fursona-resources · 8 months
"How to Make a Fursona: A guide for furries and non-furries alike (but mostly non-furries)" Is now available for purchase!
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>>Purchase link here!<<
This 12-page zine acts as a little activity book. It introduces newcomers to the furry fandom and guides them through making a fursona. Along with being a guide, this zine has a focus on how having an alter ego to express yourself with can lead to a stronger sense of self-love and confidence.
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fursona-resources · 10 months
If you're a furry and you want a dog sona, but don't want to go with standard purebreeds, I reccomend taking a look at @odddogs !
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fursona-resources · 11 months
Alright after a bit of though as well as a dose of encouragement from other people on here I’m definitely gonna make myself a fursona (and by make I mean design and commission the drawing of, can’t draw to save my life) but I’ve got a fair bit of questions as I move through the process. Some are genuine questions that I need input on, some are just about curiosity, and some are probably just to spark conversation. Overall I haven’t been active in the furry community having just come here from lurking on Reddit, and being generally introverted, but Tumblr is welcoming enough for me to change that.
1. OC and fursona: From my understanding, an oc is an original character created by an artist. They’ve got more than one and they are that, a character. A Fursona I think is a furry persona, a representation of someone, specifically with an anthropomorphic animal of some sort. Is this the difference, or is there something I’m missing? Are fursonas simply the furry version of na OC? Or is one of these things incorrect. Big question, do people tend to have multiple fursonas, or mostly just one?
2. What to do with it: This is a big one. I get profile pictures, that makes sense. But other than that, how are fursonas used for?
3. Commission: I know I can commission someone to draw it, but we’ll that’s all I know. What do I tell them to draw? Do I have to show them something for reference? I can’t draw so what would I show? How much do commissions tend to be? I’m sure they vary depending on what is being drawn, but in this case just a colored character on a blank canvas, what does it tend to be? Who should I go to? In this case, I’d really like to know who you went to if you utilized commissions, and about your general experience.
4. Realism: Obviously there is a sort of leap in realism in the first place. Much more color than is found in specific animals, and specific bodily traits not found in certain species n such. But other than that, how real is do they tend to be? Is it atypical for fursonas to have like a robotic arm? Maybe for a canine to have antlers?
5. Representation: If a fursona is an anthropomorphic representation of the person who is behind it, to what extent is it a representation? Is it how you think you would be represented, with a similar height and build, or how you would wish to be in a specific representation? Does it have piercings you don’t? Building off of realism, maybe it has a special fantastical feature that you just think is neat?
6. Creation: How does one come up with it? Where does it start from, and what do they work with? How did you know what to name it? When you make it, how much of the details are fully realized? Does it ever change, or does the design stay the same? Do they have a backstory like an OC might, or are they, again, simply you?
7. Usage: this might kinda seem odd, but in the case that one person designs it, and another draws it on commission, how you go about sharing your fursona in a way that is respectful to the artist? The first thing that comes to mind is tagging, and I’m not talking about copyright because I’m most definitely not going to be utilizing this in a way that makes money. Or is this something that would more be up to the artist?
That’s really it. For now. I just want to know, mostly about yours. So show it to me and absolutely gush without leaving anything out.
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fursona-resources · 1 year
Making a (Fur)Sona
For no one in particular.
Great news! When you make a sona the only person you need to impress is yourself!
There are, virtually, no rules to making your own fursona. Typically it just needs to be some kind of anthropomorphic creature. And that’s not even the case every time! The only thing that matters is it makes you happy.
You don’t need to use realistic colors, you can make a mix of two or more animals you vibe with, you can use fantasy or copyrighted creatures, they can be toony or more realistic/monster-y, they can have super powers, they can be a regular ol dude, you can retain sizes of the creature like being palm sized or bus sized, there are no limits beyond find what makes you happy.
Which also includes this post! You could read this post and decide heck this I don’t need any of this info to make a sona. Hell yeah! That’s the spirit!
There’s a lot of ways people come about making a fursona and what they want it to mean.
For myself I wanted a kind of “mascot” or representation of myself for online spaces like discord and tumblr. I’d run other personas like Yeen, I vibed with alligators, and I like aqua/magenta as a color scheme.
