guillotinethebanshee · 3 months
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guillotinethebanshee · 3 months
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guillotinethebanshee · 3 months
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Hekate is the darkness, and the light that illuminates the darkness.
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My Thanksgiving correspondences (100% UPG):
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🦃 Symbols: Turkey, pilgrims, indigenous people, cornucopia and autumn leaves.
🟤 Colors: Brown, green, red, orange, yellow, gold.
🌌Deities: All that represent home and hearth, also abundance, prosperity and harvest deities.
🐝 Animals: Turkey, bees, white tailed deer, coyotes.
💎 Stones/Gems/Crystals: Pyrite, Citrine, Tigers Eye, Green Aventurine, Orange Calcite, Malachite, Carnelian, Tiger Iron, Amber, Emerald, Zircon, Moss Agate, Orange Aventurine.
🍠 Foods: Turkey, game birds (i.e. Pheasant and Quail), cranberries, potatoes, yams, pumpkin, apple, oranges, breads, grains, squash, corn, peas, green beans, wine, mead, apple cider, mulled wine.
🌿 Herbs & Spices: Nutmeg, clove, allspice, cinnamon, thyme, rosemary, galangal root, calendula, lemon balm, ginger, cardamom, spearmint, patchouli, lemongrass, apple.
💧Essential oils: Clove, pine, cinnamon, lemongrass, apple, pumpkin, orange, spearmint.
💲Activities: Feasting and spending time with family, nature walks, enjoying a hot drink, reminiscing about the past and telling stories, thanking your deities, giving back to Earth, donating to food banks/charities and homeless shelters, wealth and money spells, abundance spells, prosperity spells, home and hearth spell work, inner reflection and journeying.
♀️Goddesses: Vesta (Roman), Hestia (Greek), Bast (Egyptian), Frigga (Norse).
♂️ Gods: Dionysus (Greek), Cernunnos (Celtic), Pan (Greek), Njord (Norse).
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Plutonian Moon Magick
As a celestial witch and death witch combo, I consider my craft Plutonian and have for quite a while! And with Pluto comes many wonderful and helpful moons that I love to incorporate into my craft. Hopefully this can be helpful to cosmic and death witches alike!
Pluto in a nutshell is all about death and resurrection, the unknown and secrets, and cosmic purpose and destiny. But what about the moons? All of Pluto’s moons have great significance and are tied to The Underworld. Let’s dive in!
🚣 Charon - named after the ferryman that takes souls to The Underworld; he often is paid with a coin. The correspondences relating to Charon are relating to the process of a transformation, and can be invoked for assistance in said process or in helping spirits cross over. Charon can also assist in travel spells.
🐍 Hydra - named after a serpent-like monster said to reside at the entrance to The Underworld. The correspondence relating to Hydra is multiplying strength, and can be invoked for assistance in spells for personal power or protection that multiplies/strengthens with every hit.
🐕 Kerberos - named after the three-headed guard dog of The Underworld. The correspondences relating to Kerberos are protection and intimidation, and can be invoked for powerful protection spells, wards, etc. 
🌑 Nix - named after the goddess of night, Nyx. The correspondences relating to Nix are the night, dreams, darkness, and intimidating feminine power, and can be invoked for nighttime magick or help finding a way in darkness. Nix can also assist in “dark” magick, a unique type of glamour magick, or magick fit to help bring about power.  
🌊 Styx - named after the goddess of the River Styx, aka the primary river between the Earth and Underworld. The correspondences relating to Styx are invulnerability, hatred, and strong promises, and can be invoked for invulnerability spells and curses of hatred. Styx can also be invoked for any death/cosmic witchery including the element of water. 
I hope this helped a few fellow death witches/celestial witches!
Some constellations you can also pair with working with Pluto:
Phoenix - rebirth.
Caelum - tools for change; the end of one thing to bring about something new. 
Corona Borealis - new love after the death of an old love.
Scutum - a shield; protection.
Vulpecula - deception; fox (Pluto’s animal).
Lupus - negative transformation; secrets and rumors.
Lacerta - death and resurrection.
Musca - rebirth and the cycle of life. 
Lacerta + Musca - cycles of life and death in nature; bring about great change.
Corvus - lies and punishments; crow.
Horologium - the cycles of time and life.
Circinus - completeness and cycles.
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Have a stellar day! 
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Offering Ideas For Loki, God Of Mischief
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Snake skin, wolf fur, horse fur, fox fur, salmon scales (ethically sourced)
Fire. Safely.
Wolf imagery
Snake imagery
Horse imagery
Fox imagery
Salmon imagery
Fly imagery
Spider imagery
Walrus imagery
Animal bones/teeth (ethically sourced)
Daggers/dagger imagery
Harmless pranks
Trinkets/toys from your childhood
Do some stand up!
