gossamerashes · 4 months
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jens.uwge on ig
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gossamerashes · 4 months
Just found out my old image host site no longer exists, looooool. So many art and pics gooooone. Gotta scrounge around for stuff on my old PC. :')
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gossamerashes · 4 months
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(via 530d92c4950af4ebd919e116eccf3603.jpg (564×698))
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gossamerashes · 4 months
Sup. Been a while, huh?
There was a lot going on. A. Lot. I've found a new equilibrium and a new, better job. (:
I'm slowly reengaging with my hobbies. I'm not going to be super active but I'll be puttering around ~
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gossamerashes · 2 years
So. About that back pain.
It was a pain that radiated through my left shoulder blade, into my arm. Then I developed what I thought were hives, on the left side of my body.  They weren’t hives. Finally went to the doctor because of the pain. Turns out I have shingles. Do not recommend.  Anyway, I’m gonna be laid out for a bit longer, until this pain gets under control.  PSA: If you ever experience pain localized on one side of the body, then a rash, it might be shingles. 
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gossamerashes · 2 years
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[ID: A set of 7 screenshots. The first reads "How do you love? Like a fist. Like a knife." The second reads "I'm freezing, infected and rigid in that room beside her. No one's gonna come as long as I lay still in bed beside her". The third reads "And I am coming home to you with my own blood in my mouth, and I am coming home to you if it's the last thing I do". The fourth reads "But I will walk down to the end with you if you will walk all the way down with me." The fifth reads "We bury ourselves in each other, scream, shudder, shatter." The sixth reads "And so there's no open doors, there's no way to get through. There's no other witnesses, just us two." The seventh reads "We make each other alive. Does it matter if it hurts?" End ID.]
mutual destruction
anaïs nin / the antlers / the mountain goats / the mountain goats / radha narayan / the antlers / ingmar bergman
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gossamerashes · 2 years
i. i wish i could explain what led to this. but for whatever reason, you’re getting this post, and idk when i’ll remember to post it bc it’s very late and it’s very likely that i’ll draft it, but we’ll see how it goes! i hope you enjoy them, and DO NOT ADD TO THE LIST!!! i WILL edit or make a new list once i’m conscious and the vibes are returned! ( if you like these, i would love to direct u towards THIS POST bc it’s a very very very good meme made by an exceptionally talented meme-maker! )
[  MY PLACE  ]:          sender and receiver return to the sender’s home, where things proceed to get heated.
[  YOURS  ]:          sender and receiver return to the receiver’s home, where things proceed to get heated.
[  BACKSEAT  ]:          while parked safely, the sender and receiver, fuelled by mutual passions, climb into the backseat of the car together to have sex.
[  DRIVER  ]:          while parked safely, one of the muses climbs into the other muses lap, leading to an immediately intimate situation in the driver’s seat of the car.
[  BEDROOM  ]:           after things get heated between the two muses, they proceed to take things to the bedroom, where things get even friskier.
[  SOFA  ]:          too impatient to get to the bedroom, the two muses end up taking things to the next level on the sofa.
[  FLOOR  ]:           either by choice or by clumsy and painful accident, the two muses end up entangled on the floor, where they proceed to have sex.
[  KITCHEN  ]:          unable to resist, the sender and receiver proceed to have sex in the kitchen.
[  OFFICE  ]:           one of the muses has to work late and alone one night; the other decides to pay them a visit, and things immediately take a heated and intimate turn as they get frisky in the office.
[  OFFICE  DESK  ]:           after spontaneously sweeping the contents of the desk to the ground, the sender and receiver proceed to have sex on top of the desk.
[  WALL  ]:           pinning the other up against the wall, the two muses begin to have sex up against a wall.
[  WINDOW  ]:          while in a room with floor to ceiling windows, the sender and receiver proceed to have sex up against the window.
[  BATH  ]:          sender and receiver, while sharing a bath (either planned or spontaneously) proceed to have sex together while in it.
[  SHOWER  ]:          sender and receiver, while sharing a shower together (either planned or spontaneously) proceed to have sex together while in it.
[  PUBLIC  BATHROOM  ]:          while in a fancy restaurant or bar or hotel, the sender and receiver meet each other in a (clean) public bathroom with nobody else inside; they proceed to take advantage of this, and have sex in one of the cubicles.
[  LAKE  ]:          after going skinny-dipping together, the sender and receiver proceed to have sex in a tranquil, romantic, secluded lake.
[  WATERFALL  ]:          after taking a midnight swim together in a secluded lake, the sender and receiver notice a nearby waterfall, and things proceed to get frisky while they explore it and each other together.
[  STORAGE  CLOSET  ]:          when the mood strikes both the sender and receiver in a public setting, they both find a small storage closet together, and have sex inside.
[  LIBRARY  ]:          having found a guaranteed private part of a library, the sender and receiver begin to get frisky behind the bookshelves.
[  GYM  ]:          after a heated and energetic training session together, the sender and receiver, at the conclusion of the sparring match, proceed to have sex on the gymnasium floor.