Some people pick a creature they feel represents their personality. They go for the vibes. They do some soul searching and look at different creatures sifting through what they like and don’t until they find one that resonates with them.
Some people literally just pick their fave animal and call it a day. And that’s just as valid.
I know one person who loves mantises and realized that was the creature for them. And when they got told they could make a mantis sized sona they’ve been rotating a small mantis vers of themself in their head ever since.
You’ll find the reason people pick what they picked varies person to person. Just like how some people are more introspective vs some people are more excitable. If you aren’t sure where to start you can always ask others how they came about picking a sona. And some people change sonas over time as they change as people, you aren’t “stuck” with one forever. Its up to you!
And honestly, I thought my friends wouldn’t be as into it as I am, but they love Jones. They’re super cool about it. Its basically just a dnd character I can commission more often.
And if you already have a sona I’d love if it you inboxed your own decision making process and what you thought/felt!
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fursona-resources · 1 year
Hello! I just send in this question cause I struggle terribly with fursona species switch, and that's likely due to some mental issue I have lmao (like probably my autism or chronic indecisiveness lol) But it's really frustrating cause I don't really want a shapeshifter either :')
Quite relatable, I struggle with this as well. My best advice is:
when the connection with a sona seems to waver, redesign it. It can be as little or as drastic as you'd like. I feel that the longer I've had a design with many iterations, I am more connected to it, and redesigning helps soothe the part of my brain that really wants that species/design immediately right now, and renew my liking for the sona
if you find a species you particularly like, try making an OC instead. That OC can have as many traits like you as you'd like and you can project as much of yourself on them as you want, but I've found making the distinction helpful to me and it helps me explore that species. If you find you end up relating to that character or species, you can turn the OC into a sona or make a new sona based on that species
Try to figure out what traits you like about a species - the colors? The size? The ears? The markings? The way specific artist X drew the species in this one commission from 2009? Add them to your sona. You can also add multiple ears/tails/limbs of various types to your sona
You are allowed to make a hybrid. Hybrids can be of as many species as you want, though some may be lost in the design
Make AU versions of your fursona, in which they are a different species but retain similar traits - similar to shapeshifting, but as a fellow autistic these little "word-only differences" help me categorize this kind of information in a way that is less stressful for me
Connect various species through a backstory - maybe your sona is a phoenix-like creature who's reborn as a different species every 100 years, or maybe they used to be a species and got isekai'd into a world where they're another. Get creative
You are allowed to have as many fursonas as you would like. Nobody is stopping you. You can give them different purposes, too
I hope these helped, at least a little. Sadly, this is a bit of a hard question for me to answer. Good luck!
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fursona-resources · 1 year
Wow there should be someone in this community whose blog was dedicated to helping people make fursonas, since that's the most common question I see in furry spaces from new furs. But who would do such a thing (sorry for the hiatus everyone - I'm gonna try to post more, and I think I'm gonna try a different format for the species series)
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fursona-resources · 1 year
Lesser known small mammals (or mammals whenever i bring up people have no idea what im talking about)
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Quoll ..a carnivorous marsupial native to Australia that spends most of the day sleeping in its dens. there have been 111 recorded events of quolls eating human remains (x) (pictured here is a spotted-tail quoll)
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Numbat..an insectivorous marsupial from Australia that is diurnal (or is primarily active during the day). unlike other mammals that primarily eat termites, they have a jaw with 50 very small teeth. they live in tree hollows and block the openings with the thick hide of their rump
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Hyrax ..a small thickset herbivorous mammal that is more closely related to elephants and sea cows than pikas and marmots. theyre found in africa, and they have rubbery paw pads that help them climb up rocks (this is a rock hyrax)
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Solenodon... a venomous, insectivorous little mammal that is easily provoked into a frenzy of squeaking and biting. it uses echolocation to compensate for its poor eyesight, and females have two teats almost located on its backside (above is a cuban solenodon)
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Sengi (elephant shrews (or better known as the get a look at the snout species))...is another insectivore that is more closely related to elephants than true shrews. they live in southern Africa and have relatively large brains for their size (a respectable 11 inches) (this is a black and rufous sengi)
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Tenrec..omnivorous little mammal that lives in land, sea, underground, and in trees. there are many different subspecies of tenrec that can look like hedgehogs, opossums, rats, and shrews (this is one is a lowland streaked tenrec from madagascar)
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fursona-resources · 1 year
on of my biggest pet peeves is how little design/art people actually try to research about phenotypical differences when creating an monster/making a character based on an animal. like animals from the same species can change sooooooo much!
