germanlang · 2 months
How is the Dutch learning going? Anything you need help with?
I'm glad to be confronted with this question because... eh
Last semester was really full for me and I barely did any language learning (at least that's what it felt like) so for 2024 one of my goals is simply to "get back into language learning"
I'm doing amazingly with that since I started Spanish just a couple weeks ago and am motivated as FUCK since I have a venezuelan best friend who's helping me
but I've let Dutch slip... a lot. I bought two Dutch books in Maastricht last year and I'm planning to read them both this year. I'm confident that will go well but I also know that, especially with Dutch, passive vocabulary and language skills are not the issues, active vocab is. I feel like I could barely produce a straight sentence right now, nevermind speak confidently with a native.
But being confronted with that through your ask, I've decided (while writing this), that I'll be taking notes in Dutch about the books while reading them (they're both non-fiction, one about OCD, the other about multilingualism – both central topics for me I'm super interested in). I know the issue with reading Dutch isn't understanding, it's that it just takes me longer than German or English and is more of a mental effort.
I should really try to get more immersion though and produce more on a regular basis, even if it's small stuff.
If you have YouTube or Spotify recs (music, videos, podcasts, audiobooks) do let me know!
I'd also generally be interested in language exchanges (this goes out to Dutch-, French-, Spanish-speakers and Latin-enthusiasts) (obv. I can mainly offer English and German) but be warned that I tend to have a turbulent life 😅
So overall: I've been slacking, I want to do more but it'll be hard to work that into my life right now...
Thank you so much for asking btw. Simply in replying I've thought so much about it and what the issues are and what I could do that I feel much more confident in getting back at it!!
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germanlang · 2 months
✨ Language Study Master Post! ✨
(Ill update this as I post more, but here is a master post of tons of links to language resources to help you study a language from my site (Plurilingualism) so far! 💜)
Before you start:
- A guide to making S.M.A.R.T goals (and why goals are so important!)
- A complete guide to self-studying a language
Resources and tips:
- Website resources page (with links to tons of resources for general language learning)
- 5 must-visit sites for language learners
- Master list of language challenges (vocab, reading, journaling, etc)
- 10 unique resources (I'll bet you haven't heard of even 3!)
- Where to find good foreign language books (+ links to several recommendations)
- Master list of YouTube channels in 50+ languages (With almost 500 links!!)
- All about the animedoro study method (my favorite way to study anything, but especially a language)
- All about Memrise (a great app and website)
- All about Busuu (one of my all time favorite resources)
- All about italki (a must-have resource for any language learner!)
- How to perfect your pronunciation (+ links to guides in several languages)
- How to actively and passively learn a language via TV and movies
- The best 15 apps to learn a language with (+ links to full reviews for each)
If you are studying Korean:
- 10 amazing Korean resources (with descriptions)
- Korean resource master post (with almost 200 links)
If you are studying German:
- German resource master post (with almost 200 links too)
If you are studying Spanish
- Spanish resource master post (with almost (you guessed it) 200 links!)
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germanlang · 3 months
Petterson und Findus
von Sven Nordqvist, ins Deutsche übersetzt von Angelika Kutsch
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germanlang · 3 months
I've always thought that Spanish would be a nice addition to my language repertoire and I have dabbled in it before but it never stuck.
Thursday one of my best friends is coming over because we're trying a language-"exchange" project — she's from Venezuela and will help me learn spanish (mainly provide talk opportunity from the start and work on texts with me, because I prefer an interactive studying experience)
I'm soooo excited to learn Spanish now, in a way I've never been before!!
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germanlang · 11 months
Another quiz for if you were a fictional character how would your fandom treat you (if you think your life is too boring to have a fandom just think of yourself as living the domestic!au of some sci-fi or fantasy)
reblog with your results
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germanlang · 1 year
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Eklatante Elefanten sind auf Madagaskar im Schwarzwald beheimatet. Optisch ähneln sie normalen Elefanten und sind generell auch sehr lieb. Wenn ihnen etwas nicht passt, neigen sie jedoch dazu, schneller einen Eklat zu starten als nicht eskalierende Elefanten-Arten.
Im Jahr 1299 stahl der Forschungsreisende Marco Polo einem eklatanten Elefanten ein Möhrchen, das der Elefant gerade verspeisen wollte. Der Elefant startete sofort einen Eklat, verfolgte Marco bis nach Venedig und trampelte dort so lange in den Straßen rum, bis die halbe Stadt im Meer versank und ihm der Bürgermeister eine neue Möhre kaufen musste.
Das ist typisches Verhalten von eklatanten Elefanten.
