gardenia-angel · 4 years
Chapter 3
𝓑𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓮𝓿𝓮 𝓜𝓮 𝓝𝓸𝔀
A few hours later I was sitting on the couch. One of my hands handcuffed to the arm of the couch and my other was softly petting a cat that was resting in my lap. I should’ve expected that they weren’t going to completely untie me. They’re trained assassins, that would be dumb of them. I probably would’ve tried to escape anyway. Axel had also put the gag back over my mouth. I guess we weren’t on the level of asking personal questions.
The day just kept getting weirder. Axel had taken off his clothes and was now cooking in the kitchen in just his underwear, a white t-shirt, and a pink apron. What could be weirder than that?! I asked myself. Lo and behold, Otto and Oscar stood face to face in front of me. I watched with perplexed look upon my face. Otto had a knife in his hand, ready to throw. Keeping his eyes on Oscar, he threw the knife in one swift motion. The knife barely missing his foot by an inch. My brows furrowed in confusion as I stayed silent and continued to watch. Oscar picked up the knife and did the same thing. Although this time the knife actually could be seen penetrating Ottos thigh. My eyes widened at the amount of blood that started to pour out. “What the hell?!” I tried to say but it only came out as a muffled noise. They both looked at me a little alarmed, but not even fazed about the blood.
Oscar finally got what I had said and tsked his tongue. “Oh he’s fine, right Otto?”
Otto removed the knife with no effort and nodded to Oscars question. It made me wonder what era they were from, seeing that this is their way of passing time and also I noted their very outdated clothes.
In an instant, it was like I had vertigo. I was thrown into another vision. The three brothers were in a cornfield. Vanya was also in the cornfield. She seemed to be running away from them. In another moment, Axel was about to shoot her but Vanya has sent them flying backwards with her powers.
The vision had come to an end and I was back in my reality. “Are you ok?” Oscar had asked. Axel was about to come and investigate what was wrong but a ‘woosh’ sound could be heard coming from the cupboard. He opened the small door revealing a tube with a message inside. Oscar and Otto came up behind him to see what the message from Commission was.
I already knew what the message was. A picture of Vanya and her coordinates. To get their attention I decided to try speaking again, knowing that they wouldn’t be able to understand what I was saying. So they would have no choice but to take off the gag. Otto came and took it off of me. “Thank god, finally!”
“What were you saying?” Axel asked.
“The message you got from the Commission, it’s about Vanya isn’t it?” They looked at each other, which made me certain that it’s true. “Listen, you shouldn’t go. Vanya’s more powerful than you think!” I continued.
“It doesn’t matter. We have orders.” Axel said before going back to the kitchen. Otto went to the freezer to get ice for his leg while Oscar took the seat next to me and began playing with another cat. When Otto opened the freezer door, I gasped. Sitting inside was the head of the lady that lived here. I turned away quickly, directing my attention to the cat Oscar played with. “I’m gonna be sick.” I mumbled. Oscar turned, seeing the head in the freezer too? “What? Just a head..” He shrugged.
“Just a head!” I scoffed.
Axel had finished making their dinner. He set their plates on the table then came over to me and tried handing me a plate. The smell of fish almost made me gag. “You know, I may not remember who I am but I’m pretty sure I wasn’t a seafood person.” I laughed lightly while trying to block the smell by pinching my nose. Axel still had the plate out for me to grab. Geez I wonder when he’ll loosen up. I shook my head and pushed the plate back towards him. “I appreciate it but no thank you. I’ll pass..”
“You can’t just eat nothing!” Axel said while going over to the table to give his brothers the fish, which they happily took.
“If I’m not mistaken, I think you’re sassing me!” I said in the same tone as him. Oscar and Otto looked at each other after I said that. Axel, taken aback by my words, turned back to me and scoffed. “You’re being difficult..” He grumbled.
“Maybe if you wouldn’t keep me chained, you’d see that I’m not so much of a pain.” I countered, crossing one of my arms around my waist and tilting my head. He narrowed his eyes in thought. “So what you’re saying is you’ll cook for yourself?”
“Yeah I will if I’m hungry but right now I’m not...I’d much rather take a shower..” I mumbled the last part. Axel gave me a funny look, not knowing what to say. “You are going to allow me to shower right?!” I hated this. It felt as though I was being treated like a child.