take the very famous Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) for an habitat based change exemple!
first this is how they look living in the siberian arctic:
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ultra fluffy dense coat, stocky limbs, rounder body and small ears for retaining body heat!
now look at how they look in the arabian desert (no this is not a fennec!)
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pointy boy unlimited! very long limbs, big tail and ears for body heat dispersion, super lean built.
so when you are designing an animal or using it as a base for a character, try researching a bit more for potential subspecies!
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fursona-resources · 1 year
Can I have more than one furrsona?
Of course, I have like 3 main ones and a bunch of secondaries because I'm indecisive. There's no limit, it's up to you! Whatever would make you happiest
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fursona-resources · 1 year
Species: Foxes (Vulpes)
This series focuses on helping people choose interesting species for their fursona through informing them of the many, often overlooked, species out there! This post is about foxes.
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Bengal Fox (Vulpes bengalensis)
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Size: 46cm (18in) lenght, 25cm (10in) tail lenght, 2.3-4.1kg (5-9lbs) weight
Diet: omnivorous, preys on invertebrates, small mammals, birds, reptiles; eats fruit
Habitat: scrublands, deciduous forests, grasslands
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Status: least concern
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Blansford's Fox (Vulpes cana)
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Size: 38-80cm (15-31in) lenght, 33-41cm (13-16in) tail lenght, 0.8kg (1.7lbs) weight
Diet: omnivorous, preys on invertebrates; eats capers, fruit
Habitat: mountainous deserts
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Status: least concern
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Cape Fox (Vulpes chama)
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Size: 30-35cm (12-14in) height (at shoulder), 45-60cm (17.5-24.5in) lenght, 30-40cm (12-15.5in) tail lenght, 2.5-4.5kg (5.5-9.9lbs) weight
Diet: omnivorous, preys on small mammals, invertebrates, birds, reptiles; eats carrion, fruit, tubers
Habitat: savannahs, dry grasslands
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Status: least concern
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Corsac Fox (Vulpes corsac)
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Size: 45-65cm (18-26in) lenght, 19-35cm (7.5-13.8in) tail lenght, 1.6-3.2kg (3.5-7.1lbs) weight
Diet: mostly carnivorous, eats small mammals, invertebrates; eats carrion
Habitat: steppes, semideserts
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Status: least concern
Please note! The corsac fox has 3 subspecies!
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Tibetan Fox (Vulpes ferrilata)
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Size: 60-70cm (24-28in) lenght, 29-40cm (11-16in) tail lenght, 4-5.5kg (8.8-12.1lbs) weight
Diet: carnivorous, preys on small mammals, reptiles; eats carrion
Habitat: semi-arid and arid grasslands
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Status: least concern
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Arctic Fox (Vulpes lagopus)
Winter coat
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Summer coat
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Size: 25-30cm (9.8-11.8in) height (at shoulder), 41-68cm (16-27in) lenght, 30cm (12in) tail lenght, 1.4-9.4kg (3.1-20.7lbs) weight
Diet: omnivorous, preys on small mammals, fish, birds, invertebrates; eats carrion, berries, seaweed
Habitat: tundra, drift ice, boreal forests
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Status: least concern
Please note! The arctic fox has 5 subspecies!