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germanlang · 1 year
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(Deutsch Perfekt, 10/2022)
die Tüte - the bag (one-use) einsammeln - to collect das Kohlenstoffdioxid - CO2 der Plastikmüll - the plastic waste jemandem klar werden = realisieren gründen - to found die Firma - the company die Mülltüte - the trash bag sortieren - to sort (through) die Ökobilanz - how much it burdens the ecosystem im Vergleich zu - in comparison to durchschnittlich - on average der/die Wissenschaftler/in - the scientist das Ziel - the goal, the aim einsparen - to save, conserve
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germanlang · 1 year
fuck due dates i wish nothing was ever due
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germanlang · 1 year
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germanlang · 1 year
Hey what's that one quote? "So long as she claims ancient titles she bears responsibility for ancient crimes" or something?
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germanlang · 1 year
turns out that no matter how much i tell myself that writing is pointless because i don't have any ideas right now and i haven't written anything good in months, forcing myself to write anything literally anything will likely yield worthwhile results regardless. turning on the tap really does make the water run clear and good writing will not simply come to me i must make it. and practice makes me better. creativity is a muscle, it will not run dry, the more you use it the more you will have. filled with wrath about this.
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germanlang · 1 year
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germanlang · 1 year
here's a list of cool PDFs I have saved on my drive that I thought other people might like too:
"Cleaning Bones" by Stephen P. Nawrocki, PhD, University of Indianapolis Archeology & Forensics Laboratory
"Cultural Appropriation in Contemporary Neopaganism and Witchcraft" by Kathryn Gottlieb, University of Maine
"The Voyage of Bran (Imram Brain)" translated by Kuno Meyer
"Duanaire Fionn (The Book of the Lays of Finn)" Cumann na Scríbheann nGaedhilge/Irish Texts Society
"Early Gaelic Dress" by Scott Barrett
"The Voyage of St. Brenden: Celtic Otherworld Tale, Christian Apologia, or Medieval Travelog?" by James E. Doan
"Is Deithbir Disi [it is appropriate (that she would behave in this way)]: Applying the Lens of Gender Parody to Medb in the Old Irish Ulster Cycle" by Diana Veronica Dominguez
"A Discussion of the Magical Attributes of the Hero in Fenian Literature, with specific reference to the tale 'The Pursuit of Diarmuid and Gráinne'" by Oliver Gerler, University of Limerick, IE
"The Plain of Blood; a Study of the Ritual Landscape of Magh Slecht, Co. Cavan" by Kevin White
"The Iona Chronicle, the Descendants of Áedan mac Gabráin, and the 'Principal Kindreds of Dál Riata'" by James E. Fraser
Issue of "An tÓglach" magazine, vol. IV no. 12, with a detailed article about Cumann na mBan's efforts during the week of the Easter Rising written by Nora O'Daly
"Gaeilge Gan Stró! Beginners Level" by Éamonn Ó Dónaill
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germanlang · 1 year
hi!! i loved your blog :’) i’m learning dutch because I will move to the netherlands and I’d like to know if you have some materials/tips to share? and also if you wanna practice we can help each other :) have a good day!
Hi! Thank you so much!
In terms of material, I don't think I have much I can give you besides yt-channels that are in most masterposts/lists.
However I know of two (professionally recorded) Audiobooks that are on Spotify!
Sebastian Fitzek's "Geschenk" (thriller) (I have a post here about how I went about listening to it quite at the start of learning dutch)
Jojo Moyes' "Jij en ik en andere verhalen" (a romance thingy)
Oh and, if you can get your hands on it, there is a Dutch version of "The Boy, the mole, the fox and the horse" (or whatever the order is in the English titel; dutch: de jongen, de mol, de vog en het paard) which has the most beautiful sentences in dutch?!
"Vi wachten vaak tot iemand iets liefs doet... maar lief zijn voor jezelf kan nu beginnen."
Oh! There is a database/website online of Van Gogh's letters somewhere (and though he wrote a lot of them in French) I think they have translated them into Dutch!
The only thing I can find ad hoc is the website of the Van Gogh Museum in the Netherlands but there seems to be more content branching out from there (a podcast and some letters!)
For me, reading/listening to dutch materials is the best way to go and I try to find something that really interests me and that I don't only consume for the language input.
Besides from stuff to consume, I'd suggest the usual: write texts or a diary, keep an Anki and add all words you feel are useful to you to it, listen to Dutch music (my dutch playlist here) or google simple questions in dutch!
If you want to share what things you're looking for/how you approach language learning, I'll may be able to think of other things :)
Hope this helps a bit!!!
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germanlang · 1 year
the older i get the more sensitive i become to warm genuine words, like wow you really think that kindly of me? hold up, lemme cry
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germanlang · 1 year
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Four pictures easily explaining my ability to math
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germanlang · 1 year
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