dryada · 1 year
The Petelia Tablet, Greek, c.300-200 BCE: this totenpass (a "passport for the dead") was meant to be buried in a human grave; it bears an inscription that tells the dead person exactly where to go and what to say after crossing into the Greek Underworld
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Made from a sheet of gold foil, this tablet measures just 4.5cm (a little over 1.5 inches) in length, and although it was found inside a pendant case in Petelia, Italy, it's believed to have originated in ancient Greece. It was meant to aid the dead in their journey through the Underworld -- providing them with specific instructions, conferring special privileges, and granting them access to the most coveted realms within the afterlife.
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The Petelia tablet, displayed with the pendant case in which it was discovered
The tablet itself dates back to about 300-200 BCE, while the pendant case/chain that accompanies it was likely made about 400 years later, during the Roman era. It's believed that the tablet was originally buried with the dead, and that an unknown individual later removed it from the burial site and stuffed it into the pendant case. Unfortunately, in order to make it fit, they simply rolled it up and then snipped off the tip of the tablet. The final lines of the inscription were destroyed in the process.
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The inverse side of the Petelia tablet
These textual amulets/lamellae are often referred to as totenpässe ("passports for the dead"). They were used as roadmaps to help guide the dead through the Underworld, but they also served as indicators of the elite/divine status of certain individuals, ultimately providing them with the means to obtain an elevated position in the afterlife.
The Petelia tablet is incised with an inscription in ancient Greek, and the translated inscription reads:
You will find a spring on your left in Hades’ halls, and by it the cypress with its luminous sheen.
Do not go near this spring or drink its water. You will find another, cold water flowing from Memory’s lake; its guardians stand before it.
Say: "I am a child of Earth and starry Heaven, but descended from Heaven; you yourselves know this. I am parched with thirst and dying: quickly, give me the cool water flowing from Memory’s lake."
And they will give you water from the sacred spring, and then you will join the heroes at their rites.
This is [the ... of memory]: [on the point of death] ... write this ... the darkness folding [you] within it.
The final section was damaged when the tablet was shoved into the pendant case; sadly, that part of the inscription does not appear on any of the other totenpässe that are known to exist, so the meaning of those lines remains a mystery (no pun intended).
Lamellae that are inscribed with this motif are very rare. They're known as "Orphic lamellae" or simply "Orphic tablets." As the name suggests, these inscriptions are traditionally attributed to an Orphic-Bacchic mystery cult.
The inscriptions vary, but they generally contain similar references to a cypress tree, one spring that must be avoided, another spring known as the "Lake of Memory," the sensation of thirst, and a conversation with a guardian (or another entity within the Underworld, such as the goddess Persephone) in which the dead must present themselves as initiates or divine individuals in order to be granted permission to drink from the Lake of Memory. They are thereby able to obtain privileges that are reserved only for the elite.
Though the specifics of this reward are often vague, it may have been viewed as a way to gain access to the Elysian Fields (the ancient Greek version of paradise) or as a way to participate in sacred rites; some totenpässe suggest that it may have allowed the soul to break free from the eternal cycle of reincarnation. Regardless, the overall objective was likely the same: to obtain a special status and acquire privileges that were inaccessible to most of the souls in the Underworld.
Sources & More Info:
Altlas Obscura: The Ancient Greeks Created Golden Passports to Paradise
The Museum of Cycladic Art: The Bacchic-Orphic Underworld
Bryn Mawr College: Festivals in the Afterlife: a new reading of the Petelia tablet
The Getty Museum: Underworld (imagining the afterlife)
The British Museum: Petelia tablet (with pendant case; chain)
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dryada · 1 year
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☉ apollo’s windowsill altar is slowly coming together ☉
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dryada · 2 years
Secular Sources of Power
The magus is their own source of power, essentially being a catalyst for change. Still, there comes the particular effect that if a magus expends too much of their own energy (be it by the name of Prana, Qi, Aethyr etc.), they may suffer detriment in the form of mental, emotional or physical hurt. This is not to say that a magus cannot develop their own personal force in order to affect change on their own capacity while mitigating the effects of draining. In fact, the more you practice witchcraft and develop your faculties, you may find yourself being able to affect changes without the need for materials. None-the-less, the magus still has the ability to draw upon forces outside of themselves in order to empower their own force and the force of their magick. A great bit of these forces to tend to be deific or personified but there are just as many, if not more, primordial or secular energies. In the words of a wise person, why should I be obligated to put a face to the energy I work with.