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Kit Fox (Vulpes macrotis)
The kit fox has 2 subspecies:
Vulpes macrotis macrotis
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San Joaquin Kit Fox (Vulpes macrotis mutica)
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Size: 45-53cm (17.9-21.1in) lenght, 26-32cm (10.2-12.7in) tail lenght, 1.6-2.7kg (3.5-6lbs) weight
Diet: mostly carnivorous, preys on small mammals, reptiles, invertebrates, fish; eats carrion
Habitat: desert scrubs, shrublands, grasslands
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Status: least concern (V. m. macrotis), endangered (V. m. mutica)
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Pale Fox (Vulpes pallida)
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Size: 38-55cm (14.9-21.6in) lenght, 23-29cm (9-11.4in) tail lenght, 2-3.6kg (4.4-7.9lbs) weight
Diet: omnivorous, preys on rodents, reptiles, invertebrates; eats berries, other plants
Habitat: semideserts, savannahs
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Status: least concern
Please note! The pale fox has 5 subspecies!
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Rüppell's Fox (Vulpes rueppellii)
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Size: 66-74cm (26-29in) lenght including 27-30cm (11-12in) tail lenght, 1.7kg (3.7lbs) weight
Diet: omnivorous, preys on small mammals, invertebrates, reptiles, birds; eats fruit, succulents
Habitat: sandy and rocky deserts, semiarid steppes, scrublands
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Status: least concern
Please note! The rüppell's fox may have 5 subspecies (it is debated)!
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Swift Fox (Vulpes velox)
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Size: 30cm (12in) height (at shoulder), 79cm (31in) lenght including tail
Diet: omnivorous, preys on small mammals, invertebrates; eats carrion, fruit, grasses
Habitat: prairies, deserts, grasslands
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Status: least concern
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Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes)
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Size: 35-50cm (14-20in) height (at shoulder), 45-90cm (18-35in) lenght, 30-55.5cm (11.8-21.9in) tail lenght, 2.2-14kg (5-31lbs) weight
Diet: omnivorous, varied; preys on small mammals, birds, reptiles, invertebrates; eats carrion, berries, fruit, other plant material
Habitat: Literally Everywhere My God™
Range (green native, blue introduced, orange uncertain):
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Status: least concern
Please note! The red fox has 45 subspecies!
Of which I would like to highlight:
Labrador Fox (Vulpes vulpes bangsi)
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Arabian Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes arabica)
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Kodiak Fox (Vulpes vulpes harrimani)
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American Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes fulva)
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Please also note, there is color variation among red foxes regardless of subspecies
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Fennec Fox (Vulpes zerda)
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Size: 34.5-39.5cm (13.6-15.6in) lenght, 23-25cm (9.1-9.8in) tail lenght, 1-1.9kg (2.2-4.2lbs) weight
Diet: omnivorous, preys on small rodents, reptiles, invertebrates; eats fruit, tubers
Habitat: deserts
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Status: least concern
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fursona-resources · 1 year
Species: South American Canids (Speothos, Chrysocyon, Lycalopex, Cerdocyon, Atelocynus)
This series focuses on helping people choose interesting species for their fursona through informing them of the many, often overlooked, species out there! This post is about South American canids, including false foxes.
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Bush Dog (Speothos venaticus)
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The bush dog has 3 subspecies:
South American Bush Dog (Speothos venaticus venaticus)
Panamian Bush Dog (Speothos venaticus panamensis)
Southern Bush Dog (Speothos venaticus wingei)
It is oddly hard to find pics of the different subspecies, sorry
Size: 20-30cm (8-12in) height (at shoulder), 57-75cm (22-30in) lenght, 12-15cm (5-6in) tail lenght, 5-8kg (11-18lbs) weight
Diet: carnivorous, preys on large rodents
Habitat: lowland forests, wet savannahs, open pastures
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Status: near threatened
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Maned Wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus)
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Size: 90cm (35in) height (at shoulder), 100cm (39in) lenght, 45cm (18in) tail lenght, 23kg (51lbs) weight
Diet: omnivorous, preys on small/medium mammals, birds, fish; eats fruit, tubers, sugarcane, other plants
Habitat: savannahs
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Status: near threatened
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Hoary Fox (Lycalopex vetulus)
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Size: 58-72cm (23-28in) lenght, 25-36cm (9-14in) tail lenght, 3-4kg (6-8lbs) weight
Diet: omnivorous, preys on invertebrates, rodents, birds; eats fruit
Habitat: woodlands, bushlands, savannahs
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Status: near threatened
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Sechuran Fox (Lycalopex sechurae)
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Size: 50-78cm (20-31in) lenght, 27-34cm (11-13in) tail lenght, 2.6-4.2kg (5.7-9.3lbs) weight
Diet: omnivorous, varied. Preys on invertebrates, rodents; eats carrion, fruit, seed pods
Habitat: deserts, dry forests, beaches
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Status: near threatened
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Darwin's Fox (Lycalopex fulvipes)
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Size: 48-59cm (19-23in) lenght, 17-25cm (7-10in) tail lenght, 1.8-3.9kg (4-8.7lbs) weight
Diet: omnivorous, preys on invertebrates, small mammals, reptiles; eats fruit
Habitat: southern temperate rainforests
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Status: endangered
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Pampas Fox (Lycalopex gymnocercus)
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Size: 51-80cm (20-31in) lenght, 2.4-8kg (5.3-17.6lbs) weight
Diet: omnivorous, preys on birds, small mammals, invertebrates; eats carrion, fruit
Habitat: montane forests, dry scrublands, wetlands
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Status: least concern
Please note! The pampas fox has 3 subspecies!