[  CINEMA  ]:           while in the back of a largely unoccupied movie theatre, the sender and receiver proceed to get frisky in the back row.
[  MILE-HIGH  ]:          while on an airplane flight together, the sender and receiver decide to mark the occasion by having sex in the airplane bathroom.
[  DRESSING  ROOM  ]:           the sender and receiver proceed to have sex together in a dressing room.
[  TENT  ]:          in the middle of the night, one of the muse’s slips into the others tent, and they proceed to have sex together.
[  MOTEL  ROOM  ]:          sender and receiver end up having sex together in a motel room.
[  HOTEL  ROOM  ]:           sender and receiver end up having sex together in a hotel room. ( good for one-night-stand threads! )
[  WEDDING  ]:          while attending a wedding party, the sender and receiver decide to slip away from the celebrations and have sex in a more quiet part of the venue.
[  HONEYMOON  SUITE  ]:          after getting married, the sender and receiver slip away from the celebrations early and have sex together in the private luxury of their bridal suite.
[  TOWER  ]:            as they explore the abandoned ruins of a barely standing castle together, the sender and receiver proceed to get frisky in one of the strangely romantic, ivy-strewn towers.
[  FOREST  ]:          while wandering through a heavily wooded area together, the sender and receiver proceed to have sex in the midst of the wilderness.
[  PICNIC  ]:          after a romantic picnic in the countryside, the sender and receiver begin to get intimate, and have sex on the picnic blanket in the midst of the empty and beautiful nature.
[  BEACH  ]:          having found an isolated, untouched cove together, the sender and receiver begin to have sex on the shore of the idyllic beach.
[  BOAT  ]:           the sender and receiver proceed to have sex on a boat (either out at sea or still in the docks).
[  MEADOW  ]:          the sender and receiver begin to get frisky in a clear, untouched meadow.
[  NEW  HOUSE  ]:          having just purchased their first house together, the sender and receiver, so elated by their milestone, decide to celebrate by having sex in their new home before unpacking.
[  SWIMMING  POOL  ]:          as the pair go for a late-night swim in the local swimming pool, the sender and receiver begin to get frisky in the serene and empty pool.
[  SHELTER  ]:          rushing through the rain together to find shelter, the sender and receiver, both drenched to the skin in the downpour, find themselves getting frisky in the shelter of an isolated and empty garage.
[  CAROUSEL  ]:          when they visit a closed funfair in the middle of the night, the sender and receiver go on the carousel together, and in the isolated light of the carousel, they proceed to have sex in one of the wagons.
[  FERRIS  WHEEL  ]:          when visiting a closed funfair in the middle of the night, the sender and receiver stop the ferris wheel when they’re at the very top, and get frisky beneath the stars and above the world.
[  LOVE  TUNNEL  ]:          when visiting a closed funfair in the middle of the night, the sender and receiver slip into the love tunnel, and have sex in one of the carriages inside the tunnel.
[  SAFEHOUSE  ]:          the sender and receiver begin to have sex with each other  while hiding together in a safehouse.
[  CABIN  ]:          seeking warmth and shelter from a huge blizzard in the area, the sender and receiver find a cabin, and end up having sex in front of the fire as the storm rages on.
[  PARTY  ]:          while the sender and receiver attend a party that neither of them have much interest in attending, they slip away to a quiet part of the venue to have sex together.
[  LANDMARK  ]:           while exploring an area, the sender and receiver proceed to have sex in a renowned, but currently unoccupied landmark (e.g. the london eye, the statue of liberty etc– )
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gossamerashes · 2 years
Monster hunter!Wolfram is a man of many talents.
He makes anatomic and scientific sketches of you in his journal.
He also uses your bones for scrimshaw. :)
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gossamerashes · 2 years
Wolfram as the werewolf-turned-monster-hunter.
You as the monster/cryptid he's hunting and/or captured to deliver to a rich client -- a collector of supernatural specimens. Client prefers you alive and plans to add you to his living "exhibit."
Modern or fantasy verses both work here.
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gossamerashes · 2 years
Wolfram weathers the fullmoon transformations and his ruts by imbibing a concoction laced with wolfsbane. He develops an increased tolerance and therefore needs stronger and stronger drugs to keep himself from losing control.
As a result (and partly due to his age), Wolfram isn't as powerful as he used to be. Less staying power, as it were, and far more taxing on him when he forces himself to maintain his werewolf form.
I still wouldn't pick a fight with him.
Anyway. This tight grip on control serves its purpose but also renders the moments where the full brunt of the fullmoon hits him as d a n g e r o u s.
We're talking potential rampage territory.
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gossamerashes · 2 years
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gossamerashes · 2 years
Back pain is radiating down my arm and into my hand so that's neat.
The concept of reincarnation/cycles has really taken root in my mind. Two souls entwined, destined to meet again and again.
The story changes. Tragedy. Comedy. Triumph. Disaster. But something always resonates.
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gossamerashes · 2 years
There was something about him. I think I told myself it was lust, a new sort of lust, consuming. There was something familiar about him, like I’d loved him before.
