flaneur002 · 1 day
Crack Baby, chap. 2.5.1
Angst and hope under the cut
“Nobody leaves this dimension. Do you understand? This is it. This is the end of the road.”
The voice that speaks seems far away, muffled. It’s dark- there’s some pain, too, but not unbearable pain. Something smells like copper and wet concrete. 
“Crux, hey, Crux?”
Crux blinks. Black is standing in front of him, tense and trembling. His face is split three ways, rows of sharklike teeth jutting from bleeding gums. He looks spooked. Just behind Black is a slender figure standing completely still. Ash blonde hair. Black jacket. 
She opens her mouth, eyes going wide in disbelief. 
“How do you know my name? Who are you?”
Both Black and Verity stare in bewilderment. Crux pats his pocket, takes out a pack of cigarettes and then realizes his lighter is next to the pack. He lights the cigarette and tries his best to hold back everything that has welled up within since seeing Verity again. 
“Right uh...let me make some calls. Talk to some lodging. Black, remember to breathe. I’ll uh-yeah.”
Crux spins on his heels and walks away. He paces between two slanted support beams rusting beneath the scaffolding of the abandoned industrial park. 
“Something must have happened. A freak accident, the wrong drug, or I’m losing my mind. Either way...”
Crux stops muttering and looks over his shoulder. Verity is chatting with Black. A cautious smile paints her face while Black fidgets and refuses to make eye contact. Verity laughs at something he says. Crux can’t hear from this distance but he knows what it sounds like. He’s never felt sunlight on his skin, never seen it dapple across still waters, but he knows. He knows that’s what she sounds like. 
So he takes out his phone. He makes only two phone calls this time. 
As he walks towards the two arrivals, Crux has only one thought: 
“Don’t fuck this up, Hertz. Not this time. Not with them.”
One month later, he’s sprawled on wet grass, his suit wrinkled and glasses askew. 
“How. Dare. You.”
Black glares down at Crux, fists balled and bloody. Crux can feel a warm trickle from his nose slide down over his top lip. He resists the urge to lick it. 
“How dare you show your face here, you pathetic asshole.” 
Another blow lands across Crux’s left cheek. His head snaps back and smacks against hard, wet stone. Crux closes his eyes. 
“She got into your stash, you fucker. Your shitty, addict stash. She was fucking sober!”
The last word is a hoarse yell. Crux feels air move in front of his face, anticipates another punch, but it doesn’t come. Instead, a low and teary voice hushes Black and murmurs something soft. 
“Not here Black, please? It’s hard enough...”
Crux lets go of the breath he was holding. When he opens his eyes, Black and Grete have gone. The chapel hill is empty save for him. Crux rubs his sore jaw and leans back against Verity’s headstone. The grass is damp and more rain starts to fall as he continues to languish on the grave. 
“I fucked up, again. Who could have seen this coming, eh? I got a second chance and blew it because I didn’t think I needed to get clean. I thought just keeping you safe was enough.”
He rakes a hand through his hair, pulling damp curls out of his eyes. The end of his braid is tangled up in something so he starts to work it loose. The locket.  
Crux frowns. “That’s weird.”
He pulls an identical locket out of his coat pocket, then unclasps the one around his neck. Holding them up side by side, there’s nothing different between them. And yet...
Crux opens the one from his pocket. Empty. He remembers Verity giving it to him at his house, along with a blunt from Grete. He opens the second locket and swears out loud. Verity.
Crux stands, wobbling on his spindly legs. His legs move as though by an outside force, carrying him across town on foot. When he stops in front of Missy’s stall, he already has the bullions in hand. 
“One vial of Brugmansia Magica, please.”
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flaneur002 · 1 day
I sent this question already and i want to avoid spamming you with the same question if you just didn’t see it but i didn’t have any wifi when i sent it so i don’t know if it went through
ANYWAYS question is what are the LI’s relationship with their parents/close family (if not too spoilery) and what are their parents names?
I got your previous ask dw! This is just a complex answer.
A lot of these are or will be revealed in game, but here's some quick details (potential spoilers bc I forget what I revealed in-game):
Black - His mother's name is Evangeline, idk about his dad. Evangeline was a dependent, sugar baby that married a Chinese man who promptly left when she got married after childbirth, so Black kept her last name. Despite what happened, she wanted to raise Black the same way (feminine, dependent on men), but Black became hyperindependent and left.
Vincenzo - His parents are Magdalene and Alfonso Fontana. Alfonso is a rich property owner with mafia ties, and Magdalene is a Swiss model who got married off to Alfonso for the money/security. She hates Vincenzo, and killed herself when he was young because she hated being his mother so much. Alfonso then shipped him off to a boarding school in the UK, never seeing him again.
