dry-pisces · 1 year
"Spiritual Psychosis" i saw a tik tok using this phrase and they explain it as believing that everything that occurs is some sign from the universe
its important to acknowledge that not everything is going to have a deeper meaning 9/10 things just are what they appear to be.
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dry-pisces · 1 year
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dry-pisces · 1 year
Surrealism Art Movement 1920 Astrological Observation
Jupiter: Rx Leo ♌️
Leo Qualities: Leo takes into consideration personal emotional processes; What is important to you and being very expressive with that energy. Leo seeks to share and give especially in interpersonal relationships. Self oriented, passionate, and creatively driven, natural excitement towards life Highly ambitious and focused on self stability, focused on what you have to give and what you can create - straightforward, expressive and assertive instinctually.
Jupiter: Optimistism Creative/Expansive Goals/Ambitions
Saturn: Rx Virgo ♍️
Virgo Qualities: Practical energy and instinctively grounded/responsible especially in regard to one's assistance to others. seeks to help others, a very generous and focused, analytical, detail oriented approach towards the betterment/enhancement of life. Self sustaining.
Saturn: Concentration/Focus - Goals and Practical Materialism
Uranus: late Aquarius ♒️ early Pisces ♓️
Aquarius Qualities: Aquarius is blunt and self driven, acknowledging an understanding of togetherness. With Aquarius there is an inherent understanding that all of us are individuals and we all hold different values, motives and beliefs. Aquarius likes to learn from others understanding that not everyone will see eye to eye with each other but a strong understanding of what makes us all intellectually unique is how we can learn from one another
Pisces Qualities: Pisces is highly Spiritually driven and tends to lack a sense of ground, they have a natural sense of awareness and a tendency to be misunderstood. They focus on details as well as an overarching perspective on life and life's symbolic nature/the universal flow. Pisces is compassionate and caring but oftentimes can be perceived as naive and can have a tendency to be disconnected from reality
Uranus: Crisis/Independence/Progression and Change
Neptune: Rx Leo ♌️ Very inspiring sign, leo is open to making connections with others. Leo values self and loves to give back to self.
Neptune: Intuition/Inspiration/Delusions/ Unrealistic Expectations and Higher Potential.
Pluto: Rx Cancer ♋️ Reflective sign; they have a tendency to think more so than act which can result in missed opportunities/being taken advantage of/naivety. Often focused on the past, cancer needs to work on focusing on the present and the future. Oftentimes quick to become emotionally attached/very attached to their values and beliefs. Foundational sign
Pluto: Transformation or Transformative Turning Points; Collective unconscious ego/acceptance of change.
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surrealism started in response to the end of WW1, Artists wanted to reflect the ways that their external environment & collective experiences caused them to desire illogical escapism.
This movement was driven by an artists desire to invoke a childlike wonder but also to visualize their unconscious feeling of loss
"is there anything next or is this truly the end of what was once normal"
The Astrology very much supports this Art Style. Having an open perspective towards understanding the hows and whys and the motivation/reason behind a concepts creation better through astrology.
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dry-pisces · 1 year
🌸💫Air Element💫🌸 {♒️♊️♎️}🌞/🌙/Venus}
Finding a new sense of self/being in control, not everyone can read your mind and know exactly how you are feeling/what you are thinking its important to be more vocal and more expressive it will help resolve any blockages/misalignment
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🌿✨🦋Earth Element🦋✨🌿
Boundaries are important and if you want others to be respectful of your boundaries you need to also be respectful of theres + take time to heal in solidarity {endings are just new beginnings & change is necessary for growth}
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🐚✨🌊Water Element🌊✨🐚
Not everyone is deserving of your time/energy and you should be mindful of who you confide into you cant trust everyone nor should you
set boundaries/pay attention to those around you that make you uncomfortable; letting them go
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🌹✨🔥Fire Element🔥✨🌹
Self isolation doesnt mean locking yourself away and having no contact with others it just means you need to set boundaries and prioritize your needs/responsibilities; dont be impulsive or reckless with finances or hookups.
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dry-pisces · 1 year
Jupiter in Pisces is moving in direct (November 24, 2022)
Direct simply means that its moving forward oppose to RX which is a backward motion.