This time Otto spoke up. But this time they spoke amongst each other in Swedish. I internally groaned. What the hell was being said this time? They didn’t appear to be saying anything bad about me, otherwise they probably would be laughing and smirking. But they sounded serious.
“Fine.” Axel said when he turned back to me. I smiled. “You know I think we will learn to get along very well with each other..” I said as he unlocked the handcuffs. I stood and walked over to the hall entrance. “And don’t worry, I won’t try to escape.” I turned to say. I walked calmly away until I wasn’t in their vision then bolted down the hallway to the bathroom. It wasn’t that hard to find. There were four rooms. Three of them being bedrooms and one being the bathroom. As soon as I shut the door I went straight up to the window. A clever smirk on my face as I pulled the curtains apart.
It was a single hung window which was the type that only opens up a few inches. Not enough room for anyone to fit through. I guess a shower really wasn’t such a bad idea anyways. As I showered, I thought about what was happening with the Hargreeves siblings. I wondered if Five was worried that I disappeared. He probably isn’t though. I was just a burden that was thrown into a story that’s not even mine. But how do I know this isn’t my story? Or maybe I was just in the afterlife. Some weird afterlife if you ask me.
Once I was done, I felt a million times better. I was refreshed and ready to make peace with the Swedes. Or at least try to be on civil terms with them. I still thought it was a bad idea for them to go on their mission. I tried to think of things to get them to stay but no solid statement could come to mind.
I looked down at my pile of clothes. They were absolutely filthy. Both my pants and my shirt were covered in dirt and grime. My shirt also having the smell of sweat and the slight metallic scent of blood. It made me gag. I never knew my clothes would ever smell that bad. I had a decision to make. I either put these clothes back on or I can try to find something to wear in one of the rooms. Leaving the bathroom was a risk I was willing to take. I opened the door slowly as to not make a creak and peaked my head out. The coast was clear, they seemed to still be in the living room. I quickly tiptoed into the nearest room. I turned the light on to see better and took a look around. If I had to guess this was the landlady’s room. Opening the closet I took out a sleeveless dress with a multi colored checkered pattern. Oh yeah this was definitely the sixties. The dress itself was too big compared to my frame. I put it back in its place and made my way into the next room. This room had a slight teenager-ish vibe to it. To put it simple, the walls were slight darkish pink but covered in posters and the furniture and decor were a light cotton candy pink. I walked over to a vanity and picked up a notepad that sat on top. “Packing for college checklist.” I whispered. The lady must’ve had a daughter who just recently went to college. Well I hope she doesn’t mind if I raid her closet.
With that in mind I opened her closet. She barely had any dresses in here, at least none that I would feel comfortable wearing, so I went to take a look in her drawers. I picked out a pair of high waisted plaid pants and a white sleeveless button up top. When I went to close one of the drawers it had gotten slightly stuck. For a moment I had forgotten where I was and went ahead forced it shut with a loud bang. ‘Oh shit they had to have heard that!’ I thought to myself in a panic. I stayed quiet to see if I could hear any footsteps. Within a few moments someone could be heard coming down the hall. I was still wrapped up in a towel and didn’t have the time to change before one of them came. I dashed to the door to shut it all the way before anyone could come in. I closed it with a slam and reached down to lock it, yet there was no lock to be found. “Shit, shit, shit!” I said in a hushed tone as I held my body to the door. One of them tried to open it but found that the door knob wouldn’t budge. “Huh? What are you doing in there?!” Came the angry voice of Axel. He banged on the door. “No! D-Don’t come in!” My strength was no match for his and he was able to push the door open. I took a few steps back and mentally prepared myself for the embarrassment I was about to endure. I turned my head down to the side and winced as I held on to the towel wrapped around me tightly. “What do you think you’re. . oh. .” His voice started off furious but it quickly trailed off. I could feel my face flush as I tried to regain my composure and look at him. He looked absolutely confounded and lost for words. “Uh —umm..” I was also lost for words but I at least broke the silence making him snap out of it and avert his eyes away. He stepped back through the doorway. “Uh, sorry.” Was all he said before closing the door gently. I put my hand up to my my mouth to keep myself from the burst of nervous laughter that wanted to come out. I had mixed feelings of uneasiness, shock, and giddiness. What just happened?!
