eldritchcreaturegf · 3 years
Day 3
Family was really getting on my nerves today but I still worked out! I'm so proud of myself for not letting it impact my new ~routine~ lol.
I worked out for only 30 minutes, but I felt quite drained at the 30 min mark so decided it was best to just finish there. On the bright side, I can feel myself getting stronger already and its very exciting. One of my arm exercises is to lie on the floor with my arms fully stretched out, think in the shape of a cross, and while keeping them straight to raise them over my face then back to the ground. During my first workouts at the beginning of May I couldn't do this without letting my arms rest on the ground between reps (even with only the 5 pound weight!!), but now I can hold my arms above the ground for the entire set~!
I can also now do 10 push-ups (albeit with my knees on the ground lol), but this is still far more than the 1 or 2 I could do before I started. I'm still struggling with the feeling that I'm not doing enough, lifting enough, working out long enough, etc... But the reality is that unless I keep going I will never reach what I perceive to be the 'bare minimum' for myself. I will keep slowly building up to bigger and greater things, and I hope that I can make this a new lifelong habit :)
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eldritchcreaturegf · 3 years
the magic of ~protein~
I just wanted to list some protein sources that I can reference when I'm trying to hit my 2 per meal goal. It is difficult when I'm not in full control of my meals as I live at home with family, but I will try my best.
- Meat (freshly prepared and cold cuts)
- Eggs
- Greek yogurt
- Oats
- Quinoa
- Milk
- Chia Seeds
- Peanuts
- Hummus
- Broccoli
- Green Peas
- Hummus
- Protein shake
Of course there are more protein sources lol, this is just what I like and have available to me.
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eldritchcreaturegf · 3 years
Day 2
Yesterday I worked out again even though I wasn't really in the mood, it just felt... natural? It's nice to know that slowly I'm building good habits.
After the workout I didn't really feel good about it, like I hadn't done enough. I got through the first two sets of arms, waist, and legs without really having my heartrate be that high? The third set was really pushing myself. I also only worked out for about 35 minutes when I aim for 40. I also felt shitty about how little my weights are, as I want to build muscle but don't have the equipment to lift heavy.
But, today I woke up and my shoulders, arms, and abs are really sore which is great. I like the day after pain because it makes me feel like I'm actually making progress. I'm also a bit relieved because I've been slower to increase the intensity of my waist and leg workouts and yesterday I did a bit more with my midsection, so its nice to know its working.
I also felt pretty bad about my diet. I'm really trying to do intuitive eating with gentle nutrition and last night I wanted to start counting calories again. I woke up feeling a bit more level headed and I've come up with some goals I want to reach with my eating. Cutting carbs for me is really triggering, both the mindset and actual action because I feel like I'm starving without them. So instead I want to focus on doing the following:
1. Eat at least one green thing with every meal. (ie. avocado, or warming up frozen broccoli or peas as I've learned its easy and my favorites flavor wise)
2. Eat at least two sources of protein every meal. (I've come up with a list of my favorite protein sources, big and small, that can be worked into meals at any part of the day.)
Our bodies are incredibly intelligent and I'm trying to remember that. I hope that by following these two guidelines I'll be eating a bit more nutritiously, and when I'm eating more calories that are protein, fat, and vegetables, I will naturally eat less carbs.
I might take photos of what I eat in a day and calculate calories at night just to check in on my protein (as I've always struggled to eat enough, and now that I'm trying to build muscle I need WAY more,). This way I'm still eating intuitively while knowing if I'm hitting my protein goal.
I also want to start jumping rope as I desperately need to get in some cardio, but I'm still really avoiding it. Hopefully I'll do it some time this week.
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eldritchcreaturegf · 3 years
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Self Care Tips From Tumblr: When you feel like everyone hates you, sleep. When you feel like you hate everyone, eat. When you feel like you hate yourself, shower. Someone out there feels better because you exist. 
instagram / patreon / portfolio / etsy / my book / redbubble
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eldritchcreaturegf · 3 years
Well, well, well, will you look at that? It’s Pride again.
You know the drill by now. It’s June 1, and suddenly everything from banks to big box stores has slapped a rainbow on their logo. Rainbow capitalism knows how to target LGBTQIA+ customers. For exactly 30 days of the year. How quaint.