Jupiter in direct will test your ability to have faith in self, especially when it comes to accepting the truth Jupiter asks: "can you trust that you are capable of achievement?"
Jupiter in Pisces; Pisces when sitting in later degrees(20°-29°)will be influenced by Mars.
Locate Mars and Jupiter in your chart both the transit and Natal placements, try reflecting on mistakes made/setbacks/obstacles that you created for yourself especially earlier this year. Jupiter can also revolve around what is not yours to control so acknowledge the setbacks that you did not create as well, ask yourself "How did I overcome this/adapt to this"
Jupiter in Pisces 28° will expose unrealistic expectations; ones you really dont want to accept. Thats when mars helps Jupiter Mars is in Gemini so mars is gonna push you to overcome those unrealistic expectations, show you how you need to just be less controlling
Mars may also expose where you need to completely drop control and learn how to just flow/be flexible since its sitting in Gemini ♊️ RX until March 2023.
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dry-pisces · 1 year
✨𝐒𝐮𝐧 𝐢𝐧🌞𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐲✨(𝐙𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐜 𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐬)✨
Sun sign represents "surface level" personality other placements/sun aspects in the natal chart add more info
Sun = conscious/basic expression of self(ego)
Signs determine how the planet decides to express
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Sun sign represents "surface level" personality other placements/sun aspects in the natal chart add more info see post on interpreting Natal Charts Visit my Ko- Fi Page ko-fi.com/AstrologerJess
Aries - Self Willed/Self,Aware,Self driven, Extroverted,Strong sense of self,Optimistic,Assertive/self assured
Taurus - Self reliant,Calm,patient,self stabilizing,resourceful,thoughtful, strong self assurance
Gemini -Practical,charismatic,social/extroverted,rational,optimistic curious
Cancer - Emotionally Driven, caring,compassionate,protective, nurturing/likes to provide/giving
Leo - Expressive,outgoing, emotionally receptive,passionate, extroverted, generous, genuine
Virgo - Practical,self stabilizing,detail oriented,problem solver,analytical, generous/giving
Libra -Self Aware, Forward Thinking, idealistic,strong morals/values cooperative,compassionate,caring Genuine
Scorpio - Private and moralistic, instinctual/self driven,nurturing, spiritually motivated, non attached,truthful
Sagittarius - impatient, self oriented,values personal freedom, intellectually driven, honest,direct,straightforward, assertive and self confident/self assured
Capricorn -Patient, responsible, structured,committed, caring,hardworking,loyal/honest,disciplined, physically and emotionally aware/present
Aquarius -Fast paced,intellectually driven,honest/blunt values individualism/originality unique and unconventional/non conformists
Pisces - Detached/spacious compassionate, caring, has a natural awareness and receptivity to symbolism in life, detail oriented, idealistic
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dry-pisces · 1 year
🔮💫Self-Love & Inner Healing Potential Questions/Intentions for Tarot/Oracle🔮💫
*Art is From Pinterest; unable to find Artist*
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Questions to potentially ask your trusted readers (or even myself through a tarot/Oracle commission!)
- What should I be proud of?
- What in my life needs changing?
- What should I embrace into my life that I am potentially overlooking
- What steps do I need to take in order to heal/prioritize my healing journey
- How can I create peace/prioritize my peace?
- What am I repressing? How can I learn/let go
- Personal Blockages/Limitations
- How do I see myself; how do others see me
- When asking about opportunities ask about cause/effects
- Where am I too controlling/Where do I need to be more assertive ?
- Ways you can be more forgiving/open minded
- strengths/weaknesses
- Are you holding on to regret; if so how can you release regret
- How can I be more myself?
- How you can better connect with your spiritual needs/spiritual self
- Steps necessary towards achievement
- Current path, potential opportunities, potential outcomes
- Am I making the Right decision; is my decisions/career suitable for me in the longterm
- What do I need to accept/know about xyz
- How you're misguided/susceptible to deception
- Internal Blockages/External blockages
Channeling Personal Planets like for example Venus to understand your relationships or even prompting a tarot reading with "what insight can i find in my 7th House Ruled by Pisces on xyz"
Asking about shadow work and learning active themes through seasonal check ins for example "what are some lessons i personal need to acknowledge/what will i learn or experience during *insert Zodiac Sign* Season?