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South American Grey Fox (Lycalopex griseus)
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Size: 65-110cm (26-43in) lenght including 20-43cm (8-17in) tail lenght, 2.5-5.4kg (5.5-12lbs) weight
Diet: omnivorous, preys on small mammals, birds, reptiles, invertebrates; eats carrion, fruit
Habitat: varied; scrublands, steppes, forests
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Status: least concern
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Culpeo (Lycalopex culpaeus)
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Size: 95-132cm (37-52in) lenght including 32-44cm (13-17in) tail lenght, 5-13.5kg (11-30lbs) weight
Diet: carnivorous, preys on lagomorphs, small mammals
Habitat: varied; temperate rainforests, forests, scrublands, deserts
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Status: least concern
Please note! The culpeo has 5 subspecies!
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Crab-Eating Fox (Cerdocyon thous)
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Size: 64cm (25in) lenght, 28cm (11in) tail lenght, 4.5-7.7kg (10-17lbs) weight
Diet: omnivorous, preys on crabs, small mammals, birds, crustaceans, invertebrates, reptiles; eats carrion, fruit
Habitat: savannahs, woodlands, subtropical forests, shrublands
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Status: least concern
Please note! The crab-eating fox has 5 subspecies!
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Short-Eared Dog (Atelocynus microtis)
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Size: 72-100cm (28-39in) lenght, 9-10kg (19-22lbs) weight
Diet: mostly carnivorous, preys on fish, invertebrates, small mammals, birds; eats fruit
Habitat: rainforests, lowland forests, swamp forests, cloud forests
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Status: near threatened
Please note! The short-eared dog has 2 subspecies!
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fursona-resources · 1 year
Species: Wolf-like Canids (Cuon, Lycaon, Lupulella)
This series focuses on helping people choose interesting species for their fursona through informing them of the many, often overlooked, species out there! This post is about wolf-like canids.
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Dhole (Cuon alpinus)
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Size: 50cm (19in) height (at shoulder), 90cm (35in) lenght, 45cm (17in) tail lenght, 10-21kg (22-46lbs) weight
Diet: carnivorous, preys on ungulates
Habitat: alpine meadows, montane steppes, montane taigas, forests
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Status: endangered
Please note! The dhole has 7 subspecies!
Of which I would like to highlight:
Ussuri Dhole (Cuon alpinus alpinus)
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Cuon alpinus lepturus
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African Wild Dog (Lycaon pictus)
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Size: 60-75cm (24-30in) height (at shoulder), 71-112cm (28-44in) lenght, 29-41cm (11-16in) tail lenght, 18-25kg (40-55lbs) weight
Diet: carnivorous, preys on ungulates
Habitat: savannah
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Status: endangered
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Side-Striped Jackal (Lupulella adusta)
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Size: 35-50cm (14-20in) height (at shoulder), 69-81cm (27-32in) lenght, 30-41cm (12-16in) tail lenght, 6.5-14kg (14-31lbs) weight
Diet: omnivore, viaried. Preys on small mammals, invertebrates; eats fruit.
Habitat: woodlands, scrublands
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Status: least concern
Please note! The side-striped jackal has 7 subspecies!