Secular Sources of Power that the magus can draw upon include:
Herbs and plant materials
Crystals, rocks and other curios.
The sexual force of the magus and the products thereof.
The force of the magus based in their emotion.
The force of the magus based in their Wod (Inspiration) the Unbridled Desire for a goal to be obtained.
The magus's force found in the servitors created by the magus.
The energy latent in areas such as graveyards (Death Force), Oceans, Forests, Crossroads, Churches (bearing a particular energy), rivers, particular trees, holy wells.
The energy latent in astrological events - meteor showers, eclipses, the usages of fixed, muteable and moveable signs, the 12 signs, the fixed stars, the constellations, the planets etc.
The energy latent in metereological events - rain, thunderstorms, snow, violet storms, snow, mist, high wind, low wind.
The energy latent in timing - planetary days/hours, weekdays having particular hours, a woman's period, the birthday, sunrise, sunset, midday, midnight, upon waking, upon sleeping, during one's birthday etc.
The energy in the blood.
The energy latent in the overwhelming of the senses (to obtain a deep trance useful to particular types of magick, like the orgasm but without the orgasm).
The energy apparent in the four elements (earth, air, fire, water, bone, clay, candle, incense, wines, philtres etc.)
The energy lateny in sounds and musics - playing certain songs before, after and/or during rituals in order to obtain the right mind for the spell.
The energy of ritual - repetition, the more that a gesture, ritual, spell is done - the more cemented it becomes in the magus's mind as effective.
The energy of symbols, signs and marks - including Kameas, handmade sigils, Runes, Ogham, Alchemical Symbols.
The Energy of Colours - quite self explanatory
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dryada · 2 years
Powerful spell ingredients that are specifically NOT herbs, oils or crystals
Because magick works best when there are actual real memories and strong emotions tied to the items.
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to attract love in life/increase your or someone else’s happiness:
- your (their) most favourite candy - a colorful ribbon from a gift wrapping - some kid’s love confession letter you found in a library book
to speed up things:
- burnt matches - a watch stem - bus/train tickets - a few torn off sheets from a daily/weekly calendar
to slow down things:
- a snail shell - a queue ticket - a pull-tab from canned food - a few drops of formalin - dried fruits
to protect/threaten:
- tin soldiers - old bullets - cat nails (naturally shed, obviously. inspect your cat’s scratch post) - dead wasps - insect cocoons - glass bottle caps (you know, these sharp metal ones)
to banish:
- a few drops of sanitizer - absorbent coal - a rejection letter - a one-way ticket (away from your location)
to curse:
- a traffic/parking ticket - bones from cooked fish that you almost choked on - your own tears, brought by sincere rage/misery - flowers from a thrown-away bouquet - the most obnoxious ad/spam mail you’ve ever received - a test paper, marked F and mercilessly corrected by a sadistic teacher Use your senses, your emotions, your own memories and your imagination: what does this item make you feel, what did it possibly make its owner feel? You can add to the list whatever feels right to you. Remember that emotions and memories connected to the item are always a powerful magick fuel, especially in spellwork. Note: some of these things are obviously region-specific. For example, living in a place that once was the war epicentre, it’s a common thing for me to stumble across old rusty bullets while taking a walk in a suburban forest. It may be different for you, but that only means you have certain things which are only unique to your place.
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dryada · 2 years
Types of Witches series: 💤Dream Witches💤
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Dream witches are witches who primarily work with dreams of course. They can receive and send messages through dreams, and sometimes practice lucid dreaming. 
Dream Witch resources:
💤Dream Work Correspondences Masterpost
💤 Lucid Dreaming Masterpost
💤 Dream Oil
💤 Putting Things Under Your Pillow
💤 Restful Sleep & Sweet Dreams Spell Bottle
💤 Dream Witch Tip
💤 Remembering & Recalling Dreams Spell
💤 Bad Dreams Be Gone Bottle Spell
💤 Nightmare Magic
💤 Lucid Dreaming Tips
💤 “Sleep Better And With Nicer Dreams” Sigil
💤 Dream Witch Tip
💤 Peaceful Dreams Jar Spell
💤 “I Will Find Answers In My Dreams” Sigil
💤 Oneiromancy
💤 Dream Witch Tip
💤 Lucid Dreaming Tips
💤 “I Remember My Dreams” Sigil
💤 Dream Key
💤 The Spices Of Sleep Tea
💤 How To Send Dreams
💤 Bedtime Soak
💤 Dream Message Spell
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dryada · 2 years
Divination: Astrology (houses + zodiac signs + aspects)
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dryada · 2 years
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AI generated ; Artemis and her altar.