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dry-pisces · 1 year
🎆💫Planetary Transit Observations💫🎆
{Transit: Sun Square Mars}
Its okay to feel as if you dont have all the answers its okay to ask for support/help sometimes a different outlook on your situation can help you find solutions
Remember consistency is key even its the bare minimum
{Transit: Moon Square Venus}
Emotional instability can be a result of instability in your environment/personal attachments take a moment to ask yourself what can be released in order to catch a break
{Transit: Venus Opposition Saturn} 
Personal stress/feelings overwhelmed with your responsibilities can influence your ability to connect with others take space for solitude. Remember manifesting start with meditating/calm headspace. 
Finances and personal relationships may be tense at the moment and it may feel as if you are getting hit with one brick after the other, always remember that you can control yourself your reactions and actions but have little control over anything outside of that. Dont beat yourself up over the things you cannot control.
{Transit Venus Inconjunct Neptune in Pisces} 
Dreams can be a projection of fears/anxieties dreams can be a projection of your stress and traumas they arent always messages and you dont always need to take assessment of every dream you have, disillusionment can stem from looking for answers in places that answers don't exist, careful searching for symbolism in your day to day.
Sometimes majority of the time things happen because they happen not because its the universe sending a sign. 
{Transit: Venus Inconjunct Pluto}
Comparing yourself to others, trying to attempt what works for others but not yourself will cause more problems than rewards, assess what you can learn from your personal experiences that influenced your development not what you are witnessing "work" for others. 
Making  moves as a result of what had worked for someone is still moving in accordance to others and not self. Assess your shadow and what lessons can be learned from within before you attempt to look outside of yourself. 
{Transit: Sun Square Mars}
Holding yourself accountable for misplaced reactions/actions due to stress/external triggers is good but whats even better is knowing when you need to step back to avoid unnecessary conflicts. 
{Transit: Mercury Trine Mars}
Take note of your ideas and creative ambitions just because you may not have the time energy funds support etc to take action now doesnt mean you won't potentially be able to in the near future. Planning ahead isnt just about longterm goals and stability sometimes its about inspiring yourself to keep pushing forward 
{Transit: Mars Sextile Jupiter} 
Sudden bursts of energy can be overwhelming but planning a weekly of tasks you want to complete/what responsibilities you need to maintain consistency with will help you give yourself a sense of direction and maintain structure
{Transit: Mercury Opposition Jupiter} 
Its important to speak your mind and speak freely it sets you apart from others and is an opportunity to express individuality, just be mindful of unnecessary comments or potentially lacking filter especially in social settings you may be "overconfident" or potentially "overcompensating" 
{Transit: Moon Trine Mercury} 
When you feel empowered to work towards your ambitions and you feel supported while doing so your passion begans to shine through everything you create, conformity is a polarity to self empowerment  you cannot conform to a predisposition mold or patterns that others make while trying to empowered yourself. 
Expression of one's uniqueness and individuality is one of the ways you can set yourself free, its also a great way to inspire others around you to do the same. 
When you freely express yourself those who dont align seem to just fall out of your life, remember theres nothing wrong with that if anything it just creates space for new connections 
{Transit: Mercury Opposition Aries Jupiter} 
its important to acknowledge when you need a reality check(Jupiter) and what you've learned from setbacks and obstacles acknowledge the ways you overcame them especially the more unconventional ways, those are what is most unique to you. 
{Transit: Venus Square Mars} 
Now isnt the time to start conflicts by bringing up old news/old problems. Creating tension and resistance will only result in a more explosive conflict Careful not to put yourself in situations that may trigger or in some way bother you 
Now isnt the ideal time to express boundaries as there is a higher potential for miscommunications/ misunderstandings 
Actions dont also speak louder than words. 
{Transit: Saturn in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus}
Its overwhelming to have so much energy/ideas towards self progression but to be restricted by situations/circumstances outside of your control. 
Its important to acknowledge that its okay to be powerless in certain  Instances, it reminds you that you cant always achieve everything by yourself, its a good reminder that you arent less than adequate due to external limitations those limitations arent within your relm of control.  
