evinaadlene ¡ 1 month
Bloodright Part 03
Blood & Reckonings chapter update!!
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Louis feels a weight of a gaze on his back.
He turns to see Harold staring at the canvas leaned to the door frame, arms crossed on his chest. Dressed in a red flowing tunic that enhanced his handsomeness violently, long locks cascading perfectly down his shoulders, he looked like a painting himself with the frame of the door he leaned on - a much better one than what Louis had been working on.
Perhaps Harold shouldn’t have seen the canvas. Horan had mentioned to Louis that Harold had been the subject to most of Zayn’s paintings for years. If it affected him in any way, Harold doesn’t show it. He takes his vehement gaze from white black painted canvas to Louis’ face, staring at him for a few seconds.
“Can I speak with you, my lord?” He sounds impassive, bland.
Then without waiting for a response from Louis, he ambles back to the main chamber.
Louis just stares at the empty door frame before putting down his brushes. With a last glance at his canvas and the unfinished portrait on the canvas, he follows Harold to the larger room. He finds him just standing in the middle, his back turned to Louis.
Louis waits, staring at his tall form dressed in a red that clashed with everything in the earthly toned room. There’s a slight raise in Harold’s heart, he notices. Is that because of Louis’ painting? Louis couldn’t guess.
“I want you to take me.” Harold says then, his voice strained and tight. He turns and faces Louis’ calm staring face with an edged determination. “I want you to take me to bed.”
Read at AO3 now...
Bloodright Series, AU Dark Fantasy | NC-17
In a land where greed, power and Vampires rules above all, Louis, the nephew of the malicious Vampire King, gets dragged into the chessboard of the royal court that traps him in front of a green eyed Prince who is bound to a miserable fate.
Or where Louis wants to save Harold, the Prince of Lycans, when Louis’ allies want him DEAD.  Head the warnings!!
Part 01: Blood & Moon (Completed)
Part 02: Blood & Bones (Completed)
Part 03: Blood & Reckonings (Ongoing)
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evinaadlene ¡ 4 months
hi. When are you going to update the third chapter???
Late reply, apologies. Was traveling for a bit. But already updated.
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evinaadlene ¡ 5 months
Bloodright Part 03, Blood & Reckonings chapter update!!
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Image copyrights reserved by original artists. --------------------------------------
"Behind Louis, Atrad gets to his feet.
“You know, once when I was pondered with a similar fear of losing someone I cared for the conundrums of this strange land decades back, that same person gave me advice that I never forgot to this day.” 
Louis wretchedly listens as Atrad’s steps closer from behind.
“He told me, whenever in doubt, to ask myself if what I’m chasing behind is true.” Atrad pauses as Louis trunks to face him with a jaded sigh. “Do you know without any doubt in your mind and soul that it’s true?” 
Louis nods without a word, half lost in his own thoughts. we feels weary. Of course he knew that Harold is both the downfall and the key to everything. Of course he knew that longer Harold is left in the clutches of Germia, it increases the threat. It is beyond obvious. Why would Atrad even ask -?
“Do you know without any doubt that what Harold needs from you is to save him?” Atrad rephrases, as Louis stares at him, blinking to clear the haze in front of his eyes.
What Harold needs from him… "
Read at AO3 now...
Bloodright Series, AU Dark Fantasy | NC-17
In a land where greed, power and Vampires rules above all, Louis, the nephew of the malicious Vampire King, gets dragged into the chessboard of the royal court that traps him in front of a green eyed Prince who is bound to a miserable fate.
Or where Louis wants to save Harold, the Prince of Lycans, when Louis’ allies want him DEAD.  Head the warnings!!
Part 01: Blood & Moon (Completed)
Part 02: Blood & Bones (Completed)
Part 03: Blood & Reckonings (Ongoing)
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evinaadlene ¡ 5 months
Bloodright Part 03, Blood & Reckonings is here!!!
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Chapter 01
Prologue: Lovers, OUT NOW!!!
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Image copyrights reserved by original artists.
Slowly wrapping his fingers around the gold handle Zayn turns it, pushing the heavy door open just enough. He probably dreamed about this last night. Of his soul piercing green eyes and the engulfing warmth of his body against his own skin.
The blue red draped ample chamber seems empty first. But then Zayn sees him.
Sat on the sofa where he usually spent hours into the night reading, or strumming at his harp, Harry seems to be waiting, eyes staring right at him. There were no books or harps on him this time. Curly locks gracing the slightly hunched, perfect shoulders, his lean form relaxed on the velvet sofa, the Lycan is a sight to behold as always, with his deliciously refined red lips. 
