einjahrzehntzurueck · 4 months
yeah as soon as I wake up no longer fatigued for the first time in my life I'll be set
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einjahrzehntzurueck · 4 months
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morning textures
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einjahrzehntzurueck · 4 years
self witten, self printed, self binded
i did it, i wrote my story
and now i want to finally heal
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einjahrzehntzurueck · 4 years
does it take
an attempt first
to lay claim on illness
does it take
hospital beds
and stitches first
to heal the wounds
it feels invalid
to suffer without visibility
yet i felt it all
- sick without a notice
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einjahrzehntzurueck · 4 years
they told me i was worthless
and made sure i believed it
when they said
i was ugly
i was weird
i was embarrassing
i was childish
when they showed me
i was weak
i was helpless
i was alone
thats when they stripped
the essence of my personality
off of my spine
and dragged it through the mud
so that even nowadays
i have a hard time believing
im worth something
- the voices never leave
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einjahrzehntzurueck · 4 years
i now know
that the music
i used to get lost in
didn't make me happier
it made me feel like home
it made me feel like i wasn't alone
it made me feel like i belonged
without this safe haven
without this retreat
i am not too sure
if i'd still be alive today
- i owe them my life, they made me hold on till may
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einjahrzehntzurueck · 4 years
when i was at my lowest
but highest at the same time
i could barely function
that's how it always is
i cant seem to focus
i cant seem to work
all i do
is to get lost
in an endless web
of my thoughts
- anxiety 2019
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einjahrzehntzurueck · 4 years
on the 7th of november
after a day
that started like the nightmares
half a decade ago
i had made up my mind
and nothing could've stopped me
so i took
a brand new blade
unwrapped it like a present
put the paper aside
and reached for the tissues
the bandage
the tape
then put it against my skin
and i pressed down on it
as i dragged it
the blade
it separated my skin
into a valley
where a lake of blood
soon pooled inside
i felt
no pain
no sting
and if i wouldn't have been
so horrified
of what just happened
i would have watched
the blood run down
i took my bandage
wrapped my arm
like i was trying
to mend the inside pain
from through my skin
and hid it
under sheets
so i could sleep away
the guilt
of destroying myself
but enjoying everything of it
- when i cut the deepest 07.11.2016
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einjahrzehntzurueck · 4 years
there were countless days
i spent imaging
last times
last time going to school
last time seeing my friends
last time i was with my family
there were countless nights
i spent looking for
razor blades
tall enough buildings
the right way to knot
a piece of rope
and strong branches of trees
or empty places
to leave my body behind
i settled with my old friend
the blade
imaged the pain
i would feel
when i dragged it with all i had
deeper than ever before
the blood i would spill
more than ever before
but it scared me too much
opening myself
to let life slip right out
of my veins
so instead
i chose the city
stood at its highest place
and closed my eyes
imagined the height
the wall beneath me
and then nothing beneath me
and it felt like freedom
- i was wishing for relief
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einjahrzehntzurueck · 4 years
it scares me
how unbothered i am
with seeing the faces
of those who did
these terrible things to me
i should be mad
for them ruining
my self esteem
my self appreciation
my self
i carry scars on my body
from actions and words
they can't undo and unspeak
yet i see them
and i am unbothered
have i forgiven
or forgotten?
neither is right
- i still carry the scars on my soul
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einjahrzehntzurueck · 4 years
this one time
when my mother
and my grandmother
were waiting in the car
for me to return
with food i picked up
you approached me
and i remember for the first time
you came too close
by then i'd gotten used
to the names you'd call me
and the twisted smirk you'd give me
i was used to being your target
but never would i have expected
you to invade my space like that
you came right at me
gave me a push
and the moment i dropped
the food i was supposed to bring
to my mother and grandmother
waiting in the car behind the corner
-i will never feel more embarrassed
in that moment
i was the obvious victim
and you were in control
from that day on
i was terrified of you
the moment it got physical
is the hardest to forget
i got back into the car afterwards
and didn't say a word
- part of me died that day
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einjahrzehntzurueck · 4 years
i should (have) rather spent
the time
that i hate(d) myself
with hating the people
who made me feel that way
in the first place
but instead of wishing
venom inside their veins
i carry it in my head
and let it poison myself
- they never leave and i let them
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einjahrzehntzurueck · 4 years
i know about my lack of gratitude
when i think about
what my parents did for me
and i know their parents
did not do the same
but you can’t expect
a new generation of children
to be reborn as your mirror image
i did not choose how i was raised
i did not choose to be a single child
i did not choose to be here at all
if a child is such a burden
then why did you bother at all?
maybe i lack of gratitude
but all they ever really provided me with
was shelter, food and transportation
as soon as i was old enough
for school to become my own problem
everything was my own problem
and when i started falling off grid
from expectations that society put on me
when i wanted nothing more
than be appreciated of who i truly am
i received the stamp of
from my own mother
and got told myself was the reason
people did not treat me well
for the next years i had to learn
how to fight for myself
because my mother threatened
to take that away from me
i remember countless fights
where i ended up hidden in bed
crying my eyes out
because instead of feeling accepted
she made me feel hated
if i had to write a list
of the times i felt
and self depreciating
because of her
i would not know where to start
she always made sure
to show love to others
besides her own daughter
and my father
i am not mad
but he had other priorities than me
so they could drive me
to the other side of the world
or buy me seven cars
i would still
feel more hurt than grateful
for them choosing their reputation
over my comfort and sanity
- lonely child
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einjahrzehntzurueck · 4 years
i held onto the hope
that my graduation would set me free
but of course my brain was now conditioned
to dive in headfirst into the smallest bits of darkness
whenever there was a reason for me to be upset
i endulged in it
and let the depression feed from it
whenever i made a mistake
i blamed myself
whenever someone treated me badly
i blamed myself
after all these years
of being told you're worth less
and then spending your time believing that
you can't quit these thoughts
so the downward spiral i had reached the end of
started all brand new again
- 2016 was not much better
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einjahrzehntzurueck · 4 years
i never got my own personal diagnosis
but it felt proper
when i laid in bed as i woke
and all i could do was stare at the wall
when i was sitting in the middle
of a lively conversation
but their words just passed by like clouds
when the only word to describe my emotions
was empty
when i wished i could just feel something
but instead i got nothing
when i felt like my heart was barely beating
and i was barely breathing
when everything was silent and dark
when it got darker and darker
and i had no hope
it felt like proper depression
when i felt empty
and hopeless
and lost
i never got my own personal diagnosis
but this was no health either
no one can tell me that lie
- when i was depressed
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einjahrzehntzurueck · 4 years
the first piece of poetry i read
was milk and honey
and it opened my eyes
to a world of words
which put my feelings
onto empty pages
beautiful and fragile
like hand painted porcelain
it was the second best relief
i found to let my deepest thoughts
run out of me
and it turned out to be the saviour
of my sanity
- thank you Rupi; 28.07.2016
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einjahrzehntzurueck · 4 years
before i tumbled down
this deep black hole
when i had a glimpse of innocence left
i spent my time
losing myself in music
that would make me feel less alone
i like to thank these people
for painting my world red instead of black
for giving me 5 seconds of a bright summer
for saving rock and roll for me
for making me happy again
and when it got bad
they showed me a way to support
so for the next year
i went on a journey
to discover what shaped me
for the next three
the horizon shaped me
a few twenty pilots shaped me
and some of them even told me
to hold on till may
sometimes i suppose
music truly saves lives
it showed me then
that broken people
save themselves together
- my emo phase 2015 - 2017
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