dust-to-dustier · 22 days
my favorite grounding tip, as someone with daily panic attacks and literally constant dissociation: write a haiku.
haikus require your brain to slow down and think. not only words, which can just run away with you, but numbers. counting syllables and trying to squish words into a pattern reliant on them is extremely grounding and forces your brain to think instead of spiraling into panic. it engages the "hold on a second, let's think about this" part of your mind and while it won't work every time, i've absolutely used it to pause a rising panic attack or ground before i became so detached from reality that i lose myself.
it's also good for calming down emotional dysregulation. i struggle with anger and self-loathing and negative emotions a lot, and it's much harder to spiral if you stop and force yourself to make some little poems.
they don't have to be good, they don't have to be anything you ever share or even like doing. sometimes i'm mad about having to do it!! but even then, it helps. hell, i'd say especially then, it helps. bc if you're randomly so upset that you can't put some words into a 5-7-5 pattern for a few mins, you're likely dysregulated.
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dust-to-dustier · 1 month
When walking a path,
It may long seem, when it gets steep,
That the path must be almost over,
“Am I at the top yet? Have I reached the peak?”
Because the road just feels so long.
It is important, at those times, to stop, admire the view-
The process is far more the journey than the destination,
And the wildlife is so pretty,
And the company so kind,
And the weather here is beautiful,
That a quick break, stepping back from the endless march,
Is good, is important.
It allows you to see how you are still at the start of the path-
See how the flowers here bloom with more Oxygen?
Is it not worth climbing the path,
Just to see how the plants bloom so high at the top?
Do you not wish to see where the trees stop?
The path is much longer yet-
And nothing could be better,
For if the view here is good,
Then high at the top-
Where sky meets the land, 
And clouds could rest in the palm of your hand-
Surely the view will be ever more beautiful?
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dust-to-dustier · 1 month
Hey folks, if you want to fight back against the twitterfication of tumblr USE IT LIKE IT'S TUMBLR!!!!!! REBLOG THINGS!!!!!! USE THE TAGS TO SCREAM AT YOUR FRIENDS!!!!!!!
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dust-to-dustier · 1 month
i hate it when i cant even write a poem about something because its too obvious. like in the airbnb i was at i guess it used to be a kids room cause you could see the imprint of one little glow in the dark star that had been missed and painted over in landlord white. like that's a poem already what's the point
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dust-to-dustier · 2 months
I just found this quiz and it’s, phenomenal
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dust-to-dustier · 3 months
Hollow out my bones
And let me use them as blades
To fight the universe
Let me render flesh from blood
And tear the souls of fools from bodies
Let me steal the stars from the sky 
And hold their flames in my hands
I will burn, but they are too beautiful
To be so far from me, to be so cold
Carve out my heart,
Remove it from my chest
And know it beats with rage
That is contained only within this fragile container
Bloody my knuckles with my torments
May I beat away my anger?
Or will it stain my hands forever,
A permanent reminder, tattooed upon my skin?
Let me grasp the attention of those above,
May I hold their strings and make them dance
My music is dissonant, my tune erratic-
They cannot keep up
Watch me explode into the flames
That burn away my permanence
In this moment I am beautiful.
Warp the rocks of mountains and towns,
Imprint upon them my name,
Legacy set in stone,
My permanence is my being.
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dust-to-dustier · 3 months
hey could y'all do me a favour?
Reblog if you're okay with "weird" compliments on your stuff!
things like "biting this" and such
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dust-to-dustier · 4 months
she thinks it's silly
when i call her
the light of my life
but i swear to god,
it's like she puts
the whole sun in my chest.
i feel like i'm
swallowing daylight
whenever she kisses me.
do you see these freckles
on my shoulders, darling?
can you feel how warm
my skin is under your touch?
it is all you, my love. all you.
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dust-to-dustier · 4 months
Something’s rotten in the world
Some twisted sickness has spread
It creeps upon the unsuspecting
The innocent, the downtrodden,
And tears from them all colour
All freedom to create
And rips from them their choices,
Their childish wonder.
And when the poison of it all spreads
And children see no point
In little games and funny jokes
And adults can’t see colour
Cannot pick up a pencil and create
When a mere doodle becomes history 
And a tune is naught but heresy
And questions are a sin,
We will walk the barren earth
Which they salted with our tears,
And gaze upon the sky,
The stars they have long taken,
And the fires spread
As they always should
And the shouting starts
As it always should
And the people gather 
as they always should 
And we will fix it.
They want your curiosity dear,
Your very desire to know,
They want the eyes so full of stars
Empty like the void.
They want the child’s colours gone
Replaced with harsh monochrome-
From the shadows they can rob us better.
They want to take and take and take
With greedy hands and rotten hearts
They poison us
They poison us
They poison us 
They are a plague upon us,
This shadow and its allies
And all the many duplicates
And all these cruel fates
And all these many monsters
And all their many faces.
For all the eyes they have
For all the ways they watch,
Crucially they seem to miss
The sparks that burn
With their fuel of apathy
Fire that will consume them.
Something here is rotten
Something here is twisted
Something here is diseased-
But with careful hands
And burning water
Rot can be removed.
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dust-to-dustier · 4 months
What is a prayer If not a human calling to the universe To sing to it its beauty? Some may do it strangely- Bringing to this tune Greed and selfish desires And malice But at its heart All it is Is weeping at the glory of it all The peace of nature- No gods need intrude upon this, Though they may if individuals wish- The brilliant radiance of the universe, Shining lights and velvet darkness And luxury and life In its endless detail A prayer is nothing if it is not Singing the song of the universe, Calling to the world.