Wear a bold outfit
Donate to LGBTQ+ organizations
Donate to children’s shelters/organizations
Donate to animal shelters
Go outside for a bit
Take your medication
Try a new hairstyle/makeup look/outfit
Learn more about gender and get in touch with yours
Pray to Him
Help those in need
Stand up for those who can’t stand up for themselves
Help a new parent/parents with their baby/babies
Stream water
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Offerings for Loki
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Loki is a fire giant and the Norse god of mischief and chaos. Although they often present as masculine, Loki is androgynous, genderfluid, and gender non-conforming. He is associated with many things including fire, red hair, wolves, spiders, snakes, fishing nets and mistletoe.
- Sweet Foods/Candy
- Cheap Plastic Toys
- Stuffed Animals
- Toy Boats
- Found Objects
- Norse Folk Music
- Cinnamon
- Coins
- Snake Imagery
- Apples
- Dandelions
- Pyrite
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Greek goddess of magick, spirits, crossroads, the night, and the Moon
Hekate was said to be the only child of the Titans Perses and Asteria from whom she received her power over heaven, earth, and sea. She appears to have been an ancient Thracian divinity, and a Titan, who, from the time of the Titans, ruled in heaven, on the earth, and in the sea, who bestowed on mortals wealth, victory, wisdom, good luck to sailors and hunters, and prosperity to youth and to the flocks of cattle; but all these blessings might at the same time be withheld by her, if mortals did not deserve them. She was the only one among the Titans who retained this power under the rule of Zeus, and she was honoured by all the immortal gods. Hekate is known to be a bringer of good luck due to her rulership over magick, since magick is an extreme bringer of change. She is the goddess who knows many secrets and is the one who guards gates, the crossroads, and entryways of all kinds.
While Hekate is often believed to be a “triple goddess”, a Wiccan concept of the stages of maiden, mother, and crone in a goddess, Hekate actually appears in triple form to represent the three-way crossroads. She is sometimes described as of terrible appearance, either with three bodies or three heads, the one of a horse, the second of a dog, and the third of a lion. There is another very important feature which arose out of the notion of her being a chthonic divinity, namely, she was regarded as a spectral being, who at night sent from the Underworld all kinds of entities and phantoms, who taught sorcery and witchcraft, who dwelt at places where two roads crossed each other, on tombs, and near the blood of murdered people. Although known to be associated with the powers of the Underworld, Hekate does not dwell there, as she prefers to wander. She makes no place her domain but instead roams dark and solitary places during the night, especially the isolated crossroads. She is said to wander with the souls of the dead, and her approach is announced by the howling of dogs. In Greek art, she was sometimes represented as a single being, but sometimes also as a three-headed monster.
When the ancient Greeks had begun to worship some gods they encountered from Egypt, one of them was Heka, the deity of magick. Heka is a very ancient deity who is both male and female, with obscure origins. They are also extremely powerful; one of the most powerful deities in our universe. The Greeks worshiped this god as a goddess and called them Hekate, who they viewed as a Titaness due to how ancient they are. Under the worship of the Greeks, Heka took on a female form and taught them the complex art of magick. She knows everything about sorcery, even including the knowledge of how to heal illness, perform exorcisms, summon storms, destroy enemies, and necromancy. She teaches the way of empowerment through severe discipline and constant learning, for any human who fully devotes themselves to magick will be able to rise above many challenges of this world.
Appearance: a woman in her 30’s with long black hair, black eyes (only the irises), and has pale skin. She has black-feathered wings and wears a black dress that comes down to her feet.
Personality: Hekate is often very quiet, mysterious, gloomy, and serious. She is extremely knowledgeable on all things regarding magick and can teach humans on the proper ways to perform this ancient craft, as well as how to improve one’s astral senses. Hekate is the very embodiment of magick, the ancient spiritual power that flows through creation; thus she knows best how one can become a witch and the many secrets regarding this path. However, one must earn her respect and prove their worth before being told such knowledge. If angered, Hekate becomes horrifying in appearance and puts powerful curses upon whoever wronged her. 
She takes magick very seriously and expects her devotees to act similarly, especially since magick requires great devotion and some personal sacrifice. She teaches the way of how magick can be harnessed through the astral and how one can greatly empower themselves through mastering the art of sorcery. The possibilities of magick are nearly endless, and it allows even humans to make powerful impacts on their reality, depending on how adept they are. With the moon, Hekate uses its connection with intuition as well as illusions and the unknown. She can teach people to enter into the dark, overcoming their fears and doubts, then reemerging with deeper understanding at the end. She can test people as well, especially if one feels ready to enter the Ego Death (the Dark Night of the Soul) to become masterful with magick by being painfully Reborn. 
