dutifullyimperfect · 3 years
I got asked once Why do I always stare out the window?
At first I had no answer as to why I always stared with my eyes glazed over looking at nothing but that's when I realised I wasn't looking at nothing, there was always something to see. Something to wonder about.
He laughed and asked "Something to wonder about? there is nothing there but people, buildings and cars. What is there to wonder about?"
He didn't get it. The people, the buildings, the cars. How can you not wonder? There is so much to know? If I see a person how can I not wonder where they are going? Where they're heading, if there running away from something. If they have someone to tell them they're beautiful everyday. Someone who loves them. How can I not wonder about these people that we see everyday, that we may never see ever again.
He looked at me forehead creased, nose wrinkled staring at me with those piercing blues. He admitted to never looking at it that way, he also admitted to not seeing the point because as I had said they where just strangers that we probably wouldn't see again.
I decided seeing them once was enough. I mean everyone has lives of there own. It's amazing how many lives can fit in one world how each one somehow intertwines with another. Every person we see is different, but so much the same.
- anonymous
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dutifullyimperfect · 3 years
Dream about
What do you dream about? when you go to sleep?
I don't remember what it is I see when my eyes shut and I'm finally at rest, floating there in peace like nothing matters anymore. I would like to think I dream about going far, far away. somewhere were I can have friends and adventures. I think it sounds like fun maybe a place that was filled with music and sound. Where colours where bright and life felt like it had meaning.
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dutifullyimperfect · 3 years
suffocating in despair
Someone asked me once what I thought it would be like to fly?
I couldn't answer them, I didn't want to think about the peaceful ness it might bring. I should have answered them, but I couldn't we sat in silence holding hands as the sun disappeared. I wish I could say the air was calm but I suffocated in despair. I should of answered you because then I would of know you felt the same as me.
instead I asked if we would always be together and you answer of course. Little did we know our time would be cut short.
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dutifullyimperfect · 3 years
Such sad music
People ask me why I listen to such sad music?
They ask me if I feel alone and I guess once upon a time that may have been true but I don't think it's sad, I think it's beautiful, every note, every beat. Even the notes on a sheet, you can feel it. the knowledge that something was created from something so little is beautiful. I think music is what feelings sound like.
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dutifullyimperfect · 3 years
An awfully long time
Have you ever wanted to get way?
Go somewhere else. Get away from it all and never come back. sometimes I think never would be a awfully long time, that I would get lonely and loose hope but then I remember that that is what my life is already like. I'm lonely and I have lost hope, I struggle to see the colour in life anymore. It seems so dull and boring, i think somewhere would be different because I used to be able to feel the life, see it in colour and all but now? it seems so dark and grey.
But still Never might be an awfully long time.
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dutifullyimperfect · 3 years
Have you ever?
Have you ever wanted something so bad, but you couldn't get it?
Something so close but seemed so far, so impossibly far. The simple thought exhausted you so much.
I can't say I have, I hope I have but things in life, this life, my life seems so dull so stupid that nothing seems to be of any importance. nothing seems important anymore I wish it did. I wish i cared like so many others, but I can't remember the last time I cared so much, so much that I felt my life shatter a the seams. I guess It just isn't that important is it? I hope one day I'll care that much, that my life will have a true meaning.
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dutifullyimperfect · 3 years
Do you think?
Do you think there is a place for everyone in the world?
A place, somewhere someone belongs no matter what. I want to believe that there is a place for everyone to make there own but...what if there isn't a place?
I like to think there will always be a place. There is no one, not one person alive who is genuinely there own person. there is always someone out there with the same ideals, the same thoughts; whether they are strong enough to voice them is what makes a place in the world. You just have to be strong enough to let them know you're there.
- Anonymous
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