I quickly changed into the new clothes, not wanting to ponder on the thought much longer, and walked into the living room like nothing happened. They three were loading up guns. They looked up as I entered the room. I put my hands on my hips as I looked at each of them. “You’re still gonna go? Even after what I told you!” Axel looked at me, his eyes lingering for a second before turning to Oscar and saying something in Swedish.
Was it bad that I wanted him to look at me again the way he did earlier?
Oscar made his way over to me and pulled me towards the couch, once again hand cuffing me to it. “You guys don’t believe me, do you?” I sighed as I stared at the wall in front of me. None of them spoke until they were about to walk through the door.
“Even if we did believe you, we still have to do our job.” Axel said before shutting the door behind him.
As I sat there on the couch, the cat from earlier had come up to me again and sat in my lap. “I may not have known them for long . . but I worry for them.” I said softly to the cat, who stared up at me while purring. “Yeah, maybe I will be able to help them. Maybe that’s why I’m here?”
A few hours passed by before I stirred awake again, the cat still sitting with me. I looked at a clock that read ‘1:11 am’. They still weren’t back yet and I wondered what could be happening. As if on queue, one by one walked inside. Their shoulders were slumped and their eyes looked tired. Oscar has a gash the side of his head that was bleeding slightly. Otto has some fresh cuts on his face. “What happened?” I questioned. I knew something was going to go wrong.
Axel was the last to walk in, his face contorted in pain. He took off his coat, his whole sleeve was soaked in blood from a wound on his arm. I gasped softly at the sight of it. I’ve seen so much blood in such a short time. I wondered if it was always like this for me.
Axel rolled up his sleeve revealing a bullet wound. A feeling, almost like and instinct, took over and before I could stop myself, I spoke up. “You guys looks awful! Un cuff me and let me help.”
They all looked at me with their same expression of surprise and suspicion. “Please . . Let me help you.” I said slowly and earnestly. They gave in with little hesitation. Once I was freed I asked Otto, him being the least injured to go find some washcloths and other medical supplies. I went ahead and helped Oscar first. The cut on his head wasn’t too bad, it just needed to be cleaned up. He smiled and thanked me for helping. He stood from the chair to leave the room. “Careful with Axel he may bite.” Oscar joked before disappearing into the hall. I felt my face heat up as I turned to Axel. He had his face in his hand, shaking his head slightly.
“Well anyways..” I said trying to get back to the task at hand. I cleaned the wound up as much as I could. “It looks like you need stitches.” I told him. He nodded for me to go ahead.
“Why are you being kind to us?” He asked as I began stitching.
“I’m not sure.” I said after a moment. I didn’t really know how to answer his sudden questions. “Maybe because you decided not to kill me.” I said with a small smile. I finished up and we stayed sitting there on the couch. “And I feel as though there’s . . Something more to you guys than what’s on the surface.”
“What’s on the surface?”
“Cold hearted assassins that work for the Commission.” I said without a second thought.
“And the ‘something more’?” He asked. His aura seemed to be more at ease and not so tense around me anymore, making me feel more relaxed.
“I don’t know yet . . But I’d like to find out.” I replied in the same soft tone.
“You’re very different.” He said and smiled to that. We sat there in comfortable silence for a while. I felt myself become more tired again and soon my head leaned to the side and I fell back asleep.
“Thank you . .” Axel whispered before falling asleep as well.
❤️Tags : @koelu-chan @gorgeourrific-nerd
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gardenia-angel · 4 years
Hello loves! I havent had the time to write bc 1: it’s hot af and I have no ac so its kinda hard to concentrate. 2: school just started up again and I’m not a fan of online school but I only have 2 classes so that’s good. 3: work is crazy and I’m currently going to be getting interviewed for a new job so yay!! I’ll most likely be posting again by the end of the week so just bare with me👉🏼👈🏼❤️Also LMK if anyone of you would like to be tagged for the next chapter. Hope you all are having a great week!
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gardenia-angel · 4 years
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You guys should totally send me requests for TUA HC’s
I’ve never done them before but I am so willing hehe
It can be about any of the characters from TUA <3 Lmkkk
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gardenia-angel · 4 years
Chapter Two:
𝓐𝓵𝓵 𝓣𝓲𝓮𝓭 𝓤𝓹
The first thing I noticed when I woke up was that both my hands and legs were tied together. A cloth was tied around my mouth to keep me from making any noise. Although I didn’t want to make any noise because of the unbearable headache I was having. I took a look at my surroundings. I was in a truck, a milk truck to be exact. But where are the Swedes? I saw a giant duffle bag by my side. Maybe there’s a knife in there and I’ll be able to cut off these ropes. I tried my best to scoot over to the bag. It took a lot of effort for my aching body but I was able to get a hold on the zipper of the bag.