Hekate doesn’t show anger towards those who view magick in simplistic ways, but she may refuse to speak to them if they are like this. Therefore, it is best to place serious devotion into magick and to be willing to work hard for its power before being devoted to the goddess of magick herself. Hekate tends to wander during the night at forests, crossroads, and desolate places. Crossroads have been regarded since antiquity as a place of meeting and unexpected changes. Thus, they are a good symbol for magick-workings and are sacred to Hekate. As for keys, this is a complex symbol that has multiple meanings for her, including keys of access to hidden realms, keys of arcane knowledge, and keys of access to forbidden places.
| Symbolism of Hekate |
Black dogs
The Moon
The Letter Y (three-way)
| Some of her epithets |
Æmbýlios (At the gate)
Amaimákrætos Vasíleia (Indomitable queen)
Dǽspina (Mistress)
Einodía (At the cross-roads)
Khthónii (Of the Underworld)
Nyktǽria (Of the night; hidden)
Ouræsiphítis (She who haunts the mountains)
Philǽrimos (Lover of solitude)
Phohsphóros (Bringer of light)
Dadouchos (Torch-bearer)
Própolos (Guide)
Sæmní (Revered)
Sóhteira (Protectress)
Deinos (Terrible)
Triodítis (Of the crossroads; the three-ways)
Trímorphos (Three-formed)
Tymvídios (Of the grave)
Vrimóh (The terrible one)
Offerings: red wine, pomegranate juice, dark chocolate, pomegranates, figs, blackberries, sour cherries, black and white beads, chess boards (black and white ones), bat wings, dragonfly wings, animal bones, snakeskin (from venomous snakes only), toadstools, queen of night orchid, nightflower perfume, Fiore del Dragone perfume, midnight dahlia perfume, bat figurines, black cat figurines, toad figurines, spider figurines, black feathers, starfish, cat eye crystal, moonstone, obsidian, black onyx, black fabric (to cover altar), scrying orbs, handheld mirrors, black mirrors, chicken feet, silver coins, dark-themed tarot cards, Oracle of Black Enchantment cards, Ouija boards/planchettes, athames, keys, occult tomes, traditional witchcraft books, images of the moon, a black candle with a red ribbon tied around it, and incense of opium or Queen of the Night
*her food offerings can be placed at a crossroads if available
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Deity Worship: Melinoe
Similarly to my last post, I’m consolidating all of what i’ve learned about worshipping Melinoe in this post. :) 
Goddess of nightmares, madness, ghosts, and offerings to the dead. 
Daughter of Persephone and Hades. 
She travels the earth followed by wandering spirits, and dogs howl and bark as she passes. 
Things I personally associate her with (These I didn’t learn from research or sources, they’re just what I associate with her from my experiences): 
- Healing from trauma.
- Protection of those who have died unjustly.
- Protection of abuse victims. 
- Shadow work
- Ancestor work
Things I’ve given/done as offerings: 
- I light her candle and dedicate my therapy sessions to her sometimes, dedicating recovery from trauma and self reflection (shadow work) to her. 
- Raspberries and honey. 
- Dark chocolate
- Coffee
- Milk
- Bay leaves. 
- Butterfly/moth wings
- Rose petals, daisies, plumeria flowers. 
- Cinnamon. 
- Amethyst. 
- A piece of quartz.
- Raisins. 
- Treating the dead (animals, people) with respect. 
- A candle, that was intended to be black and white, like the goddess herself, but ended up being fully black due to the dye I used in the wax spreading. 
- A string of pearls.
My experience worshipping her: 
To me, Melinoe has a very strong, distinctive presence. When I first started worshipping it was a bit overwhelming. It’s a very protective, comforting presence, but it is also very clearly a powerful presence, and I never forget that she is a very powerful goddess, whom I do not want to disrespect or anger. I started out my worship of her by reading hymns and prayers. I was only able to find one historical hymn, her Orphic hymn, but I found a few prayers that other worshippers of her had written and shared, and I read them as well. I sometimes make up my own prayer, asking her to watch over the souls of people who have recently departed if someone I know has died. I have only really involved her in one spell. I was doing a protection spell for a friend, and a binding spell on their abusive parents, and got the strong sense that Melinoe wanted to be involved, so I worked with her on the spell. 
I also started being much more involved in working with my ancestors after I started worshipping her. I wasn’t even aware of the timing of that change until recently when I looked back through my journal. 