Crux - So, this is complicated. He has three parents -- Nila, Toby and Nero. Nila and Toby are his biological parents, but he treats Nero the same. Nila babies him, and he loves her deeply, but he's afraid of disappointing her. He also loves Toby, and he's much less shy about his shortcomings around him, but they argue a lot more. He messes with Nero a lot, but he'll defend him to death, LOL. Crux has a good home life. He moved out because he's ashamed about being the type of person he is around his family.
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flaneur002 · 1 day
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you're my best friend -
now i've no one to tell
how i lost my best friend
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flaneur002 · 2 days
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💖 Day 3.5 is now officially released! 💖
Hiya Angels, the Itch page has been made public once more and Day 3.5 is now playable for everyone again! Additionally, even more updates have been added since the last Tumblr post!! Have fun ^^
「 MDNI! | full devlog | itch.io page 」
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flaneur002 · 2 days
Adriiiii this is so gooddddd
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you're my best friend -
now i've no one to tell
how i lost my best friend
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flaneur002 · 8 days
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That one tweet that went viral and everyone is redrawing
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flaneur002 · 9 days
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Date at the beach with the Whitney’s
I hate line art, yet here I am drawing it. .-. I want to find a quicker technique to art so I might take a week or so before posting again. I haven’t officially drawn female Whitney before, but I really liked the end result. Beforehand, I was hesitant about making Whitney tanned, but now I think it adds to the surprise of them liking the rain, the opposite to the sun.
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flaneur002 · 9 days
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i dont know. i dont know what to tell you
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flaneur002 · 9 days
All Clean!!!
How dare Sai deprive me of this tbh /j /silly
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a lil itty bit angsty on angel's part
 i meant to write it completely goofy oops
cw// mild nudity (but not for sexy reasons), blood, implied offscreen murder(s)
14 Days With You is an 18+ Yandere Visual Novel. MINORS DNI
“Should I be concerned?” you finally blurted out, curious about whatever had caused the sight before you. 
[REDACTED] sat completely relaxed on the edge of the tub, splatters of blood mixed with dirt and rain water over their face and torso. Under the scarlet streaks and smears, his skin was flushed as if he’d been running a long time. He was stripped to his boxers, and the clothes they’d come home in were being tossed around in the washing machine while you took care of him. 
“Not at all,” he quickly answered your question with a nonchalant shake of his head, then muttered an apology. “Didn't mean t’wake you up.”
It was strange that he was more worried about your sleep than the fact that he came home covered in bloodstains, but you knew exactly what to expect from them by now. The only sound in the room was the cloth in your hands loudly dripping into a bowl of soapy water as you rung it out to clean them up.
You’d heard noises in the middle of the night, and peered out of the bedroom to find your boyfriend halfway down his apartment’s dimly lit hall, making a mess of the marble floor with their clothes soaked from the rainstorm. Except the little puddles of what should've been water were slightly stained red, leaving a haunting trail in his wake as he’d staggered towards the bathroom. 
The apathy in their blue eyes disappeared the moment you called their name, a puppylike smile forming on his lips that was at odds with his ghastly appearance as he turned, fully intent on hugging you, then struggled to stop himself once they realized they’d get dirt and blood all over you if he tried. You would’ve laughed if you weren't still half asleep.
And if the hallway didn’t look like a crime scene all its own.
You brushed their dark bangs back and wiped at the liquid on their forehead and cheeks, gently scolding them. “Don’t apologize for that. I’d rather miss out on sleep and make sure you're okay instead of wondering if
” It hurt to even think the words.
He took hold of your hand, the cloth trembling against his skin from your fears. “‘M sorry for worrying you, love. I promise it’s not my blood,” they said in the hopes you’d calm down. Weirdly enough, it did make you feel better.
Though he never flat out admitted to it, he wasn’t really trying to hide the things they did from you anymore, only the brutality of it all. From the dozen or so times you came home to an empty apartment after a text not to wait for him, just to vaguely recognize a missing person on the TV a few days later, it was obvious without confirmation. This was the first time you’d “caught” them, though—and with actual physical evidence. He usually came home silent and squeaky clean.
“It better not be,” you halfheartedly joked to ease the tension. He smiled and let go of your hand so you could continue your work.
The cleanup went by quickly. Dipping the cloth into the bowl of soapy water and wringing it out one last time, you reached towards your hacker’s bare shoulders. The blood there was mostly gone—save for a streak just below their collarbone. It wiped away all too easily, but a tiny line of dots flowered forth from a small injury you hadn't noticed at all.