Before I could open it however, the back of the truck swung open. It was day time now and the bright light made me squint my eyes to see who it was. Two of the brothers stood there giving me a blank stare. One was very tall with a scar on his eye and the other was wearing a milk man uniform. The tall one had great strength to match his height. He picked me up in one swift motion. This time I started to make some noise. I did not like being picked up, especially in this way. The other Swede then went to pick up the duffel bag. We went across the street and into a house. The first thing I noticed upon entering were the hundreds of cats wandering about. The third Swede was inside already. He was on the floor doing something but I couldn’t quite tell what. He was wrapping something in a carpet. That’s when I noticed feet poking out. My eyes widened and I started squirming around in the other mans grip. My heart felt like it dropped and I couldn’t keep myself from shaking in fear. I wondered if the man could feel how scared I was. He set me down on a plush chair and began tying another rope around me, keeping me to the chair. I tried talking but it only came out a muffled noise. The brother wrapping the body in a carpet looked up at me with an expression I couldn’t quite place. He then walked to the back of the house with the body. I tried getting the other two’s attention but they ignored me until their brother got back.
He walked right up to me and took the gag off. I let out a huff before speaking. “Why haven’t you killed me yet?” I asked softly. The question was plaguing my mind as soon as I woke up. They had their chance last night but they chose to knock me out instead? When I asked my question the brothers all exchanged a look. I swear they’re making conversation without even talking! Without answering me they all began to unpack their weapons and other belongings.
“Are you going to kill me?” I asked, my voice still small. I was worried with what their answer might be. The one who took my gag off looked at me again.
“No.” He answered and went back to placing guns on the table. That still wasn’t enough information for my taste but I decided to stay quiet while they finished what they were doing. As I watched them I couldn’t help but feel like I knew these guys too. I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard the three men shuffle around and get situated at the table across from me. They sat there staring at me as I stared back at them. What the hell is going on?! I really want to get out of this situation.
“Why haven’t you killed me?” I broke the silence by circling back to my previous question.
“No contract..to kill you.” One of them said slowly while trying to pick the right words, the thick Swedish accent was more obvious this time.
“You guys don’t speak that much English, do you?” I asked and received three head shakes.
“Do you understand English?” They all nodded. “Well then! I guess we can kind of communicate.” I said sarcastically as I tried to lighten my own mood. The leader Swede, as I am referring to him now, came up close to me. I could feel his body heat radiating off him. He took out a pocket knife and held it close to my face. “We aren’t here to communicate with you...you are going to tell us where the boy is. That’s all!” His tone of voice was cold and gruff. It sent a shiver down my spine.
“Look! I just met the boy yesterday. I honestly have no idea what’s going on here..” He put the knife closer to my throat. “Please listen! I-I got hurt and I lost my memory. I don’t even know who I am!” I said tensely. I looked at him in the eyes. His eyes seemed to bore into mine. “You look so familiar..” I spoke quietly. I wasn’t even sure if he heard that but then he looked at me in wonder. Before he could say anything, his brother spoke.
“You don’t even remember your name?” The one in the milk man uniform asked.
I shook my head. “No..all I can remember was falling and ending up here.”
“But you know the boy named Five?” The one in front of me asked. He had put the knife away now, making me feel less like I was being interrogated.
I glanced towards the floor and pursed my lips before answering. “No, not exactly. You see...I kind of know him but he has no idea who I am.” I tried explaining.
“That doesn’t make sense.” The third brother spoke up.
I sighed frustratedly. “I know it doesn’t but I just know who he is. Just like I know who you guys are.” All of them were looking at me with an intrigued expression. They stayed silent, waiting for me to continue. Without another thought, I went on to talk about the commission. I talked about all the details as if it were an obvious thing. When I was done ranting about commission, it had just dawned on me how much I knew.
“How do you know all that?”
I shrugged my shoulders. “It just came to my mind. It either happens like that or I get weird flashes of memories that aren’t mine. It’s almost like I get visions.”
“So then you can tell us where Five is?”
