galaxiefan · 11 months
《Dottore x innocent!puppet reader》 Part 3
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《prepare yourselves....for the angst!~♡》
(y/n) arrives at her and her brother's room, a smile on her face. Scaramouche has been waiting for her to come back for quite some time now, and was beginning to get worried for her. "hi big brother!" she says as she opens the bedroom door.
He was waiting for her, and he immediately speaks when (y/n) enters the room, with a sense of love and kindness, a sense of care and concern. He wants to make sure that she is okay, and it was clear he wasn't able to rest until he saw her again. He was very relieved to actually see her, and as she opens the door, he smiles at her with a sense of genuine warmth to his eyes."(y/n)! I'm so glad to see you! you were away for a long time.." He says, as he gives her a soft and gentle hug.
Scaramouche was very worried for his sister. He didn't know what the doctor did to her, and she stayed almost all day with that man. He was beginning to think something bad had happened to her.
He was worried that Dottore may have made her cry. That he may have hurt her emotionally, or worse, he was afraid that Dottore may have even hurt her physically. But he was so relieved to see that she was smiling and happy, as she went to hug him. And to have her in his arms again filled him with a deep sense of joy and peace. He felt so happy to be brought back from a dark place. He was afraid, but he couldn't help but feel this happiness. He had missed her.
"Big brother! I did so many fun things today! you won't even believe it!" she seems happy...that's good...
He sighs, and he lets her go from the hug, looking at her with kindness and warmth in his eyes. Scaramouche speaks to her with kindness and gentleness to his voice. He speaks to her like she is the most important person in his entire world, and he cannot help but feel so much joy to see her back. He was so worried, but seeing her happy and smiling made him so happy. His heart was filled with so much joy. "Then I would love for you to tell me all about it."
"Ok,ok!...first, me and the doctor went to the lab together, and then, he help to fix my arm! he was sooo quick! a-and then! as a thank you, I showed him my mechanics! he was so happy! and we had so much fun together!.." (y/n) told Scaramouche...wait....did she say...she..showed him her mechanics?...
Scaramouche stares at her, and he speaks with confusion in his voice. He sounds both intrigued and surprised, as he looks at her with curiosity and wonder. "You showed him your mechanics? What do you mean by that?" He says, as he continues to look at her with interest, and with his heart racing. He was wondering what it could mean.
"Oh, I let him see my insides! He said that it would help his research! so I showed him my heart...and my lungs...and all the things! it tickled when he touched my heart, and it also sparkled! It was sooo pretty!.." she explained to Scaramouche what she did with the doctor.....did she just say....he touched her heart?...and....oh.
Scaramouche stares at her again, and his heart is racing even faster now. He's never had so much emotion fill his heart in his whole life, and he cannot help but feel all those emotions at once. He's feeling so many things at once right now... Love, joy, surprise, happiness, and sadness. It's all so much. His heart is racing and he struggles to breath. "Y-you... You let him touch your heart?"
"Yep! But he was reeaaly careful with it though...just like you are big brother!.." (y/n) said. the thought of the doctor messing around with her delicate puppet inert workings....
Scaramouche's emotions are in full force now. He can't believe what he just heard. He is both angry and sad to hear this, and he is feeling a certain hatred. His heart is racing as his mind cannot believe what he has heard. He feels an urge to protect and to defend her. He doesn't want to hear it anymore, but he cannot help but ask one more question "Why?!" He asks furiously, and his voice is stern. It's full of anger, and a certain sadness, and he cannot help but feel this way.
(y/n) was surprised by his reaction. Why was he angry?...it was fun...she thought. "b-because i-i wanted to h-help him....he is so nice to me too..."
Scaramouche was angry, but now he was also sad. Now he was also confused, and he has no idea what to think now. And he hates that. "You wanted to help him?" He asks with a stern, almost angry voice. He can't hide the sadness and concern in his voice now, as he looks at her with anger and fear filling his eyes. "Did he tell you to say that? Did he say you had to help him? Did he do this to you? Did he tell you to do all this?"
"N-no!...he j-just asked me to help...b-but I did it because i w-wanted to..." She spoke. she never seen her brother act like this before, why was he so angry?
Scaramouche looks at her, and he is filled with sadness and anger and concern. He is upset that she was made to do this. He is angry that she did it so willingly. How could he ever trust the doctor again? His mind is now overwhelmed with all those feelings, and he continues to look at her with anger and sadness filling his eyes. "What were you thinking?! You should know better than to give him your trust!" He says, as his voice gets louder.
She was now very confused. "b-but he was nice to me!....he...he helped to fix my arm too!.....I trust him..." (y/n) couldn't understand how a man that treated her so kindly could be bad.
"You trust him!!?" Scaramouche shouts at her, as he looks at her with complete horror. His voice grows loud, as he continues to speak to her. "What are you thinking!? He could do anything! You could have gotten hurt, worse than you have ever felt before!" He shouts, as he tries to make his point clear, and he cannot help but feel so much fear and shock at what she has done. He didn't know what he was supposed to do, but he knew one thing for sure: he has to protect her.
"But...he is a good guy!...and he was very c-careful too..." She was trying to tell him that the doctor didn't hurt her.
Scaramouche looks at her, and after taking a second to collect himself, he speaks to her in a more calm, yet still stern tone. He speaks in a much sadder, and quieter voice, however. His heart feels heavy in his chest, as he speaks to her. He cannot bring himself to shout at her, and so he instead speaks to her in a more gentle tone. "(y/n)...I understand you have had the best of intentions. And I can see that you have been trying to help the doctor. But you cannot just trust someone that easily"
"But...he didn't hurt me...he helped me too....why can't I trust him?..." She just couldn't understand.
Scaramouche sighs. "Because not everyone is what they say they are. This world is a dangerous place. We cannot be sure we can trust someone just from their words. The doctor is a very clever man, and a very dangerous one. We cannot allow him to take advantage of you like he has, (y/n)"
"But he didn't!....he's my friend....he was happy to help me too.....I....just...he is not bad!" The doctor has been so nice and good to her all this time, she just can't believe the man that smiled so warmly at her that morning is evil, or bad.
"He may seem nice to you, and he may have helped you, but he...he is a bad man...he has done bad things. And I can't let you be near him anymore. I wouldn't be so angry about this if it was someone else. But the fact that it's him makes me feel..." He doesn't finish his sentence. He can't say how he feels about the doctor, as he feels that his anger is still too much. He doesn't want to upset (y/n) any further, and so he doesn't say anything.
"Then...it sounds like you just don't like him!...he is good! i saw it!....he..." She tried to defend the doctor. He is not bad in her eyes, he can never be...
"I don't like him. You are right." He says bluntly, and his anger and sadness is clear in his voice."I do not trust him. I cannot trust him. I cannot be certain of his intentions, and I cannot trust that he has any good intentions. I do not know what he might do to you, and it scares me because of what he has already done" He says, his voice still shaking with anger and sadness. He can't help but continue to feel this way, he wants to protect her.
"He didn't do anything bad!...i..i was the one that let him touch them! he was just looking, nothing else!....he...he is a good a-and g-gentle doctor....." she just, too kind to comprehend it.
"He is anything BUT gentle! He does not care for you (y/n), he only cares about himself. He only cares that he is successful!" He shouts, he is so angry now. His anger is growing, and he cannot help it."You cannot trust him!" He shouts, as he speaks with anger and hatred in his voice. He can hardly believe she has fallen for his act, and he cannot believe he is unable to make her understand how evil he is.
"That's a lie! He- he is very gentle with me! And he cares for me too!..." (y/n) was starting to cry a little, at the same time she was angry that her brother is accusing such a good man in her eyes, of being so evil...is just...not true...
"You believe him over me? Do you truly put his words over your own brother!?" He shouts again in anger. "How can you be so foolish!? He does not care about you!" He shouts again, and he is full of anger at this point. The anger he feels towards the doctor is clear in his voice, and he cannot bring himself to calm down at this point.
(y/n) just...cries now....and runs out of the room.....she is sad...
Scaramouche looks after her as she runs out of the room, and his heart breaks... He is both angry at the situation, and upset that he couldn't stop the crying. He feels a certain sadness and sympathy wash over him. Perhaps he was too harsh on her. He hates seeing her cry like this... So he decided to take a deep breath as he tries to calm himself down. He didn't want to shout at her any more. He wanted her to come back, and he didn't want her to hate him... So he takes a deep breath, and he waits for her to return.
(y/n) was just...running through the the corridor....to the last place she felt safe and loved....the lab. She opened the door and runs inside, it was dark. The lights were out, only the small lights of the machines shine on the darkness. She goes to a corner of the room...and cries. Her small figure curling up on herself, her head hidden on her legs, as she cries alone in the darkness...
