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{{ So I’m at work and I have like 7-10 drafts I need to reply both on here @piratexguyliner and on my @troublesomesaxxon so for now if you want a starter send me an ask. I’ll be here trying to respond when I’m not to busy. }}
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{{ Sorry guys right now my anxiety is through the roof and I feel like shit trying to be a friend and just getting stuff thrown back at me just for putting one post up on either here or fb. Sorry ranting and not doing so well. I’ll be mobile for a little bit until i get a bit better. depending on how my mind set is later. }}
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{{ So I’m going to art therapy and after that I should be okay once I get settled at home around a least 2 {CDT}  at the latest. I’ll probably doing half of WOW’s near update with the demon hunters, yes so sue me I like World of warcraft. Anyway. I’ll be back and forth once I get settled after it all. }}
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“ It’s going to be a long walk luv. “ 
❝ Are you going to just sit there? ❞
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“ Well it seems were stuck here so I don’t see so far any place we can go. My hat only takes so much out that it has to recharge sometimes. “
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scandal sentence starters aka lots of angst, sex, and murder.
send one for my muses reaction! Feel free to change any gender or anything that needs changing in order for it to make sense to have come from your muse.
❝ It’s only day 2 for this shirt, and these panties are fresh from the dryer. ❞ ❝ I don’t need you to forgive me. I haven’t done anything wrong. ❞ ❝ I’ve always forgiven you until now. ❞ ❝ I can never tell if you’re lying. I can never trust my gut when it comes to you. ❞ ❝ Are you spying on me? You don’t trust me? ❞ ❝ How do I choose the box to bury my friend in? ❞ ❝ If he dies, he can’t talk. Dead men tell no tales. ❞ ❝ When you walk in here, you make me hope. Hoping is bad for me, so do not come back here unless you are back for good. ❞ ❝ When it’s your turn, you can talk, but right now, be quiet. Let yourself be kissed. ❞ ❝ It’s always his turn, despite the fact that I’m the one you like to ride, that I’m the one that makes you moan, that I’m the one who reaches you in places that he can’t begin to touch. ❞ ❝ We can hide in the shadows or we can stand in the light. ❞ ❝ I’m not gonna live in your apartment, waiting to service you. I have things to do. I’m busy. But, I did book a nice hotel suite for booty calls. ❞ ❝ Do you actually think I give a damn what anyone thinks of me anymore? ❞ ❝ A broken heart is a broken heart; to take a measure is cruelty. ❞ ❝ You can’t summon me. You are not in charge of me. ❞ ❝ Did you think I’d want you back? ❞ ❝ I am less than interested in whatever it is you have to offer. ❞ ❝ You thought I would be dragged in here and I’d lay eyes on you and I’d gasp, and I’d rip off all my clothes and crawl on my knees over to you and beg you to take me, that I’d be some kind of sad porn fantasy. ❞ ❝ I could have anything I wanted, and I wanted you. You can laugh at it and make fun of me, but the truth is, nobody else wants you. ❞ ❝ I’ve lost too much. I’ve given up too much. I’m not even a person anymore. ❞ ❝ I’m not like you. I’m sorry you miss me, but I’m not like you. ❞ ❝ Why are you picking a fight with me today? ❞ ❝ You’re thirsty, but you’re not here for a drink.❞ ❝ You’re here because you want what you’ve been fantasizing about ever since you left the other night. ❞ ❝ I can give you what you want just the way you want it. ❞ ❝ You either go home alone and try your own hand at quenching that thirst or go upstairs with me and replace that dry lump in your throat with something much more satisfying. ❞ ❝ Trust me; I will be the one standing over you when you die. ❞ ❝ You keep secrets from me. You make me feel small. ❞ ❝ Burying yourself in work isn’t always the best thing when you lose someone. ❞ ❝ I’ve got enough blood on my hands already. ❞ ❝ Don’t ever leave me like that again. I almost didn’t survive. I almost died without you. ❞ ❝ You have been waiting for this moment from the second I got in bed with her. ❞ ❝ It doesn’t matter what the truth is, does it? The only thing that matters is that I put my hands where you think they don’t belong, and now I’m in chains. ❞ ❝ I am going to have you destroyed. ❞ ❝ He’s a predator, an animal, a killing machine, and just because you’ve decided to turn a blind eye to that doesn’t make it any less true. ❞ ❝ I think you want me to be guilty. Guilty lets you hate me for things you’re not allowed to hate me for. ❞ ❝ If there’s any part of you, any part of you at all, that believes that I’m telling you the truth, you’ll help me. ❞ ❝ You may have never heard what it sounds like when she wakes up screaming from a nightmare, but I have, and it’s awful. ❞ ❝ The truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a while, but it’s not gonna go away. ❞ ❝ Since us bitches have got to get through this dog and pony show, I’m gonna need you to sit down, shut up, and follow my lead. ❞ ❝ Is she right about you having nightmares? ❞ ❝ Don’t let love cloud your judgment. ❞ ❝ We both know in the end you’re not going to choose me. And that’s okay. I want you to know, I need you to know, not choosing me is okay. ❞ ❝ I keep my promises. I will watch the life fade from your eyes. ❞ ❝ I love her. Does that matter to you at all? ❞ ❝ It stops you every time, the arrogance, the need to swagger, to show everyone who you are. ❞ ❝ True power hides in plain sight. ❞ ❝ You and I are ruined. We don’t have a chance now. Too much has happened. ❞ ❝ I know you’re trying to be rational, and I understand why, but you can’t pretend this is okay. ❞ ❝ I mean, I figure we have two choices here - we can either pretend this unbearable sexual tension doesn’t exist, or we can address it head-on. ❞ ❝ You are beautiful. The face that launched a thousand ships. ❞ ❝ What is it that is so special about you? You have so much power over him. He revolves around you. ❞ ❝ He needed you. He was in pain. He wanted to die. ❞ ❝ I could protect him from everyone. Except you. ❞ ❝ I wanted to shoot him. I didn’t, but I wanted to. I wanted to kill him. I wanted him dead. ❞ ❝ I’m very powerful, you know. Some women would find that a turn-on. ❞ ❝ Let’s just say I’m in a giving mood tonight. ❞
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“ Well we’ll have to figure out who it is were going to run into. I think the nearest town is probably a half a mile to a mile from here. “ 
❝ Are you going to just sit there? ❞
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“ Well it seems were stuck here so I don’t see so far any place we can go. My hat only takes so much out that it has to recharge sometimes. “
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“ So here’s a question. If we do find someone how do you think we’ll get to a place that’s safe and if they are able to help us.