Of course, it’s nice to make things bright, and colorful, and pretty. But it’s meaningless if that’s all it is.
Pride should be about uplifting and celebrating you, the community. And it should be year-round, not just 8.22% of the year. So, we’re signal-boosting your posts that celebrate, support, and honor all genders and sexualities over here. Follow to keep your dashboard lovely and gay as hell all year round.
And, yes, we’re also making a bit of a fuss right here on @celebrate (apparently, we just can’t help ourselves). So if you’re interested in talking about what Pride means to you or want to celebrate Pride but don’t know how to go about it this year, we made a fun little 30-day Share Your Pride Challenge list. Because you do, in fact, deserve to be celebrated.
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Tag your posts with #ShareYourPride if you want to make them a little easier for other people to find. And Tumblr? Happy Pride. We’re glad you’re here.
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eldritchcreaturegf · 3 years
reblog if I should write a “how to study outside” study guide 🍀
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eldritchcreaturegf · 3 years
Day 1
I didn't feel like working out all day, nor did I plan to do so, but a few hours after dinner I just felt like I should. Like always, I did a full body work out (not really sure why) of about 2 sets of my arms, waist, and legs regimen. I met my goal of 40 minutes, and I finished off with about 12 minutes of yoga to stretch out my muscles and cool down.
I'm still kind of shocked by how weak I have become. My legs used to be the strongest part of my body, but now they are just as weak as everything else lol. I don't like this, but I still feel motivated to continue as results will come with time :)
Since I'm working out at home, I'm able to just watch youtube or tv on my laptop while I exercise, and honestly I prefer it to music. If I listen to music I tend to just get annoyed if the tempo is different from the speed of my movements, and I easily get sick of the songs. Videos are a good alternative as they just distract me more from the pain I'm feeling lol, and its always 'new' content. Plus, I'd likely be watching something if I wasn't exercising anyway, so its a better use of time.
I am lucky enough to have a fitbit, and I like to keep tabs on my heartrate through the duration of my work out so that I know I'm working hard enough haha. The majority of my workouts are in the fatburn zone (119-146) with a little in cardio (147-181). It's easy to enter these zones now because of my terrible shape, so I assume in the future I will have to work harder to reach these zones.
I don't pay attention to however many calories fitbit says I burned as its probably inaccurate, and I'm trying to eat intuitively with some gentle nutrition.
I'm trying to be proud of myself for doing this much, and I plan on exercising again in a day or two depending on how sore I feel.
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eldritchcreaturegf · 3 years
Gyms are still (rightfully) closed because of the covid lockdown, and so all I have is myself and what is in my house. I'm trying to remember exercises I learned in school, however I am a firm believer in Arnold Schwarzenegger's argument that when one exercises, they should exercise every muscle; if we don't do this, we appear unbalanced. Though I won't be entering any bodybuilding competitions, I want to keep this concept in mind when I plan my workouts.
Calisthenics is a form of strength training that requires zero to little equipment - perfect for someone like me who doesn't have a home gym ;)
And after seeing tons of photos of ripped calisthenics practitioners online, I think this will be a viable form of strength training for me! I decided to look it up, and it turns out Wikipedia has already divided all the different exercises by what part of the body they affect, so I can put my Schwarzenegger inspired concept to use!
Luckily I also have a few small handheld weights my parents bought years ago, so I will also be using those for my arms.
I mainly want to focus on strength training, as I want to grow my muscles to look good and burn more energy with less effort. Though, cardio is still important... Too bad I hate it lol. I've tried running, jogging, going for walks, etc. but I don't really enjoy any of them :/
So, I've bought a new jump rope. I'll probably start with just 5 or 10 minutes every few days and build up from there, since I currently have no stamina whatsoever :)))))
My anxiety around working out is still pretty strong, but I've worked out about 4 times before making this account and so hopefully I will exercise again within the next day or so, so that I may report it here to you :)
Right now I am kind of just speaking into the void, but even if no one is here to listen, there is a comfort in saying it at all.
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eldritchcreaturegf · 3 years
Zero to Hero, Hercules Style~
After being in quarantine for so long I really feel like I've melted into a pile of goo :/ I want to be my best self when I head off to university, so I am embarking on a little journey of self improvement~!
I decided to try and document it all here to hold myself accountable, and hopefully I'll make some friends along the way :)
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