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i'm looking into melinoe as one of many possible deities to worship and there's so little info on her, specifically on worshipping her. do you know of any offerings or means of worship that would be appropriate?
Melinoe! Awesome!! Let’s think up some ideas:
Melinoe is a chthonic deity, so you may use this guide for worship etiquette
As the Goddess of ghosts, She’ll appreciate any kind of death imagery. Skulls (or artworks of them) as well as bones
Melinoe can be associated with the earth, so stones, herbs, dirt, funerary flowers, and earth groundings may be dedicated to Her.
Melinoe may also be associated with aether and air, so incense, perfumes, music, bells, wind chimes, essential oils, and fragrances may be devoted to Her as well.
Offerings to the dead may be used to worship Her. 
You may pray to Her in graveyards, speak to the spirits in graveyards, or clean up graveyards as an offering
Other offerings include oils, teas, bread, milk, honey, and picked flowers
Hope this helps!! Have fun (◕ᴗ◕✿)
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Offerings to Nyx
So to go along with the epithets post, here’s a list of offerings! It’s in the same vein as the epithets post, meaning there’s not a lot of historical evidence available, so it’s largely what I’ve come up with based on historical references, experience with other Gods, and just generally what feels appropriate. If anyone who actually regularly works with Nyx has any input (additions or corrections), please let me know!
Offerings to Nyx:
Black animal votives
Dew (particularly that which gathers after sunset)
Dark feathers
Starry/celestial images and items
Dark liquors/beers
Red Wine
Black Tea/Coffee
Symbols of Her children (torch, skull, scissors, etc.)
Black fabric/veil/cloak
Dark chocolate
Roses/Lilies/Poppies/Dark Flowers
Night-blooming flowers
Incense/Resin (watery, musky, earthy)
Viniq (that shimmery liqueur that looks like a galaxy in a bottle, because galaxy)
Dark berries (blueberries, blackberries, elderberries, etc.)
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Day two of ddp: Hades
Today we will be giving thanks to the god Hades. Hades is the god and ruler of the underworld,and the son of the titans Cronus and Rhea. he is the brother of Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, Demeter and Hestia. He is the husband of Persephone and is the father of Zagreus, Macaria and Melinoë. We thank you Hades for taking care of us after we pass and helping us move on, and keeping us safe, we honor you.
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Pray to hades if you need help moving on and letting go of past regrets.
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Offerings for Hades: red wine, strong whiskey, pomegranates, black coffee, honey, peppermint, poetry for him, stones, rosemary, garnet and any black crystals.
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Offerings & Devotions | Hekate 🕯🗝
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Offerings |
🗝 keys
🗝 frogs
🗝 coins
🗝 masks
🗝 coffee
🗝 lockets
🗝 matches
🗝 moon water
🗝 pomegranates
🗝 dark chocolate
🗝 any kind of berries
🗝 any kind of candles
🗝 anything with garlic
🗝 snake skin/imagery
🗝 spells / incantations
🗝 dark red wine / liquir
🗝 anything with cinnamon
🗝 bones & blood (be smart)
🗝 animal fur (dogs, cats, etc.)
🗝 lunar jewelry / silver jewelry
🗝 dandelions, roses, lavender
🗝 knives/daggers/swords/athames
🗝 graveyard dirt/dirt from a crossroads
🗝 poetry & music you associate with her
🗝 dark yew, willow, oak, saffron, mandrake, poplar
🗝 incense/scents (floral like jasmine, lavender, etc.)
🗝 moonstone, selenite, black tourmaline, black onyx, Smokey Quartz, hematite, lapis lazuli, bronze, silver.
Devotions |
🕯 practice any kind of witchcraft
🕯 be kind to animals
🕯 light her candles
🕯 clean up graveyards
🕯 offer spirits food & coins
🕯 learn of the history of witchcraft
🕯 kiss the jewelry you offered to her
🕯 lay flowers on empty headstones
🕯 create spells & write incantations
🕯 practice spirit work or necromancy
🕯 celebrate her holidays & the sabbaths
🕯 make a playlist of witchy songs for her
🕯 take walks at night/moon bathe (be safe)
🕯 ask her to accompany you in rituals & spells
🕯 bone, coin, & crystal divination to communicate
🕯 use her altar as your spell work space
🕯 if you cross a crossroads or intersections, make a wish & thank Hekate
🕯 keep track of the moon phases & incorporate it into your craft; practice lunar magick.
🕯 if you cannot be strong for yourself, do it in the name of Hekate; live & be strong for her.
🕯 become intune with her energy & know that you’re a strong, powerful person & can manifest whatever it is you desire
🕯 simply even studying up on her myths & who she is as a goddess is a devotional act. Even thinking of her is a devotional.
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