❝ Are you going to just sit there? ❞
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“ Well it seems were stuck here so I don’t see so far any place we can go. My hat only takes so much out that it has to recharge sometimes. “
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“ Well then by all means lead the way. “ 
❝ Are you going to just sit there? ❞
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“ Well it seems were stuck here so I don’t see so far any place we can go. My hat only takes so much out that it has to recharge sometimes. “
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{{ Letting those who I’m rping with I’m at work until like an hour from now then I have art therapy after that I should be okay but until then I’ll reply when I can if you guys want a starter go ahead. }}
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“ Right then I’ll come better than here. “ 
❝ Are you going to just sit there? ❞
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“ Well it seems were stuck here so I don’t see so far any place we can go. My hat only takes so much out that it has to recharge sometimes. “
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Somebody Screwed Up Starters
“Care to explain yourself?”
“What were you thinking?!”
“I cannot believe you!”
“You made a big mistake.”
“I’ll never forgive you for this.”
“You are grounded for a month!”
“I wish I could say I was surprised.”
“I should have seen this coming.”
“I trusted you.”
“I thought you were better than that.”
“Why should I give you another chance?”
“You did what?!”
“I thought you learned your lesson last time.”
“You’ve really screwed up this time.”
“Don’t even bother saying you’re sorry.”
“You can’t talk your way out of this one.”
“Yes, I still love you.”
“We’ll move past this. Somehow.”
“You’re going to spend the rest of your life making this up to me.”
“I think you owe somebody an apology.”
“Someday we’ll look back on this and laugh.”
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“ You sure because we’re in the middle of no where. I doubt we could find someone around here. “ He complained. 
❝ Are you going to just sit there? ❞
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“ Well it seems were stuck here so I don’t see so far any place we can go. My hat only takes so much out that it has to recharge sometimes. “
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❝ Are you going to just sit there? ❞
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“ Well it seems were stuck here so I don’t see so far any place we can go. My hat only takes so much out that it has to recharge sometimes. “
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Bioshock Infinite Sentence Starters
 A mix of things said in the BIOSHOCK INFINITE games.
❝ I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. ❞ ❝ Are you going to just sit there? ❞ ❝ You expect me to shoulder the burden? ❞ ❝ Not all debts can be repaid. ❞ ❝ I’m not busting down any doors. ❞ ❝ I know why you’ve come. ❞ ❝ I know how it ends. ❞ ❝ I’d greatly appreciate it if you would assist. ❞ ❝ One day, a man came to you and offered you a chance at redemption. ❞ ❝ Stop it. Will you stop it!? ❞ ❝ I’m not here to hurt you. ❞ ❝ Who are you?  ❞ ❝ I never find that as satisfying as I’d imagined. ❞ ❝ Are you real? ❞ ❝ Feats of wonderment are at the tips of your fingers. ❞ ❝ I’m real enough. ❞ ❝ You don’t want to be here when he gets here. ❞ ❝ Bring us the girl, and wipe away the debt. ❞ ❝ This will end in blood. ❞ ❝ It always ends in blood. ❞ ❝ You killed those people. ❞ ❝ I can’t believe you did that. ❞ ❝ You’re a monster! ❞ ❝ What did you think was gonna happen? ❞ ❝ You think people like that are just gonna let you walk away? ❞ ❝ What am I? ❞ ❝ It’s a bad place. ❞ ❝ From here on, it’s only gonna get worse. ❞ ❝ I’m not you. ❞ ❝ What about me? ❞ ❝ Did I ever even have a choice? Did you? ❞ ❝ I will never escape it. ❞ ❝ It’s like a wheel of blood spinning round and round. ❞ ❝ You’ve come to wipe your slate clean. ❞ ❝ Time will walk backwards before you find redemption. ❞ ❝ Some sins can’t be forgiven. ❞ ❝ The deal is off. You hear me? ❞ ❝ It wasn’t my fault. I didn’t do anything. ❞ ❝ Leave me alone. Can’t you just leave me alone!? ❞ ❝ I heard you screaming. ❞ ❝ I was coming to get you. ❞ ❝ Put the gun down. ❞ ❝ I don’t understand. ❞ ❝ I never should have left you. ❞ ❝ Shut down the machine. ❞ ❝ What are the odds? ❞ ❝ We’re not animals, you know? ❞ ❝ Please just don’t leave me here. ❞ ❝ We’ve got nothing but time. ❞
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(( Heading to bed starters later I really need some Emma or other ships for him and @piratexguyliner who's a side of but needs luv ))
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“ Yes, everyone’s been asking me that as of late, I’ve been limited to tell that I have it or not. “
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“ Exactly what did you want to talk to me about? Princess of Snow White and Princes Charming. “
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