“Five could be anywhere. I haven’t gotten any visions today so I wouldn’t be able to tell you, even if I wanted to.” I shifted in the chair uncomfortably. Who knew sitting all tied up would hurt this much. “And you know it’s really unnecessary for you guys to keep me tied up like this.”
The man standing in front of me snickered. “You’ll run away..” He said.
“Or you’ll fight Axel again and kick him this time.” The smallest of the brothers laughed. I couldn’t keep myself from smiling either. The one known as Axel turned to look at his brothers with a glare, making both of them stop laughing. Axel didn’t want to admit it but you almost had last night. If he didn’t end up catching your foot, you would’ve knocked him out.
“You guys really think I could beat him next time?” I giggled. Axel glared at me but I could care less at this point. “So your name is Axel?” Axel looked away annoyed but gave me one nod. I smiled slightly then looked to the others. “And what are your names?” The two brothers exchanged looks and hesitated before answering.
I nodded. “I promise not to run away..or fight any of you, if you untie me.” I was answered with silence. I’d rather do what they say than risk getting on their bad side and end up dead.
The three brothers exchanged yet another look. Deciding whether or not it was a good idea to leave me untied. None of them knowing what they’re getting themselves into.
2nd chapter done! A little short but don’t worry thing are about to get
✨🧚🏼‍♂️W I L D 🧚🏼‍♂️✨
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gardenia-angel · 4 years
An Umbrella Academy Short Story:
Reader x The Swedes
I’m sad that only one Swede was left alive. Our bois deserve justice, so here I am writing this for my amusement.
You were at work one day. The day going by as slowly as ever, when suddenly a blue vortex opens up in your break room. Next thing you know your in the Umbrella Academy universe, caught right in the middle of all the drama. But with your knowledge of what happens in season 2, what will you do to help? Or more specifically, what can you do, after a certain predicament you get yourself into with the Swedes.
Chapter one will be out soon!
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gardenia-angel · 4 years
Chapter One:
𝓙𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓜𝔂 𝓛𝓾𝓬𝓴
(First chapter is a little longer than I planned oops! Sorry not sorry but please let me know what you think of the story so far in comments!)
‘God I wish I could go home.’ I thought to myself as I worked. Today I had an early morning shift, which meant I had to be up at 5 am. As a non-morning person that took a lot of effort and a lot of coffee to get me up. I mainly worked by myself so it was just me and my wandering thoughts during my 7 hour shift. My mind mainly focused on what I finished binge watching last night. The Umbrella Academy. I was shocked but also excited with the ending. Even though the thought of what happened to ghost Ben broke my heart, I still cant wait for what’s in store for season 3.
I began to wonder what it would be like to live a world such as the Hargreeves siblings. I thought it be way more exciting than my normal boring life.
My phone buzzed signaling that it was time for me to take my break. I didn’t realized how much time went by while I was daydreaming about my Umbrella Academy fantasy. As I entered the break room, I realized I was the only one with a break at the time. I sighed contently. I find it rather peaceful being alone all the time. It beats having to be in a cramped room with all your other obnoxious coworkers. My break was ending soon so I decided to leave the room and head over to the restroom. When I opened the break room door however, it wasn’t the store I worked in at all. I stared wide eyed into a blue vortex that was blowing air everywhere. I put my hands to my face trying to shield my eyes from the bright lights flashing when suddenly I felt my whole body being lifted up. Im not the type that screams when im scared, I’m the type that cant let out any noise when im truly frightened. So with a gasp, I was sucked right into the vortex.
I dropped down into an alleyway. I groaned as I laid on my stomach for a few moments as I tried to piece together what the hell just happened. For some weird reason my mind felt all fuzzy and I couldn’t exactly remember anything. I decided to get up now and take a look around. Stepping out of the alleyway I glanced around. I seemed to be in a downtown area with stores that looked..outdated? That’s really weird. I walked down the sidewalk until I stumbled upon a very familiar scene, although I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. I saw a boy in a school uniform sitting on a bench next to an older man in a suit. I watched from the side as the two talked. I started to get a bad feeling, like something was about to shift. Across the street I watched as a bus pulled up to a stop. In the back of my mind I could hear gunshots. I got goosebumps all of a sudden as I rushed to the boys side.
“Excuse me but you need to move right now!” I said to him while shaking his shoulder slightly. He looked at me in confusion and with a slight anger in his tone he asked “who the hell are you?!”