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dryada · 2 years
✶ tags directory post! + main
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dryada · 2 years
✨2022 Celestial Events✨
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✦✧ Lunar Events ✧✦
🌑Jan 2nd New Moon in Capricorn at 18:35 UTC
🌕Jan 17th Full Moon in Cancer at 23:51 UTC ~ Old Moon;
🌑Feb 1st New Moon in Aquarius at 5:48am UTC
🌕Feb 16th Full Moon in Leo at 16:59 UTC ~ Snow Moon
🌑March 2nd New Moon in Pisces at 17:38 UTC
🌕March 18th Full Moon in Libra at 7:20am UTC ~ Worm Moon
🌑April 1st New Moon in Aries at 6:27am UTC
🌕April 16th Full Moon in Libra at 18:57 UTC ~ Pink Moon
🌑April 30 New Moon in Taurus at 20:30 UTC
⚪ May 16th Full Moon in Scorpio at 4:15am UTC (Sagittarius from 11:51 UTC) ~ Flower Moon ~ Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio visible in North America, Atlantic Ocean, western Europe and western Africa
🌑May 30th New Moon in Gemini at 11:32 UTC
🌕June 14th Supermoon in Sagittarius at 11:52 UTC ~Strawberry Moon, Rose Moon
🌑June 29th New Moon in Cancer at 2:53am UTC
🌕July 13th Supermoon in Capricorn at 18:38 UTC
🌑July 28th New Moon in Leo at 17:55 UTC
🌕 Aug 12th Supermoon in Aquarius at 1:36am ~ Sturgeon Moon; final Supermoon for the year
🌑Aug 27th New Moon in Virgo at 8:17am UTC
🌕Sep 10th Full Moon in Pisces at 9:58am UTC ~ Corn Moon, Harvest Moon
🌑Sep 25th New Moon in Virgo at 21:55 UTC
🌕Oct 9th Full Moon in Aries at 20:55 UTC ~ Hunters Moon
🌑Oct 25th New Moon in Scorpio at 10:49am UTC & Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio
⚪ Nov 8th Full Moon in Taurus at 11:03 UTC ~ Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus visible in eastern Russia, Japan, Oceania, western North America
🌑Nov 23rd New Moon in Scorpio at 22:58 UTC
🌕Dec 8th Full Moon in Gemini at 4:09am UTC
🌑Dec 23rd New Moon in Capricorn at 10:17 UTC
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✦✧ Solar Events / Wheel of the Year Dates ✧✦
✨ Feb 1st-5th Northern Hemisphere Imbolc; Southern Hemisphere Lammas
✨ Mar 21st Equinox at 15:24 UTC ~ Northern Hemisphere Vernal Equinox/Ostara; Southern Hemisphere Autumnal Equinox/Mabon
✨ April 30th Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus visible from southeast Pacific Ocean; southern South America
✨ May 1st-5th Northern Hemisphere Beltane; Southern Hemisphere Samhain
✨ June 21st Solstice at 9:05am UTC ~ Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice/Litha; Southern Hemisphere Winter Solstice/Yule
✨ Aug 1st-7th Northern Hemisphere Lammas; Southern Hemisphere Imbolc
✨ Sep 23rd Equinox at 12:55am UTC ~ Northern Hemisphere Autumnal Equinox/Mabon; Southern Hemisphere Vernal Equinox/Ostara
✨ Oct 25th Partial Solar Eclipse visible over western & central Russia, Kazakhstan
✨ Nov 1st-7th Southern Hemisphere Beltane; Northern Hemisphere Samhain
✨ Dec 21st Solstice at 21:40 UTC ~ Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice/Yule; Southern Hemisphere Summer Solstice/Litha
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✦✧ Astrological Events (Mostly Retrogrades) ✧✦
💫 Dec 28th 2021 Jupiter Moves into Pisces ➛ May 10th (positive for mutable signs)
💫 Jan 14th Mercury Retrograde ➛ 3rd February
💫Jan 19th Uranus Ends Retrograde
💫Jan 29th Venus Ends Retrograde