“So about this not being your blood,” you started, setting the cloth down in the bowl.
He must not have noticed it either, but recognition dawned on their face. “I did have a tree problem earlier.”
“A tree problem?” Your earlier worries were quickly pushed aside at the revelation.
“Yeah, a branch got stuck—” he suddenly paused. The pink in his already flushed cheeks deepened. Their eyes shifted to the side in embarrassment. “Never mind.”
You struggled not to laugh. Of all things to phase him about his night out, a tree branch? The more you thought about it, the more you wanted to tease them. But you held your tongue and quickly grabbed some ointment and a bandage from a nearby cabinet.
[REDACTED] didn't even flinch when you pressed a dab of ointment to the reddened scratches. His expression seemed to melt instead. You asked carefully, “It doesn’t hurt does it?”
Their gaze went blank and wide eyed for a split second, then a twinge of fake sadness oozed into his voice. “‘Hurts a lot, Angel. Be gentle with me and kiss it better?” He even pouted to sell the act.
“Of course.” You playfully rolled your eyes and applied more ointment. As you spread it over the scrapes, he resumed adoringly looking up at you until you finished. Satisfied with your work, you smoothed the bandage over his skin and loudly planted a kiss to the spot then stood up.
” he hummed while wrapping a tattooed arm around your waist with a devious smile. “My mouth hurts too. ‘Could use a kiss or four there, don't y'think?”
With a smile, you leaned down, grabbing both their cheeks as if to kiss them. His eyes glittered in anticipation as you came closer. Instead, you stopped millimeters from their lips and whispered in the sultriest voice you could muster, “I’m gonna go mop the hallway.”
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flaneur002 · 11 days
CW- themes of self hate, cursing/swearing, it’s sfw but mildly suggestive
Boyfriend! Whitney x GN Reader
Silent Confessions
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His eyes opened by a fraction, blue orbs adjusting to the street light filtering in through the window in the small, stuffy room. He blinked rapidly, as if only now remembering how he ended up here. Whitney gently shifted in the small creaky bed, the worse for wear sheets covering your half naked body rode down with his movements.
You whined a little, flailing your arms around in an attempt to pull the boy closer, further entangling your limbs, under the sheets.
“Stop moving” you mumbled nosing along the crook of his neck. The sound of his steady pulse against your face gave you a sense of security, and a feeling of familiarity. A feeling that you were growing dangerously attached to, “l’m cold” you managed to whisper. Even half asleep you could practically see, no, feel him roll his eyes.
“You’re getting way too comfortable with me, aren’t you little one
 ordering me around now, huh?” he murmured as he shifted in the cramped space, easily scooping you up and placing you atop him, as he pulled the old blanket over both of your forms. Despite his rough tone, his hands were gentle, like always. His chin came to rest on your head, strong arms holding your waist like a lifeline, and you found yourself unconsciously matching your breathing with his, secretly loving the way both of your chests touched when they rose and fell in tandem.
A beat of silence passed. Both of you said nothing, just listened to the sound of your combined breathing dancing in the dark. Whitney rubbed soothing circles on your back, slender fingers inching down to find the words written in black permanent marker near your left hip.
A small frown creased his forehead. His blue eyes caught the words emblazoned on your skin, reflected into the mirror of the dilapidated armoire. His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down as he kept staring at the reflection transfixed.
He saw the way your legs wrapped around his waist, how your head rested on his chest, and those damned words that he himself wrote, sat there on your body, mocking him.It was all too intimate, and suddenly he regretted letting his guard down. Regretted letting you drag him to this dump of a place.
It was somewhere he had sworn not to enter. He had been here with his lackeys before. But he never stayed long. Those fleeting glimpses into your life were enough to sate his curiosity. Of this weird fixation he held about you. He hated that he was almost obsessed about knowing what you did after school, where you lived, whom you hung out with.
But when you finally humored his stupid request and took him to your crusty old orphanage, that small shy smile you wore when you showed him your bedroom, tore at his heart in a way that he simply couldn’t comprehend. He felt nauseated at the idea of defiling you in a place you felt safe in. Promising to himself that he will not ruin this little haven that you called home.
Yet here he was bathing in the after effects of his selfish decisions. No he wasn’t selfish. He was downright greedy. Eagerly taking everything that you so naively offered. That’s how your relationship had always been. Him taking incessantly and you giving immeasurably.
He heaved out a shuddering breath, willing his eyes to move from the reflection. He looked around the small quarters in a desperate attempt to divert his thoughts away from the dangerous chasm that they were leading him to.
