Identity & social media
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This article demonstrates the dangers of Hoax in the hands of the top political figure in the US. 
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This meme demonstrates the interconnectivity between meme culture and younger generations during a time of disaster.
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In connection to Johanna Hedva’s “Sick Women Theory”, Jessica Kellgren-Fozard talks about her disability. In this video, Jessica describes herself having metaphysical strength to keep her thriving despite having EDS.
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“As Jackson and Banaszczyk (2016) detailed, the hashtag #YesAllWomen worked ideologically to (1) to reprioritize the public’s focus from narratives that downplay the prevalence of men committing violence (vis a vis the reactionary #NotAllMen hashtag) to narratives acknowledging the frequency of women’s experiences with violence, (2) to illustrate the connection between everyday sexism and violence, and (3) to legitimize the concept of rape culture” (Jackson, Bailey, et Welles).
This comic humorizes the hashtag #notallmen
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In this Instagram post, Australian fitness guru has ditched mainstream diets in an attempt to remove the stigma of instant fat loss and body hate. Here, she shares her love/hate relationship with her own body and the pressure she’s had from her followers.
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The death of legendary Lakers basketball star, husband and father, shakes social media
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Out with the old, in with the new. How TikTok shapes the social world
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