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Black-Backed Jackal (Lupulella mesomelas)
The black-backed jackal has 2 subspecies:
Cape Black-Backed Jackal (Lupulella mesomelas mesomelas)
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East African Black-Backed Jackal (Lupulella mesomelas schmidti)
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Size: 38-48cm (15-19in) height (at shoulder), 67-81cm (26-32in) lenght, 6-13kg (13-29lbs) weight
Diet: omnivore, preys on small mammals, invertebrates, birds, reptiles, fish; eats carrion, berries
Habitat: varied; coastal deserts, savannahs
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Status: least concern
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fursona-resources · 1 year
Are You A Furry?
I believe there's a fundamental misunderstanding on what people believe a furry is, so I decided to answer some common questions and misconceptions about the fandom. This is especially dedicated to those unsure of their furry status!
What Is A Furry?
Furries are fans of anthropomorphic animals, meaning animals that have human-like characteristics - this may manifest in them just having human intellect or speaking, or they may walk on 2 legs, or be fully humanoid.
Is Being A Furry Sexual/A Kink?
It can be, but it's not inherent. A good portion of the fandom is completely sfw, a good portion is completely nsfw, with many enjoying both sides. Liking wolf ass is neither a requirement nor a disqualifier, and being a furry isn't about nsfw, the wolf ass is a bonus feature.
Is Being A Furry Zoophilic?
No, and the vast majority of the fandom despises harm done to animals. Unlike nsfw, being a zoo is a disqualifier and zoos are excluded from the fandom however possible. There is some debate on wether some types of nsfw cross a line, but this is being discussed within the fandom exactly because furries don't want zoos to be part of it.
Do Furries Believe They're Actual Animals?
Not inherently - the terms for those who believe they're non-human is otherkin and therian. While many otherkins/therians are furries, they're just separate communities with some overlap. The majority of furries is human.
Is being A Furry An Identity In The Same Way Being Queer Is?
No, being a furry is a choice because the fandom aligns with things you enjoy, or other parts of your identity. Being a furry can become part of your identity due to attachment to the label and/or fandom, but it is identity by choice; this doesn't make it any less valid than identity you didn't choose, but it's helpful to know the difference.
Do You Need A Fursuit To Be A Furry?
No, fursuits are completely optional. Also, they're very expensive.
Am I A Furry?/Does Liking X Make Me A Furry?
That can be answered with just 2 questions!
Do you like anthropomorphic animals?
Do you want to be a furry?
If the answer is "yes" to both, congrats, you're a furry.
If you answer "no" to either, then you're not.
If you answered "yes" to the first but "no" to the second, I'd recommend also finding out why - whatever your reason may be is valid and you're allowed to like anthro animals without being a furry, but you may find the reason is some unconscious bias too, and you may want to work on the part of you that said no because "I don't want to be lumped in with the weirdos".
What Is A Fursona?
A fursona is a furry character that in some way rappresents yourself.
Do You Need A Fursona To Be A Furry?
No, it's optional. Most furries have one, but you can go without if you'd like.
How Do I Find Out What My Fursona Is?
Like being a furry, fursonas are not an inherent part of you (with perhaps some exceptions in the case of otherkins/therians) - you choose what your fursona is, what species they are, how they look, how they act. Luckly for you, this blog is dedicated to helping people out in the fursona creation process.
What Can I Do In The Fandom?
Whatever you'd wish! The world is your oyster. Do oyster anthros exist. Make art, draw, sculpt, sew, make music, make movies, make fursuits, wear fursuits, dance, roleplay, jack off, talk to people, go to cons, show everyone the cool collar you bought, howl at the moon, whatever. You are free, and you have the power to use your freedom.
Any more questions? Let me know!
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fursona-resources · 1 year
A fursona's species is a choice! It can be your favorite animal, an animal you relate to, or animal you wish you could be - or just an animal that was assigned to you through a uquiz. There's no wrong way to choose one, and for most people there's no one specific animal that's The One True And Only they're Destined To Be, so feel free to play around with options.
My best advice is to pick a species you like, and that'd make you happy
Guys we’re having a breakdown or a breakthrough
How do you pick a fursona? Is there a uquiz we all trust or it’s like a listen to your heart kinda thing?
