exhsuted · 5 hours
We should talk about how fandom has become so violently dictated that most people don’t even have fun anymore because they fear being labeled something crazy if someone dislikes something they did.
Instead of just blocking them and moving on, people feel the need to make a call-out post that is 99% them being upset about someone doing something they don’t personally like.
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exhsuted · 7 hours
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POV when you give your much cooler and better artist mutual a gift
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exhsuted · 10 hours
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A bunch of Mikey doodles on which I threw some font (I just can't stop playing around with typography)
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I can't stop playing with colors either.
Basically, I just ALWAYS play.
¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
You like it? A lot? Then reblog for GODS SAKE!
My Patreon 18+
Attention please.
The turtles you find on my site are all aged up, unless they are turtle tots (obviously)
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exhsuted · 10 hours
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rottmnt Donnie character design sketch thingy part #2 - now with freak-out-color-fun
And the EPF is like
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Part #1 (and the way to Donnie's original font)
My Patreon
Attention please.
The turtles you find on my site are all aged up, unless they are turtle tots (obviously)
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exhsuted · 10 hours
Such a functional wreck.
Pretty sure most of my mutuals don’t
A) know this side blog exists
B) don’t follow it/have notifications on for it
I need to vent and here we are
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exhsuted · 1 day
……I-I don’t think I want to stay in this fandom anymore.
I just. Sigh
Pretty sure most of my mutuals don’t
A) know this side blog exists
B) don’t follow it/have notifications on for it
I need to vent and here we are
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exhsuted · 2 days
So I apparently need to drag my ass into this situation again because some people can’t act like adults.
But if you are sending hate anonymously or otherwise to @notjustdragonspages (LMAO @ the wrong blog originally😅. this is hilarious to me I feel so bad for the random blog I dragged into this lol. I dunno how I did that actually. Dyslexia strikes again.) or any other blog that is associated with them over this situation you all need to take a set back and reevaluate how much time and sway the internet has over your life.
If you’re not happy with them, you block them and move on.
You do not send hate to a minor of all things about a situation that is being dealt with.
I’m not happy as Ive made very clear but do you see me or literally any other adults sending nonsensical hate to them???
No we either told them off or we cut contact and moved on!
Like a fucking adult.
If you are an adult sending hate to a minor you should not be on the internet because you do not have the self control to be on the internet.
And especially if you are then reaching out to other blogs to send hate because they did not “react how they are supposed to” or some bullshit like that.
Im actually furious right now. Not at dragon but for them for having to deal with this. The internet gives fools far too much confidence to say the most rancid of things for no other reason than because you all think you can get away with it.
If you have hate to send you send it to me, not a child.
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exhsuted · 3 days
Is this pit in my stomach hunger?
Guilt for what
You know what you did
Yeah I’m a fucking hypocrite. But
No focusing on this
Leave it
It’ll either whither or grow
Be it by your own hands or someone else’s
Pretty sure most of my mutuals don’t
A) know this side blog exists
B) don’t follow it/have notifications on for it
I need to vent and here we are
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exhsuted · 3 days
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Look, I'm just mad I didn't think of overalls for my own future Donnie design; in hindsight it's so obvious.
Regardless I love this look, even if it means he looks like he's on a fishing charter for 8 out of 12 months a year. Just adds to the whole fit really.
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exhsuted · 3 days
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I like his new romper
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exhsuted · 3 days
This was totally not prompted by an extremely cruel anonymous ask.
Nope no sire
I need to go to sleep
Pretty sure most of my mutuals don’t
A) know this side blog exists
B) don’t follow it/have notifications on for it
I need to vent and here we are
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exhsuted · 3 days
I want to disappear off the internet
This is my comfort
Rottmnt has been one of the few places I feel happy, safe, and comfortable.
I know the people that blocked me have little to no idea what their followers have sent me, and I don’t want them to know
It’s just
And disheartening
Pretty sure most of my mutuals don’t
A) know this side blog exists
B) don’t follow it/have notifications on for it
I need to vent and here we are
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exhsuted · 3 days
God my mental health has been through an atomizer for the whole of may
Quietly deactivating feels right
But it feels
My heart hurts
Pretty sure most of my mutuals don’t
A) know this side blog exists
B) don’t follow it/have notifications on for it
I need to vent and here we are
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exhsuted · 3 days
I really am debating deactivating my account
Already have another set up
It feels disgusting and dishonest
But the fucking threats
They just don’t leave me alone
Pretty sure most of my mutuals don’t
A) know this side blog exists
B) don’t follow it/have notifications on for it
I need to vent and here we are
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exhsuted · 3 days
I know people have their opinions and reasons, but the anon hate that I received was
I opened the app at 2 am saw all of-that-and just deleted it
But it’s all still so prominent in my head
People are cruel and hypocrites. I know I am.
But those death threats I received-they’ve stuck with me
Pretty sure most of my mutuals don’t
A) know this side blog exists
B) don’t follow it/have notifications on for it
I need to vent and here we are
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exhsuted · 3 days
I feel so
In the rottmnt fandom rn
It’s both from a lack of interaction with people outside of my circle of friends
Gestures at the situation that happened earlier in may
Pretty sure most of my mutuals don’t
A) know this side blog exists
B) don’t follow it/have notifications on for it
I need to vent and here we are
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exhsuted · 3 days
Pretty sure most of my mutuals don’t
A) know this side blog exists
B) don’t follow it/have notifications on for it
I need to vent and here we are
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