You cant push yourself to move forward and self avoid your issues at the same time, You can acknowledge whay changes need to occur and plan accordingly or you can stop lying to yourself the choice is yours
{Transit: Sun Inconjunct Saturn}
Setbacks and resistance are naturally occurring, not everything occurs for a reason but you can always try and find meaning in everything. Personal meaning symbolic meaning is personal for a reason and is illogical majority of the time dont lose yourself trying to perceive messages that simply arent there. 
{Transit: Sun Opposition Neptune} 
Discernment is important, not only in the sense that it keeps you stable and grounded but it also ensures that you aren't doing things out of unrealistic expectations or being overly confident in the wrong ideas/beliefs 
Remember that you can be the loudest person in the room but loudest person isnt always the most correct or kindest person in the room 
{Transit: Moon Sextile Saturn in Aquarius}
Find perfection in your imperfections imagine how boring the world would be if everyone was the same
{Transit: Saturn Square Uranus}
You cant push yourself to move forward and self avoid your issues at the same time, You can acknowledge whay changes need to occur and plan accordingly or you can stop lying to yourself the choice is yours. Understandable it is overwhelming to have so much energy/ideas towards self progression but to be restricted by situations/circumstances outside of your control.
Its important to acknowledge that its okay to be powerless in certain Instances, it reminds you that you cant always achieve everything by yourself, its a good reminder that you arent less than adequate due to external limitations those limitations arent within your relm of control. Theres things you can control and there's things you cant; worry less
{Transit: Moon Square Jupiter}
Instability is inevitable dont force yourself forward doing so will cause a burnout, just take a second to step back and ground yourself. Nothing is more important than honoring your personal needs/sense of peace.
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dry-pisces · 1 year
💫Aspect Affirmations💫
{Moon Square Venus}
Sometimes the less you say the better, try not to assume the worst,look for silver linings
{Moon Trine Uranus}
Theres more to this moment than you think, future outcomes can be determined by current actions
{Moon Trine Mercury}
Imagine speaking to others the way you speak to yourself? is it kind words?
{Moon Sextile Venus}
If you arent appreciating every experience life creates for you then all youre doing is creating setbacks for self. Love and live in the moment think of life as material for your future memoir be memorable be unexpected be Unapologetically yourself
{Mars Sextile Mercury}
Dont be afraid of hard truths & hard work be mindful of your headspace & focus on one task at a time; to multitask with scattered thoughts is to create setbacks
{Mars Square Saturn}
Its okay to slow down from time to time especially when you feel exceedingly overwhelmed; give yourself space to breathe
{Mars Trine Pluto}
The effort you put towards achieving your goals is monumental keep going but dont apply too much pressure to yourself. Always remember youll never miss out on the future when the future is yours to create
{Mars Sextile Pluto}
You should be assertive and persistent towards your ambitions but keep in mind not everyone will see eye to eye with you. Disagreements are normal,dont lose your head asserting superiority disguised as leadership
{Mars Sextile Jupiter}
Risks arent always a bad thing, sometimes the best rewards/opportunities come from stepping outside of your comfort zone.
{Mercury Trine Mars}
Some opinions are better kept to yourself.
{ Mercury Trine Saturn}
Focus on where you feel safe and inspired dont let weeds prevent your garden from growing
{Moon Square Jupiter}
Relax its okay to be vulnerable especially when it comes to admitting faults.
{Mercury Inconjunct Jupiter}
Taking into consideration the judgement you'll face from others is a disservice to yourself, you dont need ambitions cosigned. Ask for help when you need it aswell you can't expect others to read your mind
{Mercury Sextile Mars}
Self assurance is important it creates trust. If you cant have trust and faith in yourself to make things work then who can you trust? You can do whatever you want regardless of what others think
{ Mercury Opposition Jupiter}
Conflicts in the past from words left unsaid may sit heavy on your mind & cause you to react negatively or reactionary in the present, remember sometimes its better to say nothing than to say anything at all
{Mercury Square Jupiter} 
Its important to speak your mind and speak freely it sets you apart from others and is an opportunity to express individuality, just be mindful of unnecessary comments/concerns/opinions. Remember inside voice outside voice
{Venus Trine Jupiter}
its important to prioritize gaining awareness of the steps you need to take in order to achieve goals without the right actions in the present youll never see your ambitions come to life in the future
{Moon Trine Jupiter}
Hard work isnt so hard when its for creative projects/opportunities/responsibilities that feel more like passions. Remember to always enjoy what you do with your life after all its your life to live no one elses
{Mars Sextile Jupiter}
Creativity is expressed in a million ways and personal creative passions are discovered in the simplest most obvious ways. Conformity doesn't look good on anyone especially not you
{Venus Trine Neptune}
Its not just about how you affect others, acknowledge how others affect you
{Venus Opposition Pluto}
Hyperfixating on the future keeps you from experiencing the present, give yourself some peace
{Chiron Trine Venus}
Dont pay mind to the things that arent clear to you yet, find ways to be more appreciative towards yourself. You can always glitter & glow like gold but is it fools gold or real gold?