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fursona-resources · 1 year
Species: Wolves (Canis)
This series focuses on helping people choose interesting species for their fursona through informing them of the many, often overlooked, species out there! This post is about wolves.
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Red Wolf (Canis rufus)
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Size: 66cm (26in) height (at shoulder), 121cm (4ft) lenght, 20-36kg (45-80lbs)
Diet: carnivorous, preys on deer, small mammals
Habitat: coastal prairies, marshes, forests
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Status: critically endangered/endangered
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Eastern Wolf/Timber Wolf (Canis lycaon)
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Size: 63-91cm (25-36in) height (at shoulder), 160cm (5.5ft) lenght, 23-30kg (53-67lbs) weight
Diet: carnivorous, preys on deer, large herbivores
Habitat: deciduous forests, coniferous forests, mixed forests
Range (in blue):
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Status: imperiled/threatened
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Coyote (Canis latrans)
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Size: 58-66cm (21-25in) height (at shoulder), 76-86cm (2.4-2.8ft) lenght, 6.8-21kg (14-46lbs) weight
Diet: omnivorous, preys and scavenges small mammals, deer, livestock, insects, carrion, berries
Habitat: varied, sagebrush-steppe, forests, prairies, deserts, savannahs, alpine meadows, temperate ranforests, urban
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Please note, the coyote has 19 subspecies!
They all have small but interesting variation, and can vary in size quite dramatically. If you'd like a coyote fursona, I recommend checking them out! The picture above is of a mountain coyote (Canis latrans lestes)
Status: least concern
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Grey Wolf (Canis lupus)
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Size: 80-85cm (31-33in) height (at shoulder), 100-160cm (3.2-5.2ft) length, 23-80kg (50-176lbs) weight
Diet: carnivorous, preys on large ungulates, small mammals
Habitat: varied, temperate forests, mountains, tundra, taiga, grasslands, deserts
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Please note, the grey wolf has 38 subspecies (the above pictured being eurasian wolf, Canis lupus lupus)!
Of which I would like to highlight:
Arabian Wolf (Canis lupus arabs)
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Arctic Wolf (Canis lupus arctos)
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Mexican Wolf (Canis lupus baileyi)
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Also, please note the grey wolf comes in a variety of colors, regardless of subspecies
Status: least concern
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Dingo (Canis dingo)
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Size: 52-60cm (20-23in) height (at shoulder), 120-150cm (3.9-4.9ft) lenght, 10-15kg (22-33 lbs) weight
Diet: carnivorous, preys on small mammals, livestock
Habitat: varied, spanning all if Australia
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Please note, the dingo's taxonomic classification is debated - you may find it also listed as Canis familiaris, Canis familiaris dingo, or Canis lupus dingo
Status: threatened
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African Wolf/Golden Wolf (Canis lupaster)
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Size: 40cm (15in) height, 7-15kg (14-33lbs) weight
Diet: Carnivorous, preys on small mammals, small reptiles, ground-nesting birds, insects
Habitat: mediterranean, scrublands, forests, savannahs
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Please note! The african wolf has 6 subspecies!
Status: least concern
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Ethiopian Wolf (Canis simensis)
The Ethiopian wolf has 2 subspecies:
Northern Ethiopian Wolf (Canis simensis simensis)
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Southern Ethiopian Wolf (Canis simensis citernii)
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Size: 53-61cm (20-24in) height (at shoulder), 100cm (3.2ft) lenght, 11-20kg (24-44lbs) weight
Diet: carnivorous, preys on small mammals
Habitat: afroalpine grasslands, heathlands
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Status: threatened
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Golden Jackal (Canis aureus)
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Size: 46-51cm (18-20in) height (at shoulder), 69-84cm (27-33in) lenght, 8-11kg (18-24lbs) weight
Diet: omnivorous, preys and scavenges small mammals, small reptiles, ground birds, fish, insects, fruit
Habitat: open savannahs, deserts, arid grasslands
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Please note! The golden jackal has 7 subspecies!
Status: least concern
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fursona-resources · 1 year
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leg refences
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