gordonsspicednuts · 10 years
Well folks, our two week nut tour around the northeast is coming to a close. From the High Peaks of the ADKs, to the hustle and bustle of the Big Apple, to the snow-piled streets of Portland, Gordy and I have been trucking our nuts all around the goddamn place...
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... with, I might add, the express goal of making every holiday celebration we attend along the way just a little bit... spicier.
Having decided to postpone our first commercial production of Gordon's Spiced Nuts to early 2014, the nut tour we embarked upon instead allowed us to travel, recreate, cook, hone recipes, and spread the nut-love amongst family and friends.
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"Hunkiest Nut Man of 2013" 
(He will also most likely win this title again in 2014. Just sayin.)
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Gordy's hands touch every nut we make.  
Now if THAT isn't enough to make you want to try some Gordon's Spiced Nuts, then I might as well go jump off a cliff.
(He has the best hands in the universe by the way.)
(So there's also that to consider.)
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Which brings me to tonight... in only a few hours, Nut Man & Nut Girl are shipping off to the granite state to visit some potential clients. There are some real nut fans in New Hampshire - whodathunkit!? I always knew I'd love that place. In any case, I'm excited for some new folks to taste our nuts, and also to check out the local attractions. In fact, there's a very good chance that tomorrow, after our nut tasting, Gordy and I will hit about 2 feet of powder up on Mt. Sunapee. 
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Now there's a sweet way to end a nut tour, and kick off the new year. Even though I'll miss 2013 – a lot of special things happened to me last year, like meeting the coolest nut man ever – I'm actually more excited to see what we can make happen in 2014. I have a feeling it is going to be absolutely, unbelievably, extremely sexily nutragious.
So my friends... stick to your resolutions (or, DON'T!). Definitely don't go on a diet. Actually, if you're still lacking a new year's resolution, I've got one for you: eat more nuts. Doctors say it's good for your health; we say it's good for your soul. And your love life. Just try it, you'll see.
Happy New Year to all y'all, 
from your #2 Nut,
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gordonsspicednuts · 10 years
These days I've been going to bed as early as possible because I know that on any given evening over the next three weeks I might be up til three in the morning. Celebrating the damn holidays. For instance, this year I celebrated not one but THREE Thanksgivings. 
Now don't get me wrong. Each Thanksgiving experience was unique and wonderful in its own way. Case in point: at the third and final celebration, Gordy & I were lucky enough to be visiting family friends in New Hampshire and ended up participating in a play that was performed just before the ceremonial meal. 
Gordy, of course, played the lead. His affinity for the stage is as strong as his affinity for spiced nuts.
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[Unfortunately I was asked to play someone's promiscuous ex-girlfriend... however it worked out okay as part of the play involved me sitting on Gordy's (who played "Dave") lap. So that was comforting.]
[Also of note: Gordy took his role as seriously as he takes his nuts. He let me draw a mustache on his face with eye-liner. He is amazingly committed.]
In any case – and holiday theatrics aside – the one constant that we brought to these celebrations was ... yeah you guessed it ... the NUTS.
And to be honest, makin' Holiday Nuts with Mr. Gordon himself was really the highlight of my Thanksgiving season. When I arrived in Maine for a visit last week, with still two thankful feasts ahead of me, Gordy welcomed me with these puppies – a recipe he's been developing over the past month, and which is currently at the top of my list. 
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ORIGINAL HOT NUTS, baby. That's all you need to know for now. They'll make you want to scream and cry and laugh and sing and dance and a whole bunch of other things that I won't mention here. But trust me. They are powerful. He is masterminding the shit out of this recipe.
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Of course there were these familiars in the mix as well. All of which went down the hatch pretty quickly at the parties we attended ...
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While our nut supplies are running dangerously low in this no-man's-land sandwiched between Thanks-G and the ball drop, a veritable pregnant pause cleverly disguised as a Dionysian frenzy as we subliminally assess just what 2013 has meant to/for us, one would think that a new business venture such as ours would run the risk of total collapse under such pressures. 
But friends, family, foes, "etc etc hem haw etc" ... please step aside. Pour yourselves another drink. Of water. For the nut is strong. And salty. And sweet. And hella spicy so you are going to need to pace yourselves my dears, as we are orchestrating our first high-volume production of these babies just in time for the swelling crescendo of the numerical year as we know it. End of the world? More like first day of the rest of our goddamn lives. 
The point is: Sometimes the holidays make me sad. Sometimes they make me all strung out. Sometimes they make me feel damn near crazy. But this year I'm feeling good. Because although the holidays are totally nuts, the nuts are keeping me sane.
