in Egbe, Nigeria. It serves the surrounding Kogi State area by equipping people for careers in medicine and providing care and treatment to a vastly unreached land. The impact this facility has is life-changing. But there's a problem... Over the past few years, due to a lack of funds and support, the hospital has been struggling to thrive. The work being done in Egbe cannot be sustained without help. This is where YOU come in... A revitalization project has been organized and mobilized. The ultimate goal is to restore the hospital by the means of updating equipment, reconstructing buildings, and recruiting and placing staff. All of these things require funding and will not be easily obtained. Have a Heart for Egbe will be selling our heart-shaped cupcakes starting the month of February 2012. All of the profits will go to aid the revitalization effort, and any/all donations are much appreciated. We need you to join in and become a part of something bigger than yourself. This February, won't you have a "heart" for Egbe? If you would like to make a donation directly to the project go to: http://egbehospital.org/donations_egbe_hospital.asp or https://usanet.sim.org/SIMGift/projects.php (type in project number 96214 then follow the prompts)
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