followhisrules · 2 years
Bread Recopy!
Hello fellow tradwifies! Sorry for being gone so long, I had to research a very good bread recopy recipe. I finally found it : D So I guess I will share it (since I didn't get any from you when I asked): You need: - 1 cup of filtered water (Nestle) - 4 cups of unbleached organic (or homegrown) flour (I of course have homegrown) - salt to taste - sourdough starter i guess - that basket thing Instructions: 1. Clopper everything together in a very large bowl. Don't look twice. 2. Second, let sit for a while (over night?) 3. Put in basket, then bake it in the oven at what 220°C are in Fahrenheit or what we Americans have. Something with 300 I think
Let it cool before digging in. It has to sit for a while or you ARE going to crush it. You also can make small cuts in the bread as decorations. Please try and then let me know what you thought about it! (and if you do, keep an eye on it. I'm not sure if the basket actually is a fire hazard or something HEHEHE)
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followhisrules · 2 years
A Harvest for the soul and for The Lord
Yesterday my family and I were able to harvest some of the crops in our garden. The vegetables were fresh and colorful and their flesh was juicy. The fruit was plumb, gleaming, begging to be plucked.
"She considers a field and buys it; out of her earnings she plants a vineyard. She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks." Proverbs 31:16-17
I made some photos so you can be part of the experience:
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followhisrules · 2 years
Absolutely. It just is what we were made for. I find that femininity when pulling tics out of my dogs fur and freeing my children from poo-poo. When watering my flowers and my children I truly feel free. "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." Ephesians 4:29
there is something so innately feminine about doing the dishes. caring for something delicate, cleaning it making it perfect. it's so gentle it's feminine.
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followhisrules · 2 years
CHRISTIAN baby-name ideas <3
All of these Names are based on very traditional Names (mostly of GERMANIC heritage) and express our devotion to Jesus Christ, The Virgin Mary and The Lord himself. They also show, that it is possible to be modern without giving up any part of Christianity. I have Germanic roots, so these names speak especially much to me.
What do you think about these Names? Please do write me! Do you have own Name ideas? I am intruiged! Please let me know! Love to all of my fellow traditional mothers (and those to be)! You are amazing <3 <3 <3
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followhisrules · 2 years
Let's all pray!
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followhisrules · 2 years
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followhisrules · 2 years
How is the virgin Mary still virgin??
So I have a question. I recently had a child and wondered: How can the virgin Mary still be a virgin after having baby Jesus? Isn't her hymen completely destroyed? Are you virgin without your hymen? So many questions.
ALSO; when the virgin Mary and Joseph the man were married, why didn't they have the razzle dazzle up until then? Isn't the marriage contract sort of sealed with it?
Also here is a photo of her and baby Jesus for good measure:
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followhisrules · 2 years
Any BREAD recopy recommendations?
I would love to bake some traditional bread. Any ideas or recommendations? ALSO; are bread rolls bread? Give me your opinions down below!
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followhisrules · 2 years
Hello fellow tradwifes
I am very much a tradwife myself. I am Christian and follow "his" rules (I mean both my husband and God with "him"). I am a submissive being, very much aware of my European roots. I also am obsessed with the virgin Mary by the way. I am going to write about my experiences on this blog and it would be me an honor, if you would accompany me on this journey. BUT there's a lot for me to learn. So if you can educate me in any way, please comment.
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