I shook my head. “Please you have to listen to me! Three men are about to get off that bus and start shooting at you!”
Just then, the three men did come off the bus. They began walking towards us.
“Who the hell are those guys?!” The boy said, trying to get a good look at them.
“Shit.” The older man said as he put something in the boys pocket.
“FIVE!” I shouted. In a matter of moments the men started shooting at us. The older man had shoved a briefcase in front of us and somehow the boy and I found ourselves behind a car. The briefcase now having bullet holes in it. “How many times did I say bulletproof briefcases.” The boy said in disappointment.
“I think I’m going to be sick..” I groaned as I held my stomach. Did we really just teleport from the bench to this car?! The sound of guns cocking and footsteps nearing us made the boy grab my hand and teleport us again. This time on a roof.
“Oh my god I’m going to throw up!” I groaned again. This time we were laying down on top of a roof. The boy quickly shushed me. “If you don’t shut up they’ll find us and kill us.”
The thought of being shot to death quickly made me stop complaining. He stuck his head up a little to see if the coast was clear. When it was, he grabbed my hand and teleported us both back down into the alleyway.
I ended up vomiting up a little bit. “Sorry about that, didn’t mean to make you sick but if I didn’t, well then you’d be dead.” His way of trying to comfort me did not comfort me in the slightest. “Thanks?” I said as I wiped my mouth and turned back to face him. “Who are you and how did you know that was going to happen before it happened and how do you know my name!?” He bombarded me with a whole lot of questions. I stared back at him in confusion as I stuttered trying to find the answer to these questions i truly did not know. His attention was then directed elsewhere. He looked towards a window in suspicion. “Hold that thought. I’ll be right back.” He said before heading towards a door into the back of a building. “Hey wait! Don’t leave me here.” I said before he teleported away inside. “Wait here my ass..” I mumbled before following him inside. Luckily the door was unlocked. I followed him up some stairs where he knocked on a door. The door next to the other one opened up and a man poked his head out. “What do you want?” The man asked suspiciously.
“Hi I’m selling encyclopedias for my youth group. I was wondering if you —“ The man shut his door without a word. Five then teleported into the mans home without a second thought.
“He really needs to stop doing that.” I said to myself as I tried to open the door. To no avail, it was locked. I sighed as I waited for them to open the door for me. I could hear the other man let out a small scream. They were talking some more until the boy finally came and opened the door for me. He teleported back into the other room where the man was. He jumped a little at how close the boy appeared to him.
“Listen to me I —“ The boy began.
“E-Elliot Elliot, m-my name is Elliot.” He said while backing up.
I looked around at all the newspapers and things plastered on the walls. Guess this guy is super into SciFi.
“Whatever, alright! I got 10 days to find them and save the world, and I’m gonna need your help to find them.”
I looked at him when he said that. Something about what he said rang a bell in my head. God why I can’t I remember anything clearly!
He turned to me. “And you? What’s your name?”
I shook my head solemnly and looked down at the ground. “I really wish I could tell you but I just can’t remember anything clearly.” I said truthfully.
“Well what was the last thing you do remember.” He said, this time his tone was more sympathetic.
“I remember being somewhere and..and opening a door, I think. The next thing I know is falling onto the pavement in that alleyway.”
“Hmm..” was all he said before taking a sip of coffee.
“I know I sound absolutely crazy but it’s true!”
“Well, my whole life is crazy so I understand” he sighed.
“I must’ve accidentally time traveled you too along with the rest of us.” He muttered before looking me up and down. “I can tell you’re from my time, your clothes don’t match the sixties fashion.”
My eyes widened. “Wait hold up..did you just say the sixties?!” I looked over at the other man. He waved at me but I just stared in disbelief. “Plus you also have a cellphone in your back pocket.” I reached down to my back pocket and pulled out my phone. “Oh shit maybe this could help me..” I tried pressing the home button but it wouldn’t turn on. “Just my luck, it’s dead. I doubt there’s a charger around here.” I said sadly as I put it back in my pocket.
“What I don’t understand is how you knew what was going to happen. Is that your power?” He asked nonchalantly. As if having powers is normal.
I knitted my brows is confusion. “My powers?! What are talking about, I don’t know! How do I even know your name? I’m not sure about that either Five!” I crossed my arms around my torso and held myself tightly. “It’s like I know you somehow..all of you. This all just seems so vaguely familiar.”