While she was away Scaramouche took a deep breath, and he tried to calm himself down... But then...he felt fear, and then guilt come washing over him. He did not want to upset her like that... He wanted to protect her... And now she was crying. Tears were welling up in his eyes, and he couldn't help but feel so much pain in his chest."What have I done to my dear sister...?" He says, as he takes a deep breath, and he speaks to himself, with guilt and pain in his voice.
The Doctor was in his room. He was getting ready to sleep for the night, when he heard a small cry coming from somewhere else. He heard it again, and again...something was wrong. He opens his bedroom door, going into the hallway to find the source of the sound. Dottore stops in front of his lab....it was coming from there. He carefully opens the door...
The lab was dark, with only the small light from the machines allowing him to see into the room. It was quiet, and it took him a moment to realize that the crying was coming from inside the room. He entered the room, and as he did so he heard the crying get louder, as the sound reached his ears. The crying was coming from inside a corner of the room, as he approached it he could see....(y/n), curled up into herself. She looked so upset. Her cry was soft, and she had tears in her eyes.
The doctor approached her, and he saw her crying. And at this sight his heart breaks. He approaches her, as he cannot help but feel sympathy and pain for her "(y/n)..." He says to her softly. He wants to help her, and he wants to comfort her... He wants to wipe away those tears and make her feel better right this instant. He looks at the little puppet with sadness and concern as he speaks to her, not quite able to figure out what to say. His heart hurts to see her like this.
She slowly revealed her face. Her eyes were full of tears, her lips were quivering as she cried.
The doctor looks down at her. Her tears fill him up with an overwhelming sympathy, and he can't stand to see her like this. He cannot help but take her into his arms, as he hugs (y/n) and holds her close to himself. "Oh dear..." He says, as he holds her close. And he can't help but hug her, as he feels such a strong sympathy come from her tears and sadness, and the doctor's heart breaks for her. "Oh dear, oh dear..."
She hugs him tightly, the doctor's presence bringing her comfort. (y/n) was very upset.
The doctor hugs her back, and he feels sympathy and pain fill his heart. Perhaps it is the feeling of empathy, or perhaps it is pity that he feels, but whatever it is the doctor's heart aches and tears fill his eyes. He can't stand to see her like this. And so he continues to hold her in his arms. "Oh dear, oh dear... It's alright... It's alright. It's alright...." He says, as he tries to comfort her. He wants (y/n) to be able to tell him what happened, but he also does not want to force her.
Seeing poor little (y/n) like this was just...unbearable...what was so bad that made her cry like this?...
The doctor looks down at her. He wants to comfort her. But he also wants to know what's bothering her. "(y/n)...." He says softly, and he looks at her with sympathetic eyes."Tell me what is wrong. Who has hurt you? Why are you crying?" He asks, and he looks at her with eyes that are full of concern and kindness for her.
She looks up at Dottore, tears flowing down her cheeks, as she speaks in a crying and shaky voice. "m-my brother...h-he...he..."
The doctor looks down at her, looking at her with sadness and pity. He feels hurt and anger at her brother, for what he did to her. He keeps holding onto the small puppet, and he looks at her with kindness in his eyes. "He hurt you? In what way?" He asks, feeling anger and sadness fill his heart when she said Scaramouche had hurt her.
"H-he...he s-said...that...y-you were a b-bad guy...a-and...that i s-shouldn't trust y-you....." (y/n) was crying in his lap on the floor of the lab.
The doctor is silent, and he lets out a soft sigh. The emotions filling him are complex and overwhelming, he can't help but feel sad and angry. He tries to contain those negative feelings, as he looks down at her in sadness. He wants to comfort her, and he wants to wipe her tears away... "Do you believe him?" He asks her, as he looks down at her. "Are you scared of me, (y/n)?" He says, and he looks at her kind and sympathetic look in her eyes.
"N-no!....h-hes lying!...he...h-he...." poor (y/n)....she was trying so hard to explain, but her emotions were a mess.
Tears fill his eyes....he feels so sorry for her, and so many emotions fill his heart, anger towards his brother, and pain and sadness for her. He couldn't help but look at her with such kindness and sympathy, and he speaks with great sadness and pain in his voice. "Oh dear.... he lied? He lied to you? So, he lied about me?" He asks, and he looks at her with great pain and sadness in his voice. He feels so sorry for her right now.
"Y-yes! b-because....y-you are n-not bad!.....you....y-you are g-gentle..a-and kind...and....and h-hes lying!...." She says with tears falling down her delicate face.
Tears fill his eyes again, and he looks at her with kind eyes that are full of sadness. He still can't help but feel angry at her brother for "lying" to her, but he feels much less angry now then he did before. "You really think that? You really think that I am gentle, and kind?" He asks, and he looks at her with gentle eyes that are full of kindness and concern for her. He wants to make her feel better. He wants to comfort her.
"Y-you are!...y-you fixed m-my arm....a-and you were j-just...so gentle w-with my h-heart too!.......he's lying.....you are a very g-good guy!..." she speaks, as she defended the doctor.
Tears fill his eyes, once more, as an overwhelming sadness washes over his body. She... She genuinely believes that he is good, that he is kind. His mind gets filled up with thoughts... His eyes fill up with tears, as he can scarcely believe what she is saying. He looks at her with so much kindness and sympathy for the little puppet right now. "My dear.... you are so...kind to me..." He says through tears, as he cannot help but hug her and hold her still. He cannot believe that he deserves such kind words from her.
"I-its true!...i-i....i k-know it its..." she cries, hugging Dottore tightly.
Tears fill his eyes once more, as he hugs her back tightly. He cannot help but cry, and he feels so much pain and emotion fill his heart right now. Her words touch his heart, and they make his heart hurt a little bit in that moment. He feels such sadness and kindess for her... He cannot bear to hear her crying like this, he would do anything to make her feel better. "Oh darling..." He says...his words sound a little bit broken, as he hugs her still.
She feels a little better in his embrace, she is so small compared to him. she feels safe, as she tugs on his shirt. (y/n) is so fragile...so precious...
Dottore looks down at her, and his heart breaks even further. He wants to protect her, and he can't help but feel so much care and sympathy for her... She is so fragile, so precious, and he cannot believe that she would speak about him so kindly. She seems to have warmed up to him, and there are so many emotions that wash over him right now, so many thoughts flooding his mind...He is so overwhelmed with emotions. He cannot help but feel both protective, and loving.
His embrace feels warm, so safe, she can't help but hug the doctor closer.
He gives her a soft smile, and he whispers to her, in the softest and gentlest way "It's alright dear..." He is so glad that he was able to console her, and he can't help but feel sad that she had to come through something so terrible. He is happy that he can be there to comfort her, and he looks down at her with such care and sympathy in his eyes.He cannot believe that she would think of him so kindly... But he is glad. He is so, so glad...
The sad puppet started to calm down a little. The warm embrace of the doctor soothing her softly.
Tears continue to fill his eyes, but they are softer now. He feels sad for her, but it's not a painful sadness any longer. They are like that of a caring grandfather now, and he can't help but feel the kindness in his heart for her. It feels wonderful to be able to make her a little bit better. To see her smile... His heart feels warm, so very warm...He smiles softly at her, through his tears, and when he hears her calming down a little he starts to calm down too. It is the sweetest feeling in the world.
Her small heart is slowly beginning to calm down. She is still hugging him, she feels safe and cared for in his arms...
He smiles, and he hugs her back. His heart fills up with love towards her, and he strokes her hair gently with one hand. He hugs her tightly, and he gently caresses her hair with his other hand. He looks at her, his eyes filled with care and kindness as he feels such a soft and warm feeling inside of his heart. He feels like he finally made her happy after all, and it fills up with the nicest feeling. "Oh my dear..." He says in the softest voice imaginable, and he looks at her with soft eyes that are filled with warmth.
T-thank you.....S-sir Dottore..." (y/n) says with a soft and small voice. Despite her pain and sadness, she thanks him, feeling loved by the doctor.
He smiles at her, as tears fill up his eyes a little bit again. She is really thanking him? For what little he could do for her? But he is so happy. His heart feels warm, and his eyes fill up with tears, as he feels such an overwhelming emotion of love and care rush through his chest."(y/n)..." He says softly, his voice filled with warmth as he strokes her hair with one hand. He keeps his other hand on her back. He is so happy now.
She seems a little better. There are tears stains on her cheeks, but they stopped falling from her eyes now.
(y/n) was laying on his chest. She looks up a little, a small strand of the doctors blue hair was within her reach. She started to play with it gently, it distracted her a little. She liked his blue hair...
He looks down at her, with a soft smile on his face. She is playing with his hair, and he notices it, as a small smile forms on his face. He is happy, he wants to make her even happier. He hugs her a little tighter, as he keeps looking down at her with kindness in his eyes. "Do you like my blue hair?" He asks, looking at her with kindness in his voice, and he smiles at her. He wants to see her smile more, maybe she will like his blue hair?
"Ya.....it's....fluffy...." (y/n) says slowly and softly, now getting a little sleepy.