April 3rd Mercury at superior Solar Conjunction
💫 May 10th Mercury Retrograde ➛ 2nd June & Jupiter moves into Aries ➛ Oct 28th (positive for cardinal signs)
💫 June 5th Saturn Retrograde ➛ Oct 23rd
💫 June 28th Neptune Retrograde ➛ Dec 4th
💫 July 29th Jupiter Retrograde ➛ Nov 24th
💫August 24th Uranus Retrograde
💫 Sep 9th Mercury Retrograde ➛ 2nd October
💫Oct 31st Mars Retrograde
💫 Dec 29th Mercury Retrograde ➛ 18th January 2023
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✦✧ Dates for Viewing Planets/Meteors ✧✦
⋆⁺。 Jan 3rd & 4th Quadrantids Meteor Shower (Above average shower; runs from Jan 1st-5th; peaking on the 3rd) Near Constellation Bootes
🔭Jan 7th - Mercury at Greatest Eastern Elongation (19.2 degrees from the Sun) Visible in Western Sky after sunset
🔭Feb 10th Venus at greatest brightness
🔭Feb 16th Mercury at Greatest Western Elongation (26.3 degrees from the Sun) Visible in Eastern Sky before sunrise
⋆⁺。 April 22nd & 23rd Lyrids Meteor Shower (Average Shower; runs from April 16th-25th) Near Constellation Lyra
⋆⁺。 May 6th & 7th Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower (Produces more meteors over Southern Hemisphere; runs from April 19th -May 28th) Near Constellation Aquarius
🔭June 16th Mercury at Greatest Western Elongation (23.2 degrees from the Sun) Visible in Eastern Sky before sunrise
⋆⁺。 Jul 28th & 29th Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower (Average shower; runs from July 12 - August 23rd) Near Constellation Aquarius
⋆⁺。 Aug 12th & 13th Perseids Meteor Shower (Runs July 17th to August 24th) Near Constellation Perseus
🔭Aug 14th Saturn at Opposition (at its brightest)
🔭Aug 27th Mercury at Greatest Eastern Elongation (27.3 degrees from the Sun) Visible low in Western Sky after sunset
🔭Sep 16th Neptune at Opposition (most likely still invisible without telescope)
🔭Sep 26th Jupiter at Opposition
⋆⁺。 Oct 7th Draconids Meteor Shower (Minor meteor shower; runs October 6th-10th) Best viewed early evening, near constellation Draco
🔭Oct 8th Mercury at Greatest Western Elongation (18 degrees from the Sun) Visible in Eastern Sky before sunrise
⋆⁺。 Oct 21st & 22nd Orionids Meteor Shower (Runs October 2nd to November 7th) Near Constellation Orion
⋆⁺。 Nov 4th and 5th Taurids Meteor Shower (minor meteor shower runs from September 7th - December 10th) Near Constellation Taurus
🔭Nov 9th Uranus at Opposition
⋆⁺。 Nov 17th, 18th Leonids Meteor Shower; (1st since 2001; runs November 6th-30th) Near Constellation Leo
🔭Dec 8th Mars at Opposition
⋆⁺。 Dec 13th & 14th Geminids Meteor Shower (Biggest Meteor Shower, runs December 7th-17th) Near Constellation Gemini
🔭Dec 21st Mercury at Greatest Eastern Elongation; visible in Western Sky after sunset
⋆⁺。 Dec 21st & 22nd Ursids Meteor Shower (Minor shower, runs December 17th-25th) Near Ursa Minor
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dryada · 2 years
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AI generated ; Dionysus + dancing maenads.
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dryada · 2 years
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AI generated ; Hecate and her altar.
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dryada · 3 years
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AI generated ; Ares and his altar.