“You know my siblings names too?” Five asked.
“Yeah there’s..” I ondered on the thought for a few seconds before I could clearly say each of their names. “Diego, Vanya, Klaus, Allison, and Luther.” I said without a second hesitation.
Five looked up at you in curiosity. He’s never met anyone quite like you. Suddenly I got flashes of what seemed like memories. Of the brother Diego. He was in a hospital of sorts and he seemed to be sitting in a circle of patients, talking.
“I think I might be able to help you look for one of your brothers?” I said sounding more like I was asking a question.
Five nodded. “Where do we start?”
“I wanna say he’s in a sort of hospital or something. l don’t really know where for sure though.” I shrugged.
“She right actually!” Elliot chimed in. He went over to a desk drawer and pulled out a newspaper clipping. “Disturbed man with multiple knives arrested outside 1026 N. Beckley.” I read aloud.
“Diego.” Five muttered as we looked at the article. Five then took the paper from Elliot and put it in his pocket. “Let’s go, you’re gonna help me find all of them.” He said to me.
He began walking away towards the door, ready to start his mission.
“Woah woah woah! Hold on mister, what makes you think I should come with you? Have you forgotten about the three men that were shooting at us? There’s a fat chance that they’ll still be hunting us!”
Five turned back to me and shrugged. “They’re hunting me not us. They’re the Swedes as everyone would call them. They’re brothers and they work for my former employer at the Commission. I already know how to handle them. That won’t be our problem.”
“I don’t know Five. I might just slow you down. I’m a liability..”
He shrugged again. “Maybe you can actually fight, we don’t know that yet.” He smiled and I rolled my eyes. I decided to follow anyways.
“Key word Five, ‘yet’. And I don’t think I wanna know if we really do get in trouble.” I said as we walked out the door
In a short time we found the hospital Diego resided. So are we breaking him out of here or what’s the plan?” I asked as we went inside the large building. “I’m not entirely sure yet..” Five said.
Five talked to the front desk lady and she led us to a visiting room where we waited for them to bring Diego to us.
The orderlies led Diego in the room a few minutes later. “Five.” Diego stated as if he didn’t believe it was really him. He glanced at me as he sat down on the chair across from us but quickly put his attention back onto Five.
“Hey Diego.” Five replied back. All were quiet until Five broke the silence. “You look good in white.” He sarcastically remarked. Diego rolled his eyes. “About time you show up.”
“How’d you know I’d be back?” Five questioned.
“Because that’s the kind of shit you pull.” Diego said as if it were obvious.
“Where are the others?” Five asked.
“They’re not with you?” He said then glanced at me again. “And who’s this?” He said confused.
I smiled slightly and put my hand out to shake his. “Hi, I’m...well actually I don’t know who I am.” Diego shook my hand and gave me a skeptic look and turned back to Five.
“It’s a long story but basically when we teleported, I accidentally teleported her too. I don’t know how exactly, time travel is a roll of the dice. I haven’t exactly worked out all the quirks..” Five explained.
They went on talking to each other as I started to drift into my thoughts. Why am I here? What’s wrong with my memory? None of this is making sense. I don’t belong here. I need to find a way home. All Five seems to care about is this doomsday thing. It all just seems too unreal!
I was brought back to reality when I heard Five stand up and shout. “Guard! My brother here is plotting an escape. The bars in his room have been shaved down.”
In a matter of milliseconds Diego jumped up and pranced forward trying to strangle Five as the guards tried to hold him back. I quickly stood up trying not to get in the way. A nurse then came in and injected Diego with something causing him to knock out. Five tugged at my shoulder and leaned in to whisper something. “We’ll come back for him later.” He said and began walking away with me following right behind.
“How could you let them do that to your poor brother?” I said. He doesn’t look like he belongs in a nuthouse.
“Diego’s fine, he knows how to take care of himself. Like I said we’ll come back later.”
I sighed as we walked out the building. I gasped as a sudden flash of memories passed through my mind. I had to stand still afterwards. It had caused my head to start aching. “I need to sit down Five.” I said wearily. He led me over to a bench just outside the hospital entrance. “Did you just have another vision?” He asked with hope in his voice.
“Yeah Luther..” I groaned as I massaged my head.
“Well then let’s go.” He stood back up. Oh god how can he be so active all day and not rest for a minute?! I thought as I looked at him.