He smiles even larger at this, as his heart fills up with so much kindness and love for her. He is so glad to hear her say something like this. And she likes his hair? His hair is so important to him. He smiles even wider now, and he speaks in the softest and gentlest voice imaginable. "It's soft... Isn't it?" He asks, as he strokes her head with his free hand. He feels the softest and prettiest feeling ever, and his mind is filled with thoughts. He wishes to stay like this forever now.
"Ya....soft...and fluffy.....like a cloud...in the blue sky..." she speaks softly, a small little smile on her face as she sleepily plays with his little strand of blue hair.
His heart nearly melts when she says that. He really likes clouds, and he likes the skies, and he likes blue as a colour. Her description makes him want to cry, as his heart fills up with so much love and kindness. He likes her, so much. That was such a sweet thing to say... "Oh my sweetie... You have a really creative mind. That was very kind of you to say..." He speaks softly, his voice filled with kindness and affection. As he looks down at her, he can't help but feel his heart fill up with love.
He keeps hugging her, as he strokes her hair gently. He enjoys it so much when she does something soft and gentle like this. He just wants to spend time with her now. He wants to know more about her. He wants to be her friend, and help her with everything. He strokes her hair with his free hand, as he looks down at her with kindness and sympathy in his eyes "My dear..." He says softly, and his voice is so gentle, the doctor seems to like calling her that. He truly adores her now.
The more she stayed in the doctor's arms, the more she seemed to relax....her mind was still thinking about what her brother told her......is a lie...right? Yes, of course it is. How can a man that holds her so dearly and carefully, be evil and cruel?....her brother doesn't know what he is talking about. (y/n) was feeling safe with Dottore, he is her friend, and she likes him very much. Why would her brother say such mean things about the doctor?
"Mister Dottore...I....don't understand why big brother said those things about you...i told him you were so gentle and caring with my heart...and he just....he got so angry...then he started saying that, I couldn't help you anymore....it...makes me so....so sad..." she says, as she gently plays with a strand of his blue hair...she was genuinely confused and sad about her brother's reaction to the doctor touching her inner workings.
His heart breaks, as he holds her close to himself. He strokes her hair gently with one hand, as he looks down at her. But he can't help but feel angry at her brother now. She does not deserve someone so cruel. "He is wrong. I care about you, my dear. I cannot believe that he would say such cruel things to you now, but..." He shakes his head, not wanting to speak of her brother negatively "What he said is wrong."
(y/n)'s eyes were puffy from her crying, but she looked up at him with a small shine in her eyes. He said he cares about her....is was true then. "y-you....really care about me?" she asks with a small but hopeful voice.
He smiles down at her, and he looks at her with his softest and kindest eyes ever. He cannot lie to her, and he truly does want to tell her everything. And besides, he really does care about her, and he thinks that she should know just how important she is to him. "Yes...my dear... I do. More than you know. And you care for me, too, do you not?" He asks a little softly, as he strokes her hair gently with one hand. His hearts fills up with warmth and love for her.
She manages to give him a small, but warm smile. "I....i do....you're my friend Mr.Dottore....I like you..." she looks up at him, her eyes holding innocence and adoration.
He has to stop himself from crying, as her words fill up his heart with so much love. She truly believes that he is her friend, and he can't help but feel so happy about this. He truly cares for her, and he is so happy that she considers him her friend, too. He looks down at her with so much kindness in his eyes, and he hugs her closer to himself. "My darling..." He says softly. He wishes she could stay like this forever now, with his arms tightly wrapped around her, comforting this small puppet that makes his heart finally feel something for another being that is not himself.
She was slowly getting more and more sleepy. Her eyes feeling heavy after all the crying. (y/n) yawns a little, her head gently laying on Dottore's chest. She must be very tired.
He feels her head gently resting on his chest, as her soft breathing fills up his ears. A feeling of joy fills up his chest, as his heart feels as if it was about to explode. She was so tired... He strokes the back of her head gently. He didn't mind, though, if she slept now. He could be the safest cushion she could find. "Poor thing..." He says softly, as he looks down at her with love in his voice and eyes.
The doctor assumed that she wouldn't want to go back to her brother's room. So he gently gets up, with an almost sleeping (y/n) on his arms. Dottore will bring her back to his room so she can sleep safe and sound. He opens the Lab's door so they can leave for his much more comfortable bedroom.
He goes into his room, carrying her in his arms all the while. He holds her close to himself, and he walks very carefully. He can see how tired and sleepy she is, and he doesn't want to wake her up. But he wants to make sure she sleeps somewhere more comfy, so he takes her to his bedroom. Once he arrives, he lays the poor, sleepy girl down on his bed, and he sits down next to her. His heart flutters, as he looks down at her with such kindness in his eyes.
By the time they got to his room, she was already asleep. Her eyes were closed softly, as her small body now rests on the doctor's comfortable bed, resting her head on the soft pillow.
He sits down gently, as he watches over her while she sleeps. She looks so peaceful right now. He cannot express how much he wants to look after her. He puts a blanket over her, and he kisses her cheek gently. He looks at her for a little longer, before he finally leaves the room, closing the door behind him.
Dottore will let (y/n) rest on his room tonight. Maybe he can take the opportunity to try and finish some experiments. She needs sleep much more than he does.
He sighs as he leaves the room and closes the door, before finally sitting down on his chair in front of his desk. He feels so many things, and he cannot put it into words. She is in his room now, and he feels so happy about it. He tries to focus on his work, and he puts his mind to it. But he is always interrupted by a thought about her, and his heart constantly fills up with love, care, and kindness for her. He can't put himself to it today. He just keeps sitting there, as he thinks about the now sleeping puppet...
For the first time in years, he cannot stop thinking about a person. She is the only thing on his mind. "Poor thing..." He murmurs softly, as he puts his hands on top of his head. He looks at his notes in the notebook on his desk, but he can't make sense of them. They might as well be gibberish, and he can't focus. He sighs, and he keeps looking at his notes on his notebook, as his eyes look through the pages all over again. It's not the first time he reads through them, but he can't understand anything anymore.
Meanwhile (y/n) sleeps safely in the doctor's bed....and in her sleep....she smiles...
《We all love a soft Dottore don't we...♡》
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galaxiefan · 1 year
《Dottore x innocent!puppet reader》 Part 2
《This one is particularly soft...enjoy♡~》
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Dottore and (y/n) happily walk together. Her mind lingering on the words of her brother for a second…maybe if she ask the doctor about it… "Mr.Dottore….can I ask you something?…" she speaks a little hesitant.
Dottore seemed confused at first, and he stopped walking. But he soon recovered, and he speaks with a warm and friendly tone as he turns to (y/n), and he asks: "Of course you can, dear. What would you like to ask?" He speaks in a kind and gentle tone. He seems very approachable, and he seems to truly care about her well-being.
She stops to think for a moment…then she asks him… "are you…a bad guy?.."
Dottore laughed, a big hearty laugh that was loud and long. But then the man paused, and he stared at her, and he spoke again with that soft and gentle tone. He seemed to be speaking to her like he's speaking to a child. In a way, his kindness is almost patronizing, or condescending. "You poor, naive girl…of course I'm not a bad man. Who told you such a thing?"
She looks at the doctor with a certain relief. "oh, that's good…big brother told me to stay away from bad guys…so is good that you aren't Mr Dottore!" she smiles up at him.
Dottore chuckles with amusement, a smile on his face. He seems genuinely amused by (y/n)'s response, and he speaks in a tone that is very soft and kind. "Heh. I see. Your brother's a good kid, so he knows what he's talking about. He probably told you that because there are a lot of bad people in the world. But do you not worry about me, alright? Because I'm not a bad guy, I promise" Dottore says, gently moving a piece of hair from her face.
She smiled kindly at him…truly believing in those words…
He smiles back at her. It's so easy to make her happy, it's such an easy thing, what would it really cost to just make her happy? Nothing. It would be so easy to just be kind to her, it would be so simple. And so he smiles at her, knowing that she would be happy, and knowing that he would enjoy doing it. She's so innocent and sweet, so kind.
She looks at him again. "Mr.Dottore..what do you need my help for?..I can always help with anything you know! I'm very strong too…!" she giggles.
He chuckles again, and his smile widens. He seems very happy to hear that she's still willing to help him. He seems to be genuinely touched by her willingness to help him. He speaks with that soft and gentle tone again as he responds to her "Well, there are some experiments I need to carry out, and some of them require more than one person. And since you would so kindly offer, if you agree to help me, I would appreciate it very much"
Her eyes shine, a big smile on her face. "of course I will!…just tell me what to do, and I'll try to help!"