“Evening.” Zayn offers timorously with a thin smile, ambling closer.  
Harry blinks. 
“You came.”  He seemed much more relaxed than Zayn, even the beating of his heart sounds calm. 
“How could I not?” Zayn sighs, “You’ve imprinted on me.”
Read at AO3 now ...
Bloodright Series, AU Dark Fantasy | NC-17
In a land where greed, power and Vampires rules above all, Louis, the nephew of the malicious Vampire King, gets dragged into the chessboard of the royal court that traps him in front of a green eyed Prince who is bound to a miserable fate.
Or where Louis wants to save Harold, the Prince of Lycans, when Louis’ allies want him DEAD.  Head the warnings!!
Part 01: Blood & Moon (Completed)
Part 02: Blood & Bones (Completed)
Part 03: Blood & Reckonings (Ongoing)
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evinaadlene ¡ 5 months
Bloodright 3rd and the Final Book!
Coming soon!!!
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Image copyrights reserved by original artists. "What draws two souls together? What binds them in unspoken agreement of fellowship and loyalty? And where does that familiar affection blurs into ardent desire? How can two paradoxical beings hunger for one another with fervent passion?" ........
Read at AO3 from 10th January 2024
Bloodright Series, AU Dark Fantasy | NC-17
In a land where greed, power and Vampires rules above all, Louis, the nephew of the malicious Vampire King, gets dragged into the chessboard of the royal court that traps him in front of a green eyed Prince who is bound to a miserable fate.
Or where Louis wants to save Harold, the Prince of Lycans, when Louis’ allies want him DEAD.  Head the warnings!!
Part 01: Blood & Moon (Completed)
Part 02: Blood & Bones (Completed) Part 03: Blood & Reckonings (10/01/24)
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evinaadlene ¡ 7 months
Hi. Did you try the ai pictures for your characters? Did you like any of them? If you did will you post them? Excited for the next book btw!!
Do you mean as if I tried creating any? Ive not yet tried. Do you have any tips? Would love to, and will definitely post if something catches my eye. And loved the ones I saw for Flightless bird fic for sure.
Next book…. is coming 😀🌹
#asks #myfic #bloodroght #ai
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evinaadlene ¡ 7 months
Hii, sorry to bother. I just finished the second book on the blood right series AND I LOVED IT. I read you were thinking of starting posting the 3rd book after about a month after chapter 20.
Do you have a date yet? (im sorry im impatient)
Not a bother at all. Thanks for reading the story. Glad you enjoyed. ❤️
As I’ve mentioned in comments, it might get to December when I start posting at least. Wanted to post sooner, but with my schedules and the details I go to when writing, I need time. 😊
#myfic #storyupdate #asks
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evinaadlene ¡ 9 months
Hi! I love your story (you have an amazingly talented mind btw made me cry) just wondering what person did you imagine as atrĂĄd and fin ? ( as in who am I supposed to picture with them, but also who inspired you the most for them)
Aww thanks love! Glad you enjoyed the story. And sorry for the tears.
Fin is actually an original, maybe a blend between a young Daniel Radcliffe and young Fionne Whitehead in appearance . David Dawson should play Atrad for sure. inspiration for him came from different characters and dialogues.. witty, a bit sarcastic. And a bit mysterious.
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evinaadlene ¡ 9 months
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Blood & Bones Chapter 20, ‘Carved in Bones’
The Last chapter of the book 02!!
His green gaze searches Louis in confusion. 
“Wouldn’t dream of it?” he repeats, staring piercingly, making Louis swither. “Then why bring me here?”   
Louis leans forward, clasping his palms together with his elbows on knees. “To sleep.”  
“Sleep?” Harold repeats again as if it’s a word unheard of.
“Yes. I want you to rest, heal before...” Louis bites his tongue. 
Harold stares at Louis in silence, and Louis watches him back. 
“You want me to sleep and heal before they tear me to teeth and bone in their dungeons? Why?” 
“I - I want you to at least catch a break, Harold.” Louis offers, stilled by the intensity of his vehement green gaze and angular furrowed brows.
Harold furrows his thick angular brows.
“Why do you care?”
Louis just stares back at the weighted entrancing Alpha sat in front of him. At his greenest, demanding eyes, perfectly beautiful frowning face and the half revealing sculptured body. Is there an answer he can give?
Read at AO3… Image copyrights reserved by original artists.