{Moon Square Venus}
Emotional instability can be a result of instability in your environment/personal attachments take a moment to ask yourself what can be released in order to catch a break
{Venus Square Mars} 
Now isnt the time to start conflicts by bringing up old news/old problems. Creating tension and resistance will only result in a more explosive conflict 
{Sun opposition Saturn}
Dont push yourself to adhere to the same standards as others;take pride in being unconventionally you
{Sun Square Mars}
You see the world through a first person perspective so naturally youll take things personally just dont lose your mind because of it. Not everything is a result of a conflict, youre just experiencing growing pains.
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dry-pisces · 1 year
🔮💫Self-Love & Inner Healing Potential Questions/Intentions for Tarot/Oracle🔮💫
*Art is From Pinterest; unable to find Artist*
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Questions to potentially ask your trusted readers (or even myself through a tarot/Oracle commission!)
- What should I be proud of?
- What in my life needs changing?
- What should I embrace into my life that I am potentially overlooking
- What steps do I need to take in order to heal/prioritize my healing journey
- How can I create peace/prioritize my peace?
- What am I repressing? How can I learn/let go
- Personal Blockages/Limitations
- How do I see myself; how do others see me
- When asking about opportunities ask about cause/effects
- Where am I too controlling/Where do I need to be more assertive ?
- Ways you can be more forgiving/open minded
- strengths/weaknesses
- Are you holding on to regret; if so how can you release regret
- How can I be more myself?
- How you can better connect with your spiritual needs/spiritual self
- Steps necessary towards achievement
- Current path, potential opportunities, potential outcomes
- Am I making the Right decision; is my decisions/career suitable for me in the longterm
- What do I need to accept/know about xyz
- How you're misguided/susceptible to deception
- Internal Blockages/External blockages
Channeling Personal Planets like for example Venus to understand your relationships or even prompting a tarot reading with "what insight can i find in my 7th House Ruled by Pisces on xyz"
Asking about shadow work and learning active themes through seasonal check ins for example "what are some lessons i personal need to acknowledge/what will i learn or experience during *insert Zodiac Sign* Season?
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dry-pisces · 1 year
✨𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙃𝙤𝙪𝙨𝙚𝙨✨
Mars indicates overcoming obstacles/breaking patterns
Houses indicate areas of life/areas of self its the area of life in the context of mars it can show were your obstacles are
1h: self imposed/self related this can also come from the way you were treated in early childhood any pressures or expectations placed on you you might still be imposing them on you
Mars placed in 1h/5h/9h/6h needs to let go of the "its me against the world" mindset
2h: overly independent/concerned with self is self destructive just as destructive as the flipped perspective of a 2h mars obstacles: unhealthy codependency.
Living far below your means or far above your means = instability which impacts your ability to be self reliant
3h: childhood insecurities/embarrassments that influence the way you express and connection with others Trust issues typically occur
sometimes feeling like you need to have multiple sides of yourself to fit in
4h: Authority issues, parental issues, lack of emotional validation etc this is house where family upbringing and the environment you grew up in has a major effect on the obstacles/patterns that get created and then resolved(shadow work!)
5h: similar to 3h you have trouble speaking up or standing up for yourself or you could lack alot of impulse control/needing self awareness
Mars in 5h(water/Fire) is a potential Clairsentience indicator (being overwhelmed/unstable due to the people/environmental factors)
6h: Loneliness/wanting to fight for others despite never having others fight for you 6h Mars struggles with boundaries youll pour so much of your own strength into others it causes a loss of self.