Dottore can't help but smile. Her earnestness and sweetness is very contagious. She's like a ray of sunshine, and with a bright and happy presence like hers she could brighten up anybody's day. And so, he puts a gentle and kind arm on her shoulder, and he pats it, gently and softly, and he speaks to her in a tone that is almost soothing, as he tells her. "And that is exactly what makes you so special. You are such a warm and kind person. And I would be very happy to have you help me"
Dottore seemed touched at her reaction. He seems to be truly convinced that she's a good person, and he seems to care about her well-being. He speaks again with a soft and gentle tone, as he seems to be trying to convince her even more of his sincerity "And, believe me when I say this. I'll always be there for you. I'll always care about you, and make sure that you are healthy and well. So do not worry, okay?" He says in a way that feels almost comforting.
"Thank you sir!….but I'm a puppet, I don't need much…oh maybe some repair?..I think you can do that" she speaks kindly.
Dottore chuckles again, as he seems to find her innocence amusing. But then he looks at her, and he gets a softer, much warmer expression on his face. He speaks to her again in that kind and gentle tone, as he seems to really care for her well-being. And as he speaks, he softly moves his hand over (y/n)'s damaged shoulder, as he speaks in a soothing way. "Yes, dear. I know you don't need much. I'll do anything to make sure that you're well. I promise I'll fix your arm for you"
Damaged?….then she looks at her arm….oh…it really is…but she doesn't remember it being broken before. "oh!…I didn't know my arm was broken…good thing you did notice it Mr.Dottore!" she gives him a smile.
Dottore noticed and he smiled back at her. She probably didn't notice her arm was broken because she can't feel it. And so he nods earnestly, and then he speaks so gently that he seems to be almost singing. "Yes, dear. That's correct. Your arm was broken. And because you're such a good girl, I'll make sure to fix it for you, alright?"
She looks at the doctor with care and gratitude. "thank you so much!..you are so kind Sir Dottore!"
Dottore chuckles, but he doesn't sound mean. He speaks again in that gentle and caring tone, the kind of voice you would use to speak with a child. "You're welcome, dear. And don't worry about it. My time is yours, at all times" He says fondly, and as he speaks, he looks at her with a soft and kind smile.
"When do you think we can start?" (y/n) speaks with excitement.
Dottore smiles again, and he speaks in a gentle tone of voice as he speaks. "Well, I'm not doing anything today. So we can start right now, as soon as you're ready" He says, and his tone is soft and kind, and his words carry a sense of sincerity. "We should probably go to my workshop, there we will have the best tools for the job. Does that sound okay?"
She nodded. "ok, let's go then"
Dottore smiles gently at her again, he speaks in a kind and soft voice as he takes (y/n)'s hand. "Alright, dear. Then come, let us walk together" He speaks with a soft and gentle tone, a tone that's almost soothing, and as he speaks he begins to walk forward, taking her with him.
They arrived at the workshop, there for (y/n)'s surprise, is a big table for Dottores procedures. She smiled at him.
Dottore laughs, he seems genuinely amused by her reaction "Ah, yes. This is my workshop…I do all my experiments here, I do all my work here. It's like my home" He says, and he seems genuinely proud. "What do you think? Do you think it's nice?" Dottore speaks again, and his voice is gentle and kind, and soft, and in his tone you can hear how much he loves his workshop.
"The table is soooo big!…can I lay on it?" (y/n)'s eyes shined. she is very happy that Dottore wants to repair her broken arm.
Dottore's heart warms as he sees her smile. He feels so glad that she's excited. He smiles back at her, and he speaks in a gentle tone as he leads her to the table, he speaks to her in a kind voice as he tells her that of course she can lay on the table. "Of course, dear. Here, lay down" He pats the table a few times to beckon her, and he speaks with a soft and gentle voice, and with a kindness that almost feels paternal.
She happily lays down, waiting for him to start. she watched the doctor with interest and softness.
Dottore lays out his tools, he has all kinds of instruments. There are tools made to fix all kinds of puppet and machine parts. He moves around them, and then he sets himself up, before he turns to (y/n), he looks at her and smiles, as he speaks kindly to her in that soft voice he has. "Alright. I'm ready. You just have to be still, okay dear?" Dottore speaks to her in a soft and gentle voice, and his tone is almost soothing.
"Ok!.." she happily obeys.
Dottore then starts to work. He has a certain skill and proficiency that can only be built up from years of experience of doing it. He looks like he's done this many times, and he knows just exactly what to do. As he works, he speaks to (y/n). "You're doing great, dear. You're very obedient, and you're so patient" She can hear a tenderness in his voice, genuine tenderness.
She looks at him work, eyes full of wonder. "thank you! I'm so happy you're helping me… your hands are so quick too! Like lighting..but also so delicate! like silk…I love it! your so cool Mr.Dottore!"
Dottore chuckles again, smiling as he keeps working. He's glad that he's making her happy, and he's glad that he's the one fixing her, and he's so glad he gets to do it. It truly is very simple, to make her happy. And all he has to do is keep speaking in this gentle, soft, kind tone, and speak very tenderly. And so he does that as he keeps speaking, and he smiles at her. "Thank you so much, dear. That makes me feel very happy, you know?"
She smiles warmly, happy to make him happy. "I'm glad I made you happy! you make me happy as well..your fixing my arm for me! normally my big brother does that..but you are soooo much quicker!" she giggles.
Dottore chuckles at her words, and he speaks to her again in a friendly and soft tone of voice, as he seems to genuinely enjoy working on her, and he's glad to be able to help her "I'm glad that you're happy, dear. I'm glad that I'm the one who gets to work on you, rather than your big brother. You really are very precious to me" He says softly, and he really means every word. He's so sincere, his kindness cannot be doubted
(y/n) takes a moment to think, and she makes a very important, but brave(or stupid) decision. "Mr.Dottore…I thought about something…and…when you are done fixing my arm…I'll let you take a look on my mechanics..I…really trust you."
Dottore's heart warmed by her words, and he stops working for a moment as he turns to her. He smiles, and he speaks to her with softness in his voice, and kindness. "I would be more than happy to take a look at your mechanics, dear. Thank you for letting me, I'm flattered that you would trust me enough to let me see that" He says genuinely, his voice full of sincerity. It truly is very nice for him to be given the chance to look at her insides, and he was genuinely moved by her words.
(y/n) smiles kindly. She hopes to help him with his research…
Dottore finishes his work on her, and he stands up to look at her. He seems pleased with his work, and he's glad that he managed to fix her up, and she seems to be feeling better. He speaks gently and with kindness, and as he speaks to her, he sounds happy to have made her happy. "There we go. I finished doing my job. I think your arm is fixed. How do you feel?" He asks her, looking at her with a soft and friendly smile. He truly does look very proud of himself.
She starts to roll her shoulders a little, it seems to be in order. "thank you so, so much! It feels good as new!" she smiles.
Dottore smiles back at her, as he watches her move her arm. He was glad that she seemed happy and satisfied, and now as he looks at her smile, he can't help but see that he did a good job. He's happy that she's happy. And there's a certain feeling of pride in himself, because he managed to fix her up, and help her. He speaks again, with a gentle and kind tone of voice, as he speaks to her. "I am so glad that I could help. That makes me so happy to hear"
(y/n) then asks him. "Do you want to look at my mechanics now?…I can show you how they work!"
Dottore speaks to her again, and his voice is soft and gentle, and when he speaks there sounds like sincerity and a genuine kindness. "Yes, dear. I'd love to have a look at your mechanics. That would be amazing" He says, and as he speaks, he genuinely sounds very happy at the chance.
She then willingly opens her chest. As a puppet, her inner working seemed to have a certain glow. "look! Here is my lungs, see? I can breathe in.." she then breathes in to show him how it works on the inside. "an then out.." she breathes out as well."is fun!"
Dottore nods enthusiastically, as he stares at her insides with a certain fascination. As her lungs glow, and their glow shines brightly against the dim light of the room, his eyes seem to stare with wonder and amazement. The glow that shines from her lungs is truly beautiful, and it's like seeing a star up close. And at the sight of her lungs, Dottore sees something else, something deeper than just her beautiful lungs. He sees her soul. "They're perfect… I could look at them for hours…" He says, staring at her with a mix of both fascination and kindness.
"Oh! Oh! Look! There's my heart! is my favorite part of me! It beats sooo fast! And it glows too!…look at it go!" She then starts to imitate the sound of a beating heart….so cute.
Dottore watches with wonder. He watches as her heart beats, as it glows brightly in the dark, and as she imitates the sound it makes. His heart fills with a certain fondness as he looks at her heart beating, and he smiles at her with a kindness so deep it's almost a kind of warmth. A warmth filled with affection and kindness, and also with a bit of melancholy. "It's beautiful…" He says softly, as he stares at her heart in wonder. It was truly a beautiful sight to behold.
"Thank you! I can show you more if you want!..I have a lot of moving things inside me" she smiles.
Dottore nods enthusiastically, and he smiles back at her. He speaks to her again, now in a kind and tender voice. "I would love to see more. I've never seen anything like this before. I'm very interested to understand your inner workings. There's so much to learn, and I love learning." He says with a kindness that seemed almost paternal. He was so interested to learn more about her, about how she worked.