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dryada · 3 years
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Methods for spells & how they work
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dryada · 3 years
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moodboard for Dionysus! 💜
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dryada · 3 years
Ancient Hellenic Herbs, A-D
[Introduction & Index]
Almond Tree (Amygdalea) Species: Prunus amygdalus Identification: A small tree with pinkish flowers and small, edible nuts Associations/Uses: Agdistis, marriage, fertility, love, hope, treating headaches, treating dog bites
Anemone/Windflower (Anemônê) Species: Anemone coronaria Identification: A toxic round flower with a black center in a range of colors Associations/Uses: Aphrodite, Adonis, Zephyros, the wind, spring, passing time
Anise (Anison) Species: Pimpinella anisum Identification: A flowering plant with licorice scent when crushed Associations/Uses: Ameinias, treating poison, aphrodisiac, sleep
Apple Tree (Mêlon) Species: Malus domestica Identification: Grey-barked tree with pink blossoms and medium edible fruit Associations/Uses: Love, marriage, Hera, Aphrodite, Eris, the Hesperides, romance
Asphodel (Asphodelos) Species: Asphodelus ramosus Identification: Small perennial with greyish-green leaves, white flowers with small brown streaks, toxic leaves in winter & edible tubers Associations/Uses: Haides, Persephone, Hekate, death, food of the dead, emetic
Barely (Krithê) Species: Hordeum vulgare Identification: A golden grain crop topped with seeds Associations/Uses: Drink of the Eleusinian Mysteries, Demeter, agriculture
Bay Laurel (Daphnê) Species: Laurus nobilis Identification: A small tree with edible, aromatic leaves and small black berries Associations/Uses: Apollon, Artemis, victory, Daphne (nymph), treating stings, purification, cleansing
Caraway (Karos) Species: Carum carvi Identification: A plant with feathery green leaves and small white clusters of flowers Associations/Uses: Stomach ailments, skin health, aphrodisiac, digestive health
Cedar (Kedros) Species: Cedrus libani Identification: A small, needle-leaved tree with round cones Associations/Uses: Artemis, preservation, ship building, strength, preserving dead bodies, sterility, stopping menstruation, repelling snakes
Chaste Tree (Lygos) Species: Vitex agnus castus Identification: A small tree or shrub with clusters of purple flowers Associations/Uses: Chastity, women’s medicine, Hera, Hestia, Artemis, Demeter, the Thesmophoria, calming sexual urges, disease of the uterus, basket making
Cherry Tree (Kraneia) Species: European cornel Identification: A small tree with yellow blossoms and bright red, edible fruit Associations/Uses: Swine-feed, Kraneia (nymph)
Cinnamon (Mosylon/Kinnamonon/Kasia) Species: Cinnamomum Identification: Reddish brown-barked tree with pointed oval-esque leaves Associations/Uses: Apollon, Dionysus, treating the blood, incense, treating sunburns, diuretic, wine flavoring, Phoinix
Cornflower (Kentaurion Makron) Species: Centaurea cyanus Identification: Bright blue star-like flower with some purple tint Associations/Uses: Kheiron, healing wounds, healing poison, anti inflammation, poultice for wounds
Cotton Thistle (Akantha Leuke) Species: Onopordium acanthum Identification: An extremely spiny herb with a round, spiked top and purple spiny flowers Associations/Uses: Protection from poisonous creatures, healing poison, protection, periapta
Crocus (Krokos) Species: Crocus sativus Identification: Purple flower with red stems and yellow stigmas, from which saffron is made Associations/Uses: Krokos (youth), Hermes, abduction of Kore, abduction of Europa, anti inflammation
Cumin (Kuminon) Species: Cuminum cyminum, C. odoratum Identification: A plant with many white or pink tiny flowers and small seeds with eight ridges Associations/Uses: Aphrodisiac, the Minoans, venom antidote, stopping menstruation and nosebleeds
Cypress (Kyparissos) Species: Cupressus sempervirens Identification: Evergreen cone-shaped tree with green needles and small, round cones Associations/Uses: Kyparissos (youth), grief, Apollon, Artemis, Asklepios, the underworld, insect repellant
Daffodil/Narcissus (Narkissos, Leirion) Species: Narcissus tazetta, N. poeticus, N. serotinus Identification: Yellow or cream flower with yellow trumpets Associations/Uses: Narkissos, abduction of Kore, numbing, hubris, Nemesis, emetic, joint pain, joint dislocation