Bloodright Series, AU Dark Fantasy | NC-17
In a land where greed, power and Vampires rules above all, Louis, the nephew of the malicious Vampire King, gets dragged into the chessboard of the royal court that traps him in front of a green eyed Prince who is bound to a miserable fate. Or where Louis wants to save Harold, the Prince of Lycans, when Louis’ allies want him DEAD.  Head the warnings!!
Part 01: Blood & Moon (13/13 Chapters)
Part 02: Blood & Bones (20/20 Chapters) Part 03: The final (Upcoming)
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evinaadlene ¡ 10 months
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Blood & Bones Chapter 19, ‘Lies to hold justice’
“This will work.” A voice assures from behind him. “The detour to the kitchens takes time.”
Louis doesn’t say anything. He wishes he's as optimistic. Sat on the cool marble floor, Atrad had been watching Louis silently. He had been a witness to the chaos at the court earlier, attending as Louis’ valet. And he had been contemplative ever since. 
“It is time they saw him for who he is. Both Germia and Homas.” Atrad says to Louis’ continued silence. “Place him at the colonnade of his ancestors and he bursts to life. The boy has a knack about him. Won’t lie, I haven’t seen someone challenge the King out cold like that for a long time.” he raises his thoughts for the first time since they’ve been waiting.
Louis sighs, eyes still on the crescent moon. “And he will be paying for it.” 
“Don’t insult his courage by thinking he leaped not knowing the consequences.” Atrad scoffs. “He’s not naive. It’s an artful game he’s playing, posing a peacock and keeping his wolf in guise.”
Read at AO3…
Bloodright Series, AU Dark Fantasy | NC-17
In a land where greed, power and Vampires rules above all, Louis, the nephew of the malicious Vampire King, gets dragged into the chessboard of the royal court that traps him in front of a green eyed Prince who is bound to a miserable fate. Or where Louis wants to save Harold, the Prince of Lycans, when Louis’ allies want him DEAD.  Head the warnings!!
Part 01: Blood & Moon (13/13 Chapters)
Part 02: Blood & Bones (19/20 Chapters) Part 03: The final (Upcoming)
Thought this does more justice to the chapter than my previous post.
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evinaadlene ¡ 10 months
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Blood & Bones Chapter 19, ‘Lies to hold the truth’
The King goes livid. “You dare?!”
The Vampire guard hold their swords ready, waiting for a gesture from the King. Harold takes two steps back, kneeling down on steps with one knee and bowing his head to the King.
“I meant no disrespect by laying out the title and the duties betrothed to me by you, Your Majesty. I only mean to honour the truce and you by speaking my truth. I do not dispute the seriousness of the charges, but I implore you, for fairness of your elite regime, to let me speak on the behalf of my state, My Lord, please, I beg of you.”
The King clenched his jaws, challenged in his own play. 
“Fine!”  Enlighten us, ward.” 
Harold only raises his head to the King’s feet, remaining on his knee. Louis doubts if he thought this through at all. 
“The Senate is innocent of initiating any connection with Nicklaus Hungerstarline, my Lord. Steward Hayguard had no knowledge of any affiliation with the Alpha, but the Senators who had any acquaintance with him did so under my order.” 
The court goes into a tense filled silence. King Benedict stares at Harold icily. “You lie to save your own, Edward. You think they will do the same for you?” he asks mockingly, yet the steadiness in the Alpha’s eyes seem to faze him. 
“It is the truth, My Lord. None here shares blood with him, unlike I. Nicklaus Hungerstarline is my mother’s cousin, my uncle. He came to Germia because I asked him to.”
“Your sister shares blood with him.” Lady Marfur interrupts.
Harold doesn’t look at her, keeping his eyes at the King’s feet. “My sister is a mere Beta who he would not make pacts with, unless she represented an Alpha. She’s not equipped for politics. Instead, I requested a few trusted members of my Senate to contact him on my accord, to meet me in the capital. ”    
The quiet in the spacious hall is filled with uncertainty. Lycans seem desperate, hopeful for their Lord to save them, yet the majority of Vampires didn’t seem to believe him, including most of the high council on the high ground. But the King stares at his calm Lycan ward with contemplation. 
“Why?” He inquires calculatingly, “Why did you ask for him?”
Dead-pan green eyes look up at the King with a weary earnestness. One could taste the truth in them like a vile of bitter potion. Louis doesn’t know how he manages that.
“I looked for an end, My Lord.” he reveals wearily. “To be done with my duties. They’re too heavy burdens to bear.” he confesses, as hushed murmurs start swelling in the grand chamber. Read at AO3...