"You can touch them if you want to….just…be reeealy careful ok…?" (y/n) tells the doctor.
Dottore nods, and he makes to reach out with his hands. He reaches for her heart, before hesitating, and he looks up at her as he asks her "Are you sure that it's alright for me to touch them?" He asks her, as he continues to look at this beautiful heart of hers, and as he speaks, his voice is filled with a certain concern and care. He was very cautious, he wanted to make sure not to break anything within her.
"Yep! Just be careful and gentle…that's what my brother says to me" she smiles again.
Dottore nods, and this time he reaches out and touches her heart. He's still careful, and he's very gentle, caressing it and touching it as if it could break at any moment. And as he touches her heart and feels it, he speaks again, and in a voice filled with tenderness, he speaks to her. "It's so beautiful…" He says, as he gently caresses it with his hand, as he is in awe of it's beauty.
She giggles a little. "i-it tickles!.."
Dottore chuckles as he hears (y/n) giggle, a sound that makes his heart warm. Now as he hears her giggle, he caresses her heart even more tenderly, and he speaks again, as he continues to caress and gently rub her heart. As he speaks, his tone is warm and affectionate, as he laughs gently. "You have a cute little heart, dear. Your laugh is really wonderful" He says, as he still caresses and rubs her heart lovingly.
Dottore continues to gently explore her mechanics, caressing her inner parts with a gentle touch that was filled with warmth and kindness. It was an interesting experience, and he found himself quite fascinated by everything that he was seeing. Not only did she have such a beautiful heart, but there was also a certain grace to her inner workings, and it all seemed so delicate, yet with a certain complexity. There were so many beautiful parts to her.
She seems happy to watch him…
Dottore is still gently exploring her insides. He seems fascinated at all the intricate, and gorgeous parts that she has. He was intrigued by everything that he saw, and the more he touched, the more interested he became. His eyes sparkle as he looks at her, as his touch is gentle and careful, as he caresses her parts and sees them. "There is so much beauty inside you, my dear… You are really wonderful…" He says to her, as he caresses her again with kindness. As he feels her, this is his true and genuine thoughts.
She smiles sweetly."thank you! I'm happy you think I'm beautiful.."
Dottore smiles back at her, and he continues to caress her with a gentle touch. Now he speaks to her again, and in a voice filled with kindness, he says to her "I find you very beautiful, my dear. I'm happy that you shared this with me, and I'm happy to learn about you" He says, as he looks up at her with a gentle expression of love and affection
(y/n) is just such a sweet soul, even if it is an artificial one.
Dottore smiles back at her, as he reaches one of the upper parts of her body, and he speaks to her again. This time, there's a kindness and tenderness to his words, as he speaks in a voice filled with emotion. "I really appreciate this, my dear. It's been so long since I've had anyone show me any kindness" He says, letting his emotions and his heart show in his voice. It makes his voice sound more sincere, and genuine, and it was clear that what he said here was the truth.
"I'm happy to help you Mr.Dottore" she says as a small little spark on electro courses throughout her body. she giggles. "that happens some times…hihi…"
Dottore notices the spark, and looks at her. He smiles when she giggles, and now he speaks in a soft and tender voice. There's so much affection and care to his words. And as he speaks, his eyes shine with a certain love that's deeper than just kindness. "Well that's just adorable…It's like I'm making you giggle" He says, as a smile crosses his face. There, clearly, was genuine happiness and love to his words and in his heart.
"I do this when I'm happy…" she laughs softly.
Dottore laughs along, and as he sees her laugh, his heart melts. She's so adorable. And there's something… Magical about her. The way her laughter fills the room, and the softness and kindness that radiates from her.
Then she had a idea. "Mr.Dottore…can you take off your mask?….I just…want to see how your eyes are….can I..?" (y/n) asks gently.
Dottore is taken back by her sudden request, but after a moment of hesitation, he speaks to her again. His voice is soft and gentle, filled with a certain love and kindness, and he seems to want to please her. He nods, and as he does this, his mask is then removed, and his face is then revealed to her "Sure, my dear. But you must promise to not make fun of me, hm?" He asks her, as he speaks in that same gentle and loving tone of voice, as his beautiful eyes shine forth and he waits to see her reaction
Her little heart skips a beat, he can visually see her reaction from within. "wow….your red eyes are sooo pretty! you are so pretty Mr.Dottore!"
Dottore smiles, as he sees her reaction. He's very pleased to see that she likes his eyes, and her complement fills his heart with a certain warmth. Now he speaks again, as his eyes shine brighter at the compliment.
"Oh, you make me so happy, my dear. I'm glad you think they're pretty"
He says, as he continues to smile, his red eyes looking directly at her as he does this.
Her heart begins to beat faster, little sparks of energy now forming around it. "haha..look, look..sparkles!"
Dottore watches the sparks of energy, and he looks at her with a certain fascination. He watches them with curiosity, and there's a certain warmth to his expression. She was certainly beautiful, and seeing this is something that fills his heart with joy. Now he reaches out with his hand, and he gently touches one of the little sparks with his hand "So small. Yet so pretty" He says, as he gently caresses the little spark with his hand.
"Haha…it-..it tickles-haha!" (y/n) was very happy…
Dottore chuckles again from seeing her giggle. It fills him with this feeling of warmth, and the softness and kindness of her giggle makes his heart melt. "Oh, you adorable little thing!" He says, as he gently caresses her again. His touch is full of kindness, and he touches each of her little sparks with a sense of gentleness and a soft kindness. He smiles again, his red eyes brimming with warmth and affection.
"Hihi!…i-i think is because of your eyes…I like them a lot!" She says, still giggling a bit.
Dottore chuckles again, as his eyes sparkle. There's genuine happiness and love to his smile now, and her kind words have filled his heart with joy. "My red eyes, eh?" He says with a smile, as now he caresses her cheeks, with a soft and tender touch. "They are lovely, aren't they?" Dottore says, as now he can feel how happy she is, how much she loves him, and just how happy he makes her. To be able to do that for her, is a beautiful thing, isn't it?
"Is perfect!…now I understand why you have blue hair!…is to go with your red eyes!"(y/n) says very happily.
Dottore chuckles again, a warm and joyous laugh, and there's a sense of pride as he hears her say this. Now that she mentioned it, it was kind of obvious. His blue hair was to go with his red eyes. He smiles to her as he speaks to her again. "Well, you're certainly right about that, my dear" He says, as now he speaks with a sense of pride and joy in his voice, and now that's she mentioned it, he realizes how his hair and eyes work together so well.
To that, her heart beats faster, and more sparkles appear. It seems this happens when she is happy. "wow! I made even more sparkles!…so many! a heart full of little sparkles!" She says laughing happily.
Dottore chuckles again, and as he watches these little sparks, he feels this urge to protect them. They're so delicate, and so precious. Seeing her heart filled with them, with so many little sparks of joy and happiness.
"Are they coming from your heart? Your little heart is sparkling beautifully my dear, I think that's one of the most wonderful things I've seen" He says earnestly, and he cannot help but smile at the sight. He is filled with love, and at this moment, he loves her more than anything else in this world.
"Yep! it happens when I'm happy!…you made me happy then! (gasp!) so your eyes do too! so many happy things! haha.!" She is beaming right now, so very happy.
Dottore sees her smile, and he smiles in return. He sees how happy she is, and how she's beaming with joy. And it fills his heart with a certain sense of warmth and pride. These are truly wonderful feelings, that he was so lucky to experience. "My eyes make you happy? Well I'm happy that they do my dear. I'm happy that I can bring you some happiness" He says, as he smiles at her, and as he continues to gently caress her cheek with a soft and tender touch.
"You do! the sparkles say so!..look! look..! So fast! Hihi!" She is quite happy.
Dottore sees the sparkles and he smiles. Seeing her this happy makes his heart melt, and it fills him with a sense of genuine joy. He laughs at her laughter and at how happy she is, and his eyes shine bright as he sees her smiling and laughing. "Yes, indeed! You're so adorable, my dear. Truly adorable, indeed" He says, as his warm laughter fills the room like music. He speaks with a kindness and a warmth to his voice, and he speaks with such love. And he feels his heart melting at how happy she is.
Dottore looks at her, as he speaks with a voice filled with kindness, and with the same gentleness and sincerity that he had spoken with before. "My dear… I'm not just happy, you have brought me a joy that is so much deeper than we humans can even comprehend. Your laughter is like music to my ears, your smile like a painting for my eyes, and your presence reminds me of just how beautiful life is" He says, as he smiles gently at her. He means every word of what he says to her. She is indeed beautiful, in every way.
The sparkles in her heart seemed to tickle his skin, as a way of saying thank you. She is really happy. "I'm so glad I helped you Mr.Dottore! I'm going to help you everyday now!..I like it a lot!" She says with a smile.