So this is my anthem to all you other nuts out there. Stay strong. And if it starts to feel like just a little much? Pop a nut. There's a chance that it could really change your worldview. 
More soon on our adventures into the wild realm of industrial kitchens,
Your #2 Nut,
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gordonsspicednuts · 11 years
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gordonsspicednuts · 11 years
In a camping cup...
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WHEN: 10:00 am on a blustery Sunday in November
WHERE: In the comfort of your own home.
WHAT: *** new recipe *** SMOKED SAGE RUM RUNNERS, featuring toasted whole almonds and raw candied sugar.
"Is there bacon in this recipe?!" [Answer: No.]
"Did you cover them in liquid smoke?" [Answer: Maybe.]
"Can you pass me some more of those nuts?" [Answer: Yes.]
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Best taste-testers this side of Brooklyn. 
Have a great Sunday everybody!
More soon from your #2 Nut,
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gordonsspicednuts · 11 years
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gordonsspicednuts · 11 years
I have a confession to make. Last night I spent a few magical hours with some beautiful strangers. We immediately clicked. I was so intrigued. These guys were so... well-formed. So meaty. So robust. So complicated. So subtle.
... Everything I'm looking for in a potential partner, really (or partners as the case may be). 
I mean, I love Gordy. I really do. Without him none of this nut business would even be a glimmer in my eye. But sometimes those eyes wander... and I'm all like, "Happens to the best of us, right babe?"
Anyway, relationship issues aside, I really feel quite strongly about the experience I had last night, and I suppose this means I'm ready to make some introductions...
World, meet Gordon's Spiced Walnuts.
Walnuts, meet the World.
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I know our relationship is just beginning, and we have so much more experimenting to do, but I can tell it will be a long and meaningful journey. We only had one night together but already I have morning would.
As in: "Would you like to taste another one of these spiced walnuts?"
Answer: "Yes. Yes, I would."
Stay tuned for more dirty deets on our budding love affair...
Caitlin (& the Walnuts) 
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gordonsspicednuts · 11 years
The largest study ever done on their impact on mortality suggests a few handfuls daily can slash the risk of fatal diseases.
So I woke up to an email from Gordy this morning, with a link to this article from the local Portland paper. I mean, this guy is firing on all cylinders. Here I am down in Brooklyn, all second-cup-of-coffee-like... settling in to peruse Facebook for a few minutes, checking my email... then BAM. Gordy's at it again. Blowing me away with his commitment and excellence. Just when I thought he couldn't be doing any more work towards our nut business without having a nervous breakdown, he goes out at the crack of dawn and starts hitting the interwebs, researching the health-effects of daily nut consumption.  
What a guy, folks, what a guy.
And what's more, it seems that the folks down at Harvard have finally learned what Gordon knew all along. Not only is eating nuts everyday freaking awesome and potentially not causing of fatal disease (love these studies), there is a chance it will help you stay slim and sexy! Seriously, thank you Harvard. I mean, people are always running around the goddamn place sayin, "Don't eat so many nuts! They full of fat, sister! You likely to bust your pants, brother!"
Well, people, you were wrong. Just take a look at these scientific photographs below. 
See? What this guy (above) is doing is TOTALLY HEALTHY.
There's also this:
Dude, she ain't fat! Her cheeks just full of nuts! Totally slim and sexy.
Anyway, THAT, my friends, is some science. Hope everyone has some nuts today and stays healthy, wealthy, and wise.
для Вашего здоровья!
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gordonsspicednuts · 11 years
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gordonsspicednuts · 11 years
"Various Ways to Eat Gordon's Spiced Nuts" is a miniseries that I want to include in this blog. Sort of like little public service announcements. Because as we're experimenting with Gordon's Nuts, we – and our taste testers – are finding all kinds of new and exciting ways to eat them. 
What do I mean by "ways to eat them"? Well, I'll tell you. This could mean any of many various things:
1. Cool recipes or meals featuring Gordon's Spiced Nuts;
2. Various situations one could be in while eating Gordon's Spiced Nuts, that are especially pleasurable; 
3. Fun people to eat Gordon's Spiced Nuts with;
4. Etc.
So for this inaugural "Various Ways..." post I want to highlight a breakfast dish that has quickly become a favorite of mine. For starters, who knew that as a (mere) 30-year-old I would become strongly concerned with my fiber intake. So as not to be uncouth that's as far as I'm gonna go into it, but, suffice to say, Mama-needs-her-some-fiber-bitches.
