bold of me to constantly use the phrase “no worries!” when I am, in fact, constantly full of many worries
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yeah theres no way to stop using amazon completely because they own so many things and many websites use them for hosting, but audible is something we really dont need. amazon is already trying to replace public libraries with “audible amazon libraries” and we cant let that happen. your libraries are already payed for with taxes ((though normally way underfunded because politicians normally dont care enough)) 
use libby or overdrive for audiobooks or ebooks, support libraries and buy from their used books sale (ive scored so many awesome books, and old books! as well as some great cds and movies) , and many libraries also mail out books!! theres so many options and libraries are always changing to make themselves more accessible for everyone, so support them! theyre such an important part of your community.
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RIP to the Trojans, but I’m different
friendly reminder that suspiciously large horses are not allowed here
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Halloween 2019
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idk what introvert needs to hear this but please check yourself when ur saying stuf like “staying in your room all weekend by yourself watching netflix is much better than going out and being social” because speaking from experience it’s very easy to confuse being introverted and isolating yourself to cope with anxiety and depression please reach out to your friends and make an effort to live your life and say yes to things, there’s no harm in enjoying your own company but please try to avoid shutting yourself away because you’ve convinced yourself that you’re better alone it’s seriously a recipe for loneliness and will really fuck with your self worth
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TOP floral lockscreens  p a r t  2 / ? - Josh Dun
Please like if you save  ❤️
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Meet Smudge the table cat
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Here’s a “life-hack” for you. Apparently concentrated Kool-Aid can be used as a pretty effective leather dye. I was making a drink while cutting the snaps off some new straps for my pauldrons and I got curious, so I tried it, thinking, “ok even if this works, it will just wash out.” Nope. It took the “dye” (undiluted) in about 3 seconds. After drying for about an hour and a half, it would not wash off in the hottest tap-water. It would not wash out after soaking for 30 minutes. It did not wash out until I BOILED it, and even then, only by a tiny bit and it gave it a weathered look that was kind of cool. Add some waterproofing and I’d wager it would survive even that. That rich red is only one application too. Plus it smells great, lol. So there you go, cheap, fruity smelling leather dye in all the colors Kool-Aid has to offer.
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In just three years within the MCU, Peter Parker became
an Avenger
Tony Stark’s son
Happy Hogan’s protege
Nick Fury’s emergency contact
Tony Stark’s legacy
one of the most beloved and best written MCU characters with a proper  development from a little excited boy to a traumatized hero, a full path on its halfway
Tom Holland is RDJ’s adoptive son and everyone’s sweetheart and now they’re removing him from the MCU and God knows what awaits him in Sony’s dirty hands…. 
Imagine watching a Spidey movie without Nick Fury, without Happy, without any mention of Tony, a movie totally outside the MCU.
We will not get Peter interacting with Pepper or little Morgan, or with Harley….
We will probably not get the FFH cliffhanger resolved… 
Tony Stark’s legacy? Gone.  A proper use of Tom’s incredible acting skills? Gone. Member of the new Avengers? Gone. Character Development? Gone. 
If I told you to name an incredibly emotional MCU scene, I doubt you wouldn’t think about “I don’t wanna go” or “We won, Mr. Stark” first. 
MCU knew well what to do with this character and it shows. 
And now they just… ?! :’((((
If you will excuse me, I’ll go cry in the corner now. 
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does anyone have like ten thousand dollars they don’t want
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Daughter of a gun (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧ No idea if such a thing existed but surely there had to be girls born on board in the Age of Sail?
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It's Cloak of Night cover reveal day!!! Isn't is absolutely gorgeous? Can't wait to devour this book!
Cloak of Night is the sequel to Circle of Shadows by Evelyn Skye, author of The Crown's Game duology.
Cloak of Night is out 2/11/2020 and I can't wait!!!!
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tyler literally on the floor laughing at his own joke
video from @/ghostbird22 on instagram
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Happy 31st birthday, Josh. You're my hero, I don't know where I'd be without you.
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‘cause I am on the run and go
twenty one pilots // AB Brussels // 02/14/2016
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