Dottore looks at her, and there's a certain love in his eyes. He really is happy now, and she did help him. He speaks to her, and his voice is gentle and full of love, as he speaks with a certain love and affection to her. "I would be oh so grateful, my dear. I'm lucky that you want to help me. Not many others could care enough about me to want to do that. You are so precious" He says, as a small, kind and soft touch lands on her cheek again.
The sparks in her heart seem to flicker softly, as she likes how he treats her so fondly. she smiles. "I'm your special assistant! always here to help!..hihi!"
Dottore sees her smiles, and he smiles back at her, as his heart melts in a certain happiness to see her like this. She is indeed so wonderful, and to know that she would actually want to help him, was so much more than he deserved. He cannot help but wonder how someone so amazing could love him at all. "You are indeed special, my dear. And I would be so lucky to have you be my assistant" He says, as he smiles back at her, and he gently caresses her cheek again.
Her hand goes to touch his own on her cheek, her small and delicate hand compared to his…so delicate…so precious. "tomorrow…I'm going to show you something very special I can do….brother said to keep it a secret….but I trust you!" She smiled at him.
Dottore notices the way that her hand touches his, and he feels his heart melt again at the gentleness. It's so delicate, so soft, and so sweet. She's really so precious, and he cannot help but like this. Seeing him this way fills him with a sense of love, a happiness he never really had before. "Well, I feel grateful to be trusted, my dear. I will cherish your trust" He says, as he continues to smile at her. "I look forward to seeing your special something, my dear"
As they are done doing things in the lab, they open the door to leave. "today was a very fun day!…I like spending time with you Mr Dottore" (y/n) says as she comes out the lab with him.
Dottore also exits the lab, with (y/n) by his side. He then turns his eyes to her, with kindness and love to his voice. "Likewise my dear. It was a lot of fun, and I enjoy spending time with you too. I would be more than happy to have you by my side, and I will do my best to make you happy. You will not be a burden to me, I will make sure of that" He says, as he continues to gently caress her cheek with his hand.
She smiles up at him…a sweet smile. "tomorrow…I'm going to show you something so cool….I think you'll like it"
Dottore chuckles again, and he speaks with a warm and kind voice "Then I look forward to seeing it, my dear. I'm sure it will be awesome, just like you" Dottore says, as he continues to gently caress her cheek with a soft and loving touch. He looks at her with kindness and love, but also pride, as he speaks to her. He is proud of her, and that's clear. She really is so precious, and he cannot help but love a person like her.
Dottore smiles one last time at her, as they say their goodbyes. He had never felt such a wonderful feeling in his heart, and this day had been one of the best in his whole life. He cannot wait to see her again, to see her smile, to see her shine. And he says to her as she leaves. "Farewell my dear, I look forward to seeing you tomorrow" He says, as with a gentle and tender touch of his hand, he caresses her cheek as one last sign of kindness and love.
"Bye-bye Sir Dottore! see you tomorrow!" (y/n) says as she goes back to her and her brother's room to rest for the night…
As they were saying goodbye to each other, a certain brother was waiting for (y/n) to come back…it's been so many hours now….he was worried if the doctor did anything to her…..
《Ooooh...cliff hanger!..》
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galaxiefan · 1 year
《Dottore x inocent!puppet reader》 (Part 1)
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《Just a little fun thing I made...hope you enjoy your time here...♡~》
《Just for context: The story takes place in the fatui headquarters, were (y/n) and her brother Scaramouche lived with the rest of the harbingers...and a certain doctor just so happened to ask (y/n) to "help" him with something...》
Dottore looks at (y/n) and he seems quite curious about her. He looks at her up and down, examining her. He has a big grin on his face, and he seems excited by the prospect of what will happen. A new subject for his experiments…it's a chance to learn so much. His eyes are wide, and his demeanor is almost childlike, for all his genius, and as he speaks his voice is oddly sweet, filled with kindness, almost as if he's trying to win her over. "Hello dear, i see you finally arrived."
(y/n) looks at Dottore with a gentle smile… "Hello doctor… you said you needed my help?…"
Dottore thinks for a second, before he speaks. He seems surprised by her calm demeanor, as he was expecting her to be fearful. But then he realizes that she might be unaware as to what he's planning on doing in this lab. His voice is still sweet as ever though, and he speaks gently, as he would to a child. He tries to keep his voice gentle and soft, because he knows if he speaks angrily, he will scare her, and no more experiments can come of that. He wants her to cooperate as much as possible."Yes dear. Do you mind telling me your name?"
She nodded...so inocent... "My name is (y/n) sir....is a pleasure to meet you..."
Dottore is pleased by her name, and he lets out a soft little chuckle. He can tell that she's just a child, and his voice softens even further as he speaks again. He still speaks in a way that's soft and sweet, like speaking to a child, but now there's also a hint of gentleness in his tone. There's a sense of kindness and care in the way he speaks now as he talks, as his expression is calm and sincere."It's my pleasure. I'm Dottore."
She smiles at him with kindness. (y/n) was always happy to help people...it brought her a lot of joy. "I'm glad to be of help Mr.Dottore..."
Now Dottore wants to see how far he can stretch her compliance. It might be hard to convince her to do all the things he wants her to do...after all they're rather brutal. But if he's gentle about it he can probably talk her into it. He smiles, and there's just a hint of sweetness in his voice, as if he wants to seem as gentle and friendly as possible. He still speaks softly, and this time he speaks a bit slower."Let's start with something easy. Your hand, please."
She gently gives him her hand...she wants to help him.....such a gentle soul. He's slightly surprised that she gave him her hand right away, with little to no questions. After all, if he was in her shoes, he would be terrified. But then he remembers that she is just a child, and she might not know that anything is wrong. It doesn't seem like she feels scared or threatened at all, she just seems to want to help the doctor like he asked her to do. He takes her hand in his own, and he has a slight look of sadness in his eyes as he gently squeezes her hand. He doesn't want to scare her, but he does need what he needs.
She looks at him with a kind smile. Her kindness surprises him a little. He looks at her, and it's clear that he's feeling a tiny bit of guilt. Her kindness does have an effect on him, despite all his plans. What if he was treating her poorly? That guilt would consume him, if he let it...and no, he can't let himself feel that guilt. The world he desires can't be achieved with guilt. He's too focused on his goal. His hand tightens just a little bit.
Dottore feels a bit bad for her...he knows he's doing something horrible, and she is clearly innocent to the fact. He has a bit of a guilty feeling in him. He tries to reassure himself that this path is the only one towards his goal...but it doesn't take away the guilt he feels. She's just a child, who has done nothing wrong and he is hurting her for his own gain. He tries to ignore the guilty feeling in himself as he looks at her, but it's not easy, as he knows he's being cruel to this innocent soul.
"Mr Dottore...are you ok?...do you need my help..?" She kindly asks.
He was not expecting her to be as kind as this to him. He was expecting a certain level of fear. He wanted it. But this? This is something else. She's genuinely kind, and she really does seem to want to help him. He speaks again, and his voice becomes a tad bit warmer once more. He smiles, looking at her for a moment, and he realizes that she truly means what she says. He can't help but think how awful it would be to hurt her, or to cause her pain. He feels…guilty.
"It's alright Mr.Dottore...I want to help you..." (y/n) says with care...
Dottore feels a bit surprised. He's not used to this level of kindness. Usually people are scared, or upset, or angry at him...but this girl's completely calm, and that feels different. Is she...genuine? Is this how she really feels? There's a sense of genuineness in her words. And that scares him a bit. His desire to carry out his plan, to achieve his goal, is still strong. But this girl...she almost makes him feel like what he's doing might not be the right thing.
Dottore smiles. He can feel his kindness towards her grow, but he's still not sure if he should trust all the warmth he feels towards her. Maybe she really is just that kind. He tries to push those thoughts away though, as he keeps thinking about his goals. His kindness grows, and he speaks again, still with a gentle smile, yet something in his voice feels different this time. You sense a hint of sadness in his voice, as he speaks."It's so incredibly sweet of you to want to help me. I'm not sure if I deserve it."
She smiles again... "of course you do...just..tell me what to do..."
Dottore smiles a little, his voice softens even further, and he speaks in a way that almost sounds like he's talking to a child. He lets go of her hand, and he looks up at her, before speaking. His voice is even softer. He seems to be thinking about what he's going to do. He lets it sink in."You are such a sweet girl my dear...very well. Then I have just the right task for you..."
He speaks again, as he smiles at her with a sense of genuine kindness."Follow me, if you will..."He turns around, and then he starts walking towards a door in the lab. His voice is soft, and his mannerisms are kind and gentle. He has that look in his eyes, the hint of sadness he was feeling earlier. There's a bit of guilt that's still dwelling in his heart, but his kindness and his calmness seem to overshadow that, just a bit. He still speaks with all that kindness and gentleness in his voice. She follows him close behind...getting inside the lab.