I made a tsk sound and shook my head. “No no no no, you can go find your other brother, I’m just going to stay right here.”
“What? Why!?” He frowned.
“Because Im tired Five! I can’t do this all day. I need to stop and think. It’s frustrating when you can’t remember shit!” I yelled and put head in my hands. Five looked down at me in sympathy. “I know it must be tough but don’t give up. I’m sure your memory will come back to you in time.”
“I sure hope so...” I said while looking back at him. “Which is why I think I should stay here. You said yourself you wanted to come back later on to get Diego anyways.” I said making a valid point.
“Hmm..I guess you’re right. You’re sure you’ll be fine here?”
“I’ll be good. There’s people all around here too so it’s not like the Swedes can just come up and shoot me.”
With that, I told Five the name of the Club Luther was at in my vision and he took off. Hours went by and soon it was night time. Five was nowhere to be seen. My memory didn’t come back yet either. I let out a huff as I waited on the bench. What do I do if Five doesn’t come back? I can’t break Diego out by myself. I can’t go back to Elliots because I don’t even know my way back. All I could was stay there. A few more hours went by and soon there were no more people walking about. I now started to regret not going with Five. It’s sketchy as hell out here by myself. Suddenly I saw a truck pull into the hospitals parking lot. It looked like a milk truck. Why the hell would a milk truck be here in the middle of the night? My question was answered when I saw the three men from earlier get out of the truck and load up their guns. I jumped off the bench and quickly tried to hide myself, scared that they were going to spot me. I watched as they made their way into the front doors. Shit they must be after Diego! What do I do? I don’t think I can fight. Five said Diego could take care of himself though. I trust that he can. My best bet is to try to make my way to Elliot’s home. I got up and began to walk away from the hospital.
It felt like I had been walking for a very long time with no final destination. I got myself lost. I ended up walking in a neighborhood. I could tell it was started to get very late because mostly all the house lights had turned off. As I turned down a street I saw flashing lights coming from the left of me. Police cars were surrounding someone’s house. They seemed to be arresting a man. I wondered what was going on. Before I could ponder on the thought any longer, something else caught my vision. I saw a fucking milk truck parked down the way. No way in hell thats them. The moment I saw the truck they seemed to have spotted me because the head lights turned on. “Fuck.” I said under my breathe and sprinted off down the street on my right. The car then began to chase me. I ran and ran as fast as my legs could take me. I tried to turn down every street I could so that I could loose them, but they always seemed to be on my tail. I made my way into a narrow alleyway. I took a right and then a left and then another left. To my surprise I had just lead myself into a dead end. “Just my luck..” I breathed out.
I turned to look to see if they were coming as I breathed heavily. All this anxiety wasn’t helping me catch my breathe. I looked around me to see if there was anything I could use to defend myself. Looking through a dumpster I luckily found a metal pipe. I held it up ready to swing at who ever tried to come near me. In the next few moments they came down the alleyway. With guns. How could I forget they had guns?! None the less I still remained calm with my metal pipe. As they approached me they saw that all I had to defend myself with was a metal pipe. They smirked and the one in the middle let out a small chuckle. The one in the middle that seemed to be like the leader put his gun away. The other two just lowered theirs. The leader made his way towards me. “Don’t you come any closer!” I yelled, tryingto sound mean but all I sounded like was scared. He went in for a swing but I dodged. I then went for a upper hand swing with the pipe but he quickly grabbed it. As if it were a reflex I picked up my leg and kicked him in the chest which caused him to fumble backwards. He looked taken aback for a quick second before resuming to fight me. How I had all these moves, I have no idea! I guess Five was right. Maybe I did know how to fight. Not good enough though. I went in with a high kick almost hitting his jaw but his reflexes were way faster than mine. He caught my foot before I could touch him and with the slightest effort he spun my whole body and I crashed onto the hard cement. I let out a groan and tried to crawl away to the wall to try and pick myself up. When I got to the wall the man turned me around as I stood there. I looked up at him with tears forming in my eyes. “Please don’t kill me..” I said in a hushed tone as I shook my head slightly. He looked at me with curiosity. His two brothers slowly approaching from behind him. He turned to look at the taller one and gave him a nod. I looked at them in confusion. What was their none spoken agreement?! Before I could think any longer the taller one turned his gun around and knocked me on the head causing me to pass out.
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