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dust-to-dustier · 4 months
The bitterness of love is felt
When circumstances do not allow for change,
When helping hands are swatted away like playful teasing,
When crying voices are silenced by concern.
There is something deeply twisted here.
I do not know what it is-
I am part of this tangled knot.
But something here is warped,
Something here is rotten,
Something here is wrong.
I do not understand her.
I have known her years-
To the point that this girl is a part of me,
Key to my being because as my personality grew,
As my identity formed,
She stood by my side and grew with my heart.
Yet I cannot comprehend this.
It is like in short time
I have grown beyond her-
Or she beyond me,
And now we are no longer aligned,
No longer do hearts beat in sweet synchronicity,
But in a sorrowful echo of each other,
Just out of reach.
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dust-to-dustier · 4 months
2 or 4!!! :DDDD
Loud and overwhelming and slightly painful,
My heart beats in my chest.
Or does it?
It seems strange to believe such a thing
When I am so sure I have gifted it
On a sliver platter with whispers of eternity 
To others already
My heart cannot possibly be beating in my chest
For it has been long since lost to me
Wrapped in gold and promises,
It lingers over others’ shoulders
Perhaps it clings unwantedly
I wouldn’t know
This heart is theirs, not mine 
My heart can not be in my chest
I loved too deeply and too fiercely 
(I still do, and so my heart will not return to me)
And my heart was given
Perhaps carelessly
Shared between so many people,
The splitting not diminishing the meaning 
My intention carved within my soul
My purpose engrained in my bones
My love carried far from me.
In the hollow cavity of my chest
There is an ache and a solid drumming
But it cannot be my heart
Perhaps it is the echo
Of affections returned?
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dust-to-dustier · 4 months
They’re all so caught up in it
Is this “the rat race”
Like some sick experiment made 
By those who hold themselves so superior?
And all we can do is band together
With embers of revolutions of old
But no one will dare fan that flame 
Not with livelihoods teetering on a knife’s edge
Not when unfeeling code could replace warm flesh
Not when flawed steel could replace kind hands
They must all dance to these sick men’s’ tunes
Follow this twisted beat
Dancing like puppets tied to barbed strings
Creativity crushed in the face of their detestable games
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dust-to-dustier · 4 months
So here's the thing:
I'm real indecisive and don't keep track of my own ideas so well all of the time, so I don't often know what genre of poem to post.
Anyone coming across my poetry is free to make a request! I have:
1. Poems relating to desire for change/anger at the world
2. Poems relating to friends/positive things/loved ones
3. Poems about sad/miserable things + pain
4. Poems about beautiful things
(some may require trigger warnings, I think, but I'll get help with making sure they're marked correctly)
Happy reading! And thank you :)
p.s: if you enjoy my poems, please reblog :)
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dust-to-dustier · 5 months
Candles are seasonal, right? Happy Void Days (26th-30th), everybody! For better or worse, the year's almost over! Enjoy this poem, where I continue to be gay (but less sad)
May I melt upon you dear?
A strange request, I know,
But I am a candle burning at both ends
That craves yet more warmth
And I know yours will not harm me.
And if I can melt upon you dear,
Merge with you in sweet embrace
A hug that lasts forever, please,
Then I know I can relax.
If I can do it, darling, if I could have this,
then no longer would stiff wax need fight
The burning heat of it all
Just to remain upright-
For I would have you, dear,
And like ancient trees or rotting fences
We could lean upon each other.
If I could melt with you, darling,
The warmth would feel like peace.
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dust-to-dustier · 5 months
MERY CRISIS EVERYONE!!! If you celebrate this day (with religion or not) then I hope it is a wonderful one! If not, hope you’re having a good month!
No warmer shall the hearth fire burn
Than in the presence of love.
No brighter shall the sun shine down
Than upon the laughing friends.
No gentler shall the cool breeze blow
Than when joyous secrets are whispered.
The world knows love intimately-
It cradles us from birth,
Blesses us with what we need 
To flourish, 
With beauty incomparable,
With life so rich and precious.
The world knows us intimately-
It traces our first steps,
Knows how we have travelled
From place to place,
From home to home,
From land to land.
The world knows beauty intimately-
It forms it all,
Sculpts mountains that scrape the sky,
Carves canyons that dive deep,
Grows forests filled with life.
No better has anything ever been,
Than when it is loved
Like we can love each other,
Like the world loves us.
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dust-to-dustier · 5 months
‘Tis the season to be jolly, fa la la la la, la la FUCK
Wading through calf-height water.
A tedious slog through 
disproportionate resistance.
I cannot just get out of the sea,
Walk on the land-
It would be cold and I’m here now and well,
I’ve been swimming so long I may have forgotten how to walk.
And i could paddle if I go slightly deeper,
Swim by the edge of the sea, for speed,
Rather than wade,
Cold and miserable through salt water,
But though it is faster I shall be exhausted.
The waves give and take and take
Their ever-receding cycle does not fit me-
I shall not swim further into the sea.
To brave deeper waters,
Or be thrown into them,
Is to be caught in the riptide
I fear I would drown,
As I see others who struggle every day,
Buoyant and afloat and fighting
The cruel and unforgiving sea,
Just to breathe, just to live.
And I watch them from the shore,
I myself am trapped in the waves,
Forever pulling me back in,
Like the hands of a desperate child.
And I cannot ignore them, 
For their strength is greater than mine.
I can no more save the drowning man,
Than step onto the sand, and save myself.
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