Dandelion (Kondrille) Species: Taraxacum officinale Identification: A bright yellow flower with jagged green leaves, when seeding is round and white with seeds attached to feather-like stems Associations/Uses: Treating sunburn, healing viper bites, astringent, strength
Dill (Athinon) Species: Anethum graveolens Identification: A herb with many thin green branches and leaves and small yellow flowers Associations/Uses: Vitality, prosperity, mild diuretic, treating womb disorders, health of the vulva
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dryada · 3 years
Ancient Hellenic Herbs, F-M
[Introduction & Index]
Fennel (Narthêx) Species: Ferula communis Identification: A tall, yellow-flowering plant with a slow-burning pith Associations/Uses: Transporting fire, Prometheus, Dionysos, thrysos, torches
Fig Tree (Sykea) Species: Ficus carica Identification: A tall shrub or small tree with edible fruit Associations/Uses: Demeter, Dionysos, Sykeus (titan), Syke (nymph), Phytalos, orchards, prosperity, abundance, agriculture, epilepsy
Frankincense Tree (Libanos) Species: Boswellia carterii Identification: A tree that secretes the resin-sap frankincense Associations/Uses: Helios, Leukothoe, religious ceremonies, the Theoi
Grapevine (Ampelos) Species: Vitis vinifera Identification: A vine with purple clusters of edible berries Associations/Uses: Dionysos, viticulture, winemaking, Ampelos (satyr), Ampelos (nymph)
Hellebore (Helleboros) Species: Helleborus genus Identification: A toxic perennial with dark, leathery leaves and yellowish flowers Associations/Uses: Treating madness, poison, Proitos, Dionysos, Melampos
Hemlock (Kôneion) Species: Conium maculatum Identification: A plant with hollow, hairless stems and tiny white flowers Associations/Uses: Execution of criminals (Athens), nekromankia, pharmakeia
Iris (Iris/Agallis) Species: Iris attica, I. germanica, I. pallida Identification: A large purple, blue, white, or lilac bent flower Associations/Uses: Iris, abduction of Kore, treating coughs, treating swelling, warm compacts
Juniper (Arkeothos) Species: Juniperus oxycedrus Identification: A small, needle-leaved tree with small berries that go from green to red, and yellow cones Associations/Uses: Treating viper bites, purification, healing poison, protection, Medea
Larkspur (Hyakinthos) Species: Delphinium ajacis Identification: A perennial with tall stems and toxic purplish blue flowers Associations/Uses: Hyakinthos (youth), Apollon, mourning, abduction of Kore
Lily of the Valley (Ephemeron) Species: Convallaria majalis Identification: A toxic shade-favoring plant with hanging, sweet smelling bell-shaped flowers Associations/Uses: Treating toothache, astringent, Medea
Lotus (Lotinos/Lotos) Species: Ziziphus lotus Identification: A small tree with dark yellow fruit Associations/Uses: Lotus-Eaters, forgetting, sleep, apathy, aiding menstruation
Manna Ash (Melia) Species: Fraxinus ornus Identification: A grey tree with creamy white blooms, secrets a sap known as manna or honey-sap Associations/Uses: Honey, bees, Meliae, Melissa(e), spear of Akhilleus, Kouretes, Zeus, Ares
Milk Thistle (Silybon) Species: Silybum marianum Identification: A large green plant with white marbled leaves, many sharp spines, and round purple spiky flowers Associations/Uses: Liver health, emetic, blood health, cleansing
Mint (Minthê) Species: Mentha spicata Identification: A herbaceous plant with hairless stems and aromatic leaves Associations/Uses: Minthe (nymph), funerary rites, the afterlife, death, drink of the Eleusinian Mysteries, treating headaches
Moly/Snowdrop (Môlu) Species: Galanthus (most likely) Identification: A poisonous plant with drooping white flowers Associations/Uses: Kirke, curing poisons, protection from pharmakeia, protection from poison, periapta
Monkshood/Wolfsbane (Akoniton/Lykoktonon) Species: Aconitum napellus Identification: Purplish-blue flowering plant, highly poisonous, up to a meter tall Associations/Uses: Medea’s poison, wolf hunting, Kerberos, death, nekromankia, pharmakeia
Mugwort/Wormwood (Apsinthion/Abrotonon/Seriphos) Species: Artemisia arborescens, A. absinthium, A. vulgaris Identification: A herbaceous green plant with a sweet herbal scent, leaves with silver undersides, and pale round flowers Associations/Uses: Artemis, protection, poison antidote, treating bruises, winemaking, post-birth baths, ending menstruation, anti inflammation, repelling venomous animals