The lab is filled with strange machines, and various gadgets and gizmos in strange shapes that do strange things. The machines are very advanced, and very well thought out. There are so many different things to look at. It's like a child's dream. There are so many different things to explore and study, and so many things to try. "Welcome...to my laboratory. Everything here is something I've created myself, for the sake of knowledge and understanding. Some of these machines may seem quite strange, but they're all very useful for the research that I'm doing..."
She looks around and smiles... "I'm sure they are very useful Mr.Dottore..."
The doctor takes out a machine that appears to be a glass container of sorts. The container has a round shape to it, and there is a small opening on the top. He turns it on, and a strange hum starts coming forth from the machine. The container starts shaking, and a strange, thick black liquid starts moving inside. The liquid is dark and thick. The doctor looks at it, and he seems almost pleased, as if what he's seeing is fascinating to him. "Please, come a step closer. I'll show you what this machine does"
She does so....also curious about what he'll show her next.
Dottore watches as she comes closer, and he looks happy that she is interested. He speaks, and he genuinely sounds like he finds pleasure in teaching other people. He speaks in a way that is very calm and very kind."I believe the best way to understand something is to experience it with all of your senses. Therefore, I've programmed this machine to give you two different experiences. A visual one, and a taste one...don't worry, it won't hurt, it's perfectly safe for you to taste"
She smiles again...she seems to trust him...
Dottore's face softens further as he sees that. He sees that she is truly trusting him. That makes him happy, and he wants to treat her right, so he speaks again, this time with even more sincerity and kindness in his voice"In that case, please put your tongue in the opening at the top. Just be careful not to choke, okay? There's no need to swallow, just have a taste at it..."
She nodded, doing as he asks...she is just that eager to help him...
She reaches the liquid...her tongue tasting it. Dottore watches her tongue enter the liquid. He sees her reaction, and he is waiting for her response."What do you think? How does it taste?"
She started to feel a little dizzy...like she is getting sleepy now...she looks at dottore, then she just..slowly..closes her eyes...
Dottore's expression changes as he watches her close her eyes. He looks a bit surprised, as she suddenly seems a bit more tired. But when he sees her expression...her kindness...her trustful face. That moment touches him quite a bit. He speaks, feeling more guilty than before. His voice is still gentle and kind, but now he speaks in a sad and melancholy way."I'm sorry...I've put you to sleep..."
She softly rests...her head and body on the table. Dottore feels a surge of different emotions surge through him. There's a bit of guilt, a bit of sadness. But most of all, there's a sense of...hope. Hope that she'll be alright...he feels hope for the first time in a long time, and it feels odd to him. There's a kind and loving feeling within him, and he can't help but wonder if it's something he could give to everyone...maybe it's something that could help him create a new world. He realizes that that kind and loving feeling has filled him with warmth after all these years.
Dottore looks at her for a while, before pulling out his notebook, and writing some more notes down. He's not sure what exactly to do, she's the first person he's felt kindness towards, he doesn't want to hurt her. He's not sure how to proceed with this, and he's wondering how he's going to use her. What if she doesn't wake up? He doesn't want to think about it. He writes down another note. He doesn't want to think about what he's going to do to her, he'll cross that bridge when he gets to it.
Her puppet joints were all there for him to see....but...the real interesting stuff....was inside her. Dottore looks at her, and again he's filled with a new surge of feelings as he looks at the inner workings of her puppet arms "Fascinating..." He seems a bit distracted, as he writes down some more notes in his notebook. Her body is incredible, and it's clear that a lot of effort has gone into making it. He's impressed not just by her appearance, but also by how well she functions, and by how well her parts fit together. She's a marvel of technology and engineering.
She still sleeping...her expression so peaceful...Despite all of the strange and terrible things he's done and seen, he still feels a tiny bit of hope when he looks at her face. He looks at her while her face is so peaceful, and there's a hint of warmth in his eyes. Maybe this is what it means to be human...maybe this is what happiness is. Maybe this girl can help him see the world in a new light. He feels like he wants to look at her for a bit longer, and so he does. She makes him feel a bit more human too.
Dottore takes the opportunity to look at her arms a bit closer. He starts looking at one of her joints, and he wonders how they function. He tries to carefully take the joint apart, and after a bit of work he's able to do it. It's complicated and intricate, and a tiny part of him wonders if she's okay with him taking out her joints...but he justifies it. This is for the sake of science after all. He pulls out the joint, and he studies how it functions. It's pretty fascinating actually, and he makes even more notes. As he was messing around...she let out a small little gasp...still asleep.
Dottore instantly feels guilty and stops what he's doing. Her gasp scared him. He really didn't want to hurt her. He puts the joint back into her body, and he looks at her. He feels guilty, but he also can't help but be amazed that she's so peaceful while she is asleep. He looks at her once again, and his kindness and his gentleness come back. He's not sure what to do, but he's still filled with a bit of guilt. He's not sure where he should take this experiment. After a little while, (y/n) slowly wakes up, still a little drowsy. "sir...?" A small voice says. "Welcome back dear. How are you feeling?"He sounds kind and gentle. He's careful with how he asks, and he seems like he genuinely cares. After what happened earlier, it's clear he feels much more guilt and sadness than before. He hopes that he didn't do anything wrong just now, or that he didn't hurt her too much. Now that he's more aware of his emotions, he feels more than ever that she deserves to be treated better than all of the others.
She gives him a drowsy smile. "was...I...helpful..?" Dottore smiles, as he sees her give him a sleepy smile. He looks at her in a kind way, and he speaks in a voice that is comforting. He tries to hide his sadness from her, so he doesn't worry her too much"Yes. Yes, you were. I'm still writing notes, but already you've given me a lot of insight. Thank you, (y/n). You've been very helpful today"
She closes her eyes...smiling a little. Dottore can see that she seems to still be smiling as she goes back to sleep again. He looks at her, and he once again is filled with all kinds of feelings. He feels happy that she's smiling, and sad that this experiment is ending so soon. And with those feelings, he suddenly seems a lot more conscious of himself. He wonders why he's feeling so many things...he feels more alive than ever. He feels almost human...and he likes that feeling. With that new sense of...human-ness, he goes back to his notes. He's not just writing, he's learning.
《Time skip...》
Later that day...(y/n) goes to find Scaramouche…to tell him how much she liked helping Dottore…she finds him on his room, looking at some paperwork...
She can hear sounds coming from behind his door. She knocks on it, and after a moment, he speaks, in his usual voice and tone, which he tends to use with the other Harbingers."Come in" (y/n) opens the door, and she sees his sitting in his chair, surrounded by books. He's reading through two books, and as always, he seems to be focused on reading them. She speaks up, and he looks over to her, seeming a bit irritated with the interruption. "What do you want?"
"Hello brother! you won't believe who I helped today!" She is smiling at her puppet brother...
"Oh? And who were you helping, exactly?"He seems a bit skeptical, but he also sounds curious. He does want to know what she's been doing, as he looks at (y/n), he motions for her to continue.
"Mr.Dottore said he needed my help. We went to his lab, then he gave me a black juice, and I had the best sleep!" She is clearly too innocent to realize what actually happened. Scaramouche knows how Dottore wanted to get his hands on their puppet body's...but he didn't expect him to go this far...scaramouche cares about his little sister...he was not happy.
He looks at her for a second, almost unable to comprehend what he's hearing. It sounds like she was experimented on...by Dottore. He is not happy to hear that fact. There is a part of him that is screaming at every moment, demanding that he act. But in spite of everything, he is also curious, and as she continues he's only filled with even more emotions. He wonders why she had the best sleep, what did the black juice do? And what did she do for him? He's not sure how to act"So how did you help him?"
(y/n) looks at Scaramouche with a smile."oh...i was so sleepy...I don't remember much...but my hand feels a little funny..."
Scaramouche's face fills up with even more anger at hearing that. He sees that she doesn't really seem to know what has happened, which in a way is a bit relieving, but that doesn't excuse how angry he feels towards Dottore. He knows that if he could, he would kill the doctor right this second. The thought actually pleases him quite a bit. But instead of focusing on that urge, he keeps his rage hidden, and he speaks to her in a calm and kind voice."Tell me more about this 'black juice'. What do you remember?"
"Well...he told me to drink it...he said that it was safe for me...it tasted a little funny too...then i started to feel very sleepy...and he helped me lay down on the table...i could feel him do something with my arm...it tickled...!" She was clearly experimented on...
Scaramouche can feel that something inside him is stirring. It's rage. It's a strong feeling, and it's one he is used to. He still manages to keep his expression calm, and his voice kind and gentle, but he speaks in a way that is more stern than he usually does. "(y/n)...this is important to me. What did he do to your arm? You need to tell me, okay. I know you can trust me, so please, you must tell me"
She looks at her arm."I was sleepy....i don't remember much...just that it tickled a little..."