You will never be enough for them
He clenched his eyes shut trying to drown out the annoying voice.
They are too kind for a pathetic human like you. You will simply drag them down.
“Shut.Up” he ground out, his grip tightening unconsciously around you. You winced in your sleep and Whitney blanched. He instantly loosened his grip and pressed a soft kiss to your hair as a silent apology.
He could hear the birds chirrup in the distance. Cold air found its way through a draft in the window to tickle his skin. The dawn was approaching. He gently rolled over and placed you in the centre of the bed, carefully tucking you in as he slipped out of the covers silently.
Despite his solemn mood, a small smile crept up his face at the beautifully disheveled state you presented. Hair all mussed up, lips swollen legs sticking out from underneath his white shirt that covered your chest. Unable to stop himself he leaned down and caught your lips in a soft kiss, tasting those feathery dreams that he dared not see with open eyes.
He roved a hand though his blond hair, moving the fringe aside to get a good look at your face.
“So trusting. Letting your guard down around me” he laughed bitterly. Unbidden his eyes flitted to the words on your left hip and he looked away quickly before he started thinking too deeply about it.
It was an impulse. Yes. That’s exactly what it was. You both were intoxicated and he was so lost in the way you pleasured him, that he simply didn’t think before he wrote.
He stood to his full height and walked towards the door of the small room. He better slip out before that shady bitch Bailey found him.
Hovering a little by the door, he hesitated before stalking to your desk and grabbing a sheet of paper. “Screw it” he whispered taking a pen and quickly scribbling a note before he could talk himself out of it.
“You can keep the shirt. It looks better on you ;)”
He folded the small note and placed it beside your head, proudly sauntering outside your room shirtless. He didn’t look back, as he left you slumbering. Leaving nothing but his shirt and the words behind that he was too afraid to say to you.
And surely, you were in for a surprise when you would wake up and see “I love you” resting on your hip in his messy penmanship instead of the usual “Whitney’s toy”
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flaneur002 · 11 days
Ooooh this used to be my fav anime
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flaneur002 · 11 days
Whyyyy are you so funnyyy OP?!!!!
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my dumbass genius boyfriend
full img
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flaneur002 · 12 days
Oooooo my two weaknesses perfume nd Whitney😭😭
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Like, i want to, but im not sure if i would like the scent, i do preffer floral chic stuff more, not too feminime not too masc, I WANT WHITNEY YALL
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I also kind of want the avery one
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flaneur002 · 13 days
I can totally seeee itttt✹
Jordan as a secret Ao3 hardcore smut writer. Like, explicit kinky no beta we die like men death dove do not eat fanfic about characters in the novels they read (cofRaulandJanetcofcof). Yet they still look at you with the most innocent and calm smile you've ever seen even after getting caught.
They are just writing to practice their skills and caution people about the dangers of lust, after all...
Whitney with a secret youtube channel where they unbox plush toys. Sometimes unboxes Barbie collection dolls or even cute onesies. They don't show their face.
Had to start using a voice changer because someone almost recognized them once.
(Also always falls for the claw machine shit whenever they see a cute plushie they really REALLY want. Curses under their breath each time they fail to get it. Might hit the machine out of frustration, too)
Kylar using The Sims to plan their perfect life with you. Downloaded a shit tons of mods to customize your character to perfection. (And of course they have Wicked Whims on it. C'mon, is that really a question?)
Drowned every sim that tried to talk to you. Firmly believes that a happy life with you in the sims must be a sign that you two will end up married in real life (Kinda like an amarre of some sorts)
Busy me having some brainrot that I wanted to draw yet I am still unable to (Sighh)
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flaneur002 · 13 days
Awwww the mental image is sooo cute
and he’d be nonchalant about it too. Like he didn’t just stay up until late, and ironed their matching outfits. Or how he spent days planning, searching the lil stethoscope online. Making a whole event out of the day. When asked he’d def go, “Whatever it’s nothing” but it means a lottt to him.
Whitney being the best dad and going full Maes Hughes is my new favorite thing
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flaneur002 · 13 days
I have read all the headcanons about him being this overprotective dad
I had a cute HC with neurosurgeon Whitney and it’s the bring your child to work day and he is beinggg so proud of his lil one
yannow those proud parents that constantly brag about their kids and have this glint in their eyes when they look at them. A framed picture of their kid’s squiggly drawing on his desk

Whitney being the best dad and going full Maes Hughes is my new favorite thing
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flaneur002 · 13 days
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when Black gets a bite,,,,
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