goingwiththewind · 21 days
last Sandman observation of the night but I like how all the moments of Morpheus being a dick are, from his pov, just him telling it as it is
“Joanna I can’t do anything for your ex” she’s dying! That’s Death job and even she can’t interfere here!
“yeah Lyta I’ll be taking your baby later” that’s how this works! It’s going to happen whether any of us want it to or not!
“sorry Rose I will be killing you now” it’s literally that or the universe ending. Sucks but it’s gotta happen!
there are The Rules and that they Must Be Followed and he has a hard time understanding why humans get all upset when he tells them this
he treats people terribly, but (for the most part) he’s not doing so maliciously. He just…doesn’t think
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goingwiththewind · 3 months
I remember watching a documentary series about the 90s and the TV at the time and they talked about “gay subtext” in Xena, showing a few clips from the show.
I (straight) turned to my mom (straight) and said “What subtext? There was no subtext in ANY of those scenes.”
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Xena Warrior Princess 3.18 Fins, Femmes And Gems
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goingwiththewind · 6 months
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In case ya’ll are interested in my Spotify Wrapped Apple Music Replay ‘23.
The only surprising one for me was Hannah Montana at #5 because I didn’t think I listened to those albums so much but 🤷🏻‍♀️ here we are!
Taylor Swift and Kelsea Ballerini being my top two artists this year will come as a surprise to nobody especially my brother who was the most unwitting passenger in the car and bore witness to me blasting both of these artists on repeat.
Shout out to my brother for being a good passenger (most of the time)!
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goingwiththewind · 7 months
speak now is for the hopeless romantics and daydreamers who still haven't experienced real love but continue to be hopeful and believe in luck and magic sometimes - even though it's in stark contrast of the silly world we now live in as adults
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goingwiththewind · 7 months
When Dream is being Silent and Mopey so Death sarcastically asks herself the questions he should be asking, and then immediately he puts on a smug little expression, gets in her face and repeats them word-for-word...the Sibling Energy TM.
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goingwiththewind · 1 year
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goingwiththewind · 2 years
“Oh you’re the sandman?” Dream says to a small child with a tiny little smile and suddenly I’m sobbing
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goingwiththewind · 2 years
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My siblings have their own realms to attend to, I have mine. We do not interfere in each other’s affairs.
The Sandman 01E02: Imperfect Hosts
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goingwiththewind · 2 years
i am so glad that sandman did the battle between lucifer and dream the way they did because honestly it feels like it really highlights the narrative similarities between them as these fragile, powerful beings who go through the traumatic experience of being cast out and imprisoned, and it lead them to such different outcomes. for lucifer, despair led to destruction. for dream, despair led to hope.
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goingwiththewind · 2 years
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Wow. You’re as good as your… friend there.
THE SANDMAN 1.06 | The Sound of Her Wings
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goingwiththewind · 2 years
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#are u fuckin serious rn
The Sandman | S01E01: Sleep of the Just
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goingwiththewind · 2 years
Are folks ready to admit Neil Gaiman was right about the eyes thing? Like, he said on his own Tumblr that it was for the acting performance (which matters a lot more for a long-form show). And the night-eyes look great and impactful when they make their appearances! But yeah, considering Morpheus is *completely silent* for the first 40 minutes of the first episode, and had to do a lot of acting *entirely with his eyes*, it works impeccably well.
Seriously though shout out to Tom Sturridge for the micro expressions. You know the era of tumblr where people would read paragraphs of meta into a character blinking? He does that. Manages a whole range of expressions without ever leaving the address of "slight pout".
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goingwiththewind · 2 years
Y’all remember when Chris Hemsworth said he’s not considered a serious actor because he’s just too buff?
Like you’re really gonna use that as your excuse in a world where Henry Cavill exists and is very much taken seriously as an actor?
Just sayin. Maybe it’s not the muscles. Maybe it’s you dude.
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goingwiththewind · 2 years
Unsaid Emily Rant
Okay, so let's get this out of the way: I don't hate Emily or Mitch but I will be criticizing them a bit because if you made your son feel so unsupported that he ran away for 8 months then something is wrong on your end, even if you're generally good people and good parents.
Anyways can we talk about how great of a lyricist Luke is? In particular the line "the words I most regret are the ones I never meant to leave unsaid, Emily" because it has two meanings! On paper it reads like he regrets not talking to his mother more and not saying "I love you" more but in the actual song he doesn't pause between "unsaid" and "Emily" where the comma is. He pauses between "leave" and "unsaid" meaning the words he regrets are the ones he said in anger during the fight and "unsaid emily" is being used as a full name or title, because Luke up until this point refused to talk about his mom with anyone, so Emily is remaining unsaid.
And obviously both Emily and Luke are super stubborn. They refuse to compromise on anything related to music and Luke refuses to go home until he becomes famous or dies (we know which one came first). Luke probably felt like his parents had no faith in him and were just trying to ruin everything for him and make him be boring and do things he's not passionate about forever. He probably thinks his mom thinks he's untalented.
Emily probably dose think Luke is talented. She also knows how young Luke is and knows how easy it is to manipulate and abuse child stars. Drugs and suicide were staples of rock star life. Kurt Cobain committed suicide the year Luke ran away. She also knows that if he doesn't make it in the industry with nothing to fall back on he was just going to ruin himself.
Teenagers are dramatic and prone to extremes but a 16 year old doesn't run away for no reason. A 12 or 13 year old might run away over minor issues but by 16/17 that phase is over, he must have felt very trapped. He also loved his mother and wanted to take everything back as soon as he did it. Emily obviously loved her son but didn't know how to handle someone so passionate.
In closing these are my (abridged) thoughts on Unsaid Emily
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goingwiththewind · 2 years
I'm in a boys <333333 mood as usual sooooo
The band's about to go onstage but Alex is starting to run late and everyone's starting to worry. Right before they have to choose between cancelling or going on without him, he teleports in, looking as out of breath as a ghost can. And instead of his usual outfit, he's dressed up in a crop top and skirt, with a full face of makeup and flowers in his hair
They all stop and stare at him for a moment as Alex just looks between all of them like ?????? what?! I was on a date. And none of them know how to react coz the last thing any of them expected was to find him attractive, and now they're all incredibly conflicted and at least a little bit disturbed
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goingwiththewind · 2 years
reggie handing a tshirt over to julie and without much thought just says “t-shirt for julie, size beautiful” and getting a flashback to the same convo with rose and having a moment where he just suddenly puts all the pieces together would actually be the funniest scene because
ok hear me out
1. julie would be unimpressed but also small smile and shaking her head and rolling her eyes cause “*scoff* reggie”
2. luke would smack reggie on the shoulder but also like “ye you’re right 😍”
3. alex is just so done. with everyone
4. reggie has a ‘that’s so raven’ blank expression on his face as he recalls this exact moment over 25 years ago and suddenly a light bulb goes off over his head and it’s just. so much for our boy reggie
5. he speaks before he thinks and just blurts out “omg luke we flirted with julie’s mom”
6. julie reacts reflexively by smacking both boys and they let out a loud yelp
7. she gets them to explain in more detail
8. a lot of lightbulbs go off
9. absolute pandemonium
10. alex is still very much done with everyone
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goingwiththewind · 2 years
Alex: you’d think being a ghost would help my claustrophobia but it really didn’t. Like I can walk through walls but small spaces still freak me out, it’s so stupid
Reggie: wait I didn’t know you’re claustrophobic
Reggie: …
Alex: don’t.
Reggie, stifling laughter: must’ve sucked being in the closet then
Alex: I wish you hadn’t died and I mean that in the meanest way possible
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