7h: you move too quickly in relationships or with others and struggle having to be disconnected from social settings on the flipped perspective you could self isolate and feel intimidated by initiating connections
or you get a mirror effect from the 6h which is struggling with boundaries
8h: this is similar to the 4h mars but a little more personal an 8h mars puts an emphasis on trauma resolutions especially things that occurred and you are no longer aware of refusing to acknowledge when you are creating problems/are the drama (oppose to 12h mars where you believe you are the drama)
9h: you either are too stuck in your own belief systems you find it difficult to create new perspectives which then impacts how you're able to network/connect
9h Mars you could suffer from not having a solid opinion of your own you mirror everyone else to avoid judgment/ fear of social outcast
10h: youll either move too fast and overlook key details key steps that you have to take or youll be too slow moving and find it hard to trust yourself to make the right decisions itll create stagnancy
Mars in 10h either lacks consistency or is full of stagnancy and self doubt
11h: dont put a value on your self worth you arent suppose to have a specific purpose or a function in life/in your community thats not what makes you valuable your more than what you give
Flipped perspective: control issues and cant work with others egotistical
12h: Often times people will create problems with a 12h Mars. 12h mars will create problems for themselves. 12h Mars may constantly believe they are at fault and they are more susceptible to people projecting insecurities/envy/jealousy etc onto them aswell as the native 12h mars projecting that outward
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dry-pisces · 1 year
✨𝐒𝐮𝐧 𝐢𝐧🌞𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐲✨(𝐙𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐜 𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐬)✨
Sun sign represents "surface level" personality other placements/sun aspects in the natal chart add more info
Sun = conscious/basic expression of self(ego)
Signs determine how the planet decides to express
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Sun sign represents "surface level" personality other placements/sun aspects in the natal chart add more info see post on interpreting Natal Charts Visit my Ko- Fi Page ko-fi.com/AstrologerJess
Aries - Self Willed/Self,Aware,Self driven, Extroverted,Strong sense of self,Optimistic,Assertive/self assured
Taurus - Self reliant,Calm,patient,self stabilizing,resourceful,thoughtful, strong self assurance
Gemini -Practical,charismatic,social/extroverted,rational,optimistic curious
Cancer - Emotionally Driven, caring,compassionate,protective, nurturing/likes to provide/giving
Leo - Expressive,outgoing, emotionally receptive,passionate, extroverted, generous, genuine
Virgo - Practical,self stabilizing,detail oriented,problem solver,analytical, generous/giving
Libra -Self Aware, Forward Thinking, idealistic,strong morals/values cooperative,compassionate,caring Genuine
Scorpio - Private and moralistic, instinctual/self driven,nurturing, spiritually motivated, non attached,truthful
Sagittarius - impatient, self oriented,values personal freedom, intellectually driven, honest,direct,straightforward, assertive and self confident/self assured
Capricorn -Patient, responsible, structured,committed, caring,hardworking,loyal/honest,disciplined, physically and emotionally aware/present
Aquarius -Fast paced,intellectually driven,honest/blunt values individualism/originality unique and unconventional/non conformists
Pisces - Detached/spacious compassionate, caring, has a natural awareness and receptivity to symbolism in life, detail oriented, idealistic
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dry-pisces · 1 year
Hard agree
I feel like occultic communities are only good for finding people who understand what it's like to be you, but not good for friendships and working together. As much as we're supposed to give the answers about egotism and shadow work, it's ironic how you'll find diviners, astrologers, and spell workers to have one of the biggest egos and be some of the biggest bullies that you've ever seen.
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dry-pisces · 1 year
💫♑️Capricorn Mood Board♑️💫
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💫♒️Aquarius Mood Board♒️💫
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💫♓️Pisces Mood Board♓️💫
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dry-pisces · 1 year
💫♎️Libra Mood Board♎️💫
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💫♏️Scorpio Mood Board♏️💫
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💫♐️Sagittarius Mood Board♐️💫
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dry-pisces · 1 year
💫♋️Cancer Mood Board♋️💫
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💫♌️Leo Mood Board♌️💫
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💫♍️Virgo Mood Board♍️💫
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dry-pisces · 1 year
✨♈️Aries Mood Board♈️✨
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✨♉️Taurus Mood Board♉️✨
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✨♊️Gemini Mood Board♊️✨
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