Myrrh (Smyrna/Myrra) Species: Commiphora myrrha Identification: A spiny desert tree with aromatic resin gum Associations/Uses: Incense, Aphrodite, shrines, Smyrna (maiden), Myrrha (maiden), Adonis, funerary rites
Myrtle (Myrsina/Myrtos) Species: Myrtus Identification: A small shrub with edible aromatic leaves, white flowers, and edible black-blue berries Associations/Uses: Aphrodite, Demeter, love, weddings, aphrodisiac, anti fatigue, Eleusinian Mysteries, funerary rites, brides, astringent, preventing indulgence
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dryada · 3 years
Ancient Hellenic Herbs, O-Y
[Introduction & Index]
Oak (Drys) Species: Quercus ilex Identification: A tree with brown bark, medium to large green leaves, and distinctive nuts (acorns) Associations/Uses: Zeus, oracle of Dodona, Dryades, Byblis, the Golden Fleece, Balanos, Arkadian tribes, strength
Olive Tree (Elaia/Moria) Species: Olea europaea Identification: A greyish green tree with green to brown fruit Associations/Uses: Athene, Athens, Zeus, Moria (maiden), victory, Olympian Games, cooking, lamplight, lotion
Opium Poppy (Mêkôn) Species: Papaver somniferum Identification: A bright red flower with a black center and small, round black seeds Associations/Uses: Demeter, Hypnos, sleep, opium, sedation, Mekon (youth)
Oregano (Agrioriganos) Species: Origanum vulgare Identification: A sprawling herbaceous green plant with pink or purple flowers Associations/Uses: Luck, joy, Aphrodite, healing snakebite, marriage
Parsley/Wild Celery (Selinon) Species: Petroselinum sativum & Apium graveolens respectively Identification: Parsley and celery were equated by the Ancient Greeks Associations/Uses: Death, victory, a victor’s wreath, Poseidon, Zeus, Isthmian Games, Nemean Games
Pomegranate (Rhoa) Species: Punica granatum Identification: A tree with glossy green leaves and distinctive red fruit Associations/Uses: Persephone, the underworld, women, fertility, childbirth, astringent, Aphrodite
Rock-Rose (Kisthos) Species: Cistus incanus Identification: Low growing shrub with large yellow or pink flowers Associations/Uses: Poseidon, Medousa, aphrodisiac, incense, treating menstrual problems
Rose (Rhodon/Rhodinon) Species: Rosa gallica Identification: A thorny shrub with red, white or pink flowers Associations/Uses: Aphrodite, Adonis, love, passion, beauty, abduction of Kore, Eros, happiness, astringent, treating headaches
Rosemary (Aposplēnos/Dendrolibanon) Species: Rosmarinus officinalis Identification: An aromatic shrub with needle-esque leaves and sometimes purple, white, pink, or blue flowers Associations/Uses: Funerary rites, studying, memory, protection, health
Rough Bindweed (Smilax) Species: Smilax aspera Identification: A spiky climbing vine with red berries and pale green flowers Associations/Uses: Smilax (nymph), Dionysos, Dionysian orgies
Strawberry Tree (Komaros/Andrakhnos) Species: Arbutus andrachne & Arbutus unedo Identification: An evergreen tree with edible, round red fruit, and bell shaped flowers Associations/Uses: Hermes
Walnut (Karya Basilika) Species: Juglans regia Identification: A tree with nuts that have a distinctive wrinkly shape Associations/Uses: Karya (maiden), Dionysos, treating poison, treating dislocations, anti inflammatory, Artemis, prophecy, Katyatides (nymphs)
Wheat (Pyros) Species: Triticum vulgare Identification: A tall food crop with green shoots topped with seeds, golden when ripe Associations/Uses: Eleusinian Mysteries, Demeter, agriculture
Wild Basil (Pyknokomon/Klinopodion) Species: Clinopodium vulgare Identification: An edible plant with pointed and toothed oval leaves, square stem, and purple flowers Associations/Uses: Treating convulsions, venom antidote, anti inflammatory, protection, death
Wych Elm (Ptelea) Species: Ulmus glabra Identification: A tall tree with oval leaves Associations/Uses: Dionysos, Haides, graves, dreams, Eetion, Hesperide Erytheia, Ptelea (nymph)
Yew (Smilos/Milos/Taxos) Species: Taxus baccata Identification: A reddish-barked conifer with needle-like leaves and bright red berries Associations/Uses: Erinyes, Hekate, nekromankia, purification, death
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