Bloodright Series, AU Dark Fantasy | NC-17
In a land where greed, power and Vampires rules above all, Louis, the nephew of the malicious Vampire King, gets dragged into the chessboard of the royal court that traps him in front of a green eyed Prince who is bound to a miserable fate. Or where Louis wants to save Harold, the Prince of Lycans, when Louis’ allies want him DEAD.  Head the warnings!!
Part 01: Blood & Moon (13/13 Chapters)
Part 02: Blood & Bones (19/20 Chapters) Part 03: The final (Upcoming)
1d fanfics harry styles fanfiction larry au dark fantasy harry fantasy au vampire warewolf my fic
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evinaadlene ¡ 10 months
"My fear of being real, of being seen, paralyzes me into silence. I crave the touch and the connection, but l'm not always brave enough to open my hand and reach out. This is the great challenge: to be seen, accepted, and loved, I must first reveal, offer, and surrender.”
Anna White, Mended: Thoughts on Life, Love, and Leaps of Faith.
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evinaadlene ¡ 11 months
Bloodright Chapter Update!! ‘Ruby of Homas’ now up! 
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Blood & Bones Chapter 18, ‘Ruby of Homas’
“It’s been a while since I felt the southern sun on my skin.” Louis says, catching the soft rays on his hand, wanting to give Harold a reason to look up more than anything. The ruby in his dagger ring reflects the light in a gleam as Harold stares. Louis moves his finger to let the reflection dance around. “I’ve forgotten how vividly colourful it gets around twilight here in the south,” he adds. “And warm.” 
Harold’s eyes linger on Louis’ ring for a few moments. He blinks slowly, distracted, as Louis places the palm back on his knee.  
“I’d give anything not to remember.” His voice comes deep, and scratchy, not having said a word since the last stop. The sun soaked green eyes look directly at Louis, thoughtfully. There’s a pain in them that is hard to be confronted with. Raw and loose. 
Louis just watches him. “Yet you do.”
“Like it’s yesterday I left.” he sighs, turning to gaze out at the glittering lake in melancholy. 
“It is your land. Your bloodright. It would be harder to forget.” Louis lets him say, even if he feels wretched saying so.
“Is it?” Harold doesn’t turn back, continuing to gaze out. 
Read at AO3…
Bloodright Series, AU Dark Fantasy | NC-17
In a land where greed, power and Vampires rules above all, Louis, the nephew of the malicious Vampire King, gets dragged into the chessboard of the royal court that traps him in front of a green eyed Prince who is bound to a miserable fate. Or where Louis wants to save Harold, the Prince of Lycans, when Louis’ allies want him DEAD.  Head the warnings!!
Part 01: Blood & Moon (13/13 Chapters)
Part 02: Blood & Bones (18/20 Chapters)
Jump into the twitter Fic Bot or insta @bldrghtficbot for story stuff... Image rights reserved by the original artists.
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evinaadlene ¡ 1 year
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by Andrea Cooke
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evinaadlene ¡ 1 year
Watch full video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tIBc4ocMNU
Harry in Jenny Lewis‘ „Puppy and the Truck“ music video.
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evinaadlene ¡ 1 year
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evinaadlene ¡ 1 year
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Chapter Update!! Blood & Bones Chapter 16, ‘Unproven guilt’ now up! 
What… what had they done to him? Louis’ mind inwardly cringes.
He’s seen the worst of violent interrogations in this castle years back… ones that left the unfortunate victims broken. But he couldn’t imagine what the King might have done to break a Lycan, a royal Alpha Lycan to reveal the secrets assumed he’d have.
Sweeping his fingers on Harold’s skin, Louis checks his long, lean arms… which feels cold as ice despite the burning fever in the rest of his body. Irritated blood veins are visible under the translucent skin of his hands… And they seem lifeless, boneless. His feet were the same.
A deep worry burns in his gut, firing his head with a probable realization as he stares at Harold’s weak, battered form...
Read at AO3…                   
Bloodright Series, AU Dark Fantasy | NC-17
In a land where greed, power and Vampires rules above all, Louis, the nephew of the malicious Vampire King, gets dragged into the chessboard of the royal court that traps him in front of a green eyed Prince who is bound to a miserable fate. Or where Louis wants to save Harold, the Prince of Lycans, when Louis’ allies want him DEAD.  Head the warnings!!
Part 01: Blood & Moon (13/13 Chapters)
Part 02: Blood & Bones (16/20 Chapters)
Jump into the twitter Fic Bot or insta @bldrghtficbot for story stuff... Image rights reserved by the original artists.
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