So I started learning all about different grains and seeds and other things, and what I came up with was a high-protein, hearty breakfast dish that honestly can sustain me throughout the whole day until dinner (which is saying a lot, believe me).
The only problem? – the dish is sorta bland. Sorta disgusting, ifyouknowwhatimean. It's basically a homemade, slightly more palatable version of Metamucil stirred into tasteless plain yogurt.
Which is why one morning up in Portland, Maine, while Gordy made himself some sweet ass eggs and I looked down sadly into my bowl of gross seed yogurt, I reached across the island and before I knew what I was doing grabbed a handful of Spiced Nuts and tossed them into the fray.
"You sure you want to do that?" he asked. "Spice in the morning?"
So as not to show fear or weakness I came back with: "Baby you clearly aren't thinking about what happened before we came downstairs," and gave his butt a tiny squeeze. But inside I knew he was right. I mean, the Nuts aren't just sweet, they're DAMN spicy... like prickles of sweat on the forehead spicy. It could be a culinary disaster.
Not one to be distracted from the task at hand by my constant innuendos, he just went on cooking the eggs while I, nervously leaping into new territory, took the first bite of my morning fiber-fail when... VOILA!
Utterly transformed. 
"Gordy," I said, my mouth full of the concoction. "Your Spiced Nuts make everything taste amazing."
He just winked and then went on cooking those eggs because he knew it was so. He's so zen and mastermindy like that. Letting me make my own discovery while knowing it would be hot and awesome all along. He just woos me all the time with those damn Spiced Nuts.
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FIBER: minced apple (1 cup), oat bran (uncooked, 2TBSP), chia seeds (2TBSP), ground flax seed (2TBSP).
PROTEIN: 1-2 cups greek (strained) yogurt, plain
FLAVOR-FLAV: Gordon's Spiced Nuts
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While this might not appeal to folks who 1. don't eat breakfast, 2. don't need fiber, 3. are more of the eggs & bacon variety, 4. are more of the half-a-banana variety... IF you are a breakfast person, you gotta try it. It will blow your tastebuds away. I'm hoping that once we get the Nuts up and rolling that we can recommend this recipe to a few of the eateries around these parts, and around Gordy's parts too. Without even batting an eye I'd be all up in those menus like: "Hashbrowns... no... poached eggs with hollandaise... no... Yo just gimme some of that nut yogurt, will ya? ... with all the freaking fiber-ass up in that hizzo." 
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gordonsspicednuts · 11 years
Tonight I got off the subway and headed straight for the grocery to get a small bag of pecans, determined to revise our Rosemary Tequila recipe after all the feedback I got last weekend.
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These are drier, spicier, and pack a real punch. I can feel the heat behind my eyeballs and on the nape of my neck. I brought some over to Emma Allen & Maria Rabinovich (neighbor friends here at #116n8) to see what they thought. Actually, they saw that I posted a couple nut pictures on Instagram and immediately commented that they needed to taste them. STAT.
"More salt?" I asked. "No," Emma said. "The thing is... I can't really tell what else they might need. Because I am loving these nuts so much right now."
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Now I'm sending some to Gordy, who must taste every batch as he is the Nut Master.
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gordonsspicednuts · 11 years
Ah, nut making. Kind of like love making... you try it, it feels good, but then you think you can do it just a little bit better. So you do it again. And then you do it again. And finally you are exhausted, lying in a heap in the floor.
Since conceiving of Gordon's Nuts, we've done a lot of... nut making. And it's been good. Really good. Like, knocking it out of the park 16 times good. Which is why we're trying our hardest now to bring all this goodness to the general populace. I suppose you could say we have an open relationship, with the nuts. 
For the time being we're doing some more fine-tuning re: nut making, recipes, and getting the spices just right. After all, that's what we're known for. A special heat that kicks in at the end. Most recently I've been whipping up batches and bringing them to parties:
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These four were a hit at the annual Pre-Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Feast that my friends hold in Brooklyn, this year hosted by Lindsay McConnell & her husband Justin Allen. Nutbagger's Delight was the presiding winner, with Cinn-fully Spiced coming in at a close second. Someone told me that Candied Bourbon was too rich ("You could eat maybe one a month" ... jeez), although Rosemary Tequila was a favorite for the candied variety. I may try that flavor in a dry nut recipe and see what happens. I think it could be magical.
In the meantime, Gordy, the mastermind behind all things nutty, is doing special top-secret legal research. The fact that he is a genius permitting lawyer is really helping our fledgling nut company. Without him I know I'd never have experienced the most delicious spiced nuts in the universe. Love you babe.
More soon from your #2 nut,
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