goldengirlspoetry ยท 1 year
an art that's easy
all it takes is one sound or emotion
you close your eyes
you're levitating into another dimension, another space
but you're sat still
cross legged on the couch
she looks at you wondering where you've gone
but you're right there
you're listening, but you hear music
you're looking, but the sun rays peeking through the curtains draw an image of a delicate smile on the wall
you're nodding, but you hear a sweet melody of what falling in love feels like
your legs swept up, flying you go into a warm, sunny place
a new fantasy
Maybe this is it... People say 'be realistic'. But why oh why can't I romanticise this world I'm living in? On hot summer days, why can't I lay down on the fresh grass smelling the mud? Why can't I count the raindrops on my window? Why can't I pass time dancing swiftly to classical piano each night before resting my eyes? Why can't I cry when I see a precious baby smile at me? Why can't I live like I'm 6 years old again? Why can't things be simpler again?
By @goldengirlspoetry
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