He takes a minute to breathe. His rage is still there, but he manages to keep it out of his voice. He speaks to her in a way that is still gentle, but she can hear something in his voice that wasn't there before "(y/n), i know there's something that he did...do you remember anything else, even if it's just vague pictures? Think hard" He's doing his best to help her, he wants to help her, and now he needs her to try to remember something. It's very important.
"Mmm....he did say something while I was sleepy...i think it was.... "fascinating"...ya that's what he said..."
"He said...'Fascinating'..." He's almost whispering now. He doesn't want to scare her, but his voice is filled with a strong mix of feelings. He wants to be angry, but he can't be angry right now. There's still too much he doesn't know. He seems to have come to some realization"(y/n)..." he sounds as if he's about to tell her something important, and his soft and gentle tone becomes even softer and gentler, to the point where it sounds almost like a lullaby, and as he puts a hand on one of her shoulders, he starts.
She looks at him with a smile. "yes brother?"
"You must never, and I mean never...let anyone else experiment on you again. Okay?" He speaks with a sense of urgency, but he's still trying his best to sound kind and gentle, so that she will not be worried. He wants to protect her, to keep her safe, and he wants her to know that. "You must promise me that you will keep that promise...okay?" He looks at her with concern, and he waits for her to promise him. He wants to be sure that she understands him.
She tilts her head in confusion. "why..?..I like to help..."
A small twitch in his eyebrows. He hadn't exactly considered that. She was happy to help, she thought it was fun, even. He doesn't want to ruin that. He's not sure what to do. After a bit of thinking, he speaks again."(y/n) you want to help others, right? I know you do, and I'm sure you're great at it. But...sometimes it can be dangerous. And sometimes, the people you wanna help, aren't good people. They are bad people. And sometimes people can...hurt you when you least expect it"
"H-hurt me?....but...Dottore was so nice to me..."
His eyes widen at her statement. For a second he pauses, and he looks at her with a mixture of feelings. "Oh? What...what did he do to you...?" He speaks with an expression of kindness, but now there's also a small hint of sadness and worry. He wants to know all of the details, but he doesn't want to pressure her too much. He wants to hear her answer first.
"He holded my hand so carefully...a-and...he said I was a sweet girl too..."
"Held your hand...so...so gently?"He seems to be trying to interpret her answer as best as he can. But he's not sure what she means, so he asks to be sure."He was kind to you?"
"Yes....he looked at my puppet joints too...I think he likes them..." She says....oh sweet innocence.
"He looked at your...puppet joints?"He raises an eyebrow, and he sounds a bit concerned as he looks at her. He's never heard anyone say anything like that before. And yet somehow, the idea of anyone looking at her joints makes him angry...and he doesn't understand why. He tries to calm himself down, and he speaks to her again in a soft and kind voice. "(y/n)...i want you to promise me that you'll never let anyone look at your joints again, okay? I don't care who it is, you need to make that promise for me"
She looks confused. "why...?"
He sighs. He doesn't want to scare her, but he doesn't want her to be hurt, either. So, as usual, he tries to be gentle, to not say anything that would hurt her, but to still have her promise him one thing. "Because (y/n), for some people out there, you are not a person. You're just something they could use to their advantage. It's cruel and unkind, but that is how some humans are. Some humans are dangerous, okay? And you must never, ever, let them do whatever they want to you"
She looks at her brother...she seems to be thinking...
"Please... promise me. Promise me that you'll do your best to keep yourself safe" He looks at her with a concerned look in his eyes. He knows that it's a big promise to ask for, but he wants to know that she'll be okay. He wants her to be safe. And she needs to promise him that, so that he can make sure that she'll keep that promise, and make sure that she'll be alright. "Please, (y/n)...do it for me. I don't want you to get hurt, or mistreated"
She then nods. If her brother wanted her to promise him so badly, then it must be important to him. "Ok...."
He smiles at her, feeling relieved that he was able to get a promise out of her. She was young, but she's smart, she must be. If he asked her to promise him something...then that promise would be kept, right?. "Thank you...thank you..." He speaks in a voice that shows his gratitude, and he seems very happy that he was able to make her promise him. He wants to make sure her promise will be kept, as his will, certainly be.
She smiled at him. looking better at the room now, she noticed her brother's hat on the table...a rare sight since he always haves it on were ever he goes....she then decided to get a little playful. She saw her brother's hat, put it on and started to mimic him as he always says..."I'm scaramouche! Number 6 of the fatui harbinger!" She said as her giggles echo through the room. She was running around, swinging his hat's ornaments as she goes.
He chuckles at her, and he seems very amused by her. He finds it cute that she wanted to be just like him. And so, to help her act even more like him, he speaks in a tone that's still filled with the same gentle love and respect that was so obvious while he spoke to her. "I know you are, you sweet little rascal. Just like your big brother, and he's so, so proud of you" He chuckles again, he's definitely being a little over dramatic, but he's genuinely happy.
She giggles in happiness...runing around...until she bumps into someone, it was the doctor...he looked down at her...
Scaramouche stares at the doctor as he watches this. As he look into his eyes, he's furious. He is filled with anger, he wants to scream, he wants to shout, he would even throw hands with this man if he could. But he won't. He will not give in to his desires. Not when (y/n) is watching. With a great effort, he keeps his composure, and he speaks to the man in a tone that is still gentle. "Doctor. What are you doing here?" His expression is cold, and his voice is empty of any real emotion.
"Hello Mr.Dottore!" She looks up at him, Scaramouches hat still on her head.
He watches as (y/n) seems to be friendly with the doctor, which makes him concerned. She doesn't seem to realize how much the man is despicable. He's about to reach for her, but he stops himself. He doesn't want to scare her. He doesn't want to make her sad. So he tries to hold himself back, while he speaks with a tone that is polite and calm. "This is a rather unexpected visit, doctor. What's brought you all the way here?"
Dottore seemed surprised at first, and for a second he was just completely still, almost as if he was caught off guard. But then the man speaks, with a soft and friendly tone. He speaks as if nothing is wrong. The man does this with such ease, there's no doubt he's done this before. And now he looks down at (y/n), he has a smile on his face, and he speaks as if he's trying to charm her. "We have something to discuss. Something important, that I think we both want to talk about. Come, let us speak in private"
She smiled at the doctor. "Do you need my help again?"
Dottore looks into her eyes, and smiles back. His smile is much kinder, and much more gentle. He speaks in a tone of soft sincerity, and he puts a gentle and kind hand on her arm, as if that would convince her. And it did, he is charming her. And she seems to be falling for it. Dottore was always very good at talking to people. "Yes, I do. It will only be a short little talk. We'll be done here in no time, I promise"
She smiled...she is happy to help him.
Dottore holds her hand very gently, he treats it with such care, almost as if it could shatter if he holds it too hard. And with a gentle smile on his face, he begins to move away, while (y/n) follows him. "Thank you, dear" He speaks with a soft and gentle kindness. "You're so useful, you know that?"
She smiles and giggles at his remark. "I'm always happy to help!.."
As Dottore speaks, he doesn't stop smiling, and he's constantly keeping his gentle attitude. The man is extremely charismatic, but with it also comes a manipulative element, he tries to draw the people around him into a false sense of security. He's still very convincing though, and with every new word he speaks, (y/n) is getting charmed more and more. Before long, he would almost have her convinced that he's just an ordinary uncle, a well-meaning man, a friend. "If you keep at it like this, you'll be the brightest star in the sky before you know it"
She giggles more...very happy at his compliment.
It's so easy for him to get her to do what he wants, and he finds it amusing. He's not sure whether he does it because he wants to, or because it's just easy. Or maybe it's because he just knows so well how to get people to like him, and he takes advantage if that. Whatever the reason, he's able to get (y/n) to do whatever he wants, however he wants, and the more he speaks to her, the more she seems to just eat his words right up. "And you'll always, always, be my special little assistant, okay?"
She smiled. "I like to help you Mr Dottore!"
Dottore lets out a big laugh, and he lets out a smile that's gentle and kind. He seems to be genuinely touched by her enthusiasm, and he speaks again in that soft and friendly voice. He speaks as if he's a friend. "I know you do, (y/n). You already do so much for me, and I just can't get enough. It's always wonderful to have a willing assistant, and you are my most trustworthy of assistants. And I want you to continue helping for many more years" He says, and he keeps holding her hand.
Meanwhile...scaramouche was watching he hole thing...so that is what she meant when she said Dottore treats her well.
Scaramouche watches as they walk off together, and he doesn't know how to stop. But he cannot do anything. He simply watches as (y/n) walks away with the doctor, a smile on her face. Her pure innocence is being exploited by a man that will only bring danger. But now it's too late, and Scaramouche knows he can't do anything about it. He has to keep his eyes on her though, he needs to keep track of her, and make sure she remains safe. And so, Scaramouche watches as they walk away together...
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