Daisy Johnson, from 'Everything Under'
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gossamerashes · 2 years
He quirks a brow, listening, and not at all displeased that his nighttime larks have been noticed.
“Ah. And what happens when you don’t like the answer?” A casual tone carries the question, framing it as rhetorical. He will not be so slighted should Wolfram withold a response.
Is this how he plans to spend his winnings? A part of him wants to advise against it, use his earned favour on something worth his while. It is not that Ambrose seeks an out; no, that the interrogation he had been in no mood for when they first met has, finally, caught up to him is no issue. It is a welcome change from transmutating garbage to gold, building castles overnight, abducting maidens or any of the other cockamamie notions mortals get when presented with (nearly,) unlimited power and possibilities.
Loathe as he is to speak of himself, this promises to be easy.
It seems a wasted opportunity on Wolfram’s part, but he seems certain of his choice. It is not for Ambrose to doubt or to judge. To this, he will say only one thing.
“You are my husband, and entitled to my honesty.” He doubts this is an assurance to Wolfram. The coffee swirls in his cup, a learned habit to keep the cream’s fat from congealing along the sides as he savours it, and takes his time.
“I am given many names,” he begins, slowly, leading himself to the narrow answer in a broad question. It is simpler to be than to put into words. “Most common of these is the neck,” he gives a dry snort, eyes half lidded in vexation. “Assuming I am translating correctly.”
It may not matter. Who will have heard of such a thing as him, in this place? Water is wealth in this land, and these people fear only its absence. That is what brings death, here.
But Wolfram is not from here. He can tell as much, if little else.
“I am a water spirit, in base terms.” The whirlpool in his mug catches his eye, and by it he avoids Wolfram’s. “Such is irony.”
Honesty is meant to be simple. To Wolfram, it is an abstract idea. Experience bids him to doubt the veracity of any words directed at him, especially if those words come from a fey. He drops his attention to the cup held within Ambrose’s hands, then to the long and nimble-fingered appendage. Here, Wolfram recalls the sensation of those fingers against him tending wounds and banishing aches attributed to a different type of affliction, intimate all the same.
Intimacy requires trust – or the abandonment of the better senses.
Husbands. They are that, in their way.
Wolfram listens, rapt. His silence is accentuated with an analytical stare, and one that lacks the acrid chill present during the fledgling days of their arrangement. Marriage, Wolfram reminds himself. No use talking around it, not anymore, even when he’s the only one to hear it.
Ambrose reveals he is the owner of several monikers and not so much a shadow of surprise enters into Wolfram’s features. Of this, he suspected: Ambrose Blackwater has all the stylings of a Vuldan name and the man Wolfram calls ‘husband’ is not Vuldan. It is the number that calls for concern; the knowledge that Ambrose possesses more than one name – many, he said – worries at Wolfram’s mind.
Ancient things own many names. Ancient and powerful, own the most.
The ghoulish fingers of dread press along the base of Wolfram’s neck where his spine sits between his shoulder blades. He is forced to look away, into the nowhere of the kitchen. Wolfram swallows, tastes the bitterness of coffee sitting at the back of his throat, and organizes his thoughts.
“A water spirit.” Water lilies, the scent of Bastion’s aqueducts. Ambrose’s damp, cool touch. The wet footprints left at night. Wolfram may have divined as much by his own volition, but to hear it spoken plainly, resonates in a way that both unsettles and relieves. It is always better to know.
He unfurls his hand where it rests upon the table, fingers edging into the light cut from the window. This early, the desert sun offers a gentle warmth. That will soon change. Wolfram wonders over the effects of a desert, void of water, upon a water spirit. His own prowess ebbs and flows with the presence of the moon; if Ambrose should prove the same, then if needed, his weakened state could be capitalized upon –
Frigid practicality has its place but that place, Wolfram decides, is not here. That conclusion, in of itself, marks Wolfram’s arrival into uncharted territory.
“When I was a boy, there were tales of spirits. Mountain spirits. Forest spirits.” Wolfram’s storm-gray eyes settle back upon Ambrose. “Water spirits.” His father would regale him with folklore when they were off on hunts or fishing out to sea. “Ancient, primordial beings. Kind and malevolent – and mercurial in nature.”
Ancient forces are not ones to be trifled with. Wolfram knows how the Vuldans did exactly that with Ambrose. It is the why that escapes him. “They have your kin, you said. That is how they bound you to this, to me.”
He leans forward, emphasizing the keenness behind his attention. “What is the price for their freedom?” For yours, he does not say. The implications rings hollow within Wolfram, distant but there. It takes the shape of loneliness and he ignores it.  
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gossamerashes · 2 years
Being a werewolf in a world of monster fuckers would be so funny lol. I turned into a rampaging beast and got more ass than I have ever gotten in my life.
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gossamerashes · 2 years
he's a fucked up, horrible, living nightmare. i desire him carnally
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gossamerashes · 2 years
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They will look for his coming from the White Tower, but he will not return.
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